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Top 3 Accounting Journals Every accounting school considers these journals as "A" hits.

These are the consensus top journals in the discipline.

The Accounting Review (TAR)

Click here for submission information. The broadest of the top three journals. TAR publishes financial, managerial, audit, and tax research using archival, behavioral, and analytical research designs. Unlike JAR and JAE, editors at TAR use two referees to evaluate each

submission. Journal of Accounting Research (JAR)

Click here for submission information.

Published by the Institute for Professional Accounting at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE)

Click here for submission information. Next 3 Best Journals Some schools consider these journals as "A" hits and some consider them as "A-" hits. They are generally favorably viewed by all schools.

Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR) Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) Accounting, Organisations and Society (AOS) _journals

Journal Title Journal of Accounting and Economics Accounting Organizations and Society Accounting Review Journal of Accounting Research Review of Accounting Studies Accounting Horizons Contemporary Accounting Research Management Accounting Research

Impact Factor 3.281 2.878 2.418 2.378 2.022 1.759 1.431 1.333

5-Year Impact Factor 4.306 3.381 3.404 3.913 2.768


European Accounting Review Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory

1.154 0.96

1.349 1.51

AOS CAR JAE JAR TAR Lowe and Locke (2004) administered a webbased survey to 1314 professors in accounting and finance departments in the UK to examine the perception of peer-reviewed accounting journal qualify. Based on 149 replies (a 16% response rate, considering that 367 emailed surveys were undeliverable), the respondents ranked AOS (1), TAR (2), JAR (3), JAE (4), and CAR (5) as the five highest qualify journals out of a total of 32. These five journals also were ranked at the top when the respondents were asked to rate journal quality considering articles that ascribe to a functionalist/positivist paradigm, but the order here was different: TAR (1), JAR (2), JAE (3), AOS (4), and CAR (5). However, JAR, JAE, and CAR did not make the top five when considering articles that ascribe to a critical/interpretative paradigm; for such articles, AOS and TAR were first and second, respectively. Finally, there were differences in journal rankings depending on whether the respondent had a finance/capital markets background vs. other background. Researchers in the finance/capital markets area ranked TAR (1), JAE (2), JAR (3),

Journal name acronyms AAR Australian Accounting Review Ab Abacus ABR Accounting and Business Research AF Accounting and Finance AH Accounting Horizons

AudJPT Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory AOS Accounting, Organizations and Society ASQ Administrative Science Quarterly ATF Australian Tax Forum ATR Australian Tax Review BAR British Accounting Review CAR Contemporary Accounting Research BRIA Behavioral Research in Accounting DS Decision Sciences HBR Harvard Business Review IJA International Journal of Accounting JA Journal of Accountancy JAAF Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance JAE Journal of Accounting and Economics JAL Journal of Accounting Literature JAPP Journal of Accounting and Public Policy JAR Journal of Accounting Research JATA Journal of the American Taxation Association JB Journal of Business JBFA Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting JF Journal of Finance JFE Journal of Financial Economics JFQA Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis JIFMA Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting JMAR Journal of Management Accounting Research JT Journal of Taxation MS Management Science NTJ National Tax Journal RAST Review of Accounting Studies RQFA Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting TAR The Accounting Review 1 TLR Tax Law Review

Journal of Accounting and Economics Accounting Organizations and Society Accounting Review Journal of Accounting Research Review of Accounting Studies Accounting Horizons Contemporary Accounting Research

Management Accounting Research European Accounting Review Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory

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