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Final Revision first term

> Chapter One

1) 1. Answer The Following Questions Why did the managers of the workhouse tell Oliver he was very lucky? "! #$% &'()$ *!+,- ./ 0)$ 12345ecause they would give him food and a 6ed for nothing.789- *: !+!;* <? >=2@=+ A2; BCD Why E. was OliverFs life in the workhouse not easy? (C; GH#$ &'()$ IJ !"#$* K#L G 0)$ Me worked hard at the workhouse.&'()$ IJ ,'8 7)=+ Mis 6ed was very uncomforta6le 4+!- ?!+!; NO+ B$ Phe food was never enough.#J NO+ B$ <@=$ Q. Why were Oliver and the other 6oys in the workhouse close to starving? R2S T2)$ UV* I(R N+!W% :%*% * !"#$* 0)$ 5ecause the food was never enough.#J NO+ B$ <@=$ % Why was the master furious with Oliver at the workhouse?&'()$ IJ !"#$* N- B(=)$ XYZ 0)$ 5ecause he asked for more food. <@=$ N- ,+[)$ X(> % \. Mow was Oliver ]unished for asking for more food?<@=$ N- ,+[)($ >(^I(R !"#$* X/2R _# Me was locked in a cold` dark room. ()3-K!'L IJ a^L Me was 6eaten 6y br 5um6le every day.7^-8 ,#H$ c@; 28 <2+ 7 d#-ef$ <- g!Y+ h. What did the managers of the workhouse do to get rid of N- 2i(jf#$ Oliver? !"#$* N- 2i(jf#$ &'()$ *!+,- 7=J 0kPhey ]ut a message on the door of the workhouse. lt offered five ]ounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.!"#$* N- BCi(j+ m#@fH+ ,L * n% TC#oS a)W p!=q&'()$ g8 I(R fJ% 2=r* s. Why was Oliver crying when he was walking with br 5um6le to br tower6erryFs house? 0)$ u!8 v2; ,#H$ .[o- I$ 7^-8 ,#H$ m- !#H+ -,oR w!i+ !"#$* 5ecause he had no friends after he had left the workhouse. &'()$ x!q ,=8 y/,z $ a#$ % Why {. |id Oliver start to hit }oah hard? K298 2 g!Y+ !"#$* ~,8 0)$ Me said that his mother died in the workhouse 6ecause she was no good at anything. yIV u% (iq NOq B$ C% &'()$ IJ Gq- - ./ . What advice did br 5um6le give to brs tower6erry? u!8v* < ;,)$ 7^-8 ,#H$ @R If$ c4#io$ Me advised her to leave Oliver in the cellar without food and to feed him only sou]. 9J 8v2V @=)q * >=< * ,8 [j)$ IJ !fq C4i . Why did Oliver run away from br tower6erryFs house?u!8v2; ,#H$ .[o- N- !"$* g! 0)$ Me could not stay in that ]lace .O)$ d IJ I9^+ m@fH+ B$ Mis life was un6eara6le.@q% q#L G 2) Read The Following Quotations And Then Answer The Questions: 1. "Poor woman. She was so beautiful. (#)S G)! ? $ ?d o#OH- We'll never know who she was A!= N$ I N-." -Who said these words? Where? N+ * U$ 0 ./ NOliver Twist 1

