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Agent Kids: Trials of Hell

By Cody Poore

Part I: Hellbrid Theory

AKA The Proulouge

Prolouge I:

I am Taz, a 17 year old kid. I

was scarred as a baby by Phill

Asenti. My scar is on my arm. It

is shaped like a sword. We

moved to California when I was

10. There, I met my friends

Alex, Larry, Matt and Kyle F. My

cousin Kyle lives with us. He was

born from my old dad. My old

dad went Missing In Action in

Iraq. So my mom got married to

a guy named Ted. So he's

considered a cousin, but he's

really my brother. My other

cousin Dylan lives with us. At

night, he screams The train no...

The screech hurts...No, a bang!

No... no... WHAT?

Why? His parents were killed

when they were walking across

train tracks and two trains

collided. So we're all a family.

We aren't that happy, but still

happy enough. Ted goes out

every day, to work. But he stays

23 hours sometimes. He also has

a lot of buissiness meetings. For

2 to 3 weeks. Mom gets angry

when I mention it. I don't even

know what Ted does. I just know

he works "Secret Goverment

Jobs" in the same field.

Alex is a tan 16 and a half year

old boy. He's my friend. Kyle F.

is tan. Also, he starred in the

movie Treston Trio, a movie

about 3 brothers who get into

misadventures while growing up

in a New York gang with Al

Calzone. Kyle F. decided to give

up acting for a normal life. In

the Prophecies section in the

library, there is a book. The

book is written by Vlad. One

prophecy is about a boy and his

friends. They will rid the world

of evil forever. Then evil will be


No more robberies. No more

gangs. No more murders. No

more wars. No more break-ins.

No more crimes. There will be

nothing but peace. But if evil

wins, the world will be corrupted

and dirty. Everyone will be evil.

And those villains will rule the

world. There will be chaos,

darkness and fire, and all Hell

will break lose. And also, the

boys will die.

And now, you know some

backstory. Now, let me get to


It happened at school.

After gym, in the locker

room. I had just finished

getting changed, and guys

in black suits appeared. "

Come with us. You need to

hear some news. Your

friends and mom, brother,

and cousin are here." one

said. They had thick

sunglasses and deep voices,

like velvet. They had shiny,

black, dressy shoes. "Why

do thet have swords?" I

wondered. They drove me

to a cave made out of

metal. A secret door


A black suited knight

wakes up in the depts of

Hell. He laughs maniacly. "

I am risen. I will take over

the world. 500 years of

sleep is ended!" he said.

I stepped into a silver

room. My friends and

family were on chairs. I sat

down. " Taz." one of the

agents said. "We are

Secret Agents. Your dad

was, too. But Ted was killed

in a mission today. By

Doomer. He is the one who

gave you your scar. Not

Phill. But you, Kyle, Dylan

and your friends are all

Agent Kids. You will

destroy evil. Here's your

first mission: You need to

find Doomer and stop him.

He lives in Florida. You

have a weapon. It is a


He handed me a sword,

silver and shiny. " Good

luck Agent Kids. Your ship

awaits you after school."

My friends and I walked

out of the building, while

my mom sobbed about Ted.

Class was boring. " Guys," I

whispered during math

class, " Let's keep our

identities secret. If we do,

we won't be attacked."

Suddenly, there was a

whisper in my ear. " You

just say Agent Up." it said.

That was Ted talking. I

started to feel the ground

shaking. A black knight

figure jumped out of the

ground. " I am here to take

back the throne. First, I

will destroy the Agent

Kids!" he said. He laughed


We hid in the bathroom

during lockdown. "Damn" I

said. The mission would be

hard enough, but we had to

deal with this loser. "Agent

Up" we all said. When we

left to fight, we saw it.

Apparently, this guy

gathered an army of

Demons. "Doomer!" he

cried, " My master, help

me. I, the minion, will

destroy the Agent Kids for

you! Take over the world

now!" The knight charged

at us. We jumped out of

the way. He swung his

sword around and made a

flame circle. We were

burned. He came and

stabbed me. He knocked

me into the lockdown room.

There, I switched back to

Taz. Everyone gasped.

Then everything went dark.

I woke up in a brightly lit

room. My head was hurting,

and people were standing

by my bed. " Taz, are you

all right?" a voice asked.

Then I fell asleep. I was

unconsious for about a

week. Then I finally woke


"Yes, yes" a voice said. A

knight in a black suit was

standing next to a car. "

The Year 1500 marks a big

advancement. A car, it is

called. You start it up with

a key, and lower your foot

on a gas pedal and a brake

pedal. You will never have

to walk again." He boomed

to anyone who would listen.

A passing trolleyman
stopped. "Boo" he shouted.

The trollyman threw a

tomato at the knight. The

knight grew angry. "I,

Knight Rider, will have my

revenge. And I will come

back to get revenge 502

years after I die. Later

that knight, I mean night,

he went on a rampage.

Houses in flames, police

shooting arrows, the

Knight Rider killed

everyone in town. Except

one. A cop from out of

town. He shot the Knight

Rider's horse. The horse

fell. The Knight Rider

charged at the cop and hit

the cop in the chest. The

cop hit the Knight Rider

with an arrow. The cop

staggered home and said a

prayer. " Oh, my God, thou

art the most powerful

being. May thou smite the

souls of the damned who

killed innocent peasants.

And may thou heal the

innocent and the cops that

are still alive. Amen." he

said. Then he laid back and

was brought a full healing.

I woke up in cold sweat, in

the hospital room. Wait...

no. It was the room the

Agents brought us to. We

left the area. Alex was

excited. " And also, we get

cool swords. But I'm

scared. They said that

what happens in a dream

could really happen to us."

Alex said. Really? I

checked my arms. Sure

enough, there were burns

and a stab wound. "How'd

that happen, Taz?" Kyle

asked. "It was... a dream."

I replied. We walked down

Main Street. Then we were

almost run over. "Watch

where you're going, you

crazy fool" Kyle F. shouted.

We all laughed and joked

on the way home. But Alex,

Dylan, Kyle and me are the

Agent Kids. We're the

ones Doomer wanted to run


That day was the day my

wrestling match was

scheduled for. I was in the

championships for our

school. We started up and

the first match was easy.

Then the third and final

school in the tri-state area

was up. A big 10 foot, 300

pound 19 year old stepped

in. And he ate lots of

beans. And a spicy burrito.

