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Conference Resolutions

Agriculture and Fisheries

1. Resolution calling on the Department of Agriculture (DA) to promote tourism-driven agriculture by supporting the shift to entrepreneurial farming, supporting organic farming and expanding the role of the hilpost to the operation of internet cafes in farming communities. !. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to prioriti$e public and private initiatives focused on moderni$ing the agriculture and fisheries industry. %. Resolution urging the Department of Agriculture (DA) to treat hybrid rice seeds (&hether government or private sector variety) as coe'ual to certified seeds during distribution to farmers in time of typhoon disasters and calamities.

(. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to establish benchmar)s for hilippine industrial competitiveness in A*+A" and provide appropriate support for the achievement of this benchmar) through the follo&ing, ush for the implementation of pending deliverables as committed by the "ational #overnment under the A+- .lue rint for the period ending !/1% and beyond0

1ast trac) the delivery of critical and urgent economic reform initiatives &hich cut across all business sectors and undermine our competitiveness, i.e. lac) of infrastructure, high cost of po&er, smuggling, corruption, bureaucratic red tape &hich hamper ease of doing business, etc. *upport acceleration of the finali$ation and roll out of local sectoral road maps specifically on the A*+A" 1! riority 2ntegration *ectors to ensure competitiveness0 1ast trac) initiatives aimed at leveling the playing field, and &idening of the inclusiveness of A+- specifically the *3+s. "eed to develop support policy and related programs that &ould address *3+s financial constraints, enhance their understanding of overseas mar)ets and improve capacity to participate in regional trading activities0 4elp improve utili$ation of A*+A"51 16As &here benefit margins are raised through set target on tariff elimination of 789, and the adoption of a common rules of origin (R::)0 2mprove access to related information on A+- !/18, and enhance understanding of 16As0 *upport initiatives for inclusion of youth and &omen in the A+process0 4asten collaboration and cooperation bet&een and among A*+A";s 1! riority 2ntegration *ectors0 *upport the launch and continued viability of 4-2ndonesia R:R: initiative0 ut in place a 42#4 <+=+< >.<2-- R2=A6+ -:>"-2<, to provide strategic direction, coordination, effective branding and communication, guidance and monitoring of various activities to&ards a successful A+-!/18 launch.

Ease of Doing Business

8. Resolution urging all local government units (<#>s) to streamline and standardi$e business processes and related licensing and issuance of permits to improve doing business in their areas.

?. Resolution to address @ob-s)ills mismatch in the country by calling #overnment and higher-education institutions to enhance the current curriculum and base it on mar)et analysis and emerging trends to include re-tooling and competency accreditation &ith priority to be given to the &or)force re'uirements of local businessesAthe 3*3+s- &ho drive economic development and provide a ma@or part of total employment. B. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to further enhance the competitiveness of our )no&ledge-based industries by tying up human resource development, industry, research and development priorities C concerns through such strategies as enhancing the alliance bet&een the academe and industry to address gaps bet&een academic and on-the-@ob )no&ledge and increase &or)ers; ability to ad@ust in a multicultural &or)place. D. Resolution urging the Department of *cience and 6echnology (D:*6) to establish incubation centers in all state universities and colleges (*>-s). 7. Resolution urging the -ommission on 4igher +ducation (-4+D) to fast trac) the implementation of the outcome-based education in consultation &ith industry, to be able to align to the A*+A" economic integration in !/18.

Energy, Power, Water and Fuel

1/. 6o assure accelerated industriali$ation and transparent consumer benefits as a ma@or step to achieve inclusiveness Resolution urging the :ffice of the resident (: ) to ta)e the lead, thru the Department of +nergy (D:+) to mandate and oversee a regular international po&er generation supply bidding in order to level the playing field among the 1/7 small utilities serving millions of consumers, 3*3+s and several larger private utilities, to avail of long term bilateral supply agreements based on transparent and &ell-coordinated supply, reserves and demand forecast. 11. 6o achieve the true level of all po&er and fuel exploration pro@ects as being E*4:=+< R+ADFG H Resolution urging the : to declare :I+R R:J+-6* A"D 1>+< +K <:RA62:" as "ational 3a@or *trategy rograms to ensure sustainability and security, %

thereby demanding the reduction and facilitation of all related permitting and licensing both in the local, special and national levels &ith a sense of urgency. 1!. Resolution urging the D:+ to tighten the po&er program in 3indanao that &ould assure reliable, ade'uate and reasonably priced po&er supply and total electrification for all both small and large utilities and consumers &hich &ould promote inclusiveness, local economic gro&th, employment and most of all, peace in the area. 1%. Resolution urging the D:+ and +R- to fastrac) the establishment of the ancillary reserve mar)et and provide mechanism for transparent procurement of ancillary services ta)ing into consideration the methodology in the determination of level of ancillary services re'uired, the contracted capacity and the dispatched ancillary. 6he ancillary services provider shall be given incentives through inclusion of ancillary services in the .:2 !/1( 2 as priority activity. 1(. Resolution expressing full support to the efforts of the 3etro 3anila Iater&or)s *e&erage *ystem in updating and upgrading its development service contract terms and performance revie&, giving high priority to its mandate to ensure consumer benefit.



