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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Bruce Lipton: The Biology of Belief, Fall 2009

Please use the following citation format: Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, Fall 2009. (San Francisco State ni!ersit": SFS Spea#er $rchi!es. http:%%www.sfsu.e&u%'holistic%(elcome.html (accesse& )) **, ++++,. -ote: Please use the actual &ate "ou accesse& this material in "our citation.

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

.olistic .ealth http:%%www.sfsu.e&u%'holistic%(elcome.html Bruce Lipton: 1he Biolog" of Belief, Fall 2009 1ranscript

5Initial introduction has not been recorded6 7that ci!ili8ation as we ha!e #nown it is coming to a !er" a9rupt en&7 !er", !er" soon. $n& the significance is, "ou loo# out an& "ou see all the crisis, we can tal# a9out it : glo9al warming. (e can tal# a9out the foo& in&ustr" that "ou;!e <ust hear& a9out. (e can tal# a9out the political uphea!al, the healthcare crisis, an& we can go on an& on an& on. $n& then "ou tr" to sa", well 0 mean, it;s li#e all of it is coming at one point. $n& the reason wh" is 9ecause the" are s"mptoms of something that is so profoun&l" important an& such a ma<or uphea!al that;s coming so =uic#l" that actuall" the 9oo# is written out, that are put out, that;s calle& Spontaneous 3!olution Because within a !er" short time, within 2 "ears, ma"9e e!en within a few months. 3!er"thing the wa" the worl& has 9een running is going to turn upsi&e &own. 0t;s going to 9e 9lown awa". 0t;s going to 9e !er" e>citing? $n& the reason wh" it;s important for "ou is this: 1here are the generations calle& the @, +, A: the alpha9et generation B which 0 assume we;re all a part of. $n& the rele!ance a9out the alpha9et generation is that there was a &iscontinuit" 9etween the pre!ious generations. 3!er"thing up to the pre!ious generation was C+eah, m" chil&ren are going to &o 9etter than 0;m going to &o an& we;re ma#ing a worl& for m" chil&renD 1hen of course when parents own fi!e B)(;s an& a mansion for two people an& a #i&, an& it;s har& B how is that #i& going to grow up an& &o 9etter than thatE $n& so it;s !er" interesting 9ecause the" reach the point where "our prospects seem li#e: C.ow the" hell can 0 #eep up with itE 0 can;t e!en pa" the rent, 0;m ha!ing trou9le getting the foo& co!ere& an& e!er"9o&";s tal#ing a9out how the #i&s are alwa"s going to &o 9etter than the parentsD

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t;s o9!iousl" for awhile, that it;s not e!en going to loo# that wa", especiall" for "ou, an& wh" this is rele!ant is this: This is not a coincidence! 1his is part of an e!olutionar" uphea!al. +our role in it is actuall", guess what, to 9e &etache& from the structure. 1o not 9e part of the structure at all? $n& the reason wh" this is an important role for "ou is !er" simpl" this: +ou can;t ta#e &own the structure if e!er"9o&" is hol&ing onto the structure? 0f e!er"9o&" sai& C1his is the wa" we all wante&?D an& hel& onto the structure, the structure cannot change. But now we got nearl" F0G of the population an& that inclu&es "ou that are not part of the structure an& we can actuall" sa": C(ho caresED (ho cares what happens up there an& what all these people are &oing on (all Street an& the 9an#s (ho cares a9out thatE Because "ou;re not part of it. $n& it;s a goo& reason wh" "ou;re not part of it Because "ou &on;t ha!e an" reason to hol& onto this thing. $n& as a result as the change starts to come it will happen !er" =uic#l" 9ecause such a large portion of the population &oes not ha!e an" in!estment in this particular structure right now $n& "et wh" this is important is 9ecause when the uphea!al comes: it;s 9eing han&e& to "ou? $n& when the uphea!al comes, it;s also important for this: 0t ta#es "ou to a new le!el of thin#ing, gi!es "ou a &ifferent wa" of loo#ing at life. 1echnolog" that &oesn;t e!en e>ist at this moment. 200F B H0G of college gra&uates ha& <o9s when school en&e&. Last "ear, it was 20G an& it;s going &own lower. $n& the rele!ance is that the future &oesn;t offer "ou the <o9s that we;re ha!ing now But the future offers "ou new stuff that;s not e!en e!ol!e& at this moment But there;re so man" new <o9s, new in&ustries, an& new technologies e!ol!ing e!er"&a" So m" point a9out this is specificall" for "ou is !er" simpl" this +ou;re in a state of uphea!al. San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. I

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou feel &isconnecte& from the situation. 0t seems out of han&... $n& it is. $n& the realit" is that e!er"thing is in its right place You are in the right place for the ne>t e!olutionar" leap to come $n& 0;ll e>plain wh" the en& is coming $n& that;s 9asicall" 9ecause the reason wh" ci!ili8ation is coming to an en& $n& it;s actuall" an un&erstan&a9le reason So it;s not m"stical or metaph"sical or magical $n& it;s 9ase& on un&erstan&ing this: 1hat ci!ili8ations, li#e people, ha!e life c"cles $n"thing li#e an organi8ation li#e that grows 0t e!ol!es an& then &e!elops an& matures an& ultimatel" &eclines So when we tal# a9out a ci!ili8ation or an in&i!i&ual human o!er time what we can tal# a9out is a perio& of &e!elopment an& then a slope an& then a &ecline $n& what;s this reall" associate& withE 1he first phase of a chil&;s life or ci!ili8ation;s life is, in this &e!elopmental phase, is e>periment. 1hat;s what #i&s &o. 1he" go out an& tr" all &ifferent #in&s of things So when the ci!ili8ation, an& the "oung one that is forming right now, tr" things, tr" all new #in&s of things (h"E Because e>isting things &on;t wor# reall" well. So "ou tr" things that are new. /nce "ou start to esta9lish a wa" of life, then unfortunatel", the i&eas start to get !er" rigi&. So, <ust li#e parents, "ou grow up. 1he" were wil& as #i&s an& then the" reach the parent stage an& guess whatE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. J

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he" 9ecame !er" &amn rigi& an& there outloo# an& e!er"thing 9ecame C1hat;s <ust the wa" life isD $n& the" hel& on to that 9elief an& tr" to get "ou to conform to that when "ou were in "our e>perimental phase So the i&ea is this: 2i!ili8ation li#e parents grow up an& 9ecome rigi&. But when "ou 9ecome rigi& in a worl& that is &"namicall" e!ol!ing, nothing in the uni!erse sta"s the same. 1hat is the one truism B it;s alwa"s changing. So 9asicall" it sa"s this: .ow can "ou li!e into a future if "ou hol& onto a rigi& i&eaE 1he rigi& i&ea generall" causes challenges, the challenges from following these rigi& 9eliefs. 1hen cause us to &o whatE 2auses people to start pull out of the s"stem? $n& when the" start to pull out of the s"stem, the s"stem starts to &ecline $n& as it starts to go &own, the ol& 9eliefs fall awa". But guess whatE $s the ol& ones are going &own, something else is happening $ new one is 9eginning. So where are we to&a"E (e;re in this ci!ili8ation that is crashing at this moment with "ou as part of this ci!ili8ation that is mo!ing upwar&s right now. 1his has happene& repeate&l" through (estern histor". 0t has happene& o!er an& o!er again. So if 0 go 9ac# o!er (estern histor", 0 can tal# a9out there;s a perio& calle& $nimalism (hich is li#e the -ati!e $mericans, the &rui&s in 3urope, the a9origines in $ustralia, the 0n&ians in South $merica. $nimists. San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. F

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& then that wa" of life left an& turne& into pol"theism. $n& pol"theism, the man" go& things 3g"ptian, Komans, Lree#s an& all that. +eah, 9ut the Koman 3mpire fell as well. (hen the Koman 3mpire fell, it fell 9ecause monotheism came in as a new 9elief s"stem an& a new culture. 2hristian monotheism too# o!er the 9eliefs of pol"theism, an& then monotheism 9egan to crash. $n& when it 9egan to crash, it actuall" 9egan scientific materialism. 1he current !ersion of our culture to&a", an& it;s calle& scientific materialism for a reason an& 0;ll e>plain 0t has e>iste& an& now is in its &ecline an& the new one is 9eginning. +ou sa" what is the pattern hereE (hat &oes it representE (h" the patternE $n& the fact is C$h, that is a !er" interesting =uestionD Because here is an interesting answer $ll ci!ili8ation or culture is 9ase& on a set of 9eliefs $n& since the &awn of ci!ili8ation, since the &awn of humanit", people ha!e alwa"s felt there were two parts of the worl& that "ou li!e in. 1he ph"sical worl& that "ou see right here an& an in!isi9le worl& which has great influence o!er the !isi9le worl&. So we as earl" humans, first &eci&e& there were two realms B 1he ph"sical realm that "ou can see an& touch an& an in!isi9le realm. $n& o!er histor", what "ou are going to see is whether we 9elie!e more in the in!isi9le realm or whether we 9elie!e more in the ph"sical realm B these are the changes that are occurring. $n& wh" this 9ecomes rele!ant is 9ecause we;re in a process of change So if 0 sai& to "ou: C0 want to ma#e a chart, an& this is a chart that;s li#e a color gra&ient, the more "ellow it is the more "ou 9elie!e in spirit is primar"D Because 0 sai& if "ou were 9ac# in the ancient &a"s, some people sa" no 9ecause the material worl& is reall" what;s real an& that;s what "ou want to 9e in it San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. H

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& another group will go an& sa": 1he material worl& is get in "our face man, what "ou reall" want to 9e is in some in!isi9le place, somewhere else. 1hat;s the stor" of Mu&ism:monotheism isn;t itE 0sn;t the church;s stor" was the earth is &amne& the ph"sical worl& is a temptationE $n& what was the functionE 1o 9e here, to li!e out pla"s of moralit", to see if "ou;re worth" to go to the higher place, which is whereE -ot here $n& so that was the whole mission So the =uestion is: *o "ou 9elie!e in the spiritual realm as 9eing more &ominantE So 0 ma#e a gra&ient where no color is 8ero, an& when "ou get a full "ellow it;s a hun&re& percent. $n& 0 sa" in contrasting gra&ients is this: *o "ou 9elie!e in the material worl& as the primar" realit" that e>ists, an& 0 woul& sa" another gra&ient, 9ut it;s a re!erse gra&ient. 0f "ou &on;t 9elie!e in the material worl& "ou;re up here, an& if "ou 9elie!e the material worl& is primar", "ou;re &own here. -ow "ou loo# at the two gra&ients, an& actuall", 0 com9ine them together $n& when "ou com9ine them together, it loo#s li#e this: where the F0%F0 mar# is if "ou;re up here "ou emphasi8e the spiritual realm as 9eing more important than the ph"sical realm $n& if "ou;re &own here, "ou emphasi8e the material realm as 9eing the most rele!ant an& that spiritual ma" not e!en 9e e>istent? $n& so &epen&s on where "ou are on the chart $n& here;s what;s interesting (here "ou are on the chart, as this is where it all comes &own to, the realit" of what;s happening right now an& it goes li#e this 1here are things calle& the perennial =uestions 1hese I ma<or =uestions an& the perennial =uestions as# for thousan&s an& thousan&s of "ears $n& here are the I =uestions : the";!e 9een as#e& fore!er: 4, .ow &i& we get hereE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. N

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

2, (h" are we hereE I, .ow &o we ma#e the 9est of itE $n& "ou sa" what;s rele!ant a9out this an& here;s what 0;m going to tell "ou

1his is a fact?

$ ci!ili8ation fin&s answers to these =uestions from some source

$ single entit", an organi8ation or whate!er gi!es an answer an& the group of "ou all sa" C+eah? 1hat soun&s reall" cool? (e 9elie!e that, that;s a reall" goo& oneD

(hen "ou accept the answers an& here;s the catch" part

(hen "ou accept the answers from some entit" or organi8ation an& the" pro!i&e answers an& "ou accept that.

.ere;s the fun part.

+ou ma#e them the truth:pro!i&er for "ou culture an& for "our ci!ili8ation

(hoe!er gi!es "ou these answers, the" are also the source of "our truth.

So if "ou want to fin& out an"thing "ou sa" C(ho ga!e me the answersE 0 want to go 9ac# an& get the other things 0 want to #now from themD

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So whoe!er pro!i&es answers that the group accepts then that entit" or organi8ation is the truth pro!i&er for that ci!ili8ation

1he" pro!i&e us with the 9asic para&igm meaning the 9asic fun&amental i&eas of a ci!ili8ation

(here &o "ou get the cultural, fun&amentall" 9elief of how to operate a ci!ili8ation fromE

1he answers to these =uestions

So 0 sa", what &o these representE

Let;s ta#e a loo# at it o!er time an& see how it;s change& an& where we are on the map

So 0 go 9ac# o!er 40,000 "ears ago an& 0 fin& that we;re at the center of the map.

1his is the animism one, li#e the -ati!e $mericans let;s sa". /#a"E

(hat;s rele!ant to themE

1he" 9elie!e in a spiritual an& material worl& e=uall" !ali& at the same time entangle& an& not separa9le.

+ou want to hunt a &eerE

+ou 9etter pra" to the &eer;s spirit, 9ecause the &eer;s spirit is as !alua9le as getting the &eer itself

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1hat e!er"thing ha& spirit to the 0n&ians.

1he rain&rops ha& spirit, the roc#s ha& spirit, the animals, the people ha!e spirits?

$n& "et, "ou coul& ne!er separate the spirit from the matter so it wasn;t li#e spirit was primar"

-o, matter an& spirit were one an& the same

0t was 9alance&

+ou sa" what were the answers to the =uestions that the animists, in li!ing in a worl& of harmon" 9etween spirit an& matter, how &i& the" answer the =uestionE

.ow &i& we get hereE

)other 3arth an& Father S#"

1hat soun&s so m"thical an& almost 9i9le tal# an& so on

-o it isn;t.

0t;s actual truth an& 0;ll tell "ou wh"

+ou;re ma&e out of organic chemistr" which ma#es "ou separate from the earth an& the &irt an& the soil an& all the other stuff that is calle& inorganic chemistr" o#a"E

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

But "ou sa", what;s organic chemistr"E 0t;s when "ou ta#e soil, earth, mineral, inorganic chemistr" an& fuse it with light from the sun.

$n& that causes organic chemistr"

+our 9o&ies are ma&e out of a mi>ture of molecules from the earth an& energ" &eri!e& from the sun

$n& that;s what enli!ens the earth material

So organic is an enli!ening material, where &oes it come fromE

+ou ph"sicall" came from mother earth, that;s where the chemistr" came from, 9ut until the" were enlightene& 9" the sun the" weren;t ali!e an"wa"s

$n actuall" true stor"

(h" are "ou hereE

1he" saw it as a ten&ing of the gar&en

)eaning, #eeping harmon" an& 9alance in the en!ironment, which is a goo& i&ea

$n& how &o "ou &o itE

+ou <ust li!e in 9alance with nature?

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(hich was a won&erful i&ea, an& in fact supporte& these people for thousan&s an& thousan&s of "ears

.owe!er, a9out J,000 or so "ears ago, there was a change.

$n& that change le& to pol"theism, an& notice that we are mo!ing towar&s a more spiritual worl&.


Because here;s what pol"theists &i&

Pol"theists too# the spirit out of "ou?

1oo# the spirit out of rain&rops, too# the spirit out of e!er"thing else, an& what &i& the" &o with itE

1he" ma&e go&s.

$n& the go&s were separate from the material worl& So we separate matter an& spirit, an& we gi!e emphasis to the spirit collecti!es as go&s

$n& that 9ecomes important 9ecause people lost their spiritual connection at this point

Because the spirits were now separate& from them an& so we are all see#ing spirit 9ut it was outsi&e

+ou sa" how &i& we get here an& the pol"theists answer the =uestion

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& the" sai& C(e came from chaosD

-ow wait a minute, the other one sai&, "ou #now, Father S#" an& )other 3arth, what a9out this oneE

(ell, it;s interesting 9ecause we come from chaos is the =uantum mechanics un&erstan&ing the 9ig 9ang

$n& all the matter came from the chaos of energ" an& 9lew up an& B//)? .ere;s all the matter

So the" ha& a &ifferent answer

But then wh" are we hereE

1hat was a trou9lesome =uestion

0f it was chaos, 0 can;t gi!e "ou a reason wh" we;re here, it <ust sort of came out of the chaos?

