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* The words that are underlined (like )comes from: Scott, John, and Gordon Marshall. A dictionary of Sociology. 3. Oxford University Press, 2009. Web. <>. ** The words that has double underlined (like ) comes from: "Material and Non-Material Culture." CliffsNotes. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. <>. *** The other answers comes from the books that we saw in class. UNIT I General Aspects of Legal Sociology 1. Definition of sociology: The part of sociology that study legal aspects as a result of social interactionism. Is a science guided by the basic understanding that the social matters: our lives are affected, not only by our individual characteristic but by our individual characteristics but by our place in the social world. Sociology, what is?; Law, what should be? 2. Concept of solidarity: The level of connectedness a person feels to other in the environment. 3. Concept of social control: The social mechanism that regulate a persons actions. 4. What is a paradigm: Refers to a theoretical framework through wich scientists study in the world. 5. Theory of functionalism: Is a theoretical framework that defines society as a system of interrelated parts. 6. Conflict theory: Is a theoretical framework that views society as an unequal system that brings about conflict and change. 7. Symbolic interactionism: Is a theoretical framework that focuses on how people interact with other in their everyday. 8. Characteristic of legal sociology: It doesnt give models It is independent branch It establishes relations between different disciplines

UNIT II Main concepts of legal sociology 1. Definition of social action Is determined by the actions of other people; that may be present, past and future. Those people may be known or unknown. The action is oriented by other people expectations. Actions may be something that I do or something that I refrain from doing. 2. Definition of social relation: Have a link with social action. Always have a mutual behavior, in the actors can exist a conflict or solidarity. 3. Definition of social process: Dynamic phenomena that give place to the social relations, its based on the modification of distance between the members of a society. 4. Definition of social progress An advance to certain direction that is recognized and approved. 5. Definition of social organization: The union of groups that has a link like: age, sex, same family, neighborhood, status, etc. 6. Definition of social conflict: The persons, trough his behavior, try to annihilate, defeat or subordinate the other part.1 7. Definition of social cooperation: Have an activity in common with two or more persons with the objective of realize common or complement interests. 8. Definition of social power: The probability of impose our will in a social relation, no problem if the other part do not want to do what you want to they do. (Weber) 9. Definition of culture The language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior and material objects that are important enough to pass on to future generations on society. Culture it is the framework built by and for human societies. 10. Definition of symbols Any act or thing which represents something else. 11. Definition of language Any verbal or non-verbal communication engaged in by humans, animals, or even machines. 12. Definition of multiculturalism Multi-cultural society: A society characterized by cultural pluralismas in the cases of the United States and post-war Britain. 13. Definition of material culture & non material control:

Conflict v. Competition: This, Try to win (without trying to annihilate the other) following rules; That, I defined in text.


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Material culture: Refers to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people use to define their culture. Nonmaterial culture refers to the nonphysical ideas that people have about their culture, including beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals, language, organizations, and institutions. Definition of subcultures: Widely and broadly used, the core idea of subcultural theory is of the formation of subcultures as a collective solution to, or resolution of, problems arising from the blocked aspirations of members, or their ambiguous position in the wider society. Definition of resilience: Definition of values (by Robin Williams) a. The achievement and success b. Activity and work c. Moral orientation d. Humanitarianism e. Efficiency & practicality f. Progress g. Material comfort (consumism) h. Equality i. Freedom j. External conformity k. Science & secular rationality l. Nationalism and patriotism m. Democracy n. Individual personality o. Racism and related groups of superiority Definition of efficiency (check Mc. Donaldization) When a business practices efficiency, consumers benefit from low prices that the business offers. The McDonaldization of efficiency means customers do the employees work.

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