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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.

2( 2)1*

Tax Structures and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Disaggregated Empirical Evidence


,a-id ./&R.10 /.A. An1iwe2 ,e"art2ent of 3cono2ics( 4an5ing 6 Finance( Facult1 of Social 6 /anage2ent Sciences( 4enson Idahosa .ni-ersit1( 4enin 7it1( Nigeria 2 ,e"art2ent of 3cono2ics6 Statistics( Facult1 of Social Sciences( .ni-ersit1 of 4enin( 4enin 7it1( Nigeria 0832ail9 uda-idson2))):1ahoo.co2( /o;ile9 <2*%$)**$$$%1%=

>his "a"er see5s to in-estigate the e2"iricis2 ;ehind the New National Tax Policy in Nigeria ;1 e2"lo1ing cointegration and error correction as 2ethods of e2"irical esti2ation with an e2"irical strateg1 of disaggregation. In line with the o;?ecti-e of the "a"er( e2"irical results indicate that while the "olic1 of direct ta@ation is significantl1 and "ositi-el1 correlated with econo2ic growth( indirect ta@ation "ro-ed insignificant with its negati-e i2"act on econo2ic growth in Nigeria. >he "a"er indeed ascertained that the ta@-;ased re-enue "rofile in Nigeria is s5ewed towards direct ta@es. 41 i2"lication( the glo;al transition fro2 direct ta@ation to indirect ta@ation lac5 e2"irical ?ustification in de-elo"ing countries such as Nigeria. >hus( we reco22end that rather than e@"and the indirect ta@ structures( the go-ern2ent should e@"and the structures of direct ta@es in Nigeria. A 2a?or contri;ution of the "a"er to 5nowledge is the fact that on the ;asis of the h1"otheses tested( the e2"irical "a"er closes the 5nowledge ga" induced ;1 inconclusi-e e-idence on the growth effects of ta@ation co2"osition which 2ost often has resulted in situations where e2"irical findings of researches done in de-elo"ed econo2ies are generaliAed to de-elo"ing countries.

Key words: >a@ structures( direct ta@ation( indirect ta@ation( econo2ic growth( Nigeria( ! "ntroduction
>he "olic1 of ta@ation in Nigeria is directed towards achie-ing so2e s"ecific o;?ecti-es which include a2ongst others re-enue generation and u"holding econo2ic growth. Recentl1( the Nigerian go-ern2ent introduced the National Tax Policy [NTP]. >his is a "olic1 geared towards shifting fro2 direct to indirect ta@ation in Nigeria. >he choice ;etween direct and indirect ta@ has elicited serious de;ate in ter2s of econo2ic ;enefits and li2itations that characteriAed each. >hus( 2ost studies ha-e reached su;stantiall1 different conclusions on the relati-e i2"act of direct and indirect ta@es on econo2ic growth with 2ulti"licit1 of "ro;le2s ranging fro2 inconclusi-e findings( chaotic generaliAation of results and findings in de-elo"ed countries to de-elo"ing countries 8see A-i-Bonah and /argalioth 2))6# and 4urgess and Sten 199*#=. According to A-i-Bonah and /argalioth 2))6#( direct ta@ation accounts for a;out two third of the total ta@ re-enue generated in de-elo"ed countries. 4ut "ro"onents of the con-entional wisdo2 h1"othesis are ad-ocating for the use of indirect ta@ation. >o the2( de-elo"ing countries should focus on indirect ta@ation 84urgess and Sten 199*#=. Indeed( the results of 2ost studies are saddled with inconsistencies. Chile so2e researchers li5e Dee and Eordon 2))+#( Jones et al. 199*#( Di and Sarte 2))%#( Fneller et al (1999#( Cild2a2 2))1#( A-i-1onah and /argolioth 2))6#( re"orted a "ositi-e relationshi" ;etween indirect ta@ and econo2ic growth( others such as 32ran and StigliA 2))+#( Eordon and Di 2))+#( 4aunsgaard and Feen 2))+#( A;iAadelh 1979#( 7helliah 19$9# dis"uted the a;o-e finding and instead re"orted the relati-e i2"ortance of direct ta@ation as the dri-er of econo2ic growth. >he e2"irical studies on the su;?ect 2atter for de-elo"ing countries are relati-el1 few. >he few were carried out in South Africa( >ur5e1 and OECD countries. A situation where results of cross countr1 researches in de-elo"ed econo2ies are generaliAed to de-elo"ing countries often induce 5nowledge ga".

#orresponding Author 6+

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

>his stud1 see5s to close this 5nowledge ga" in Nigeria ;1 e2"iricall1 testing the functional relationshi" ;etween ta@ structures and econo2ic growth using 2acroecono2ic -aria;les as control. >he erroneous generaliAation and inconclusi-e e-idence has 2ade the issue of growth effect of ta@ation es"eciall1 at a countr1 le-el o"en for further research. >his in fact infor2ed the ;asis of this "a"er. >his "a"er so see5s to e@"lore the e2"iricis2 ;ehind the new National Tax Policy in Nigeria. In -iew of the foregoing( the "a"er atte2"ts to "ro-ide answers to the following Guestions( is there a significant "ositi-e relationshi" ;etween indirect ta@ and econo2ic growth in NigeriaH &r is there a significant "ositi-e relationshi" ;etween direct ta@ and econo2ic growth in NigeriaH >hus( we h1"othesiAed that there is no significant "ositi-e relationshi" ;etween indirect ta@ and econo2ic growth in Nigeria and also there is no significant "ositi-e relationshi" ;etween direct ta@ation and econo2ic growth in Nigeria. Following the introduction is a discussion of the ta@ structures in Nigeria. Chat follows ne@t is the literature and thereafter( we ha-e theoretical fra2ewor5( 2ethod of e2"irical esti2ation( anal1sis of results and conclusion.