+eah, 9ut how &o "ou ma#e the 9est out of itE

(ell, the pol"theists ha& a goo& thing 9ecause the go&s coul& transform their shapes

-ow all of a su&&en the" woul& li!e in a worl& where the" woul& tell "ou that the person sitting ne>t to "ou coul& 9e a go& an& "ou &i&n;t #now if it was or not

So what was "our choiceE

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(ell if "ou treat e!er"9o&" as if the" were a go&, then that means "ou;& ne!er offen& the go&s an& that "ou;& pro9a9l" li!e happil" with e!er"9o&" else as well

So that was the nature of life in pol"theism


But then, it change& again. $n& this time when it changes, we actuall" go &eeper into the spiritual realm

$n& that;s where monotheism comes in

$n& what &oes monotheism &oE

(ell, pol"theism separate& "ou from spirit, well spirit, here;s a 9unch of go&s an& here;s "ou o!er here

-ow what &i& monotheism &oE

0t sai& that all the go&s that were o!er here are actuall" <ust one go& an& guess whatE

.e &oesn;t e!en li!e on the planet an"more

So 9asicall", not onl" ha!e "ou 9een separate& from "our spirit, spirit is also now not e!en part of the worl& that we li!e in accor&ing to the 9elief s"stem?

$n& the rele!ance a9out that is that it changes the wa" we respon& to life San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 4J

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So instea& of monotheism of where how we got hereE

*i!ine inter!ention B that go& put "ou here, an& that;s wh" "ou emphasi8e go& a9o!e "ou

Because go& was the creator an& "ou are here to li!e out pla"s of moralit"

$n& so accor&ing to the church, that the earth an& ph"sical realm were <ust something to ta#e "ou off the trac#

$n& that;s wh" the people li#e in /pus *ei, the catholic organi8ation, the" woul& 9eat themsel!es a lot


Because if the" re<oine& life, the" were too connecte& to the earth an& the" reall" want to 9e connecte& to the in!isi9le thing o!er there

$n& how &o "ou &o itE

+ou li!e 9" the laws of the 9i9le

-ow this shapes the worl& that "ou li!e in, e!er" culture an& 9elief.

$n& so, wh" is this rele!antE $n& the answer comes li#e this 0;ll tell "ou wh": $, 1he answers came from whoE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 4F

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he 2hurch Kele!ance, if "ou want an" truth a9out life, where &o "ou goE 1he truth:pro!i&er? (hich isE 1he church? $n& therefore the" shape the culture So thin# a9out it this wa" .ow, 0 mean, imagine it;s li#e Fri&a" night an& we got all C.e" e!er"9o&" come on &own to the par#, we;re going to 9urn a witch, an& it;s going to 9e e>citing?D $n& the realit" is, realit", loo# thin# a9out it? 1hat culture, families woul& go to witch 9urnings? $n& "ou thin# C.ow horri9le can that 9e?D -ot in their cultural 9elief 1heir cultural 9elief sai& that this is a witch +ou are &oing here a ser!ice 9" 9urning here 9ecause she is going to get closer to go&. So 0 mean, imagine the worl& is shape& 9" the 9elief s"stems an& the truth:pro!i&ers So we can go 9ac# an& sa" C+eah, we coul& <ust as easil" go 9urn some women no pro9lem an& all 9ecause we;re going to help them, an& e!er"9o&" shoul& 9ring their #i&s 9ecause we;re going to ha!e a goo& timeD So 9asicall", what 0;m sa"ing is now onl" &i& the" come up with the answer 9ut the" shape the wa" "ou li!e on this planet 1he issue a9out the church though 9ecomes !er" critical in this regar& Because the" claim something calle& C0nfalli9le Pnowle&geD +ou sa", what &oes that meanE (ell, #nowle&ge is power, that;s what it means (hat &oes infalli9le #nowle&ge meanE $9solute Pnowle&ge San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 4H

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& what &oes that meanE (hoe!er wiel&s it has a9solute power $n& that;s what the church wiel&e& $n& the pro9lem with a9solute power is that a9solutel" corrupts 1he church got so corrupte& in its power 9ase that it reall" cause& the schism 9etween the followers an& the church $n& this le& to a change in the 9elief s"stem $n& people starte& to come &own towar& the more material realm as a result of the Protestant reformation $n& "ou sa" C(h" are we mo!ing towar&s materialismED $n& the answer is 9ecause the Protestants came up an& sai& CLoo#, Lo&;s a lo!ing gu", an& whate!er this is, is that if "ou;re &oing goo& then Lo& will gi!e "ou some ph"sical things, "ou #now to"s an& thingsD $n& so getting matter is a reflection of li!ing in harmon" with go&, which is completel" &ifferent from the church;s monotheism where matter was a contaminant 1he Protestant reformation 9rought in the wor# ethic an& sai& C0f "ou wor# reall" har&, Lo& will support "ou an& gi!e "ou matterD So there was a preoccupation to come 9ac# an& &eal with matter as part of the worl& that we li!e in 0t &oesn;t change the para&igm 9ecause the answers to the =uestions &i&n;t change 1he";re still the same *i!ine 0nter!ention. Li!e out pla"s of moralit". Li!e 9" the laws of the 9i9le. .owe!er, after the protestant reformation, the corruption of the church, something new happene& $n& that new thing that happene& was the creation of science Science occurre& as a profession of the reformation of the church $n& the reason is 9ecause up to that point, it was a sin to go against the church;s 9elief s"stem so if a scientist e!er came up with another answer San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 4N

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0n that something a9out life that &iffere& from the church 1hat scientist woul& ha!e to go to the in=uisition an& then recant his sins an& then ma"9e 9e a9le to li!e So 9asicall", science &i&n;t ha!e an opportunit" until the reformation 1hat;s when the =uestioning of the church happene& 1hat;s when science came to rise as a profession 1he ne>t le!el of the e!olution was actuall" &ri!en 9" the science of this gu" 0ssac -ewton $n& wh" is that importantE $n& here;s what it sa"s $n& this is the rele!ance of science, so let me tell "ou the rele!ance of science 9efore we get off Science was see#ing truth But truth was pro!i&e& 9" the church, the" were the" official truth:pro!i&ers of ci!ili8ation So there was a pro9a9l" antagonism 9etween science an& the church when it got off the groun& But there was a &Qtente -ow wh" is the &Qtente importantE Because it shapes the worl& to&a" $n& here;s what was the &Qtente .ow can science sur!i!e in a worl& &ominate& 9" the church an& #nowle&geE $n& the answer was this: 1he" ma&e an agreement. Science woul& stu&" the ph"sical worl& an& lea!e the in!isi9le worl& to the church 1he metaph"sical worl&, the worl& of spirit an& all that stuff Science sa" CLoo#, we will not go there. (e will create scientific metho&olog", we will loo# for truth an& we will onl" 9e a9le to i&entif" truth 9" ha!ing something we coul& measure an& recor& an& o9ser!e.D $n& 9asicall" it sa"s C(ait, if science is 9ase& on measuring an& recor&ing an& o9ser!ing then its reall" restricte& to what "ou can see an& feel an& touch? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 4O

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he ph"sical worl&? So science sa"s C(e will not e!en go an& touch that in!isi9le si&e, we;ll <ust stic# here with the ph"sical worl&D (ell, the 9ig <ump in the ph"sical worl& came from 0saac -ewton for this reason 0saac -ewton create& mathematics calle& &ifferential calculus $n& using that math was a9le to map the mo!ements of the planets an& the solar s"stem an& accuratel" pre&ict their mo!ements $n& "ou go C(ell, what;s so 9ig &eal a9out thatED $n& the answer is this: Because up until 0saac -ewton there was alwa"s 9elief that the church was teaching that the hea!enl" spheres were controlle& 9" Lo& But 0saac -ewton create& an e=uation where he &i&n;t put Lo& in the e=uation 0t was <ust 9ase& on the ph"sical characteristics of the planets $n& he was a9le to pre&ict the mo!ements without in!o#ing Lo& $n& the rele!ance a9out thatE 3!er"9o&" stoppe& an& sai& C+ou can un&erstan& how the uni!erse mo!es an& operates without ha!ing Lo&;s han& to &o itED 0t;s a machine? So that was the concept that was esta9lishe& in 0saac -ewton;s era an& the wa#e of his &isco!eries that we stare& to loo# at the worl& as a machine? 0t;s mechanical? )a"9e we coul& un&erstan& it without 9ringing that Lo& stor" into the whole thing if we coul& <ust un&erstan& the ph"sical realm? But the point is (ell science was coming up with all new un&erstan&ings of the uni!erse But it hasn;t 9een a9le to ta#e o!er the 9asal para&igm $n& the reason is wh"E $n& the answer to that =uestion is 9ecause7 San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 49

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0t coul&n;t answer the first =uestion? (hat;s the first =uestionE .ow &i& we get hereE 1he church sai& we got here through Lenesis, the whole magic of the se!en &a" an& 9oom we;re all here $n& the rele!ance a9out that is science &i&n;t ha!e an" other answer Science coul&n;t come up with an"thing &ifferent than that So science was not a9le to ta#e o!er the 9asal para&igm e!en though it 9ecame the new source of #nowle&ge a9out the uni!erse in which we li!e& $n& it was 9ase& on materialism So the science that we are &ealing with is a science that was couche& an& 9ase& in the material realm 1hat sai& C(e stu&" the material realm, we &on;t stu&" that in!isi9le stuffD 1hat;s wh" the schism 9etween science an& religion Keligion sa"s C-o we focus on the in!isi9le si&eD Science sa"s C(e &on;t careD But this gu" comes into pla" an& that change& e!er"thing Because what happene& was 1he church, of course, was a &isgruntle& ol& hog an& mem9ers that were loo#ing for other answers an"wa" $n& it comes up that *arwin comes up with the theor" of e!olution on the /rigin of Species $n& what &oes he sa"E .ow &oes it come a9outE (ell he sa"s C(ell, "ou ta#e this &og an& this &og, one a girl an& one a 9o", an& 9oom, 9ring them together an& "ou mate them, an& "ou get a whole litter of puppies?D $n& e!er"9o&" goes C+eahD Because 9ac# in those &a"s, no tele!ision, no game 9o"s, what was the recreationE People were 9ree&ing plants an& animals an& that was li#e their ho99" San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 20

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So a !er" large num9er of the population was !er" familiar with 9ree&ing +eah, 9ut here;s what *arwin sai&: C+eah, 9ut "ou 9ring the &ogs together, the" each ha!e traits an& their traits are passe& on to their chil&ren, 9ut e!er" now an& then a weir& pupp" shows up B the runt of the litter or something strange that;s <ust &ifferent from all the restD $n& what he sai& was Cthese acci&ental ran&om &ifferences are precursors to other species if "ou 9ree& them an& #eep 9ree&ing them an& all their changes occur acci&entall", then one species will ultimatel" turn into another species?D (ell 9ac# in those &a"s e!er" goes CSure as hell that soun&s greatD (h" we grow plants an& animals, we see the weir& one show up e!er" now an& then, 0t;s not a 9ig step of the imagination to sa" that if we <ust #eep 9ree&ing weir& ones it goes off somewhere else So e!er"9o&" accepte& that 9ecause of a more practical realit" facts than the se!en &a" Lenesis stor" $n& so the" sai&, CLoo& i&ea? 1his soun&s more truthful than the church;s stor"D $n& so what happene& is $s science starte& to come in Luess whatE 1he cur!e starts mo!ing from the spiritual primac" an& then it crosses the 9or&erline (e sa" 0mportant point, this is wh" it;s important 9ecause we;re going to see this come up again +ou rea&"E 1he 9or&erline is 9alance 9etween spirit an& matter 0t is harmon" 0t is powerful $n& wh" was this point powerfulE Because when this 9elief showe& up at this time which was in the 4N00;s 1his 9elief of spirit an& matter 9eing one an& the same was calle& 1heism

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$n& "ou sa" where &i& that come fromE $n& the" sa" well, there was a philosoph" that change& the worl& that is calle& the $ge of 3nlightenment (ow? 0t was a whole philosoph" a9out a topian where e!er"9o&" coul& li!e in harmon" an& e!er"thing grows 9eautifull" an& life was <ust totall" 9eautiful an& 9eautiful 2ompare& to the time the" were li!ing in an& coming into this perio& $n& "ou sa" C(here &i& the $ge of 3nlightenment come fromED $n& this is reall" e>citing for me, ma"9e for "ou 0t came from principall" a gu" calle& Mean Mac=ues Kousseau $n& he wrote the philosoph" of the enlightenment $n& "ou sa" C+eah, 9ut where &i& he get the conceptED $n& here;s the <o#e: .e stu&ie& the $merican 0n&ians. .e stu&ie& the $merican 0n&ian wa" of life an& he sai& C)" go&, these people are li!ing off of the lan& an& the" li!e in harmon" an& the" lo!e each other an& the" get along an& the" create this won&erful lifeD $n& what was &ifferent a9out that than the life in sa" 3uropeE 0n 3urope that was a caste s"stem (here e!er" le!el of life "ou grew into 0f "ou were in the lower caste "ou coul& ne!er get out of that no matter what "ou &i& "our whole life 0f "ou were in the upper class, "ou were gifte& for "our whole life? So all of a su&&en "ou sa" 0n the 3uropean worl&, "ou coul&n;t go past "our class status an& that was it +ou were 9orn into it an& that was it But what was rele!ant a9out the $merican 0n&iansE 1hat "ou coul& create what "ou wante& to create San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 22

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1hat no one woul& limit "ou +ou were free to stan& on the lan& an& ma#e as much of a life as "ou possi9l" can with no caste s"stem r limitations $n& people thought that was so fa9ulous $ worl& where "ou can <ust go an& 9ecome "ourself an& &o the 9est "ou can $n& it was interesting 9ecause it was so calle& 1he -ati!e $mericans ha!e 9ecome in their language calle& C1he -o9le Sa!ageD 1he -o9le Sa!age was something that people aspire& to in 3urope an& it &ro!e them to come to the nite& States $n& their theists were more of a science spiritual practice of the thing 1heism sai& it was a science that -ature an& Lo& were one an& the same $n& "ou go CSo 9ig &ealD $n& 0 go C(ell, 9igger &eal than thatD 1he 9igger &eal is this, an& let me tell "ou who the theists were, the principle theists Leorge (ashington, 1homas Mefferson, Ben<amin Fran#lin, Mohn $&ams, 1homas Pa"ne, an& the lists goes on $n& "ou sa" C(ho were theseED 1he" foun&e& the nite& States $n& the rele!anceE 1he nite& States was not a 2hristian nation when it was foun&e& 0t was a theist nation, it &i&n;t &en" 2hristianit" an& it reall" sai& CLo for it an& go worship whate!er it is "ou wante& to worshipD But it was 9uilt on the principle of e=ualit" an& the 9alance of material an& spiritual $n& the whole essence of it was 9uilt from these people;s !ision of theism an& enlightenment an& the -ati!e $mericans $n& that;s wh", guess whatE 0t;s on the mi&line, the onl" pro9lem is that the" 9rought a lot of their 3uropean influences

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& so the" came here to emulate the 0n&ians an& ultimatel" #ille& all of the 0n&ians $n& so 9asicall", that was the !irus coming from the other countries that &estro"e& the nite& States at that point .owe!er, e!er"thing #eeps mo!ing $n& in 4NNH, the states was forme&, 9ut in 4OF9 2harles *arwin pu9lishes the theor" of e!olution $n& wh" is that importantE Because now, science has truths Science got some truths that the people sai& C0 9u" those truths more than the truths from the 2hurchD Kele!anceE 1he 2hurch has lost monotheism, starts to &isappear, the worl& is now ta#en o!er 9" scientific materialism $n& the" sa" C+eah, how &o the" answer the =uestionsE $n& here;s how the" &i& it: +ou got here through ran&om mutations /h "eahE (hat;s that meanE 0t means that it;s <ust an acci&ent that "ou;re here, it;s total li#e genetic &ice +ou shoo# the &ice an& "ou en&e& up here 1here;s nothing more than that +ou sa" C(ell, if that;s true, then wh" are we hereED 1he answer is, it was an acci&ent? 1here;s no reason for us to 9e here? But now that we;re here, we;re &ri!en to repro&uce So it seems that our main function is repro&uction? $n& the realit" is, wh" are we hereE 0t;s an acci&ent $n& then the last one, an& 0;m going to tell "ou the reason for all three of these an& wh" it shapes the worl& that we li!e in San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 2J

