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Tom was ___ because the film was ___ a. bored/bored b. boring/boring c. boring/bored d. bored/boring 2. Mrs. Lien, out librarian, has just got the shelves ____ a. repair b. repaired c. repairing d. to repair . !he has ____ friends than me because she isn"t as sociable as me. a. fewer b. less c. man# d. more $. The carpenter ___ #ou tal%ed #esterda# moring is &am"s father a. whom b. which c. who d. to whom '. M# mother often spends her free time ____ volunteer wor% at a local orphanage a. do b. to do c. doing d. done (. The word whose enging)ed is pronounced differentl# from the rest is a. raised b. washed c. missed d. laughed *. + don"t thin% these trousers ___ me, The#"re too big. a. suit b. match c. fit d. go ,. +"d rather #ou ___ it tomorrow a. will do b. do c. have done d. did -. .oreigners are impressed b# the ___ of /ietnamese people a. friend b. friendship c. friendl# d. friendliness 10. 1e often bu# ____ on Mother"s da# a. flowers our mother b. our mother flowers c. our mother for flowers d. for flowers out mother 11. 2is brother ___ m# 34s without as%ing5 +t"s so anno#ing a. is ta%ing b. alwa#s is ta%ing c. alwa#s ta%e d. is alwa#s ta%ing 12. 6ecause the# did things too noisil#, the# were made ___ out of the room a. go b. to go c. going d. went 1 . The meeting has been cancelled. +t is ___ a. down b. off c. up d.across 1$. &obod# has to go to the part#, ___7 a. don"t the# b. do the# c. haven"t the# d. have the# 1'. 2e leaves the room without ___ an#thing a. telling b. tal%ing c. spea%ing d. sa#ing 1(. 3hoose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differentl# from the others a. nation b. natural c. matter d. anger 1*. Marc# has been a professional tennis pla#er ___ 1--$ a. since b. for c. on d. in 1,. &othing is wrong, ___7 a. isn"t it b. are the# c. is it d. aren"t the# 1-. 1e ___ Lan an offer which she couldn"t refuse a. do b. ma%e c. made d. did 20. 2e failed the e8am. That ____ a. sounds li%e terrible c. sounds terrible c. sound terrible d. sounded terrible 21. 9ou"d better ___ earl# a. to arrive b. arriving c. arrive d. arrived 22. The wallet was ___ in m# poc%et a. too big to put b. too big for putting c. so big to put d. bigger can"t put 2 . ____ is something that people ma%e or grow to sell a. :roduct b. :roduction c. :roduce d. :roductive 2$. +t"s not warm, but it isn"t ____ #esterda# a. as cold li%e b. so cold so c. as cold as d. as cold so

2'. 1ho doeas this 34 belong to7 ) ___ . +"ve just bought it a. + b. Me c. Mine

d. M#self

II. GIVE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE GIVEN WORDS IN BRACKETS TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 1. 9oga is ;an and Tim"s favorite form of ________________ . <=>L?@A 2. +t is a good boo% because it is ver# ________________ <+&.B=MA . +"ll as% m# parents for ________________ <:>=M+TA to go there with #ou $. The ________________ <4>!T=B9A of rainforests continues at a rapid rate '. ?fter the earthCua%e, thousands of people in this area become ________________ <2BM>A (. ________________<.B=TD&>A, + couldn"t come to m# brother"s part# #esterda# *. 2e drives ________________<3?=>A and has an accident. ,. /ietnam declared its ________________<4>:>&4A on !eptember 2 nd 1-$'. -. The# thin% Tom is the most ________________ <!D+TA person for the job. 10. The ________________ <.L9A was dela#ed due to the heav# fog. III. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH A SUITABLE FORM OF THE WORD IN BRACKETS 1 . &owada#s , man# historical places <destro#A __________ seriousl# 2. M# mother <not visit A __________ us since she <move A ___________to the new town . +t <get A ___________hotter and hotter in ;une $. There Es some behind us . + thin% we <followA ___________ '.Last month when we < visit A ___________him, he <doA e8periment on the upstairs (. +t"s high time ;ac% <doA ___________ some wor% for his e8amination *. 9ou <%nowA ___________ the result in a wee% ,. +t <rainA ___________ almost ever# da# so far this wee% -. 2e drove off as soon as the light <turnA ___________ green 10. The students <performA ___________ well in the show last night. IV. CHOOSE THE UNDERLINED WORD OR PHRASE IN EACH SENTENCE THAT NEEDS CORRECTING 1. !he has won man# tennis matches since she move from !lova%ia. ? 6 3 4 2. Most people want to live in comfortable in their old age ? 6 3 4 , The cit# center wasn"t as crowded this morning li%e it usuall# is ? 6 3 4 $. .or ;anuar#, he has ta%en five e8ams and hasn"t got an# poor grade ? 6 3 4 '. The# lived at 6ar%er !treet two #ears ago ? 6 3 4 V. CHOOSE THE WORDS FROM THE BOX TO FILL IN THE GAPS. e8ample include limits them ma%e countries lights travel is where obe# miss lot under license sure

1hen #ou are driving <0A _ abroad __ #ou should <1A _____________ sure that #ou have all documents with #ou. These <2A_______________ #our passport, #our driving < A ______________ and insurance papers. +t <$A _______________ ver# inconvenient if #ou <'A

