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OBJECTIVES REQUIREMENTS AND DUE DATE To apply concepts and techniques in Statistics into some real world problems. To show capability in team working for problem solving. Make groups of five students or less Submit the project report. The project is due at 12 !!"M# $ednesday# 2%&12 for soft copies and ' !!(M# Thursday# 2)&12 for hard copies. Any detected plagiarism report will receive grade zero (0) for this term project.

Using these info !"tion "n# inst $%tions fo ne&t th ee '$estions( *bjective +onduct a small research for the ,- +afeteria service. Method -se the questionnaire below to ask the student.s evaluation /grading from ! to 1!! points0 for the ,- +afeteria service. -se some statistics tools to study about the evaluation.

,nstructions 1uestionnaire o $hat score do you give for the food quality of ,- +afeteria2 o $hat score do you give for the food diversity of ,- +afeteria2 o $hat score do you give for the waiting time in counter of ,- +afeteria2 o $hat score do you give for the facilities of ,- +afeteria2 o $hat score do you give for the treatment of ,- +afeteria.s employees2 )h"t s%o e #o *o$ gi+e fo the ,ho-e se +i%e of IU C"fete i". (Note: Score is from 0 to 100). +ollect at least '! samples. 3nsure that your samples are collected randomly.

Q$estion /( $rite a short essay to describe and e4plain your sampling process. ,nterpret your collected data. 5o you believe that the whole service of ,- +afeteria is good /6 7! points02 34plain. Q$estion 0( +onsider the whole service score of ,- +afeteria as the dependent variable and the others as the independent variables. a. Test the correlation among independent variables. b. 3stablish regression relationship# write down the regression equation. $hat the aspect is affect most on ,- +afeteria service2 c. -se the regression equation to estimate new value of dependent variables with the given independent variables. Q$estion 1( "pplying +hi8squared test to test the normality of score of ,- +afeteria9s whole service2 -sing : !.!; Using the #"t" of 02// IU ent "n%e e&"!in"tion s%o es 34e "tt"%he#5 to #o ne&t t,o '$estions( Q$estion 6( 5o you believe that the scores of all divisions /"# <# 510 are equal2 34plain. $hich division has the highest scores and which one has the lowest scores2 ,nterpret your answer. Q$estion 7( "pply +hi8squared test to test the independent between the scores of students and their gender. ( int: !lassify the scores into " or # scales. $or e%ample& scores are classified to '1(& 1( to ')0& )0 to ')# and *)#)

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