Phe nurse. t the workhouse.)('$ IJ r!))$ kWhat ha]]ened to that woman? ?~!)$ IdC$ ,L 0the died.GqkWhy wouldnFt they 6e a6le to know who that woman was?I N- 2J!=+ B$ 0)$ 5ecause they even didnFt know her name.C); 2J!=+ % BC% 2. "He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse . &'()$ IJ o+,$ 7)=#$ #J Sv,8 !#^ 2 kWho said this? Po whom? N)$* U$0 ./ Nbr 5um6le said this to brs bann.- < ,)$ 7^-8 ,#H$ kWho were they talking a6out?2,4f+ 2 N- NR Oliver Pwist. kMow old was he at that time??!)R B Me was nine years old. T 2o; !. ""f he is not ha##$ with our generosit$% he must leave. 2$"v:+ X'+ofJ#r <!O8 ,#=; NO+ B$ 2$ kWho said these words? Po whom? N)$* T()O$ ?d ./ NPhe managers of the workhouse Po the master who gave the 6oys their food. I@=+ nd$ ,#H($ &'()$ *!+,<@=$ :%*% kWho were they talking a6out? 2,4f+ 2 N- NR Oliver Pwist. kWere they really generous y-! ?Why Why not? % )$*)$ y-! 2 7 }o` . Phe food they gave to the 6oys was never enough.#J NO+ B$ :%*e$ 22@R nd$ <@=$ % &. "" heard she died in the workhouse be'ause she was no good at an$thing." C% )('$ IJ Gq- C G=); yIV n% (iq NOq N$(( kWho said these words? Po whom? N)$* U$0 ./ N}oah lay]ole to Oliver. kMow did the addressed ]erson feel on hearing this? U$0 R;),oR X>j)$ !=V _# Me felt 6oth ashamed and angry. ` XY$ * n[j$8 !=V kMow did he react to this insult % ?d I(R :v _#?c Me started to hit }oah hard.?298 2 g!Y+~,8 ) 1. E. Q. \. h. Find The !ista"e #n $a%h Of The Following &enten%es And Corre%t #t Oliver was locked in a dark kitchen for hitting }oah lay]ole. Phe workhouse offered fifty ]ounds to anyone who could take Oliver away. br tower6erry com]lained that Oliver was very 6ig. br. 5um6le frightened Oliver When he was locked in br. tower6errys cellar k Oliver was 6orn in the or]hanage.

> > Chapter Two

') Answer The Following Questions: 1. Wh$ was )liver 'areful to hide after running awa$ from *r Sowerberr$'s? u!8v2; ,#H$ .[o- N- g! ,=8 I"jf$ I(R i+!L !"#$* 0)$ k Me thought that ]eo]le would take him 6ack to br tower6erry.u!8 v2; ,#H$ I$ ?*,#=+ A2; o$ =! V 2. How did )liver go to +ondon? ,o$ I$ !"#$* X0 _# Me went to ondon on foot. < ,/D (R [#; ,o$ $ X0 Me followed the signs T-eR to ondon for seven days`<+~ m^; K,)$ ,o$ $ TfJ% m^fq Q. How did ,a'k -awkins seem *,^+ to be kind A2@R to )liver when the$ first met? !o*: xS ,8 _# K!- .*D e89q -,oR !"#$*~ (R J2@R Me 6ought Oliver a meal c^S*c$ n!fV Me show him the way +!@$ to ondon.,o$ I$ +!@$ cJ!R \. Why did Oliver think that agin was a miser Oliver Twist E

NSJ "! ~#$*~ ,9fR 0)$ 7#j8? 5ecause he had so much ewellery and so many watches` however U$0 m- he lived in such an old ]lace. h. What did Oliver think a6out the way c9+!> agin used all his money? <,jf; If$ c9+!@$ I/ !"#$*~,9fR 0K:29 NSJ C8 k Me thought that agin used his money to look after the 6oys. <,jf; c ~,9fR :%*D8 Iof=#$ K:29 Oliver agreed that the note6ooks T ! ;were well made. s. Why did agin and the 6oys find this very funny U4Y-? O4Y- U$: :%*D * NSJ ,S* :)$ moi$ K,^L T! ;O$ ( ~R J * !"#$*~ 5ecause Oliver was an innocent !8 child. yn!8 7"> !"#$*~ D Me didnFt know that they were stolen .c/*!H- C ~A!=+ % 2CJ {. Why didnFt the magistrate Ir9$ send Oliver to ]rison? N'H$ I$ !"#$* Ir9$ 7;!+ B$ 0)$ k 5ecause the owner XLz of the 6ooksho] said that Oliver wasnFt the thief 6ut two other 6oys .! W ,$* ( * )$ NO+ B$ !"#$* ./ XfO$ 74- XLz % . Why did agin want to find Oliver? !"#$* ,'+ ~NSJ ,+!+ 0)$ 5ecause he was afraid that Oliver would tell br 5rownlow who would call the ]olice. c>!$ (^#; nd$ 2(! *8 ,#H$ !^j#; !"#$* Ij+ % . Why did br tikes suggest sending }ancy to the ]olice station? BH/ I$ IH .;v aO+! ;f/ 0)$ c>!$ 5ecause the ]olice didnFt know her.CJ!=q% c>!$ N% the could know what had ha]]ened to Oliver.!"#$*% ,L - A!=q m#f@Hq 1. When the ]oliceman took Oliver` What did harley and the rtful do? 7=J 0- !"#$* c>!$ TdW -,oR v^$ * !)$ * I$vq k Phey ran uickly 6ack to the old house. B+,9$ .[o)$ I$ N#R!H- *:R 11. What was the game that agin ]layed with the 6oys? :%*% m- NSJ C^=(+ Onf$ c^=($ k lt was how to steal !H+ watches` note6ooks and handkerchiefs 7+:o- from ]eo]le.T! ;O$ * TRH$ c/!; I o$ N- 7+:o)$ * () Read The Following Quotations And Then Answer The Questions: 1. "Have $ou got a room there? )r an$ mone$?" :29 n * K!'L U+,$ 7 " i Who said this to whom? C$/ N)$* U$0 ./ Nack` the rtful |odger` said this to Oliver .!"#$*% v^$ * !)$ ii kWhat was the addressed ]ersonFs answer? X>j)$ j$ :vMe said that he had almost ^+!9q nothing. yIV u +,$ a#$ ./ iii kMow did the s]eaker hel] the other ]erson? !W% j$ ,4f)$ ,R_ ;# Me said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing 789- e8 K!'L * 7)R #@=#; 7Sv A!=+ ./ 2. "Well% " know a man who will give $ou work and a room for nothing." e)R U#@=+ A2; eSv A!R oHL 789- e8 K!'L* i kWho said this?U$0 ./ Nack |awkins said this.[o*: xS ii kPo whom was it said? $/ N)$ lt was said to Oliver.!"#$*% iii kWhat kind of work will Oliver do for this man? 7S!$ dC$ !"#$* +: #; nd$ 7)=$ 2 Me will steal !H+ things note6ooks and silk handkerchiefs !+!L 7+:oOliver Twist Q