$! Tax Structures in Nigeria

>he Nigerian >a@ S1ste2 has undergone significant changes in recent ti2es. Iowe-er( the ta@ s1ste2 is ;asicall1 structured in such a wa1 as to contri;ute to econo2ic growth through inco2e generation. &n the ;asis of incidence( ta@es can ;e structured into direct and indirect. >here are different co2"onents of direct ta@ation. >hese include the personal income tax [PIT], petroleum profit tax [PPT], companies income tax [CIT], e!ucational tax [ET]. >he PIT is currentl1 regulated under the !ersonal Inco2e >a@ Act of 2))%. >he PPT is regulated ;1 the !etroleu2 !rofit >a@ Act [PPT"] of 199). PPT is charged on the "rofit of a "etroleu2 co2"an1 in the u"strea2 sector of the industr1. 7o2"anies in Nigeria are ta@ed under the 7o2"anies Inco2e >a@ Act introduced in 1961 with 2odifications in 2))7. >he ad2inistration of the CIT is -ested on the Federal Inland Re-enue Ser-ices. 3ducation ta@ in Nigeria is under the regulation of the 3ducation >a@ Act No. 7 that was "ro2ulgated in 199*. >he ta@ is "a1a;le ;1 all co2"anies at the rate of 2 "ercent of the assessa;le "rofit defined in the 7o2"an1 Inco2e >a@ Act. >herefore( assess2ent of education ta@ and co2"aniesJ inco2e ta@ are done concurrentl1. >he different "ro2inent co2"onents of indirect ta@ation in Nigeria include( #alue "!!e! Tax [#"T] an! Custom an! Excise Duty [CED]. #"T is regulated ;1 the #alue "!!e! Tax "ct [#"T"] of 2))7. >he Nigerian #"T s1ste2 is destination ;ased( which 2eans the ta@ is le-ied on goods and ser-ices consu2ed within the ta@ ?urisdiction. >he i2"lication of this is that #"T i2"osition is designed to sti2ulate e@"ort growth 8,esai and Iines 2))2#=. In Nigeria( the ta@ rate chargea;le is + "ercent on goods and ser-ices "urchased ;ut the ta@ "a1er can clai2 credit for in"ut ta@ when such goods are sold. >he CED is regulated ;1 the 7usto2 and 3@cise /anage2ent Act of 199). >he dut1 is chargea;le on all goods and ser-ices i2"orted into Nigeria. >he ta@ is ad2inistered ;1 the Nigeria 7usto2 Ser-ices and is also referred to as i2"ort duties. 7urrentl1( the duties ranged ;etween 2.+ "ercent to 1)) "ercent de"ending on the "roduct.

%! &iterature 'eview
$.%. Direct Taxation an! Economic &rowt' /1les 2)))# e2"iricall1 ascertained that direct ta@ "olic1 is a sti2ulant to econo2ic growth. 4arr1 and Jules 2))$# found that direct ta@es i2"acted negati-el1 on econo2ic growth in the .S. /argalioth 2))*# re"orted that direct ta@ation is har2ful to growth in endogenous growth 2odels. >he results of /a2atAa5is 2))+# hold that direct ta@es ha-e significant "ositi-e i2"act on econo2ic growth in South Africa. >osun and A;iAadeh 2))+# re"orted that the share of "ersonal inco2e ta@ res"onded "ositi-el1 to econo2ic growth. /c7arten 2))+# found that the ratio of direct ta@ to &DP and the ratio of direct ta@ to total ta@ sti2ulated real &DP growth in !a5istan. >osun and A;iAadeh 2))+# re"orted that cor"orate inco2e ta@es are the 2ost har2ful to growth as well as "ersonal inco2e ta@es. Dee and Eordon 2))+# using cross-countr1 data found that statutor1 cor"orate ta@ rates are significantl1 and negati-el1 correlated with cross-sectional differences in a-erage econo2ic growth rates ha-ing controlled for other deter2inant

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

of econo2ic growth. ,?an5or et al 2))9# found strong negati-e effect of "ersonal inco2e ta@ on out"ut growth. Scarlett 2)11# esta;lished e2"iricall1 that an increase in the share of ta@es fro2 "ersonal ta@a;le inco2e has the greatest har2 on "er ca"ital &DP o-er ti2e and correction to eGuili;riu2 fro2 such an i2"act would ta5e u" to nine 1ears. Arnold et at 2)11# found that "ersonal inco2e ta@es are "rogressi-e with 2arginal ta@ rates that are higher than their a-erage rate with the i2"lication of discouraging sa-ings and la;our su""l1. Ariso1 and .nlu5a"lan 2)1)# tested the effect of direct-indirect ta@ co2"osition on econo2ic growth in >ur5e1. >he e2"irical finding of their stud1 holds that direct ta@es ha-e no significant effect on econo2ic growth. Aa2ir( Ka11u2( Nasir and Iussain 2)11# found significant i2"act of direct ta@ation on the total re-enue of the econo21 of India.

$.(. In!irect Taxation an! Economic &rowt'

>he relationshi" ;etween indirect ta@ation and econo2ic growth has ;een e@a2ined se-erall1 ;1 different researchers. Few( if an1 ha-e e@a2ined this line of research in Nigeria. 7helliah 19$9# o;ser-ed that an increase in indirect ta@ation co2"ared to direct ta@ation reduces econo2ic growth 2ore than direct ta@ation does. >heir research finding su""orts the "osition of Iar;enger 196%#. Aa2ir et al 2)11#Js research findings had it that increasing re-enue fro2 indirect ta@es is 2ore conduci-e for econo2ic growth in the long run in !a5istan. A?a5ai1e 1999# found that #"T has a negati-e effect on econo2ic growth in Nigeria. In a 2ore ;road stud1( Ro2er and Ro2er 2)))# resol-ed that "rogressi-e ta@ation affords "olic1 2a5ers the o""ortunit1 to "ursue counter-c1clical fiscal "olicies which dri-es econo2ic growth. S"ecificall1( the1 are of the -iew that #"T can onl1 increase growth when enforce2ent and i2"le2entation "rocedures are effecti-e. >his "osition was strengthened ;1 /c7arten 2))+#. According to 4ird 2))*#( the 2ost effecti-e ta@ for de-elo"ing countries is one that "roduces the largest a2ount re-enue in the least costl1 and dis"ro"ortionate 2anner. Ie identified ;road ;ased #"T as an ideal ta@ that suits the situation. 32ran and StiglitA 2))+# argued that the recent resolution that fa-ours the gradual reduction and the su;seGuent eli2ination of sales ta@es in fa-our of #"T as an instru2ent of indirect ta@es in de-elo"ing econo2ies is worriso2e. According to hi2( it is ;uilt on a fragile result deri-ed fro2 an inco2"lete 2odel that relegates the "resence of acti-e infor2al sector. $.$. T'e Consensus Fro2 the disaggregated e2"irical re-iew( it was disco-ered that studies on the econo2ic growth effects of direct ta@ation are di-ided along two conflicting "ers"ecti-es with 2a?orit1 inclining towards the negati-e effects of direct ta@ation on econo2ic growth. &n the other hand( there is a consensus that indirect ta@ation is growth enhancing.

