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Madu Hutan Riau

Darius Grade 8.2 02/09/13

Madu Hutan Riau is found on the island of Andalas. It is not as easy to be found as usual honey. Since forest honey isnt found in honey farms like usual honey. Where you could just get into your suite and harvest the honey. Since it is harder to find forest honey then usual honey the price range would be about Rp 60,00080,000.

Since forest honey is produced in forests it would be more cleaner then usual honey. Even though honey never spoils, forest honey is more cleaner then usual honey because there would be no air pollution in forests. Forests Honey is also free from fertilizers. Because of the fact above. The quality of forest honey is better the usual honey.

Benefits For The Economy and Nature

Forest Honey is also a good way to balance the economy and nature since Riau forest honey is sold all around the globe, and needs forest for the place where it would be produced. So it is a green way to earn money. In place of selling palm oil that needs large spaces of lands that were mostly forests. Meaning deforestation!

Benefits For Sicknesses

Forest Honey is a great way to heal many sicknesses since it would be a great way to heal your throught when you are sick.
Pure honey is very useful as it can heal diseases such as osteoporosis (brittle bones), cough, indigestion, sore throat, migraine (headache), heart, teething, treat insomnia, burns, and reduce abdominal cramps, anemia, healing wounds (with topical), and others.

It is also good for pregnant women, fetal growth, breastfeeding mothers, stamina and immunity adults and children, as well as beauty and skin health.

Side Effects
As stated before Forest honey is not as easy to find as usual money. That might be a bad fact but the good fact is that the price tags would be more expensive then usual honey.

A bee hive in the forest that produces forest honey

Forest honey of Andalas is also known to be very watery since it consist of 3 % more water then usual honey. This is because it rains commonly on Andalas. That explains why the honey is so watery. Forest Honey consists a total of 24% water. While usual honey only consists of 21% of water.

1. MLA: Copyright 2013. Alihherbal 2013. 28/08/13. 2. MLA: 02/12/12. Herbaten 2012. 28/03/13. 3. 4. mble_in_the_jungle1/ Earthisland Copyright 2013. Earth Island 2013. 02/09.13

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