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he last one is that we li!e the laws of the 9i9le 9ehin&, which is monotheism, an& enter a worl& that is 9ase& on the laws of the <ungle (hoe!er is the gu" stan&ing at the en& is the winner -o matter how "ou got to 9e the fittest in this worl& +ou either use "our 9rain or "ou use an 8i 0t ma#es no &ifference? (hoe!er;s stan&ing is calle& the fittest So 9asicall" what &oes this mean a9out the worl& that we;re li!e inE (ell, num9er one it sa"s this 1here is no connection 9etween "ou, the en!ironment, an& nature (h"E (ell, "ou got here 9" acci&ent, an& so there wasn;t an" &irect connection 9etween "ou an& what "ou came from 1hat was <ust an acci&ent, "ou e!ol!e& acci&entall" $n& "ou sa" wh" is that rele!antE $n& the answer is this Because it &isconnects us from nature $n& 9" &isconnecting us from nature, gi!es us that thing that humans ha!e &one 0t;s li#e C$h, who caresE 1hrow "our gar9age in the ri!er, who caresE Pollute the stuff, there;s enough nature for e!er"9o&". *on;t worr" that the lions are going e>tinct 9ecause "ou can alwa"s go to the 8oo an& see a lion if "ou want to.D $n& the concept has ta#en us awa" from nature 1a#en us out of harmon" an& 9alance $n& most importantl", the last one is the #iller $n& "ou sa" C(h"ED Because the essence of the *arwinian 1heor" is that there;s a struggle for "our sur!i!al San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 2F

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1hat life is a struggle, it was 9ase& on totall" incorrect science 0t sai& that animals 9ree& faster than plants )eaning that the" repro&uce more $n& "ou sa" Cwh" is that rele!antED $n& 0 sa" thin# a9out it this wa" 1here;s a farmer .e grows a 9ushel of wheat in his "ar& an& if he wor#s reall" har& -e>t "ear, an& wor#s reall" har& ma"9e he;ll grow two 9ushels of wheat -ow if he really wor# s har& in the thir& "ear, ma"9e he can e!en ma#e three 9ushels of wheat $n& 0f he really really pushes it, ma"9e the ne>t "ear he can ma#e four 9ushels of wheat So one "ear one, secon& two 9ushels, thir& "ear three 9ushels, fourth "ear four 9ushels -ow "ou sa" C(h" is that rele!ant to the farmerED (ell, let;s sa" that he has cows .e has two cows in the first "ear, an& loo# wow, he has four cows in the secon& "ear 1hen he has eight cows in the thir& "ear an& si>teen cows in the fourth "ear $n& "ou sa" C(ait a minute, agriculture;s growing at a slope calle& 4,2,I,J,F arithmeticall", 9ut animals are &ou9ling their population geometricall"?D 2an "ou see where the pro9lem comes fromE 1he answer is (e;re going to ha!e too man" animals an& not enough foo& 1hat was the &ri!ing of the theor" of e!olution $ struggle for sur!i!al that all of us will not ma#e it $n& in this struggle, it;s 9ase& on competition $n& in this competition, who winsE 1he fittest one wins? So that sa"s, what is the culture of the worl& that we li!e inE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 2H

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0t;s a complete struggle for life:&og eat &og:rat race worl&:go out there fight an& struggle +ou may ma#e it, "ou ma" not ma#e it, no9o&" guarantees "ou an"thing But it is a struggle, that is one thing we;ll guarantee "ou $n& life woul& 9e &ifficult $n& guess whatE 0t;s all 9ase& on competition $n& the worl& is now separate& from nature an& competing against each other $n& guess whatE 1he ooool& tal# is coming 9ac# up 1oo man" people on the planet for the foo& suppl"? So what &o "ou thin# the science people in this 9elief woul& &oE )a#e more pro&uceE -o, the" recogni8e that it;s not going to grow as fast as the animals $n& the" want to eliminate the population $n& that is the scientific pursuit of 9rining harmon" 9ac# in a worl& 9ase& on scientific materialism So the rele!ance is this: Science comes in an& creates a fiel& of sciences (h" &oes this 9ecome importantE 0t;s all the sciences "ou stu&" are connecte& 9ecause all scientists are in the same fiel& 9ut the";re su9&i!isions $n& there;s a 9uil&ing 1he 9ottom 9uil&ing of the science 9uil&ing is mathematics +ou ha!e to ha!e math 9efore "ou &o science 1hat;s wh" -ewton coul&n;t pre&ict the mo!ements of the planets until he create& &ifferential calculus 1hen from the math, guess what "ou createE Ph"sics? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 2N

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+eah that;s the mechanism? Ph"sics means mechanisms 1hat;s wh" "ou sa" =uantum ph"sics, =uantum mechanics -ewtonian ph"sics, -ewtonian mechanics Ruantum, the ph"sics an& mechanism are the same wor& +eah, well if "ou un&erstan& the mechanisms than "ou can un&erstan& chemistr" 9ecause that;s the ph"sical worl& interacting with each other using the mechanisms from ph"sics +eah, 9ut there;s a whole 9unch of &ifferent #in&s of chemistr" (hen "ou get up to the top where "ou ha!e 9iochemistr" which whatE 0ntro&uces the nature of the 9iolog" sciences +eah, 9ut now that "ou un&erstan& 9iolog" Luess what, there;s a new science calle& ps"cholog" which is &eri!e& from 9iolog" 3!er"one of these is 9uilt on top of the prece&ing ones But here;s the rule an& wh" it;s important for the ci!ili8ation for "ou (hen a science on the lower tier changes the 9elief s"stem 1hen all the other sciences must incorporate that 9elief So 9asicall", e!er" science is ta#en in a little &eeper an& &eeper 9" re&ucing it more $n& the ultimate aim /nce "ou un&erstan& how it wor#s 1hen "ou ha!e something calle& &eterminism (hich means if "ou &on;t #now how it wor#s, "ou coul& pre&ict what;s going to happen 0f "ou coul& pre&ict it or mo&if" it "ou can then create pre&ictions So it sa"s we can create a utopian worl& if we #now how it wor#s First un&erstan&ing of this though is the concept of a min&:9o&" &ualit" $n& wh" is that importantE Because *escartes came up an& sa" there;s a min& an& a 9o&" an& the" are two &ifferent things San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 2O

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1he 9o&" is ph"sical, the min& is an energ", it;s an in!isi9le thing +ou can;t measure it, "ou can;t put it in a 9o>, it;s in!isi9le $n& "et the" connecte& them together .owe!er, when -ewtonian ph"sics too# o!er -ewtonian ph"sics sa" that the worl& is 9ase& on a ph"sical realit" 1hat this !ital force, this thing calle& a min& an& energ" of the 9o&" 2annot, in fact, not affect the material 9o&" 1he in!isi9le stuff, lea!e that to religion (e can un&erstan& the 9o&" 9" <ust ta#ing the chemistr" part an& un&erstan&ing the mechanics Ke&uctionism an& &eterminism So the" throw the min& out Science threw the min& out hun&re&s of "ears ago (h"E 0t;s an energ", it &oesn;t affect the material realm So that;s the concept of -ewtonian ph"sics 9ase& on matter onl" So that;s wh" me&icine &oesn;t reall" li#e tal#ing a9out the min& But it &oes li#e tal#ing a9out the 9o&" an& loo#s at the 9o&" as a machine $n& the" sa" that it;s 9asicall" a machine (h" is it rele!antE Because if "ou ta#e it apart an& un&erstan& how it wor#s 1hen "ou can ta#e that #nowle&ge an& then repair an"9o&";s 9o&" using the mechanism once we un&erstan& how it wor#s So science starts ta#ing the 9o&" apart $n& here;s the first thing the" fin& 1he 9o&" is principall" a structure ma&e out of protein 1he wor& protein means Cfirst elementD San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. 29

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1he first element of "our 9o&" is protein 1he protein molecules, ma"9e o!er a 4F0,000 of them, are li#e 9uil&ing 9loc#s that 9uil& "our 9o&" +ou li#e going to .ome *epot an& "ou want to 9uil& a #itchen +ou go in .ome *epot an& the" ha!e all these &ifferent parts an& faucets an& sin#s an& pipes !al!es an& all that (ell the protein are the parts +our 9o&" is ma&e out of protein So when "ou loo# in a mirror B protein machine +ou;re loo#ing at a protein machine, 9ut also here;s the catch Proteins mo!e 1he";re the molecules that can change shape $n& 0 sa" C-awD 0f a protein &oesn;t change shape an& the 9o&" is ma&e out of that protein 1hat;s calle& a ca&a!er $ ca&a!er is a protein 9o&", 9ut it &oesn;t mo!e? 1here;s no life? Life comes from changing shape, wh"E Because mo!ement comes from changing shape Proteins mo!e, an& 9ecause the" mo!e, the" create the functions calle& life So "ou;re a ph"sical protein in a functional protein mechanism (here &o proteins come fromE (ell, the 9lueprints come from the *-$ $n& wh" &oes this 9ecome rele!antE Because "our ph"sical characteristics are "our proteins? +our 9eha!ioral characteristics are "our proteins? So 0 sa" C+eah, what gi!es "ou the traitsE (here &o "ou get the characteristics fromED San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. I0

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t comes from "our proteins, 9ut "eah, 9ut who ma#es the proteinsE 0t;s a !er" comple> molecule 1he answer is: /h? *-$ is the 9lueprint for the protein +ou sa" Cthat;s reall" cool, so that m" *-$ is the co&e for m" ph"sical 9o&" an& m" 9eha!iorD $n& 0 go C+es it is.D +ou sa" C+eah , that;s interestingD Because we 9ought into a 9elief 9" Francis 2ric#, the foun&er with (atson B (atson an& 2ric#S the *-$ &ou9le heli> Francis 2ric# comes up with what is calle& the 2entral *ogma : this is what it;s calle& in a te>t9oo#. 0n science, what &oes it sa"E (ell, "ou;!e hear& the stor" 0nformation goes from *-$ to K-$ to protein Kemem9erE *oes e!er"9o&" remem9er the *-$, K-$, protein se=uenceE +es an& no come on 5$u&ience6 +es. /#a" so wh" is it rele!antE +ou;re taught that, an& listen to what it;s calle& in the 9oo# B 1he 2entral *ogma $n& "ou sa" C(hat &oes that meanE So whatE 0 go C-ah uh, 0 taught it for 4F "ears an& 0 ne!er loo#e& up the worl& T*ogma;D (hen 0 left the uni!ersit" 0 loo#e& up the wor& &ogma an& 0 was completel" 9lown awa" for se!eral reasons? .ere;s the &efinition of &ogma? $ truth, 9ase& on religious persuasion, an& not scientific fact. 0 was teaching religion in me&ical school for 4F "ears. $n& the realit" is wh"E Because that 9elief that "ou rea& a9out an& ha!e hear& a9out an& is pu9lishe& 49FO B was ne!er true. San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. I4

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t was a h"pothesis? +ou sa" C(hat &oes that meanED 0 sa" C0t was a suggestion?D $n& the" e>pecte& this answer, so when a suggestion came out e!er"9o&" went C(ell, that soun&s right.D $n& it comes from a 9oo#? 1hen it was 49HO, then 49NO, then 49OO 1hen it was 2,I generations, J generations +ear 2000? Still in the 9oo#. But guess whatE /!er J0 "ears, we let go of the fact that it was onl" a h"pothesis an& ne!er teste& an& ma&e into a truth 0t;s weir&, it;s the truth? So we accepte& something that wasn;t true an& is actuall" religious 9elief that "ou are programme& 9" "our *-$ $n& in this stor", the information goes from *-$, goes into K-$, which then goes into protein $n& "ou go C(h" is the arrows so 9ig &eal hereED 5Keferring to *-$ K-$ Protein6 $n& 0 go li#e this CBecause it sa"s information onl" comes from this &irectionD $n& "ou go C+eah, 9ut what the hell &oes that meanED 0 go C1his is "ou?D +ou;re "our 9o&", "ou;re "our protein (hat &oes it sa"E +ou, "our life, "our action on this planet in no wa" goes 9ac# up an& changes "our here&it" 0t sa"s that "our life is &isconnecte& from "our here&it" +ou;re gi!en "our here&it" an& "ou can;t influence it *o "ou un&erstan& what 0;m tal#ing a9outE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. I2

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+our life is here, 9ut "ou can;t alter "our genetics $n& "ou go C(ow, that;s reall" interestingD +eah, 0 call that !er" important 9ecause that;s the 9elief calle& the Primac" of *-$ which "ou rea& in the te>t9oo#s same meaning Primac" means first cause +ou tell me a9out "our pro9lem, an& 0;ll tell "ou a9out the first cause First cause is *-$, then all of a su&&en e!er"9o&" goes Call the genes an& "ou;re <ust a printout of all "our genesD +ou;re controlle& 9" "our genes. .as an"9o&" in this room hear& the phrase, C$ gene turne& on.D +esE KightE /#a", how a9out this oneE .a!e "ou e!er hear& the phrase, C$ gene turne& off.D (ell, let me tell "ou a simple truth 1his is li#e a 9ig <o#e? $ <o#e of e!er"thing? Lenes neither ha!e an on or an off Lenes are 9lueprints so the" coul& ma#e protein $n& "ou go C+eah, 9ut what &oes that mean BruceED +ou to an architect;s office, the architect;s wor#ing on a 9lueprint +ou lean o!er her shoul&er an& "ou sa" to her C3>cuse me, 9ut is that 9lueprint on or offED 5$u&ience laughter6 KightE She goes li#e "ou;re nuts, what the" hell are "ou tal#ing a9outE 1here;s no on or off, it;s a 9lueprint? $n& 0;m going, CPrecisel"? 3>actl"?D San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. II

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he truth is that *-$ is a 9lueprint an& there is no on an& no off $n& the" sa" C+eah, well that;s interestingD $n& 0 sa" that it sure as hell shoul& 9e interesting after "ou;!e 9een programme& an& "our famil" 9efore "ou has 9een programme& to 9elie!e that genes can turn on an& off an& regulate "our life 1hat "ou;re a !ictim of "our genes to fin& out that genes &on;t ha!e an on or off an& &on;t regulate an"thing 0n a worl& where the whole &amn thing is 9uilt on genetic regulation an& 0;m telling "ou the truth Lenes &o not control who "ou are But the pro9lem with that is that we 9ought into it $n& we ma&e a mo&el that;s calle& a me&ical mo&el of health $n& what is itE +ou are a 9iochemical machine, an& "ou;re controlle& 9" genes $n& "ou go what &oes all that en& upE (ell 0 sa" there;s nothing spiritual a9out "ou num9er one, -um9er two, "ou;re a mechanism ma&e out of chemistr" -um9er three, "ou;re controlle& 9" "our genes Kele!anceE 0f "ou;re 9ro#en, it has nothing to &o with "ou But "ou nee& some9o&" to fi> "ou $n& the rele!ance comes to this: 1he stor" as illustrate& in a couple of Life maga8ine right here 0t sa"s C(ere "ou 9orn this wa"ED $n& wh" is it rele!antE Because it is a 9elief in something calle& genetic &eterminism that "ou were programme& with 1he" still rea& a9out it in the newspapers to&a" C$ gene has 9een foun& to ha!e 9een associate& with this, an& a gene has 9een foun& to control thisD San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. IJ

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou hear& the stories 9ut the truth is are "ou geneticall" &etermine&E $n& the answer is no But "ou 9elie!e it $n& "ou sa" what;s the &ifferenceE $n& 0 sa" thin# a9out it this wa" $s far as "ou #now, &i& "ou pic# the genes that "ou came with, "es or noE 5$u&ience goes C-oD6 -o, 9ut if "ou &on;t li#e the genes that "ou ha!e +ou want to ha!e some &ifferent traits 2an "ou change the genes, "es or noE But loo# at it this wa" 0;!e gi!en a stor" that genes control "our life at the same time 0;m telling "ou &i&n;t pic# them, "ou can;t change them, an& the" control "ou 1hat ma#es "ou a whatE +ou;re a !ictim? /f here&it"? 0t;s alrea&" running in "our famil" 2ancer, &ia9etes, o9esit", $l8heimer;s7 0t;s li#e "ou;re in the famil", an& the genes are coming &own $n& "ou;re going wh" the" hell &i& "ou ha!e to 9e m" parents to pass this on to meE 5$u&ience laughter6 $n& the realit" was 9ecause "ou 9elie!e it $n& here;s wh" it;s rele!ant 0f "ou;re a !ictim what &o "ou nee&E 5$u&ience replies CKescuerD $ rescuer? .mph So that means this San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. IF