(! Theory and )ramewor*

).%. T'eoretical *ramewor+ >he theoretical fra2ewor5 draws fro2 the sensiti-it1 fra2ewor5 of De-ine and Renelt 1992# and Feder2Js two-sector "roduction technolog1 a""roach 8Feder 19$2#=. Ei-en that the Nigerian econo21 is 2ade u" of the "u;lic and the "ri-ate sectors( the con-entional( continuous and twice differential "roduction technologies are "resented as9 & = & - , ( . , #( P = P - p ( . p + & # +%! , Ei-en that & re"resents the go-ern2ent or "u;lic sector( P re"resents the "ri-ate sector( - is the la;our in"ut( . is the ca"ital in"ut( su;scri"ts , and p re"resents the sectoral in"uts. >he total in"uts of the for2al and infor2al sectors can ;e s"ecified as9

Feder (1982) formulated separate production function for the export and non export sectors of the economy and assumed equality of marginal productivity between the two sectors


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

- = - p + -, ( . = . p + .,


>he aggregate national out"ut (/0 which is the out"ut co2;ination of ;oth the go-ern2ent and "ri-ate sectors is then gi-en thus9 +%!%, / = & + P * - , ( . , L - p( . p( & # >otall1 differentiating the aggregate out"ut with res"ect changes in in"uts and in the share of go-ern2ent s"ending( we ha-e that9 +%!(, / M / = & M & & M / # + P M P P M / # Chere indicates changes in -aria;le( with -ariation in relati-e factor "roducti-it1 of ;oth sectors( the relation can ;e s"ecified as the one ;elow9 &- M P- = &. M P. = 1 + # +%!-, Chere &- = &- M - , is the 2arginal "roduct of la;our in the go-ern2ent sector( P- = P- M - p is the 2arginal "roduct of la;our in the "ri-ate sector( &. = &. M - , is the 2arginal( "roduct of ca"ital in the go-ern2ent sector( P. = P. M - p is the 2arginal "roduct of ca"ital in the "ri-ate sector. >he "ri-ate sector out"ut can ;e descri;ed in ter2s of the indi-idual contri;utions of ca"ital and la;our as the factor in"uts as well as the e@ternal effects of the go-ern2ent. Ience( +%!., / M / = . M . + - M - + & M & + & M &8 & M / #= Ei-en that & M & is the rate of change of total go-ern2ent acti-ities( to deter2ine the actual contri;ution of go-ern2ent sector to out"ut( we re2o-e the e@ternal effects of go-ern2ent( that is( "ri-ate sector "roducti-it1 share in ter2s of go-ern2ent acti-ities. Fro2 eGuation *.+# the go-ern2ent out"ut is9 +%!/, &- M P. = &. M P- = 1M 1 + # >herefore( the share of "roducti-it1 of the "ri-ate sector in ter2s of go-ern2ent out"ut is gi-en as9 = 1M 1 + # [ & M & & M / #] +%!0,

= & M & & M / # {1M 1 + #} [ & M & & M / #] = 1 1M 1 + ##8 & M & & M / #= +%!1, = M 1 + #8 & M & & M / #= Ei-en that & M & re"resents the e@ternalit1 of go-ern2ent acti-ities to the "ri-ate sector( the e@ternal
effect of go-ern2ent on the "ri-ate sector is then deri-ed ;1 su;tracting the share of go-ern2ent in total out"ut fro2 & M & ( that is( +%! 2, & M & 8 & M & & M / #= 3Guation *.1)# indicates the e@ternal effect of go-ern2ent on the "ri-ate sector. 7o2;ining eGuation *.9# and *.1)#( eGuation *.6# can ;e 2odified as9

/ M / = . M . + - M - + & M & 8& M & & M / #= + { M 1 + #} 8& M & & M / #=

/ M / = IN/ + - M - + & M & 8 & M & & M / #= + { M 1 + #} 8 & M & & M / #=
+%! , >a5ing the in-est2ent-out"ut ratio as the share of "ri-ate sector ca"ital contri;ution( eGuation *.11# can ;e re-2odified as the one ;elow9 +%! $,

>a5ing the elasticit1 effect and 2arginal shares and e@"ressing eGuation *.1%# in stochastic for2( we ha-e that9


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

/ M / = 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + *8& M & & M & & M / #= + { M 1 + #}8& M & & M / #= = 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + * & M & #

*8& M & & M / #= + { M 1 + #}8& M & & M / #= = ) + 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + * & M & # +

[8 M 1 + #= * ][ & M & & M / #]

+%! %,

>o concretel1 2easure the growth effect of ta@ation( we further a;stract fro2 Foch et al 2))+# and .lu5a"lan 2)1)# where;1 we assu2e a consistent long-run relationshi" ;etween go-ern2ent e@"enditure and ta@ation. >herefore( go-ern2ent e@"enditure (&0 can ;e "ro@ied with ta@ation (T0 with disaggregated into direct and indirect ta@es co2"onents such that9 & = T = DT1 = NT1 +%! (, +%! -, & M & = 8 DT1 + NT1 # M & = Su;stituting eGuation *.1+# into eGuation *.1*#( we ha-e as follows9

/ M / = ) + 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + * 8 DT1 + NT1 # M & = +

[8 M 1 + #= * ][8DT1 + NT1 = M & # 8DT1 + NT1 = M / # ] +%!

