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Practical F F T C Technology

Postharvest PT2004-04

Packaging technology for horticulture products

orticulture commodities (fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals) are highly perishable. Therefore, proper postharvest technology is needed to prolong their shelf life. Semi-processed technology is a postharvest technique in between fresh handling and processing. The purpose of semi-processed technology is to minimize processing of horticulture products through the use of packaging method.

! To maintain freshness. ! To stimulate consumer's interest.

Materials and equipment

In packaging vegetables and fruits, products should be in good condition. Following are the materials and equipment needed: ! Vegetables and fruits, such as chili, tomato, maize and jackfruit; ! Chlorine solution 100 ppm and 200 ppm; ! Calcium chloride (CaCl2) 300 ppm and 0.75%; ! Washbasin, tray, spoon; ! Cutting board; ! Filter; ! Styrofoam plate; and ! Stretch film plastic/ wrapping plastic.

Benefits of packaging
! To avoid microorganism contamination (inhibiting fermentation process/decay). ! To decrease contact with air (suppressing oxidation process).

Fig. 1. Vegetables and fruits in wrapping plastic

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) 5F, 14 Wenchow St., Taipei 106, Taiwan ROC Tel.: (886 2) 2362 6239 Fax: (886 2) 2362 0478 E-mail: Website: FFTC: An international information center for small-scale farmers in Asia Cooperating agency for this topic: Indonesian Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Riau Province, Indonesia Fax: 62 0761 674206 E-mail:

Packaging method
! Sterilize equipment (knife, spoon, etc.) and hand by soaking in washbasin containing chlorine solution (100 ppm) for 15 seconds. ! Soak cleaned vegetables in chlorine solution (200 ppm) for 20-30 seconds. ! Drain materials for 30 seconds.

! Re-soak vegetables in washbasin containing calcium chloride (300 ppm) for 15-30 seconds. ! Re-drain vegetables for 30 seconds. ! Re-soak vegetables once more in calcium chloride (0.75%) for 5-10 seconds. ! Re-drain vegetables for 30 seconds; ! Lift and arrange vegetables on styrofoam plate and cover with stretch film plastic/ wrapping plastic (Fig. 2).

Sterilizing equipment (Chlorine solution 100 ppm, 15 seconds)

Soaking (Chlorine solution 200 ppm, 20-30 seconds)

Draining (30 seconds)

Soaking (Calcium chloride solution 0.75 %, 5-10 seconds)

Draining (30 seconds)


Wrapping/packaging with wrapping plastic

Fig. 2. Flow chart of packaging technique for vegetables

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