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Yenbeeyes, India Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra Bhadoriya Yenbeeyes hails from a Tamil

family wherein he learnt astrology from his grandfather who knew the entire BPHS by heart. He was first asked to learn by heart the Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then was slowly taught astrology by his grandfather who was his uru. !fter " years of tea#hing only BPHS he was then taught $aimini Sutras by the age of %". Yenbeeyes is our author&s 'en name and he, having retired in %((), has taken u' to the #ause of astrology full time and is #urrently translating $aimini Sutras into Tamil. Sa'tarishis !strology has observed that Shri Yenbeeyes 'ursues this s#ien#e with an unmat#hed dis#i'line and dedi#ation whi#h is 'raiseworthy.

Sa'tarishi *adi is one of the greatest works by whi#h one #an learn what & maybe how the +ishis 'redi#t on a #hart. ,or more than a #entury astrologers throughout the world have wanted this nadi es'e#ially. The #harts in these nadis need to be#ome a #lassroom dis#ussion in various institutions, forums & tea#hers should take a shot at trying to derive how and why a 'redi#tion was given by the +ishi. -ntil this is done by institutions & you individually, this rare o''ortunity of learning will be lost. .hat is also to be learnt is that at times there are multi'le o'inions among the +ishis yet they res'e#t ea#h other. /f #ourse the most im'ortant thing that #an be learnt is the effe#t of 0arma whi#h is the reason of astrology. 1. !"# $

%&' (( )* %$!+ ",- , . 1. Please tell the results of a horos#o'e where Sun and 2ars are in 3ibra, Saturn in S#or'io, 2oon in 3eo, +ahu in 4a'ri#orn, 2er#ury, $u'iter and 5enus in 5irgo and !s#endant falls in emini.


. /*+ "$ 0

1 23 ! . +" 4 * 23 5,6 7 8

9"'/*6 : #- ;"7 $ <7 . 1. Agasthya Rishi says6 /h7 .oman7 This is a male birth. His house will be in a road running east to west and the main door will be towards south 8Yama&s sight9. /n the eastern side, a tem'le for the big bellied 3ord anesha and a 'ond. .e say that on the southern side there is a brook and #ultivable lands. 3. 6= 6 > ?/

6$ 7= " @/*= A+ B6"$ B , B* 6", ?* C, . . 1. /n the western side, another anesha tem'le, a :un#tion of four lanes, a Shiva tem'le and a 4hamundeswari tem'le. .ith a grove and a big 'ond and in su#h a balan#ed 'la#e, the native was born in his mother&s house. /h7 2other of 3ord Subramanya7 .e will tell, listen. Yenbeeyes Notes: Chamundi is a form of Shakthi, the consort of Lord Shiva. It is mentioned in the Puranas, when the Mother Chamundeshwari killed the wicked uffalo!headed demon, Mahishasura. It is elieved that the fierce war etween Mother and the demon took "lace in different "laces like the #indhyas etc., and finally Mahisha was killed on the hills where the "resent day tem"le is situated in Mysore. $he Mother is also known as Mahishasura Mardhini. 4. %, ,, $ B@6 6" $

$ ", $ - - $6 D = 6 %6 E

",$ . /* D" $ . 1. /h7 2other7 In this treatise we say about the native&s birth fortunes, the beautiful father&s fortunes, mother&s fortunes, #oming wife and #hildren&s fortunes, his 'revious birth, ne;t birth, remedies and all, listen. 5. %, ,, %D7 ? %&@ " F- $ 6" G, @+ 723 /8 * , 6" #"H 3 568 $ 9, - I, 9"'/* ", $- .

ather!s Characteristics 1. His father&s 'la#e is at a distan#e of <= minutes walk from the 'la#e where the native was born and brought u' and that 'la#e will be in the northeastern side. .e will tell about his father&s #hara#teristi#s. .ill be handsome> has reddish body> in the eminent fa#e, there will be some mark on his fa#e> handsome and beautiful like 0amadeva. 8*ote6 %amadeva is the &indu 'od of love. &e is re"resented as young handsome man9 (ote) $he distance is stated as *iru (a+higai, meaning *two ghatis,. -ne day .earlier considered as sunrise to sunrise, now normally taken as /0 hours1 2 34 'hati 5 'hati 2 /0 minutes so that 34 ghatis will make 34 6 /0 2 5004 minutes or /0 hours. Since it is mentioned as two na+higais, the e7uivalent is 08 minutes. ". J G , ,-+ & %"$ K"' L7 B"$ 5$= . &+" ( M ( + (

& ,/ 3 &?N J- 9( . 1. ?du#ated 'erson> #a'able of arriving at #on#lusions> friendly to elder 'eo'le> will never say no to those asking for alms> will #harm the enemies> straightforwardness in words> #omfortable man> has se#rets> will live as a good man> has in#rease in #attle. " #. /O( , $ ( "7$ ,

( )= + ,

J"J &7' J M/ 5' " ( <"7$ , . $a%ala &ekha 1. .ill be doing agri#ulture> res'e#table man> 3akshmi will reside in his house> will in#rease fertile lands> ca"a le of walking fast> likes to eat good food sum'tously> hand has got line of lotus> has servants. '. 94 9"*D NH" 9K$ ,- , ,+' J H I (

8 ,- , -+ H 3 7 1. ( "$+ , .

Interested in 'ungent tasty items in food> has steady mind> will assist those who a''roa#h him> has more e;'enses> has a talebearer mind 8i.e. has mali#ious intelligen#e9> will live 'raised by his #ommunity men> has #art and #arriages and treasure store houses> has lust towards woman. ather!s Si(lin)s *. %P"7- "#+ " %$ 0 # 4 8 "*/*6 Q+' #- P' P= R7 ,'

, 9 , N . . 1. .e will tell about his siblings. *o brothers> two sisters will be there with long life to su#h a #hara#teristi# 'erson> the native will be born as the eldest. /h7 3over of 3ord Shiva7 3isten. 1+. )* #-"H ?K= 56 H - SK L8 +-" T ( J-" S+ 9K K" % .

; M( Nati,e!s Characteristics

1(. .e will tell about the native&s #olor and #hara#ter. Has reddish body> has flawless 'ro'ortional body> talks using fabri#ated words> is famous in the world> will learn many skills> will tell 'ositive & #omforting words> strong minded 'erson> has no 'overty. 11. , &"7 ( '$ J- (

U VW( '( N )

X , ) ' Y

& Q+-6 &$ J- . 1. .ill walk 'ro'erly-1.> will in#rease the yield of milk> will get infatuated towards beautiful ladies> words will have effe#t> has #onsistent good manners> will be devoted to od> will take bath in many sa#red rivers> will in#rease the #ultivation of nine ty'e of grains 8 the nine grains called *(ava 9hanyam, are wheat, "addy, red gram, green gram, ground nut, eans, sesame, lack gram and gram .called as wild gram : a grain of light lack color1. 12. "( *I +' = 9( 0 " ' ,' /$ = +

Z " &$ 3 ,= 66 ," - .( . 1%. .ill #reate groves and wells> has a little wi#kedness> will be like a 'oison to enemies> will a##umulate lot of fortune> will live with dignity like his father in the earth> has well lined teeth like 'earls> has wealth line in his hand. 13. [( J- %6 3 X$+' J 9R#

,+ @"$H 5" - 9( 0K 1. ", ?* D" $ .

Has growth in agri#ulture> He will live higher than his relations> will hel' those in trouble> will have lot of heat in the body> will talk like an e;'erien#ed man> but is a little mean minded> /h7 Parvati, 2other of the si; headed 3ord Subramanya7 14. %P"7- "#+ " %$ 0 K 4 8 "*/*6 Q+' &4 ?* &5-8 K ,=

57 - . . Nati,e!s Si(lin)s 1<. .e will tell about his siblings. .e say #onfidently that he will have one rother and two sisters and will have long life. -thers will die> /h7 The left side of Shiva7 3isten, we tell further. Yenbeeyes Notes: &ere the rishi calls Parvati as the left half of Shiva ecause Shiva is also called as Artha (areeswara meaning half woman. Legend has it that Shiva has given his left side to Parvati Nati,e!s Marria)e / 0i1e 15. #- = ?K , C '/ J-/ +' SK ( 1) *-( M 1. ( , \( .

.e will tell about the time of marriage of the native. !t the age of seventeen, from his mother side relation, from the southwest direction, his blemishless wife will #ome. .e will tell her history. She will be of double #olor> has #omforts> will offer food to the 'oor. Yenbeeyes Notes: Marriage has ha""ened when the native was of 5; years. As "er verse 0<, #enus dasa was running at the time of irth and the alance "eriod is given as / years : 3 months and 54 days. &ence at the time of marriage Moon dasa will e running. Moon as / nd Lord .addition to family1 "laced in = rd house .9harma of marriage as it is > th from ;th1 was instrumental in ringing a out the marriage. Also Moon is "laced in the 5/th house of ed comforts from %araka #enus. $he Antar dasa running must e of #enus which will egin from 53 years 0 months and 54 days and will last till 58 years and 54 days. #enus as karaka for marriage "laced in the 0th house of family along with ?u"iter and Lagna Lord has materiali+ed the event. As "er %rushna@s A"achaya theory, marriage normally ha""ens in the antar dasa of the 0 th lord or the 5/th lord or a "lanet "laced in either of these houses having more Bhinna Ashtakavarga "oints. In this case it is not "ossi le to calculate the Bhinna Ashtakavarga as other irth details are not known. &owever, we find that the 5/ th Lord #enus has rought a out the marriage in its Antardasa. Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: As "er BCP .Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi1 method 5;th year means <th house. <th house has two occu"ants. Mars who is also owner of 55 th house of wife and Sun who is the dis"ositor of / nd Lord Camily Life Moon and also the = rd Lord of hagya of marriage. -ver and a ove that Lord of <th house #enus who ecomes Lord of the BCP Cocus year is the karaka for marriage going to the 0th house making the native settle in life and is conDoined with ;L of marriage ?u"iter.

