British Monarchy Lesson Plan

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Name: Grigore Ancuta Elena Date: Grade: Intermediate Class: VIIth No. of students: 13 Topic: Great ritain !chool: !coala Gimna"iala #eucusesti$ com %reutesti -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson aims: By the end of the lesson SWABT 1. to enrich &oca'ular( ). to rise the interest for ritish ci&ili"ation 3. to ac*uire information a'out monarch( in ritain +. to ac*uire ,no-ledge a'out ritish histor( and geograph( .. to de&elop interrelations and intrarelations s,ills /. to de&elop reading s,ills Materials: 0or,sheets$ 'lac,'oard$ laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT ! T" 1: Warm #$ Aim: to create a rela1ing atmosphere Pro%ed#re: & ntera%tion & Timin' The teacher -rites do-n the a'sents and as,s the & & students a'out their da(. !he 2o,es -ith the !s. 3 T 4 !s & ( & & & & ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT ! T" ): Che%*in' the $re+io#s lesson Aim: to refresh the !s memor( Pro%ed#re: The !s read the home-or, and as, for e1planations if necessar(. The T. ma,es sure that the !s understand e&er(thing. & & & & & !5T & & & 3 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT ! T" (: ntrod#%in' the ne- lesson Aim: to learn a'out ritish histor( and geograph( to rise the interest for ritish ci&ili"ation

to enrich &oca'ular( to 'e a'le to anal(se one6s -or, Pro%ed#re: The T. announces the su'2ect. The !s are encouraged into 3 a 'rainstorming acti&it( on ritish politics. The T. gi&es information 3 T 5 ! onl( if as,ed '( the !s. The T. gi&es the -or,sheets and presents the 3 7nited 8ingdom on the map. The !s are acti&e participants in the 3 !s 4 T presentation. 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT ! T" /: Pra%ti%e Aim: to de&elop reading s,ills to learn a'out monarch( in ritain to de&elop interrelations and intrarelations s,ills to de&elop recepti&e and communicati&e s,ills Pro%ed#re: After the T. gi&es the -or,sheets -ith the ritish succession 3 the !s read it and the( ha&e a !INE#G acti&it( on the te1t. The( 3 fill out the grid and as, the T. for help -hene&er necessar(. 3 !5! on their des, so it is an eas( acti&it(. 3 !s 5 T 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT ! T" ,: Pra%ti%e 0 nter+ieAim: to de&elop recepti&e and communicati&e s,ills to enrich imagination and creati&it( to de&elop interrelations and intrarelations s,ills to enrich &oca'ular( to 'e a'le to anal(se one6s -or, Pro%ed#re: The !s choose one ! from t-o groups to sustain a 2o' 3 inter&ie-. The T. gi&es the *uestions and the !s are free to gi&e 3 their o-n responses. There are no -rong ans-ers. The T. -ill 3 !5! inter&ene onl( if the !s as,. At the end of the inter&ie- the T. 3 -ill ma,e the grammatical corrections if necessar(. 3 9ole pla(: one ! is the *ueen and the others are the 3 su'2ects. The !s -ill ta,e turn in 'eing the *ueen. The( are gi&en possi'le orders or punishments as e1amples then the( -ill use their imagination at -ill. The( -ill ha&e a lot of fun: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1OMEWO23: 0rite a short composition a'out ;ueen Elisa'eth II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEXT LESSON: <'ligation 3 necessit( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 3 3


< !: A doua parte a activitii conine fiele cu regina Elisabeta II, citite, discutate, urmate de nc un joc de rol.



New information = Different information 4 Not known (more) info > Known information


House of Stuart
Name Portrait Birth / Be'ruar( 1//. !t. CamesDs %alace daughter of Cames II and Anne E(de Marria'es George of Denmar, !t. CamesDs %alace )F Cul( 1/F3 1@ children 5eath Claim

Anne 1 ?a( 1@A@51 August 1@1+

daughter 1 August 1@1+ of 8ensington Cames II %alace H ill of aged +G 9ights 1/FGI

House of Hanover
The Eano&erian succession came a'out as a result of the Act of !ettlement 1@A1$ passed '( the %arliament of England. In return for access to the English plantations in North America$ the Eano&erian succession and the 7nion -ere ratified '( the %arliament of !cotland in 1@A@. After the death of Anne -ith no li&ing children$ George I$ the son of !ophia of Eano&er$ granddaughter of Cames VI of !cotland and I of England through his daughter Eli"a'eth of ohemia$ -as the closest %rotestant heir to the throne.






