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How to use Use Cases

Jan Kusiak, Training Services Manager
IRM Training Pty Ltd ACN 007 219 589
Suite 209, 620 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, Vic. 3004, Australia
Tel: +613 9533 2300


Many business analysts and business users get frustrated at the perceived lack of
information in a use case diagram. “It’s all very well drawing a picture” they say but what
about the details – what’s actually going on?

When producing project documentation, use case diagrams are rarely used on their own.
They will generally be accompanied by a textual use case and if they’re complex, may also
have a supporting activity diagram to show what’s going on “inside” the use case.

To keep things simple we’ll stick to use case diagrams and textual use cases. Textual use
cases can be both formal and informal. Try the following exercises (from IRM’s Modelling
Requirements with Use Case & the UML workshop) to test your skills. First we’ll draw a
use case diagram from a plain English description, then build on it using textual use cases.

Exercise 1 – Course registration

The following should be textually analysed and a use case diagram created containing
several use cases. Identify the actors, use cases and associations.

At the start of each semester a student can request a prospectus containing a course list.
Information about a course is provided, such as the tutor, department and pre-requisites.

The new system will allow students to create a schedule, then select four courses. Each
student chooses two others in case their first choices become full or are cancelled. No course
can have more than 10 students. No course can have less than 3 students or it will be
cancelled. This will be the same functionality as available to other internal users of the

When registration is complete, the registration system sends a message to the billing system
to send out a bill to the student.

Tutors use the system to find which classes they are teaching and who the students are. The
registrar will administer the system.

For a period at the beginning of the semester the student can change their schedule.
Students must be allowed to access the system during this time to add or delete courses.

Note: If you have some experience with use cases try drawing a suitable diagram. If you’re
new to the field, see the following page for an example answer.

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Exercise 1 – Example answer

• Actors: Student, Tutor, Billing System, Registrar

• Use Cases:
• Student
• Register for courses
• Tutor
• View teaching roster
• Registrar
• Maintain course information
• Maintain student information
• Maintain tutor information
• Maintain curriculum
• Generate prospectus

Register for
Student Billing



C ourse


C urriculum




Exercise 2 – Textual use case (informal)

In the last exercise we analysed text to produce a use case diagram.

Now use the previous text and the previous example answer to write (informal) textual
documentation for the use case initiated by the student.

Provide brief descriptions, primary and alternative flows of events.

Compile a list of possible scenarios which could emerge from further investigations with
business users.

Note: There is an example answer on the following page.

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Exercise 2 – Example answer.

Informal Style – Essential Use Case

Use Case: Register for Courses

Brief Description:
The student initiates the use case to create, read, update or delete a course for the
coming semester.

Primary Flow of Events:

The student initiates the use case by entering a student number.

The system validates the student number and prompts the student for the preferred
• Create a schedule
• Review the schedule
• Change the schedule by adding or deleting a course

The student indicates when finished. A schedule is printed.

The system sends details to the Billing System.

Alternative Flow of Events

If the student enters an invalid number, the student is denied access with an error

If a schedule already exists and a new one is created, the student will be informed and
asked for another option.

Exercise 3 – Textual use case (formal)

In this final exercise we’ll write a fully specified use case. Use the information from both
exercises 1 and 2 and also include:

• Primary and secondary actors

• Pre-conditions
• Minimum guarantees
• Success guarantees

Note: This course registration system (like most systems) has a high number of alternate
flows. Finding all of them becomes an exercise in logical thinking as you try to identify all the
possible permutations and combinations of events. Don’t be too disappointed if you don’t
find as many as are in the following example answer (congratulations if you find more!). As
with all systems, it’s only by working with them over time that you start to fully understand

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Exercise 3 – Example answer.

Formal Style – Fully Specified Use Case

Use Case: Register for Courses

ID: UC-101

Brief Description:
This use case allows the student to register for courses by creating, viewing, modifying
or deleting a schedule for a specified semester. Pertinent billing information is sent to
the Billing System.

Primary Actor: Student

Secondary Actors: Billing System

1. Registrations for the Semester are open to Students

Minimum Guarantees:
1. Either a Schedule has been created/updated for a Student or the failed
Validation Rule(s) displayed.

