Pepper Seedling Propagation by Single Internode: PT2004-06 Practical Technology

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Practical F F T C Technology

Fruit and vegetables PT2004-06

Pepper seedling propagation by single internode

ropagation of pepper plant is usually performed vegetatively using cutting from the vines. This method is simple, and the quality of the plant is almost the same as that of its parent. The cutting material used is usually not too old or young, taken from about 1 m from the ground. The cutting is between 5 to 7 internodes in order to obtain much roots. However, this technique is not efficient since it takes more vines, and many of the seedlings do not survive. A technique to propagate pepper plant using oneinternode seedling with single leaf has been developed by the South Sumatra Indonesian Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (IAIAT). Technically, oneinternode seedling needs less refilling, has more generative branches to accelerate flowering, and is more expensive than that with 5-7 internodes.

The one-internode technique can provide large amount of seedlings in short term; minimize the use of plant materials; and growth and productivity are not much different than that with 5-7 internodes.

Seedling provision
The best pepper cutting originates from the vines. It can be obtained from production plantation or parental plantation. Cutting from production plantation can be taken after the plant has reached 6 months up to 2 years old. Meanwhile, cutting from parental plantation can be taken after the plant has reached 10 months up to 7 years old, and further every 5 months. The result of vine grafting in production plantation can also be used as seedling. After the cutting is obtained, then it is cut into one internode with one leaf left each.


Root Node
Fig. 1. Vines of pepper Fig. 2. One node cutting with one leaf

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) 5F, 14 Wenchow St., Taipei 106, Taiwan ROC Tel.: (886 2) 2362 6239 Fax: (886 2) 2362 0478 E-mail: Website: FFTC: An international information center for small-scale farmers in Asia

Cooperating agency for this topic: Indonesian Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology South Sumatra Province Fax. 62 0711 410155 E-mail:

Requirements of the vine cutting for seedling

! ! ! ! ! ! ! Half wooden; Climber stem has good growth and is strong; Each node has twining root; Leaf is dark green; Plant is about 6-month old; Axil has dormant bud; and Cutting must be up to 7 internodes.

Method for planting single internode

! Before transplanting the seedling, pollybag has to be carefully opened in order to prevent the soil from breaking. ! Plant the seedling in slant position toward the climbing pole and the vines are wrapped to the climbing pole. ! Apply temporary shelter in order to protect the seedling from direct sunlight. ! When the seedling has become strong enough, shelter can be removed.

One-internode cutting is obtained from the 7 internodes divided into 7 cuttings with one leaf each left. To stimulate rooting growth, stimulant substance could be used. Then the cutting is grown in pollybag (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 3. Nursery of one-node cutting

Fig. 4. One-node cutting in pollybag

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