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Amnesty International Australia ABN 64 002 806 233

Role Requirements
Role Title: Team: Location: Manager !u"er#isor: $ate %riginal &re"are': (lassi)ication: *ours: Tenure: Expansion Coordinator (EC) Activism Perth Activism Support Coordinator (ASC) 7 August 2013 Unpaid vo unteer ro e !"# hours per $ee% ($i increase during & $ee% ) 'ovem(er 2013 ) *arch 201! (! months)

&rimary %+,ecti#e-s. +he Expansion Coordinator is responsi( e ,or the p anning and imp ementation o, a student activist recruitment pro-ect. +he aim is to get a group o, students at the Edith Co$an Universit/ (ECU) to esta( ish an Amnest/ campus group in their universit/. +his $i (roaden Amnest/ presence and strengthen its human rights impacts. Re"orting Relations/i" +he incum(ent reports direct / to Activism Support Coordinator. Amnesty International Australia Team +he Activism +eam he ps the organisation create human rights impact (/ supporting our existing activists and engaging potentia activists. +his is done through deve oping activism support s/stems0 creating activism too %its0 providing ogistica support ,or action groups1 events0 providing advice on campaigns0 coordinating vo unteer recruitment and o,,ice administration management. 0ey Tas1s 2mmersion 2 Attend induction and other training events organised in the o,,ice. 2 3rom 'ovem(er unti 4anuar/0 shado$ an active action group and (or) o,,ice vo unteer team to gain insights into Amnest/1s campaign and activism $or%. Campus Engagement 2 Esta( ish and maintain a strong re ationship $ith %e/ contacts at ECU *t. 5a$ e/0 inc uding the 6ui d0 re evant 3acu t/ sta,, and academics. 2 7e the main point o, contact ,or the campus communit/.

Amnesty International Australia

P anning and eva uation 2 8or% together $ith the ASC to deve op and eva uate recruitment campaign goa s. 2 Attend $ee% / meeting $ith the ASC. +eam eadership and management 2 8or% together $ith Expansion Coordinator Assistant and Expansion +eam mem(ers to deve op and imp ement activist recruitment strategies and tactics. +his inc udes organising and running &"8ee% sta 0 de ivering in,ormation sessions0 (u % emai ing through re evant universit/ channe s0 ea, eting0 and etc. 2 Coordinate tas% and pro-ect a ocation in the team. 2 Coach0 mentor and train team mem(ers. 6enera administration9 2 :espond to emai and phone ca s in a prompt and pro,essiona manner. 2 &ther administrative duties as re;uired. 0ey relations/i"s Internal 2 Activism Support Coordinator. 2 Communit/ &rganiser. 2 <o unteer Coordinator 2 <o unteer Coordinator Assistant. 2 Activists (group conveners). 34ternal 2 6enera pu( ic. 2 Universit/ communit/. Learning %""ortunities: 2 Experience o, eading and managing a team o, peop e to achieve organisationa goa s. 2 &pportunit/ to gain %no$ edge in human rights campaign and activism. 2 6ain s%i s in running non"pro,it organisation0 especia / in the area o, pu( ic in,ormation0 vo unteer management0 and pu( ic engagement. 2 2ncreased understanding o, internationa human rights issues. A""lication &rocess P ease send resume and cover etter addressing se ection criteria (e o$. =ead ine o, app ication is 8 No#em+er 20536

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Amnesty International Australia

!election (riteria &lease a''ress t/ese selection criteria in your a""lication6 :e;uired attri(utes9 2 Commitment to Amnest/ 2nternationa 1s vision and human rights va ues. 2 &pen to earning. 2 :e ia( e. 2 :esi ient. 2 +a%e initiatives. 2 >igh / organised. :e;uired a(i ities and s%i s9 2 6ood communication s%i s. 2 A(i it/ to $or% independent / and as part o, a team. =esira( e9 2 Current student at ECU. 2 *edia ? *ar%eting ? 2nternationa :e ations ? Pu( ic :e ations ? Po itics ? Socia sciences @ Arts (ac%ground. 2 Previous organisationa experience that provided eadership and management s%i s.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bou must have va id $or% rights in Austra ia to comp ete an internship ? vo unteer program at A2A. P ease (e a$are that Amnest/ 2nternationa Austra ia does not provide vo unteers ? interns $ith An/ monetar/ a o$ances or remuneration ,or vo unteer internships Accommodation or accommodation a o$ances An/ assistance in organising visas or comp eting visa app ications
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