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Distance learning Q.

1 Discuss analytically distance learning, its characteristics, advantages and the factors in favor of its use due to new learning strategies. Distance learning and distance education is an innovative system. It has come as a result of consistent efforts to develop non-conventional and alternative channels for imparting education. Distance education has always been open to all teaching and media. It is a teaching learning system which combines both teaching and learning activities. The induction of the concept of two way communication between teacher and student, integration of modern technological (communication) devices and wide choice of media, have all contributed to make the distance learning system more effective. Distance learning programmes benefit from: 1. 2. 3. 4. More developed theories of training and learning. More comprehensive educational design techniques. Availability of varied and advanced media for delivery and More developed mechanism of support.

A. 1

Characteristics of distance education a) Neither distance nor open learning methods should be viewed as a replacement for the more traditional methods of training. There are clear characteristics of residential, face to face, group and practical methods which would be difficult to duplicate in any system in parallel with normal work experience. b) Effective as the traditional methods may be for many activities, they fall short of the present requirement for training and retraining. It has been estimated that approximately 80% of the managers and supervisions have received no training for their positions. Or training taken by them is of short duration and erratic nature. To keep up with the changes in the new business environment pose considerable challenges for the training system. c) The new techniques provide a compliment to the more usual tool of the trainer through which many present and future training programmers can be addressed Advantages of distance learning a) Distance learning is a method of training which breaks down some of the traditional barriers location, inflexible schedules, cost and style. b) It comprises specifically designed material created through the latest educational techniques. The programmes are delivered through the latest educational techniques. These programs are delivered through a variety of media diagram, text, audio and video. Some programmes also have optional computer and interactive video-disc components. c) All course elements are completely integrated and each has a vital role to play. d) This type of training is available on demand. e) There are generally no start and finishing dates imposed from outside. Programmes can be studied as and when suitable to the individual or to the organization. f) The costs tend to be considerably lower than equivalent training carried out through traditional training methods. g) It provides and opportunity to increase the productivity of the training function by providing proven, high quality materials that can reach a large audience.

h) Distance learning is ideal for training for todays managers. i) The course can b used by trainers and line managers in a wide variety of ways to suit the needs of each company/individual. j) Where one or two managers need training in a particular skill, the programmes can be used individually, with regular tutorials and reviews k) Where large numbers require training in a particular location, in company group exercises and discussion can be incorporated with the basic material. Factors in favour of the above due to new learning strategies. a) Cost: It is beyond the financial resources of organizations to make courses available to all those who might benefit from them. However one of the advantages of new technologies and techniques is that they can reduce the overall costs of training. b) Relevance: Increasing levels of training places additional demands on the individuals. Students should be able to find a training programme to be directly relevant to their circumstances and needs. Distance learning must be designed to cater to a wide range of different learning styles and their relevance must also be assessed by a complete understanding of training needs and these are complex. c) Flexibility: It isnt realistic or economically feasible to construct individual programs to suit every circumstance. Training can be costly in terms of funds, time, and human resources. The most effective training programmes must have sufficient flexibility considering the above mentioned factors. This means they have to be successful in terms of time, pace, place, style etc. Most training programmes have a fixed duration, starting date and location. Distance learning is free from these constraints d) Formal qualifications are no longer the only or even the best indicators that individual should receive training. They can often mean that a person has demonstrated the capacity to hear and possibly perform certain skills within a specific and frequently limited domain. They can undertake training but it doesnt meant that he or she can benefit from training in a differ area. Relevant experience, motivation and the identification of tna through formal or informal appraisals id necessary.


Explain role-play method. As a trainer where would you like to use the method and what terminal objectives would the method achieve? Role play is a technique in which people are presented with roles in the form of a case study or script of a situation, which they have to act out.

A. 2

1. It is a spontaneous human interaction that involves realistic behaviour under artificial or simulated conditions involving realistic behaviour in imaginary situations. 2. It consists of an interview or a series of interviews wherein the participants are provided with a role brief and a particular set of circumstances to be enacted. 3. The way the role brief is carried out depends upon ones role and how one believes in handling particular situations. 4. The role player develops a strategy on how to approach the task and tries to anticipate the reaction of the other party involving action doing and practice also making it possible for

individuals and groups to improve their effectiveness not by talking about a problem but actually doing something about it. 5. This action goal is accomplished by people playing parts or roles in hypothetical situations. 6. Role plays has wide utility in leadership and management development, communication skills, improvement of interpersonal relationships, team building etc. it can provide an interesting medium for observing different behaviour patterns and evaluating their experiences, thereby providing a potential earning opportunity for individuals to develop an increased sensitivity both to their own and to others feelings. Role play methods used for training are a. Learning by doing Role is played by a few participants, others observe. b. Learning through imitation When the role players try to enact somebodys role, they try to imitate all activities of the original person. Learning accrues to both the persons enacting the role and the observer. c. Learning through observation and feedback Trainees observing the roles being enacted learn as also through the feedback. d. Learning through analysis and conceptualization Analysis of the situation and conceptualizing the dynamics of the situation results in learning. Terminal objectives achieved by the method: a. It helps in developing new skills on problem solving and preventing problems b. Role plays practically enhances s simulated situation which may be hypothesized or real life making learning both cognitive an effective. c. It helps people modify their behaviour and see the difference by being in the other persons shoes. d. Situations can only be imagined or thought in case of lecture or case study whereas in roe plays it is both thinking and doing. e. The participants in a role play engage in actual behaviour, confronting problems and other people. They get instant feedback on their demonstrated behaviour and whether it is acceptable or needs to be modified. f. The discussions that follow role plays are the core of the learning process. It typically revels various attitudes and habits that can be clarified, evaluated and modified through group discussions. Observers can note both the interaction between role players but also their own assessment and reactions. g. Pole play has wide applicability in programmes on leadership, interpersonal relationships, team building, communication skills, in war games, assertiveness training, communication skills, team building exercises and developing interviewing skills both for the interviewer and the interviewee.

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