Addendum Rule Allied Fleets PDF

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Dystopian Wars New Rule

The conflicts of the Great Powers in the World War stretch across the globe. But although every power has its own agenda, the leaders of all of them, even those most confident of their strength have sought allies out of either desire or necessity. Thus, the World War has come to be dominated by the clash between two mighty alliances. One is the Grand Coalition, composed of the Kingdom of Britannia, the Federated States of America and the Russian Coalition. Opposing them are the Great Powers of the Imperial Bond the Prussian Empire, the Empire of the Blazing Sun and the Republique of France. Many other nations, either by choice or necessity, have been drawn into the orbit of these two power blocs. For example, the small Kingdom of Denmark, surrounded on all sides by Prussian territory, has by necessity thrown its lot in with its mighty neighbour. At the other end of the scale, the great Chinese Federation, suspicious of Russian ambitions in the Orient, has lent its support voluntarily to its island neighbour, the Blazing Sun. Britannias world-spanning imperial dominions followed the mother country to war unhesitatingly, while in Belgium, civil war has become just another conflict of the World War, as opposing factions each look to the great alliances for support. Some few powers stand apart from both blocs, seeking to either preserve some semblance of peace or manipulate actions and events to their own ends. Foremost among these is the enigmatic Covenant of Antarctica, which works to direct, influence and ultimately suppress the wider conflict through whatever means necessary, as well as searching for and securing potentially dangerous technological and scientific treasures. Finally, some see the World War as a great opportunity for the enhancement of their glory, wealth or prosperity. These are the mercenaries. Suddenly inundated with offers of work, these individuals, groups or factions fight according to their own principles and prejudices. They range from opportunistic rogues, such as the thoroughly amoral Captain Vladimir Black Wolf Nikonov, to entire armies of professional freelancers. The greatest mercenary agent in the world is without doubt Free Australia, a nation partially sustained on the proceeds of war for money. However, even within the Grand Coalition and Imperial Bond themselves, the views of individual powers towards their partners can vary. Some, such as the Britannians and FSA, are trusted partners, sharing a considerable history of co-operations. Others though, like the Italian League and the Ottoman Dominions, have been more or less forced into mutual alliance by outside circumstances, and still greatly distrust one another. As result of these webs of alliances, obligations and opportunities, the forces of many powers are often called upon to fight alongside those who either share their own objectives, or whose aims match their own at a convenient time. Many of the greatest conflicts seen in the war so far have resulted from forces of multiple nations going to battle together for a common cause. The Alliance Rules detailed below give you a set of guidelines if you wish to recreate battles between armies and fleets consisting of the forces of more than one Great Power or Alliance Nation. We have developed them to allow players to create diverse, storydriven forces as are frequently featured in our Campaign Books and throughout the Dystopian Wars world. For the purposes of game balance, these rules should be considered OPTIONAL, and should only be employed if all players involved in a given setting agree to their use. Similarly, the Alliance Rules should also be considered NON-TOURNAMENT LEGAL. DYSTOPIAN WARS: ALLIANCE RULES All Great Powers and Alliance Nations fall into one of the following divisions the Imperial Bond, the Grand Coalition or the Neutrals. Additionally, some units have the Mercenary MAR. The effect of this on the Alliance Rules is also explained below. Imperial Bond Faction members are listed as Prussian Empire, Empire of the Blazing Sun, Republic of France, League of Italian States, Kingdom of Denmark, Protectorate of Belgium, Prussian Scandinavia and the Chinese Federation. Grand Coalition Faction members are listed as Russian Coalition, Kingdom of Britannia, Federated States of America, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Belgian Royalists, Dominion of Canada and Royal Australians. Neutral Factions are listed as Covenant of Antarctica and Free Australians. ALLIANCE RULES Each force belongs to the Imperial Bond, Grand Coalition, Neutral, or Mercenary factions. Imperial Bond forces may take Imperial Bond allies.

Dystopian Wars Allied Fleet Rules

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

Grand Coalition forces may take Grand Coalition allies. Forces which are Neutral may take Neutral allies. Any faction may take Mercenary allies, except where disallowed by the models Mercenary MAR rule entry. Allied units are never considered to be part of the Core Force and cannot benefit from any National Fleet Commodore abilities available to the Core Force they have joined. Models in the Allied Contingent are governed by the rules regarding overall Fleet Composition percentages. Allied Contingents MUST contain at least ONE Capital Class Squadron and ONE Non-Capital Class Squadron. Unless specified otherwise, each squadron in a force must be composed entirely of models from one nation. Models with the Attachment ability may be attached to units from another nation only if their Attachment ability specifies that nation as an attachable unit. Unless specified otherwise, NO Allied Contingent may contain any Reinforced or Attached Squadrons. No Tiny Tokens may land, launch or rearm from a Carrier or Landing Field that does not belong to their own nation/ power. EXAMPLE FLEETS

74th Destroyer Squadron - 1 Destroyer Squadron 4 Orion Class Destroyers 140 points 49th Patrol Squadron - 1 Frigate Squadron 3 Attacker Class Frigates 75 points 38th Air Attack Squadron 2 Hawk Class Scout Rotors 140 points

Note: All highlighted entries above form the Core Force as defined in the Friendly Game Fleet Composition rules. Alliance Force HMAS Perth - 1 Cerberus Class Pocket Battleship 140 points 9th Submersible Support Squadron - 1 Submarine Tender Squadron 2 Tasmania Class Submarine Tenders 160 points