>herefore( ta5ing "artial differentials with res"ect to the ta@ structures( we ha-e9


) + 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + * NT1 #8 NT1 M NT1 # NT1 M T #= + * DT1 #8 DT1 M DT1 # DT1 M T #= +

8 8

+%! /,

NT1 M NT1 # NT1 M / # + M 1+ #= * DT1 M DT1 # DT1 M / # M 1+ #= *

Re-arranging for the growth rate of &DP, we ha-e the ;ench2ar5ed growth eGuation gi-en ;19 / M / = ) + 1 IN/ # + 2 - M - # + * DT1 #8 DT1 M DT1 # DT1 M T #= + 8 M 1 + #= # DT1 M DT1 # DT1 M / # + +%! 0, *

NT1 # NT1 M NT1 # NT1 M T # +

8 M 1 + #= # *

NT1 M NT1 # NT1 M / # +

).(. 2tatistical Test 3ine &rowt' E4uation >he e2"irical 2odel consists of the test line eGuations in addition to the ro;ust eGuation. >he s"ecifications of the eGuation together with its error correction -ersion are rooted on the theoretical fra2ewor5. 3n &PD# = ) + 13n DT1 # +

2 3n NT1 # + t 3n 5 # + 1t

+%! 1,

3n &PD# = ) + 13n DT1 # +

* t =1

t =1

23n NT1 # + t 3n 5 # + ecm EC6 + 2t



Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

41 definition( Z is a control -ector of e@"lanator1 -aria;les na2el1( the growth rate of "o"ulation in Nigeria [P&N], inflation rate in Nigeria [IN*] and o"enness of the Nigerian econo21 to the world [OPN]. Ei-en that t re"resents the error co2"onent of the 2odel( * re"resents the i2"act of ta@ation on the "ri-ate sector in the Nigerian econo21. Ience( the significance of * DT1 and * NT1 is an indication that !irect an! in!irect ta@es i2"act econo2ic growth in Nigeria. >he i2"etus for the disaggregation is deri-ed fro2 the fact that the h1"othesis and econo2ic 2oti-ations underl1ing the co2"onents of ta@ation in Nigeria are indeed different due 2ainl1 to heterogeneous 2oti-ations. In effect( the growth i2"act of ta@ation in Nigeria could ;e induced ;1 the different ta@ co2"osition. >his "oint is essential in our 2odeling a""roach ;ecause the ta@ structures of the Nigerian ta@ s1ste2 as a de-elo"ing countr1 is -er1 different fro2 those of the de-elo"ed. If there are 7 distinct ta@ structures in the Nigerian ta@ s1ste2( the "u;lic ;udget constraint i2"lies the following identit1 of re-enue generation9

f =1

I f (it


Allowing each ele2ent of ta@a;le inco2e to ha-e an i2"act on growth leads to a generaliAation of the growth 2odel which suffers the 2ulticollinearit1 "ro;le2 a2ongst the ele2ents of the -ector T fI(it where(

TfI(it = 8 DT1 ( NT1 = arising fro2 the identit1 of the ;udget constraint. In effect( it i2"lies that we
s"ecif1 two test line regression eGuations for the direct and indirect ta@ structures. Iowe-er( we further disaggregated direct ta@ation into its co2"onents of e!ucational tax, company income tax, petroleum profit tax an! personal income tax. Si2ilarl1( the indirect ta@ation is disaggregated into co2"onents of #"T an! custom an! excise !uties within the Nigerian fra2ewor5. 3n &PD# = ) + 13n PPD# + +%!$ , 3n CNT # + 3n PDT # +
2 *

% 3n EDT # + t 3n 5 # + *t

3n &PD# = ) + 13n CED# +

* t =1

t =1

2 3n #"T # + t 3n 5 # + %t
>he error correction re"resentation of the statistical test-line eGuations are gi-en as follows9 3n &PD# = ) + 13n PPD# +


23n CNT # + *3n PDT # +

* t =1

ecm t 1#

%3n EDT # + t 3n 5 # + EC6

3n &PD# = ) + 13n CED# + 23n #"T # +

+ +t

t 1 #

t =1

t 3n 5 # + EC6

+ 6t

Chere PDT is "ersonal inco2e ta@ as a "ercentage of total direct ta@( PPD is "etroleu2 "rofit ta@ as a "ercentage of total direct ta@( CNT is the co2"an1 inco2e ta@ as a "ercentage of total direct ta@( EDT is education ta@ as a "ercentage of total direct ta@( CED is custo2 and e@cise duties as a "ercentage of total indirect ta@( #"T is -alue added ta@ as a "ercentage of total indirect ta@( &PD is annual growth rate in

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

real &DP( is in-est2ent-inco2e ratio( a 2easure of "h1sical ca"ital stoc5( DT1 is direct ta@ as a "ercentage of total ta@ re-enue( NT1 is indirect ta@ as a "ercentage of total ta@ re-enue and 1 to 6 are the un5nown "ara2eters to ;e esti2ated. ).$. 8o9ustness &rowt' 8e,ression E4uation >o e@a2ine the ro;ustness of the statistical test line eGuations( we e@"anded the Z -ector of control -aria;les to now include the -aria;les of total ta@ re-enue as a "ercentage of total federal re-enue in Nigeria [T*8], hu2an ca"ital de-elo"2ent in Nigeria as 2easured ;1 literac1 rate in Nigeria [3TN] and in-est2ent-inco2e ratio [IN/]. >hese -aria;les are ca"tured ;1 the M -ector. >hus( the ro;ustness regression 2odel is for2ulated as9

3n &PD# = ) +13n DT1 M T*8# +

23n NT1 M T*8# +

P P = +87 p

3n 7 =1


p1 P P = DT1 # +87 3n p 7 =1 7 (it

NT1 #
7 (it


t =1 >he error correction -ersion of eGuation *.27# is thus s"ecified

+ 5t 5 # + 6t 3n 6 # +7t
t =1

3n &PD# =) +13n DT1 MT*8# +

P P = +87 p P1

23n NT1 MT*8# +

3n 7 =1

P1 P P = 3n DT1 # +87 p 7 =1 7 (it

NT1 #
7 (it


+ 5t 3n 5# + 6t 3n 6 # + EC6 +$t



P P P >he ter2s 8 7P p = 3n DT1 # and 8 7 p = 3n NT1 # ca"ture the -aria;les that could sur-i-e 7 =1 7 =1

P 1

P 1

significance under the ;aseline esti2ation for direct and indirect ta@ co2"osition res"ecti-el1.

