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Topic: Asia Teaching Area: History and P.

Year: 7

Key Inquiry Question: How did ancient Asia influence the modern world? Rationale: The aim of this Inquiry Unit is to engage students y incor!orating a Humanities unit with I"T and PE. A cross# curriculum a!!roach hel!s to ensure that students learn different as!ects and !ractical uses of a to!ic. Unit Outline: In this unit students will egin with the key question: $hat is Asia and how has it changed o%er the years? The Inquiry questions that the students may stem from this are: This unit lin&s two disci!lines' PE and Humanities# History. (ne de!th study to chose from in )ear 7 History is Ancient "hina. An As!ect of )ear 7 P.E is that students loo& at fitness and s!orts of other cultures and societies. This unit lin&s the two disci!lines y incor!orating similar acti%ities. *or e+am!le after a lesson in Humanities on s!ort in Asia' the students use a "hinese shuttle coc& that they ha%e made as an introductory lesson to adminton. The aim of this unit is to gi%e the students an o%erall understanding of the Asian region from it,s ancient !ast to it,s current !osition in the growing world. The learning activities (lesson plans) al link cross"curriculu- priority. /ession !: Intro'uction to Inquiry &earning 0 Ancient Asia /ession 1: Intro'uction to the Asian region an' it2s relationship Australia.
O45ectives: O45ectives: O45ectives: O45ectives:

ith !"# current Aus$%& stan'ar's (or either )%* I+T* ,istory or the /ession #: Ancient +hina I /ession 3: Ancient +hina II


To !ro%ide students with the s&ill of identifying a range of questions a out the !ast to form a historical inquiry. -A"HH./071

*ocus on the Australian "urriculum cross#curriculum !riority Asia and it,s relationshi! with Australia.

To locate "hina on the ma! and identify significant demogra!hic6landform features. To learn a out the de%elo!ment of ci%ili7ation in ancient "hina.

To learn a out the reforms and the significances .hi Huangdi im!lemented. To understand and com!are the e%ents occurring in other !arts of the world and "hina.

2ain and understanding of the region.

To come u! with a list of questions that interest them and that they want to in%estigate.

3earn how to sequence historical e%ents' de%elo!ments and !eriods

Key $oca4: Inquiry' In%estigate 3earn how to Use historical terms and conce!ts

Key $oca4: )ellow 8i%er' ci%ili7ation Key $oca4: .hi Huangdi -first em!eror1' the :in ;ynasty' 2reat $all 6ocus Question: $hy was "hina little &nown to the outsiders? How was "hinese !eo!le<s life influenced y the ri%ers? 6ocus Question: $hat reforms did .hi Huangdi im!lement to control !eo!le<s life? $hat is the role of 2reat $all !lays in the history of "hina?

Key $oca4: Asia' "ountries' 8egions and ma9or cities.

6ocus Question: How do we &now a out the ancient !ast? $hy and where did the earliest societies de%elo!? $hat emerged as the defining characteristics of ancient societies? $hat ha%e een the legacies of

6ocus Question: $hat countries are included in Asia? How ha%e the nation oundaries changed o%er the years? $ho colonised who? $ho are our closest neigh ours?

ancient societies? 7ain Activities: A =$3 acti%ity on Ancient and !resent Asia as an introductory lesson to a unit on Asia. The students will form grou!s of >#? and will discuss in the grou!s what they &now a out Asia. They will then need to write down on a !ost#it > things they all &now. The grou!s will then share one of these to the class and the teacher or a nominated student will write the facts down on the oard. @question diceA with Bwho what when where why and howA on the sides. The students will then e as&ed' in their grou!s' to write down three things that they would li&e to &now a out Asia. If they are stuc& with writing down the questions then they can use the The students will then go o%er the ma!s again at the end of the lesson to see if they can name any more countries. 7ain Activities: Came the counties. .tudents will e gi%en a a ma! of the Asian region and as&ed to name as many countries as they can. They will !ut the ma! aside while the teacher discusses de%elo!ment of Asia throughout history. The teacher will lin& the lesson with Australia and how the region has changed. 7ain Activities: $here is "hina? $atch a %ideo of the )ellow 8i%er. $or&sheet D*acts of the )ellow 8i%er 7ain Activities: ;iscussion Dthe reforms under the :in Timeglider Dcreating a timeline of the e%ents occurring in other !arts of the world during the time of the :in ;ynasty

dice to hel! them along. Resources: Inquiry dice hand out. Resources: $orld ma! with oundaries ut no la els A> or A/ si7e' la!to!s or i!ads with access to 2oogle ma!s. Assess-ent: .tudents will summarise what they ha%e done during the lesson and hand in their questions. The students will then e as&ed to ha%e a thin& o%er the ne+t day of the ways resources they could use to find out what they want to &now. Assess-ent: The students will go ac& o%er their ma! to correct any mista&es. Assess-ent: Assess-ent: Resources: .(.E Ali%e History E' world ma!' %ideo' wor&sheet Resources: Power!oint slides' Timeglider' .(.E Ali%e History E

/ession 8: ,an 9ynasty 7aking +hinese /huttlecock "Jianzi

/ession :: +on(ucianis/cience an' 9iscovery

/ession ;: %<cursion to the +hinese 7useu- in 7el4ourne an' a visual activity aroun' +hina To n

/ession =: /ocial 7e'ia )ro5ect

O45ectives: To learn a out the &ey differences etween the :in and Han dynasties. To learn a out the history of Jianzi.