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Kather than trusting that "ou can 9e in!ol!e& with "our own health, the first thing "ou &o is "ou gi!e up responsi9ilit" for maintaining this an& tell the rescuers calle& the )e&ical People to fi> "ou? 0 &on;t &o it, 0;m a machine? $n& then we tal#, oh? 5$si&e6 (e &on;t ha!e a microphone here rightE /#a", is that a microphoneE 0t;s a pic#er upper to, is it 9roa&castingE /h, 0 ha!e a !i&eo 0 want to show 9ut 0 reall" can;t show it so we;re going to go right through it h, 9asicall" what the concept is +ou believe "ou;re a !ictim $n& then "ou;re not <ust a !ictim of things on the outsi&e of "ou (e get "ou to 9elie!e that "our own sel!es are tr"ing to terrori8e "ou 1hat e!en insi&e "our 9o&" there;s a war going on an& the cells are tr"ing to ta#e o!er an& #ill "ou +ou 9ecome this !ictim an& e!er"thing "ou nee& is protection $n& "ou 9u" it (hat this was all a9out was a thing calle& Lipo8ene 1he a& sa"s loo# he" "ou;re tr"ing to lose weight, 9ut "ou can;t &o it? $n& "ou #now wh"E 0t;s not "our fault? 0t sa"s that it;s not "our fault, it;s not "our fault Because the";re going to show "ou wh" "ou, where the e>tra weight come from $n& "ou #now what;s neatE 1he" tell "ou But "ou #now what;s e!en 9etterE 1he" ha!e a &rug calle& Lipo8ene $n& it sa"s here where the 9eautiful part of the whole a& is +ou &on;t e!en ha!e to change "our lifest"le B <ust ta#e a Lipo8ene $n& 9asicall" what it sa"s is this +ou;re a !ictim of things out of "our control San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. IH

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou;re getting fat $n& "ou &on;t ha!e to worr" a9out an"thing Must ta#e the Lipo8ene an& #eep "our life e>actl" the same wa" it is $n& then 0 lo!e it 9ecause when the" sa" it;s not "our fault, it;s not "our fault But this was the chart the" show 1his was the chart of how stupi& people ha!e 9ecome Because the" sa" that it;s not "our fault an& then the" oops go 9ac# 0t;s not "our fault, 9ut it;s &ue to poor &iet B 9ut that;s not "our fault so <ust forget a9out that /h? /h? 0t;s &ue to a lac# of e>ercise B 9ut that has nothing to &o with "ou, it;s not "our fault 0t;s stress at wor#, forget it Loo#, "ou;re a !ictim, 9u" the pills *on;t change "our lifest"le, <ust 9u" the pills $n& the reason is this Because as long as "ou 9u" that "ou;re a !ictim 1hen "ou 9ought that some9o&" has to sa!e "ou in this process an& it costs mone" $n& that;s what the whole healthcare crisis is all a9out $n& it;s interesting 9ecause if there;s not enough new &iseases, the" ma#e them up e!er" wee# $n& this one is the most ama8ing one C.ealth" foo& o9sessions spar# new rise in eating &isor&erD 1he new orthore>ianer!ousa 5-ot sure a9out spelling6 1his is the new &isease? 1his is in a 9oo#, it;s a &isease, let me tell "ou what it sa"s /rthore>ianer!ousa sufferers li#e to focus on the righteous eating an& ha!e rigi& rules a9out a!oi&ing certain foo&s *oes an"9o&" ha!e a9out a!oi&ing an" certain foo&s hereE (e going to ha!e a new &rug for "ou San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. IN

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t;s going to han&le "our case of orthore>ianer!ousa, so <ust sign on, we ha!e &rugs for e!er"9o&" /#a"E $n& the realit" is *o genes control "our life (ell we sa" that the" &o (e sai& in a 9oo# right now, go rea& it, there;s a te>t9oo# &own the hall in the science classes that sa"s the nucleus is the control element of the cell -ow wh" &o the" sa" thatE Because the nucleus of a 9ig structure right here has the *-$ (ell if *-$ ma#es all the &ecisions an& the *-$ is essentiall" all in the nucleus 1hen the nucleus is the source of &ecision ma#ing control KightE So what organ woul& that 9e e=ui!alent to in the human 9o&"E (hat controls "our human 9o&"E 1he control 1he 9rain? Fortunatel" "eah? 1he 9rain? So what are we sa"ingE 1he nucleus an& the 9rain are the same 1he nucleus is the 9rain of the cell /#a", cool 1hen 0 go wait +ou ta#e an organismS "ou remo!e the 9rain from that organism 1he necessar" conse=uence of that is that when "ou &o the organism &ies 1hat;s 9ecause the 9rain is the coor&inating thing that #ept them all wor#ing together 1hen 0 go to a cell an& 0 remo!e the nucleus B a process calle& &enucleation San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. IO

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+eah so 0 ta#e the nucleus out, well that shoul& ta#e the 9rain out, so the cell shoul& &ie -ope, the cell li!es, an& its 9eha!ior is unaffecte& (ait a minute, the cell li!es an& its 9eha!ior is unaffecte& +es, cells coul& li!e for two or more months with no genes in them $n& the";re not <ust sitting there 1he";re eating, &igesting, mo!ing aroun&, recogni8ing other cells, communicating with them, a!oi&ing to>ins $n& 0 sa" that the" life is going on in a highl" coor&inate& life:sustaining process with no genes in them $n& "ou sa" wait a minute, 0 thought genes controlle& life $n& 0 sa" well that;s what "ou were tol& But life goes on when there;s no genes in it 1he cells ultimatel" will &ie 9ecause the nucleus is gone But "ou sa" oh 0 tol& "ou? 0 sa" no no, it &i&n;t &ie 9ecause of the functions that got lost $n& "ou sa" what;s the function of the nucleusE (ell, it;s first of all not the 9rain an& 0 go 9ac# an& sa" what;s the function $n& the answer is Kepro&uction? 0t repro&uces the part? 0t repro&uces the cell? So we sa" &oes the nucleus represent the 9rainE $n& the answer is no? 0t;s the gona&? $n& "ou go "eah, 9ut "ou #now what;s funn"E Science is a male &ominate& profession an& we all #now that males thin# with this 1he so calle& ma#ing of the 9rain of the cell that ma#es all the sense in the worl& San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. I9

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

3>cept for the realit" 0t is not the 9rain of the cell 0t is onl" use& for repro&uction 0t &oesn;t #now what the hell the cell nee&s or wants or what the cell is &oing 0t is a 9lueprint pattern place +ou want a patternE Lo to the nucleus an& get the 9lueprint /#a"E So the fact Lenes &o not control 9iolog" (h"E 1he" ha!e no action 1here;s no on, there;s no off, there;s a 9lueprint (ell the" sa" that genes &on;t control 9iolog" then where;s the control coming fromE 1hen 0 gi!e "ou the answer 1he contractor 1he contractor who rea&s the 9lueprint 1he contractor is the one who can rea& the 9lueprints an& actuall" rewrite the &amn 9lueprints? (ell "ou sa" who;s the contractorE Loo& =uestion (ell 9asicall", this mo&el is totall" wrong +ou are not controlle& 9" genes (h"E 1here is no action to a gene 1o 9e a controlling factor "ou must 9e a9le to turn something on or off, &o something, or manifests something 3>cept a 9lueprint is a 9lueprint San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. J0

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So we lea!e this whole 9elief 9ehin& $n& 0 sa" wh" is that rele!antE Because scientific materialism went &eepest into this realm when it hit 49FI 1hat;s when we sai& oh go&? 1hat;s the *-$ &ou9le heli>? 1hat;s the source of life? 3!er"9o&" got all e>cite&, this is it? Source of life? But since 49FI the pattern is mo!ing upwar&s $n& the pattern;s mo!ing upwar&s for this reason B" the time we &i& the human genome pro<ect which was finishe& in 2004 0f "ou &i& a sur!e" of the population +ou sa" how man" of "ou 9elie!e in the material realm 3arlier the !ast ma<orit" sai& "eah, it;s all a9out mechanical material, genes, chemistr", an& all things ph"sical But since then, since ;FI, guess whatE )ore than half the people will see# an alternati!e me&ical &octor o!er con!entional allopathic me&ical &octors +ou sa" wh"E (ell, what &o the" &o &ifferentl"E 1he" wor# with energ", the" wor# with spirit, the" wor# with in!isi9le, an& guess whatE 0t seems to wor# enough that enough people will tell their families an& communit" a9out it $n& that;s wh" F0G of the people will go see an energ" healer 9efore the" go see a con!entional me&ical &octor (hich means whatE (e;re mo!ing 9ac# up into the in!isi9le realm /#a"E But that was 2004 (e;re still mo!ing fast now So the rele!ance here is this San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. J4

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

For 9eliefs that this ci!ili8ation that programme& "ou 1hese 9eliefs are inaccurate or outright wrong $n& the rele!anceE (hen "ou correct these 9eliefs +ou change the nature of ci!ili8ation Because the" impact the three primar" =uestions 1here are new answers to the =uestions that are not the pre!ailing answers that to&a";s &ownwar& falling ci!ili8ation But the" are new answers that will ta#e "our ci!ili8ation an& mo!e it up in the future So if "ou un&erstan& what these are then "ou got a han&le on "our power Because "our powers are recogni8e& B get out of the matri> 1he program of 9elief that;s totall" not accurate an& lethal will ma#e up the new science First 9elief: 9iological processes emplo" -ewtonian ph"sics B that;s what con!entional me&icine has $n& "ou sa" what the hell is all thatE 0 sa", -ewtonian ph"sics is the mechanical ph"sical worl& ph"sics +ou sa" "ou want to loo# at "our 9o&"E Loo# at the chemistr"? .ow a9out min&E -o, the min& is not ph"sical, it &oesn;t come in here So 9asicall" it sa"s that if "ou stu&" the -ewtonian worl& as primar", then the mechanical material worl& is primar", guess whatE 0t is wrong Ruantum ph"sics has come in 0t &oesn;t replace -ewtonian ph"sics Ruantum ph"sics is a 9igger science that su9sumes -ewtonian ph"sics )eaning, =uantum ph"sics is 9igger San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. J2

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

-ewtonian ph"sics is a su9&i!ision (hat is =uantum ph"sicsE Ruantum ph"sics sa"s uni!erse is ma&e out of energ", it;s not ma&e out of matter So if "ou;re not un&erstan&ing the energ" an& "ou;re focusing on the matter then "ou are not in the right uni!erse to ma#e that stu&" Because the energ" is more important Lenes control 9iolog" B that;s the fun&amental 9elief an& that;s what has e!er"9o&" so concerne& a9out /h "ou #now B ma#e sure "ou get all "our chec#ups an& manage "our genes an& "ou #now all that #in& of stuff li#e get "our genes chec# re9oun& car& *on;t e!en go there &on;t &o it (h"E Because genes &o not control 9iolog" But what the" &i& control 9iolog" B that ma#es "ou a !ictim $n& therefore e!er"9o&" who 9elie!es in it has a !ictim mentalit" 1he" are ta#en o!er 9" forces that the" can;t control B genes -um9er three: that this e!olution that we;re 9ase& on is calle& sur!i!al of the fittest as a &ri!ing force $n& it turns out, a9solutel", totall", incorrect, wrong &estructi!e, an& primar" cause of the pro9lem that we face to&a" (h"E 3!olution is 9ase& on communit" an& cooperation 1he 9iosphere is a tightl" integrate&, holistic harmoni8ing communit" e>cept for the humans $n& in fact, nature has recogni8e& our in!ol!ement an& &estruction of her en!ironment an& is gi!ing us a little 9it of notice sa"ing if "ou &on;t shape up, then get out of here $n& we;re close to that issue, right a9out now until we wa#e up Lastl", the" sa" that e!olution is a ran&om process -o it is not B there;s a pattern to it

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& if "ou un&erstan& the pattern, then "ou go on into the future an& un&erstan& how we;re going there an& where we;re going in the !er" en& 0t also sa"s this: +ou &i& not get here 9" acci&ent 1hat e!er" organism that e!ol!e& on this planet e!ol!e& B nature 9rought it in to create harmon" an& 9alance in the en!ironment So 0 9ring in an organism that 9rings harmon" an& 9alance 9ut guess whatE $t some point it o!ergrows the situation an& throws e!er"thing out of 9alance (hat &oes nature &oE Bring in another organism to 9ring harmon" an& 9alance 9ac# $n& when that throws it out then she 9rings in another one $n& e!er" time the new organism comes in the" ha!e more influence o!er that harmon" an& 9alance than the more primiti!e ones (here &o we stan& to&a"E (ithout 9eing aware of where we areE (e;re at the fulcrum of e!olution at this point (e;re shifting the 9alance (h"E Must one species B humanit" B is at this fulcrum an& if we too# one awa", all the other wa", <ust tilting, we shift the entire 9alance of nature So wh" are we hereE 1o 9ring harmon" an& 9alance to nature (hat ha!e we &oneE *estro"e& it 1hat;s wh" the lessons are facing us right now So how &o "ou create "our lifeE 1his is rele!ant an& 0 ha!e an hour to go : 51o host6 0 ha!e to finish at I rightE 5.ost6 (ell, no "ou &on;t ha!e to San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. JJ

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(hen the" start wal#ing out o#a"E 5.ost6 (e got till I:I0 /#a" wh" 0 want to tell "ou this is 9ecause here;s wh" it;s important +ou ha!e 9een programme& to 9e !ictims +ou ha!e 9een programme& to recogni8e that there are forces outsi&e of "ou that control e!er"thing $n& 0;m going to show "ou no that;s not true 1hat "ou are masters of "our creation But then there;s a pro9lem 9ecause if 0 tell "ou that "ou;re creating this worl& +ou woul& pro9a9l" sa" to me CBruce if 0 was creating this worl&, 0 woul&n;t ha!e create& this oneD $n& the realit" is C+eah "ou pro9a9l" woul&n;t ha!e, 9ut "ou;re still creating itD $n& if "ou #now how "ou;re creating it then "ou woul& also #now how not to create it an& create something else .ow;s it wor#E First of all, 0;m going to tal# a9out cells $n& "ou sa" what;s the 9ig &eal a9out cellsE $n& here;s what;s rele!ant *o "ou loo# at "ourself in the mirror an& see a single person loo#ing 9ac# at "ouE $n& 0;m going to tell "ou guess what 1hat;s an illusion an& it;s totall" wrong +ou are not a single person +ou ne!er ha!e +ou are actuall" ma&e out of a9out F0 trillion cells B it is the cells that are the li!ing entit"? So when "ou loo# at "ourself, "ou;re loo#ing at F0 trillion cells wor#ing in a communit" +ou are not a one thing e>cept a communit" $n& so the significance is this: +ou;re ma&e out of cells

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& now here;s another thing: $ll the functions that "ou ha!e in "our 9o&" are present in !irtuall" e!er" one of "our cells 3!er" cell;s got a respirator", &igesti!e, e>cretor" s"stem 3!er" cell;s got an en&ocrine s"stem, repro&ucti!e s"stem, musculos#eletal s"stem Uirtuall" e!er" cell;s got an immune s"stem? Kele!anceE 2ells7 are miniature people 2ells are miniature people, the" ha!e a life B cells ha!e <o9s, some cells are 9one cells, some cells are muscle cells, some cells are 9rain cells 1he" all start out the same, 9ut the" ma&e a communit" that partitione& out the wor#? $n& here;s what;s rele!ant a9out this? 2ells get pai&? +eah, so insi&e "our 9o&" there;s a molecule calle& $1P ($&enosine1riPhosphate, that;s the e=ui!alent of mone" +ou get pai& in $1P But guess whatE -ot all cells get e=uall" pai& +ou get "our pa" commensurate with "our wor# $ s#in cell &oes not ma#e as much mone" as a neuron $s a matter of fact, a neuron has an entourage, that;s how 9ig it is in the worl& B the" ha!e other cells helping it /#a"E So here;s the point 3!er" cell has a <o9 3!er" cell gets pai& 3!er" cell gets healthcare 3!er" cell gets protection $ true en!ironment where no cell is left 9ehin& San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. JH

