Modern China

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CW42: The Making of Modern China, c19002000

The political, social and economic transformation of China in the twentieth century and the factors influential in this process China in the early twentieth century
Society Tension over foreign influence Impact of missionaries, Boxer Rising Reform Degree system, Western universities Dominant ideas Mandate of Heaven, Confucian code, nationalism, Economy Structural economic problems Population pressure, smaller family holdings, increasing famine, slipping in relation to the West Link with the West reaty of !an"ing Economic crises #ddiction to opium, out$flo% of silver Economic strengths High literacy standards, science and medicine, manufacturing Government Imperial government Corruption, limited constitutional reform, military %ea&nesses, lac& of control of the provinces Foreign influence Russia, 'ermany, (rance Rebellion aiping Re)ellion, Wuchang *prising Causes of change Impact of the West +pium War, ,econd #nglo$Chinese War, missionaries Loss of the tributar states -ietnam, .orea/ reaty of ,himonese&i, Confucian scholars demand reform Weakness of !hina Boxer Rising, 0i Hong1hang "ationalism Influence of 2apan, 3ou Rong, )oycott of #merican goods, 0u 4un Rebellion against #ing authorit Population pressure, governmental financial %ea&ness, corruption Lack of whole$hearted response to the need for reform Coup of 5676, pro)ationary period of constitutional reforms, !ational Consultative Council %&%%'%( Revolution 8mperor Puyi, economic grievances, Wuchang *prising, ,un 9at$sen

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

Reasons for the Nationalists initial triumph and later overthrow

Society /nification of !hinese societ Popularised the standard Mandarin language, increased communication Retention of warlords0 influence (eng 9uxiang, 9an 4ishan, Central Plains War 1alues of "ationalist !hina !e% 0ife Movement, Confucian Code Economy Economic stabilit ,ta)ilise prices, reform )an&ing and currency systems, increase industrial and agricultural production Government Imperialist government in !hina 9uan ,hi&ai:s presidency, assassination of ,ong 2iaoren, sympathy from the West, %enty$+ne Demands, failed restoration of Puyi Warlordism Huge variation, %ars of 57;<=;>, economic hardship "ationalist government in !hina Consolidation of po%er, dominance of Chiang .ai$she&, relationship to capitalism, economic achievements, conflict %ith the CCP, %ar %ith 2apan, Civil War Causes of change !auses of "ationalists0 initial triumph Political success = December %&%( electionscreation of the 2uomindang- support from the growing !!* 'ro%th of nationalist ideas ' !hina0s "ew 3outh4th ,a demonstration- recognition from ,oscow Reorganisation triumph of the 'MD ' 5orodin!entral !ommittee- Three *rinciples of the *eople Military strength ' Whampoa ,ilitar 6cadem "ationalist 6rm - the "orthern E7pedition 8nding the *nited (ront ' !hiang 8ai$shek0s realism- Shanghai ,assacre- 6utumn 9arvest uprising !auses of "ationalists0 overthrow Communist Party changes its strategy ' Focus on the countr side- influence of ,ao- :hu$,ao 6rm ;iang7i 5ase 6rea he 0ong March ' !hiang 8ai$shek0s lack of control over !hina- crossing of the Dadu river- m th of the ,arch War %ith 2apan ' Lack of involvement of !ommunists in conflict in Shanghai- blowing the d kes of the 3ellow River- !ommunist guerrilla groups- propaganda value of !hiang 8ai$shek0s attack on the new 4th 6rm Mao 3edong ' Rectification campaign- ,ao0s ideaspersonalit cult- popular policies ,trength of the CCP ' Removal of <Left closed doorism0- growth of the arm - new policies including rent reduction and restraint of the arm increased part membership Military victory over the 'uomindang ' *eople0s Liberation 6rm - guerilla attacks- lack of morale for 2,D forces- !hiang 8ai$shek0s poor leadership and tactics- 8ang Sheng- Lin 5iao Mista&es from Chiang .ai$she& ' Re=ection of the Democratic League- failure to use the influence of the 3oung ,arshal- mishandling of the !hinese econom - corruption in the 6rm (oreign influences ' aid from ,oscow- /S refusal to grant an further economic assistance or to defend Taiwan

