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Map 2 Hibernia-Scadinavia

Compiled by A. Bursche (eastern Europe) and R. Warner (Ireland), 1996 Introduction

Eastern Europe The knowledge shown by ancient geographers and historians (in particular, Pliny, Tacitus, Ptolemy, Cassius Dio) derives particularly from permanent trade contacts developed in the first two centuries A.D., linking the middle Danube and (later) the lower Rhine and northern Pontic areas with the south Baltic coast, the main source of amber (Kolendo 1981; 1983; 1985; 1990; 1993; Godowski 1985; Nowakowski 1983; 1996; Wolters 1990). The region between the lower Vistula and Neman (ancient Roudon) rivers was probably the best known area in all of more remote barbaricum territory (Strzelczyk 1980; Kolendo 1981b; 1984; 1985; 1987a; 1992; Wogiewicz 1986; Nowakowski 1990; 1992; 1996, 109-16; Bierbrauer 1994, 72-75). According to Pliny (NH 37.45), trading in amber should be located here, or more precisely on the coast (cf. Kolendo 1981). As a result, many names of peoples and geographical features in this area are known. Archaeology makes a significant contribution too. One of the largest concentrations of Roman artifacts has been found in enormous cemeteries in East Pomerania at the Vistula mouth (Eggers 1951; Wogiewicz 1970; Kolendo 1981a; Godowski 1985; Tempelmann-Mczynska 1985; Wielowiejski 1985). Other useful sources of information for ancient authors were Germanic captives, hostages, official visitors or envoys on the one hand, and on the other Roman intelligence agents (exploratores), as well as ransomed or rescued Roman captives (Volkmann 1964; Amirante 1969; Kolendo 1978; 1987; 1989; 1996, 146; 1996a; Lee 1993; Scardigli 1994). The naval expedition of A.D. 5, undertaken during Roman occupation of territory between the Rhine and the Elbe (ancient Albis), must have been especially informative (Kolendo 1981b; Kehne 1995, 27-28). In the Late Roman period there was considerable diplomatic contact with the peoples of barbaricum (Werner 1973; Kolendo 1981a; 1993; 1995; Krger 1983; Whittaker 1994, 132-91; Bursche 1996). In addition, during the third and fourth centuries A.D. the Danish islands of Fyn, Zealand and Bornholm played a major role in the Baltic Sea region as redistribution centers for Roman artifacts (Lund Hansen 1987; Hedeager 1992). Some information about north-east Europe certainly reached fifth and sixth century authors (in particular, Cassiodorus, Iordanes, Procopius) by way of Germanic tribes settled in territory of the Western Empire who maintained contacts with their homeland; among these were Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals and Heruls (cf. Werner 1949; Fagerlie 1967, 163-74; Wagner 1967, 193-99; Svennung 1972; Kolendo 1986; 1992, 187; 1993a; Heather 1991; Bursche 1996, 122). Although many names of peoples and geographical features are known, plenty are attested only once, and in general precise locations are usually very doubtful or completely obscure (Schmidt 1934; Kolendo 1981b; 1987a); thus only the better attested names appear on the map. Large-scale tribal migrations are difficult to show here. Several of the Germanic tribes living in north-central Europe during the pre-Roman or Roman periods came to play a major role in incursions into the Roman world, and eventually contributed to the destruction of the western empire (Demougeot 1969; Thompson 1982; Demandt 1989; Wolfram 1990; Heather 1991; Kazansky 1991; Godowski 1992; Mczyska 1993; Bierbrauer 1994, 134-71; Whittaker 1993; 1994, 192-278; Kolendo 1993; 1995). It should be noted, too, that from the end of the fifth century onwards the area between the middle Danube, Elbe and south Baltic coast was increasingly settled by the Slavs (Godowski 1979; 1983; Parczewski 1993, 132-44). Ptolemys testimony is not specific enough to permit the placement of any of the toponyms he mentions north of the Carpathians, despite various attempts to do so (Svennung 1974; Kolendo 1981b). The same applies to most of the tribes in Scandinavia mentioned by Iordanes (Getica 21-24, cf. Svennung 1967; Alonso-Nuez 1988). The fact that the eastern part of the map largely lies outside the Roman Empire has influenced the choice of sites marked. Preference has been given to native settlements and cemeteries where there is evidence of extensive