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(h" is that rele!antE Because in this planet, we can;t sur!i!e with N 9illion people on this planet, an& un&er "our s#in are F0 trillion sentient in&i!i&uals li!ing in harmon", li!ing in communit" $n& in a health" 9o&", what &oes that representE F0 trillion 9lisse& out citi8ens at one time $n& we can;t ma#e a go of it here with <ust the few 9illion people on this planet 1here;s O thousan& times as man" citi8en in the 9o&" as there is on the entire 3arth an& in a much smaller en!ironment 1he conclusion of all this is B "ou want to #now how to ma#e life wor# on this planetE +ou #now how m"stics ha!e a sa"ing B the answers lie within 1he fact is the" &o +ou loo# insi&e an& see how politics, econom", healthcare, an& all these other things are manage& 9" F0 trillion cells $ppl" that to our worl& that we li!e in an& all of a su&&en "ou reali8e that we ha!en;t reall" e!en 9egun to e>plore what humans can &o on this planet So, human 9o&ies carr" F0 trillion cells 2ells ha!e same functions as e!er" part of the human 9o&" an& the human organ an& the cellular organelle is e=ui!alent (here!er "ou ha!e a organ carr"ing out a function the cell has an organelle B Latin for small organ /#a" 2ells are miniature people 1hat is an a9solute truth (h"E +ou want to tal# to "our 9o&" an& get it to healE 1hen tal# to them as people, the" un&erstan& what;s going on Because "our 9rain is the go!ernment of F0 trillion cells $n& if "ou thin# that;s a goo& thing or a 9a& thing then 0 thin# "ou ha!e a loo#ing for a presi&ent

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(oul& "ou want a former presi&ent to 9e the go!ernment of "our 9o&"E 1he answer is B go& for9i& that that coul& happen But the realit" is this 1he state of "our communit" an& "our 9o&" is the state relate& to "our consciousness an& "our thoughts (h"E Because "our thoughts are 9roa&caste& to F0 trillion citi8ens 0f "ou thin# "ou;re threatene& 9" this worl& (hat &o "ou thin# F0 trillion citi8ens insi&e are thin#ingE %gasps? Mesus "ou #nowE?E? (e;re in trou9le? $n& the realit" is "eah, 9ecause if "ou;re telling them "ou feel threatene&, "ou;re telling them the";re threatene& So "ou;re ha!ing a continuous communication with "our cells whether "ou #now it or not 0 wor# with stem cells, that;s what 0 &i& Some people thin# stem cells are new #in&s of things 0 was cloning stem cells 9ac# in 49HN 9efore "our gran&parents were 9orn $n& 9ac# then the" were fun&amentall" the most important pieces of information 0;!e ac=uire& in m" whole aca&emic career $n& here;s the point $ll of "ou ha!e stem cells 0f "ou &i&n;t, "ou;& 9e &ea& right now so that;s a goo& sign that "ou &o ha!e them (h"E Because "ou are losing 9illions of cells e!er"&a" Billions of "our cells are &"ing of ol& age an& 9eing replace& But "eah, who is &oing the replacingE 1he answer is stem cells San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. JO

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So all of "ou ha!e stem cells right awa" So here;s the e>periment that 0 &i& that 9lew m" min& an& cause& me to wal# out of the uni!ersit" after 0 ha!e tenure alrea&" Pin& of a stupi& i&ea, 9ut it was fun Basicall" it was this e>periment, so loo#, "ou &on;t e!en ha!e to 9e roc#et scientists 1his is what;s so cool, no roc#et science is necessar" .ere;s what it is: 0 starte& with one cell in a petri &ish 0 isolate& one stem cell an& put it in a &ish 9" itself 0t &i!i&es e!er" ten hours So ten hours it;s 2 cells, twent" hours J cells, it goes on an& on $fter 2 wee#s or so 0 got thousan&s of cells in the petri &ish +eah, 9ut what;s importantE $ll cells are geneticall" i&entical 1hat;s a start, we all came from the same parent? -ow watch, 0 ta#e some cells out of this petri &ish an& put them in a petri &ish 9" themsel!es an& 0 change the en!ironment )eaning the culture me&ium 0 change& some of the chemistr" of the en!ironment 1he cells 9ecome muscle cells 0 go 9ac# to the same &ish an& gra9 some more cells an& put them in a 2n& petri &ish with a 2n& en!ironment an& the" form 9ones 0 go 9ac# to the same &ish an& put them in a Ir& petri &ish with "et a &ifferent en!ironment an& the" form fat Ruestion (hat controls the fate of the cellsE 3n!ironment? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. J9

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he" were geneticall" i&entical? So "ou can;t sa" the genes cause& an" of this stuff 1he genes were respon&ing to the en!ironment 1hat;s the nature of the secret Lenes respon& to what;s going on in the en!ironment Kele!anceE Let me tell "ou one more thing 9ecause it gets personal in a few minutes 0 ta#e this plastic petri &ish of cells that are health" 0 mo!e it to this en!ironment that suc#s $n& guess what happensE 2ells get sic#? 1he cells 9egin to &ie 1he culture 9egins to crash 0 sa" what shoul& 0 &o to ma#e them health"E Shoul& 0 gi!e them some Pro8ac or somethingE (hat the hell shoul& 0 &oE $n& the answer is: gi!e them no &rugs 1a#e them from the 9a& en!ironment an& put them 9ac# in the goo& en!ironment 1he" will instantl" reco!er an& grow an& 9e health" *rugs &on;t help "ou in a 9a& en!ironment (hat "ou reall" want to &o is get into a harmonious health" en!ironment 1he cells will automaticall" an& spontaneousl" heal themsel!es (ell how &oes all this wor#E (ell 9" putting chemistr" on top of m" cells in the culture &ish 0 sa" "eah, what goes on in the &ishE

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0 sa", "eah so 0 got some cells in the culture &ish an& 0 sa" what happensE (ell 0 &rop the chemistr" in 1he chemistr" is &ropping in an& some of the chemicals stic# on the surface of the cells $n& then 0 sa" then what happensE (ell then, the signal from the surface sen&s information in that controls the 9eha!ior of the cell $n& if 0 &on;t ha!e the proteins that ma#e that 9eha!ior, then the signal goes to the nucleus an& sa"s 0 nee& that protein an& causes that *-$ to 9e rea& so that 0 coul& ma#e the protein an& to the function So the signals from the en!ironment interacting with the surface of the cell causes cells to generate 9eha!ior an& select genes? 1his is out of a new te>t9oo# re!ealing this #in& of stor" 1here;s the surface of the cellS the s#in, these are the proteins in the cell 0 sa" the" gi!e "ou the structure an& the function (hat &oes this showE 0t sa"s that signals come in at the surface at what is calle& the receptors *o "ou ha!e receptorsE +es or noE -ame some of the 9ig ones -ame one? 3"e? 3ars? -ose? -ow what;s the pointE +our receptors that "ou see the worl& with are <ust the same as the cell 1he";re on the outsi&e, rea&ing the signals, an& when "ou rea& the signal "ou a&<ust "our 9iolog" to the signal? 1hat;s how it wor#s o#a"E (ell this is calle& process where the signal &ri!es the 9eha!ior passing it from one protein to another calle& signal trans&uction 1hat;s the new fiel& of science San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. F4

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t sa"s how &o "ou ta#e a signal from the worl& an& con!ert it to a 9iological responseE $n& the answer is through a process calle& signal trans&uction 1rans&uction B a 9ig wor& means con!erting a signal from one language to another language $n& "ou sa" what &oes that meanE 2on!erting en!ironmental signals into 9iological signals 1hat;s what signal trans&uction is 0 sa" that;s reall" cool 9ut guess whatE 0f "ou &on;t ha!e the right proteins in the cell, "ou ha!e to go to the nucleus where "ou ha!e the 9lueprints an& then "ou select the 9lueprint to ma#e the protein So when "ou loo# at the signal trans&uction pathwa"s, some of them show the inputs coming out the surface "ou follow the signals an& guess where the" goE 0nto the nucleus $n& in the nucleus are chromosomes an& it acti!ates the genes an& that controls the 9eha!ior an& the genetic acti!it" 1he genes are controlle& 9" the signals from the en!ironment an& not from the genes $n& so the new thing "ou learn in school an& are still in the same te>t9oo#s here on campus 0t sa"s that CLenetic 2ontrolD &on;t let it 9e epi 0 sa" what;s responsi9le, what controls "our lifeE Lenetic controlS control 9" genes 1he new science, an& if "ou &on;t #now this, completel" changes the whole un&erstan&ing of 9iolog" is calle& epigenetic control +ou sa" epiE 3pi means a9o!e 0 sa" epi&ermis (hat;s that meanE 1he la"er a9o!e the &ermisS the s#in? So if epi means a9o!e, what &oes it sa"E San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. F2

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

2ontrol a9o!e the genes? $h? $fter F0 "ears of telling "ou that genes control "our life, the new sciences calle& epigenetic control sa"s that the control is not at the genes 9ut a9o!e the genes Kele!anceE 0f "ou un&erstan& it where this control comes from, it is from "ou $n& 0;ll e>plain how Because "ou control "our genes So 0 go wait a minutes what;s all this come &own to "ouE $n& 0 go o#a" loo#, remem9er 0 ha& the cells in the plastic petri &ishE 0 sa" if 0 ta#e the &ish an& 0 mo!e it from a goo& en!ironment to a 9a& en!ironment it gets sic#E 1hen 9ac# an& it gets health", rightE (ell guess whatE You, ha!e F0 trillion cells insi&e of "ou +ou are s#in co!ere& petri &ishes 1his is a9solutel" true +ou;re s#in co!ere& petri &ishes $n& 0 sa" "ou ha!e culture me&ium? $n& 0 sa" "ou &amn well ha!e seen it Sometimes it frea#s "ou outS it;s calle& 9loo& So where;s that control come fromE $n& 0 tal# a9out7 "our 9rain? $n& "ou sa" what &o "ou mean "our 9rainE (ell, "our 9rain respon&s to the worl& an& then sen&s chemistr" into the 9loo&? $n& it a&<usts the culture me&ium 9ase& on what "ou <ust saw, what "ou <ust e>perience& So as "ou feel an& interact with the worl&, if "ou feel angr", "ou release &ifferent chemistr" in "our 9loo& San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. FI

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0f "ou feel happ", "ou release &ifferent chemistr" in "our 9loo& 0f "ou feel fear, "ou got &ifferent chemistr" in "our 9loo& Kele!anceE 1he chemistr" shifts the fate of the cells So it;s up to "ou an& it;s chemistr" So, "ou are a cell 9iologist in that sense? But more truthfull", "ou are a self:9iologist +ou are creating "our own 9iolog" 9" the wa" "ou are respon&ing to the en!ironment $n& it wor#s simpl" li#e this: 3n!ironment has the signals, the ner!ous s"stemS the 9rain pic#s up the signals in a process calle& perception? 1hat;s how "ou percei!e the worl&? $n& when "ou percei!e the worl& then that information goes an& is han&le& 9" the processing of "our min& (hat &i& 0 <ust respon& toE (hat <ust happene&E +our min& creates a stor" a9out what;s happening an& then what &oes "our min& &oE (ell "our min&, respon&ing to the perception then causes the release of the chemistr" of the 9rain an& that chemistr" controls the 9eha!ior an& genetics of "our cells $s "ou change "our min&, "ou change "our 9iolog" /#a", cool 3>cept for this interesting part 1hen "ou still sa" first if m" min& was creating this 0 woul&n;t of create& this, 0 woul& ha!e create& something 9etter than this So 0;m not creating it 1hen now loo# into the gap $n& then 0 sai& "ou are, "ou aren;tE

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& that confusing answer is going to 9e e>plaine& 9" this: 0;m telling "ou the truth "ou are creating "our life e!er" moment $n& -o. 2, in response to the =uestion is if 0 was, 0 woul&n;t ha!e create& this an& the answer is: "ou are creating "our life whether it was "our 9eliefs or other people;s 9eliefs that "ou are creating with. (ell what;s that meanE (ell, the function of the min&, the function of the min& this is tearful create coherence 9etween "our 9eliefs an& "our realit" But if 9elie!e life is har&, well guess what, life is har& (hat the hell, how &i& that happen nowE Because "ou 9elie!e it -o, "ou were sa"ing life is har& an& 0 9elie!e& it was har& -ow 0;m going to sa" no, first "ou 9elie!e it was har&, then it was har& 1here;s the gu", .enr" For&, foun&er of the For& )otor 2ompan" ha& a !er" famous phrase which summe& all this up if "ou <ust want to hear the one phrase an& go home, here;s the phrase: .e sai&, C(hether "ou thin# "ou can or whether "ou thin# "ou can;t, "ou;re right.D Figure that one out. 0;ll gi!e "ou an e>ample out of the chemistr" change of stress Because wh"E Stress is the lea&ing cause of illness on this planet apparentl" relate& to 90G or more of illness e>pan&s on this planet $re "ou un&er stressE +ou 9et "our life "ou are un&er stress (hat &oes it &o to "ouE $h, if "ou un&erstan& what it &oes to "ou then "ou might want to manage it Stress, there;s two #in&s of them /#a" 1here is a eustress

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1hat;s goo& stress 3ustress Loo& (hat #in& of stress is goo&E (ell go out an& pla" foot9all (ell "ou #now, swim Lo run on the trac# +ou are stressing "ourself, 9ut it;s a goo& stress (h"E Because "ou are not 9eing threatene& +ou;re pushing on the s"stem, which causes the s"stem to respon& 9" 9uil&ing up to han&le the stress So it;s a goo& e>ercise, it;s calle& a goo& stress. 0t;s the &estructi!e one, calle& destress, that is 9a& $n& the stress, which one is thatE 1hat is the one that sa" an"9o&" threaten where "ou want to go in life, an"thing that gets in "our wa", that pre!ents "ou in what "ou percei!e as the &irection where "ou want to go, is percei!e& as destress $n& 0 sa" what happens in destressE $n& 0 tell "ou what happens 1hree things 0 watch this, 0 put cells in petri &ish, "ou &on;t e!en 9egin, not ha!e to 9e a roc#et scientist to figure this e>periment out 0n one set of cultures 0 put nutrients in front of the cells /ne set of cultures 0 put to>ins in front of the cells $n& m" =uestion to "ou is this: 0 put these 9ac# in the incu9ator an& a few hours later, where are the cells going to 9e in each petri &ishE 2an "ou figure this one outE 1he answer is simple? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. FH

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(hen "ou come 9ac# o!er time, the cells will alwa"s mo!e towar&s the signals that gi!e them growth, an& a cell will alwa"s mo!e awa" from signals that threaten its sur!i!al 0t 9asicall" sa"s this: cells ha!e two 9asic 9eha!iors: 1o respon& to life, cells either mo!e towar&s something that gi!es it growth or cells mo!e wa" from something that threatens its life 1here;s actuall" a mi&&le one, 0 call it ele!ator music 0t;s sort of li#e, "ou go in the ele!ator an& the music;s pla"ing, "ou;re not going to &ie, an& "ou;re not going to &ance, it;s <ust 9ac#groun& /#a"E So there are three responses of an" li!ing organism, to an" stimulus in the worl& 1hree responses? /ne, ignore it 9ecause it;s not rele!antS ele!ator music 1wo, if it;s growth, it;s a signal or something in the en!ironment offers "ou growth, "ou go to it +es or noE +ou go to it with "our arms openE +eah, 9ecause growth means ta#e it in KightE /#a", 9ut if it;s a signal of stress or threatening, "ou go to itE -o? +ou go awa" from it, "ou go awa" from it with "our arms openE -o? +ou close it &own? For protection? -ow, loo# at the logic 2an "ou mo!e 9ac#war&s an& forwar&s at the same time, "es or noE 2an "ou 9e open an& close& at the same timeE +ou #now what the point isE 2ells are either in growth, or the";re in protection But the" can;t 9e 9oth at the same time San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. FN

