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Operational Standards

of Performance: Template Food and Drink Service

A template to help you develop standards for your food and beverage operation

Operational Standards of Performance

Template: Food and Drink Service
Setting operational standards
At its simplest, a standard is an agreed, repeatable way of doing something. From a practical perspective, operational standards are those standards which are recognised by the organisation as important enough to be published and monitored for continuous improvement. In tourism businesses, they relate primarily to service, and contain precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule or guideline. Operational standards help to make life simpler and to increase the reliability of many practices that guide us and the services we provide. They are intended to be aspirational - a summary of best practices rather than general practice. tandards are created by bringing together the e!perience and e!pertise of all employees and the e!pectations of the customers.

Develop the standards

"stablishing operational standards and making them integral to how the restaurant operates will take time. #ou need to develop a careful, well-thought-out approach that recognises$ the different types of services and customers you have% your knowledge of how your people currently perform% and your ability to monitor performance against standards. &owever, rather than wait until complete and 'perfect( standards are developed, you should develop your operational standards progressively. )ublish standards in areas of greater importance or impact first, i.e. those critical for operational success. *se the +A,- acronym when developing standards$ !easurable The standard must be measurable to be of assistance in targeting improvement, and the more specifically the standard is defined, the more measurable it will be. Therefore, a standard should be measurable by .uality, .uantity and timeliness. Achievable The standard must be reasonable and attainable, and should never be so easy that it re.uires no significant effort, or so difficult that it re.uires superhuman effort. In setting standards, you must take into account whether the people responsible for delivering the service have the skills and resources they re.uire to meet those standards, supported by systems and policies that will allow the standard to be achieved. "elevant The standard must reflect customers( e!pectations or be designed to create a benefit for the customer and must be relevant to your particular operation, not adopted/copied/borrowed from another.

#ontrollable Accomplishing the standard must be within the control of a specific department and the measurement tools for accomplishing the desired result must be set up. Initial standards may be incomplete or embryonic in some aspects. As you gain e!perience, you can improve these standards and e!tend the range of services they cover.

#ommunicate the standards

Operational standards are intended to let your people know the level of performance e!pected of them. ,eporting on performance against standards is critical if you are to make operational standards achievable. &owever, you can only do so if operational standards are readily available to and understood by employees involved in their delivery, and if they are clear and easy to understand.

!onitor the standards

0evelop ways to measure your performance against standards, and monitor performance constantly. etting customer-driven standards and measuring how well your restaurant is doing is a continuous process. It should .uickly identify problems with customer service. All parts of the organisation should be involved in finding solutions to these problems and discussing these solutions with customers, where appropriate. There are a number of measurement tools a restaurant can use. One effective way is to use a checklist or audit of the standards and track performance over time. Then, action plan any areas for improvement identified to eliminate the problem from recurring.


'mprove the standards

-ontinuous improvement will allow you to set higher and higher operational standards and ma!imise customer satisfaction. 1y consulting customers, monitoring performance and encouraging innovation, you will be able to deliver better service.

Adapting the Operational Standards to your (usiness

tarting on the basis that the operational standards contained in this resource are reflective of best practice, the first task is to see how these can be adapted to reflect the uni.ueness of your own restaurant. There will be aspects of the standards as presented that will not apply to the way you operate or you may have a different approach that you want reflected in your own standards. Therefore, each of the standards should be reviewed with the team and amended accordingly.

This template should be used having read the Operational Standards of Performance guide at Online Business Tools


Food and Drin" Service

Preparation for Service #reeting and Seating tion for Service Service of Drin" Service of Food Billing and Pa$ment Stores anagement