O45ectives: To learn a out "onfucius and his To learn a out the in%entions in "hina.

O45ectives: To learn a out Fel ourne,s history with "hinese immigrants. To %isit "hina town


To use I"T to de%elo! te+ts' !articularly descri!tions and e+!lanations that use e%idence

To learn how to ma&e a "hinese shuttlecoc&.

To &now how the in%entions influence !eo!le<s life.

To try authentic "hinese food.

from a range of sources that are ac&nowledged


Use social media to !romote a cross country e%ent that will showcase the relationshi! etween Australia and Asia as well as encourage further colla oration etween the continents.

To understand the im!lications of the use of I"T and their social and ethical res!onsi ilities as users of I"T.

Key $oca4: .il& 8oad' trading ' Gian7i -"hinese shuttlecoc&1' Han ;ynasty

Key $oca4: "onfucius' "hinese medicine' acu!uncture' e+!losi%es' !a!er and !rinting

Key $oca4: 2old 8ush' Immigrants.

Key $oca4: Pri%acy' ethics' social media.

6ocus Question: $hat is the im!ortance of .il& 8oad in foster communication and trading?

6ocus Question: How does "onfucianism affect the %alues in "hinese .ociety? How did the in%entions influence6change !eo!le<s life?

6ocus Question: $hy is "hina Town in the centre of Fel ourne,s "H;? $hat did "hina Town used to loo& li&e? $hat does it loo& li&e today?

6ocus Question: $hat are the im!lications of ha%ing a !u lic log or we site? How much information will a log need? $hat style of language should we

use? $ho is this aimed for?

7ain Activities: ;iscussion Dthe daily life under the Han. $atch a %ideo of Jianzi. Fa&ing Jianzi.

7ain Activities: Introduction to the im!ortant in%entions in "hinese history. 8ole#!laying -"onfucius< Teachings1

7ain Activities: Iisit the Fuseum. Try an authentic lunch from a non# westernised restaurant. $al& through the area with a wor&sheet in grou!s to answer questions a out the uildings and the sho!s. Ta&e !hotogra!hs for !art of the wor&sheet using !hones -if !ossi le1

7ain Activities: "reate a log using a social media !latform' either Hlogger' $ee ly or Tum lr in small grou!s. "onsider the im!lications of ha%ing a !u lic log and set u! a list of rules or e+!ectations for their log.

Resources: PowerPoint slides' .(.E Ali%e History E' %ideo

Resources: PowerPoint slides' .(.E Ali%e History E' handout -"onfucius< Teachings1

Resources: Train tickets* cash (or lunch* printe' clip4oar's. Assess-ent: The wor&sheet will e handed in when ac& at the classroom. "lass discussion on how the day went. orksheets an'

Resources: ipa's or laptops. >e4site toutorials (or hich ever

social -e'ia plat(or- they choose. Assess-ent: /tu'ents ill present their 4logs to



the year level.

/ession ?: Intro'uction into @a'-inton

/ession !A Roun' Ro4in @a'-inton (9ou4le &esson)

(9ou4le &esson)
O45ectives: Hy the end of the dou le lesson' students should e a le to correctly !erform a adminton ser%e' and return ser%e .tudents are to use the a!! U ersense to hel! them correct technique D /tu'ents o4serve peer per(or-ance* 'eveloping an' using criteria to provi'e precise (ee'4ack a4out the per(or-ance o( -otor skill. Trial and com!are the Gian7i shuttlecoc& with the regular shuttle coc&. O45ectives: To understand and demonstrate the &ey s&ills in%ol%ed in adminton To learn a out the scoring in adminton. To learn how to run and organise a adminton tournament6 round ro in # /tu'ents un'ertake a variety o( roles in ga-es (player* coach* u-pire* an' scorer) an' re(lect on their e<periences. They respect the right o( others to participate. They re(lect on their o n personal an' social 4ehaviours in physical activity settings* an' ho they

contri4ute to creating an inclusive an' supportive environ-ent (or learning an' (air play.

Key $oca4: racquet' shuttle coc&' Gian7i -"hinese

Key $oca4: 8ound 8o in' scoring' um!ire' rally !oint

shuttlecoc&1' nets' ser%e 6ocus Question: $hat is the difference etween the two shuttle coc&s? How did you use U ersense to correct your technique? 7ain Activities: $arm u! D com!are Gian7i and regular shuttle coc& Practice and correct technique using U sersense Finor 2ames D continues adminton and four square Resources: U ersense -can e used on i!hones or i!ads1 Assess-ent: Performing correct technique in ser%ing Assess-ent: .uccessfully organise and run a round ro in tournament Resources: 7ain Activities: Theory D learn a out the scoring and um!iring of adminton $arm u! D ( ser%ation all 8ound ro in tournament 6ocus Question: How can we run a adminton tournament in class?

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