Right before the match. I

jumped and tried to

wrestle him down. He

threw me to the ground

and sat on me. " One...

Two... Two and a half...

Three. Bushwire wins!" The

ref reported. Then

bushwire farted, a loud and

stinky one, right on my...


We were asleep on a Friday

night, during the weekly

sleepover. We were awoken

by a sound of guns. We

were being shot at by

Doomer's Mercinaries. I

waved my fist. We ran

downstairs and woke up my

mom. " Mom, take Trixie

and Dylan, then run away.

We're under attack." I

shouted. We ran to the 1st

floor. Our mom left. We

ran upstairs and stopped

next to a gas heater.

Someone threw a lit

molitov cocktail through

the window, and it landed

on the heater. It lit up and

the heater exploded. We

ran and the explosion

chased us. Everything was

run by gas. The floor

collapsed under us. We fell

into the basement. "Guys, I

have a secret tunnel." I

said. I revealed a tunnel

and we rushed in. The

tunnel led to the hill. We

met up with my mom. "Mrs.

Dogg, you should leave.

We'll hold them off." Alex

said. "Dylan can stay,

though. He is an Agent Kid.

We can heal and revive,

along with other spells." I

said. Dylan asked what we

were doing. We told him,

and he got mad. It was his

14th birthday party. Still,

we ran down the hill.

"Agent Up" we screamed.

They destroyed my house.

Then the mercanaries shot

me in the leg. " You want a

war? We'll give you a war

you won't forget!" I


We prepared for our first

war. Little did we know

there would be many more.

We readied our grenades,

molotav cocktails, sword,

and pistols. We only had 5

bullets, so it was for

emergencies only. We

packed our gear. I knew we

would be gone for about a

week. We came to a

battlefield. I called the

marines, and the Air Force.

They stormed to the

battlefield. We had an

army of our own. The

marines started to shoot

the evil minions. I rolled

and began to fight. I was

fighting an evil human with

snake teeth, and glowing

red bloodshot eyes. He bit

my arm, and I felt weak. I

punched him in the face

and sliced his teeth off. I

kicked him down, the I

stabbed him in the gut.

"Heal," I said. My bite

healed instantly, and I felt

stronger. Then I saw

Doomer. He was running

away. "Scared to face me

like a man, Doomer? Cause

you're not a man. You're a

man-lady." I said. He ran

towards me and we started

fighting. "How're you

holding up, Alex?" I asked.

"Fine" he said, struggling

with a human with snake

teeth. The whole army was

People with snake teeth

and red eyes.

Doomer looked like a tall

surfer-dude. He had

muscles. I mean serious

Abs. He punched me in the

face. Then I got on my

sword and roundhouse

kicked him 5 times. Then I

punched him. He started to

punch me in the nose. I

reached for my sword, and

he kicked it out of my

hand. So I pulled out my

pistol. The shot rang

loudly. I looked and saw I

shot Doomer in the gut. He

looked up, with puppy dog

eyes. But he... he killed my

dad. Both of them. I

needed to end him. I

needed revenge. So I lit up

a moltov, placed it in his

gut, ran away, and closed

my eyes. There was a

BANG! and everything went

dark. And suddenly I felt

like I was on fire. I fell

with a thud, landing near


I was fighting a Snake-man

when Taz called out,

"How're you holding up,

Alex?" I replied "Fine!".

Then I struggled with the

snake-man. Suddenly, I

heard a loud gunshot. Taz

had used his pistol. He

grabbed his sword, then

placed a molotav in Doomer

gunshot wound. Taz turned

around, and that sneak

Doomer placed the molotav

in Taz's pocket. Taz fell

and landed next to me. I

took his pants off and let

them burn. We went to the

tent. We blended up Beef

Stew and gave it to Taz.

We ate dinner, then we

went to battle. I fought

another snake-man. He bit

me. I kicked him in the

part-that-counts. Soon it

was an all-out slap fight.

We were just slapping.

Doomer was punched in the

face by Kyle. I threw a

molotav. They were both

knocked out. They were on

fire. I put Kyle out, then

threw the snake man onto

Doomer. A marine officer

was bit. "What the hell are

these things?" He

screamed. Then he was

eaten. What the hell are

those things? I walked up

the battlefield to Doomer.

He woke up, then turned

around. I punched him in

the face. "What are the

things, these Snakey-men?

What are they?" I asked.

"Snake men" He replied. "

Now, you shall all die. I now

rule the world. I command

Fire, Air, Earth, and

Water! I control the world.

Flame Monster, attack. He

summoned a snake made

out of fire. "Oh... my...

God." I said. Then I

started to run. Then I saw

the darkness. It was

creaping towards us.

Doomer really did rule the

world. I ran and stopped,

pulling out my sword. I

turned and faced the

beast. I charched, my

sword face down, and

stabbed the beast. It

roared. He smacked the

ground. We both fell. Then

Taz woke up.

I jumped down the hole.

Kyle was smoldering in the

hospital. Most of our

soldiers were dead. We

would probably lose the

war. Alex was fighting the

beast. The beast swiped

Alex. Alex was cut. His arm

was bleeding. And his main

vain was burnt. I just

stabbed at the beast. I

called for the hospital. I

started to fight. The beast

burnt another hole in the

ground. Alex started to

fall. I created another

ledge for him. The

ambulences arrived. It was

just me and the beast. But

I just jumped on the walls

and grabbed Alex. The hole

started to crumble. The

beast leaped, and the hole

imploded. The beast was

put out... permanently. I

limped to the hospital and

admitted Alex. Then I

limped off to Doomer. I

ended the war I lost. We

needed a new strategy.

Alex and Kyle came out of

the hospital, cured and

healed. We walked home.

Soon we came up with a

plan. We would wait.

Doomer would come to us.

Early Sunday morning,

some news came. Alex and

his family would move in.

We were happy. Later that

day, they were settled in.

Alex bunked with me. We

saw the darkness leaving.

Doomer didn't rule the

world anymore. Then the

call from HQ came.

"Doomer was stopped

yesterday. But now, he's

trying to rule the world

again. He is on The

Runestone. Be careful. One

drop of good blood spilled

will give more power to evil.

They will have evil,

destructive, deadly powers.

Good luck, Agent Kids." He

said. Then he hung up. Our

cheif was a good guy. So we

traveled to the runestone.

Doomer was using a spell.