1". 5, 9"7$ J6 $ N , 7 3 C -

",$ 0 K %8 D"#4 ]K6 Q+' M & . 1@. Has anger> but is a fortunate woman> will live with dignity. .e will tell about Putra Bhava 8#hildren9. She will have one male child and two female children and they will have long life. /ther than this, four #hildren born will die. 1#. 5, )^ J' S* @+ $7+ 7 ",6 _= P `6 )?

J",4, +' J 0 .6 , 7 +- P 4 N' 2

1). .hen the rishi stated like this, BhuDandar-2. states6 The fifth lord 5enus is debilitated, fifth house has 2ars and Sun and also be#ause of the 'ast bad deeds, there will be no male issues. The lord of the tenth house 8karmadhi'athi9 $u'iter is in 5irgo and hen#eA 8#ontinued in ne;t verse9 Yenbeeyes Notes: (ote) Cor issues, the fifth house and karaka ?u"iter are im"ortant. &ere the fifth house lord #enus is "laced in #irgo, his de ilitation house. Cifth house is occu"ied y two malefics Mars and Sun who is de ilitated. &ence BhuDandar .$here is a nadi y %aka BhuDandar1 is of the o"inion that there will e no male issues. &owever, Athri rishi has another "oint. $he "lacement of ?u"iter, the karaka for "rogeny and also the tenth lord, in #irgo will remove this. &ere one 7uestion comes to our mind. Ehy the Rishi has taken the tenth house and its lord who incidentally ha""ens to e the karakaF Ges) correct. 54th house is also the house of funeral rites. If the same is related to the fifth house, the native must "ossess a male issue who can "erform the funeral rite. &ere 54th house lord ?u"iter is "laced along with the <th lord and also Lagna Lord .indicating self1. Crom the "osition of Moon, the fifth lord is ?u"iter and the tenth lord ecomes #enus. $hat eH"lains it. See the foresight of the rishis. 3lanetary position o1 3utra 4osha 1'. " J- B* - . /*+ 4P' / D a M+< J- $/H MK'/ # BJ #- % BK b+ . 1=. A he will have the Bhagya of #hildren. Athri was telling6 that there will e male issue. Be#ause of the 'resen#e of %etu in the second, a malefi#, children will be born and will die immediately. .hat is the reason you said that #hildren will not stayB


J",4 , @6L7= M+( c

B,G3 ", _ a$!+ BK L ",$ . /* P -

P"7 G' 9-= ?d$ e+ 2 1C. Be#ause of the bad deeds done in the 'revious birth, he got the "utra dosha 8#urse of #hildlessness9. .hen Parvati asked6 DEhat is that curseB That also you yourself tell>E I will tell mother said the +ishi6 In his 'revious birth, in a big 'la#e to the north of his 'resent 'la#eA 84ontinued in ne;t verse9 2+. "*'6 . - ",J"6 ( J Y8 ) / + & 8 , 8D $/ 9"*/* 6 9"'/* G@ , . 1. He took birth in a Brahmin #ommunity, had wife and #hildren, got the benefi#en#e of 'oddess Lakshmi, in#reased his fertile lands> got friendly to elders> got a big family> while living like this, we tell the bad #urse that #ame u'on him. QJ", $L( 5" "- 4+-@ 6 7I7 + " f L7 &6 7 7 %6 *= $P$ $", /7/-

77 9CI +6 6- c . E,il 4eed %1. .as doing agri#ulture kee'ing labourers> /ut of those la ourers, one was having an oHen on whi#h the sym ol of Shiva viF. Shoola was there. 8Shoola is like a trident and it is the wea"on of Lord Shiva!called as $hrishoola as it has three shar" edges 9. He 8the native9 'ur#hased that o;en and used it for tilling the land with hastiness. The curse came to him ecause of this. 22. %d %P gK %$ "' J"$ 46 * J- ( ) "- &+67 < \6

4 g&( N - .

%%. In addition to this, we will tell one more thing. There was a maidservant who was a widow. The native got infatuated towards her and daily had se; with her. He gave her money and one day during daytime, he en:oyed her in his residen#e. 23. %H 5&( K % T 1 ",$( "$ 6 D D &+6 K N7 ?*(

g7 J"' 9"*6 I P . %". .hen both of them were living like this for some days, his wife learnt about this matter and understood the mistake #ommitted by her husband and with dis'leasure, she got angry. !t that time, that widow was 'regnant. 24. ?D " _'/ (6 " /' +'( 5 ' " 1 K %?, ,K %< J-" ( B J- $ .?* . 1. Thereafter he forsook that widow> her relations started telling frivolous things about her and be#ame enemies to her. She #ame ba#k again to the native, started wee'ing, and lamented as to what she #an do nowB The native started doing different kinds of treatments and medicines to her 8to terminate the conce"tion9. Curse o1 destroyin) the 1etus 5e%(ryo6 @- c 25. I @6 * N Q+' ,( "*/* 6- c h/?K %P' D 6 $- ?d?K %P' N4 'H * "$ . . %G. Be#ause of that, the fetus was destroyed> lover 8 the widow9 was distan#ed from him. .e say that blemish 8destroying the em ryo9 fell u'on the native. Be#ause of that, he was affe#ted by a ig disease during his last days. He rea#hed the abode of 5ishnu 8died9. /h7 2other7 ,urther listen. 26. =, "$ L8' H -

=' " 6 , 9- ,*


i3H J"6 %H -

1=5, " 0 JP c6 , . 1. .e said that, #reated by Brahma again, he was born in the anga 8 agriculture9 #ommunity in this birth. The results of the evil deeds of the 'revious birth rea#hed him in this birth and so he will not get male issues and even if he got, they will not stay. 2#. 6+ c6 Q "*/* /"$ gK "6P ",J $8 " 9-= K 6 .' V+H ",= D6$ "*$+ - ' , >6 2 1. To remove that blemish we will tell a remedy. *ative along with his wife should go to $iru"athi in the north and should do Sahasranama archana 8chanting the thousand names of 'od9 daily, and thereafter should offer food to ten BrahminsA Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: The Astrology Of Curses Is Big oney

Anderstanding and writing the reason for the Rishis Logic is neHt to im"ossi le for any modern writer and anything that is written y anyone including us will only e a forced attem"tIfiHology this should not e forgotten y young ones who get too easily influenced y writers. 9iverting for a second we would here, once again, make a s"ecial re7uest once again for students to form grou"s and take u" the discussion of each chart of Sa"tarishis (adi for at least 5 month among various scholars and get to the ottom of the logic. Ee ourselves are not a le to devote enough time to it though we yearned for it since long. Re!read verse /5 onwards efore one "roceeds further. (ow lets try to analy+e the curse of not getting male children .Putra 9osha as Rishi says1 and analyse where the curse is coming from and can JRashi@ chart give us a Jhint@ to it. Some Internet Param"aras introduced a logic on identification of curses and, in recent times, have u"dated their logic y adding new "arameters every / years. $his gave them a niche and ig attentionIfameImoney was made in fooling foreigners and young Indians with remedies. $he original logic that was "resented y them in forums was if karaka graha .in our case ?u"iter1 is as"ected y / malefics y graha drishti ."lanet as"ect1 and not Rasi drishti then Curse from Previous Life is to e seen. In contradiction, they "ro"agated that 'raha 9rishti shows desire whereas Rasi 9rishti shows real event, ut a curse is a real event so how come Rasi 9rishti is not eing used .F1 Anyways look at the a ove chart, the Curse is of Children, Rishi calls it Putra 9osha .Putra means children and 9osha means 9efect1 so ?u"iter must e afflicted y / malefics y as"ect ut ?u"iter is not as"ected y any malefic eHce"t Rahu. $his "aram"ara says %etu is headless so it does not have as"ect, ut is silent on Rahu@s as"ect. A view"oint can e "resented that Rahu and %etu are not "hysical odies so how can they have as"ect at all and why target only %etu in that case. Anyways, the criteria of %araka 'raha .?u"iter here in this chart1 eing as"ected y / malefics is not working at all which does not mean it is an invalid theory as "osted y the Param"ara. Ehat the Param"ara was talking was any "lanet when as"ectedIinfluenced y / malefics creates a Curse which as "er asics of astrology it only means