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

China under Mao

Society !ontrol from 5ei=ing Dan%ei, mass participation, Marriage 0a%, land reform, planned economy, propaganda Influence of ,ao 0ittle Red Boo&, 0ei (eng, education, culture Repression 8xecutions of counter$revolutionaries, ,pecial 0a)our camps, harsh treatment of foreigners, hree #ntis Campaign, (ive #ntis Campaign, suppression policies, he #nti$Rightist campaign, Cultural Revolution *art state rade union su)"ection to the Party, Communist 9outh 0eague, purge of 'ao 'ang and Rao ,hushi, 'reat 0eap (or%ard Social groups Redistri)ution of land to favour peasants over old ruling elite, %omen:s rights, doctors, children Freedom Hundred (lo%ers Campaign, 'reat 0eap (or%ard Economy Foreign influence Contempt for foreign )usiness, aid and expertise from the ,oviet *nion, trade em)argo on China, *, involvement in development of Chinese oil production 6griculture 0and reform, initial resistance of collectivisation, communes, some reversion to private farming Industr (ive$9ear Plans, disaster of the 'reat 0eap (or%ard, emphasis on light industry Government !ommunist *art involvement in the *eople0s Republic of !hina Mao, 0iu ,hao?i 2overnment of the *eople0s Republic of !hina 3hou 8nlai, removal of Peng Duhai 6rm of the *eople0s Republic of !hina 0in Biao, Peng Duhai *ower struggle 8arly en Points, Deng 4iaoping, 0iu ,hao?i, support from 0in Biao, Chen Boda:s arrest, death of 0in Biao, #nti$ Confucius Campaign, 'ang of (our, Hua 'uafeng Causes of change Intention to develop as a modern industrial state Importance of resources and o)"ectives/ the 'reat 0eap (or%ard ,ao ,imilarities %ith the @in emperor, control over policy, lac& of understanding of economics, emphasis on the peasantry as a revolutionary force rather than the ur)an %or&ing class, )elief in mass mo)ilisation as the solution, Cultural Revolution, political cunning "eed for control and order ,ocial disintegration, crime, supporters of the 'MD regime, po%er struggles Foreign events Deteriorating relationship %ith the ,oviet *nion, reconciliation %ith the West

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

The e tent of change in Chinas society and economy since !"#$

Society %&?@'%&A& Creation of an ur)an middle class, higher standard of living, iananmen ,?uare protests %&&+s'present da *nemployment, ,#R,, concern a)out human rights record Economy Deng Biaoping0s economic reforms (our Modernisations, de$collectivisation of the countryside, decentralisation of government controls in industry, ur)anisation, opening up mar&ets %&&+s'present da echnological and scientific advancement, hree 'orges Dam/ #sian (inancial Crisis, World rade +rganisation Government 2overnment in modern !hina 'ang of (our, ruling triumvirate, Deng 4iaoping, 2iang 3emin, Hu 2into Causes of change Entr into the diplomatic communit Canadian$Chinese negotiations, *nited !ations ,ecurity Council, !ixon:s visit, Deng 4iaoping:s visit to President Carter Influence of Deng Biaoping !ot afraid to pursue policies %hich %ould have )een opposed )y Mao, more pragmatic rather than ideological approach, desire to increase la)our productivity Influence of East 6sian Tigers International financial centres AHong .ong, ,ingaporeB, Information echnology A,outh .orea, ai%anB