-! 3aterials and 3ethods

:.%. Empirical 6et'o!olo,y >he esti2ation techniGue for this research is the co-integration and error correction. >he choice of this techniGue is rooted on the need to underta5e the causal ins"ection of 2ost ti2e series data to e@a2ine the data for stationarit1. A ti2e series is said to ;e non stationar1 if the 2ean and the -ariance is ti2e de"endent. 41 intuition( a ti2e series is said to ;e stationar1 if the 2ean and -ariance is constant o-er ti2e. In a situation where non stationar1 data are used for econo2etric anal1sis( the statistical inference will ;e 2isleading ;ecause coefficients are erroneousl1 esti2ated 8Eranger 19$6#=. 3cono2etricall1( it is -ital to test for stationarit1 since intuiti-el1L it is assu2ed that ti2e series data are ;1 their nature non stationar1. In this regard( the "u,mente! Dic+ey;*uller ["D*] an! t'e P'illips;Peron [PP] tests are utiliAed. >he choice of the "D* test is "re2ised on its strength o-er different sa2"ling e@"eri2entations 8Sargan 196%#=. >he "D* test is ;ased on the regression eGuation9

*t = w1 + w2t + s*t 1 + i *t i + t
i =1


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*
t 1

Chere * = * * and * is the -aria;le under unit root test and t is a white noise error ter2. >he
t t

theor1 that underlies the anal1sis in this "a"er is the "rediction that when two or 2ore ti2e series are integrated of the sa2e order( a linear co2;ination of such data will "roduce -aria;les that are cointegrated. 7o-integration thus holds when there is a long-run relationshi" or eGuili;riu2. 7o-integration allow for the "ossi;ilit1 of esti2ating a long run relationshi" ;etween -aria;les which 2a1 not ;e stationar1. >he 7o'ansen s co integration techniGue is ado"ted in this "a"er. .sing the EC6, the short-run d1na2ics esti2ate an1 d1na2ic ad?ust2ents ;etween real &DP growth rate and the ta@ -aria;les in their res"ecti-e order of integration. Chile co-integration relates -aria;les in le-els( the EC6 corrects the de-iation fro2 eGuili;riu2 of the e@"lained -aria;le on the ;asis of the changes in the e@"lanator1 -aria;les. :.(. Data Annual data fro2 197+-2)11 were utiliAed for esti2ation. ,ata on ta@es were sourced fro2 the *e!eral Inlan! 8e<enue 2er<ices, "9u=a. National out"ut growth as 2easured ;1 a-erage annual growth rate of real &DP was o;tained fro2 the Statistical 4ulletin of the Central >an+ of Ni,eria (C>N0. >he literac1 rate for the "eriod co-ered was sourced fro2 the statistics of the *e!eral 6inistry of E!ucation, "9u=a. &"enness is the ratio of the su2 of e@"orts and i2"orts to &DP. >he "o"ulation growth rate was sourced fro2 the National Population Commission. >he 1earl1 inflation rates were collected fro2 the C>N?s statistical 9ulletin.

.! 'esults
@.%. "nalysis of 2tationarity Test 8esults >he results of the "D* an! PP test statistics are as re"orted in >a;le1! 4oth the "D* an! PP test statistics "ro-ide e-idence of non-stationarit1 of all the -aria;les in le-el e@ce"t the in-est2ent-inco2e ratio and growth rate of &DP. In su2 therefore( the unit root tests re-ealed that with the e@e2"tion of in-est2entinco2e ratio and the growth rate of gross do2estic "roduct( no other series could gain stationarit1 at le-el ?udging fro2 the fact that their test statistics at le-el are s2aller than the critical -alues at the 1 "ercent le-el of significance. All other -aria;les in the stud1 howe-er( ;eca2e stationar1 after first differencing. >he "D* results are in accord with those of the !! as regard the order of integration for all the -aria;les in the stud1. Stationarit1 as o;tained dis2isses an1 trace of s"urious regression esti2ates. @.(. "nalysis of Co;inte,ration Test 8esults >a;le 2 re"orts the JohansenJs co-integration results. 3-ident fro2 the li5elihood ratio( the h1"othesis of no co-integration a2ongst the -aria;les in each eGuation is re?ected and at least one co-integrating relationshi" e@ists at the + "ercent and 1 "ercent le-els of significance res"ecti-el1. In effect( the cointegration results indicate a re2ar5a;le e-idence of the e@istence of a long-run relationshi" ;etween econo2ic growth and ta@ation together with a seGuence of other control -aria;les in Nigeria. In effect( the -aria;les do not drift awa1 fro2 each other e@ce"t for te2"orar1 fluctuations. >he statistical inference of co-integrated anal1sis "ortra1s the long-run relationshi"s ;etween integrated -aria;les in the stud1. @.$. Disa,,re,ate! Estimates of t'e Impact of Taxation on Economic &rowt' in Ni,eria >a;le * shows the ro;ust error correction esti2ates of the i2"act of ta@ation on econo2ic growth in Nigeria under three different esti2ations. >he error correction coefficients in the three esti2ations show that 72.6+ "ercent( 79.$6 "ercent and $).6$ "ercent res"ecti-el1 of the total diseGuili;riu2 fro2 the longrun growth of real out"ut is corrected for within one-1ear. >he t-ratios of the one-1ear lagged -alues of the error correction -*.29+#( -9.2*7# and -%.+6$# are all statisticall1 significant and negati-e. >his indeed confir2s a good fit and hence adeGuate ad?ust2ent ;etween the short-run and long-run of the diseGuili;riu2 of &DP growth rate. >he 2easures of statistical fitness of the regression esti2ates na2el1( the coefficient of deter2ination( t-statistic and F-statistic are significant at the + "ercent le-el. >he