any "lanet as"ected y / malefics creates a tough situation when concerned with the significations and lordshi"s of the "lanets, this is asic fundamental conce"t of astrology that anyone who has sat at the feet of his 'uru and learnt astrology knows ut the internet forum readers and foreigners in those internet forums have learnt astrology via MP= lectures or conferences and hence could not identify that this is asic 'raha Peedha 9osha, that means JPlanet is Afflicted@. It does not mean J(ecessarily@ a Curse, for Curse is a very strong word and cannot e used loosely. Like any "lanet that is afflicted it means it will give adverse results, the more stronger the affliction the more adverse will e the result. If it was a Curse how come 9r Raman, 9r B Suryanarayan Rao and % ( Rao could not see this conce"t, why did they not call it a Curse, why did astrologers efore them not call it a Curse. -nly Rishis have true ca"a ility of seeing curses in a chart and that too the logic of it is not known to any of us. Ee all have to study nadi literature and make an attem"t to deci"her Rishis Logic. $he reason the a ove "iece is long and got diverted is since 54 years many have een made fools in the name of Curses and instant "rescri"tion of 9as Mahavidya remedies, something only eH"erts are allowed to do and not common man. $hese are the highest sadhanas and cannot e marketed in the name of literature or mass readings or conferences. It is a sin to "rescri e remedies when someone is not ca"a le of doing it es"ecially of the cali er of 9as Mahavidya. In last issue editorial #ol ; of 9ec /44>, we had revealed a techni7ue called JIdentification -f Pending %arma@ .(ote that in the whole reading the Rishi has devoted so much s"ace for his Putra 9osha1 where 3& occu"ant and 3th Lord shows the "ending karma. (ow see that 8L of Purva ?anma %osh is Saturn sitting in the 3& of "ending karma. 3& denotes servants .so does =& as "er BP&S ref last editorial1 and karaka of 3& is also Saturn K Mars and Shani, in fact sits over there. $his means that some maDor karma is "ending towards servantsL it sits in a feminine chronic sign of Sc so it means a woman servant is involved and it@s very dee" rooted .chronic1. $he sign of Sc denotes occult and = rd .action1 from it Rahu . lack magic1 sits, which means some occult things must have een done on the woman .the Rishi confirms it in his reading in verse /01. Lets divert for a second and refer to #erse /5 which refers to misusing the wea"on of Lord ShivaL metal is re"resented y Mars and Lord Shiva is re"resented y Sun : the Sun is de ilitated in the <& of children and Sun denotes male issues and is the =L of servants and dis"ositor of mantra karaka Moon and also is the (aisargika mantra lord .<L in Aniverse Chart1L Mars is the 55L of children and also the dis"ositor of 3& Saturn of "ending karma and servants .Shiva1. $he Rishi says that the Shoola wea"on .Sun Mars1 was elonging to a la orer .Saturn karaka and "laced in 3& of servants1 K native used it to tilling the land .Mars1, thus Sun Mars Saturn sam andh can e once again seen, all landing in the <& of children. Additionally this Sun is the dis"ositor of Moon .few use Moon for Shiva as the crescent is on his head1. Additionally, a BSP techni7ue of Rahu im"lementing itself in the 54th from where it is "laced can e seen here working eautifully. See Rahu re"resenting cheating .dohkha1 is in the 8& of chronic issues, from here its 54th would e the <& of children. In other charts where you would see Rahu in the 8& you would find that the "erson was cheated or failed in love or children not in tune to you or no children or loss of minimum one child or still, children will destroy your em"ire or name even though 8& has nothing to do, traditionally s"eaking, with children. It also means you cheated a child in some life. %araka 9oshit is a "henomena not used in astrology writings e.g. if %etu is with an eHalted K de ilitated graha the "lanet %etu and its karaka goes for a foot all match that is JA"s K 9owns and Being $ossed Around@. &ere ?u"iter the karaka for children is with eHalted K de ilitated "lanet a"art from eing Badhakesh and thus suffers %araka 9oshit "henomena. As Mercury is eHalted and sitting with the children karaka ?u"iter, he is ca"a le of removing the native from

the curse. Remem er the starting "oint of the curse is essential to note : which is Saturn as earlier "ointed out, =rd from Sat is Rahu .$iru"athi BalaDi1 and Rahu has een mentioned earlier .BSP techni7ue a ove1. So the remedy for Rahu is always Mercury and here Mercury is eHalted and ca"a le of removing ?u"iter out of the curseL hence the remedy of Mercury, the eloved #ishnu Sahasranama, has een mentioned y the Rishi to remove the curse. Also most young students on forums s"end a lot of time and money consulting astrologers trying to find out the remedy for their curses : the only ig remedy for all "ro lems is "ro"itiation of lagna lord and in this case it is Mer which is #ishnu SahasranamaL and further, the Rishi advises the remedy of feeding Brahmins and, as "er Shastra, the remedy for ?u"iter is feeding of Brahmins and, ?u"iter is karaka for children : thus the remedy for removal of Putra 9osha. &e%edy 6 2'. K 9(j+ \8 P' Dc /- 9 7 # L8 9- Q ' '/ Q+'=

+]T _ * "6

5K"$H $ ,/ '/P6 Q $ . 1. !gain after returning to his 'la#e, should worshi' lord Shiva 8 the word used is JA hishek@ meaning "ouring some li7uid!"# over the deity like milk, curd etc 9, with firmness until his death, the e;#ellent 'erson should light lam' till his death and we say that his blemishes will vanish. If sons were born, they will have long life> with meanness if he does not do these things, there will be no sons> even if born they will not stay. 2*. #-"H + = 8

/ J/$ $ &- f a = . = (( 8 .

", g+' #( =5, = Nati,e!s Mother 1.

.e will tell about the native&s mother&s #hara#ter. Is a little se#retive> has a windy 8bloated9 body> as'e#t will be sideways-4. 8eyeHsight will not be straight and will be in a different manner9> has no de#eit> a little laFy> will not think of trouble to anybody> a little hotH tem'ered woman. 3+. X "7$ = 568 $(

Z "#+ " &L8 K J@ K J-$ 18

& &R7 Sd, @ . Nati,e!s Mother!s Co7Borns "(. Has good manners> has reddish #olored body> we will tell about her #oHborns in this world6 one brother and one beautiful sister will be there with long life. ,our more #oHborns will be born but they will die. /ur words will not go wrong. 31. <"7- ' 8 < & Y1 ; &L8 " 98 %<"7 -" %$ ^A+ 8

5$ Q4 = +6, a B* . 1. His mother&s family will have lot of wealth> fertile lands will in#rease in the earth> will live with dignity> we will say about her 'revious birth 8native&s mother9. .e said that in the same 'la#e, she was born in 5anniar #ommunity. 32. " a / P7 "' /H , J 8 R +' +H5- -

J4, 5&( *( %/?K W $ % " %" %H 98 BK 2 "%. Had no #hildren> !long with her husband, went to Thiruthani, undertook a 'er'etual fast> worshi''ed 3ord Shanmuga 8Subramanya9 and went there for some days be#ause of fate. !t that time, she heard like the voi#e of an invisible being stating that, she will have no issues in this birth> but will get in the ne;t birth. 33. $+ . " , K 9"*6,( %6 9-1 M+( )"$ 7 * )N # /' "*" = # 7 "$ L8 2

"". This was said by an elderly man and after hearing that, her mind got disgusted and rea#hed her 'la#e. That e;#ellent woman was filled with sorrow be#ause of #hildlessness and died. !gain she was #reated by BrahmaA84ontinued in ne;t verse9 34. %' ' - * >H L .?*( . - " Q4

D' 9- k+ J! 6H " ' ' 6 9- * .

"<. !nd was born in this #ommunity. ?aswari 8 another name for Parvati9 started asking6 In her 'revious birth you said that she 8native@s mother9 was born in 5anniar #ommunity, tell the reason for that. Be#ause she worshi''ed 3ord 2uruga 8 Su ramanya9, we said that she was born like that. 35. K ^e+ 9- "*' . ( 5K" a /H 3 "*/*6 6" '=5 23 "$ e+ D*6, "H$ . Nati,e!s ather!s 3re,ious Birth "G. In her ne;t birth, she will be born in a 'la#e to the north of the 'la#e 8 of her "revious irth9 in Brahmin #ommunity. .e will tell about the 'revious birth of the father. His father in his 'revious birth was born in a big 'la#e to east of 0an#hee'uram in 5aisya #ommunity. 3". - L8H T 7-

, /- ", " 97' , 7 36 . " # /

",$ %H - "*6, 1, B* . "@. !fter taking birth, did business, was a famous 'erson, in#reased his wealth, lived honourably with wife and #hildren and then died. .e said that again he was born in this birth. 3#. D =5 D*, %' - L8 ;/- ( 7

%, 3 , %$ 1+( ",$ $( . (@ * * . "). In his ne;t birth, he will be born in 0an#hee'uram in the same #ommunity. .ill live by doing business e;tensively, and in#rease the fertile lands. .e will tell about the last days of these 'ersons. /h7 2other7 .e say that our gra#eful words will not go wrong. 3'. 6"4 # ?K ,@

68 - "/* 76 P D6$ ",' M ]K 6' S ( . Nati,e!s ather!s 4eath "=. .e will tell about his father@s death time6 There will be danger to his father when the native is of thirty!seven years old in the month of Thula 8as 'er souramana I 1Gth /#tober to 1Gth *ovember9. Thereafter, native&s mother will die three years after that in the month of 2eena 8Souramana I 1Ght 2ar#h to 1Gth !'ril9 Yenbeeyes Notes: Ehen the native is of =; years old he will e running Rahu dasa %etu Antar dasa. Crom =3 years and 54 days to =; years and /8 days will e the %etu Antara in Rahu dasa. Rahu is "laced in the 5/th house of MHit of father .>th house1. Saturn!9is"ositor of Rahu is "laced in the /nd house of maraka from Pitru %araka Sun. $he other maraka "lanet ./ nd lord from >th house1 ?u"iter is as"ecting Rahu. %etu is "laced in the 3th from >th house of father and he ehaves more like Moon, its dis"ositor, who ha""ens to e "laced in the maraka house of ; th from >th house. Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: As "er BCP, =;th year will re'resent the 5st house. Its lord Mercury is "laced in the 0th house : refer the 9eva %eralam rule given in chart < which is that the 0 th lord denotes father@s death. Mercury is also "laced in the 5/th house of eHit from Pitru karaka Sun. &e is conDoined y the maraka ./nd lord from >th house of father1 ?u"iter. Pitru karaka Sun is dis"osited #enus "utting him in the house of MHit along with other two maracas ?u"iter and Mercury. In the =; th year, the BCP will come in the 5&, the lord of this =; th year is with ?u"iter the kendradhi"athi dosha, ?u"iter is the /nd lord of maraca for father : "ls read the "revious article on Chart < where we have mentioned categorically that %endradhi"athi dosha is more related to healthIdeath. So this =;th year lord Mer com ines with ?u"iter of %endradhi"athi dosha in the 8 th .death1 from >th house of father giving trou les to father. $he month of death of father is given as $hula when the Sun will e in Li ra and in the constellations of Chitra ./ "adas1, Swati and the first = 7uarters of #ishaka. Lord of Chitra nakshatra is Mars, that of Swati is Rahu and that of #ishaka is ?u"iter. See the "lanets involved. Mother@s death will e three years after that. After = years means that #enus Antara will e running in Rahu dasa. %araka for mother is "laced in the 5/ th house of MHit from 0th house of mother which is getting the as"ect of dasa Lord Rahu. As "er 9eva %eralam dictum, the < th lord is #enus in whose Antara mother had to de"art. #enus is also a maraka for mother eing lord of /nd house from 0th house. $he other maraka ?u"iter .lord of ;th house from 0th house1 is also "laced with the 0th lord. Crom Moon also the /nd house ecomes maraka which has all the three malefics .a""earing as enefics1 ?u"iter, Mercury and #enus. $he month is given as Meena when the Sun will e in Pisces : another maraka house and will have to e in one of the constellations of Purva hadra"ada .ruled y ?u"iter!maraka1 or Attara hadra"ada .ruled y Saturn1 "laced in the =rd house to the 0th house of mother or in the constellation of Mercury the 0th lord indicating mother.