Roman contacts indicated by the presence of many Roman artifacts. Because of the scale, it has been necessary to select only the most significant and extensively excavated settlements, the larger cemeteries, and the most famous chieftain graves. In addition, some extraordinary hoards and votive-deposits (bog finds such as Ilkjr 1990) containing Roman goods have been marked. Ireland Irish contacts of a low order with the classical world can be demonstrated archaeologically and textually from the fifth century B.C. onwards, increasing somewhat with the Roman occupation of Britain (Kenney 1929, chap. 2; Warner 1991; Freeman 1995). Virtually all our information about toponyms comes from Ptolemy (ORahilly 1946, chap. 1; Pokorny 1954; Tierney 1976; Mac an Bhaird 1993). Despite demonstrable linguistic continuity, surprisingly few of these toponyms are now locatable. In compiling the map, I have given preference to the conservative views of ORahilly over the ingenious suggestions of Mac an Bhaird or Byrne (1984, 98). I have also rejected some etymologically and archaeologically tempting identificationssuch as Isamnion with Navan (Irish Emain), or Manapia with Drumanagh (Irish Druim Monach)which are at odds with Ptolemys locations. The status of native culture between the seventh and third centuries B.C. is little understood. A clearer impression, however, can be gained of the Iron Age (third century B.C. to fourth century A.D.), particularly its fine metalwork derived from continental La Tne traditions (Raftery 1994). It is agreed that Ireland never became a formal part of the Roman empire, but there is little consensus concerning the level of the relationship between the two (Rordin 1947; Bateson 1973; Killeen 1976; Warner 1976; Raftery 1994 chap. 9; Rankin 1996 appendix). The minimalist view allows only some trade and mutual plundering, while a recent opinion suggests far more substantial contacts, including Roman invasion and settlement in Ireland (Warner 1995). The only site of Hellenistic date marked, Navan, appears on the basis of a Barbary Ape skull, and the interpretation of later textual evidence (Warner 1996). For the Roman period, only those archaeological sites or finds whose Roman content suggests significant Roman or provincial (rather than native Romano-British) contact are shown.

CRFEB LAGPW TIR BritSep TIR CastReg TIR Condate R. Laser and H.-U. Voss (eds.), Corpus der rmischen Funde im europischen Barbaricum, Deutschland, vol.1: Bundeslnder Brandenburg und Berlin, Bonn, 1994 G.W. Bowersock, P. Brown and O. Grabar (eds.), Late antiquity: a guide to the postclassical world, Cambridge, MA, 1999 Tabula Imperii Romani, Britannia Septentrionalis, London, 1987 Tabula Imperii Romani M 33, Castra ReginaVindobonaCarnuntum, Prague, 1986 Tabula Imperii Romani, CondateGlevumLondiniumLutetia, London, 1983

Grid G2 F4 H3 E4 F3 E3 F4 E3 G4 E4 E4 Name by Aenus fl. Aestii Agri Decumates Albis fl. Amisia fl. Anisus fl. Anreppen Aquincum Arae Flaviae Argentorate Period L RL Modern Name / Location SWE AUS / GER RUS GER GER GER GER HUN GER FRA Reference Fagerlie 1967, 191-92 (no. 99) See Map 12 Tac., Germ. 45; Nowakowski 1996, 109-16 See Map 12 See Map 10 See Map 10 See Map 12 See Map 11 See Map 20 See Map 12 See Map 11

