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Complete the sentences with the correct preposition: 1.

When I realized I was wrong, I apologized _________ him ________ my mistake. 2. Who does this coat belong _______? 3. The Italian city o !lorence is amo"s _________ its art treas"res. #. $ strange thing happened _________ me the other day. %. &a'e yo" heard _________ (ane? )he*s getting married. +. Who*s Tom ,rown? - I don*t know, I*'e ne'er heard ________ him. .. I look st"pid with this hairc"t. /'eryone will la"gh ________ me. 0. 1ome on, let*s go2 I*m tired _________ waiting. 3. 4o" can rely ________ (ack. &e always keeps his promises. 15. The n"mber o people s" ering _________ heart disease has increased. 11. I*m not going o"t. I*m waiting _______ the rain to stop. 12. 6ne day I*d like to go _______ a world to"r. 13. 7id yo" phone ________ yo"r ather yesterday? 1#. When I heard that she had passed her e8ams, I called her to congrat"late her ________ her s"ccess. 1%. I didn*t ha'e any money. I had to borrow some ________ a riend o mine. 1+. 9o one knows what the ca"se ________ the e8plosion was. 1.. &a'e yo" been in'ited _________ any parties recently? 10. Tom acc"ses $nn _________ being sel ish. 13. 1an yo" e8plain this word ________ me? 25. 7id yo" pay ________ che:"e or _________ cash? 21. I think yo"*d be good ______ this ;ob. Why don*t yo" apply _________ it? 22. This ho"se reminds me ________ the one I li'ed in when I was a child. 23. I*m glad yo" reminded me ___________ the party. I had completely orgotten abo"t it. 2#. &ow m"ch money do yo" spend _________ ood each week? 2%. I pre er tea ________ co ee. 2+. What did yo" ha'e _______ l"nch? 2.. We spent the e'ening listening _________ records. 20. They disc"ssed ________ the new proposal yesterday. 23. 1oncentrate _______ yo"r work2

35. The mo'ie was :"ite di erent _________ what I e8pected. 31. Thanks. It was 'ery nice ________ yo" to help me. 32. &a'e a nice 'acation2 Take care _______ yo"rsel 2 33. What time will yo" arri'e? - I don*t know. It depends ________ the tra ic. 3#. <inda is married ________ a ="ssian. 3%. We arri'ed ________ home somewhere aro"nd midnight. 3+. &e arri'ed _________ <ondon last week. 3.. Tom arri'ed _________ the b"s station at 3 o*clock. 30. I*m brilliant _________ writing. 33. I belie'e _________ saying what I think. #5. >ary is 'ery ond ________ animals. )he has three dogs and one cat. #1. I eel sorry _______ ?eorge. &e has no riends and no money. #2. 4o"r style o writing is similar ______ mine. #3. &e is 'ery sel ish. &e doesn*t care _________ other people. ##. Why are yo" staring _______ me like that? #%. )he elt ner'o"s as she entered ________ the room.

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