!. " -on't sto# until $ou find him% not even for a minute." c9#/,$ 2$* ?,'q IfL _/2fq% i Who said this to whom? N)$* U$0 ./ Nk agin said this to }ancy and the rtful |odger .v^$ * !)$ * IHo$ U$0 ./ NSJ ii Who did they want to find??*,'+ * ,+!+ Nk Phey wanted to find Oliver.!"#$* *,'+ * : v iii Why did they want to find that ]erson? j$ d *,'+ * : v 0)$ k 5ecause they were afraid he would tell the ]olice a6out them. BCoR c>!$ (^+ 2Jj+ BC% &. " " ho#e $ou've been at work this morning% bo$s." :%* + ^i$ d 7)=$nJ 22Of Io)q i Who said this to whom?N)$ * U$0 ./ Nk agin said this to harley 5ates and ack |awkins.[o*: xS* af#8 I$v$ U$0 ./ NSJ ii What kind of work were they doing??2()=+ 2 nd$ 7)=$ 2 k Phey were stealing 2/!H+ 2 iii What did Oliver think they had done?2()=+ 2 BC"! #$* ,9f=+ 0Me thought they had made the things.y#V% 2=oi+ 2 BC ,9fR )) 1. 2. !. &. 1. Find The !ista"e #n $a%h Of The Following &enten%es And Corre%t #t ,a'k -awkins's friends 'all him '.he Skillful -odger'. )liver told ,a'k -awkins he was going to Paris. /ill sikes was sent to look for )liver .and bring him ba'k . *rs 0an'$ was an old lad$ who looked after *r /rownlow's house. )liver saw 2agin looking 'arefull$ at a gold wat'h and some e3#ensive rings.