MAP 2 HIBERNIA-SCADINAVIA Grid G4 F4 H2 Name Arrabona Augusta Vindelicum Auktakiemiai, Palanga, ernai Auteinoi Autricum Avaldsnes Babita, Machary, Mojtyny Balline Biacino Biesenbrow Birgos? fl. Biskupin Bjergelide Bjrnhovda Bodotria? Aestuarium Bogaczewo-Kula Bonna Botes Brigantes Brigetio Britannia Albion Britannicum Mare Byrsted Caledonia Calleva Carnuntum Castra Regina Castra Vetera Cenabum Chersonesos Kimbrike Chesinos fl. Chronos fl. Ciepe Codanus Sinus? Col. Augusta Treverorum Col. Camulodunum Col. Claudia Ara Agrippinensium Col. Glevum Col. Lindum Col. Ulpia Traiana Condate Redonum Dabrona fl. Damme Dani Danuvius fl. Dbczyno Deva R R L RL Period Modern Name / Location HUN GER formerly Oberhof LIT Reference See Map 20 See Map 12 Bezzenberger 1892; Bolin 1922, 228-31; Moora 1938; Tautaviius 1968; Michelbertas 1972, 118 (no. 45); Bursche 1996, 170-72, 178, 180-81 Ptol. 2.2.4; ORahilly 1946, 10 See Map 11 Slomann 1964; RGermAlt 1 Hollack 1904; Nowakowski 1983, 64-65 (nos. 2, 28, 29); Bursche 1996, 172, 176 Rordin 1947, 43-54 Wielowiejski 1985, 308 (no. 327); Hahua 1996 Laser 1982, 106-10 See Map 8 RGermAlt 3; Jaskanis 1991 Lund Hansen 1987, 407 Fagerlie 1967, 194 (no. 115) See Map 9 Okulicz 1958; Nowakowski 1983, 64 (no. 5) See Map 11 Fagerlie 1967, 198-99 (no. 137) See Map 8 See Map 20 OCD Albion; Britain, Roman TIR Condate 47 RGermAlt 4; Lund Hansen 1987, 405 See Map 9 See Map 8 See Map 13 See Map 12 See Map 11 See Map 14 Strabo 7.292; RE 12; RGermAlt Entdeckungsgeschichte Ptol. 3.5.1; Kolendo 1992 Ptol. 3.5.1; RGermAlt; Kolendo 1992 Schmidt 1902; Wielowiejski 1985, 267 (no. 78) See Map 10 See Map 11 See Map 8 See Map 11 See Map 8 See Map 8 See Map 11 See Map 7 Ptol. 2.2.5; ORahilly 1946, 4 CRFEB 83 Iordanes, Getica 23; RGermAlt 5, 175-76 See Map 23 Machajewski 1992; 1993, 13-61 See Map 8


B3 D4 E2 H3 B3 G3 F3 B3 G3 E2 G2 C2 H3 E3 G2 B3 G4 C2 C4 E2 B2 C3 G4 F4 E3 D4 E2 H2 H3 G3 E3 E4 D3 E3 C3 C3 E3 C4 B3 F3 F2 F4 G3 C3


IRE FRA NOR formerly Babienten POL IRE formerly Balenthin POL GER IRE POL DEN SWE UKG formerly BogatzewenKullabrcke POL GER SWE IRE HUN Great Britain English Channel DEN UKG UKG AUS GER GER FRA DEN / GER LAT Pregolya RUS formerly Warmhof POL GER UKG GER UKG UKG GER FRA Lee IRE GER DEN / SWE POL UKG



20 Grid Name Douekaledonios Okeanos = Hyperboreios Okeanos Duria fl. Durocortorum Dytikos Okeanos Eburacum Eketorp Enekrogen, Kannikegrd, Slamrebjerg, Slusegrd Erdinoi Erpeditanoi Farmen Flevum L. Fretum Gallicum Frisii Frombork, Moteczno, Trbki Mae Galindai Gallia Ganganoi Gepidi? Germania Barbaricum Germanicum Mare Gdker Gorszewice Gothi Gothiscandza Gronowo Grudzidz-Rzdz Gudme Gundestrup Gustow Haltern Hanau Havor Hedegrd Helg Herios fl. Heruli? Hibernia Hohendorf Hyperboreios/ Douekaledonios Okeanos Icauna fl. Illerup dal Iouernikos Okeanos Hibernikos Okeanos