18. Resolution urging the :versight -ommittee to convene and revie& implementation of the follo&ing environmental la&s, a. 6he +cological *olid Iaste 3anagement Act *trengthen the *olid Iaste 3anagement -ommission by revie&ing its mandate and providing ade'uate resources to support its operations0 +stablish and operationali$e of the "ational +cology -enter that &ill formulate guidelines on the use of environmentally-acceptable materials as re'uired under *ection !7 of R.A. 7//%, )0 +stablish guidelines on proper disposal and scrapping of vehicles

b. -lean Iater Act

Address the missing policies and regulations such as 1) re 6reatment *tandards, !. 2ndustry *pecific +ffluent *tandards (2*+*), %. -ombined *ystem olicies (. 3a)et .ased 2ncentives, 8. Iater Luality 3anagement Area (IL3A)

c. 4a$ardous Iaste 3anagement Act *treamline the documentary re'uirements d. RA (D8/ (<<DA -harter) Appoint a private sector representative in the .oard, preferably from chambers of commerce and industry associations) 1?. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to provide opportunities for the private sector to participate in the provision and expansion of environmental services and facilities in &ater, &aste&ater, solid &aste, ha$ardous &aste and other technical services and infrastructure through investments in s. 1B. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to create the "ational +nvironmental 3anagement Authority ("+3A) that &ill be responsible for the enforcement of la&s enacted for the prevention or control of air, &ater and land pollution, including the proper disposition of &astes and the environmental impact assessment (+2A) systems. ("-R). 1D. Resolution urging the "ational and <ocal #overnments to craft and adopt coherent land use plans in partnership &ith the private sector that abides by enforced environmental and land use standards and development guidelines, and climate change resilience. Resolve further that the +xecutive Department certify as priority the passage of the "ational <and >se Act to provide the frame&or) for the use of lands and the management and allocation of the countryMs natural resources. 17. Resolution urging the Department of +nvironment and "atural Resources (D+"R) to ensure consistent implementation and interpretation of environmental la&s and regulations across all regional offices. !/. Resolution urging -ongress, through the -ongressional Joint :versight -ommittee, to fastrac) the amendment of the follo&ing la&s, a. -lean Air Act (by removing the numerical limits from the 8

act). b. 6oxic and 4a$ardous Iaste 3anagement Act c. +nvironment 2mpact Assessment *ystem

!ood !overnance
!1. Resolution calling on the "ational and <ocal #overnments to continue build up of e-#overnance, particularly portals for public access to information and for public feedbac), information-sharing on bestNnext practices and resource complementation among service providers. !!. Resolution urging the "ational +conomic Development -ouncil ("+DA "ational) to direct all Regional Development -ouncils (RD-) to invite active participation of local chambers of the hilippine -hamber of -ommerce and 2ndustry ( --2) as official private sector representatives for trade, industry and .usiness in the -ouncil.

"C# and Services

!%. Resolution calling on the Department of 6rade and 2ndustry (D62) and the Department of *cience and 6echnology (D:*6) to include the priority 2-6 programsNpro@ects of D:*6 such as mobileNbroadband interventions, -ommunity e--enters, e#overnment 3aster lan, "ational .roadband Deployment lan, e<#>, cloud computing in government in the riority 2nvestment ro@ects ( 2 s). !(. Resolution urging the Department of +ducation and the 2-6 :ffice of the Department of *cience and 6echnology to heighten computer literacy in the country by integrating programs in the basic education curriculum that &ould develop the s)ills of students in using application soft&ares.

!8. Resolutions urging the #overnment to put in place the policy frame&or) for responsible and sustainable mining practices. !?. Resolution urging the "ational #overnment to implement the synchroni$ation and consistency of national versus local government regulations, including, 'uasi-<#> entities

"nfrastructure and #rans$ortation

!B. Resolution supporting the parallel development of -lar) 2nternational Airport (-2A) as gate&ay for "orthern and -entral <u$on regions and "inoy A'uino 2nternational Airport ("A2A) as gate&ay for the "ational -apital and *outhern <u$on regions to accelerate economic gro&th and progress of the entire island of <u$on inclusive of .icol and 323AR: A. !D. Resolution re'uesting the Department of ublic Ior)s and 4igh&ays (D I4) to allocate a separate budget for the development andNor rehabilitation of barangay roads, lin)ing these roads &ith the main road net&or)s to ensure connectivity, access to services and spur local economic development. !7. Resolution urging the Department of 6ransportation and -ommunication (D:6-) to facilitate and expedite the provision of a .us Rapid 6ransit (.R6) and an Airport +xpress Rail&ay *ystem that &ould lin) the -2A and "A2A. %/. Resolution urging to expedite the transfer of the logistics industry from the hilippine *hippers .ureau to the 3aritime 2ndustry Authority (3AR2"A) under the D:6-.