We landed behind him. I

punched him in the back,

then kicked his butt. He

turned around. My life was

probably going to end. So I

got out my sword. And we

started to fight. His sword

clanged on mine. Alex was

going around, Fighting

minions, along with Kyle and

Dylan. Kyle was cut. Then

Dylan, then Alex. I saw

blood dripping. Doomer got

stronger. So did his ninja

minions. Doomer picked me

up, then slammed me on my

back hard. I coughed up

blood. "Yes, yes!" Doomer

said. He poured a bluish

liquid on the runestone.

Then green, yellow, red,

and puce liquids. They were

sloshy, like liquid, sticking

to the rune, like glue, yet it

felt dry, powdery,and like

water without the wet.

They were the potions of

elixer, the Potions of Evil.

I got up and knocked the

ninjas off. The rune

started to glow. There was

an explosion. Then

everything went dark.

We woke up, tied to a chair

in a barn. I had dried blood

on my clothes. Alex's arm

was cut again. Dylan had a

stab wound on his gut.

Kyle's shoulder got a

throwing star in it, and it

slid down to his stomach.

He was pretty cut up.

"Flasinco Fire" I said. The

ropes were burnt. We

started to run. The door

was a teleporter, because

we were back on the rune.

"Agent Up" we said. Our

swords reapeared to us.

We turned and faced

Doomer and... a monster

made of fire, water, earth,

and air. He lumbered

towards the city. "Kyle, you

and Dylan hold off the

ninjas. Alex, You hold off

Doomer. I'll stop the

monster." I said.

Part 2: Alex's Story

I started to fight Doomer.

He threw me off of the

runestone. I climbed up the

other end. He was looking

at the ground on that side,

wagging his butt. I ran over

and kicked him down. Then,

with my sword, I shot lava

down on him. He screamed

and stripped down to his

underwear. He was

scarred, his abs burnt, and

had a molotav coctail in his

hand. He jumpped onto the

runestone. He put an

electric fence up,

squeezing us all together.

He pulled the molotav,

setting it to detonate. He

smiled evily. Then it

exploded, and so did the

fence. We all fell. Dylan

spilled water on us all,

except Doomer. Doomer

kept screaming, then he

left. He was done for the


Part 3: Taz's Story

I jumped and landed on the

monster. We were in the

city. The monster

destroyed Inrel Corp, and

ate all the employees. Ew.

Electrical wires were up

ahead. And he was mostly

water. I held a dog biscut

and threw into the wire. He

chased it. I jumped off

before he died. He ate the

dog biscut and got zapped.

His water part was gone.

So I let him into a movie

theater that would be torn

down. He gasped, then

started to panic. I

restrained him, then his air

part was destroyed. I gave

him ice cubes. He ate them

and got cold. So I turned

on the fire-sprinklers. His

earth part was turned to

mud. Then, I turned the

heat down to neagative

100. The flame was put out.

I ran out of the building.

There was an explosion.

Part 4: Kyle's Battle

I started to fight ninjas,

while Alex fought Doomer,

Taz fought the monster,

and Dylan took a nap. One

threw a star at me. Not

again. I jumpped and

kicked it back. The ninja

was hit in the stomach. He

fell over, bleeding. Then I

wacked one across the

head. He fell over, dead.

Then the ninja leader

stepped foreward. I got

hit in the gut with a

throwing star. But I

stepped up and got dizzy.

There were two of him. I

swang at the one that

wasn't there. But once, I

chopped the ninja's arm

off. I kicked him in the

face, and dropped a 10

pound bag of stars on his

head. I was squeezed in

with Doomer, Alex, and

Dylan. I got lit up with a

molotav, and fell to the

ground, screaming in agony.

Dylan was standing up, and

doused us. Doomer ran

away. I got up. Taz landed.

We won for the day.


Our band had our first gig

that night. We were in the

battle of the Bands. Kyle

was on drums. Alex was on

acoustic guitar. Dylan was

on keyboard. I was on

electric guitar. Me, Alex,

and Kyle had the main

vocals. Dylan was backup

vocals. We stepped into

the noisy stadium. There

were only two bands. We

had a 50/50 chance of

winning. We never got on,

though. We felt a rumble,

and a creepy vampire came

out of the ground. He was

the boss Vampire. His name

was Vampire. Ironic, huh?

Well, everyone fled in

terror. In the confusion,

we shouted "Agent UP!"

and began to fight the

vampire. He bit us. I

punched his head off.

Black, sticky, oozy blood

ran down my fist. EW! He

grew razor fingernails. And

he sliced me. I got my

sword and ran at him. He

stabbed me in the

stomache. I fell. Everyone

was in their seats. I

reverted back to Taz.

Everyone gasped. Slowly,

one by one, Alex, Kyle, and

Dylan reverted back. I got

up and ran at Vampire. He

knocked me back. I got up

shakily again. "Agent UP!" I

shouted. I got my sword

out and ran at Vampire. His

arm was sliced off, and he

grew his fangs longer. He

stabbed me in the back.

"Taz," he said, "I am your

grand dad. You are an

Agent Kid. Not only that,

you are the chosen one.

You will destroy evil. So I

will join you. I am the only

good vampire. Doomer has

control of my vampire

army. You must first kill

my grandad, Vlad. Go now.

The world is counting on

you." He said. He opened a

portal to Vlad's castle. We

had to fight sphinxs, a

bassilisk, an army of 3

strong, poisonous,

vampires, and finaly, Vlad.

We jumped and entered

the castle.

I rolled away from the

sphinx. He roared fire into

the air. Dust scattered the

once-so-neat carpet. The

sphinx ran at me. "Guys, Go

on ahead!" I shouted to my

friends. They ran away.

The sphinx's tail

destroyed a staircase. It

roared fire. I jumped onto

the broken staircase. I

rolled and fell off the

staircase. I shot a

grappling hook out of my

sword. It stuck in the

sphinx's head. I climbed up

and jumped onto the

sphinx's head. The

grappling hook was set on

fire. The sphinx started to

burn. I jumped off. "The

sphinx, the sphinx, the

sphinx is on fire. We don't

need no water, let the

little sphinxie burn. Burn

little sphinxy, burn." I

sang. I had about 5

seconds until it exploded. I

ran and ran and jumped as

there was a KA-BOOM! and

slid into the smoldering

darkness of the pits of


The room had unmoving

bodies in it. Alex, Kyle, and

Dylan's. They were

unconcious... or worse. I

smelled a rotting skunk

carcass. But... it was a

poisonous vampire. Alex

had a vampire bite that

matched the fangs I was

about to face. I got a

crazy Idea.