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(h"E Because the";re mutuall" e>clusi!e .ow;s it wor#E (ell, we can;t mo!e in 9oth &irections at the same time, 0 sa" the neutral one is ele!ator music, the cells are attracte& to an" signal that offers growth, an& is positi!e 1he cells are repelle& or repulse& 9" an" signal that threatens their sur!i!al an& the" see# protection $n& 0 call the stimulus the cause of motion $n& 0 sa" guess whatE .umans, e>actl" the same thing 1his applies to "ou e!er"&a" of "our life $n& it goes li#e this: $n" stimulus in front of "ou that offers "ou growth, "ou;re going to go to it an& 9e open an& ta#e it in But an" signal that threatens "ou, is going to cause "ou to close "ourself &own an& get into protection $n& so the rele!ance a9out this is that we fin& that the greatest growth factor in the human is lo!e, more than nutrition $n& the greatest pro9lem is fear, an& the worl& that we li!e in, is creating fear e!er"&a" "ou turn on that tele!ision, e!er"&a" "ou rea& the newspaper, the";re getting "ou in fear $n& "ou sa", wh" &o the" want to ma#e me afrai&E $n& when "ou see the conse=uences "ou;ll un&erstan& 1hat we are respon& to motion 9" the stimuli 9" the humans we call them emotions 1he emotions are the &ri!es that ma#e "ou go forwar&s an& 9ac#war&s or where!er $n& here;s how it wor#s, 0 want "ou to un&erstan& stress 9ecause "ou;re in!ol!e& with it e!er"&a" So it goes li#e this: 0t;s controlle& 9" that;s calle& the .P$:a>is B it stan&s for ."pothalamus Pituitar" $&renal (h" those wor&sE ."pothalamus, the portion of the 9rain that &oes the interpretation of the stressS the min& part 0s this a goo& thing or 9a& thingE %gasp ."pothalamus will tell "ou right awa", o#a"E San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. FO

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So when the h"pothalamus sa"s it senses stress, it wants to tell the 9o&", C(e ha!e to get rea&", we;re getting stress, so what &o "ou want to &oE +ou;!e got F0 trillion cells, "ou;!e got the power of F0 trillion cells, we;re all on the same page, so "ou want to sen& them some information, "ou use the pituitar" glan&D +ou sa" wh" that oneE Because "ou remem9er the name in high school, it was calle& the )aster Llan& So if a stress is percei!e& 9" the 9rain, an& the 9rain wants to tell F0 trillion cells that we gotta get rea&" for stress, so it;s going to tell the pituitar" to organi8e F0 trillion cells But if it;s stress from a sa9ertooth tiger, "ou;ll run li#e hell, rightE So wh" is that rele!antE Because then, the pituitar" acti!ates the a&renal glan&s, high school nameS fight or flight glan&s remem9erE So wh" is all this rele!antE Because when acti!ate&, the a&renal glan&s releases the stress hormones to coor&inate the 9o&" So a fear that;s percei!e& acti!ates the pituitar" to organi8e F0 trillion cells, 9ut if it;s a threat from the outsi&e it will then go to the a&renal glan&s an& sa" get those fight or flight hormones in there $n& now, here;s where the pro9lems come from 1here;s two parts of "our 9o&" that e>ists B =uic#l" i&entif" two parts of "our 9o&", arms an& legs B that;s calle& the somatic s"stem, the ph"sical 9o&" that hol&s "ou up an& gi!es "ou structure 1he somatic s"stem is motilit", "ou want to mo!eE $rms an& legs, o#a"E 0f 0 ta#e awa" the arms an& legs the onl" thing that;s left is this 9ig gut here on me B it;s calle& the !iscera +eah, 9ut what;s the function of the !isceraE 0t;s got all the organs, the lungs, &igesti!e s"stem, the immune s"stem 1hen 0 sa", what;s the function of the !isceraE Lrowth an& maintenance of the 9o&". /#a"E So now "ou;re rea&" for the stress lessons one, two, an& three B .ere the" are San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. F9

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Stress lesson num9er one: (hen "ou percei!e stress the a&renal glan&s releases stress hormones in the 9o&" B the" are getting rea&" to runS fight or flight, so what &o "ou want to &oE Listen to the phrase, it;s out of the 9oo#, "ou preferentiall" sen& the 9loo& to the arms an& legs, &oes that ma#e senseE 0t ma#es sense 9ecause "ou;re going to use them, the 9loo& is the energ", rightE So sen& it &own to the arms an& legs? +eah, 9ut there;s a catchphrase "ou &i&n;t hear me B it referentially sen&s the 9loo& to the arms an& legs (here was the 9loo& 9efore the stressE 0n the !iscera? 1he onl" other part? +ou sa" "eah, 9ut what;s it &oing in the !isceraE (ell 9loo& nourishes an& pro!i&es energ", so what &o "ou thin# the functions of the !iscera areE Lrowth, maintenance of the 9o&", rightE (hen the stress hormones are release& in the 9o&", the stress hormones causes the 9loo& !essels in the gut to constrict, an& that pushes the 9loo& into the arms an& legs $n& "ou feel that +ou e!er get the 9utterflies in the stomach feelingE 1hose are the 9loo& !essels closing &own, especiall" in a state of fear +ou start to feel =ueas" insi&e, well "eah, it;s shutting &own wh"E 0t;s s=uee8ing the 9loo& from here getting "our arms an& legs fight or flight Pro9lem 0f "ou;re in stress are "ou in growth, "es or noE -o? +ou;re in protection, "ou can;t 9e in growth? +ou;re not e!en nourishing it So the first thing that happens in stress is that "ou shut off growth 1hat;s not goo& start /#a", secon& thing that happens in stressS it;s a cool one San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. H0

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou actuall" ha!e two protection s"stems +ou ha!e something calle& the immune s"stem (hat &oes that protect "ou fromE LionsE Uiruses an& 9acteria? 1hings insi&e "our 9o&", so "ou ha!e two s"stems? Listen, two protection s"stemsS something protects "ou from outsi&e an& something protects "ou on the insi&e /#a", now 0;m going to put "ou in a new <o9 B "our <o9 is the &irector of energ" clu9 in the 9rainS "ou;!e got an office up in the 9rain 1he phone rings $h, helloE (e;re 9eing chase& 9" a sa9ertooth tiger $n& "ou thin#, oh "eah we 9etter mo9ili8e that, 9ut all of a su&&en the other phone rings $n& it sa"s, .elloE (e ha!e a 9acterial infection in the gut an& we ha!e a 9a& case of &iarrhea 9rewing &own here -ow "ou;re the energ" super!isor so let me as# "ou a simple =uestion 3nerg" super!isor, how are "ou going to split up the energies in the 9o&" to &eal with the tiger an& the infectionE .ow woul& "ou &o itE 1he tigerE $n& in fact that;s what actuall" happens 1he stress hormones, listen to this: the stress hormones shut off the immune s"stem to conser!e energ" +ou sa", come on7 $n& 0 sa", listen, me&ical people ha!e 9een using this as therap" +ou sa", what &o "ou meanE 0 sa", when the" transplant an organ or graft a tissue onto a recipient or foreign organ, an& the" &on;t want the recipient to re<ect the graft, the" gi!e them stress hormones an& it shuts off the immune s"stem

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$n& "ou go, wow, that can;t 9e goo& to 9e shutting off the immune s"stem $n& 0 sa", no, it;s not goo& at all, 0;ll tell "ou wh" 0 can ta#e a 9loo& sample from e!er" one of "ou right now in this room, an& 0 can guarantee "ou a fact 3!er"one of "ou is alrea&" infecte& with most of the !iruses, 9acteria, an& parasites that humans ha!e +ou;re alrea&" infecte&? )e&icine calls these organisms, opportunistic organisms +ou sa" where &i& the" get a name li#e thatE $n& it goes li#e this, when "ou compromise "our immune s"stem, these organisms ta#e the opportunit" an& flare up an& get sic# So the point is that "ou &on;t ha!e to catch an"thing, "ou;!e alrea&" got e!er"thing But if "ou #eep "our immune s"stem up, those organisms can;t grow, 9ut the moment "ou compromise "our immune s"stem is the moment these organisms ta#e o!er 1he immune s"stem is the e=ui!alent of the 3P$ (3mergenc" Pu9lic $nnouncement, 1he a&renal s"stem is the e=ui!alent of the *epartment of *efense (hen we are threatene& 9" outsi&e things that scare us, where &o we get the mone" to pa" for the *epartment of *efense;s to"sE 1he answer is, we shut off the 9u&get of the 3P$ $n& that;s wh" the interior of the countr" starts to fall apart when we;re at a high stress le!el /#a", that;s two 9a& things here fol#s: First of all "ou compromise "our growth Secon& of all "ou shut off "our immune s"stem $n& that;s wh" "ou get sic# &uring e>am time 1hat;s wh" the stresses come on, an& "ou;re alrea&" getting sic# -ow the last one is the somatic s"stem... go go, gi!e me a new sli&e, go go 7 So what ha!e we &oneE 1here are three things that stress are going to &amage "ou rightE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. H2

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

-um9er one: it shuts off "our growth -um9er two: it shuts off "our immune s"stem $n& now num9er three, especiall" when "ou;re in school, it;s a #ic# in the 9uns $n& it;s sort of a&&ing insult to the in<ur" "ou <ust got an& here;s what it is: (hen "ou;re in a fight or flight situation, =uic# =uestion: are "ou going to use conscious logic an& reasoning to get out of this or are "ou going to use lame:9rain refle>es, which oneE -ow what happensE Kemem9er what 0 tol& "ou, the stress hormones tell the 9loo& !essels in the gut to constrictE Pushing the 9loo& to the arms an& legsE 0n "our 9rain, the same stress hormones s=uee8e the 9loo& !essels in "our frontal part, the prefrontal corte>, the consciousness part B s=uee8e them shut an& pushes the 9loo& to the hin& 9rain to nourish reacti!e 9eha!ior (hen "ou are un&er stress, "ou are less intelligent +ou;!e 9een in that e>am room, ha!en;t "ouE $ll of a su&&en "ou turn that page, "ou rea& the =uestion, an& guess whatE $ll that confi&ence "ou ha&, "ou #nowE +ou feel the 9utterflies in "our stomach, what;s thatE (ell the first thing the 9utterflies are sa"ing is get the hell out of this classroom 9ecause "our life is threatene&, alrightE But "ou can;t mo!e, 9ut "ou got the 9loo& in "our arms an& legs, so guess what "ou;re &oingE +ou;re ta#ing "our pencil an& tapping it on the &es#, "our foot is tapping on the floor an& "ou;re &ri!ing e!er"one aroun& "ou cra8", wh"E Because "ou;re in fight or flight, 9ut "ou can;t mo!e, o#a"E $n& in that process "ou tr" to thin# of the answer, an& the more stress "ou;re un&er, the less "ou can thin# of the answer $n& the issue is wh"E Because we 9ecome less intelligent when we;re stresse&, an& this is <ust to show "ou

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Pla"ing e!en a game of Pac:man, when the go99ling gu" is far enough awa" from "ou then the person is using the fore9rain to creati!el" create how 0 am going to han&le the game But watch what happens when the go99ler gu" gets close 576 (hen the go99ler gu" gets within so man" centimeters, guess what happens when "ou;re pla"ing the gameE (hen the go99ler gu" gets within so man" centimeters of actuall" getting to "ou, "ou switch from creati!e thin#ing to refle> 9eha!ior $n& the rele!ance a9out this is this is "our life $n& the issue is that the more fear "ou;re in, the sic#er "ou get, the less "ou grow, an& the more other people ta#e a&!antage of "our wea#ene& state of intelligence at the time $n& as the pre!ious a&ministration was so an>ious a9out calling threats an& fears when the" nee&e& to get support for the go!ernment Because as soon as e!er"9o&" got afrai&, the" woul& sa", &o whate!er it is "ou nee& to &oS 0;m afrai& $n& we ga!e up our li!es at that point So 9asicall" it goes li#e this: 1he prefrontal corte> is "our consciousness spot, this is the spot connecte& to "our i&entit"S "our spirit, "our uni=ueness Prefrontal corte>, consciousness, creati!it" /#a", loo# 0t;s calle&, it;s an a&&:on option, wh"E )ost people &on;t e>ercise consciousness in their li!es 1he" actuall" operate from this part B the su9conscious 1he conscious min& process is J09its of &ata per secon&, meaning J0 ner!e impulses come into the conscious min& an& at one secon& it can sol!e it B it;s relati!el" slow, 9ut it;s creati!e 1he conscious min& is creati!e $s compare& to whatE 1he rest of the 9rain, which was there 9efore this part, which now constitutes the su9conscious San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. HJ

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& the su9conscious is B0L? 0t processes J0 million 9its of &ata per secon&S the other one was J0 So the su9conscious can process a million times more &ata B it;s e>tremel" fast? 1hat;s wh" "ou &on;t use conscious thin#ing in an emergenc" B it;s too slow +ou go to refle> 9eha!ior, 9ut it;s ha9itual (hate!er the ha9its are, that;s what "ou pla" Push the 9utton, pla" the ha9it (hate!er got in "our su9conscious, "ou learne& it, "ou &on;t thin# a9out it B "ou &on;t e!en see it? +ou <ust push the 9utton an& pla" the response 2ompare& what is J0 9its to J0 million B imagine this picture of )achu Picchu comprise& of J0 million pi>el &ots of color -ow 0 woul& sa" the su9conscious 9rain han&les an& resol!es all these pi>el &ots an& respon&s to all of them in one secon& 0 sa", how much &i& the conscious 9rain respon& to in the same secon& B an& it;s this much 0;ll &raw "ou an arrow if "ou ha!e trou9le with it $n& the rele!ance is, the su9conscious still controlling e!er"thing, 9ut "ou;re onl" focusing on this much in "our life +our conscious can onl" focus whate!er it;s focusing on meaning it &oesn;t focus on an"thing else So here comes the secret part Listen to this: 0f 0 as#e& "ou what &o "ou want from "our life, "our answer comes from "our conscious min& 0t;s a creati!e min&, o#a"E 0 as#e& "ou what "ou want, an& "ou sa" 0 want to 9e in a great relationship 2ool, that;s creati!e 0 want a <o9 with a goo& salar" +eah, that;s goo&, that;s creati!e 0 want to 9e health" San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. HF

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Loo&, that;s creati!e 1hose are creations an& &esires, what &o "ou want from "our lifeE 2onscious min&, o#a"E (hat &oes this show usE +our min& is actuall" controlle& 9FG of the time 9" "our su9conscious min& )eaning, onl" FG at the most, are "ou mo!ing in a &irection that ta#es "ou to where "ou want to go in "our life, an& 9FG of the time "ou;re mo!ing out of ha9it 1hat is the su9conscious min& (e are onl" conscious of a9out FG of our cogniti!e acti!it" )eaning that onl" FG of "our &a" are "ou mo!ing towar&s to where "ou want to go? +ou sa", so where else are "ou mo!ing 9FG of the rest of the &a"E 0 sa" where!er the program an& su9conscious min& are -ow watch this, "ou want to train an elephant in 0n&ia, this is what the" &o: +ou get a 9a9" elephant, it;s a couple of feet tall, an& what &o "ou &o with that 9a9" elephantE +ou tie a rope to its leg an& "ou tie it to a sta#e, an& for 2 months "ou &on;t let the elephant off the rope -ow for 2 months, the elephant all &a" long an& all night long will tr" an& "an# to get awa" from the rope an& he #eeps pulling an& "an#ing an& 9" the en& of two months the elephant has learne& something (hat &i& he learnE 1hat when the rope is on his leg, he can;t go an"where Kele!anceE 1his little 9a9" grows up he;s a9out 42 feet tall, he;s a monster? +ou attach him to a 9uil&ing an& he;ll pull the 9uil&ing &own? .ow &o "ou #eep it tie& up, how &o "ou tie up a 42 foot elephantE Mo#eE +ou tie a rope aroun& its leg But the <o#e partE +ou &on;t e!en tie the en& of the rope to an"thing? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. HH

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou <ust tie the rope aroun& its leg $s soon as the rope is aroun& its leg, its ha9it 9rain #ic#s in an& it goes 0 ha!e a rope on m" leg, 0 can;t go an"where So the monster elephant will stan& a9solutel" timi& an& still e!en though the rope is not connecte& to an"thing 0t;s the limitation of the 9elief s"stem Kele!ance to "ouE (e are all programme& with ropes on our legs in the first perio& of our li!es $n& we 9ought ha9its of &isempowerment, limitations, an& self:sa9otage $n& "ou wa" 9ought themE (here &i& we get them fromE 1he fun part 0t starts in utero (hether it;s a single cell in a petri &ish or F0 trillion cells in a petri &ishS whate!er it is, the organism is ma&e out of cells an& the cells respon& to the en!ironment 1he en!ironment the fetus respon&s toE 1he mother;s en!ironment $n& "ou sa" what &oes that meanE (ell the 9a9" is getting nourishe& with culture me&ium B 9loo&. (here &oes the 9loo& come fromE 1he mother? 1he nutrition comes from the mother? (e tal# a9out the 9a9" is getting nutrition across the placenta : 0;m sure "ou hear& that in some health class (h" is that rele!antE Because then we sa", what is the role of the motherE (ell, she 9asicall" <ust has to nourish the 9a9"