S#%%ession ri'ht

4eor'e 1 August 1@1+ 5 11 Cune 1@)@

)F ?a( 1//A #eineschloss son of Ernest !ophia Dorothea of Augustus$ runs-ic,4 Elector of #uene'urg4Celle runs-ic,4 )1 No&em'er 1/F) #Jne'urg ) children and !ophia of Eano&er

11 Cune 1@)@ <sna'rJc, aged /@

son of !ophia of Eano&er$ granddaughter of Cames I K VI

4eor'e 11 Cune 1@)@ 5 ). <cto'er 1@/A

3A <cto'er 1/F3 Eerrenhause n ). <cto'er 1@/A Caroline of Ans'ach son of 8ensington )) August 1@A. George I and %alace F children !ophia aged @/ Dorothea of runs-ic,4 #uene'urg4 Celle

son of the preceding

House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Although he -as the son and heir of Victoria$ Ed-ard VII inherited his fatherDs names and is therefore counted as inaugurating a ne- ro(al house. Name Ed-ard ! )) Canuar( 1GA1 5 / ?a( 1G1A Portrait Birth Marria'es 5eath S#%%ession ri'ht

G No&em'er 1F+1 Ale1andra of uc,ingham Denmar, %alace !t GeorgeDs son of Victoria Chapel and %rince 1A ?arch 1F/3 Al'ert of !a1e4 / children Co'urg4Gotha

/ ?a( 1G1A uc,ingham %alace aged /F

son of the preceding

House of Windsor
The house name 0indsor -as adopted in 1G1@$ during the Birst 0orld 0ar. It -as changed from !a1e4Co'urg4Gotha 'ecause of -artime anti4German sentiment in the 7nited 8ingdom. S#%%ession Name Portrait Birth Marria'es 5eath ri'ht

4eor'e ! / ?a( 1G1A 5 )A Canuar( 1G3/ Ed-ard ! )A Canuar( 5 11 Decem'er 1G3/ Ha'dicatedI 4eor'e ! 11 Decem'er 1G3/ 5 / Be'ruar( 1G.) Eli6a7eth / Be'ruar( 1G.) 5 present

3 Cune 1F/. ?arl'orough Eouse son of Ed-ard VII and Ale1andra of Denmar, )3 Cune 1FG+ 0hite #odge son of George V and ?ar( of Tec,

?ar( of Tec, !t CamesDs %alace / Cul( 1FG3 / children

)A Canuar( 1G3/ !andring ham Eouse aged @A

son of the preceding

0allis 0arfield !impson )F ?a( 1G@) ChLteau de ois de CandM oulogne 3 Cune 1G3@ aged @@ no children

son of the preceding

1+ Decem'er Eli"a'eth o-es4 / Be'ruar( 1FG. #(on 1G.) !andringham 0estminster !andring 'rother of the Eouse A''e( ham preceding son of George )/ April 1G)3 Eouse V and ?ar( of ) children aged ./ Tec, %hilip of Greece )1 April 1G)/ and Denmar, ?a(fair 0estminster daughter of daughter of the A''e( 4 George VI and preceding )A No&em'er Eli"a'eth 1G+@ o-es4#(on + children


NI declare 'efore (ou all that m( -hole life$ -hether it 'e long or short$ shall 'e de&oted to (our ser&ice and the ser&ice of our great imperial famil( to -hich -e all 'elong.6 5 ;ueen Eli"a'eth II NI cannot lead (ou into 'attle. I do not gi&e (ou la-s or administer 2ustice 'ut I can do something else 4 I can gi&e m( heart and m( de&otion to these old islands and to all the people of our 'rotherhood of nations.6 5 ;ueen Eli"a'eth II. Name: ;ueen Eli"a'eth II 8#ll Name: Eli"a'eth Ale1andra ?ar( Born: April )1$ 1G)/ at 1@$ ruton !treet$ #ondon Parents: George VI and Eli"a'eth o-es4#(on 1o#se of: 0indsor As%ended to the throne: Be'ruar( /$ 1G.) aged ). (ears Cro-ned: Cune )$ 1G.3 at 0estminster A''e( Married: %hilip ?ount'atten