I sliced at the vampire.

And he bit me. I sliced

again. I felt weak and sick.

The poison was kicking in. I

finally cut the little S.O.B.

I collected a pint of blood.

I got another pint and

milked all the poison out of

his fangs. It was all 3

combined into 1. So I

mixed the blood and poison

to form a nasty drink. I

dripped some into the

wounds. I was out of the

mixture. And the nasty

drink-ish ointment never

got into my wounds. But,

Hell, at least it worked.

Then I heard a big word.

"Rashopooka!" someone

shouted. We felt a big

wind. Kyle, Alex, and Dylan

woke up. Dylan was blown

into the pile of Sphinx

ashes. The life was being

drained out of Dylan. He

turned pale. And he fell.

But what's worse....

Doomer and Vlad combined

themselves. We jumped

into a portal back to our

world. We knew it. Our

final battle is coming

today. The war is coming.

We stepped into the battle

field. Our secret was

known. The whole army,

marines, navy, and bomber

squad was here. The whole

state had guns. Ninja's

were here. The good ninjas.

Samurai were here. Catboy

was here. All the good

people in the world were

here. But Vloomer (Vlad

and Doomer combined) had

all the evil people on their

side. "Guys, you fight the

bodyguards of Vloomer.

Kyle, you fight the evil

Ninja King. There are two

clans: Good and Evil. Fight

the Evil king. Alex, fight

the bassilisk. Dylan, hold

off the minions while we're

busy. I have put a spell on

your pistol to have

unlimited bullets. That

should help. Now, lets go

and finish the battle." I

said. Then I ran and began

to fight Vloomer. He cut

my leg. I jumped into a

tree. Ninjas were throwing

stars at Dylan. Stupid evil

Ninjas I thought. Dylan

was cut badly. We needed

to hurry. I jumped out of a

tree, behind Vloomer. I

threw my sword, slicing, at

his neck. It hit, but if I

said what exactly

happened, it would have to

be censored. But Vloomer

was still alive, but barely.

He stuck my own sword

into my chest. I started

gasping for air. "Heil" I

said. I was breathing

normal, but I was still

injured. Vloomer collapsed

and started to smoke. Then

I noticed Dylan. He was

gravely injured. A star was

being thrown. "Time Elsa

Slowwww!" I shouted. Time

slowed down 500 fold, but

I was normal speed. I

jumped in front of the

star. It was like a million

knives were being dug into

my stomach. I made time

become regular speed.

"Dylan, run! I groaned.

"Vloomer's been

destroyed. We won, we

finally won." Dylan tried to

heal me.

"It's no use Dill. I'm too

injured. Remmember the

prophecy. 1 must die to

save all. A loss will happen

at the final battle. Revival

will happen in 2 years." I

said. "Take me to a cloning

machine."I groaned. The

cloning was short, and my

clone was healthy and not

injured. "Dylan, my clone

will lead you for 2 years.

Then, I will be back." I

said. Then everything went

black and cold. Was it

death? No. It was a 2 year

long spiritual meeting. I

was alive... but I was in a

vegitive state. A coma,

really. But I was gone for 2

stinking years.

The battlefield was a mess.

The grass had blood. Taz

was dead in front of Dylan.

Vloomer was dead. But I

burn his body, just to make

sure. Dylan ran up. "Don't

burn Taz's body. He cloned

himself, and he'll be

revived in 2 years. It was

in the prophecy." He said.

We put Taz into a freezer.

He would not be eaten by

flies that way. We would

rebuild. The war was short,

but the town was

destroyed. We would have

it rebuilt before Taz

returns. His clone would

help. I looked to the sky

and smiled. The door of

opression and evil has

closed. The window of

oppertunities has opened.

The sky was dark as birds

flew away. You could smell

hot Coco in the cold night

air. It was Christmas eve, 1

year after the battle. The

town was rebuilt. Taz would

come back in 6 months.

Dylan was healed up nicely.

Alex was back in acting for

1 last movie: Agent Kids:

The War of California.

Alex finally starred in a

teen movie. It was a hit.

Larry unfortunately moved

to Oregon, 2 hours away.

Kyle is the High School's

soccer star. Dylan is 15 and

a half. Alex, Kyle, and Taz

(though Taz was not there)

are 18. They soon will

attend college. Dylan will

go to 10th grade. The sky

turned dark as Alex, Kyle

and Dylan walked to the

house. They lounged and

sipped Cola. Their scars

were almost not noticable.

All was well.

Proulouge II:

California, 9:48 PM, 2012

The night air was a pleasent

apple cider smelling space for all.

It was September 15, 2012. Two

years since Taz was put into a

coma. Tonight he would return.

Alex unbuttoned his coat.

"Dylan, tonight's the night. Taz

is returning" Alex said to Dylan,

sillouhetted against the street

light. "Yes, Tonight the war

starts though." Replied Dylan,

scowling. "We have to fight


bastardy little aliens are going

to invade if we lose..." He trailed

off. There was a bright light.

"Dylan, Have you brought the

body?" Asked Kyle, approaching

them. Dylan is a tall, lanky, 16

year old boy. He is tan, with

Silky black-brown hair. Kyle is a

Tall, Atheletic, Golden-tan boy

of about 19. His curly black hair

was cut to fit the army. They

would, after all, be going to war

Tommorrow or tonight. Taz's

body looked icy. His blood had

frozen in place. The light near

Dylan followed the body, then

went into Taz's body. He

stirred. He groaned. Taz got up.

"Why are we standing around?

We have a war to start. We

really need to fight" He said.

Chapter I: Why Spamerica Is


Florida, Present Year 2013

Horrible news came.

Poopenmeier has taken control

of the free world. "This is a

Fricken' outrage" replied Taz

scornfully. There was a knock on

the door. "Poopenmeier wants to

eliminate any and all Agent Kids.

Report all Agent Kids or be

executed. Even if half your

family must be eliminated"

Called a metalic voice. There

were a few Crap's, Hell's, and

Damn's going around. The

Agents slunk into the darkness

by the stairs. Taz's House has

only recently been rebuilt.

Anyway, Spamerica is A country.