Ander BCP 04th year will e running which means 0th house again indicating some event in mother@s life. Ee have already seen the influence of the "lanets "laced in the 0th house. 3*. %, # %$ &? 7 & c +' +H5- -

, D _ K- [C $ 5 +D"*- 1 2 Nati,e!s 4eath "C. .e will tell about the death time of the native. !t the age of forty, he will have a danger. However, by worshi''ing Lord Su ramanya, his disease will be #ured. In his siHty seventh age, in the month of 3eo 8Souramana I 1Gth !ugust to 1Gth Se'tember9, in the Sukla Paksha Jasami tithi 8on the tenth day during the wa;ing time of 2oon9A 84ontinued in ne;t verse9 Yenbeeyes Notes: At the age of 04 native will e running Rahu dasa #enus antar dasa as seen a ove. Rahu is "laced in the 8th house and its dis"ositor Saturn is "laced in the 3 th house as"ecting Rahu as well as the 5/th house. Lagna Lord Mercury is also "laced with the 5/th Lord #enus .Antara Lord1 and the ;th lord of Maraka ?u"iter who is also a Badhaka Lord. $his com ination also gets the as"ect of dasa Lord Rahu. &ence some trou les are eH"ected during this "eriod. Crom Moon also they are ill "laced in the / nd house of Maraka. But the Rishi says y worshi"ing Lord Su ramanya the evil will "ass. &owF Mars is the "lanet re"resenting Lord Su ramanya. <th house is the house of worshi". Mars is "laced there dis"lacing its Lord #enus to its 5/th house. Mars also as"ects the 5/th house from Lagna. Mars, as I have stated already, will ehave like #enus the lord of the house where he is "laced. But y worshi""ing Su ramanya "ro a ly the Rishi means that the native may "ro"itiate Mars and ward off the evil effects created y him. As "er BCP again, the 04th year would e the 0th house!$# coming into the "icture again where the Lagna Lord Mercury is su Dected to malefic effects as eH"lained a ove. 9eath at 3;) (ative will e running Saturn 9asa : 8 th Lord from Lagna and ;th Lord from Moon. Placed in the 3th house from Lagna as"ecting the 5/th house and the =rd house. Ander this dasa the Antar dasa of %etu will e from 3< years < months and 5> days and will end in the 33 th year 3 months and /8 days which can e taken as the 3;th year. $hereafter #enus Antara will start. %etu is "laced in the /nd house of Maraka. #enus is the 5/th lord of MHit "laced along with the other Maraka Lord ?u"iter and as"ected y Rahu from the 8th and is "laced in the /nd house from Moon. &ence #enus Antara ecomes more "ro a le. In the month of death Sun will e traversing Leo, the =rd house of Longevity and will e in the 5/th from Maraka ?u"iterI#enus and Lagna Lord Mercury. &imself eing =rd Lord and having Durisdiction over the constellations ruled y %etu, #enus and Sun himself. $he more "ro a le date would e when Sun is transiting in the constellation of Purva"halguni ruled y #enus. As "er BCP, 3;th year re"resents the ;th house a Maraka. Its Lord ?u"iter is also Badhaka with %endradhi"ati 9osha .death1 and "laced with the 5/th Lord #enus along with lagna lord . ody1 and is the /nd .maraca1 from Moon as"ected y Rahu from the 8th house.

4+. & * K- - + Q %8 0 D, 7 * SK < "$ I &N )? $ &6 $ Q+' . 1. He will die. Athri #ontradi#ted and said that there is danger to the native at the age of two. +ishi re'lied that he will give the reason, Please listen. /h7 +ishi7 Sin#e ?u"iter is in the fourth in #irgo, even if affected y diseases, it will not take the life. He has long life. Yenbeeyes Notes: Ehat might e the correct eH"lanation to the words of the Rishi *Since ?u"iter is in the 0th in #irgoN, &itherto we have seen how malefic is ?u"iter for this chart y eing the Badhaka Lord, ;th house Lord, afflicting y association, as"ect etc. etc., how come the Rishi ascri es such a enefic "oint to ?u"iter that it will not take away the lifeF $o my little mind the only "ossi le eH"lanation is that eing a natural enefic his as"ect on the 8 th house and the 5/th house cou"led with the association of other two natural enefics, #enus and Mercury, might have hel"ed the native to esca"e death. Learned "ersons can inter"ret this and give other "ossi le eH"lanations if any. Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: %etu is in the /nd house and, as "er BCP, /nd house is the /nd year of one@s life. &ence the view of Athri Rishi that there is danger to the native at the age of two seems a""ro"riate since %etu indicates health issues and MHit. Asing BSP techni7ue of ?u"iter im"lementing itself in the 55 th from as mentioned in #ol 3 or ; in the Ravana Samhita or Sa"tarishi (adi Commentary, you can see that here ?u"iter has kendradhi"ati dosha .healthIdeath1 yet is ?eeva %araka sitting in the 0& conDoining with eHalted lagna lord .so can@t give death result early in life1 : it im"lements his energy 55th from it and sto"s %etu from im"lementing its malfeasance. 41. , $H " ?K M (

>, # a B8 '$ 0,+ Y1 + $" 5$= , lJ , '( . * . <1. .e will tell about the native&s fortunes. Has #omforts> has no mean manners> has the fortune of getting :ewels and ornaments> will in#rease the #ultivable lands> #a'able of attra#ting anybody> will live with dignity> his words will be res'e#ted. 42. - &N )?- , & * "B 2+- [? ,9 "4 $ / 68 Y1 P

1 H 1.

8 $ 3 .

Since the 54th lord ?u"iter is in fourth in #irgo, there will e increase in finance. .ill get famous in all dire#tions> will hel' the 'eo'le> will not be a##used by anybody> will get lands in another village> has no ele'hants> but has horses> will live with dignity. "$ 43. B6' - %P'- , &

6+ "' - %6K , P' >=M 0 6' / ) )m . 8idden 9reasure <". Tell in detail when this native will get wealth. &e will get during Moon mahadasa when the native is ten years old, he will get his own house and wealth will in#rease. He will get a treasure hidden in the ground. Saptarishis Astrology Commentary: BC% & 'imshottari (asa $here are many methods of using the #imshottari 9asa com ined with BCP, something that is still in an eH"erimentative stage. -ne of them is eing "resented here in rief as the o""ortunity has arisen due to the a ove shloka. Cirst and foremost, the false notion circulated y many (adi eH"erts since last century K internet forum nadi eH"erts that vimshottari dasa is not used in (adi Astrology can e eliminated forever y the a ove verse, the Rishi is using #imshottari dasa. (ow the techni7ue we were talking a out is to take the year of native, note it down mentally and o serve where the Mahadasa lord is sitting, then rotate it as "er BCP kee"ing #imshottari Mahadasa lord as the Asc. In the a ove chart, the native is 54 years old and is in Moon M9, take Moon .in =& here1 as Lagna and rotate it 5 sign 5 year "er house for 54 years : the BCP #imshottari 9asa will come in the 5&, the lord of it is sitting eHalted in the 0& of J$reasure@ K also J-wn &ouse@ with 9e ilitated #enus .treasure not his own1, oth the Rishi is "redicting. Another 7uick eHam"le is - ama@s chart .C" Asc1 : he was running ?u" M9 when he won the Mlection and ecame President on /4 ?an /44> which was his 08 th year. (ow take ?u" as lagna and 08th year would e the 5/&, the lord of it is again ?u"iter sitting in the Lagna .a trikona and kendra1 with Saturn forming a RaDayoga : he ecame a RaDa .%ing1 y defeating someone .since ?u" is de ilitated and getting neecha hanga raDa yoga. $ake chart of ?ohn C %ennedy .#i Asc1 who died on //nd (ov 5>3= in his 0;th year during ?u" M9. Crom ?u"iter Asc, 0; th year will e the 55th house from it, which means ?u"iter who is "laced in the >& will activate as "er BCP the ;& of the chart. $he ;& is a maraca house, its lord ?u"iter ecomes maraca lord K 0L of vehicles and assasination sits in this ?u" Asc with 5/L Sun along with #enus who is the = K 8 th lord of 93 .enemies chart1 and =L of short travel of 93. &e died while on a short tri" in that year. In #imso"aka ?u"iter has the lowest "oint. ?u"iter eing involved in 'aDakeshari Goga made this incident world famous and outsiders remem er him for seH and assasination. Let@s come ack to the chart of the native in Sa"tarishis (adi 'emini Asc Chart (o 3 where the Rishi talks a out him finding treasure at age 54.