Children: %rince Charles$ %rincess Anne$ %rince Andre- and %rince Ed-ard C#rrent A'e: F. (ears She has 2ei'ned for: .F (ears %rincess Eli"a'eth Ale1andra ?ar( -as 'orn in #ondon on )1 April 1G)/O she -as educated pri&atel($ and assumed official duties at 1/. During 0orld 0ar II she ser&ed in the Au1iliar( Territorial !er&ice$ and '( an amendment to the 9egenc( Act she 'ecame a state counselor on her 1Fth 'irthda(. <n the death of George VI in 1G.) she succeeded to the throne -hile in 8en(a -ith her hus'and and -as cro-ned on ) Cune 1G.3. The reign of ;ueen Eli"a'eth II since 1G.) has spanned a period of rapid and occasionall( tur'ulent change. ritain6s position in the -orld$ her econom($ and the &er( shape and structures of societ( ha&e all 'een transformed and man( traditional institutions ha&e suffered in the process. Through all this$ the path of the Cro-n has 'een mar,ed out '( The ;ueen herself$ in a prolonged displa( of un-a&ering de&otion to Dut( and *uiet pragmatism -hich has met a nationall(4felt need$ and has -on her the respect and affection of her peoples. As hereditar( head of !tate for Great ritain and Northern Ireland$ and Eead of the Common-ealth$ she has s(m'olic and formal functions and duties 'ut no direct po-ers. !he is an em'odiment of national identit( and continuit( and$ -ith her famil($ performs countless formalities to mar, e&ents in the li&es of indi&iduals and communities and pro&ides &alua'le patronage for innumera'le charities. !upported '( %rince %hilip$ Du,e of Edin'urgh$ to -hom she -as married on )A No&em'er 1G+@$ The ;ueen is head of a large famil(. The first child of the ro(al marriage and the current heir to the throne is %rince Charles$ the %rince of 0ales$ -ho -as 'orn on 1+ No&em'er 1G+F and -as in&ested as %rince of 0ales at Caernar&on Castle on 1 Cul( 1G/G. Ee married #ad( Diana !pencer H%rincess DianaI on )G Cul( 1GF1O t-o sons -ere 'orn to the marriage$ %rince 0illiam$ 'orn )1 Cune 1GF) and %rince Eenr( HEarr(I$ 'orn 1. !eptem'er 1GF+. Eo-e&er$ the marriage 'ro,e do-n and a di&orce follo-ed. These trou'les$ together -ith the di&orces of %rincess Anne and the Du,e of Por,$ -ere seen '( some to diminish the monarch( in pu'lic esteem. The death of Diana$ %rincess of 0ales on 31 August 1GG@ in a car crash in %aris unleashed a -a&e of h(steria stirred up '( the media$ and the famil( had to suffer relentless intrusion '( the -orldDs press into their li&es. Eli"a'eth II is no- the longest reigning ritish monarch since ;ueen Victoria$ and The ;ueen6s Golden Cu'ilee in )AA) -as cele'rated -ith enthusiasm and displa(s of lo(alt(. The %rince of 0ales$ after suffering a period of unpopularit($ has sho-n resilience and -illingness to meet the pu'lic half4-a( in its ne- mood. Eis long4 esta'lished concern for the disad&antaged sections of societ($ and support of a Ngreen6 en&ironmental issues$ has ena'led him to meet on common ground man( -ho might 'e put off '( grandeur and pomp$ -hile his e&ident de&otion to his t-o sons %rince 0illiam and %rince Earr( has -on him a real measure of respect. Initiall( unpopular his -ife Camilla has sho-n herself to 'e capa'le in her support. %rince Charles6s -illingness to accept change is also reflected in the institution of the monarch(. This has altered significantl( in recent times -ith The ;ueen6s decision to pa( ta1$ changes 'eing made to the Ci&il #ist$ and the opening of uc,ingham %alace to the pu'lic to help fund the restoration of 0indsor Castle. De'ate a'out the future of the monarch( continues$ 'ut the 9o(al Bamil( has sho-n itself -illing to contemplate e&olutionar( change$ and the