This combined fleet represents a mixed formation of Britannian naval forces operating in the Indian Ocean and SouthEast Asia against the Empire of the Blazing Sun. The Main Force of the fleet is made up of Kingdom of Britannia forces, fulfilling the Minimum Fleet Requirements for the Friendly Game organisation 1 Squadron each of Small, Medium and Large/Massive models. The Main Force also makes use of the Reinforced Cruiser Squadron rule from the Hurricane Season Campaign Book. To give his fleet some extra firepower, and to help counter the sea monsters reputedly deployed by the Empress forces, Commodore Monro-Forbes has called in some help from the Royal Australian divisions of Her Britannic Majestys navy. A single Cerberus Class Pocket Battleship and a Squadron of Submarine Tenders fulfil the minimum requirements of the Allied Contingent. Prussian Empire and Empire of the Blazing Sun Naval/Aerial Force 1235 points Alliance: Imperial Bond Force Composition Requirements: Core Force plus Percentages (minimum requirements Core Force consisting of at least 1 Squadron each of Large/Massive, Medium and Small models. Maximum points spend of 70% of MFV on Large/Massive models, 70% on Medium models, 40% on Small models and 50% on models NOT part of the Core Force) MFV: 1250 points (Full Scale Battle) Bonds of Blood and Steel Imperial Caribbean Expeditionary Force: 9th Iron Fleet, 2nd Provisional Strike Flotilla Main Force Prussian Empire 9th Iron Fleet Flagship: SMS Kaiser Karl Commodore Gunther Weiss commanding 1 Blucher Class Dreadnought, fitted with two Shield Generators, with Prussian Fleet Commodore 275 points

Having listed the Alliance Rules, it is now time to have a look at how they work when putting forces together. Detailed below are two naval fleets, with air support, constructed according to Alliance Rules. These examples should give you an idea about how the rules work in practice, as well as being examples of forces built around particular themes. Kingdom of Britannia and Royal Australia Naval/Aerial Force 1240 points Alliance: Grand Coalition Force Composition Requirements: Friendly Game (minimum requirements Core Force consisting of at least 1 Squadron each of Large/Massive, Medium and Small models) MFV: 1250 points (Full Scale Battle) 3rd Battle Group, 30th Battle Squadron, Indian Ocean Fleet Main Force Flagship: HMS Colossus Commodore Alfred MonroForbes commanding - 1 Ruler Class Battleship with Britannia Fleet Commodore 180 points 56th Cruiser Squadron - 1 Reinforced Cruiser Squadron 1 Agincourt Class Gunship, 2 Tribal Class Cruisers 200 points HMS Argus - 1 Avenger Class Fleet Carrier - 155 points Accompanied by 2 Bastion Class Escorts 50 points

Example 1

Example 2

Dystopian Wars Allied Fleet Rules

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

Accompanied by 3 Wachter Class Escorts 75 points SMS Freidrich Der Grosse - 1 Rhine Class Fleet Carrier 125 points Aggressor Squadron K4 - 2 Hussar Class Gunships 170 points Sabre Squadron K6 - 5 Arminius Class Frigates 125 points

The fleet conforms to the standards required for both the Core Force (at least 1 Squadron each of Massive/Large, Medium and Small models) and the Alliance Rules (at least 1 Capital and one Non-Capital Class Squadron). However, the use of percentages means that the fleets MFV of 1250 points needs to be spent in certain ways. These are: Up to 70% available for Large/Massive models: maximum of 875 points Up to 70% available for Medium models: maximum of 875 points Up to 40% available for Small models: maximum of 500 points Up to 50% available for models NOT part of the Core Force: 625 points

Note: All highlighted entries above form the Core Force as defined in the Friendly Game Fleet Composition rules. Alliance Force Blazing Sun 8th Division Hariken 1st Sky Force (reinforced support assets) INBS Mabechi Tenkei Class Sky Fortress 135 points 1st Air Attack Squadron - 2 Inari Class Scout Gyros 150 points 3rd Heavy Bombardment Squadron - 3 DFA 170 Heavy Bombers 180 points

As per the Alliance Rules, all allied models must be taken into account for this process. Lets see how this fleet breaks down: Total Value Large/Massive Models: (1 Dreadnought, 1 Fleet Carrier, 1 Sky Fortress) 535 points Total Value Medium Models: (2 x Gunships, 2 x Scout Gyros, 3 x Bombers) 500 points Total Value Small Models: (5 x Frigates, 3 x Escorts) 200 points Total Value Models NOT part of the Core Force: (1 Sky Fortress, 2 x Scout Gyros, 3 x Bombers) 465 points As you can see, our combined fleet, including its allies, conforms to all the required points values we havent spent too many points on any segment of the fleet composition. This means that Commodore Weiss and his Prussian and Blazing Sun comrades are ready to hit the gaming table and sail to glory! The Alliance Rules are a colourful addition to friendly games and story-driven play. You can use them to re-fight the many notable conflicts featured in our Campaign Books, and forge exciting new battles and campaigns of your own.

This fleet represents the Alliance Rules being used to create a force employing models from two Great Powers. In this case, the force is designed around a particular theme a hard-hitting strike and bombardment group. Prussian Commodore Gunther Weiss commands the Main Force, a strong detachment of biggun warships supporting his mighty flagship, the dreadnought Kaiser Karl. However, although strong in naval gunpower, the Prussian fleet has little air cover - no doubt their Superiority Fleet assets are fully engaged with the enemy over Puerto Rico! To help protect his fleet from air attack, Commodore Weiss has been given aid by the Blazing Sun 8th Divisions reinforced 1st Sky Force. Note that this fleet will contain both Prussian and Blazing Sun Tiny Flyer units. These may only land and re-arm on the carriers belonging to their own nation, so no trying to re-arm Prussian aircraft on the Tenkei, or Blazing Sun planes on the Rhine they dont have the facilities!

Dystopian Wars Allied Fleet Rules

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

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