$en years of age as "er BCP will e the 54& whose lord is ?u"iter and it goes in the 0& of Cortune. In Shloka (o 0/ a ove, the Rishi says that 54 th lord in the 0th house in #irgo will increase finances. So in the 54th year, when this ?u"iter will e activated as "er BCP, there is chance of increase in finance. (ow see Phaladee"ika Ch./ Shl.< #erse <. Crom )upiter the learned shoul* see+ information a out knowledge, no le 7ualities, sons, minister, good ehavior, teaching "rofession, magnanimity, knowledge of #edas and Puranas .Shruti and Smriti1 "rogress and eatitude, reverence to gods and rahamins, yaDana, worshi" .ta"asya1, religious faith, treasure, wisdom, control over "assions, honor and com"assionL and in the female chart, hus and@s ha""iness. In BP&S Ch.55, Shl.< #erse <. Indications of the ,th house) Conveyances, relatives, mother, ha""iness, treasure, lands and uildings are to e consulted through the 0th house. In Phaladee"ika Ch.58 Shl. 50 #erse 50. If in a nativity the Moon occu"ies the (avamsha Leo and is as"ected y Mercury, he may ac7uire a hidden treasure. SatyaDatakam Ch.= Shl 0 K.50 #erse 0. If the lord of the fourth house is "laced in the fourth house, and is as"ected y $iryagmukha "lanets .Moon, er-ury. )upiter an* 'enus1, the "erson may ac7uire neigh oring lands and there y -ome a-ross treasure hi**en un*er earth. &e will ecome very rich. If the lord of the fourth house is as"ected y urdhvamukha "lanets .the Sun and Mars1, the "erson may earn money through cro"s and cultivation. #erse 50. If the fourth and ele/enth houses are strong and aus"icious through connection with enefic and a "lanet having downward!ga+e has 9hana yoga, the "erson will get treasure. But if the houses 0 and 55 are weak and are connected with malefics, the native will s7uander away his wealth. In BP&S Ch.=, Shl.=/ #erse =/. A odes of the "lanets) $em"le, watery "lace, "lace of fire, s"ort!ground, treasure0 house, ed!room and filthy ground) these are res"ectively the a odes for the seven "lanets from the Sun onward. Ase the a ove shlokas and note connection of 0& and ?u"iter regarding treasure and then use BCP and note that the 54th year will e the 54& whose lord ?u"iter is there in the 0& of fortune and then use es"ecially the a ove Goga from SatyaDatakam Ch.= Sh0 and see how eautifully all com ine with dasa of Moon .Moon in mentioned in the shloka1. $o com ine all this is not easy to make a "rediction and no dou t only a Rishi can make such a "redictionL to study such "redictions was not "ossi le till the last thousands of years and we are thankful to Bhadoriya who gave this manuscri"t and the translators Gen eeyes and Bhaskaran. If only more can Doin

who can translate from $amil to Mnglish, more Asc can come out and someone else can do a etter Do in commentary than us .SA1. 44. + 9*I ( D 8D $ ( ( $ ,8- "

"* $+( & +( 9*I ( K 1. ", ?* D" $ .

.ill get friendshi' of those who #ome> will be a famous family man> Lakshmi will reside in his house> will finish the taken work su##essfully> will be friendly with the Brahmins> will get relationshi' with the kings> /h7 Begetter of 3ord !rumuga 8Subramanya97 /h7 Parvati7 3isten. 45. D*6 ,, +" %- P= 5*68 8 8 < 0* J"68 &L( - J ", $( )"*6 + +' &+68 6 , . <G. !t the time of birth, balan#e of #enus mahadasa is two years siH months and ten days. .e will tell the results of that 'eriod. There will be disease for the native who has all things fulfilled. 4". +'= f 68 & N J, 6"' +'= f "$ 6 _ _$' /O &R7 )N$ . .


Misfortune will fall for the mother side family> e;'enses will be higher> loss of #attle will be there> father will have mental anguish> his own relations will also be sub:e#ted to troubles> enmity will be #reated and that will be removed> loss in agri#ulture will be there. /h7 2other7 ,urther listen. 4#. N$ = &6 $ +'= f= .6 6 "' M1d D 8

( I = "*6, 1" & W"6 &L8 J .


There will be a little de t "ro lem> Inaus"iciousness will e there to his relatives> father and mother will have disease and will not be #omfortable> Jistress, theft all these things will ha""en efore his tenth year. .e will tell about the rest of the things in the se#ond 'art. Yenbeeyes Notes: $here are certain interesting features in this chart. At the outset, we find that = natural enefics .?u"iter, #enus and Mercury! y association1 are conDoined in a %endra :the 0th house. Mercury and #enus are 0th and <th lords. ?u"iter is ;th and 54th lord and Mercury is also Lagna Lord. But see how they all have ecome malefics. Cirst : ?u"iter is Badhakesh for 'emini Lagna. &e is also lord of 8 th house from Moon. Second : #enus is de ilitated and also co!owns the 5/th house. &e also ecomes a malefic on account of the "resence of Sun and Mars in his sign, Li ra. $hird : All the three "lanets are as"ected y Rahu y his s"ecial > th house as"ect. Rahu eing "laced in the 8th house!house of Saturn and also as"ected y Saturn reflects the 8th lord@s mood only. &ence Mercury y association and as"ect has also ecome malefic. $his com ination has een res"onsi le for all the trou les that the native is going to eH"erience in his life time es"ecially till the age of ten as after #enus dasa, 9asa of Sun comes in who is also de ilitated and conDoined with Mars who is Lord of 3 th from Ascendant. $he same fourth house which is termed as the hidden house or Pathal and the "lacement of the 54 th lord ?u"iter .9hanakaraka1 therein indicate the "ossi ility of getting hidden wealth. Ehen we look at the / nd house, we find that %etu is "laced there. If you see the death of the (ative@s father, it has ha""ened at the age of =; of the native. At that time the native was running the dasa of Rahu and #enus Bhukti. 9eath is generally linked to the 8th house. Cor father 8th from >th is the 0th house. Ee have already seen the "osition of the 0th house a ove. Mven the month of death is influenced y #enus : Li ra month. Cor the mother@s death 8th house of the mother ecomes the 55th house : Aries! ruled y Mars. Mars eing "laced in the house of #enus will ehave like #enus!which we have seen already. Again the 0th house comes into the "icture. At the time of death of his mother, native was running his 04th year which falls under #enus Antara : Rahu dasa. ?u"iter who has conDoined #enus decided the month of death. So ?u"iter y eing a natural enefic and also eing lord of ;th and 54th has given its due share to the native. As the Badhakesh and also as 8th lord from Moon, it has shown its malefic influences too. In the same #enus "eriod, i.e. at the age of forty, native also had danger ecause of his conDunction with Lagna Lord. At the age of 3;, native was running Saturn dasa!Saturn hukthi. It is natural as eing the 8th lord he rought a out the end of the native. But why in the month of Leo. Moon, the /nd lord is "laced there and Saturn as"ects the same. &ence when the Sun was transiting Leo, the end has come.

-1. 4o'y ?ditor raised 'oint that the word nadai should be inter'retated as KBalan#ed in his #ondu#t. The re'ly of Yenbeeyes is K$he word Jnadai@ has got / meanings : "ace, gait or the

manner of walking and the neHt is conduct, ehavior. JPadam@ means consistency or fitness or a "ro"er tem"erament. Ehat the rishi eHactly meansF May e a out his conduct : I feel this can e changed as suggested@. The views of both are given. -2. 0aka Bhu:andar is said to be the earliest Siddha and uru of orakkar, a great siddha 'urusa -3. !bisheka to 3ord Shiva is 'erformed with sugar #ane :ui#e 8iksu rasa9, tender #o#onut water, milk, suddha :ala, and honey. -4. Se#ond house from 2other 0araka 2oon has 5enus debilitated I S! -5. !t the age of <(, the B4P will be in the <H where there is 0endradhi'ati Josha $u'iter sitting with 3agna 3ord 8body9. 2ars who is the @th lord of diseases and from the B4P ,o#us year he is the =th lord of longevity and also the "3 of longevity. So 'rayers to 3ord Subramanya are advi#ed by the +ishi. ,or few years we have tried B4P ,o#us year and lordshi' the way demonstrated above and got good results> readers are reLuested to try the same. It indeed gives us great :oy to see the above shloka. I S!

Bhrighu Prashna Reading

By6 2uhammad Imran Bhrighu Prashna +eading Translated by 2. Imran, Pakistan Andree Leclerc once introduced us to one of her usiness associates whose father was given a (adi reading y a Pandit from &oshiar"ur many decades ack. &is father took to us instantly and after an < mins of normal chit chat he mentioned a out this Bhrighu Reading said every word of it has come out true. Since we found the father of the native a very "ious and eHtremely devoted hakt cum s"iritual man, we found it all the more im"ortant that this nadi reading comes out to the world Astro community. It is rare for someone to get a true nadi reading in today@s circumstances where most nadi readers have ecome corru"t and mercenary, where many Muro"eans have taken nadis from India never to return it ack to the Indian Astrological community, where many Indians take nadis to the Eest to get fat fees for a reading out of semi s"urious nadis ut when asked to donate co"ies of the nadis for the astrological community for learning they immediately run away shy citing unworthy rules. Ee felt in order to restore the name of nadi readings this "articular reading must get translated, it took several attem"ts to get it translated from various sources and finally Imran has done the Do and added notes to it. A Do that has taken SA eHactly / years to "u lish. A nadi reading can hel" us test our own "redictive skills and then see what the nadi reading has given. Some details follow of the man whose reading was done, he was orn on 5>th Ce 5>/<, Sanglahill, Eest PunDa in Pakistan, time is not known, when he was /< years old he got this reading y the nadi astrologer. $his astrologer had a son living in 9elhi and came to visit this son. &e rought the answer to RameshOs fatherOs 7uestion and it was written in Sanskrit. Since Sir does not s"eak Sanskrit, the astrologer asked him what language he wanted to

