Data Quality InfData Quality Information Management Specialist FINAL - Pdformation Management Specialist FINAL PDF

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(MonlLorlng & LvaluaLlon ro[ecL / uSAlu 8angladesh)

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klmeLrlca's mlsslon ls Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy and accounLablllLy of servlce dellvery ln Lhe non-proflL
secLor Lhrough Lhe provlslon Lechnlcal supporL ln monlLorlng and evaluaLlon, basellne and lmpacL
surveys, evaluaLlons, Lralnlng, and performance managemenL lnformaLlon sysLems. We are a uS small
buslness wlLh corporaLe offlces ln Lhe uS, LLhlopla, kenya, SouLh Afrlca, and Moldova. klmeLrlca's maln
focus ls on monlLorlng and evaluaLlon and monlLorlng and evaluaLlon sofLware. Cur cllenLs lnclude
uSAlu, uflu, Luropean unlon, World 8ank, and many lnLernaLlonal and local nCCs. Cur commerclal
web-based performance managemenL sysLem, called kl-pro[ecLs, ls used by 100s of organlzaLlons
around Lhe world for monlLorlng and evaluaLlon and performance managemenL.
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As parL of a Leam, Lhe uaLa CuallLy & lnformaLlon ManagemenL SpeclallsL wlll provlde asslsLance ln
lnsLlLuLlng M&L besL pracLlces and provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance ln daLa collecLlon, quallLy and usage. ln
addlLlon, Lhe lnformaLlon ManagemenL SpeclallsL wlll malnLaln a web-based M&L sofLware LoolklL,
lncludlng malnLalnlng daLabases Lo updaLe and reporL on acLlvlLy resulLs reporLlng. Speclflc Lasks may
ConLrlbuLe Lo Lhe monlLorlng and updaLlng of quallLaLlve, quanLlLaLlve, ouLpuL and ouLcome
performance lndlcaLor LargeLs
uevelop relevanL M&L l1 Lools for gaLherlng lnformaLlon abouL Lhe pro[ecL's performance and
lead Lhe provlslon of M&L-speclflc Lechnlcal Lralnlng for pro[ecL sLaff, lncludlng Lools and
Lralnlng for use of sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lechnologles for M&L (ClS, moblle Lechnology, daLabases)
Lnsure LhaL lnformaLlon sysLems are ln place Lo collecL daLa on all lndlcaLors requlred by Lhe
donor and necessary for pro[ecL declslon maklng
MonlLor daLa quallLy Lhrough Lhe processes of collecLlon, collaLlon, sLorage, analysls, and
reporLlng, ensurlng LhaL daLa ls audlL worLh
Where problems exlsL, supporL Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of soluLlons
ConducL daLa quallLy Lralnlng for pro[ecL sLaff

Mlnlmum of seven (7) years of experlence wlLh evaluaLlon and research deslgn, daLa collecLlon
and analysls, lndlcaLor consLrucLlon, ClS, Lralnlng and compuLer sofLware, l.e., MS Cfflce, SSS or
oLher sLaLlsLlcal analysls package

Mlnlmum Lhree years of experlence managlng daLabases wlLh a focus on daLa quallLy
Lxperlence worklng on uSAlu-funded programs preferred
Lxperlence wlLh evaluaLlons and lmpacL reporLlng Lo donors, especlally uSAlu, and Lo pro[ecL
SLrong analyLlcal, wrlLlng and Lralnlng skllls
SLrong communlcaLlon skllls, boLh verbal and wrlLLen
8achelor uegree ln relaLed fleld, MasLers preferred ln lnLernaLlonal relaLlons, sLaLlsLlcs, research
meLhods, pollLlcal sclence, developmenL or relaLed fleld

1o apply, please send cover leLLer and Cv Lo bd[obs[ lease puL ln Lhe sub[ecL llne of
your e-mall: uaLa CuallLy and lnformaLlon ManagemenL SpeclallsL. We wlll conLacL only ellglble
candldaLes Lo furLher dlscuss Lhelr avallablllLy.

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