Success Guarantees:
1. A Schedule has been created/updated for a Student.

Primary Flow of Events:

1. The Student initiates the use case by entering a student number and
2. The System prompts the student for one of the following options:
• Create a schedule
• Review a schedule
• Change a schedule (to add or delete a course offering)
3. The Student selects an option, completes the task and indicates when finished.
4. The System saves any changes made, sends billing details to the Billing
System and prints the schedule.
5. The use case ends.

Alternative Flow of Events:

1a: Invalid Student Details Entered
1. The System denies access and displays an error message.
2. The use case resumes at step 1 (of Primary flow).
3a: Student Selects to Create a Schedule
1. The System checks that the Student does not already have a Schedule for
the upcoming semester.
2. The Student selects 4 primary course offerings, 2 alternative course
offerings and submits their selections.
3. The System checks that the prerequisites are satisfied and adds the
Student to the course offerings.
4. The System generates charges associated with the selections made.
5. The use case resumes at step 4 (of Primary flow).
3a.1a: Student has an existing Schedule

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1. The System displays an error stating the Student already has an existing
Schedule and cannot create a new one.
2. The use case resumes at step 2 (of Primary flow).

3a.3a: Prerequisites Not Satisfied

1. The System displays an error stating the Student does not have the
required prerequisites for the selected course offering.
2. The use case resumes at step 2 (of Alternative flow 3a).
3b: Student Selects to Review a Schedule
1. The Student requests to view information for a given semester.
2. The System displays details of all the course offerings the Student is
enrolled in including:
• Course name and number
• Timetable details
• Location details
• Charge details
3. The use case resumes at step 4 (of Primary flow).
3c: Student Selects to Change a Schedule – Delete a Course
1. The Student selects a course to delete from their schedule.
2. The System checks that the final date for changes has not been exceeded.
3. The System:
• Removes the Student from the course offering
• Removes the course offering from the Students schedule
• Makes charging adjustments
4. The use case resumes at step 4 (of Primary flow).
3c.2a: Final Date Exceeded
1. The System displays an error stating the Student cannot delete the course
offering as the final date for changes has been exceeded.
2. The use case resumes at step 1 (of Alternative flow 3c).
3d: Student Selects to Change a Schedule – Add a Course
1. The Student selects a course offering to add to their schedule.
2. The System checks that the final date for changes has not been exceeded.
3. The System checks that the prerequisites are satisfied and adds the
Student to the course offering if it is open.
4. The System generates a charge associated with the new course offering
5. The use case resumes at step 4 (of Primary flow).
3d.2a: Final Date Exceeded
1. The System displays an error stating the Student cannot add the course
offering as the final date for changes has been exceeded.
2. The use case resumes at step 1 (of Alternative flow 3d).
3d.3a: Prerequisites Not Satisfied
1. The System displays an error stating the Student does not have the
required prerequisites for the selected course offering.
2. The use case resumes at step 1 (of Alternative flow 3d).
3d.3b: Course Offering Full
1. The System displays an error stating the selected course offering is full.
2. The use case resumes at step 1 (of Alternative flow 3d).
Related Information:
Refer to UI Specification xxx for the user interface associated with this use case.
Priority: High Status: Draft Author: ………
----------------Last Modification Date: 01 Aug2007-------------------

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As you can see, producing formal use case documentation requires clear, logical thinking
plus a numbering convention which allows you to track and cross-reference primary and
alternate flows.


So how do we use these 3 different types of use case? For business users and stakeholders,
a use case diagram together with an informal, textual use case will, in most circumstances,
be sufficient to convey the essential business functions of the system. The diagram allows us
to communicate with pictures whilst the primary and alternate flows allows us to summarise
business functionality and key business rules.

With a use case diagram and an informal use case we’re describing what happens in the
system (the business requirements). The formal use case on the other hand is starting to
bridge the gap between what the system does and how it does it. The formal use case
(whilst still useful to business users needing to understand a greater level of detail) provides
information which is essential to the design phase of the project.

© 2007 IRM Training Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

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in any way and include all copyright notices.

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