MAP 2 HIBERNIA-SCADINAVIA Period Modern Name / Location Reference

G4 D4 B2 C3 G2 G2


See Map 20 See Map 11 Ptol. 7.5.2; 8.13.2 See Map 9 Nsman 1984; 1989 Klindt-Jensen 1978; Lund Hansen 1987, 418 Ptol. 2.2.4 Lund Hansen 1987, 432 See Map 10 See Map 8 See Map 10 Peiser 1914; Bolin 1922, 207-208; Bott 1976 Ptol. 3.5.9; Kolendo 1984; Nowakowski 1995 See Map 1 Ptol. 2.2.4 Iordanes, Getica 96; Wolfram 1990, 49, 97; Bierbrauer 1994, 72, 96-98 RE Suppl. 3 Germani 3; RGermAlt 7, 357-62, 370-72, 374-89 Sarnowski 1991 Ptol. 2.3.4; KlPauly Nordsee Lund Hansen 1987, 443 Pieczyski 1953 See Map 13 Iordanes, Getica 26, 95; Wolfram 1990, 33, 47-52, 381 (n. 36) Wogiewicz 1976; Wielowiejski 1985, 272-73, 304 Anger 1890; Hachmann 1972; Wielowiejski 1985, 254, 306 See Map 10 Klindt-Jensen 1961; Kaul 1991 See Map 10 See Map 11 See Map 12 Lund Hansen 1987, 446-47 Madsen 1992 Holmquist 1961 See Map 14 See Map 10 LAGPW Ireland Eggers 1951, 105 (no. 678); Laser 1982, 53 TIR BritSep 59 See Map 11 Ilkjr 1990 Ptol. 2.3.2; TIR BritSep 45

B3 F1 E3 D3 E3 G3


IRE / UKG NOR NET GER / NET formerly Frauenburg POL

H3 C4 B3 G3 E3 D2 G2 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 F2 E2 F3 E3 E3 G2 E2 G2 C4 F2 B3 F3 B1 D4 E2 B3



North Sea SWE POL POL POL formerly Gross-Grnow POL formerly Rondsen POL DEN DEN GER GER GER SWE DEN SWE FRA DEN / SWE Ireland IRE / UKG GER North Atlantic FRA DEN Irish Sea




MAP 2 HIBERNIA-SCADINAVIA Grid B3 D4 C3 E2 F4 F4 F3 E3 G2 H2 G3 G4 B3 F2 F3 G3 H3 H3 G3 Name Iouernoi Isara fl. Isca [Iutae] Iuvavum Ivarus? fl. Kablow Kalkriese Knne Kannikegrd = Enekrogen Karbones Karlino Karpates Oros Kaukoi Kirkebakkegrd Klein Kris Konarzew Kotelnikovo Kovrovo Krosno, Poowite, Weklice Krusza Zamkowa Kungsgrden Kurmaiiai Lachmirowice Lauriacum g Piekarski Leno Lemovii? Licca fl. Lilla Jored Lilla Sojvide Litus Saxonicum Logia fl. Londinium ubiana Lubieszewo Lubieszewo Lugii Luguvalium Lunde Lupia fl. Machary = Babita Magnatai Nagnatai Malbork-Wielbark Marcomanni Marktbreit Marus fl. Matrona fl. Meduana? fl. Moteczno = Frombork Period R RL Modern Name / Location IRE FRA UKG DEN AUS GER GER Stavgard SWE LAT / LIT formerly Krlin POL IRE DEN GER POL formerly Warengen RUS formerly Dollkeim RUS formerly Crossen POL Reference Ptol. 2.2.6; ORahilly 1946, 9 See Map 11 See Map 8 Schmidt 1938, 118; Bierbrauer 1994, 72-74 See Map 19 See Map 12 CRFEB 31-33 See Map 10 Lund Hansen 1987, 446 Ptol. 3.4.10; Kolendo 1992 ak 1962, 49-51; Machajewski 1984, 79 See Map 1 TIR BritSep 21 Lund Hansen 1987, 409 CRFEB 33-36; Gustavs 1994 Petersen 1939, 74 Peiser 1919; Nowakowski 1996 Bolin 1922, 211; Nowakowski 1996 Blume 1912; Eggers 1964; Wielowiejski 1985, 270, 297; Andrzejowski 1987; Okulicz 1989; Okulicz-Kozaryn 1992 Cofta-Broniewska 1979 Lund Hansen 1987, 452 Kulikauskas 1968; Michelbertas 1972, 115 (no. 26) Zielonka 1953; Wielowiejski 1985, 259, 300 See Map 12 Jadewski 1981; Wielowiejski 1985, 257, 306 Wielowiejski 1985, 269, 271; Walenta 1992 Tac., Germ. 44; Schmidt 1934, 118; Bierbrauer 1994, 72-74 See Map 12 Lund Hansen 1987, 450 Lund Hansen 1987, 448-49 See Map 11 See Map 9 See Map 8 Mczyska 1994 Blume 1912; Wielowiejski 1985, 272, 297 Eggers 1950; Wielowiejski 1985, 257, 304 Tac., Germ. 43.2; RE; TIR CastReg 53-54; Bierbrauer 1994, 72-73 See Map 9 Lund Hansen 1987, 436 See Map 11 Ptol. 2.2.4 Schindler 1940; Andrzejowski 1996 See Map 12 See Map 12 See Map 13 See Map 11 See Map 14



