Claycrete English v3

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Saving our Mining/Energy and General Road construction Clients 15-40% on Road and

Saving our Mining/Energy and General Road construction Clients 15-40% on Road and Airstrip construction
Airstrip construction costs, reducing tyre/equipment & road maintenance costs, increasing
costs, reducing equipment & road maintenance cost, increasing road-lifespan 50-300% through innovative
Road 50-300%
Design based through strength
on Material/Soil innovative Road of
increases Design based
150-525% onmaintaining
while Material/Soil strength
pavement flexibility.
increases of 150-525%, while maintaining pavement flexibility.

All rights reserved - 1992-2006 Claycrete Ltd.

The Claycrete Offering

Claycrete Ltd offers a Road Building Methodology based on the treatment of Clay based
materials (laterite, gravels etc) as well as Calcareous/Limestone materials/soils and different
mixes thereof for both unsealed/sealed (asphalt, bitumen or dirt) roads and airfield pavement
construction and re-construction.

The 3-part Road Building offering is made up of the following components;

1. A liquid chemical
2. Design and Construction methodologies tailored to;
 lower equipment/vehicle maintenance costs (Tires, Chassis, Engines etc)
 lower road maintenance costs
 lower road construction costs
 increase Mining productivity through improved Haul Road Design
 Increase overall road and driver safety levels.
 Decrease environmental impact by minimising mud, dust and silt.
3. On-site implementation services and training.

Proof of Concept under harsh conditions

The Claycrete & Kalfoss Methodology has been put to the test for approx. 15 years primarily in
Australia, Asia and more recently in North Africa.

Kalfoss and Claycrete have been implemented in 1000 of KMs of roads that have been in use
constantly for the last 15 years and still going strong, enduring wear and tear 24/7/365 by Australia’s
famous 110-180 tonne Road Trains.

Past and Present Claycrete customers include:

RioTinto, Murchison Metals, Mittal Steel, BHP Billiton, Newmont Mining…..

The Claycrete product range;
CCI, CCII, CCIII and Kalfoss

CCI, CCII and CCIII improves road building materials that contain clay. Many types of gravels available
throughout the world are high in clay content, which causes problems and structural failures in wet
Claycrete resolves these problems by altering the Clay particles on a molecular level, permanently
changing the Clay into a environmental friendly binder of Soil materials, increasing soil pavement
strength/barring ratios between 150% - 525%.

Kalfoss bonds and improves the strength of Limestone/Calcareous/Gypsum materials with similar results
as the Claycrete product range. Kalfoss binds sub-base and base course materials to be used directly as
an All-Weather pavement or as a preparation for a Bitumen or Asphalt seal.

The Claycrete product range allows our offering to be applicable to

approx 80% of the worlds Mining/Oil/Gas sites.

Claycrete benefits summary,
Industry independent:

•Due to the ever-increasing Worldwide shortage of good quality gravel materials, Claycrete is able to
supply a superior quality and cost alternative to the use of good quality gravel when constructing roads,
by Claycrete´s ability to use lower quality in-situ materials.

•Materials/soils once treated by Claycrete/Kalfoss will no longer attract or hold water thus allowing the
Clay/Lime particles to act as nature’s natural binder, resulting in a tight well-bound permanent
pavement and a first class ‘All Weather road’, however constantly re-workable should damage occur.

•A liquid chemical additive, easily and safely incorporated in pavement construction and does not
require any specialised machinery.

•The method does not rely on an introduced “Residual Product” therefore leaching cannot occur.

•Is environmentally friendly, neither harmful to Flora, Fauna or water catchments areas.

•Implementation of Claycrete is in most cases the easiest, safest and most cost effective form of road

Indonesian Plantation Operation

Wet Season Dry Season


A trafficable pavement 24/7/365

Within 18hours of Claycrete re-construction
a tropical storm occurred.

NON- treated

continued to use
the road through
out the storm.

Claycrete treated section!

A vehicle drove off
the Claycrete treated section
and immediately sank all the way down to its axle!

Water retaining properties of clay materials

Clear example of
the water
properties of
Clay materials
and the impact
that Claycrete
has on ALL clay

Capillary Rise Test

Soak test comparison on two soil cylinders that had been under similar
compression for 60 days. One cylinder of Untreated Clay Soil and one
cylinder of Claycrete Treated Clay Soil over a 28 hour period

Soak Test, Zero Hours

Soak Test, 28 Hours

The Mining Industry challenges

The Mining industry is burdened by high start-up costs, high access & haul road construction costs,
heavy equipment costs coupled with high ongoing maintenance costs in large due to ill constructed
infrastructure solutions and poor material availability and/or material selections.

Causes of excessive vehicle maintenance can be attributed to; Poor pavements results in a number of maintenance issues;
•Poor, slippery/muddy road pavements full of potholes and •Tyre wear
corrugations. •Fuel consumption
•Incorrect material selections, design and constructed methods. •Excessive Shock absorber wear Wheel bearings
•Pavements with loose powder materials causing excessive dust. •Suspension failures Chassis fractures
•Poor or Non-existent Driving Methods/policies •Differential failures Gearbox failures

Driver Safety
There is no need to overstate driver stress impact when travelling on a properly constructed pavement versus a poor and ill
constructed pavement.

The Mining Industry & Claycrete

The Claycrete Methodology and products will result in an infrastructure solution tailored to:

•Increase Tire life 10-35% (very dependable on local pre existing conditions)
•Increased vehicle efficiency; increased haulage tonnes.
•Increased road safety.
•Increased road strength, will carry much heavier traffic!
•Increased Road Dependability resulting in Decreased down time.