> > Chapter Three

*) Answer The Following Questions: 1. What did br 5rownlow do when Oliver got 6etter !"#$* NH4q -,oR 2(! *8 ,#H$ 7=J 0-? NH4f+ k Me 6ought him some new clothes.K,+,S a8e- $ n!fV E. What did Oliver tell br 5rownlow when he asked him a6out his life? q#L NR $&; -,oR 2(! *8 ,#H$ !"#$* !^W 0-k Me told him a6out his time at the workhouse . c#Lez% IJ q#L NR ?!^W Q. Why did br 5rownlow Oliver to the send 6ooksho] c^fO)$ ? XfO$ 74- I$ !"#$* 2(! *8 ,#H$ 7;v 0)$ Po ]ay for N) mJ,+ some 6ooks and to return ,#=#$ some others. !W% =^$ ,#=+* XfO$ =8 N) mJ,#$ \. What did br 5rownlow give Oliver when he sent him to the 6ooksho]? XfO$ 74- I$ ;(v -,oR !"#$*% 2(! *8 ,#H$ I@R 0k Me gave him five ]ounds and some 6ooks.XfO$ =8* TC#oS a)W ?@R h. What ha]]ened to Oliver while he was walking to the 6ooksho]? XfO$ 74- I$ !#H+ !"$* -,oR ,L 0k }ancy and br tikes kidna]]ed him ?2"@fW and led him ?*:/ to aginFs old sho]. ?2"@fW aO+;,#H$ 2nH B+,9$ NSJ 74)n$ ?*:/* s. What did }ancy tell the ]eo]le who saw her gra6 Oliver? !"#$* gd'q v N+d$ o$ IH T!^W 0k the told them that Oliver had run away from g! home and she was returning him to his ]arents ~BCq!^W~ +,$ 2$ c=S!o; C *~.[o)$ N- g! !"#$~ 1 {kWhat did agin and br tikes do with OliverFs new clothes` the money and the 6ooks? XfO$ 2:29 *K,+,'$ !"#$* a8e)8 aO+ ;,#H$ 2oSJ 7=J 0k agin took the new clothes and the 6ooks while br tikes took the money. :29o$ aO+ ;,#H$ dW )o#8 XfO$ * K,+,'$ a8e)$ NSJdW Oliver Twist \

{. What did br tikes do to Oliver when he tried to esca]e? g*v!C$ .*L -,oR !"#$* m- aO+;,#H$ 7=J 0k Me 6eat g!Y+ him with a stick i=8 8!z.iR . thow that }ancy was kind to Oliver.!"#$* I(R cJ2@R IH G_ # r* k the asked br tikes to sto] hitting g!r Oliver and threatened T:, to call IR,fHq the ]olice . ,#H$ N- G^(> c>!$ (^f; % * !"#$* g!r NR _/2f+ aO+; . Why did br tikes sto] hitting Oliver? !"#$* g!r NR aO+_ ;/2q 0)$ k 5ecause }ancy threatened T:, to call the ]olice if he didnFt sto]. 8!r NR _/2f+ B$0 c>!$ (^f; C T:, IH % 1. Where was the house that tikes and rackit want to ro6? ?2/!H+ G# *! aO+ ;: v nd$ .[o)$ N+ k lt was in the countryside._+!$ IJ 11. Why did tikes and rackit need Oliver to hel] the gang to 6reak into the house? aO+ ;fL 0)$ .[o)$ <4f/ IJ 8i=$ K,RH)$ G#*! 5ecause he was small enough to get through the window x^$ N- 7W,+ % c#J cSv,8 !#z % 1E. What ha]]ened when Oliver went inside the house?.[o)$ !"#$* 7W: -,oR ,L 0Phere was a loud 6ang vo$ e> T2z ,S2+ . Oliver was shot.!"#$* I(R z!$ (> * 1Q. |id Oliver want to hel] the gang to ro6 the house? ]lain. U$0 !HJ .[o)$ c/!; I(R 8i=$ ,RH+ ,+!+ !"#$* 7 k }o` he didnFt. Me cried 6ut tikes threatened him ?:, with his gun ?:, aO+ ;NO$ w!z* U$0 ,+!+ B$ % .,H;,H)8

+) Read The Following Quotations And Then Answer The Questions:

1. " He's run awa$ from home. "'m taking him ba'k to his mother and father" #8 * - I$ ?,#R&; .[o)$ N- g! ,9$ i Who said this? U$0 ./ Nk }ancy ii Po whom was it said?U$0 ./ N)$ Po some ]eo]le in the street.v$ IJ o$ =^$ iii Where was the s]eaker really taking FhimFto??dW&#; c9#94$ IJ ,4f)$ N+ I$ k the was taking him to aginFs old house. B+,9$ NSJ .[o- I$ KdW&f; G 2. " 4nd " will have this five #ound note for our troubles." o^Rf- 789- TC#oS a)W I(R 7iL A2;* i Who said this to whom? k br tikes said this to agin. ii Whose N- U( five ]ound note was it? k lt was br 5rownlowFs. iii What trou6les did the s]eaker reward JO+ himself for? k Phe trou6les of looking for Oliver and kidna]]ing him. !. " -on't do that to the bo$5 He's alread$ a thief like me." i Who said this to whom? k }ancy said this to br tikes. ii Who was the s]eaker talking a6out? k the was talking a6out Oliver. iii What was the listener doing to the 6oy then? Why? k Me was 6eating g!Y+ him with a stick 6ecause he tried to esca]e. &. " Sadl$% $ou were right. " do not want to hear his name ever again. " k br 5rownlow said these words to br -rimwig. i Why did he say ou were right? k Me said ou were right 6ecause br -rimwig had said that Oliver would return to the thieves. ii Whose name does he not want to hear again and why? What did he learn a6out the ]erson? k Me doesnt want to hear Olivers name 6ecause he learned from br 5um6le that Oliver was 6ad. Oliver Twist h

,) 1. 2. !. &. 1.