!losing Duties

Food and Drin" Service Audit Food and Drin" Service Action Plan

Place cursor over each

then press !trl % !lic" to go directl$ to that standard

Preparation for Service

Our Standard is& To prepare all mise en place consistently and in a timely manner, in order to facilitate an efficient service delivery. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )* Ensure that service personnel arrive on dut$ at appointed time +* E,plain menu items to service personnel on a dail$ basis prior to service -* Allocate stations.duties prior to service /* Ensure that the room and e0uipment are clean and tid$ 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& Daily supervisory checks are made to ensure that the expected requirements of personal hygiene and correct uniform/ name badge etc. are met. Familiarity with the various service procedures for the different dishes. Familiarity with all the equipment and glassware used for service. Clarity on duties and responsibilities for service. Special requirements for each station are highlighted. 1* !hec" table reservations and allocate tables accordingl$ abletops are cleaned and polished !where applicable". able cloths/mats are free from stains# tears and placed correctly on tables. $ar counters# taps# shelving and display equipment are clean. ables are laid up uniformly and symmetrically. Display tables are arranged prior to service. %ir conditioning and lights are working correctly and create a positive ambience.

ables and chairs are arranged in accordance with the table plan# are correctly laid&up and all table items are clean and tidy. Final check of reservations diary is carried out and last minute changes are made where necessary. Stocks of glasses# napkins and other equipment are organised prior to service. %ll cutlery# crockery and glasses are clean# ready for use and stored correctly. %ppropriate quantities of lemons# limes# and oranges are prepared# presented and stored. 'ce buckets are clean and fully stocked. (equisition for dry goods# condiments# snacks and drink garnishes is retrieved and items are stocked. %ll condiments are clean# fresh and well presented. %n adequate supply of correct docket books# pens# and wine openers is available. %ll menus are accurate# up to date and free from spelling mistakes. )enu and covers are clean and tidy and create a positive impression for guests

2* Ade0uatel$ stoc" and prepare for service

3* Ensure that an ade0uate suppl$ of clean and accurate menus is available

4* Prepare tills and floats

ills are switched on# updated and till reads taken. $ar floats are retrieved and registers are stocked appropriately# ensuring that the required denomination of notes and coins are in place. Floats for lounge service staff are prepared.

#reeting and Seating

Our Standard 5s& To greet all guests in a timely and friendly manner, then seat in an efficient and polite manner. To take food and beverage orders correctly and process the orders efficiently. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )* Ac"no(ledge and greet guests6 as soon as the$ arrive6 (ith a smile +* Offer to ta"e coats 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& *uests are greeted with a smile# good eye contact and an interested facial expression. *uests are addressed by their names !if known". Coats are treated with care and stored safely and securely.

-* 7ead guests to the table and *uests are checked that the table chosen is suitable. ensure the$ are happ$ (ith table allocated /* Seat guests6 present menus and drin"s list Chairs are withdrawn to allow guest to sit easily. Clean menus are opened and presented to each guest and inform of any specials or off dishes. Clean wine list is presented to the host and offer of assistance is made with selecting wine# if required. %ny wines unavailable are explained. +re&dining drinks order is offered. ,ater is offered and served to guests. -nowledge of the menu and wine list is displayed. %ssistance is offered# recommendations are made# if required. Service personnel are attentive# but not obtrusive whilst guests are selecting. Service personnel establish empathy with customers and are responsive to their needs.

1* Offer to ta"e a drin".(ater order 2* Allo( guests sufficient time to stud$ menu

3* Adopt a smiling6 confident and attentive approach (hen dealing (ith customers 4* Ta"e the food order in a courteous6 friendl$ and professional manner

Service personnel are alert to sales opportunities and adopt a positive approach to selling. he food order is taken correctly and written legibly. Cooking instructions are requested and recorded# where applicable. .rder is re&checked for accuracy with customer !if appropriate". -nowledgeable of the composition of the beverage and wine list is displayed and recommendations are made# as appropriate. Duplicates are retained in order pad# for reference and control purposes.

8* Ta"e the beverage order correctl$ )9*Distribute doc"ets to the appropriate departments6 i*e* "itchen6 bar6 cashier

))*:se the electronic order s$stem (here applicable )+*Ensure that all items are charged to the guest;s account

%ll appropriate service personnel are competent in using the electronic system. 'tems are charged correctly to the guest/s account and appropriate back up is available.