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(ell so "ou sa", "ou 9etter 9e a goo& mother an& go to the &octor an& "ou as# the &octor how to 9e a goo& mother an& the &octor will gi!e "ou three simple steps: 3at well, ta#e !itamins an& supplements, an& e>ercise $n& !oila? +ou are a won&erful mother (h" such a limite& role of the motherE Because the con!entional 9elief is genes control the unfol&ing of the fetus So all "ou ha!e to &o as the mother is nourish it, an& the genes will &o all the rest, rightE 1hat;s the stor"? (ell, it turns out, "eah the nourishment &oes come from the mother 9ut 0 as# "ou this most important =uestion 1hin# a9out this: 0s nutrition the onl" thing foun& in 9loo&, "es or noE +ou #now what else is in 9loo&E $ll the emotional chemicals $ll the growth an& regulator" factors B the stress hormones an& e!er"thing is in there B the coor&inating information Kele!anceE 0f the mother is un&er concern or fear or stress, so is the fetus $n& it will change the genetics of the fetus <ust 9" changing the culture me&ium that the fetus is growing in $n& "ou sa", so the mother is a&<usting the genetics of the chil&E $n& 0 sa", a9solutel" +ou go, what &o "ou meanE $n& the answer is simpl" this: 1he 9a9", when it;s 9orn, is going to li!e in the en!ironment But how can it 9e prepare& to li!e in the en!ironment, it;s growing insi&e? San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. HO

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1he answer is: nature ta#es the mother;s perception of the worl& B is it a safe happ" place or a stressful fearful placeE $n angr" placeE (hate!er those chemistr" are, it crosses the placenta an& informs the fetus. So when the mother is happ", the fetus is happ" (hen the mother is sa&, the fetus is sa& (hen the mother is angr", the fetus is upset 0f the mother re<ects the chil&7 9ecause it throws a 9ig pro9lem into her life 1hen the chil& is 9athe& in the re<ection chemicals in its entire &e!elopment an& will 9e 9orn alrea&" programme& to re<ect the chil& Because we now #now that half the chil&;s personalit" is &e!elope& in this perio& of the fetal &e!elopment in cooperation with the mother;s response to the worl& $n& the reason wh" is that the mother;s nature has to start growing She is the one who is responsi9le for esta9lishing the &e!elopment of the chil& to fit the en!ironment B so she interprets the en!ironment an& then the chil&;s genetics get a&<uste& to fit what she interprete& So all of a su&&en, 9" go&? +ou were 9eing programme& 9efore "ou were e!en 9orn to go through this en!ironment 1his <ust shows a fetus 5referring to sli&e6 9ut "ou can;t hear the soun& trac# an& there;s an argument going on an& the fetus respon&s to the argument of the parents B it;s respon&ing to e!er"thing the mother is going through /#a", so here;s the secret 0 9u" "ou a new ipo&, "ou ta#e it out of the 9o>, "ou push pla", an"thing happens "es or noE (hat &o "ou ha!e to &o to ma#e something happenE +ou ha!e to put a program into it? /#a", here;s the parallel 2onsciousness is the pla" function, su9conscious is the program $ chil& cannot e>press consciousness when it;s 9orn for the reason that the 9rain &oesn;t e>press it $n& "ou sa" wh" notE (ell 0;ll gi!e "ou a simple reason

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0f the chil& was totall" conscious of the worl& when it;s 9orn an& "ou ha!e the opportunit" to as# it a =uestion of this chil& <ust coming out of the 9irth canal +ou sa", .e"? (elcome, tell me something $n& this chil& will loo# at "ou li#e, what the hell, 0 <ust got here, 0 &on;t #now an"thing? So the realit" is "ou can;t create if "ou &on;t #now an"thing So nature, listen to this, &esigns "our 9rain an& mine this wa". For the first two "ears of "our life "our 9rain is pre&ominatel" in &elta eeg wa!es B 9rain functions $&ults that are on &elta are sleeping 0t &oesn;t mean that the chil& is unconscious, what it means is this: 1he chil& is o9ser!ing the worl& B the inputs are wor#ing 9ut the outputs aren;t wor#ing $ chil& can see what;s going on an& un&erstan& it 9ut can;t coor&inate a response, that;s wh" the" cr" 1he" ha!e the muscle coor&ination 9ut the" can;t tal# B the" get frustrate&, that;s wh" 9a9ies cr" a lot Because wh"E 0t #nows what;s coming in, 9ut it can;t sa" it on the wa" out So it;s li#e a chil& 9ehin& a pla":glass win&ow first two "ears 1he ne>t two "ears of a chil&;s life the 9rain acti!ities rams up an& is pre&ominatel" in theta (ell theta is a higher le!el, 9ut what is itE 0t;s the state of imagination 1hat;s wh" chil&ren 9etween 2 an& H li!e in the imaginar" worl& of real worl& mi>e& in together all the time no pro9lem +eah, 9ut it;s something more .ere;s what;s rele!ant 1heta, is a h"pnotic trance B theta is h"pnosis +ou sa" what &o "ou meanE 0 sa" a chil& 9etween 2 an& H is in a state of h"pnosis? 3!er"thing it o9ser!es is &ownloa&e& in its su9conscious min& San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. N0

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0t o9ser!es if "ou;re a 9o" "ou watch "our father B "ou see how he respon&s to all the stimuli in his life, how he ma#es all his responses an& guess whatE 1hat;s "our programming 0f "ou;re a girl "ou follow "our mother an& "ou loo# at "our other famil" mem9ers 9ecause the" also contri9ute to how "ou li!e in a communit", how "ou li!e in a famil", what are the rules, what is the language, how &o "ou tal# to people 1his has to 9e &ownloa&e& into a chil& 0t can;t 9e create&, a chil& is gi!en this (hatE 1he first si> "ears of a chil&;s life it;s in a h"pnotic trance to &ownloa& massi!e amounts of &ata, wh"E Because after it;s si> it then starts e>pressing as a pre&ominate 9rain acti!it" alpha B which is consciousness, calm consciousness B" the time it;s twel!e "ou change "our e&ucation 9ecause "ou start e>pressing 9eta, which is schoolroom consciousness +ou loo# at this an& go, well this is reall" interesting 9lah 9lah 0 can;t 9elie!e it, it goes li#e this 1he chil& is unconscious for the first si> "ears of its life in a conscious creati!e fashion 0t is 9elow consciousnessS this is a programma9le state of a chil&? 1his is where a chil& &ownloa&s how "ou life in the worl& .ow &oes it &o itE B" o9ser!ing the parents, famil", an& culture it li!es in an& &ownloa&ing it So "ou learn in acculturation what are the rules of li!ing on m" planet an& m" communit" But it also gets this self i&entit" 0 &on;t ha!e to go too &eep into this 9ecause all 0 ha!e to sa" is ha!e "ou 9een to P:)artE 1he parents get upset if the chil& is throwing a tantrum that wants a to" (ere "ou that chil& 9" an" chanceE (h" is it rele!antE (hat &oes the parent sa" usuall", something li#e Cwell "ou &on;t &eser!e that?D

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+eahE But if "ou;re un&er si>, guess what that isE $ &ownloa& .a!e "ou e!er hear& an"thing a9out "ou;re a sic#l" chil&E +ou;re a smart chil&E +ou;re a lo!a9le chil&E +ou &on;t &eser!e things, "ou;re not goo& enough, who &o "ou thin# "ou areE 1hese are &ownloa&s from other people (here &o the" goE Su9conscious. /#a", =uic# =uestion, if "ou were that chil&, woul& "ou consciousl" un&erstan& what was going onE /r woul& "ou <ust &ownloa& itE +ou;re <ust going to &ownloa& it? +ou;re not e!en conscious "et? +ou;re not conscious until after H? *ifferenceE $ chil& throws a tantrum in the store when the";re fi!e an& the parents "ell at them an& sa" that C"ou &on;t &eser!e itD the chil& un&er F &ownloa&s that into the su9conscious as C0 &o not &eser!eD $ chil& N "ears ol& woul& &o that, an& the chil& woul& figure out 9" this point that Coh &a& is <ust in a hurr" to go home an& 0;m 9eing a pain in the ass an& 0 coul& figure out wh" 0 got "elle& atD But when "ou were un&er si>, "ou &i&n;t &o that Let me tell "ou, the programma9le state of a human is not a new i&ea or a science 0t;s 9een #nown for o!er a thousan& "ears, "ou #now who #new itE 1he church. 1he church, that;s right, "ou e!er hear& the Mesuits sa" something li#e C+ou show me the chil& an& 0 will gi!e "ou the man.DE +ou e!er hear an"thing li#e thatE .ow a9out this one, the Mesuits will also sa" this: C+ou gi!e me a chil& for the first H "ears of his life an& it will 9elong to the church for the rest of its lifeD +ou e!er hear& that oneE (ell, wh" is that rele!antE

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

Because o!er a thousan& "ears ago the" #new whate!er the hell program 0 put in "ou for the first H "ears of "our life, "ou will manifest that program? (h"E Because now we #now that 9FG of "our life comes from the su9conscious So whate!er the fun&amental programs are, "ou 9ecome those fun&amental programs -ow "our last remar# a9out this is that "ou thin# "ou;re creating "our life, an& 0 sa" "ou are a9out FG of the time of "our conscious creation min&, 9FG of "our life is coming from "our unconscious ha9it min& 0 sa" oh well that;s reall" cool $n& "ou sa" Bruce, 0 woul& see if 0 was 9eing stupi& $n& 0 woul& sa", no "ou woul&n;t $n& "ou go, what &o "ou meanE $n& 0 go li#e this, ma"9e "ou;re all "oung an& &on;t ha!e enough e>perience, 9ut "ou will +ou ha!e a !er" close frien& an& "ou #now "our frien&, an& "ou #now "our frien&s parents, an& one &a" casual !olunteer an& "ou go C"ou #now Bill, "ou;re <ust li#e "our &a&?D Bac# awa" from Bill, he;s going to !ent an& is going to 9e the first person to sa" C.ow the hell can "ou compare me to m" fatherED )ost of "ou will pro9a9l" 9e familiar with someone li#e that, an& "ou won;t 9e a9le to laugh a9out it (h" is it rele!antE 0t;s funn", 9ut profoun& 3!er"one else can see that Bill 9eha!es li#e his father, 9ut he &oesn;t see it (h"E 0t;s calle& su9conscious B it;s 9elow consciousness +ou &on;t see it, when "ou &o see it when "our 9eha!ior goes out of control an& what &o "ou sa"E C1hat gu" pushe& m" 9uttons.D 1hat;s an interesting terminolog", what &oes it meanE Su9conscious is li#e a tape pla"er, li#e a <u#e9o> B "ou push a 9utton it pla"s the tape, it;ll alwa"s pla" the tape an& unless "ou change the tape it will pla" the same program o!er an& o!er again So m" point a9out "our life is this

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou;!e 9een programme& 9efore si> +ou;re the 9eliefs of the worl& 1hese 9eliefs go in "our su9conscious an& a function of "our min& is to create coherence 9etween "our 9eliefs an& the realit" "ou li!e 0f "ou were tol& "ou were a sic#l" chil&, "ou 9ecome a sic#l" chil& 0f "ou were tol& "ou ha& cancer running in "our famil" an& "ou reall" 9elie!e& that, then "ou will manifest cancer in "our famil" 9ecause "our life will manifest truth out of "our su9conscious 9eha!ior 1hen "ou;re going to tr" to sa" C(ell, how &o 0 #now what m" su9conscious programs areED $n& here;s the fun part, "ou &on;t ha!e to go to the ps"chiatrist or ps"chologist? +ou coul& &o this at home, o#a"E Lo with "ourself, what is m" su9conscious programmingE 1he answer is this +our life, is a printout of "our su9conscious 0f "ou were that chil& at P:)art an& got "elle& at that "ou &i& not &eser!e, an& then I0 "ears later "ou fin& "ourself in the 9ac#room of some manufacturing plant an& "ou;re thin#ing to "ourself consciousl" C)an, 0;m 9etter than this <o9, 0 shoul& 9e up there in the a&ministrati!e office running this showD (ell 0 sa" "eah, that;s "our conscious min&, !er" creati!e, an& 0 sa" "eah, 9ut while "ou;re ha!ing these won&erful thoughts an& 9eing up there an& running the show, whose running "our showE 1he answer is su9conscious +eahE (hat;s the su9conscious programmingE +ou &i& not &eser!e (hat &oes it meanE +ou will manifest a life that will 9e real that "ou can sa" "eah, 0 guess 0 &o not &eser!e an& loo# what happene& .a!e "ou e!er wor#e& at some of "our e>ams an& "ou got them 9ac# an& "ou foun& =uestions on the e>ams that got wrongE $n& "ou loo#e& at it an& sa" 0 #new the answer to that =uestion, has an"one e!er ha& that e>perienceE +ou #now what that;s a9outE

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou weren;t programme& to get that $ particularl", "ou were programme& as an a!erage #i&, an& if "ou were an a!erage #i& an& "ou got an $ that means "ou;!e !iolate& the programming So what &oes "our su9conscious &oE nconsciousl" mar# the answer wrong an& "ou will get the 2 that "ou were programme& to get +ou were programme& to 9e a goo& stu&ent or a 9a& stu&ent $n& "ou will manifest those programs, 9ut it;s not "ours? 0t came from other people (hat we now #now is that this is a9out life an& &isease 1his is right out of the a9stract C3n!ironmental processes influences the propensit" to &isease in a&ulthoo&D meaning what instance causes &isease in a&ulthoo&E /perate &uring the peri:conceptual fetal an& infant phases of life (e now recogni8e that the illnesses "ou get as an a&ult were programme& in "our infanc" 9" "our 9elief s"stem that "ou were &ownloa&e& with, o#a"E So this is 9asicall" sa"ing "ou;!e alrea&" 9een programme& an& if "ou;re struggling with life, 0 can tell "ou wh", 9ecause it;s a9out programming, an& here;s the issue J0 million 9its of &ata processe& per secon& 9" the su9conscious, !er" 9ig !er" powerful, wor#ing 9FG of the time Self:consciousE J0 9its of &ata, not !er" powerful 9ut it;s creati!e? $n& that;s where humans e>cel, we can create an& not <ust pla"ing ha9its. 9FG comes from the su9conscious, FG from the self:conscious that means that;s how much "ou;re contri9uting to where "ou want to go an& how much that one;s ta#ing "ou to where "ou are going $n& then "ou sa", Bruce, positi!e thin#ing $n& 0 go, positi!e thin#ingE Loo& i&ea, which min& has positi!e thin#ingE 2onscious or su9consciousE 2onscious? 0t;s creati!e rightE So 0 sa" positi!e thin#ing? $h? 0t;s part of m" self:conscious min&? 0t operates at J0 ner!e impulses per secon&, FG of the time San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. NF

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1his one;s operating at J0 million ner!e impulses 9FG of the time, &o the math .ow effecti!e is positi!e thin#ingE 5$u&ience6 0sn;t it possi9le though, to consciousl" change o!er timeE +eah, isn;t that a cool planE Because if "ou can change them, then "ou can control "our life, rightE 1hat;s the point of this whole thing, an& the first point is "ou;re alrea&" pla"ing 9" in!isi9le programs, that;s alrea&" happene& +ou;!e alrea&" 9een through this stuff, o#a"E Scientific materialism went through the *-$ co&e in 49FI, that was the fullest materiali8ation of our ci!ili8ation +ep, "ou are "our *-$, "ou;re ph"sical an& "ou;re e>pressing it B" the time the" &i& the .uman Lenome Pro<ect, which was loo#ing at all the *-$, people starte& to mo!e 9ac# towar&s the spiritualit" 0f "ou were going to pro<ect, where &o "ou thin# the line is going to mo!e to ne>tE /#a", "ou;re not going to pro<ect, 0;ll 9ac# it up, mo!e along 0t goes 1.3K3? 5points to sli&e6 $n& the reason for wh" it;s important is this: we;re going 9ac# to the mi&line B the 9alance of matter an& spirit 3ast meets (est, male meets female, all the polarities that were &i!i&e& up come together at the mi&line 1his is the part where it;s calle& .olism .olism meaning if "ou want to un&erstan& "our life, un&erstan& the spiritual part, un&erstan& the material part, recogni8e that the";re integrate&, connecte&, an& the" wor# together in this regar& (hat are the pro9lemsE 0;!e tol& "ou that there were J m"ths that we 9ought as truths, let;s correct them (e sai& the con!entional worl& -ewtonian ph"sics mechanicalE 3!er"thingE -ah uh Ruantum ph"sics