It is the Border between

America and Mexico. It is also

located in Southern California

and all of Florida. Anyplace

between the 2 countries is

spamerica. Dumb name, Dumb

Place. The laws are

dictatorshipish. They are in

florida, though (they moved due

to the battle 3 years ago) . This

is a stupid country. But They live

here. They've got to make due.

There is no democracy. They are

not part of the USA, They are

not in Mexico. They are their

own country. There are no

political figures, and the

president is a pig. Litterally. The

stupidest law: 'If a dad dies in

war or is M.I.A, the youngest

son is now a cousin.' This really

does not matter, just an

Chapter I, Part II: The Fire-

Power of Mercinairies

There was a crash outside.

Gunshots. Taz gave a silent

command. "Agent UP!" they

shouted. they moved away from

the window, then it blew up. A

bullet wizzed in and hit Taz in

the ear. "Crap!" He Groaned. His

ear was bleeding. Kyle found the

bullet and pried it out. "It is a

Desert Eagle, .955 calliber,

made in china, contains lead"

Read Kyle. Taz drew his sword.

"Those Bastards are going to

pay" He snarled. The heater

began to whistle, quickly. Taz

screamed, but no one heard.

Alex made out those words. 3

words only: Hit the deck! Alex

gave a silent command. They all

Dove to the floor. The heater

exploded. The house was on fire!

Chapter II: Escape!

The smoke was billowing out of

the heater. Water burned Taz's

skin. Hot metal skinned Dylan.

The staircase crumbled. Kyle

began to cough. alex began to

scan for an exit. The only way

out was a window. More bullets

came in. The window shattered

and hit Alex. Taz jumped off of

the burning staircase. The

others followed. Dylan caught on

fire. He ran, dropped, and

burried himself in mud. "No Dill,

stop. Drop. Roll!" said Taz. "Oh,

Now you tell me" dylan groaned.

For real this time, a knight

wakes up in darkness. In hell. He

slashes Osama Bin Laden with

fire. Osama groans, then

dissapates. He lost his soul. Now

the night Killer has a soul. He

laughs maniacly. He goes to

earth. It is a starlit night in

2012. A bright light is near a

teenage boy. It floats to a

person on the ground, who wakes

up. "What Are we standing

around for? We have a war to

start. We realy need to fight"

said the now awake boy. The

Knight laughs to himself. The

boy would do well. His soul was

full of uncertainnty. He is the

one destined to destroy evil. He

will be an apprentice or die.

Taz shifted uncomfortably. His

house was burning down, and

they had no escape. His mind was

racing. Then he saw a boulder

blocking a path. An escape route.

Running, taz kicked the boulder

away. "Run! This way!" he

shouted. The others followed.

Dylan was smoking, his hair

burned off. Inside the path, a

shocked gasp echoed around.

The agents had come to a cloning

Chapter II, Part II: Agent Kids'


Taz walked up to a cloning tube.

He touched it, and felt so much

pain. Gasping, he slid down. His

sword-scar was red-hot and

glowing. He felt like he was

getting younger, then blacked

out. What he saw was

A 15-year-old is in the cloning

lab. He is stuck with a

syringe. The doctor pours the

blood into a redester module.

The blood is converted into a

tablet. The doctor fills the

cloning tube with calcium

powder, biozene dionete, milk

and water. The doctor takes

out Blood-x and pours it into

the tube. He pours in the

blood from the teen. He drops

the other blood tablet. The

mixture bubbles and Taz

forms. The mixture spreads

into other tubes to form

Dylan, Alex, and Kyle. The

clones are floating in a purple

liquid. The doctor puts a

powder in the cloning juice

depositer. The powder's box

was labled "Ground & Mashed

& juiced agent kids. The

doctor laughed evily. The teen

jumped , the doctor advanced

with a gun. "Sorry you can't

live this cloning period, Brad,

but you know too much."

Sneered the doctor. "Doctor

poopenmeier, please" pleaded

the teen. The doctor waved a

hand and all the doors shut.

He raised the gun. The teen

screamed. Tipft Tipft.

splatter. Thud. The teen

moved no more. The teen saw

no more. and poopenmeier just

laughed. The clones woke up.

Taz broke his cloning tube. He

grabbed a gun and hit

poopenmeier with the butt.

Poopenmeier pulled out a knife,

cut taz and made a sword

shaped cut. Taz fell with a

thud. Poopenmier threw Taz

into another cloning tube.

Poopenmeir left and the whole

lab turned into an inferno. The

lab burned. But the teen's

body was unharmed, like all

the other agent kids. The lab

flooded with the purplish

liquid. A whole army was

created. Poopenmeier turned

them against the world. Tehy

battled and conquered the

whole world. But people

rebelled, killing the clone army

and capturing Poopenmier.

Poopenmier fought back, and

the townspeople trapped him in

a fiery hell. The place

exploded. in the confusion of

evacuation, nobody

remmembered poopenmier. he

died. But his soul mastered

fire and electrical power. He

came back as weak as a baby.

So he went into hiding until

2011. He returned to conquer

the world.

Taz shuddered and fell. he was

in the place he was created in.

This was his destiny. Destroy

Poopenmeier, save the world.

Alex touched the cloning tube.

His hand burned and he was

retching. He slid down and then

he saw a big, red talking tree.

" Remmember my words Alex.

They will save your life and

help your friend save the

world. ' Clones will save the

world. one is 15/16, the rest

are 19. Their leader will

defeat a vampire-human fusion

experement. Their leader will

go into a coma. He will return

2 years later. You must battle

7 evil bad guys and gain the 7

ultimate power gifts . Pain,

suffering, death, emotion,

power, destruction, and

elements. But beware: these

powers help the good, but can

corrupt the good-at-heart as

well.' "

Alex made a mental note. Then

he heard the tree again. "Get

these gifts and defeat evil

before June 21, 2013." Alex

was confused. That deadline was

only a week away. It would be a

busy week.

Chapter III: The gift of Power

Alex had finished explaining the

prophecy. Silence. Gasps. Then

Taz spoke. "If the deadline is

next week, we need to move

fast. I know where the gift of

power is. Vloomer has it." said


" But I thought that Vloomer is

poisonous now. He's now a

zombie-vampire fusion

experement." replied Dylan.

Kyle looked up. He heard

missiles. Then Vloomer jumped

down. " I just needed to tinkle!

