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BA Hons Dance Performance 2009-10

Assessment feedback Collaborative PracticesDevised Performance- Body Project Student: Dimitra ft!"mio#oulou

Comments $1st %arker& %ari'a (inieratou 1) vidence of intelli*ent en*a*ement +it! t!e learnin* e,#erience #rovided: Excellent 2) (er" -ood Good Concern

vidence of t!e abilit" to s"nt!esise ideas and information. orderin* e,istin* kno+led*e and/or develo#in* ne+ kno+led*e: Excellent (er" -ood Good Concern


vidence of t!e abilit" to assess t!e status of and strate*ies be!ind #rocessual +ork: Excellent (er" -ood -ood Concern


vidence of kno+led*e of ke" issues in current #ractice and address t!em in "our discussion/reflection) Excellent (er" -ood Good Concern


vidence of t!e abilit" to formulate a critical frame+ork to enable a reflection on "our emer*ent met!ods of #ractice includin* t!e abilit" to document. anal"se and reflect on #ractice $includin* student3s o+n #ractice&. +it! reference to formative influences. critical and evaluative strate*ies and +orkin* #rocesses Excellent Very Good -ood Concern


vidence of "our role as artist/researc!er at +ork. demonstratin* ri*orous attention to sta*es of e,#erimentation in t!e #rocess Excellent Very Good -ood Concern

Additional comments: This was a very good first presentation !t was clear that the gro"p was a#le to "nderstand what it means to engage with research in the st"dio Dimitra demonstrated a very good "nderstanding of the main thr"st of the project$ the idea of the #ody %he colla#orated very well with the rest of the st"dents in her gro"p There is great potential towards choreographic development for her f"t"re wor& %he now needs to delve f"rther into new concepts$ learn from them and try to apply new &nowledge to her practice Su**ested mark $first marker&5 Si*ned: Date: 10t! 6ovember 2010 42

2nd %arker 789 %8D 9A:;86/ 68: 789 S:<D 6:S 6ame of 2nd %arker: Dimitris :sioukas Student: Dimitra Please rate as criteria ft!imio#oulou

=C >> 6:. ( 9? -88D. -88D. C86C 96 ne,t to eac!

1) Evidence of intelligent engagement with the learning experience provided' ( 9? -88D 2) Evidence of the a#ility to synthesise ideas and information$ ordering existing &nowledge and(or developing new &nowledge' ( 9? -88D 0) Evidence of the a#ility to assess the stat"s of and strategies #ehind process"al wor&' ( 9? -88D 1) Evidence of &nowledge of &ey iss"es in c"rrent practice and address them in yo"r disc"ssion(reflection' ( 9? -88D 2) Evidence of the a#ility to form"late a critical framewor& to ena#le a reflection on yo"r emergent methods of practice incl"ding the a#ility to doc"ment$ analyse and reflect on practice )incl"ding st"dent*s own practice+$ with reference to formative infl"ences$ critical and eval"ative strategies and wor&ing processes' ( 9? -88D 4) Evidence of yo"r role as artist(researcher at wor&$ demonstrating rigoro"s attention to stages of experimentation in the process' -88D 7urt!er comments: Very good wor&, There is room for improvement regarding movement fl"ency and flexi#ility %he has great potential %"ggested -ar&' 4@ %igned' Date' 10t! 6ovember 2010

%8D 9A: D 9 S<>:S 7irst %arker: Su**ested mark $second marker& ......... A*reed %ark $if a##licable& AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA

.................................... ................................... ................................... ....................

)signat"re of first mar&er+ )signat"re of second mar&er+ )date finalised+

)date finalised+

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