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

;ung !hang- Wild ,%ansC hree Daughters of China- %&&% ;ung !hang and ;. 9allida - MaoC he *ntold ,tory, (++C R. Dawson- he Chinese 8xperience- %&?A R. Evans- Deng 4iaoping and the Ma&ing of Modern China- %&&% ;. Fenb - 'eneralissimoC Chiang .ai$,he& and the China He 0ost- (++> 5. 2ascoigne- he Dynasties of China- %&?> 5. 9ooks- he Cam)ridge 8ncyclopedia of China- %&&% W. ;enner- he yranny of HistoryC he Roots of China:s Crisis- %&&( R. ,itter- # Bitter RevolutionC China:s ,truggle %ith the Modern World- (++4 !heng "ien- 0ife and Death in ,hanghai- %&A@ ;. Roberts- # History of China- %&&& R. 8. Schoppa- he Colum)ia 'uide to Modern Chinese History- (+++ S. Schram- Mao se sung- %&@@ *. Short- MaoC # 0ife- %&&& ;. D. Spence- he ,earch for Modern China- %&&& R. Terrill- China in +ur ime- %&&( F. !. Tewies and W. Sun, he ragedy of 0in Biao- %&&@ D. Twitchett and ;. 8. Fairbank DedsE- he Cam)ridge History of China- vols %+'%C, %&&& 2ao 3uan- Born RedC # Chronicle of the Cultural Revolution- %&A? Biangliang :hang- 'rass ,oup- %&&4 Li :hisui- he Private 0ife of Chairman Mao- %&&4

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

%actors &'art ()
Society 6ssess the short$term impact of the values of the "ationalists in causing social transformation in !hina. Economy What was the short$term significance of the Five$3ear *lans in the economic transformation of !hinaF Government 6ssess the short$term impact of the rise of the 2ang of Four on government in twentieth centur !hina. Causes of change What was the short$term impact of the /SSR in the transformation of !hinaF

The role of individuals &'art ()

Society 6ssess the short$term impact of !hairman ,ao in causing social transformation in !hina. Economy What was the short$term significance of Deng Biaoping on the economic transformation in !hinaF Government 6ssess the short$term impact of Liu ShaoGi on government in twentieth centur !hina. Causes of change What was the short$term significance of Sun 3at$senF

*ey events &'art ()

Society 6ssess the short$term impact of the introduction of the Little Red 5ook on social transformation in !hina. Economy What was the short$term significance of the Treat of "an=ingF Government 6ssess the short$term impact of the Wuchang /prising on government in twentieth centur !hinaF Causes of change What was the short$term significance of the proclamation of the *R! in %&4&F

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The ,aking of ,odern !hina- c.%&++'(+++

%actors &'art +)
Society 6ssess the significance of social change in !hina0s transformation in the twentieth centur . Economy To what e7tent would ou agree that the most significant influence on economic change in !hina in the twentieth centur was the 2reat Leap ForwardF Government 6ssess the significance of regime change in !hina0s transformation in the twentieth centur . Causes of change To what e7tent would ou agree that the most significant influence on transformation in !hina in the twentieth centur was the interference of foreign powersF

The role of individuals &'art +)

Society 6ssess the significance of individual leadership and personalit in hastening and or hindering change in !hina throughout the twentieth centur . Economy 6ssess the significance of individual leadership and personalit in hastening and or hindering change in !hina throughout the twentieth centur . Government 6ssess the significance of individual leadership and personalit in hastening and or hindering change in !hina throughout the twentieth centur . Causes of change 6ssess the significance of individual leadership and personalit in hastening and or hindering change in !hina throughout the twentieth centur .

*ey events &'art +)

Society In considering the process of social change in twentieth centur !hina- how far can the 9undred Flowers0 !ampaign be seen as a turning pointF Economy In considering the process of economic change in twentieth centur !hina- how far can the death of ,ao :edong be seen as a turning pointF Government In considering the process of governmental change in twentieth centur !hina- how far can the death of Lin 5iao be seen as a turning pointF Causes of change In considering the process of the transformation of !hina in the twentieth centur - how far can the violent break between the 8,D and the !ommunists be seen as a ke turning pointF

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