Come on!" cried Kyle. Vloomer

laughed. Kyle screamed.

Taz whirled around. All of them

whispered "Agent Up!" Taz held

out his sword and followed

Kyle's cries. Mercinaries were

shooting missles at the air

force. Then a window exploded.

They all lunged foreward as

glass rained down.

Kyle was bleeding. Vloomer had

cut him with a fang. Kyle was

losing conciousness.

Kyle walked down a narrow,

dark passageway. Men were

arguing. Kyle heard a gunshot.

A scientist walked out of the

room, into a cloning lab. Taz

was floating in a tube of

purplish liquid. A teen was

sitting on a bench, reading a

magazine. 'Cloning Daily'. The

scientist put things into a big,

evil machine, called the

'Cloneatur version 2'. The

scientist pulled out a gun.

"Sorry you can't live, Brad,

but you know too much."

Snarled the scientist.

"Poopenmeier, please, no."

Pleaded the teen. "Please dad,

don't kill me."

The scientist got angry. " I

killed your cousin to make a

clone of him, and I'll kill you

too." said the scientist. "The

clone is my son now" Kyle

heard the gunshot. He saw the

body fall. Kyle screamed.

The agents came to Vloomer's

lair. Kyle was bleeding, his eyes

closed. Vloomer jumped down

and bit Kyle's artery. Kyle

shuddered, then was still. Taz

charged foreward and caught

Vloomer in the gut. "That's for

puttin' me in a coma for 2

fricken' years!" shouted Taz.

Vloomer fell to his knees. A light

shot out of the wound and

shined on all of the agents.

Vloomer gurgled and said "Take

the gift. Destroy evil. I'm done

forever anyway." Then Vloomer

was still and Kyle got up. Taz

took out the poison with his

sword. Dylan laughed evily to

himself. No one heard.

Chapter IV: The Gifts United

The agents ran out of the

cloning lab. "We need to fight

Dogpile man." said Taz. " He's at

a coffe shop called


Alex went into the Sharkbucks.

A man in a buisiness suit sat on a

bar stool. Alex sat dow, ready to

order an espresso, then the man

turned to him. "Are you an Agent

Kid?" He asked.

"Yeah." replied Alex.

"Ya want the remaining 6 gifts?"

asked the man.

"Yeah." said Alex.

Suddenly, the man pulled out a

Desert Eagle. Everyone ducked

behind tables. Alex pulled out

his sword. The shots rang out.

Alex deflected the bullets. The

man threw an alcohal bottle full

with alcohal. And a burning rag

hanging out. Alex jumped to the

side and the molotav cocktail

exploded. The man shot at Alex

again. Alex was shot in the foot.

The Gift Of Pain! Awsome. Alex

poured the healing liquid into his

foot. The pain subsided. But

Alex still had the gift.

Light shined on the Agent Kids

as they walked to the


Alex cut the man. The man

stopped and breathed heavily.

Everyone evacuated. The place

was on fire. Alex was so

emotional at that moment.

More light shined on the Agent


The evil man held up a cat and a

ferret. "You can only save one.

Choose wisely." said the man.

Alex threw his sword at the

man's arms. He dropped the

animals and they ran away. Alex

suffered for a minute, he loves

animals. Alex and the man

evacuated the place as it was

destroyed by the elemant fire.

Alex stabbed the man in the

heart. The man healed himself.

So Alex got a baseball bat and

pillow. He clubbed the man. The

man was unconsious. Alex made

the man drunk and replaced his

Healing Potion with alcohal. Alex

got a rag and lighter. Then the

man woke up and chased Alex to

the docks. The man jumped at

Alex. Alex dodged and the man

fell into the ocean. The sharks

ate well that day. And Alex

didn't have to see a gruesome

demise because the sharks

helped Alex. Alex got the final


Lights hit the Agents. The final

light came with Alex riding on it.

Alex dropped off. They all felt


Chapter V: Elemental Master

Taz drove to the Aztec Temple

of Elemental Control. The

Agents would meet him there.

Taz stopped by the gate. Master

Pika sat on the... air. Master Chu

was blowing a torch, then guiding

a fire to a stove. The stove lit

up. Mr. Char picked up the water

and picked up a big bass-trout-

catfish hybrid. Dr. Zar made soil

fly up and planted an apple tree.

"Ah, Taz, you have come to learn

the elements?" asked Master


"Yes" said Taz.

Master Pika showed Taz how to

move his hands and create an air

spear. "You just have to close

the mind, yes, and think of the

air you breath, the air you live

in." said Master Pika.

"Like this?" asked Taz while

doing the 'I believe" dance.

Master Pika groaned. "Just think

of the damn air" said Master

Pika. " You just think of any

damn element and the move you

wanna do, move your arms in the

correct motion, and BOOM! you

can master elements and save

the freakin' world." shouted

Master Pika. Master Chu waved

an arm motion. Taz thought of

fire, a fireball, and performed

the motion shown. The campfire

became invisible, then rested its

power in Taz's hand. Taz shot a

fireball at Master Pika. Pika ran

down a corridor and the fireball

formed into a giant monster. Taz

went to Char to learn the water

moves. Taz tripped on a book. In

the book, he saw all of the

elemental moves. He copied all

of the pages with his sword

downloader, then uploaded the

moves into his brain. He was an

instant master of the elements.

He thought of water, performed

the move, thought of a water

ball, and the water transferred

energy to Taz's hand. Taz shot

the water at the fire monster.

A volcano formed and

earthquakes shot around them.

Poopenmeier smiled. His white

face was lined with scars. He

had the distinct smell of a dead

person, mostly because he was

dead but his spirit kept him up

and alive. " That brat-clone of

mine has mastered the elements.

Kill him and his friends. No body

survives except the monks. I

need them. Knock them out if

you need to. You can kill them

when I'm done" snarled

Poopenmeier. The volcano

erupted. It was ready to be

commanded by a new master at


Taz sat on his bed and sipped

Blud Red , the non-alcohalic

beer. I said NON-alcohalic beer.

It is NOT alcohalic, parents!!!

Anyway, Taz shared his thoughts

with the other Agents, so they

could all master the elements.

The others walked into Taz's

room. Then armed criminals

walked in. They aimed at the

Agents. They shot.

Chapter VI: The Complete


Taz saw nothing but black.

Somebody was slapping his face.

His arm was burning in the

general direction of his scar.