hear it in. Since Sir was orn on the Pakistan side, he only wrote urdu and thatOs how it was s"oken to him and noted down y him. HH ?ditor, Sa'tarishis !strology *adi is a uniLue and undeniable reality of Indian astrology. .ritten thousands of year ba#k, on wooden sti#k and leaves, it has no mat#h in any 'art of the world. 2odern resear#hers s'ent their lives to understand the meanings and sour#es of nadi literature. Yet, only a fra#tion of original work #ould #ome out. It is said, and rightly said that the #reator of these nadi granthas are rishis, who drafted these astonishing astrologi#al literature with the hel' of their divya drishti 8divine sight9. Sin#e the 'ermutation and #ombination of C 'lanets, 1% signs and 1% houses, makes un#ountable number of 'ossibilities, at least for the #a'a#ity of a #ommon human mind. But what is more awesome is that how it still 'roves a blue 'rint of an individual of %1st #entury. ,ollowing is the translation of a nadi reading, 'rovided by the ?ditor of Sa'tarishis !strology to the s#ribe. It is 'robably taken from Bhrigu Samhita. But unfortunately, no birth details or #om'lete "rasna time is 'rovided. Jes'ite, this reading holds many useful #lues for the learner of :yotish. ,ollowing red itali# te;t shows translation of *adi reading. ,or rendering it #om'rehensible and useful, notes and #ommentary are also added. 9ranslation Lord Shukra says) Ehat are the effect and yoga for one who asks a 7uery in the month of #ishakha, tithi of Shukla"aksha navami, weekday of Eednesday, and nakshatra of Magha. Prashan $ime) /5 'ati, 4 Pala. Leo lagna having Moon and ?u"iter, Rahu in =rd, and Saturn in 0th house. Ehereas Sun, Mercury, #enus and %etu reside in >th house and Mars domiciles in 55th house. .Shukra asks1 in which country he was orn in his last incarnationF Ehere and in what state he went away after dyingF Ehat will e his fortuneF Comfort of s"ouse, off s"ring and kith and kin, he will enDoyF &ow long he will live and how much knowledge he will attainF Ehat kind of "rofession he will associateF Inform me a out his life from irth to death.

Notes: It is a #onvention of *adi dis#ourses that a 'ro'he#y is #om'osed in the genre of dialogue between two or more sages, or master and dis#i'le. Here 3ord Shukra enLuires and 3ord Bhrigu re'lies. !''arently, it seems an astrologi#al e;'lanation of Prashna kundali 88horary #hart9. The time of asking a Luestion is #onsidered for delineating the 'ast, 'resent and future of native. 2onth, lunar day, weekday and time of "rashna are given along with rashi 8J19 #hart, but there is no referen#e of year, 'lanetary longitudes or varga 'ositions. 4onseLuently, it is diffi#ult to ere#t detailed #hart, divisional #harts and 'lanetary 'eriods. 4om'lete birth detail of native is also not 'rovided. Lord Bhrigu answers) -@ Shukra, one who "uts a 7uery in such a "lanetary dis"osition, has 'uru!Chandri yoga. And according to this yoga, he was a %shatriya .or %shatri1 in his "revious life, lived near $amsa River, in the town whose name egan with OSO, his father name started from letter OGO, and his own name .in "revious irth1 started from letter OLO. Notes: Interestingly, Bhrigu reading names 'aDakesari yoga in lagna to 'uru! Chandri yoga. Here 2oon is the lord of 1%th house and $u'iter is the owner of Gth and =th houses. But, neither 2oon, nor $u'iter is fun#tional malefi# with res'e#t to 3eo as#endant. &e had sons, daughters and si lings .in "revious life1. &e had all sorts of comfort and was 7uite well off. &e "erformed good deeds and "ossessed cattle and horses in his house. &e used to give away many kinds of donation including 'audaana .donating cows1. -ccasionally, he "erformed rituals of &avan and Shradha. In summers he used to "erform ?aladaana .offering water to thirsty1, and in winters he used to "erform #astradaana .voluntarily distri uting clothes or cladding the needy "eo"le1. (otwithstanding, such a nice and no le %shatriya was not free from misdeeds and sins. In fact, many wealthy and miser "eo"le entrusted their wealth to the native. &e reached their trust y sei+ing their "ossessions. Looking his dishonesty, owners of "ossessions cursed the %shatriya that he would not have due comfort and "eace. Regretting and re"enting, %shatriya offered $iratha 9harma and died.

But on account of his earlier good deeds, he first went to Swarga ."aradise1 and after staying sometime there, he was orn again in India. .(ow1 he asks a 7uestion in the city whose name starts from letter J9@. (ame of his irth"lace egins with letter JS@. &e o"ens his eyes in a higher %shatriya varna .martial race1, ut his father@s financial status is average. Notes: !s#endant 3eo is 0shatriya a##ording to the #aste distribution of Fodia#al signs. !nd so as the lord of as#endant Sun, who is o##u'ied in Cth house in another 0shatriya rashi. The Cth and Gth houses are generally #onsidered for delineating 'revious lives. It is maintained by *adi reading that native was a 0shatriya in 'revious birth and again born as 0shatriya in this life. The Sun 8as dis'ositor of $u'iter and 2oon9 is e;alted in Cth house, and there is no natural malefi# in %nd or 1%th to Sun> des'ite, father of native is not ri#h. This seems against the general astrologi#al 'rin#i'les. The o##u'ation of Saturn in =th from Sun may be the reason for father&s average finan#ial status. By the way, natural malefi# in <th house from lagna also indi#ate monetary #onstraints to 'arents or trying #hildhood. Here both negative and 'ositive indi#ators e;ist therefore 'arental finan#ial #onditions are told average. &is father@s name egins with JR@ and own name egins with J9@. $he native has fair colour and reddish in com"leHion. Somehow, he is attractive ut encountered many a fatal diseases in childhood, including fever, diarrhea and ec+ema. Notes: Inferring initials of nativeMs name, fatherMs name and birth 'la#e name is an amaFing as'e#t of *adi readings. But s#ribe is not #a'able enough to de#i'her the reason. However, even today there are some e;'erts in India, who are wellHversed enough to tell the name initials with the hel' of 1(= 'arts of lunar #onstellations 8nakshatra9. Sometimes navamsa #hakra is also used to fore#ast the first letter of native&s and his relative&s names. In fa#t, there is a subtle #orrelation between 1(= 'ada of nakshatra and 1(= navamsa. Besides, #olour and #om'le;ion is seen from lagna and lagnesh. Two natural benefi# 'lanets 82oon and $u'iter9 in lagna are rendering the native fair #oloured and attra#tive, while 3eo is adding its reddish hue. But as'e#t of Saturn over lagna yields some 'hysi#al affli#tion. It is mentioned that native fa#ed danger of ailment in #hildhood. ?arly life is signified by %nd house and 2oon. *ote that %nd lord 2er#ury is in !ries 8with Sun, 0etu and 5enus9 and Cth lord 2ars is in emini. Parivartana 8signHe;#hange9 between 2ars and 2er#ury results in fever, diarrhea and skin diseases 8if any of them is sam andhi with as#endant or as#endant ruler9. $he difficult years of his life are 5st, /nd, 3th and 8th. Mven if, there would any affliction in later age, it would wi"e out due to virtuous deeds of his "revious life. &e has sisters and rothers. &e started studying .in this life1 at the age of <I3, and o tained knowledge of two!three fields. &e does not have any understanding of "rofessional or higher studies. &e leaves his study without com"letion. Notes: Siblings are generally seen from "rd house and 2ars. Here "rd house is heavily affli#ted by +ahu, and ashu h argala of Saturn. But o##u'ation of "rd lord 5enus in Cth house having as'e#t of $u'iter ensures 'resen#e of sisters and

brothers. *ative starts learning at the age of G. 4ounting from lagna Gth be#omes the Sagittarius, lorded by $u'iter, who is o##u'ied in lagna. +e#koning from vidya karaka 2er#ury, Gth house be#omes 3eo where two benefi# 'lanets 8$u'iter and 2oon9 are sitting. So beginning of s#hooling at the age of G a''ears Luite obvious. But 2er#ury&s "arivartana sam andha with 2ars> and as'e#t of 2ars on %nd house and o##u'ation of Saturn in <th house suggest in#om'lete edu#ation. &e is skillful, deHterous, well! ehaved, amia le and sweet!s"eaker. After age of 53, he turns ca"a le and clever. &e gets enefit from usiness. Notes: ?;alted lord of lagna in trinal house and a:akesari yoga in lagna bestow dis#ussed 'ersonal traits. But mentioning of Nafter age 1@N is im'ortant. !##ording to Bhrigu 4hakra as well as Sudarshana 4hakra, 1@th year of age #oin#ides to the <th house. Here <th house from as#endant is domi#iled by Saturn in the house of 2ars. N!fter 1@N means age 1) onwards. In other words after #rossing the <th house, where Saturn is residing. 2oreover, N1@N is also the maturity age of $u'iter, who is in as#endant. It is also said that native a##rues benefit from trade 8rather doing :ob9. ,or 'rofession, look at the Saturn, its trine and its dis'ositor. 2ars is the dis'ositor of Saturn who is in <thHS#or'io. /n the other hand, vaya"aara karaka 2er#ury is forming an e;#hange with 2ars 8i.e. dis'ositor of Saturn9. Hen#e gain in business is indi#ated. ,rom houseHanalysis 'oint of view, )th house lord Saturn is in angle and its dis'ositor is in 11th house. ,urthermore, dominan#e of fiery signs, while natural benefi# in kendra and natural malefi# in u"achaya havas in#line one to #arry out own business rather subordinate others. In the middle age, he enDoys comfort of wife. &e "rogresses day y day. A female "rogeny was orn to him. But he is destined to have a male child too. Notes: /btainment of s'ouse is seen from kalatra karaka 5enus and )th lord. 5enus is in Cth house while )th lord Saturn is in <th kendra. 5enus in !ries is not a wel#ome 'la#ement but as'e#t of $u'iter u'on 5enus is augmenting its effi#a#y to bestow #omfort of wife. $u'iter and shukla'aksha 2oon in lagna ensure day by day 'rogress. Birth of female #hild is also mentioned by Bhrigu reading. Santaana karaka $u'iter 8who also lords Gth house9 is sitting along with female 'lanet 2oon. 2oreover, Sun 8another 'lanet for :udging offHs'ring in nadi astrology9 is with 5enus, 2er#ury and 0etu. These #ombinations signifies female #hild. Yet, native will have a male #hild, nadi informs. $u'iter is however with 2oon, but it is in 3eo as#endant, whi#h is a male sign. Similarly dis'ositor of $u'iter, i.e., Sun is also o##u'ying in a male rashi. Sin#e 2ars and 2er#ury are in mutual re#e'tion therefore result of said 'lanetary e;#hange a##rues too. !##ording to +. . +ao, SunO2arsO5enus in trine to $u'iter in fiery tri'li#ity, is a yoga for obtainment of male 'rogeny. At the age of 58, /5, /0, /;, =4, =5, and ==, and even later tooL he sees "rogress and "ros"erity. Notes: !ge 1=, %1, %<, %), "(, "1, and "" are narrated as years of 'ros'erity. 3et&s de#ode them through Bhrigu Cha+ra %a**hati. 8See footnote 59

