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Below are the list and guidelines of the workshops for this year's Metro Manila Conference/ Regional Youth Conference. General Guidelines: Register per sector/pro ince !ill up registration for" for specific workshop #$ per sector/pro ince %pen to all Y!C leaders &chapter heads and up for Co""unity Based' ()(C%M and school officers and up for Ca"pus and *+ Based, Workshop
#--. !ree &/heology of the Body, BODY HOLY

/heology of the Body for /eens 0 workshop on disco ering one1s self and 2ody' li ing life to the fullest in purity and chastity Objecti es #. /o e3plain that God lo es us and desires to ha e an inti"ate' personal relationship with us 4. /o know that our 2odies are sacred' as they were created 2y God' and all that *e creates is good 5. /o e3plain how our 2odies "ake isi2le the in isi2le "ystery of God Speakers Pro!i"e #opic Points Refer to /%B 6ower6oint/handout in the +*%7/ 4-#5 "anual




Couple Coordinators 9orkshop: 6arenting L$K% D&D ' L$K% (O(

/o help our couple coordinators to 2e a 2etter parents in their own fa"ily while ser ing in the co""unity as coordinators Objecti es #. /o help our Couple Coordinators 2e "ore effecti e parents in their own fa"ilies and Y!C1s


4. /o train our coordinators to effecti ely co""unicate well with their children Speakers Pro!i"e #opic Points) Catechesis: Mariology #H%R%*S SO(%#H$+, &BO-# (&RY /o 2etter understand the life of Mother Mary and why as Catholics we honor our *oly Mother Objecti es #. /o ha e "ore knowledge a2out our *oly Mother 4. /o help Catholics understand the :ueenship of Mary Speakers Pro!i"e #opic Points) #. Mary as a Mother of God 4. Mary as ;( er <irgin; 5. Mary as the ;Mediatri3 of all graces; =. Mary as the ;Corede"ptri3 of all graces; $. Mary as the :ueen of *ea en and (arth #$-84--

Catechesis: >ife of +aints (%SS&,% S&$+#S

/o 2etter understand why Catholics cele2rate the feast of saints and why we ask prayers fro" the" Objecti es #. /o know "ore a2out the saints of the Catholic church 4. /o know "ore a2out seeking intercession fro" the saints Speakers Pro!i"e #a"kin. Points

#. 7nderstanding the role of saints in Catholic life 4. (3a"ining the process for declaring a saint 5. !inding out what the co""union of saints is =. Cele2rating on the saints feast day Catechesis: (ucharist S&CR%D SY(BOL /o 2etter understand as Catholics the significance of signs' sy"2ols and actions in our faith Objecti es #. /o understand that signs and sy"2ols in the (ucharist is a way of fully worshipping God in 2ody and soul 4. /o understand "ore why Catholics ha e certain rituals' signs and sy"2ols in the (ucharist Speakers Pro!i"e #a"kin. Points #. Re8presenting Christ1s sacrifice 4. ?isco ering the arious parts of the "ass 5. @nowing when to stand' sit' or kneel #$-84--

Catechesis: 6rayer /O$C% C&LL

Basic perspecti e of prayer in the conte3t of the lay Objecti es #. /o reinforce the essence of prayer and the need to pray in our life as young people 4. /o introduce and appreciate for"s of prayer and ways of praying which the youth can "ake use of as they Aourney through their prayer life


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