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

coefficients of 2odel deter2ination ha-ing ;een ad?usted for degrees of freedo2 for the three esti2ations are 6*.+ "ercent( $6.+ "ercent and $2.+ "ercent res"ecti-el1. >hus( ha-ing ad?usted for degrees of freedo2( the esti2ated error correction eGuations ha-e a good( high and hence a relia;le e@"lanator1 "ower. >he F--alues 6%.%*#( %6.))# and 26.+6# are statisticall1 significant. &n the "art of indi-idual significance( the two direct ta@ co2"onents na2el1( the ratio of the "etroleu2 "rofit ta@ to total direct ta@ and the ratio of the co2"an1 inco2e ta@ to total direct ta@ that had earlier e@hi;ited significant correlate with the growth rate of E,! under the ;aseline esti2ation 2aintained their significance still under the ro;ust esti2ation ha-ing e@"anded the set of control -aria;les. >he onl1 indirect ta@ co2"onent na2el1( the ratio of custo2 and e@cise duties to total indirect ta@ in Nigeria that was significant under the ;aseline esti2ation could not sustain such significance in the su;seGuent esti2ation. >his is seen fro2 the t--alues of 1.+26# and 1.2$*# in esti2ations 2 and * res"ecti-el1. >he diagnostic tests results are statisticall1 satisfactor1 in all the esti2ation. @.). Parsimonious 8esults of t'e Impact of Taxation on Economic &rowt' in Ni,eria >a;le % shows the "arsi2onious error correction esti2ates of the i2"act of ta@ation on econo2ic growth in Nigeria. As it were( the insignificant -aria;les wee dro""ed fro2 the "arsi2onious esti2ation. Indeed( we followed the Iendr1Js general to s"ecific a""roach i2"l1ing that so2e of the -aria;les that could not sur-i-e significance ;e1ond the li5elihood of chance were dro""ed fro2 the final esti2ation. 3-identl1( onl1 the direct co2"onents of "etroleu2 "rofit ta@ and co2"an1 inco2e ta@ could sustain statistical significance under the "arsi2onious esti2ation. In other words( these -aria;les 2aintained their significance u" to the final esti2ation. >he insignificance of the total indirect ta@ in the co2"osition of total ta@ re-enue could ;e e@"lained ;1 fiscal irres"onsi;ilit1 on the "art of the go-ern2ent( a2;iguous inter"retation of e@isting laws and inadeGuate co-erage. For e@a2"le( the infor2al sector is neglected in the sche2e of re-enue dri-e through ta@a;le inco2e. >he #"T -aria;le had "re-iousl1 failed the test of significance under the ;aseline regression for the indirect ta@ co2"onents. >he "etroleu2 "rofit ta@ "asses the test of significance ;e1ond the li5elihood of chance. >he ratio of total direct ta@ to total ta@ re-enue indi-iduall1 sustained significance with an enor2ous t-ratio of 11.**+#. >his corro;orates the theor1 that direct ta@ation is growth enhancing in Nigeria. Indeed( the 2ost essential instru2ent for sti2ulating econo2ic growth in Nigeria is direct ta@a;le inco2e. >he residual test statistics as re"orted suggest that the 2odel is well ;eha-ed. In fact( the diagnostic test results are satisfactor1. >he "lots of the cu2ulati-e su2 of residuals [CA2A6] and cu2ulati-e su2 of sGuares of residuals [CA2A62B] show that the coefficient -ector is sta;le( o-er the sa2"le "eriod 8Figure 1=! 3-identl1( sta;ilit1 is endured for the "eriod under anal1sis. >his e2"iricall1 gi-es credence to statistical ro;ustness of our results in the stud1. @.:. Policy Implications of 8esults ,irect ta@ation in Nigeria is i2"erati-e. >he glo;al transition fro2 direct ta@ation to indirect ta@ation see2s to lac5 e2"irical ?ustification in Nigeria. !etroleu2 "rofit and co2"an1 inco2e ta@es are the 2ost effecti-e sources of generating ta@a;le inco2e for enhancing econo2ic growth in Nigeria. Indirect ta@ation in Nigeria has negati-e effect on econo2ic growth. >hus( the fa-oura;le ta@ structure is the one that gi-es weight to direct ta@ation "olic1 in Nigeria. >his indicates a significant change in the ta@ ;urden fro2 indirect to direct ta@ation. @.@. 2ynt'esis of t'e Present Empirical E<i!ence wit' Pre<ious Empirical E<i!ence 32"irical e-idence found in this stud1 is that direct ta@ation is growth enhancing. >his result contradicts those Foch( Schoe2an and 'an->onder 2))+#( 4ar1 and Jules 2))$#( Ariso1 and .nlu5a"lan 2)1)#. >he stud1 re"orted negati-e and insignificant i2"act of total indirect ta@ in the co2"osition of total ta@ re-enue. >his e2"irical finding is also not su;stantiated ;1 the e2"irical results of Cild2a2 2))1#( ,ah;1 2))*# and A-i-1onah and /argolioth 2))6# where a "ositi-e correlation ;etween indirect ta@ re-enue and econo2ic growth has ;een docu2ented. &n the ;asis of the fact that the econo2ic en-iron2ent under which the Nigerian econo21 o"erates as an e2erging econo21 differs fro2 those of

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

the Asia( 3uro"e and A2erica( it thus i2"lies that the o;?ecti-e of "ro2oting econo2ic growth through the instru2entalit1 of ta@ation ought to generate conflicting results and hence contradictor1 e-idences.