%a&or and E



%1. Resolution urging the D:<+ and D62, in tandem &ith other concerned government agencies, actively sponsor andNor endorse bills that see) to replace archaic la&s and policies &ith a ne& legal and policy frame&or) conducive to a mar)et-driven and productivity-based labor mar)et that &ould redound to a massive increase in investments, business expansion and the creation of &ealth and @obs. %!. Resolution expressing full support to the proposal of the +mployers -onfederation of the hilippines to amend Art. 1// of the <abor -ode to the effect that during the existence of a financial crises or economic depression as declared by competent authority,

existing employee benefits may be reduced or &ithdra&n by the employer to prevent or minimi$e serious financial losses andNor the retrenchment of employees0 provided that as soon as the crises or depression has ceased to exist as declared by competent authority, the benefits shall be restored and &or)ers retrenched shall be entitled to preferential hiring to existing vacancies. %%. Resolution expressing full support to the proposal of the +mployers -onfederation of the hilippines to amend the provisions of the "I - #uidelines "o. /1, *eries of !//B to the effect that the .oard shall not entertain any petition for an across-the-board &age increase over &hich it does not have @urisdiction0 and that any &age order issued by the .oard may not be disturbed for a period of three (%) years from its effectivity, and no petition shall be entertained &ithin the said period.

%egislative Agenda
%(. Resolution urging the resident and both 4ouses of -ongress to pass the follo&ing bills into la&s, 1. !. %. (. 8. ?. B. D. Anti-*muggling Anti-6rustN-ompetition Act -ollective 2nvestments *chemes 1reedom of Access to 2nformation 1iscal 2ncentives Act -onvergence Act -ustoms 3oderni$ation and 6ariff Act Department of 2nformation and -ommunication 6echnology (D2-6) 7. 1iscal Responsibility 1/. 2mmigration Act Amendment 11. A -harter Amendment 1!. Iater *ector Reform 1%. <and Administration Reform Act 1(. <and >se -ode 18. Real roperty =aluation 1?. -orporate 1arming Act 1B. +lectricity Rate Reduction .ill 1D. 2mposing a >niform 1ranchise 6ax on Distribution >tilities +n@oying <egislative 1ranchise 17. +nergy +fficiency Act !/. -lean Air Act Amendment !1. Amendment of the "ational 2nternal Revenue -ode ("2R-)

to repeal the -ommon -arrier 6ax (--6) and #ross .illing 6ax (# .6) on foreign cargoes !!. "ational 6ransport olicy !%. hilippine 3arine Act !(. Amendment to the 3*3+ 3agna -arta


S'E Develo$


%8. Resolution urging the #overnment to improve access to financing for 3*3+s and agricultural smallholders by encouraging D. and <and .an) of the hilippines to actively and creatively carry out their mandate of development, especially in the countryside. %?. Resolution endorsing and pursuing the outsourcing by the D62 of the rene&al of business name registration to the local chambers of commerce and industry &ho &ill co-manage the hilippine .usiness Registry

%B. Resolution urging the Department of 2nterior and <ocal #overnment to revie& and amend the 2mplementing Rules and Regulations (2RR) of the <ocal #overnment -ode (<#-), in particular, the scope of taxing po&ers of rovincial, 3unicipal and -ity governments to avoid confusion and overlapping of authority0 resolve further to revie& the po&er of the Department of 1inance in the <#- in ta)ing appropriate measures to ensure that local revenue ordinances are consistent &ith the pertinent provisions of the <#-. %D. Resolution calling on the Department of 1inance (D:1) and the .ureau of 2nternal Revenue (.2R) to institutionali$e private sector consultation and enhance information education and dissemination on ne& tax rules and regulations. %7. Resolution urging the Department of 1inance (D:1) and the .ureau of 2nternal Revenue (.2R) to reconsider Revenue Regulation /?-!/1%, &hich prescribes the Ad@usted "et Asset 3ethod in the valuation of shares of stoc) not listed in the stoc) exchange. 6he Regulation, &hich re'uires that all the assets and liabilities reflected in the audited financial statements of unlisted corporations be ad@usted to fair mar)et values lac)s legal basis, is vague and lac)s

administrative feasibility, &ould cause 1inancial *tatement distortion, and may have adverse effects on the economy. (/. Resolution urging the constitutionNreactivation of the -ongressional :versight -ommittee &hich is empo&ered, to among others, in aid of legislation, revie& the implementation of the programs of the .ureau of 2nternal Revenue. 6his is prescribed in *ection !7/ of the "ational 2nternal Revenue -ode of 177B as amended.

(1. Resolution urging the #overnment to improve regulation of adventure-tourism activities and tourism infrastructure to include improvement of airport facilities, , and &idening of airport run&ays to accommodate bigger and &ider planes in ma@or airports such as the Oalibo Airport, among others.


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