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Listed below are uses with examples, and the structure of the present simple tense.
 Permanent or long-lasting situations
 Where do you work?  The store opens at 9 o'clock.  She lives in New York.
 Regular habits and daily routines
 I usually get up at 7 o'clock. She doesn't often go to the cinema.  When do they usually have lunch?
 Facts
 The Earth revolves around the Sun.  What does 'strange' mean?  Water doesn't boil at 20 degrees.
 Feelings
I love walking around late at night during the summer. She hates flying! What do you like? - I don't
want to live in Texas.
 Opinions and states of mind
 He doesn't agree with you.  I think he is a wonderful student.  What do you consider your best
 Timetables and schedules
 The plane leaves at 4 p.m.  When do courses begin this semester?  The train doesn't arrive until
 Common present time expressions include:
usually, always, often, sometimes, on Saturdays, at weekends (on weekends US English), rarely, on occasion,
never, seldom
 Structure
In the positive form add an 's' to the base form of the 3rd person singular. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a
consonant, change the -y to -ies. If the verb ends with s, ch, sh, o then –es must be added.
I, You, We, They -> eat lunch at noon.
He, She, It -> works in the city. (Note the “s” at the end of the verb)
Conjugate the helping verb 'do' not (don't and doesn't) the base form of the verb to make negatives.
I, You, We, They -> don't enjoy opera.
He, She, It -> doesn't belong to the club.
Conjugate the helping verb 'do' (do or does) the base form of the verb in question forms.
Do -> I, you, we, they -> work in this town?
Does -> he, she, it -> live in this city?

IMPORTANT NOTE: The auxiliary Do or Does is used in a sentence; the verb will not be pluralized.


A) e.g : John ............ (work) in a restaurant.
John works in a restaurant.

1. Sarah ......................... (like ) slow music very much.

2. I ....................... (brush ) my teeth twice a day.
3. She ............................. (do ) her homework regularly.
4. My father ......................... (arrive) home at 7:00 p.m .
5. Betty and Mary .......................... (go ) to bed at 9:00p.m.
6. We ........................ (play ) football all the weekend.
7. Mr. and Mrs. Brown ............................ (live ) in Canada .
8. Tom always ........................... (have ) breakfast at 7:30.
9. They usually ........................... (have ) lunch in the cafeteria.
10. The train ......................... (leave ) the station at 8:00 a.m .
11. Mrs. Brown ......................... ( do) all the work at home.
12. My roommate ........................ ( hate ) cold weather.
13. My father sometimes ........................... (cook) for us.
14. My brother always ............................. (watch) television .
15. Betty ........................... (take ) shower on Sundays.
B) Turn the previous sentences into yes or no questions
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________
11. __________________________________________________________________________
12. __________________________________________________________________________
13. __________________________________________________________________________
14. __________________________________________________________________________
15. __________________________________________________________________________

C) Change positive sentences into negative.

1. I get up at 7:30 every morning. __________________________________________________
2. She drinks coffee everyday. ____________________________________________________
3. My brother usually does his homework.___________________________________________
4. We go to computer course at the weekends. ______________________________________
5. Mrs.Fun speaks French. _______________________________________________________
6. My cousin and I like pop music. _________________________________________________
7. Ron does his homework everyday. _______________________________________________

D) Read the following text and answer the questions:

My name is Kate O’Hara. I live on a farm with my mother and father. I like it but I work very hard. Every morning I
get up at five o’clock and feed the horses. Then I can go back to the house. Mom makes breakfast at 5:30 and I’m
not late for breakfast because I don’t like cold eggs. After breakfast I help dad for an hour. Then I take a shower
and get ready for school. The school bus leaves at 8:15. I leave home at 8:00.After school I can watch TV for an
hour. Then we have our dinner. We have chicken for dinner but I hate it. I eat it because mom gets angry. After
dinner I do my homework. Then I go out and feed the horses. I go to bed early because I’m always very tired at
the end of the day.