G3 G1 H2 G3 F4 G3 G3 F3 F4 F2 G2 D3 B3 C3 G3 G3 G3 G3 C3 E2 E3 B3 G3 F3 F4 G4 D4 C4





22 Grid E4 E3 H3 E3 E4 G3 B3 H3 E4 E3 E3 F2 E3 G3 C2 F2 H2 G3 B3 B3 G3 F4 F1 H4 G3 H3 D3 G3 G4 F4 E3 H2 D3 C3 F3 D3 D4 H2 G2 E1 D3 G4 F2 B3 Name Moenus fl. Mogontiacum Mojtyny = Babita Morshanskoe Mosa fl. Mosella fl. Mrzezino Navan Netta Nicer fl. Novaesium Noviomagus Nyrup Oberaden Odry Orcades Inss. remlla Osioi? Ouenedikos Kolpos Ouenniknioi Ouergionios Okeanos Ouiadoua? fl. Ovilava vre Stabu Palanga = Auktakiemiai Pathissus fl. Pia Poowite = Krosno Povarovka Praetorium Agrippinae Pruszcz Gdaski Quadi Raetia Rhenus fl. Roudon fl. Sabis? fl. Sabrina fl. Salas? fl. Samara fl. Samarobriva Ambianorum Sargenai Sarmaticus Oceanus Scadinavia/ Scandza Scaldis fl. Scandza = Scadinavia Scarbantia Sejlflod Senos fl.

MAP 2 HIBERNIA-SCADINAVIA Period Modern Name / Location GER GER R formerly Schreitlacken RUS FRA / GER formerly Bresin POL UKG POL GER GER NET DEN GER POL UKG SWE LIT IRE Oder AUS NOR Reference See Map 11 See Map 11 Bolin 1922, 217-18 See Map 11 See Map 11 Bolin 1926 (102) See Map 9 Okulicz 1955; Kaczyski 1991 See Map 11 See Map 11 See Map 10 Lund Hansen 1987, 410 See Map 11 Kmieciski 1968 See Map 9 Lund Hansen 1987, 449 Ptol. 3.5.10; Kolendo 1984; Nowakowski 1992 Ptol. 3.5.1-10; Kolendo 1984 Ptol. 2.2.2; TIR BritSep 78; Mac an Bhaird 1993, 3 See Map 8 TIR CastReg 85 See Map 12 Shetelig 1914 See Map 21 Wefels 1921; Bursche 1996, 216-17 (no. 11) Bolin 1922, 214; Nowakowski 1996, 150 (no. 38) See Map 10 Pietrzak 1988; 1996 See Map 13 See Map 19 See Map 11 Ptol. 3.5.1; Kolendo 1992 See Map 11 See Map 8 See Map 12 See Map 11 See Map 11 Puzinas 1950, 193; Nowakowski 1983, 64-65 (no. 40) Ptol. 3.5.1; RE Ostsee Iordanes, Getica 16-25, 94, 121; Svennung 1963; 1967; 1974; Alonso-Nuez 1988 See Map 11 See Map 20 Lund Hansen 1987, 427 Ptol. 2.2.3; ORahilly 1946, 4; Mac an Bhaird 1993, 4