Service of Drin"
Our Standard is& To promptly serve all drink items in the correct glassware and in a friendly and professional manner. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )< Serve (ines at the recommended temperatures 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& 0oung (ed ,ines1 23oC &24oC $urgundy 5illages1 24oC &26oC Ch7teau $ottled $ordeaux 1 26oC &28oC Champagne/Sparkling/,hite wine1 9oC & :oC.

+< Present the bottle to the host for approval

,ine bottle is rested on palm and lower arm# on top of a clean napkin# with label facing customer. .utside rim of the bottle and the top of cork are wiped with a clean service cloth. Capsule is cut below the lip of the bottle. Corkscrew is inserted slightly off&centre# cork is not pierced to end# inside bottle neck is wiped. For Champagne/sparkling wine1 the foil and wire mu;;le are removed# the bottle is tilted at a 49< angle pointed away from guests. %pproximately one ounce of wine is poured into the host/s glass for tasting purposes.

-< Open the bottle and see" host;s approval

/< Serve the (ine follo(ing the he first lady to the right of the host is served first# appropriate eti0uette then each of the remaining ladies# then each gentleman and finally the host/s glass is filled to the required level. ,ine is served from the right# filling each glass = way. he bottle is not allowed to rest on the wine glass when pouring> the label is visible at all times. *lasses are replenished as necessary. 1< Serve other drin" follo(ing the appropriate eti0uette $ottles !beer# mixer# etc." are clean# with labels intact and checked for chipping. *lasses are clean and correct for the drink provided. $ottles and glasses are handled at the base only. Drinks are always carried to tables on a tray and presented to the guest using a coaster. ?mpty glasses and bottles are removed from tables by using a tray.

Service of Food
Our Standard is& To promptly serve all food items at the correct temperature and in a friendly and professional manner. 'o( to achieve our Standard& 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& )< Ensure all portions are of a +ortions are evenly distributed and tastefully consistent standard and si=e presented on the plate. Correct garnish is served with each food item. +< Serve food at the correct temperature -< Set the correct cutler$ for food items used /< Observe the correct eti0uette for food service @ot meals are not left unattended for a long time at hotplate. %ppropriate cutlery is laid prior to service of each course. ?ach guest/s order is matched with the meals served. +resentation of food items is completed in a confident and professional manner. Food is served from the customer/s left where possible. %ppropriate accompaniments are served at the correct time. Staff are alert to sales opportunities and adopt a positive approach to selling. *uest satisfaction is checked and corrective action is taken where necessary. %ttentiveness to guest/s requirements is maintained. Service personnel are observant and clear tables in a structured and efficient manner. Clearing is carried out from the right of the guest# where possible# checking with each guest before removing items. .nly appropriate quantities are carried at any time. ?mpty glasses are removed using trays# without handling the insides or rims of glasses.

1< Ensure that e,cellent guest care is offered during meal 2< !arr$ out clearing duties (ithout unnecessar$ intrusion to guests

Billing and Pa$ment

Our Standard is& To handle billing accurately. To deal with any discrepancies quickly and with discretion. To handle payment in a timely and friendly manner. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )< Present bill 0uic"l$ and discretel$ to the guest6 (hen re0uested +< !orrect discrepancies promptl$ -< 'andle all credit card and cash pa$ments correctl$ /< Sho( appreciation for custom 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& $ills are reviewed for accuracy before presentation to guest. 'temised bill is presented accordingly. $illing errors are handled and resolved competently. Ao unwanted attention is brought onto guest by error made. (eceipts are given to the guest with the correct change. *uests are thanked and gratuities are acknowledged gracefully. Customers are bid a sincere farewell and invited to return.