:)e o1 3rosperity !ge 1= 8se#ond #y#le9 !ge %1 8se#ond #y#le9 !ge %< 8se#ond #y#le9 !ge %) 8third #y#le9 !ge "( 8third #y#le9 !ge "1 8third #y#le9 !ge "" 8third #y#le9

ro% ;eo ;a)na @HH4a'ri#orn CHH!ries 1%HH4an#er "HH3ibra @HH4a'ri#orn )HH!Luarius CHH!ries

ro% :ries @HH5irgo CHHSagittarius 1%HHPis#es "HH emini @HH5irgo )HH3ibra CHHSagittarius

In above table, given years are #ounted from 3eo as#endant as well as from !ries 8first sign of natural Fodia#9. ,rom 3eo lagna 8where 2oon and $u'iter are also residing9 all the mentioned years of age #oin#ide with mutable signs 84a'ri#orn, !ries, 4an#er, 3ibra9 e;#luding age "1 that be#omes )th house 8!Luarius9 from 3eo lagna. .hereas #ounting from !ries, all the benefi#ial years fall in dual signs e;#luding age "1 that #oin#ides with 3ibra. This is indeed an interesting #oin#ident. But #onsidering !ries 8as origin of Bhrigu 4hakra9 #arries more weight. Sin#e from 3eo lagna, 1=th year #orres'onds to the sign 4a'ri#orn. !nd 8seemingly9 it may not indi#ate a year of #omfort and 'rogress 8see footnote %9 due to following reasons. a9 4a'ri#orn is a dushtana bhava 8@H9 from lagna and its lord is a fun#tional malefi# b9 4a'ri#orn is as'e#ted by Saturn #9 4a'ri#orn is as'e#ted by 2ars d9 4a'ri#orn is devoid of any benefi#ial as'e#t or o##u'ation .hereas, #ounting signs from !ries, yields satisfa#tory results. ,rom !ries, 1=th year falls in 5irgo. It is the %nd house from lagna, 2oon and $u'iter, while its lord 2er#ury makes an e;#hange with 11th lord 2ars. In a similar fashion, Sagittarius is eLual to %1st year. In given #hart, Sagittarius is the benefi# Gth house, and its lord $u'iter is as'e#ting Sagittarius. 2oreover, Sagittarius also holds the !rudha 3agna 8!39. *e;t in line, Pis#es signifies the age %<. It is, however, falls in =th from 3eo lagna, but its lord 8$u'iter9 is natural and fun#tional benefi# and dwells in lagna. emini stands for the age %) in above 8tabulated9 Bhrigu 4hakra. It is 11th house from lagna, whose lord 2er#ury is forming an e;#hange with yoga

karaka 2ars. But 3ibra 8that #orres'onds to age "19 a''ears a deviation from dis#ussed 'rogression. *onetheless, it is o##u'ied by +ahu, but its lord 5enus is in Cth house and dire#tly as'e#ting the 3ibra 8"rd house9 dire#tly. -O ShukraP Because of his earlier 9aana .donations and voluntary services1 and 9harma .following righteous "ath1, he was orn .in this life1 with raDa yoga. Get, there still remains a shadow of sins all the time. &is "revious sins are not allowing his raDa yoga to function smoothly, Dust like clouds do not allow Sun to manifest its light fully. &e has to carry the urden of evils. Notes: !##ording to *adi reading, the native was born with ra:a yoga. There are many favourable 'lanetary #ombinations in his #hart. 2oon with Gth lord $u'iter in friendly sign, e;alted lord of lagna in Cth house, asso#iation of lagnesh Sun with 1(th lord 5enus, and e;#hange of Cth and 11th lords are some of the #hoi#est yogas. Yet, these #ombinations are not free from affli#tions. ,irstly, Saturn #asts its full as'e#t not only on lagna, but also on 2oon and $u'iter. Se#ondly, +ahuH 0etu a;is has seiFed the 'otential of e;alted Sun. !nd thirdly, yoga karaka 2ars does not feel at ease in 'arivartana with its dire enemy 2er#ury. +esultantly, native e;'erien#es flawed effe#t of yogas. &e and his wife encountered difficulties in childhood and younghood. $hen uneH"ected destruction of wealth followed. &e has to leave his home town .for somewhere else1 and work there. Notes: Both 5enus and )th lord Saturn are in signs of 2ars. Hen#e some adversity to s'ouse is indi#ated. Homeland or hometown is signified by <th house. 2ars, the lord of <th is in trine to +ahu. Similarly karaka 5enus and lord of lagna Sun is o''osite to +ahu. This is a #ommon yoga for dis'la#ement from hometown or leaving for abroad. -O ShukraP 9ue to meritorious actions .of "revious life1, he is a man of virtuous thought. Get, he could not o tain the "romised "rogress. Notes: 2oon I the karaka of mind I is in 3eo lagna, with Gth lord $u'iter. This renders one a man of virtuous thought. But due to dire#t as'e#t of malefi# Saturn, 'romised results #an not mature. So, he .the native1 asks a 7uery what is ordained to him. &e heeds this "ro"hecy with the name of &ari, on Shukla"aksha $uesday of %arthika month. Lord Shukra asks) Should the native "erform chanting and donations, in order to a ate sins of "revious life and live "eacefully henceforthF Lord Bhrigu re"lies) &e must offer the following "ackage of donation, as soon as "ossi le. (ative should ow to My .Bhrigu1 'rantha and 'rantha of #aa"aka Brahmin. Collowing donations should offer to My 'rantha #aa"aka Brahmin. 9etails of donation areL gold) 5= tola and 0 maashaL silver) /3 tola and 8 maashaL money) 5=5 ru"eesL clothes) 54 suitesL vessels) = "ansL and mantra) MritiyuDana 'ayatari /<4,444 times. If the %shatriya finds una le to "erform these remedies, then he may follow u" to 5I0th of aforementioned set of remedies.

Notes: ,rom here onward, *adi a##entuates to follow #ertain rituals and offer 'res#ribed 'a#kage of donations. In above 'aragra'h, tola and maasha 8or masha9 indi#ate olden measures of weight in India. 1 tola P 1% masha P 11.@) gram, and 1 masha P = ratti P (.C) gram. -n fulfilling "rescri ed remedies, his "ast sins will eliminate and "resent life s"an will elongate. $here will not e any fear of short life. &is fortune will rise and wealth will enhance day y day. Birth of male "rogeny will also occur in his home. &is three sons and twoI one female children will survive. All ty"es of "ossessions will s"read y lea"s and ound .as a result of "erforming mentioned remedies1. In etween the age of =;!04, 0=!0<, 0;!<4 and from <4 to 3; years, native will enDoy various sorts of enefit and "rogress. Notes: The age interval ")H<(, <"H<G, <)HG( and from G(H@) may de'end u'on favourable transit of Saturn, as it is the only 'lanet that stays about % to " years in a Fodia#al sign. There is no referen#e of native&s birth details, or of #om'lete "rashan time. If one assume 'rovided horos#o'e as birth #hart and #onsider Saturn in S#or'io then from age ") to <(, transit Saturn would so:ourn in !Luarius 8o''osite to radi#al $u'iter9, from age <" to <G in !ries 8trine to radi#al $u'iter9, and from age <) to G( in emini 811th to radi#al $u'iter9. /bserve that all mentioned intervals of age fall in the <th #y#le of transit $u'iter 8that a''ro;imately be#omes year ")H<=9. /n the other hand, Saturn is lo#ating in <th from $u'iter. This is a very sim'le, but rare te#hniLue of fore#asting. 8See footnote =9 Mven if there a""ears any adversity then offering $ula 9aana will act as "anacea. Notes: $ula 9aan is a s'e#ial remedial measure to ward off evils and in#urable adversities. $ula literally means manual balan#e or s#ale. It is an offering 8in#luding grains, foodstuff, oils, 're#ious metals et#.9 eLual to the weight of individual. In olden days, royals 8es'e#ially ra:as and mahara:as9 used to offer $ula 9aan in terms of gold and silver at s'e#ial o##asions. If his wife comes across any affliction then chanting MritiyuDana will "rovide relief, and if his sons encounter any trou le then Shiva PooDan will resolve all "ro lems. Eealth will increase due to off s"ring. All kinds of comfort and lessing of Ishwara will o tain. And native will live comforta ly for rest of his life. &is off s"ring will earn res"ect, skill and intelligence. (ative will uild his own house and get enefit from his sons. At the age of <4, all kind of "eace will accrue to him. .-ffering "rescri ed1 daana will cause success in every venture and strengthen nativeOs wisdom. &e will follow the Bhakti .i.e. universal "ath of love1 in later "art of life. &is longevity will e around 8/ 8see footnote <9. &e will die in %rishna Paksha Eednesday of ?yestha month. Culfilling .dictated1 donations "romise "aradise to native and neHt irth in %shatriya caste. &e will orn again near the ank of 'anges, in the town whose name with the J'@, to the father@s name with the J$, and with the name from letter JP@. It will ha""en, if and only if, native carries out daana. Accom"lishing daana ensures all kinds of comfort in this mundane life and an eHalted "lace in heaven.