______________ an# of these or if #ou cannot find <(A_____________ Cuic%l#. 9ou must also ma%e <*A ________________ that #our car has a national plate which shows the countr# <,A _______________ the car is registeredF for <-A _________________, G6 for 6ritain, . for .rance, & for &orwa# and so on. +n some <10A _________________ #ou have to pa# if #ou don"t <11A ______________ motoring laws and this can sometimes cost #ou a <12A ______________of mone#. .or instance, #ou ma# have to pa# immediatel# if #ou are stopped b# a police officer for ta%ing no notice of traffic <1 A ______________, speed <1$A _______________ or if #ou allow children <1'A _______________ the age of twelve to <1(A ______________ in the front seat of a vehicle. VI. READ THE TEXT AND USE THE RIGHT FORM GIVEN IN BRACKETS 2ow are #ou7 + 1(HOPE)__________ #ou are well. 9ou wanted me to tell #ou about m# job. 1ell, + 2(WORK) __________ in an office in London just for the summer holida#s. +tHs a magaIine publishing compan# and usuall# + 3(SPEND) __________ m# time answering customers Cuestions on the phone but as there are some people off sic% + 4 (WRITE)__________letters at the moment. + reall# (LIKE)__________ the people here. The# alwa#s !(HELP) __________each other out when there are an# problems. Dnfortunatel#, this wee% we "(DO) __________a course in health and safet#, which is a bit boring but it will soon be over. The good news is + # (LEARN) __________ !panish as well during m# lunchtime5 + $(LEARN)_________ much at the moment but + 1%(GET) __________ better. 1rite bac% soon5 VII. READ THE TEXT BELOW AND CHOOSE IF THE SENTENCES ARE TRUE OR FALSE !omething ver# strange happened to Tamara. !he never %new she had a twin sister until she started universit#5 Tamara was born in Me8ico. 2er parents could not loo% after her so she went to live with a famil# in Manhattan, D!?. 1hen Tamara was twent# #ears old, she started universit# in Long +sland. !he enjo#ed her universit# life. 6ut one da# she was wal%ing home from class, and a student smiled at her. J2ello ?driana5K said the student. J+"m not ?driana,K said Tamara. This happened to Tamara again and again. :eople Tamara didn"t %now %ept calling her ?driana. +t was ver# strange. Bne da#, when a woman called her ?driana, Tamara as%ed J1h# do #ou %eep calling me ?driana7K The woman replied, J9ou loo% li%e m# friend ?driana. 9ou have the same face and the same hair. +s ?driana #our sister7K Tamara said that she did not have a sister called ?driana. 6ut she was interested in this girl ?driana. .inall# she as%ed someone for ?driana"s email address. 1hen Tamara wrote to ?driana, she found out that the# both had the same birthda#, the# loo%ed the same and both of them were from Me8ico.1hen Tamara went to live with the famil# in Manhattan, ?driana moved to Long +sland to live with a famil# there. +t had to be true5 ?driana and Tamara were twin sisters5 1 Tamara and her sister were both born in Me8ico. _____ 2 Tamara"s parents moved from Me8ico to Manhattan. _____ :eople called Tamara J?drianaK man# times. _____ $ ?driana wrote to Tamara first. _____ ' ?driana had onl# recentl# arrived in Long +sland. _____ VIII. REWRITE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN SUCH A WA& THAT IT MEANS THE SAME AS THE SENTENCES GIVEN 1. M# mother made these curtains These curtains _____________________________________________________

2. + invited m# friend to have a cup of tea + as%ed m# friend if __________________________________________________ . + can"t go to the cinema tonight because + do not have m# car The reason +_________________________________________________________ $. 1e made a mista%e not insuring our jeweller#. + wish ______________________________________________________________ '. Though m# house was cheaper than &orman"s, it is bigger and more attractive &orman"s house ma# _________________________________________________ (. J9ou stole the jewels5K the inspector said to him The inspector accused ________________________________________________ *. + haven"t been to the dentist"s for two #ears +t is two #ears _______________________________________________________ ,. 1e won"t get there on time without ta%ing a ta8i Dnless _____________________________________________________________ -. +t was such a dull pla# that he fell asleep The pla# ___________________________________________________________ 10. !he isn"t accustomed to life in London !he is not used to ____________________________________________________ XI. COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE USING THE WORD GIVEN. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN 1. !he owns all this land now. < 6>LB&GA ?ll ________________________________________________________________ 2. +"ve never eaten this delicious food before. <MB!TA This is the __________________________________________________________ . !omeone can repair #our shoes in an hour <2?/>A 9ou _______________________________________________________________ $. 9ou reall# must have #our hair cut. <&>>4A 9our hair reall# ______________________________________________________ '. 2e regrets not stud#ing more before the e8am <1+!2>!A 2e ________________________________________________________________ (. The bab# sister can loo% after the children <T?L>A The bab# sister can ___________________________________________________ *. :eople sa# that she bought this shop last month. <!?+4A !he is _____________________________________________________________ ,. ?lthough he was ill, he went to school #esterda# < 4>!:+T>A 2e went to school #esterda# ____________________________________________ -. 9ou shouldn"t come to that river. <1>=>A +f + ________________________________________________________________ 10. 3ould + borrow #our bi%e this wee%end 7 <M+&4A 1ould #ou __________________________________________________________

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