Our Standard is& To receive and store all goods in the appropriate secured area. To account for all stock by careful issuing and regular stocktakes. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )< Ensure that storerooms provide a h$gienic storage environment 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& Storerooms and equipment are kept clean on an on& going basis> regular deep cleaning is implemented. $eer lines are cleaned once a week. Cardboard boxes/packaging are disposed of correctly. Correct temperatures are maintained at all times. %dequate pest control measures are in place to maintain a hygienic environment. Storerooms have sufficient space and storage shelving for the quantities of stock held. Storerooms have adequate lighting for safe access and use. Combustible or toxic items are not kept in storerooms and cleaning agents are stored carefully. %ll bottle labels are maintained in good condition. Cases are not stacked too high and are easily accessible. *lass# bottles and other breakables are safely stored. C.3 containers are stored safely. Storerooms are locked when not in use. %ll items are stored by product. ?mpty cases# bottles# kegs are stored away from full items. Spirits are unpacked and stored on designated shelves. Stock rotation is strictly adhered to. %ll perishable goods are kept in a cool# dry place. Delivery times are agreed in advance with suppliers and meet business needs. Supervisor ensures that health and safety regulations are adhered to whilst deliveries are being accepted. Supervisor has supporting order&documentation to cross reference with the delivery docket provided. Supervisor checks each case for the correct quantity and quality. Discrepancies are noted and recorded.

+< Adhere to safe storage conditions

-< Ensure efficient and effective storage of stoc"

/< Receive deliveries at a convenient time

1< !hec" the deliver$ doc"et against the order form

-egs are spot checked by weighing upon delivery. %ll empty kegs# cases# etc. are returned# once delivery is finished. 2< Ensure effective issuing and control of stoc" %ccess to stores is strictly controlled and goods are only issued at defined times# on receipt of the appropriate signed requisition form. 'tems are only issued by the individual responsible for store/cellar management# or designate. Stock taking is regularly completed and results are recorded. %ll discrepancies are investigated.

!losing Duties
Our Standard 5s& To carry out all closing duties efficiently and effectively at all times, to ensure the safety and security of personnel, the premises and stock. 'o( to achieve our Standard& )< Ensure that the is closed6 in a timel$ and efficient manner 'o( (e (ill "no( it is done correctl$& *uests are politely informed in advance of closing. +remises are cleared in accordance with the house policy and legal requirements. *uests are allowed the legal permitted drinking&up time and politely encouraged to leave. Security check is carried out in toilets and other areas# once all guests have departed. he room is well ventilated and cleaned. ables and chairs are cleaned and replaced in correct positions. Floor area is thoroughly swept/vacuumed and mopped as appropriate. %ll glass# chrome# doors and mirrors are thoroughly cleaned. oilets are cleaned and serviced. $ottle bins/skips are removed to back yard. %ll bins are emptied# washed and bin liners replaced. Drip trays are emptied# washed and replaced in correct position. ,aste/ullage is accurately recorded. Stock is accurately counted and a requisition is prepared. (equisition is prepared for stock of dry goods# condiments and wine. %ll dirty glasses# water Bugs# ice buckets and cutlery are cleaned# polished and checked. *lass washing and coffee machines are emptied and cleaned then switched off. %ll electrical equipment is cleaned and switched off as appropriate. Final till reads are taken# floats retrieved and cash reconciled in a secure location. Aon&balances are investigated and rectified. Daily takings are recorded appropriately and deposited safely in the designated location.

+< Thoroughl$ clean the area

-< !lean and tid$ the bac" of house area

/< !omplete a stoc" ta"e and prepare a re0uisition

1< !lean and store e0uipment correctl$

2< !ontrol and secure cash

3< !arr$ out final chec"s to ensure all closing duties completed

Designated personnel ensure that all closing procedures are completed# according to established procedures. Checks are carried out for lost property which is then tagged and stored in designated area. %ny deviations are identified and rectified. @eating# lighting and ventilation are attended to# as appropriate. Final security check of doors and windows is carried out and alarms set as required.

Food and Drin" Service Audit

Date& >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auditor& >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Standard )* Preparation for Service
To prepare all mise en place consistently and in a timely manner, in order to facilitate an efficient service delivery.