Cro-n of ritain has entered the second decade of the t-ent(4first centur( -ith rene-ed &igour and fresh purpose. %lanning is in place for )A1) to cele'rate 'oth the <l(mpics in ritain and the Diamond Cu'ilee of the ;ueen6s /A (ears on the throne. 9#een Eli6a7eth II 'ecame ;ueen of the 7nited 8ingdom and Eead of the Common-ealth on Be'ruar( /$ 1G.). !he is head of the ritish 9o(al Bamil($ has + children$ F grandchildren and 1 great4grandchild. !he is the 3)nd great4granddaughter of 8ing Alfred the Great -ho -as the first effecti&e 8ing of England F@14FGG. <n )1st Decem'er )AA@ she 'ecame the oldest reigning ritish monarch ha&ing outli&ed her great4great4grandmother ;ueen Victoria -ho died ))nd Canuar( 1GA1 aged F1 (ears. <n 1)th ?a( )A11 ;ueen Eli"a'eth II 'ecame the )nd longest reigning monarch in o&er 1$)AA (ears of ritish Eistor(. !he -ill ha&e to reign until 1Ath !ept )A1. -hen she -ill 'e FG (ears old to reign longer than her great4great4grandmother ;ueen Victoria -ho reigned for /3 (ears and )1/ da(s from 1F3@41GA1. !ee ritish 8ings K ;ueens '( #ength of 9eign. Eer eldest son %rince Charles -ill 'e /) (ears old on 1+th No&em'er )A11. The ;ueenDs hus'and %rince %hilip$ Du,e of Edin'urgh$ is GA (ears old and cele'rated his GAth 'irthda( on 1Ath Cune )A11. Ee is the longest e&er ser&ing 9o(al Consort. <n )Gth April )A11 the ;ueenDs grandson %rince 0illiam$ -ho is )nd in line to the throne$ married Catherine H8ateI ?iddleton in 0estminster A''e(. The( are no- the Du,e and Duchess of Cam'ridge. Eli"a'eth II is ;ueen of the 7nited 8ingdom of Great ritain and Northern Ireland$ and Eead of the Common-ealth of Nations. Great ritain -as formed 3A+ (ears ago '( the Act of 7nion 'et-een England and !cotland on 1st April 1@A@. As -ell as the 7nited 8ingdom$ she is ;ueen of Canada$ Australia$ Ne- Qealand$ Camaica$ ar'ados$ the ahamas$ Grenada$ %apua Ne- Guinea$ the !olomon Islands$ Tu&alu$ !aint #ucia$ !aint Vincent and the Grenadines$ Antigua and ar'uda$ eli"e$ and !aint 8itts and Ne&is$ -here she is represented '( Go&ernors4General. The si1teen countries of -hich she is ;ueen are ,no-n as Common-ealth 9ealms$ and their com'ined population is 13+ million. !he is Eead of the Common-ealth of Nations comprising .+ mem'er states in North America$ !outh America$ Europe$ Asia and <ceania. The aims of the Common-ealth include the promotion of democrac($ human rights$ good go&ernance$ the rule of la-$ indi&idual li'ert($ egalitarianism$ free trade$ multilateralism$ and -orld peace. The ).1 'illion people in the mem'er states account for almost a third of the current -orld population. Eer reign of o&er more than half a centur( has seen 1) %rime ?inisters of the 7nited 8ingdom$ and numerous %rime ?inisters in the Common-ealth 9ealms of -hich she is Hor -asI also Eead of !tateO 'et-een them she has had a total of 1+A %rime ?inisters during her reign. There ha&e 'een 1) 7! %residents during her reign.


Possi7le orders
ring me a glass of -ater: ring me a chair: Gi&e me an apple: 0ater the flo-ers: <pen the -indo-s: 8iss m( hands:

Possi7le $#nishments
8neel 'efore me: Get out of the room: ?assage m( feet: Com' m( hair:


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