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(e sai& that the uni!erse is ma&e out of energ" an& energ" shapes matter, so it;s the in!isi9le forces that actuall" shapes the ph"sical realm (e sai& genes control 9iolog" an& we sa" no it;s epigenetics : it;s "our response to "our en!ironment B so "ou control "our genes Kele!anceE +ou;re not a !ictim, "ou;re a master, "ou <ust &on;t #now it, that "ou were &oing it. But if "ou #now it then "ou can manipulate it 1hir&l", 9ase& on sur!i!al of the fittestE -o, it;s 9ase& on cooperati!e communit" : that;s wh" the worl& is going to hell ntil we recogni8e the e!olution, which 0;ll tell "ou a9out in one secon&, which is also 9ase& on, it;s not a ran&om process, that we;re here for a reason (e;re here to create harmon" an& 9alance in the en!ironment to&a" (e;re <ust totall" not e>istent, an& that;s wh" )other 3arth is sa"ing CPlease get off m" shoul&ers some woul& sa"D $n& we;re loo#ing for it So, there;s a new un&erstan&ing which is calle& fractal e!olution that sa"s that "ou are repeating a pattern B so 0;ll tell "ou what the pattern is +ou #now what e!olution isE 0t;s not the e!olution of "ou, it;s not the e!olution of a human 9eing, we &i& that e!olution 0t;s the e!olution of humanity +ou sa" what the hell is thatE 0;m sa"ing it;s a super organism !e, ourselves, in the 9o&" of something 9igger B it;s the recognition of the wholeness of our planet an& we as cells in one human 9o&" 1he pro9lems that this human 9o&" is e>periencing right nowE 0t;s calle& autoimmune &isease $utoimmune &isease is a wa" of sa"ing self:&estruction, an& that is 9ecause we ha!en;t recogni8e& our immunit" an& "ou are the people who are going to 9e pushing an& responsi9le for the unit" that is going to 9ring the planet together an& stop #illing oursel!es with it San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. NN

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

$n& wh" is all this to changeE Because fractal mathematics sa" that pattern is 9uilt into the nature an& if "ou un&erstan& pattern "ou;ll see where we are going -ewtonian ph"sics, nah uh B it;s =uantum ph"sics 0t;s the principles of the in!isi9le realm that;s in charge 2hemistr" is changing into electrochemical operation of chemistr" B where the";re &oing chemical reactions with !i9rational fre=uencies Biolog" an& ps"cholog"E Still ol&:fashione& -ewtonian out:&ate& mechanistic 9iolog" an& it;s wrong B an& that;s wh" an up&ate is necessar" 9ecause 9iolog" is "ou an& if "ou 9u" the ol& 9elief "ou;re a !ictim an& if "ou 9u" the new 9elief "ou 9ecome the master in this particular process, o#a"E Finall", .olism 2042 9a9e, it;s coming up close, an& guess whatE Before it happens, the structure has to fall 1he structure has to fall, wh"E 0t;s not sustaina9le, we alrea&" #now that, science has alrea&" re!eale&, we;re &eep into the Hth mass e>tinction of life on this planet Life on this planet, F times in the histor" of this planet, has e>istentiall" wipe& out an& starte& all o!er again 1he first F is recogni8e& 9" scientists as things &ue to asteroi&s an& comets hitting the 3arth an& throwing the 3arth;s en!ironment into uphea!al an& #ill all life 1he Hth, unanimousl" agree& on an& un&erstoo& 9" science, is cause& 9" human 9eha!ior 0t sa"s that we, through the wa" we;re li!ing on this planet, is upsetting the 9alance of nature, which is upsetting the whole en!ironment as well $n& the rele!ance a9out that is it sa"s that we must change these things an& that these are "our <o9s $t first "ou must #now wh" "ou are limite& in an" sense of the term, an& "ou;re limite& 9ecause of "our 9elief s"stems +ou ha!e limitations that are unconscious an& 0 sa" the";re unconscious 9ecause man" of them were programme& 9efore "ou were 2 +ou ha& no un&erstan&ing of what a program was, it was <ust operating in!isi9l", 9ut 0 tol& "ou that "ou coul& see what it was all a9out when "ou loo# at it 1he new planet, here are the answers to the =uestions: San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. NO

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

(h" are we hereE (ell, how &i& we get hereE )other 3arth an& Father S#" B a9solutel" true, it;s the creation of organic chemistr" But we got here through a&apti!e mutations not ran&om mutations B meaning we were 9rought into the en!ironment 9" a purpose of nature to reharmoni8e the en!ironment (h" are we hereE 1o ten& the gar&en? Something that we &estro"e& an& is now coming 9ac# to 9ite our asses 9ecause it;s going to #ill us. $n& to ac=uire awareness, this is the gi!en thing, more awareness, more awareness, wh" &o cells come togetherE )ore awareness (h" &o people come togetherE )ore awareness (hat;s the internetE 1he coming together of all the cells in the s"stem to share all that awareness an& how to ma#e the 9est of itE Li!e in 9oun&s with nature, "es, it;s e>actl" what we;re suppose& to learn how to &o, 9ut at the same time e!ol!e technolog" (h"E So that we &on;t ma#e such a 9ig foot print in the planet that we &estro" oursel!es 9" &estro"ing the en!ironment that pro!i&e& for us. So "our <o9s are going to 9e connecte& to that $n& this e!olution is happening right now (h"E Because if it &oesn;t, we;re all going to hell an"wa"s So we;!e got a test an& we;re facing it right now, so this is what we;re coming to (e loo# at e!olution an& here is what;s important: (e;!e hear& the stor" of e!olution, a slow gra&ual progressi!e transformation of life o!er millions an& millions of "ears $n& it turns out no, that;s not true. Life has 9een effecte& 9" what is calle& punctuate& e=uili9rium San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. N9

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

1hat means life goes along prett" much prett" goo& an& then some uphea!al happens an& then all new life goes on, then some uphea!al happens, an& then all new life goes on (ell, we;!e 9een loo#ing at the uphea!als, we;!e 9een loo#ing at e!olution as C/h "eah, we went from fish, amphi9ians to reptiles to 9ir&s to mammals, it;s li#e we miss the pointD 1hat;s not the pattern of e!olution 1he pattern of e!olution is a single organism <oining into communit" 1he first organisms were 9acteria, first IV 9illions "ears of life on this planet were <ust single cells (hat happene&E First the pro#ar"otes <oine& together to ma#e communities of pro#ar"otes which 9ecame the cell calle& the amoe9a, the paramecium, the cell of "our 9o&" So what &oes it meanE 1he cells that ma#e up "our 9o&" are all communities of 9acteria But when the communit" got together an& 9ecame the unit, then the function was to hoo# up with other units B which were other communities So "ou start with a 9acteria as a communit" "ou ma#e a cell, which is a communit" then what &o the cells &oE (ell the" starte& to <oin together to create, whatE )ulti:cellular communities? +eah, an& what &i& the" &oE 1he e!ol!e& ultimatel" to the highest form is the human? So the human has 9een create& an& is complete, it is a unit (hat woul& 9e the ne>t unit of e!olutionE 0 woul& tell "ou 9ecause "ou &i&n;t listen 1he ne>t le!el of e!olution is the unit" of all the humans coming together to create the multi:cellular organism that is calle& humanit" You are the see&s of that humanit" +our pre&ecessors, "our precursors, who were "ou parents an& gran&parents were the lefto!ers of the en&ing of the ol& one San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. O0

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

So "our <o9 is no small fi> in a small time, "our <o9 is a nature <o9 B "ou are the source of our e!olution +ou loo# at the worl&, it;s lea!ing "ou out, an& it was all a &esign, 9ecause on the outsi&e "ou can create a new e!olution, on the insi&e "ou;re 9orrowing the machiner" But what "ou ha!e to un&erstan& is that the most important thing "ou ha!e for "our future is this: it;s onl" the 9eginning $n& the things that will come "our wa" are most ama8ing )ost importantl", it;s the #nowle&ge of who "ou are, "ou are the creator, an& "ou are creating this life, "ou;re creating "our health, "ou;re creating e!er" aspect of it 1hings that "ou &on;t li#e, as "ou were 9rought up, "ou can go in an& change the 9elief s"stem +our processes coul& change the 9elief s"stem so that the" coul& 9e left insi&e, tal#ing to "ourself +ou #now how "ou;re alwa"s sa"ing to "ourself, li#e 0 woul& sa" to m"self CBruce, man "ou;re alwa"s eating that stupi& <un# foo&D an& 0;m getting into arguments with m"self a9out how stupi& 0 am for eating that <un# foo&, an& then F minutes later 0 got a Prisp" Preme &onut in m" han& an& 0 go C(hat the hell is that &oing thereED 1he realit" is, &oes "elling at "ourself ma#e it an" 9etterE 1he answer is a9solutel" not, an& 0;ll tell "ou wh" Because while there is an entit" in that consciousness, "our spirit, "our source, "our i&entit", there;s no e=ui!alent entit" in "our su9consciousness. 1he su9conscious is li#e a tape recor&er, in fact, it;s more li#e a precocious F:"ear ol&, an& wh" is that rele!antE Because if "ou "ell at a F:"ear ol&, is it cooperating with "ou, "es or noE -o, the answer is this, if "ou want to change, then 9e goo& to "ourself an& gi!e "ourself encouragement an& lo!ing support rather than 9lasting "ourself for not li!ing or wor#ing out right, wh"E Because the" got F0 trillion cells listening to e!er"thing "ou sa", 9ecause e!er"thing "ou sa" is chemistr" $n& "ou can hear "ourself instantl", "ou can rewrite "our programs instantl" )" we9site,, has a resource page of all wa"s of new i&eas of changing su9conscious programming in )0- 13S, 9ecause we &on;t ha!e a lot of time. $n& the significance is this, "ou are creating this life

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

2an 0 ha!e a show of han& here, "ou #now, if "ou;re not em9arrasse&, to this =uestion: "ou;re all "oung that;s wh" 0 got to as#, 9ecause if 0 ha& an ol& au&ience 0 alrea&" #now the answer, 9ut in this case 0;ll ha!e to as#: has an"one of "ou e!er fallen hea& o!er heels in lo!eE 0 mean 9ig time, B0L 10)3 Ruic# =uestion, for those that ha!e, in that time perio& there was that lo!e, the hone"moon part, the reall" goo& an& <uic" part in the 9eginning rightE (ere "ou prett" health" thenE +es or no. (ere "ou happ"E (as life going so goo& that as a matter of fact, sleeping was a pain in the ass 9ecause "ou <ust reall" want to 9e there. KightE +ou ha!e enough energ" to ma#e lo!e for &a"s in a row, rightE 0 want to sa" something, if "ou coul& go 9ac# to that moment where "ou were engage& in that lo!e, was that hea!en on earthE +es or no. (as it hea!en on earth for "ou at that momentE +es or no. Prett" much )" pointE 1hat wasn;t an acci&ent, that was a creation, "ou create& that with an intention that "ou &i&n;t #now a9out "et, 9ut it was &one 9ecause "ou were !er" self:conscious an& "ou &i&n;t let the tape recor&er run Let me gi!e "ou a simple e>ample B the &a" 9efore "ou met this person that "ou fell hea& o!er heels in lo!e, how long &i& it ta#e "ou to get &ress "ester&a"E /h 0 get &ress in 40 minutes an& 0 was out of the house, 9ut tonight, B0L *$+, 9ig one, this is it, the moon, 0;m going to get &resse& for this &ate? )ore than 40 minutesE (hat &o "ou thin#E )a"9e an hour or two, rightE (hat the hell;s the &ifferenceE +ester&a" 0 got &resse& 9" ha9it, to&a" 0;m loo#ing in the mirror, to&a" 0;m 9eing self:conscious, 0;m chec#ing on m"self to ma#e sure 0;m e>actl" who 0 want to 9e in this relationship $n& what &o "ou &o after &innerE San Francisco State ni!ersit" | ./L0S102 .3$L1. O2

[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

0 9et "ou &i&n;t 9lurt out wor&s, the fact is, "ou actuall" thought out what "ou were going to sa" 9efore "ou sai& them, wh"E +ou were 9eing a poet an& an artist an& "ou were creating those wor&s that were magic (hen "ou sai& those wor&s, "our partner on the other si&e goes C/h7 Bruce7D +ou create& won&erful wor&s an& guess whatE 0t felt that wa" an& "ou li!e that wa" an& it 9ecame that wa" an& wh"E +ou &i&n;t pla" the ha9its, "ou pla"e& li!e time from consciousness, it;s calle& min&fulness, 9e here now 0f "ou &o that, "ou ha!e a9solute control of the moment, if "ou let "our min& wan&er, the ha9its ta#e o!er, an& that;s the 9iggest issue we ha!e to &eal with. 0f "ou &o want it, "ou create hea!en on earth, wh" &i& that hone"moon en& on that relationshipE 0;ll tell "ou wh", 9ecause after a num9er of &a"s an& o!er a perio& of time, the hone"moon part was reall" nice 9ut real life starte& coming 9ac#? C0 ha!e to pa" the rent, 0 ha!e to &o the homewor#, 0;!e got to fi> the carD $ll these things an& "our min& starts thin#ing, "our conscious min& is creati!el" thin#ing how 0;m going to &o all this an& "our lo!e comes up to "ou, "our 9eautiful person that "ou 9rought in "our life comes up an& as#s "ou a simple lo!ing =uestion an& "ou turn aroun& an& go BL$. BL$. K$(K K$(K K$.? +our partner loo#s at "ou an& goes C(ho are "ouED $n& all of a su&&en the worl& changes in that relationship, 9ecause what happens is that it starts out with two people B two conscious min& wor#ing together in harmon" B an& turne& into four people: "our consciousness that is "ou an& the ha9its that "ou were programme& to 9e 9" some9o&" else, "ou were some9o&" else. (hen four people come into the hone"moon, the hone"moon en&s. $n& the issue is this, it was a creation an& "ou can program that creation in "our su9conscious, an& it;ll 9e a9solutel" true, e!er"&a" coul& 9e the same as that hone"moon &a" if "ou put the ha9its in "ou are so "ou &on;t ha!e to #eep loo#ing in the mirrorS it;s automatic (hen it;s automatic, then "ou can create hea!en on earth +ou;!e alrea&" &one it, 9ut "ou can ma#e it in "our life a 9illionaire, this gu" is finall" shotting up? (e got it? 1he issue is this, 0;ll <ust lea!e "ou, "ou are more powerful than "ou can e!en imagine "ourself

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[THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF] Bruce Lipton | Fall 2009

+ou can wal# across 9e&s of hot coals, women lift up cars when chil&ren get trappe& in an acci&ent un&er a car, the" lift up a thousan& poun&s to get the chil& out 0n the south, there are Baptists fun&amentalists that wor# themsel!es up to a state of religious ecstas" testif" that Lo& protects them 1he" pla" with rattle sna#es, copper hea& sna#es, poisonous !ipers, the" get 9itten an& nothing goes wrong 9ut the";re not the cool ones? 1he cool ones &rin# str"chnine in to>ic &oses to &emonstrate that Lo& protects them, an& guess whatE 1he" &rin# str"chnine with no harmful effects, wh"E Because the min& is all powerful, an& "ou ha!e all that power 9ut "our 9elief s"stem will &en" it, an& if "our 9elief s"stem &enies it, then "ou will not manifest it, an& 0 wasn;t raise& in the 2hristian tra&ition, 9ut there was this teacher gu" that sai& C+ou can &o all the miracles that 0 can &o, e!en 9etter than 0 can &o, 9ut "ou &on;t 9elie!e itD $n& that;s the simple 9ottom line 2hange "our 9elief s"stem an& create a 9etter hea!en so 0 coul& sit on m" porch so "ou coul& ta#e o!er 1han# "ou for "our attention an& all "our time 53n&6

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