Do service personnel arrive on dut$ at appointed time@ Are menu items e,plained on a dail$ basis prior to service@ Are stations.duties allocated prior to service@ Are the room and e0uipment clean and tid$@ Are table reservations chec"ed and tables allocated accordingl$@ Are items ade0uatel$ stoc"ed in preparation for service@ 5s there an ade0uate suppl$ of clean and accurate menus available@ Are tills and floats prepared@



2* #reeting and Seating

To greet all guests in a timely and friendly manner, then seat in an efficient and polite manner. To take food and beverage orders correctly and process the orders efficiently.

Are guests ac"no(ledged and greeted (ith a smile as soon as the$ arrive@ 5s an offer made to ta"e coats@ Are guests led to the table and chec"ed that the$ are happ$ (ith table allocated@ Are guests seated and presented (ith menus and drin"s list@ 5s an offer made to ta"e a drin".(ater order@ Are guests allo(ed sufficient time to stud$ the menu@ 5s there a smiling6 confident and attentive approach adopted (hen dealing (ith customers@ 5s the food order ta"en in a courteous6 friendl$ and professional manner@ 5s the beverage order ta"en correctl$@ Are doc"ets distributed to the appropriate departments6 i*e* "itchen6 bar6 cashier@ 5s the electronic order s$stem use (here applicable@ Are all items charged to the guest;s account@

)-*Service of Drin"
To promptly serve all drink items in the correct glassware and in a friendly and professional manner.

Are (ines served at the recommended temperatures@ 5s the bottle presented to the host for approval@ 5s the host;s approval sought having opened the bottle@ 5s the (ine served follo(ing the appropriate eti0uette@ Are other drin"s served follo(ing the appropriate eti0uette@

)/*Service of Food
To promptly serve all food items at the correct temperature and in a friendly and professional manner.

Are all portions are of a consistent standard and si=e@ 5s food served at the correct temperature@ 5s the correct cutler$ set for food items used@ 5s the correct eti0uette observed for food service@ 5s e,cellent guest care offered during meal@ Are clearing duties carried out (ithout unnecessar$ intrusion to guests@ 5s the bill presented 0uic"l$ and discretel$ to the guest6 (hen re0uested@ Are discrepancies corrected promptl$@ Are all credit card and cash pa$ments handled correctl$@ 5s appreciation sho(n to guests for their custom@ Do the storerooms provide a h$gienic storage environment@ Are safe storage conditions adhered to@ 5s stoc" efficientl$ and effectivel$ stored@ Are deliveries received at a convenient time@ 5s the deliver$ doc"et chec"ed against the order form@ 5s stoc" effectivel$ issued and controlled@

)1*Billing and Pa$ment

To handle billing accurately. To deal with any discrepancies quickly and with discretion. To handle payment in a timely and friendly manner.



To receive and store all goods in the appropriate secured area. To account for all stock by careful issuing and regular stocktakes.

)8*!losing Duties
To carry out all closing duties efficiently and effectively at all times, to ensure the safety and security of personnel, the premises and stock.

5s the closed in a timel$ and efficient manner@ 5s the area thoroughl$ cleaned@ 5s the bac" of house area cleaned and tidied@ 5s a complete stoc"ta"e carried out and a re0uisition prepared@ 5s e0uipment cleaned and stored correctl$@ 5s cash controlled and secured@ Are final chec"s carried out to ensure all closing duties are completed@

Food and Drin" Service Action Plan

Date From& >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date To& >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Area For 5mprovement

Action To Be Ta"en

B$ Aho

B$ Ahen

Revie(ed ?es.No

)* Preparation for Service

+* #reeting and Seating

-* Service of Drin"

/* Service of Food

1* Billing and Pa$ment

2* Stores anageme nt

3* !losing Duties

This guide has been provided to you as part of F2ilte Ireland(s suite of guides and templates in the Online 1usiness Tools resource. )lease note that these resources are designed to provide guidance only. 3o responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by F2ilte Ireland. The user shall not market, resell, distribute, retransmit, publish or otherwise transfer or commercially e!ploit in any form any of the content of this guide. For a full version of the disclaimer, go to http$//!

F2ilte Ireland 55-67 Amiens treet 0ublin 8 Telephone$ 8599 :; :; <= -ustomer upport>
? F2ilte Ireland :98=

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