Minutes 10:23

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Student Government of Seattle University Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes October 23, 2013 CHDN 144 at 6:00

p.m. I. Call to Order Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM Roll Call (initial on the line) Eric Chalmers, President _________ Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________ Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________ Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________ Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative _________ Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________ Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________ Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________ Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative _________ Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________ Tanary Gomez, Commuter Representative _________ Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative _________ Nora Almunif, International Representative _________ Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative _________ Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________ Meggie Green, Freshman Representative _________ Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative _________ Nicole Robison, Advisor _________ Approval of the Minutes Motion passes to approve the minutes unanimously, Brandon abstains through absentia Public Comment HAWC - Tobacco free at Seattle University, doing an assessment gathering data and public comments, different details from a range of students and their opinions - Contacting HR because this will impact everyone on campus - Inquiring about the state of our position on Tobacco Free Campus - As an office, HAWC continues to be a part of the Tobacco Free Campus process, definitely going to be a part of looking into the transition, started quit programs for students who want to stop smoking Guest Speakers Dr. Bob Dullea, Vice President for University Planning & Vice Provost A. The Plan - Very good process with the steering committee of 32 including students and faculty





Sought feedback on the report by SGSU Briefly presenting the end product of the process and taking comments Inspired by the mission of the university that distills down to four goals and fourteen initiatives 1. Strengthen capacity to provide high-quality education - Faculty research, Jesuit model 2. Prepare graduates to lead meaningful and successful professional lives - Maximize the lifelong professional success of our students, increasing concern about the value on an investment in higher education, return that the administration can give, career preparation programs - Great location to be networked to growing, vital corporations, government 3. Meet the challenges and opportunities of the changing education and economic environment - Different and challenging higher education marketplace: new areas of curriculum - There isnt expected to be a lot of growth in this area, but there is demand for lifelong education - Financial challenges for students, work too much, accrue debt and fail to graduate: education students financially better - Students that we dont retain have the largest gap between the tuition and their ability to pay it, upcoming capital campaign entails financial aid - Meet the demands of prospective students and take advantage of new technologies, develop hybrid and online academic programs and services - Less transfers from community colleges, think about changing the way we serve students, looking for ways to make it easier 4. Realize an infrastructure that supports excellence and innovation in all facets of our education - Grow and further distinguish programs in STEM and health sciences, we will design and build innovative facilities, cannot be done in Bannan, impossible to do contemporary science work in that building, significantly invest in the technology infrastructure - New campus card, wide WiFi services across campus - Support education programs, prepare graduates to meet the challenges of a technical world, enable the university to operate efficiently - Create a welcoming environment, physical infrastructure improvements Mallory: Initial steps that the school is taking to create more opportunities professionally with students. Dr. Dullea: That has not moved forward yet. We are talking to faculty about this now. We are looking at strengthening academic and career advising. Eric: How does the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture play into the plan. Dr. Dullea: Theres not a significant amount in the plan that is new and hasnt been discussed, theres a distillation of the motives moving forward which already included ICTC. Austin: In terms of STEM, do you think that broader in Health Sciences? Dr. Dullea: That will depend on the new Dean of the College of Nursing who could bring up those fields. Austin: Would you expand on any of the classes, it has been very hard for some students to get