/! #onclusion and #ontribution

In the stud1( an e2"irical in-estigation of the effect of ta@ation on econo2ic growth was carried out. Results of e2"irical tests show the statistical significance of econo2ic growth effects of direct ta@a;le inco2e while and the statisticall1 insignificant negati-e effect of indirect ta@ re-enue in the co2"osition of total ta@ re-enue on &DP growth. >he e2"irical findings hold that the "olic1 of direct ta@ation is a -erita;le instru2ent in enhancing the growth rate of the Nigerian econo21. In effect therefore( econo2ic growth in the short-run can ;e sti2ulated with the use of direct ta@ "olic1. >hus( the New National >a@ "olic1 which e2"hasiAes "olic1 shift fro2 direct to indirect ta@ation has no e2"irical ?ustification in Nigeria. 4ased on the e2"irical findings o;tained in this "a"er( we ne-ertheless reco22end that the i2"le2entation of direct ta@ation should ;e strengthened in Nigeria. >his 2eans that the current e2"hasis on the glo;al transition fro2 direct to indirect ta@ation as a 2eans of sti2ulating growth should ;e down "la1ed in Nigeria. It lac5s e2"irical ?ustification in Nigeria. Rather than e@"and the indirect ta@ structures( the go-ern2ent should e@"and the structures of direct ta@es in Nigeria. >he e2"irical "a"er closes the 5nowledge ga" induced ;1 inconclusi-e e-idence on the growth effects of ta@ation which 2ost often has resulted in situations where results of researches done in de-elo"ed econo21 are generaliAed to de-elo"ing countries. >he stud1 is countr1 s"ecific and it utiliAed ti2e series data and there;1 o-erco2es the cross-countr1 anal1sis that under2ines -aria;le differentials( "roducti-it1 differentials as reflected in different "roduction functions and a;o-e all( countr1 differentials. !re-ious e2"irical studies ado"ted cross-countr1 with cross section data anal1sis to relate 2easures of ta@ co2"osition and econo2ic growth under2ining the fact that cross-sectional studies can onl1 o;tain "ooled esti2ates that fails to disentangle results for an1 s"ecific countr1. And ;ecause the "ara2eters are heterogeneous across su;sets of units and errors 2ight ;e non-rando2 across te2"oral units. In addition( the stud1 2ade a significant 2ethodological i2"ro-e2ent on ta@ation and econo2ic growth anal1sis in -iew of the disaggregation of the ta@ -ector.

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

/iesA5ows5i !. 1969#( >a@ Incidence >heor19 >he 3ffect of >a@es on the ,istri;ution of Inco2e. 7ournal of Economic 3iterature, 7 %#( 11)* - 112% /1les E.,. 2)))#( >a@ation and 3cono2ic Erowth. *iscal 2tu!ies 21 1#( 1%1-16$ Ra2se1 E. and '. Ra2se1 199+#( 7ross-countr1 3-idence on the Din5 ;etween 'olatilit1 and Erowth. "merican Economic 8e<iew, $+ %#11*$-11+1. Reed C. R. 2))6#( >he Ro;ust Relationshi" ;etween >a@es and State 3cono2ic Erowth. Cor5ing !a"ers in 3cono2ies )6M*. Ro2er 7. and ,. Ro2er 2)))#( >he /acroecono2ic 3ffects of >a@ 7hanges9 3sti2ates ;ased on a New /easure of Fiscal Shoc5s. 'ttpGEEelsa9er+eley.e!uE!romer Scarlett I. E. 2)11#( >a@ !olic1 and 3cono2ic Erowth in Ja2aica. >an+ of 7amaica wor+in, paper >osun /.S. and S. A;iAadeh 2))+#( 3cono2ic Erowth and >a@ 7o2"onents9 An Anal1sis of >a@ 7hanges in &37,. "pplie! Economics, *7L 22+1-226* Cid2al2 F. 2))1#( >a@ Structure and Erowth9 Are So2e >a@es 4etter than &thersH Pu9lic C'oice 1)79199 - 219

5iographies David 637'6 is a Decturer in the ,e"art2ent of 3cono2ics( 4an5ing 6 Finance( 4enson Idahosa
.ni-ersit1( Nigeria. Ie recei-ed his >.2c. an! 6.2c. degrees in 3cono2ics fro2 the Ani<ersity of >enin. Ie crowned his studies with a P'.D in 3cono2ics fro2 Ani<ersity of >enin in colla;oration with the "frican economic 8esearc' Consortium ["E8C], Nairo;i( Fen1a. Iis current research interest includes 2onetar1 and health econo2ics. ,r .2oru is a consultant in econo2etrics anal1sis. 3! A! Ayinwe is Professor of Economics and a consultant in statistics and de-elo"2ent studies. She holds P'. D ,egree in 3cono2ics. She has authored 2an1 ;oo5s and articles. She has authored 2ore than 2) ?ournal articles in re"uta;le international and national ?ournals. Ier current research interest includes de-elo"2ent econo2ics issues. She is a 2e2;er of Nigerian 3cono2ic Societ1. ,r. An1inwe is lectures in the ,e"art2ent of 3cono2ics 6 Statistics( .ni-ersit1 of 4enin( Nigeria.

A88END"9 >a;le19 Results of Stationarit1 >ests ;ased on "D* an! PP >est /ethods
#aria9les PP Test 8esults Drift ITren! ;L.MLL ;:.L)$ ;:.L)$ ;@.M:) ;F.M$F ;@.F(( ;).L() ;:.:(@ ;:.LM: ;:.LM: ;F.:@M ;L.$M( ;:.::: ;@.:MF ;@.(@@ Anit 8oot Test 8esults "D* Test 8esults Drift ITren! ;@.)F$ ;@.@L( ;:.@L( ;:.F(( ;:.MFF ;:.F:)@ ;@.)L$NN ;:.F:) ;:.M$$ ;:.$LM ;@.$F$ ;:.@@@ ;:.($$ ;@.LL@N ;:.(M:$

8esult Inte,ration Or!er

3n[&PD] 3n[DT1] 3n[NT1] 3n[CNT] 3[PDT] 3n[PPD] 3n[EDT] 3n[CED] 3n[#"T] 3n[IN*] 3n[P&N] 3n[OPN] 3n[IN/] 3n[3TN] 3n[T*8]

Critical #alue J %K ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L ;).:)L

Critical #alue J %K ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;).)M( ;:.)M( ;).)M(

I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0 I(%0

2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary 2tationary

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

>a;le 29 7o-integration >ests Results ;ased on JohansenJs /a@i2u2 Di5elihood E4uation % No of Co;inte,ratin, 3a, 3i+eli'oo! :K Critical %K Critical 8elations 3en,t' 8atio #alue #alue % (M).F$)N @M.:( %F@.DF - 9r =)

2tatistical Inference Co;inte,rate! Co;inte,rate! Co;inte,rate! Co;inte,rate! Co;inte,rate! Co;inte,rate!