"A boy of 19 years will master

the elements. The boy is a super

clone Agent Kid. He would do

anything to save his relatives

and friends. He will fight an evil

vampire/human hybrid. He will

nearly die, but will survive in

coma form for 2 years. He will

be captured with his friends and

they will battle Poopenmeier in

the first battle of a war. One

will be corrupted the the Gift of

Power and turn against his

friends. He will redeem himself

by the end of the 'Battle on the

Volcano' and sacrifice himself

the save his friends. He will

return for the final battle. He

will help destroy the ancient

evil, destroying himself. They

must destroy the ancient evil by

June 21, 2013. The Gifts will

help the Chosen One perform

the ultimate elemental move,

ridding the world of the Ancient

Evil that will be unleashed on

June 10, 2013. Poopenmeier and

the Night Killer will merge

together to form a killing

machine. They will create a

bomb designed to eliminate

good. The bomb will go off at

11:59:59 PM on June 21.

Taz was punched in the face and

woke up. He fell to the floor. He

drew his sword. The building slid

apart, revealing a volcano with a

piece of 10 by 10 wood running

through the middle.

Chapter VII: Battle on the


Taz fell onto the plywood.

Poopenmeier drew his sword and

jumped down to face Taz.

Poopenmeier swung at Taz's

head. Taz ducked and cut

Poopenmeier's stomach. Dylan

jumped down and stabbed Taz in

the leg. Taz kicked Dylan in the

back. Dylan stood up. "I am going

to annialate you, Taz. The

volcano will sacrifice you. I have

joined Poopenmeir." sneered

Dylan. Dylan was put inside a

force-field. Taz swung at

Poopenmeier. Poopenmeier

ducked and part of the plywod

fell into the fiery hellhole below

them. The plywood started to

fall into the lava. Taz felt with

his element powers. The volcano

was going to erupt. Taz thought

of fire, thought of the Lava

Tecnique. He pereformed the

move. Lava gave its energy to

Taz. Taz shot lava at

Poopenmeier's back.

Poopenmeier whirled around.

"Mercinaries, Attack! Move A-A

534 B-Alfa-Beta-Green Day!"

shouted Poopenmeier. His

mercinaries shot at Taz. Lava

burned Dylan. He screamed in

pain. "Taz, Poopenmeier

controlled my mind. It was him,

not me!" screamed Dylan. Dylan

performed a move and stopped

the volcano from blowing. "Get

ot of here, Taz! Hurry!" shouted

Dylan. Taz ran up the side of the

volcano. They left. Taz turned,

and poured melted carbonite on

Dylan. He was frozen in place.

The volcano erupted. Dylan was

blasted into the sea, unharmed.

Poopenmeier and his mercinaries

were fossilized. The Agents

parked at the new island. Taz

grabbed Dylan. The carbonite

was washed off. Dylan had been


Chapter VII: A New War

Taz sat around a table. The

millitary of the world was

huddled around him.

"Poopenmeier and his

mercinaries will return. They are

on the move again. They will be

healed within 2 days time."said

Taz grimly. "We have lost an

Agent Kid to buy us only 2 days.

But I have invented a machine to

reverse fossilazation." The

military cheered. Taz was now

the leader of the Agent Kids and

the world's millitary. The second

war has only begun. In his

speeches, Taz mentioned about

the bomb. Also the new guy: The

Night Killer. The Night Killer

had finally revealed himself. And

Poopenmeier has returned.

Today was June 17. In 4 days,

Taz would either save the world

or die trying. And if he died, he

was bring the Night Killer and

Poopenmeir and the mercinaries

down with him. Live or die, Taz

would stop evil. Evil will be


Part II: Hellspawn

Chapter IX: Dream

We stepped into the battle

field. Our secret was known.

The whole army, marines, navy,

and bomber squad was here. The

whole state had guns. Ninja's

were here. The good ninjas.

Samurai were here. Catboy was

here. All the good people in the

world were here. But Vloomer

(Vlad and Doomer combined) had

all the evil people on their side.

"Guys, you fight the bodyguards

of Vloomer. Kyle, you fight the

evil Ninja King. There are two

clans: Good and Evil. Fight the

Evil king. Alex, fight the

bassilisk. Dylan, hold off the

minions while we're busy. I have

put a spell on your pistol to have

unlimited bullets. That should

help. Now, lets go and finish the

battle." I said. Then I ran and

began to fight Vloomer. He cut

my leg. I jumped into a tree.

Ninjas were throwing stars at

Dylan. Stupid evil Ninjas I

thought. Dylan was cut badly.

We needed to hurry. I jumped

out of a tree, behind Vloomer. I

threw my sword, slicing, at his

neck. It hit, but if I said what

exactly happened, it would have

to be censored. But Vloomer was

still alive, but barely. He stuck

my own sword into my chest. I

started gasping for air. "Heil" I

said. I was breathing normal, but

I was still injured. Then I

noticed Dylan. He was gravely

injured. A star was being

thrown. "Time Elsa Slowwww!" I

shouted. Time slowed down 500

fold, but I was normal speed. I

jumped in front of the star. It

was like a million knives were

being dug into my stomach. I

made time become regular

speed. "Dylan, run! I groaned.

"Vloomer's been destroyed. We

won, we finally won." Dylan tried

to heal me.

"It's no use Dill. I'm too

injured. Remmember the

prophecy. 1 must die to save all.

A loss will happen at the final

battle. Revival will happen in 2

years." I said. "Take me to a

cloning machine."I groaned. The

cloning was short, and my clone

was healthy and not injured.

"Dylan, my clone will lead you for

2 years. Then, I will be back." I

said. Then everything went black

and cold. Was it death? No. It

was a 2 year long spiritual

meeting. I was alive... but I was

in a vegitive state. A coma,

really. But I was gone for 2

stinking years. Taz woke with a

start. This was his story. His

legacy. And it was June 20,

2013. Tomorrow was the war.

The final battle.

Chapter X: A Past to


I jumped down the whole. Kyle

was smoldering in the hospital.

Most of our soldiers were dead.

We would probably lose the war.

Alex was fighting the beast. The

beast swiped Alex. Alex was cut.