Notes: The last 'art of reading mainly #om'rises remedies, e;#e't the #lue of longevity. It is foretold that native will live u' to =% years. In other words, horos#o'e ensures long lease of life. Ayu karaka Saturn o##u'ies kendra and free from malefi# as'e#t or asso#iation. $u'iter, as lord of =th house, is well 'la#ed in lagna. The se#ondary indi#ator of longevity, i.e. lord of "rd and 1(th 8i.e. 5enus9 is in benefi# Cth house. 2oreover, there is no 'lanet in marakasthan or dusthana. !''arently, these all 'lanetary dis'ositions 'romise good s'an of life. However, for longevity, most of the nadi dis#ourses also weigh the relative 'ositions of +ahuQ0etu with res'e#t to Deeva karaka $u'iter and karma karaka Saturn. ootnote 1: ,or formation and a''li#ation of Bhrigu 4hakra Paddhati, vide earlier volumes of Sa'tarishis !strology. ootnote 2: The !rudha of 1=th year 84a'ri#orn9 goes in the %H of 'rofession and wealth and its lord 2er#ury goes in the CH of bhagya with karaka Sun who is e;alted with "3 of Purushartha 5enus & 1(th lord of 4areer 5enus though +ahu 0etu a;is would not give a smooth sailing in this year. IS! ootnote 3: ,or a detailed e;'osition of Planetary 4y#les 8 raha Prayaya9, 'lease see writings of +. . +ao, 4.S. Patel and Srinivasan Shastry. ootnote 4: The native will be =% years in %((), we at Sa'tarishis !strology Team met him in %((C 2ay, at that time he told us that all the 'redi#tions in this reading was true e;#e't the longevity 'art, he said he has gone beyond the 'res#ribed longevity and that may be due to his daily hours of re#itation of a Shiva mantra that he does at the lo#al tem'le. !ll the while we were talking to the native, we noti#ed his eyes for long and it a''eared that he had somehow be#ome a #hanged human at #ertain stage in life and when asked he attributed to his doing business in an ethi#al manner. +e#ent 'hone #all by S! team member #onfirmed that he was still alive. I S! :ppendi<: *adi Prashna reading 'hoto#o'y. 4li#k to enlarge.

Navamsa & Clue to Death More Charts

! fter we had written that arti#le on one of the te#hniLues of how to see death, we had forwarded it to some team members and some of our esteemed writers. Some feedba#k we re#eived in terms of more #harts and reLuest for e;'lanations on some #harts and if the te#hniLue worked on the #hart or not. Na,a%sa chart whi#h as 'er Bhuvan 9ee"ika is #alled the KChart o1 ruit o1 ;i1e! a huge #lue on what the navamsa is that has been missed. If one misses this ,ruit of 3ife te#hinLue then for rest of our life one would miss the #ruF of astrology. *ot only death but many other things #an be seen from the *avamsa. Some have taken this shloka from Bhuvan Jee'ika and 'assed it on as Param'ara knowledge 8knowledge from tradition9 but that is the sad 'art of astrology today where tea#hers do not like to Luote shlokas whereas :ust a few de#ades ba#k it was not 'ossible to write an arti#le or dis#uss in an astrologers assembly without Luoting shloka or an authority. The following three #harts were 'resented by Sandro Basilioli from Italy, a fantasti# resear#her on longevity te#hniLues to whom Indians should be indebted for reviving the Pravin $agad te#hniLue. Chart 1: =illes >illeneu,e ? or%ula 1 &ace 4ri,er

Before we test our te#hniLue, lets see some #lassi# #ombinations, =H of death has 2andi ulika it shows something sinister, then @3 of a##idents with =3 of death is in the %H of 'rofession along with kendradi'athi dosha 'lanet 2er and host of other #ombinations. *ow use the te#hniLue, =3 of death 2oon is with 5enus the @3 of a##ident with 2er, $u'iter , making all of them the death #ontenders. See these death #ontenders in the *avamsa #hart and in order to kee' it brief, one of the death #ontenders 5enus is in the "H of vehi#ular a##idents, $u'iter another death #ontender is in the sign emini 8vehi#ular a##idents9 with 0etu 8a##ident karaka9 and another death #ontender and karaka of #ommuni#ation 2er#ury is in the =H of death. 2oon the natal =3 is as'e#ting the 5enus the other death #ontender in the *avamsa #hart and he died on =th 2ay 1C=% in the !ntardasa of 5enus. Chart 2: 8u((ard@ ;. &on

Hubbard, 3. +on the founder of the S#ientology +eligion. ! #ontroversial man during his times whi#h makes his #hart a wonderful study for astrologers. *ow use the te#hniLue =3 in +asi #hart is 2er sitting in the <H of heart with karaka of heart Sun, as'e#ted by 2oon who sits in the house of Sun thereby giving the Sun 2er #ombination more 'ower. 2oon is also the @3 of diseases from the <H of heart. Thus 2er, Sun and 2oon be#ome #ontenders of death in the *avamsa and their you would find two of them Sun and 2oon in the <H of heart. The other #ontender 2oon =3 of +asi is with $u'iter in JC. Hubbard suffered a stroke on 1Q1)Q=@ whi#h left him debilitated and bedridden, with his s'ee#h badly im'aired. He died at his 4reston, 4! ran#h at =6(( P2 on 1Q%<Q1C=@. He got his heart atta#k in $u' 2J and Sun !J and died in the same. Chart 3: Aa%es 4ean@ :%erican :ctor

!meri#an a#tor, an instant star in 1CGG who was nominated for the Best !#tor /s#ar for his role in D?ast of ?den,E whi#h was followed by D iant,E 1CG@. He be#ame a timeless #ult favorite for D+ebel .ithout a 4ause,E 1CGG,a title whi#h he a''arently a##e'ted as his 'ersonal banner. =H has 2oon and =3 5enus is with Saturn 8=3 from <H of vehi#les9 and as'e#ted by $u'iter who is dis'ositor of =3 and is sitting with !@ 8a##idents9, Pluto 8dramati# a##ident9 in the sign of emini 8vehi#ular a##idents9. *ow see these #ontenders of death 2oon, 5enus, $u'iter and Saturn in the *avamsa #hart. ?u"iter 8note9 sits in the <H of vehi#les, 2oon is with kendradi'athi dosha graha Mercury 8note9 & $rue Rahu 8note9 as'e#ting the =H thereby forming relation, Saturn is in the 1%H of e;it and bad a##idents and 5enus the +asi =3 of death is in the )H of maraka house in *avamsa in sign emini whi#h indi#ates loss through vehi#les. He was killed in a wild auto a##ident #aused by s'eeding in his Pors#he S'yder on CQ"(Q1CGG 8%Gth year9 on the highway near 4holame, 4!. He died in $u'Q+ahuQ2er. $u'iter, +ahu and 2er have been shown as #ontenders as death in the above 'aragra'h. BC3 If he had a Bhrighu 4hakra Paddathi !strologer seeing his %G th year, he would have #al#ulated it and seen that the B4P ,o#us year for the %G th year #omes in the 1H and its lord $u'iter is in the <H of vehi#les with !@ 8a##idents9, ulika and in sign emini 8loss via vehi#les9 then $ames Jean would have been advi#ed to stay away from vehi#les but #an an astrologer #hange ,ate with has been asso#iated with the 'lanet Pluto. Chart 4: 0riter This #hart belongs to one of our writers.

The =H has 0etu and the =3 2ars is with $u'iter and +ahu in sign of 3ibra whi#h denotes se;ual organs. The dis'ositor of all this is 5enus who is with != 8#hroni#9. These #ontenders of death 0etu, 2ars, $u'iter and +ahu must be observed in the *avamsa, $u'iter again is in the sign of 3ibra 8'rivate 'arts9 as'e#ting the =H where the =3 2ars of +asi has gone in the =H of very 'rivate 'arts. The native was dete#ted with Testi#ular 4an#er in the year %(("Q%((< when 5enusQ5enus was o'erative. Chart 5: 4haru 3eene Se ;i,er $hara( 8ota 8ain It means KThe ?ffe#ts of drinking al#ohol s'oils the liver& I this was a famous dialogue said by the Su'erstar !mitabh Ba#h#han in a movie. The dialogue delivery was a master'ie#e whi#h #aught the fan#y of the nation and everyone till date re'eats it. This #hart was sent by another team member of man whose liver has been removed and is a medi#al mira#le. .e have so far not 'ut in #harts where karaka is to be seen for death and was waiting for it to be in the ne;t issue.

Some debate that $u'iter is not the karaka for liver, but liver is s'oilt due to heavy drinking and al#ohol is re'resented by +ahu and +ahu infa#t gets debilitated in $u'iters sign. See the natives #hart the =3 is $u'iter and debilitated and 2oon is 'la#ed who is dis'ositor of !@, Saturn as'e#ts the =H. Thus there are " #ontenders $u', 2oon and Saturn, see it in the *avamsa. $u'iter is 'la#ed in the =H of death in JC and Saturn is 'la#ed in 3ibra denoted lower stoma#h region with 2er who denotes the @H regions of ones body. He was dete#ted with 3iver 4irrhosis and sin#e last % years his liver has been removed and he is still alive, a medi#al mira#le among do#tors who are #onfused as to how he is still alive. !s you #an see $u'iter and Saturn are two #ontenders and both in +asi and *avamsa $u'iter is in Saturn sign making the dasa of $u'iterQ Saturn or SaturnQ$u'iter an event marking dasa. In $u'iterQSaturn he was dete#ted with 3iver 4irrhosis and in 2ay %((C within that same !J his liver was removed.

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