•Lower overall vehicle maintenance costs

•Lower road maintenance costs.
•Lowered Fuel costs

•Reduced slipperiness due to Mud, resulting in lessened Environmental impact.

•Reduced dust, resulting in lessened Environmental impact.

The Mining Industry and Claycrete,

Travelling on an uneven bumpy road full of potholes, will result in unnecessary stress to the
entire vehicle causing it to operate inefficiently and expensively.
Tyre Wear
Excessive tyre wear is caused by lack of good traction and Drive Train
wheel spinning on a mud covered or protruding stone covered Excessive stress due to the driver having to continually change
pavement as well as sidewall damage from climbing in and speed and direction on a very poor road, as compared to a
out of potholes. Dry dusty/powder pavements with protruding smooth vehicle movement on a even pavement.
stones and rocks cause excessive damage to sidewalls and
tread as well. Suspension, Shock Absorbers and Wheel Bearings etc
All these components take a pounding while travelling on a badly
Fuel Consumption corrugated, potholed pavement, which is exaggerated in wet
Excessive fuel consumption is due to two major problems; muddy conditions.
wheel spinning due to slippery surface and the effort of the
tyre continuously running uphill as it tries to climb out of its Chassis
own pavement indentation while pushing a bow-wave of mud An uneven, badly constructed and badly worn pavement will
or dust. cause continuous excessive stress resulting in body fractures.

Driver Safety
There is no need to overstate driver stress impact when
travelling on a properly constructed pavement versus a poor
and ill constructed pavement.

The Oil/Gas Industry and Claycrete

The Oil and Gas Industry is faced with heavy exploration cost and large
upfront investments in processing plants, pipelines and Well-sites, all of
which require Good access roads.

The road infrastructure is the lifeline of any Oil and Gas project. It is
essential that these access roads are reliable and trafficable in ‘All
Weather’ conditions. Reliable airstrips are also essential in remote

Process plant roads and airstrip may be required to be sealed/paved

surfaces (Asphalt, Bitumen or Chip seal etc), the Well-roads or Pipeline
Roads are most likely unpaved/dirt roads. These Well-Roads need to
be maintained in order to guarantee accessibility for maintenance,
surveillance etc.

How the Oil & Gas Industry benefits from a
Claycrete Solution

Claycrete´s ability to improve the strength of available materials, in both Sand Desert
environments as well as Wet Clay based environments provides the Oil & Gas industry with
reliable All weather trafficable roads.

Claycrete Offers the Oil & Gas industry a road solution that is able to utilise local materials in a
wide range of environments; easily translated into reduced costs in the initial construction of
processing plants and Well-heads coupled with reduced maintenance cost while increasing
the reliability of their supply roads as well as generally increased driver/road safety during plant

General Road Construction and Claycrete;
The Greatest savings

Claycrete has been used in major national asphalt highways, minor sealed and un-sealed
roads as well as in local government airstrips.

Claycrete´s standard method of creating a base course 20cm deep allows for direct usage as
an unsealed dirt road, perfectly trafficable in heavy rains or in droughts.
The base course also serves as a perfect foundation for sealing with Asphalt, Bitumen, Chip
seal etc.

Using Claycrete in the construction of sealed roads enables The Greatest Savings of the
Claycrete Methods due to the significant savings in sealing costs, which are a direct result of
the reduced thickness needed when sealing on top of a Claycrete foundation.

When sealing a road (Asphalt, Bitumen, Chip-seal etc) built using Claycrete/Kalfoss, the
Australian Standard of using a 2.5cm seal is possible.

Claycrete sealed roads have an expected lifespan of 15-20years, under harsh conditions.

The Claycrete work process

Site Survey
It is required that a Certified Claycrete Technician has performed
a Site Survey in order to ensure that EACH and EVERY drum of
product sold will be implemented in an environment and under
conditions where they are ensured to work.

Claycrete reports site survey findings, implementation
requirements, costs, savings, etc all in an effort to offer a tailored as well as
Superior solution to the clients challenges/problems.

Work Plan
On-site, together with the site management a work plan is created
In line with the previously submitted proposal, to ensure that the
Claycrete implementation has no or very minimal impact on the
productivity/operations of a specific site

Available documentation

Case studies from Australia, Asia & select locations worldwide , incl Video documentation.
3rd party Environmental impact study.
3rd party Study of Claycrete: “Treatment of Residual Soils Using Chemical Method”
References; both Governmental and Commercial.
Department of health evaluation of Claycrete impact on drinking water.

Implementation documents:
Technical Overview
Pre-Planning and Implementation folders
Material Safety Data Sheet: Claycrete I, II,III and Kalfoss.

Please contact Claycrete Ltd to obtain login, password information for our Online File Server.
All documentation and video will be made available for your review.

Customer Service

Prompt customer service is provided Globally. Claycrete Ltd has a market presence and staff
available 24/7/365 via email, phone, fax or in person on 4 continents.

Clients and Partners will not feel that their geography is a limiting factor in the quality of service
and performance.

Initially all work in overseas countries are supervised by our technical staff, until local engineers
are trained to a satisfactory standard. This ensures that Claycrete & Kalfoss wherever
implemented, creates an infrastructure solution inline with our promises.

Claycrete Limited has the Exclusive World Wide Sales, Marketing and Support rights for the
Chemical products Kalfoss- and Claycrete.

Contact information

Unit 2 187 Bank Street,
East Victoria Park,
Western Australia 6101,

+33 (0)615 937501 Tel

+33 (0)615 939959 Fax


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