formerly Schneidemhl POL formerly Kirpehnen RUS NET formerly Praust POL CZE / SVK





HUN DEN Shannon estuary IRE

MAP 2 HIBERNIA-SCADINAVIA Grid D4 G2 H2 G2 F2 E2 G2 G2 G2 H3 B3 E2 F2 F3 F3 F2 H3 C3 B3 C1 H2 C3 G2 F3 Name Sequana fl. ernai = Auktakiemiai Sindarve Sitones? Skedemosse Slamrebjerg = Enekrogen Slusegrd = Enekrogen Smrenge Snartemo Soldatergrd Srby-Strlinge Sorte Muld Soudinoi Stoneyford Store Kongshj Store-Dal Suebi Suebicum Mare Suiones? Szwajcaria Tamesis fl. Tara Thule? Inss. Tourountes? fl. Trbki Mae = Frombork Trisantona fl. Tuna (Ulme)Rugii Ulpia Traiana = Col. Ulpia Traiana Vallhagar Vandali Venedi Vidivarii Vindobona *Viroconium Vistula fl. Visurgis? fl. Vrangstrup Wsiory Weklice = Krosno Weski Wilhelmsaue Witaszkowo Wyszembork Zgliczyn-Pobodzy L RL R L Period Modern Name / Location FRA R R R L L L R RL RL R R R R R L SWE EST SWE DEN NOR DEN SWE DEN LIT IRE DEN NOR Baltic Sea SWE POL UKG IRE Shetland UKG LAT UKG SWE GER Reference See Map 11 Lind 1981, 53-69 Tac., Germ. 45; Svennung 1963; Pekkanen 1968, 59-117; Kolendo 1996 Hagberg 1967 Kromann 1984 Hougen 1935 Fagerlie 1967, 211 (no. 219) Lund Hansen 1987, 444-45; Sjberg 1987, 418-33 Watt 1991 Ptol. 3.5.9; Nowakowski 1992, 229; 1995, 85 Bourke 1989 Lund Hansen 1987, 427 Petersen 1916; Lund Hansen 1987, 431 See Map 10 Tac., Germ. 45 Tac., Germ. 44; Malone 1925; Alonso-Nuez 1988 Antoniewicz 1958; 1963 See Map 8 See Map 8 Svennung 1974, 7-9; OCD Ptol. 3.5.1; Kolendo 1992 See Map 8 Lund Hansen 1987, 451 See Map 10



G2 G3 H3 G3 G4 C3 G3 E3 E2 G3 G3 F3 F3 H3 H3



Stenberger 1955 Pliny, NH 4.99; Schmidt 1942; Bierbrauer 1994, 72-73 Ptol. 3.5.7-9; Kolendo 1984; Nowakowski 1990, 384, 392-402; 1992 Iordanes, Getica 96; Wolfram 1990, 33, 49, 97, 326; Bierbrauer 1994, 97 See Map 13 See Map 8 Pliny, NH 4.100; Ptol. 3.5.1, 8; RE See Map 10 Lund Hansen 1987, 428 Kmieciski 1966 Dbrowska 1967 CRFEB 79-82 Bukowski 1977 Nowakowski 1995 Wielowiejski 1985, 255, 288