His arm was bleeding. And his

main vain was burnt. I just

stabbed at the beast. I called

for the hospital. I started to

fight. The beast burnt another

hole in the ground. Alex started

to fall. I created another ledge

for him. The ambulences

arrived. It was just me and the

beast. But I just jumped on the

walls and grabbed Alex. The

hole started to crumble. The

beast leaped, and the hole

imploded. The beast was put

out... permanently. I limped to

the hospital and admitted Alex.

Then I limped off to Doomer. I

ended the war I lost. We

needed a new strategy. Alex and

Kyle came out of the hospital,

cured and healed. We walked

home. Soon we came up with a

plan. We would wait. Doomer

would come to us.

We woke up, tied to a

chair in a barn. I had dried

blood on my clothes. Alex's arm

was cut again. Dylan had a stab

wound on his gut. Kyle's

shoulder got a throwing star in

it, and it slid down to his

stomach. He was pretty cut up.

"Flasinco Fire" I said. The ropes

were burnt. We started to run.

The door was a teleporter,

because we were back on the

rune. "Agent Up" we said. Our

swords reapeared to us. We

turned and faced Doomer and...

a monster made of fire, water,

earth, and air. He lumbered

towards the city. "Kyle, you and

Dylan hold off the ninjas. Alex,

You hold off Doomer. I'll stop

the monster." I said.

Taz woke up in cold sweat. Why

was he having these dreams?

Probably because he was

nervous. The final battle was

later that day. Taz drifted off

to sleep.

Chapter XI: Doomsday

Taz ran to the battlefield. He

drew his sword. And he cringed.

His arm scar started hurting.

He dropped to the ground.

Taz walked up to a cloning tube.

He touched it, and felt so much

pain. Gasping, he slid down. His

sword-scar was red-hot and

glowing. He felt like he was

getting younger, then blacked

out. What he saw was


A 15-year-old is in the cloning

lab. He is stuck with a

syringe. The doctor pours the

blood into a redester module.

The blood is converted into a

tablet. The doctor fills the

cloning tube with calcium

powder, biozene dionete, milk

and water. The doctor takes

out Blood-x and pours it into

the tube. He pours in the

blood from the teen. He drops

the other blood tablet. The

mixture bubbles and Taz

forms. The mixture spreads

into other tubes to form

Dylan, Alex, and Kyle. The

clones are floating in a purple

liquid. The doctor puts a

powder in the cloning juice

depositer. The powder's box

was labled "Ground & Mashed

& juiced agent kids. The

doctor laughed evily. The teen

jumped , the doctor advanced

with a gun. "Sorry you can't

live this cloning period, Brad,

but you know too much."

Sneered the doctor. "Doctor

poopenmeier, please" pleaded

the teen. The doctor waved a

hand and all the doors shut.

He raised the gun. The teen

screamed. Tipft Tipft.

splatter. Thud. The teen

moved no more. The teen saw

no more. and poopenmeier just

laughed. The clones woke up.

Taz broke his cloning tube. He

grabbed a gun and hit

poopenmeier with the butt.

Poopenmeier pulled out a knife,

cut taz and made a sword

shaped cut. Taz fell with a

thud. Poopenmier threw Taz

into another cloning tube.

Poopenmeir left and the whole

lab turned into an inferno. The

lab burned. But the teen's

body was unharmed, like all

the other agent kids. The lab

flooded with the purplish

liquid. A whole army was

created. Poopenmeier turned

them against the world. Tehy

battled and conquered the

whole world. But people

rebelled, killing the clone army

and capturing Poopenmier.

Poopenmier fought back, and

the townspeople trapped him in

a fiery hell. The place

exploded. in the confusion of

evacuation, nobody

remmembered poopenmier. he

died. But his soul mastered

fire and electrical power. He

came back as weak as a baby.

So he went into hiding until

2011. He returned to conquer

the world.

Taz shuddered and fell. he was

in the place he was created in.

This was his destiny. Destroy

Poopenmeier, save the world.

Alex touched the cloning tube.

His hand burned and he was

retching. He slid down and then

he saw a big, red talking tree.

" Remmember my words Alex.

They will save your life and

help your friend save the

world. ' Clones will save the

world. one is 15/16, the rest

are 19. Their leader will

defeat a vampire-human fusion

experement. Their leader will

go into a coma. He will return

2 years later. You must battle

7 evil bad guys and gain the 7

ultimate power gifts . Pain,

suffering, death, emotion,

power, destruction, and

elements. But beware: these

powers help the good, but can

corrupt the good-at-heart as

well.' "

Alex made a mental note. Then

he heard the tree again. "Get

these gifts and defeat evil

before June 21, 2013."

Taz rose. He saw a doomsday

machine. The timer ticked. The

timer was set for 3 hours. Taz

had 3 hours to save the world.

He threw a sword at Poopen

(what we will say instead of

Poopenmier). The sword stuck in

Poopen's back. He swung and

kicked Taz in the soft spot.

Kyle stabbed Poopen in the back.

Poopen fell. "Kyle, throw him

into the fire pit to make sure

you defeated him." commanded

Taz. The Knight Killer swung and

crumpled Taz. Taz shoved a

sword into the Knight Killer's

stomache. He threw the Knight

Killer into the fire pit. Taz

travelled in time... to the last

day of earth to end evil forever.

Taz jumped onto the future

Knight Killer's head and sliced

off the Knight Killer's helmet.

Dylan shot the Knight Killer in

the head with his pistol. The

Knight Killer fell into the

bonfire. Poopen chopped off

Dylan's leg. Taz punched

Poopen, then stabbed Poopen in

the heart. Poopen stumbled into

the bonfire. Taz went back in

time to stop the doomsday

device from going off.


Taz arrived at the machine. Uh-

oh. 2 minutes left. Taz cut all

of the wires and the machine

powered down. Then it

activated again. 5...4...3...2...1...0.

BOOM! The blast matched the

frequency of evil. Evil

dissapeared. Taz collapsed. A

sword stuck out of his back.

The snake thing blew into sparks

as the machine- and Taz- died.

Chapter XII: Epilouge

Dear Diary,

It is the 5th anniversery of the

last battle. We won. My friend

Taz beat the enemies. Taz is a

hero. Unfoutunately, he put his

destiny first. He is in a coma.

No... wait... As I write, Taz

wakes up! The hero is alive.

Dylan is in college. I graduated

last year with my G.E.D. Kyle

got mauled by a cat. He could

be fine, but he is on Exile island

because his stand-up comedy

routine sucked. So I don't know.

Evil has not retuned. My final



The End

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