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UNIT I Envisioning Architecture The Architecture Business Cycle, What is Software Architecture, Architectural patterns, reference models, reference

architectures, architectural structures and views. Creating an Architecture Quality Attributes, Achieving qualities, Architectural styles and patterns, designing the Architecture, Documenting software architectures, Reconstructing Software Architecture. UNIT II Analyzing Architectures Architecture Evaluation, Architecture design decision making, ATAM, CBAM. Moving from one system to many Software Product Lines, Building systems from off the shelf components, Software architecture in future. UNIT III Patterns Pattern Description, Organizing catalogs, role in solving design problems, Selection and usage. Creational and Structural patterns Abstract factory, builder, factory method, prototype, singleton, adapter, bridge, composite, faade, flyweight. UNIT IV Behavioral patterns Chain of responsibility, command, Interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento, observer, state, strategy, template method, visitor. UNIT V Case Studies A-7E A case study in utilizing architectural structures, The World Wide Web - a case study in interoperability, Air Traffic Control a case study in designing for high availability, Celsius Tech a case study in product line development, TEXT BOOKS: 1. Software Architecture in Practice, second edition, Len Bass, Paul Clements & Rick Kazman, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. Design Patterns, Erich Gamma, Pearson Education,


Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Academic Year 2013-14

Week-wise Lesson Plan

Academic Year: Faculty Member: Subject: Code: Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Week 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Period 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2013-14 UMA MAHESH JANNI SADP UNIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Semester: Designation: Class: M.Tech I Year Assistant Professor CSE

# of periods/week: Topic The Architecture Business Cycle What is Software Architecture Architectural patterns, reference models reference architectures, architectural structures and views. Quality Attributes, Achieving qualities Architectural styles and patterns, designing the Architecture Documenting software architecture Reconstructing Software Architecture. Architecture Evaluation, Architecture design decision making ATAM, CBAM. Software Product Lines Building systems from off the shelf components Software architecture in future. Software architecture in future. CBAM. Pattern Description , Organizing catalogs , role in solving design problems Selection and usage Creational and Structural patterns Creational and Structural patterns Abstract factory,


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builder factory method, prototype singleton, adapter, bridge composite, faade, flyweight. composite, faade, flyweight. Chain of responsibility, , command, Interpreter, iterator , mediator, memento , mediator, memento observer, state, strategy, template method, visitor. template method, visitor. A-7E A case study in utilizing architectural structures The World Wide Web - a case study in interoperability , Air Traffic Control a case study in designing for high availability , Celsius Tech a case study in product line development, , Celsius Tech a case study in product line development, The World Wide Web - a case study in interoperability ATAM, CBAM. Reconstructing Software Architecture. reference architectures, architectural structures and views Software architecture in future. , Creational and Structural patterns



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5 1,2 important topics 2,3 important topics 3 important topics 3,4 important topics 4,5 important topics 4,5 important





Abstract factory, Creational and Structural patterns



Chain of responsibility, factory method, prototype



, command, Interpreter, iterator



A-7E A case study in utilizing architectural structures, The World Wide Web - a case study interoperability

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