- 9r 1

% % % % %

$F$.M:LN ($F.(FLN ()@.M)(N ($F.M@FN $)@.$$@N

().() )).%: :M.:( ((@.D (().()

%$$.:F %D$.%M ((.DF %@M.$@ %$$.:F

E4uation (
- 9r =)

- 9r 1

E4uation $
- 9r =)

- 9r 1

Notes: r !enotes t'e num9er of co;inte,ratin, <ector


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

>a;le *9 ,isaggregated 3rror 7orrection 3sti2ates of the I2"act of >a@ation on 3cono2ic Erowth in Nigeria
Depen!ent #aria9leG D[&PD] Estimation % Estimation ( Estimation $ Intercept ;%.D)$(;D.$MM0 ;$.::$(;D.$$(0 ;%.$(L(;D.D$$0 Direct Tax Component(s0 %.$()().:L(0NNN D.(F((%$.@L@0NNN %.DF$(:.(M$0NNN 3n[CNT] %.)F((((.:):0NNN %.$@(((.$F)0NN %.$))(:.DD$0NNN 3n[PPD] %.D(M(L.:L:0NNN 3n[DT1] In!irect Tax Component(s0 D.(:)(($.$$L0NN D.%:((%.:(@0 D.($((%.(M$0 3n[CED] ;%.D:L(;D.:MF0 3n[NT1] Control #aria9le(s0 ;%.(@((;L.@@(0NNN ;(.:F$(;$.($D0NN ;%.DM((;:.:(M0NNN 3n[IN*] (.)D(((.LF:0NN (.D@M((.M:L0NN (.$M:(%.%(M0 3n[P&N] %.%DF(F.:(:0NNN %.((L(%%.:@)0NNN %.):)(@.@@$0NNN 3n[OPN] %.%F@(:.D)M0NNN 3n[IN/] ;D.(@@(;D.)::0 3n[3TN] (.DM@($.DF@0NN 3n[T*8] Error Correction Coefficient EC6(t;%0 ;D.F(:(;$.(L:0NN ;D.FL@(;L.($F0NNN ;D.MDM(;).:@M0NNN Dia,nostic Test 2tatistic(s0 8( ["!=uste! 8(] D.@:[D.@$:] D.MF$[D.M@:] D.M$L[D.M(:] *;statistic[Pro9.] @).$[D.DDD] )@.D[D.DDD] (@.:@[D.DDD] Dur9in;Catson (.DM$ (.D@M (.D() $$.@@[D.:DD] )(.D$[D.DD(] @.$:[D.DDL] >;& 36 2tatistic [Pro9.] "8C- Test 2tatistic [Pro9.] D.$$F[D.D$L] %.(D@[D.D):] %.D:[D.$D(] 7ar4ue;>era 2tatistic [Pro9.] D.$LL[(%.M@(] %.M(M[%.D:(@] %.D@([D.D(L] 8amsey 8E2ET Test[Pro9.] (.DD([D.DD(] (D.M:L[D.DDD] M.(FD[D.DDD] NoteG NNN(NN0 in!icates statistical si,nificance of <aria9les at %K(:K0 le<els respecti<ely Explanatory #aria9les


Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline# 'ol.%( No.2( 2)1*

>a;le %9 !arsi2onious 3rror 7orrection 3sti2ates of the Relationshi" ;etween >a@ation on 3cono2ic Erowth in Nigeria
Depen!ent #aria9leG D[&PD] Coefficients Intercept (.(M((D.(:M0 D.::$((.)LL0NN 3n[CNT] %.:):(:.::@0NNN 3n[PPD] %.DMF(%%.$$:0NNN 3n[DT1] ;D.D@D(;(.MML0NN 3n[IN*] %.DM$(:.$LL0NNN 3n[OPN] %.M:D((.M@D0NN 3n[IN/] D.M(M((.$@$0NN 3n[T*8] EC6(t;%0 ;D.@$:(;$.((:0NNN 6o!el #ali!ationG Dia,nostic Test 2tatistics Test 6easure C'i;24uare 2tatistic 2tatistical Inference [Pro9a9ility] &oo!ness;of;2tatistical *it 8( ("!=uste!8( 0,*; L@.M(L:.:0,%DL.F 2i,nificant st Normality 2+ewness @.((([D.DDD] Positi<e .urtosis (M.@$:[D.DDD] 6eso+urtic 7ac4ue;>era %.D$$[D.:@)] &aussian Normality 2erial Correlation Dur9in;Catson (.DM) "9sent D.@(([D.DDD] "9sent >;& 36 2tatistic 2pecification >ias 8amsey 8E2ET (.$:@[D.DDD] "9sent Test -eteros+e!asticity C'ite Test 2tatistic D.M$@[D.DDD] -omos+e!astic 8esi!uals "8C- Test %.D:@[D.@M(] -omos+e!astic 8esi!uals 2tatistic NNN(NN0 in!icates statistical si,nificance of <aria9les at %K(:K0 le<els respecti<ely, t;<alues are reporte! in parent'esis 9elow eac' parameter estimate, [ ] contains pro9a9ilities Explanatory #aria9les

Figure 19 7.S./ and 7.S./SK !lots of Regression Residuals

15 10
1.2 1.6



-5 -10 -15 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10

-0.4 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10


5% Significance

CUSUM of Squares

5% Significance


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