Find The !ista"e #n $a%h Of The Following &enten%es And Corre%t #t *r 6rimwig was *r /rownlow's servant. )liver was taking mone$ and books to the market. 0an'$ said that she was taking )liver ba'k to *r /rownlow. 0an'$ and 7harle$ took )liver ba'k to 2agin. )liver tried to es'a#e% but *r Sikes beat him with a gun.

> > Chapter Four

1-) Answer The Following Questions: 1. What did Po6y tell agin that made him not at all ha]]y? ,#=; !#Z =(S )- NSJ I82q !^W 0Me told him that the ro66ery had not 6een successful.4S NOq B$ c/!H$ ^!? W E. What did Po6y and br tikes do with Oliver after he had 6een shot? zv #(R (> -,oR !"#$*8 aO+ *;I82q 7=J 0Phey carried him through some fields` 6ut ]eo]le were chasing them` so they left him in a field. .294$ ,L IJ ?2!q d$ BC:v@+ 2 o$ NO$* .294$ IJ ?2()L Q. Why was bonks worried when he knew that Oliver had 6een shot? z!$8 X#z ,/ !"#$* A!R -,oR (/ aO2- 0)$ 5ecause if Oliver was dead` the ]olice would look for them. BCoR c>!$ 4^q A2HJ !"#$* T- 0 % \. Why was the doctor against the idea of telling the ]olice OliverFs story? !"#$* ci98 c>!$ e8 K!OJ ,r X#^@$ 0)$ 5ecause Oliver would go to ]rison as he had run away from the ]lace where he worked and he oined a gang of thieves 2i($ N- 8iR I$ BY * #J 7)=+ nd$ O)$ N- g! ,/ % N'H($ Xd#; "! #$* % h. Mow did Oliver try to show how thankful he was to brs baylie and ose? *v* I(+- K,#H($ ?!OV!C3+ .*4+ !"$* _ # Me offered to kwork for them and water their flowers v2[$ BC$ n*!+* BC+,$ 7)=+ BC#(R p!R s. What did br 5rownlowFs neigh6our tell |r os6erne a6out br 5rownlow? 2(! *8 ,#H$ NR v282$ v2f,$ 2(! *8 ,#H$ vS !^W 0k Me told him that br 5rownlow had travelled the West lndies si weeks 6efore. m#8 ;f; do- c#8!$ ,oC$ v[S I$ !J ;,/ 2(! *8 ,#H$ ^!? W 11) Read The Following Quotations And Then Answer The Questions: 1. ".his was not well #lanned." ,#S $ @j- NO+ B$ d i Who said these words? Po whom? bonks` to agin. ii What did he mean 6y this? Me meant the ro66ery attem]t at the country house. iii Why did the s]eaker say that it was not well ]lanned? 5ecause the ro66ery was not successful and Oliver was shot. 2. 2- "How 'an su'h a $oung bo$ be a 'riminal?" i Who said this? Po whom? ose` to |r os6erne and brs baylie. ii What re]ly did the s]eaker get to this uestion? |r os6erne told her that evil can live in any6ody. iii Was that 6oy really a criminal? ttate why. }o` he wasnFt. 5ecause he was forced !^' to 6reak into the house against his will. q: v ,r !. &- " stole from her before she died." i Who said these words? Po whom? }urse tally` to brs orney. ii Who does the word her refer to? Oliver Twist s

OliverFs mother. iii What did the s]eaker steal? gold locket. 12) 1. 2. !. &. 1. :. {. Find The !ista"e #n $a%h Of The Following &enten%es And Corre%t #t *r /rittles and *r 6iles% told the driver about the robber$. 8ose% a #rett$ girl of nineteen who lived with *rs *a$lie. )liver was shot in his leg. 9 -r +osberne agreed to tell the dete'tives )liver(s stor$. *r /rownlow has moved to the West "ndies two weeks ago. 0urse Sall$ gave )liver(s mother mone$ before she died. )liver(s mother a gold ne'kla'e.

Oliver Twist {

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