1. Where does Kate live?………………………………………………………………………………………

2. What time does she get up every morning? ………………………………………………………………
3. Who makes breakfast every morning?……………………………………………………………………
4. Why isn’t she late for breakfast?……………………………………………………………………………
5. When does she have a shower? …………………………………………………………………………
6. What time does she catch the school bus? ………………………………………………………………
7. How long can she watch TV?………………………………………………………………………………
8. What do they have for dinner?………………………………………………………………………………
9. When does she do her homework?…………………………………………………………………………
10. Why does she go to bed early?………………………………………………………………………………

True or False:
1. She doesn’t like the farm. _____________
2. Kate doesn’t work very hard. ______________
3. Kate has a shower before 8:15. ______________
4. Kate’s mother doesn’t like chicken. ______________
5. After dinner Kate feeds the horses. ______________
Listed below are examples, uses and structure of the Present Continuous followed by a quiz.
 Things that are happening now, at the moment.
What are you doing? She's reading in the garden. They're not standing in the rain.
 Actions happening in a period around the present moment in time.
I'm reading "The Surgeon's Mate" by Patrick O'Brian. Whose account are you working on? She's
studying hard for her final exam.
 Future plans and arrangements.
We're having leftovers this evening. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? She isn't coming on
 Common present continuous time expressions include:
at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ), currently
 Structure
Noun or pronoun + Conjugate the helping verb "be" + verb + -ing.
I'm (I am) -> working today. You're (You are) -> working today. He's (He is) -> working today. She's (She is) ->
working today. It's (It is) -> working today. We're (We are) -> working today. You're (You are) -> working today.
They're (They are) -> working today.
Noun or pronoun + Conjugate the helping verb "be" + not + verb + -ing.
I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening. You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening. He isn't (He
is not) -> coming this evening. She isn't (She is not) -> coming this evening. It isn't (It is not) -> coming
this evening. We aren't (We are not) -> coming this evening. You aren't (You are not) -> coming this
evening. They aren't (They are not) -> coming this evening.
Conjugate the helping verb "be" + Noun or pronoun + verb + -ing?
Am -> I working today? Are -> you working today? Is ->he working today? Is -> she working today?
Is ->It working today? Are -> we working today? Are -> you working today? Are -> they working
Question word + conjugate the helping verb 'be' + subject + verb + -ing?
What -> are you -> doing this afternoon? What -> is he -> doing this afternoon? What -> is she ->
doing this afternoon? What -> is it -> doing this afternoon? What -> are we -> doing this afternoon? 
What -> are you -> doing this afternoon? What -> are they -> doing this afternoon?


A) Make sentences in present continuous with the words below. Please follow the example

0. Mike / clean / the house / Mike is cleaning the house

1. He / cook / an omelet / for dinner ____________________________________________
2. Mike / smile at / me ____________________________________________
3. He / run / to catch / the bus ____________________________________________
4. Mike / dance/ a / disco / in ____________________________________________
5. He / cry ____________________________________________
6. He / laugh at / you ____________________________________________
7. He / wait for / the / bus ____________________________________________
8. He /play/ the guitar ____________________________________________
9. He /drink/ water ____________________________________________
10. He / sleep ____________________________________________
11. He / read/ a / novel / ____________________________________________
12. Mike / think / about / his / problems ____________________________________________
B) Turn the previous sentences into questions
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________
11. __________________________________________________________________________
12. __________________________________________________________________________

C) Put the verbs in the parenthesis in the correct form. Remember this is happening now.

Mary and Sam go to the same school. Like everyday, now they ___________________(wait) for the bus.
The bus is late. Sam __________________(show) Mary his homework. The bus is here. They _____________
(get) on the bus. It is not crowded. They __________________ (sit) __________________behind the driver;
Sam takes the window seat. They get to school. Now they __________________ (get) __________________
off the bus. Mary is a year younger than Sam. She __________________ (go) to her class, Sam to his. In the
class, Sam’s friends __________________ (talk) about the new cartoon they watched on television the night
before. They all love cartoons. The teacher comes in. Today she __________________ (talk) about addition
and subtraction. Mary’s teacher __________________ (talk) about reading.

After school, they take the bus and go home. Then their mother gives them a snack. Sam
__________________ (eat) vanilla ice cream, and Mary __________________ (have) a chocolate cookie.


A) Fill the gaps with the correct form (present simple or present continuous).

Next week, my friends and I _________________(go) camping in the woods. I ___________(organize) the
food, because I ______________ (like) cooking. Dave ___________________(have) a big car with a trailer, so
he ____________________(plan) the transportation. Sam __________________(bring) the tent — he
______________(go) camping every year, so he _______________ (have) a great tent and lots of other
equipment. My wife _______________(think) we're crazy. She _________________(like) holidays in
comfortable hotels, so she ____________________(take) a trip to Paris instead.
B) Use the words in parenthesis ( ) to complete each of the following sentences.

