Ministerul Educa Iei I Cercet Rii - Serviciul Na Ional de Evaluare I Examinare

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Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare


Proba scris la Limba Englez
L1 Intensiv
Varianta 58
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

30 points


10 points

Read the text below and sum it up in 50 words.

When musing on cities over time, from the first (whenever it was) to today, we must always
remember that cities are artifacts. The organic environment is born and dies and is reborn
endlessly, beautifully, and completely without moral constraint or ethical control. But cities, despite
the metaphors that we apply to them from biology or nature, are artificial. Nature has never made a
city, and what nature makes that may seem like a city - an anthill, for instance only seems like
one. It is not a city. Human beings made and make cities, and only human beings kill cities, or let
them die. We enjoy believing that there are forces out there determining our fate, natural forces - or
forces so strong and overwhelming as to be like natural forces - that send cities through organic
biological phases of birth, growth, and decay.
We avoid the knowledge that cities are at best works of art, and at worst ungainly artifacts,
and that we control the creation and life of a city by the choices and agreements we make. When
people chose to settle, like the stars, not wander like the moon, they created cities. Now stasis and
proximity, not movement and distance, define human relationships. Mutual defense, control of a
river, or harbor, shelter from natural forces may lead people to aggregate, but once congregated,
they then live differently and become different.
A city is not an extended family, a tribe or clan. A city is a collection of disparate families
who agree to a fiction: they agree to live as if they were as close in blood or ties of kinship as they
are in physical proximity. If a family is an expression of continuity through biology, a city is an
expression of continuity through will and imagination.
b. Identify the theme of the fragment and comment on it. Use evidence from the text to
support your ideas. (100 words)
20 points

30 points

a. Identify any possible errors in the following sentences. Tick the correct sentences, if
10 points
1. Nobody wanted to come with us, did he?
2. Theres someone at the door. It can be the postman.
3. They painted the outside of their house by some men.
4. I wish I came with you last week!
5. My older sister is studying Dutch this year.
b. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given, and so that the meaning stays the
same. Do not change the word in bold.
10 points
1. Id rather eat at home than at a restaurant.
2. You really should learn to drive.
3. Please, listen to me!
4. We must do our homework by tomorrow
5. Helen considers Jason her best friend.
Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv


Varianta 58

Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare

c. Translate into English.

10 points

1. L-am ntrebat unde locuie te i dac merge acas cu trenul.

2. Nici ploaia, nici vntul nu l-au f cut s renun e la c l torie.
3. A fi vrut s ascult concertul la radio dar am fost prea ocupat i l-am pierdut!
4. Nu are rost s ncerci s i explici problema atta vreme ct nici m car nu a citit lec ia.
5. mi vopsesc ma ina la un garaj n apropiere.

30 points

Write a narrative essay that ends with the following sentences: Everybody is sleeping now.
They couldnt even have guessed how close they had been to a disaster! (300 words / 30 lines)

Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 58

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