Grid C2 C3 Name / Location so-called Antonine Wall so-called Hadrians Wall Period Reference See Map 9 See Map 9

Unlocated Toponyms
(See also Maps 8 and 9) Name Ausoba Boreion Akron Dour fl. Iernos fl. Iouernis Libnios fl. Luceni Magnata Makolikon Notion Akron Ouellaboroi/ Velabri Ouenniknion Akron Ousdiai Raiba Raouios fl. Regia Velabri = Ouellaboroi Period R R R R R R L R R R RL R R R R R Probable Location W coast Ireland NW Ireland SW Ireland SW Ireland near Iouernioi? IRE W Ireland near Shannon IRE near Nagnatai IRE W Ireland SW Ireland near Shannon IRE N Ireland S Ireland near Lough Ree? IRE NW Ireland central Ireland Reference Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.1 Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.9 Ptol. 2.2.3 Orosius 1.2 Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.9 Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.4; Orosius 1.2; ORahilly 1946, 9 Ptol. 2.2.1 Ptol. 2.2.6 Ptol. 2.2.9 Ptol. 2.2.3 Ptol. 2.2.9

Alonso-Nuez 1988 J.M. Alonso-Nuez, Roman knowledge of Scandinavia in the imperial period, OJA 7 (1988) 47-64. Amirante 1969 L. Amirante, Prigionia di guerra, riscatto e postliminium, 2 vols., Naples, 1969-70. Andrzejowski 1987 J. Andrzejowski and A. Bursche, Archeologia biblioteczna. Cmentarzyska kultury wielbarskiej w Kronie stanowisko 1 i w Wielbarku, woj. elblskie, in A. Pawowski (ed.), Badania archeologiczne w woj. elblskim w latach 1980-83, pp. 233-77, Malbork, 1987. Andrzejowski 1996 J. Andrzejowski and J. Martens, The Wielbark cemetery, in A. Kokowski (ed.), Studia Gothica 1 in memoriam Ryszard Wogiewicz, pp. 4-72, Lublin, 1996.



Anger 1890 S. Anger, Das Grberfeld zu Rondsen im Kreise Graudenz, Danzig, 1890. Antoniewicz 1958 W. Antoniewicz, M. Kaczyski and J. Okulicz, Wyniki bada przeprowadzonych w 1956 r. na cmentarzysku kurhanowym w miejscowoci Szwajcaria, pow. Suwaki, WArch 25.1 (1958) 22-57. Antoniewicz 1963 J. Antoniewicz, Wyniki bada przeprowadzonych w latach 1958-1960 na cmentarzysku w miejscowoci Szwajcaria, pow. Suwaki, WArch 29.2 (1963) 166-92. Bateson 1973 D. Bateson, Roman material from Ireland: a reconsideration, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 73C (1973) 21-97. Bezzenberger 1892 A. Bezzenberger, Das Grberfeld bei Schernen (Kreis Memel), Sitzungsberichte der Altertumsgesellschaft Prussia 17 (1892) 141-68. Bierbrauer 1994 V. Bierbrauer, Archologie und Geschichte der Goten vom 1.-7. Jahrhundert. Versuch einer Bilanz, FM 28 (1994) 51-171. Blume 1912 E. Blume, Die germanischen Stmme und die Kulturen zwischen Oder und Passarge zur rmischen Kaiserzeit, 2 vols., Wrzburg, 1912, 1915. Bolin 1922 S. Bolin, Die Funde rmischer und byzantinischer Mnzen in Ostpreussen, Prussia 26 (1922/23-1925) 203-40. Bolin 1926 S. Bolin, Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien, Lund, 1926. Bott 1976 H. Bott, Zur datierung der Funde aus Hammersdorf (Ostpreussen), JRGZM 23-24 (1976/77) 139-53. Bourke 1989 E. Bourke, Stoneyford: a first-century Roman burial from Ireland, Archaeology Ireland 3.2 (1989) 56-57. Bukowski 1977 Z. Bukowski, The Scythian influence on the area of Lusatian culture, Wrocaw, 1977.

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