Example: I (not/like) ._______don’t_______ London.

1. I (not/like) politics. ____________________________________________________________

2. How many languages (you/speak) ? ______________________________________________

3. Where (you/live) ? _____________________________________________________________

4. What (you/do) at the moment? __________________________________________________

5. I (not/believe) that you are a millionaire. _____________________________________________

6. He (not/wear) a tie today. _______________________________________________________

7. He often (travel) abroad on business. _______________________________________________

8. David is in Paris this week. He (stay) at the Hilton. _____________________________________

C) Read the paragraphs and answer the questions:

 They are Bob and Michael. They teach English in a school. They aren’t teaching now. They are in the
pub. They’re talking and laughing.
1. Who are they? ________________________________________________
2. Do they teach? ________________________________________________
3. What do they teach? ________________________________________________
4. Where are they now? ________________________________________________
5. What are they doing now? ________________________________________________
 She is Rosalind Graham. She is a ballet dancer. She dances for Royal Ballet. She isn’t dancing now.
She is having a bath.
1. What is her name? ________________________________________________
2. What does she do?________________________________________________
3. Is she dancing now? ________________________________________________
4. What is she doing? ________________________________________________
D) Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the blank space in eachsentence: (Read the
a. He isn’t listening to the radio right now.
b. He doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.
1. It ……………………rain very much during the summer.
2. Mr. Johnson ………………… eating his lunch now.
3. Mr. Johnson ………………… always eat at that place.
4. I ……………………. see any students in that room.
5. I ……………………. hear anyone in the hall now.
E) Use the words in parenthesis ( ) to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Look! It _______________ (snow). We are going to have a white Christmas.

2. They _______________ (usually/travel) to the mountains, but this summer they _______________ (travel) to the
3. Bob _______________ (watch) the news on TV every morning.
4. I have to go now. It _______________ (get) dark.
5. English classes _______________ (require) self-discipline.
6. They _______________ (have) a great time at today's party.
7. Who _______________ (he/wait for?) I guess for his mother.
8. How often _______________ (you/eat out)? Not very often. Only once a month
9. You _______________ (look) sad. What's the matter?
10. Would you like some chocolate? No, thanks. I _______________ (hate) chocolate.
11. Don't go. Bob still _______________ (need) to talk to you.
12. Who _______________ (do) the dishes every day in your house? My sister.
13. Why _______________ (you/believe/neg) him? He _______________ (tell) you the truth.
14. Becky _______________ (live) with some friends until she _______________ (find) her own apartment.

F) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (present simple or present continuous).

Ginny is a swimmer. She ___________ (go) swimming four or five days a week. She usually __________ (get up) early
and ___________ (practice) before school.

On weekends she often __________ (swim) in competitions. Her dad ____________ (take) her in the car, and she
_________ (not get) home until late.

Today it’s Saturday, But Ginny _____________ (not swim). She’s at a party. Her friends ____________ (laugh). They
___________ (eat) sandwiches at the table. But Ginny _________ (not sit) with her friends. She ___________ (dance)
with a new boy. It’s a good party.

G) Read the paragraphs and answer the questions:

 Hello! My name is Douglas Hunter. I’m a pilot for British Airlines. I fly planes. I am not working today. I
am playing golf. It is my favorite sport.
1. What is his name? ________________________________________________
2. What does he do? ________________________________________________
3. What is he doing now? ________________________________________________
4. What is his favorite sport? ________________________________________________

 He is Gordon Lester. He is a champion jockey. He rides racehorses, but he isn’t riding a racehorse
now. He is dancing with his wife.
1. What is his name? ________________________________________________
2. What does he do? ________________________________________________
3. Is he a good jockey? ________________________________________________
4. Where is he now? ________________________________________________
5. What is he doing? ________________________________________________
6. Who is he with? ________________________________________________

H) Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the blank space in each sentence: (Read the
a. He isn’t listening to the radio right now.
b. He doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.
1. We …………………. watching a television program now.
2. We …………………. watch television every day.
3. They …………………. study their lessons after class.
4. They …………………. studying their lessons right now.
5. It ………………….. raining very hard right at the moment.

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