into the program. Dr. Dullea: It is interesting Diagnostic Ultrasound is in S&E, how many more students can our facilities serve. I work a lot with space and the most frustrating part of my job is not having enough space. Tanary: There havent been many opportunities for Arts and Science students in the Career Fairs and not a lot of them want A&S students. Is there a way you want to focus on that? Dr. Dullea: Well Im an English major. The liberal arts are central to Goal two and three, the ability to write and read effectively are absolutely critical to professional life. We cannot graduate students with S&E skills at the cost of those critical parts of Jesuit education. Brady: A huge issue has been accessibility and under 3B makes a remark about that. Dr. Dullea: The reason that the comment is in there is about services arent open and the second part about that is students with disabilities. Samantha: When will hybrid online classes be available? Dr. Dullea: We are looking at Fall 2014. Raquel: What can you say about the integration of academic and career planning? Dr. Dullea: Theres a proposal in the works right now. Mallory: Is there any priority being taken to expand facilities that are accessible? Dr. Dullea: There is always an ongoing project to make the university more accessible. One of the things were all looking at is access into buildings and signage within our campus that is on a hill. With students with other types of disabilities, the university absolutely invests in that. Dominic: As far as expanding programs we have now as far as strengthening the offices that we have now and give them funds to move forward? Dr. Dullea: The President has said that alumni are the missing link at this university, we are adding to the staff and leadership in the alumni office. Is our content management system the right one for the university? Thats certainly something that we could invest in. Owen: Goal 3, are there any safeguard to make sure that classes stay small. Dr. Dullea: There is nothing intended in goal three that would change that. If we dont have good word of mouth about our education, we will suffer. Eric: Where in the future do you see students and student government playing a role in the future? Dr. Dullea: I have recently worked with cabinet to get the endorsement for a new committee charged with making sure that we are really rigorously accessing effective institutional plans. We have a lot of plans, and that can bring up problems if the plans do not speak to each other in an effective way. Brady and I will be in contact soon about student representation on that committee. Samantha: Is there anything that is a priority for us to forward onto our constituents.

Dr. Dullea: One thing that is gratifying to me is that we have something that serves as a guide for our work. We should make students aware that we have this document. VI. Old Business REPA 20131016: Approval of the Petition Initiative (Eric Chalmers) Action - Multistep plan to help students build petitions - How can we give SGSU leverage with the administration with data - Giving tangibility to the voices - Implementing deadlines, SGSU President more involved in the process - Reserve the right to deny a petition, but does not intend to shut students down - Voting to approve a trial run, making a resolutions - Brady and Eric made some grammatical changes Dominic: Is this the page that students are going to see? Eric: No, this is just for us. Samantha moves to approve the Petition Initiative with the stipulation that grammar will be approved after the assembly and sent out to the members. Kristen seconds. The motion passes 16-2 VII. New Business

REPA 20131023: Welcome Fall Elects (Mallory Barnes) Discussion Mallory moves to add the Welcome to the Fall Elects to the schedule Austin moves Dominic seconds - All the new elects were sworn in successfully - Introductions as a large group REPA 20131023: Appropriations Request (Appropriations Committee) Action Mallory moves to move the Appropriations request to the top of the schedule Clark moves Austin seconds See the Appropriations minutes. These are confidential and available only to SGSU members. More information upon request. REPA 20131023: Memorandum of Support for Gender-Neutral Restrooms in Casey (Eric Chalmers) Action Mallory seeks a motion to table this topic until next week Moved by Dominic Seconded by Kristen VIII. Officer Reports:


A) Eric Chalmers-President: a. Met with Chuck Porter, 400 classes on Canvas, 250 faculty on Canvas B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President a. See committee report C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance a. US Bank seminar next Tuesday October 29th from 12:30 to 1:20 PM D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs a. Committee appointments happened, two people will come in E) Representatives a. Clark Huey: Sent out constituency email last week, went to Vietnamese Student Association general meeting b. Brandon Moak ABSENT c. Kristen James: Listened to talk on inclusivity specifically with LGBTQ committee, Athlete Allies d. Samantha Marshall: Working with CAPS transparency, Halfway there e. Raquel Davalos: Working on the activities fee, preparing for a number of meetings, meeting with Connie Kanter f. Dominic Ortiz: Senior week committee meeting, senior soiree budget g. Austin Kawano: Tobacco free, talking to Buzz Hofford h. Logan McDonald: Minutes, petition initiative i. Haley: Excited j. Meg: Read the strategic plan k. Phat: Cooperate with different organizations l. Tanary: Getting to know everyone in the commuter group, let them know today that she is open m. Nora: Meeting more international students at UN luncheon n. Owen: Seeing what SGSU is able to do F) Advisors a. Nikki: Glad that new elects were attentive and respectful in the meeting, SEAC needs Fall Ball volunteers b. Doug: Sleeping bags are available Committee Reports A. PAB: SUSS B. Steering: Contacting new members about committees, planning retreat C. Appropriations: Re-cap the appropriations meeting D. University Affairs: Samantha is the point person on UA at the retreat

X. Announcements - Taking questions from the new members - Brady is taking contacts for committees XI. Adjournment at 8:10 PM

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