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Is national security more important than civil rights?

National security is first of all, a very vague and ambiguous term, as if signifying that a
nation will be devastated if it did not give up its civil liberties for a bit of security. The problem
with national security, or security on any level is the fact that no matter how, “secure” you try to
make it, someone will eventually crack through anyways. So, essentially, you can continually
give up your civil liberties for a bit of personal security, “to feel safe.” Another problem is, in a
free world, there will always be dangers, and ever since the world has come into existence,
dangers of every kind have always existed. Dangers of every kind will continue to exist no
matter what one does to try to, “stop it.” There is no safety from danger, as human life is always
surrounded by danger. People can get offended over the simplest little trivial thing in life like gay
marriage, and you have. “Political correctness” to, “correct” the, “offensiveness” of criticizing
gay marriage. Substitute the above example with, “terrorists” “marijuana users,” or anything else
that may appear, “malignant” and you can pretty much politically correct anything to appease a
But, alas, that is not what America was founded upon. America was founded upon a
Constitutional Republic, America has never been a, “democracy” because the Founding Fathers
were aware of the powers of the mob over the minority. America, and the entire basis of
civilization depends on individual freedoms, not on the security of a place, a region, or a country.
Sooner or later, the individual would have to die out, to be replaced by the state-apparatus. To
argue that those who want to protect their civil liberties are, “selfish” is a an ad hominem attack,
meaning that it is attack based on personality or the attack of the person, not the issue itself.
What matters is that the individual exist, and practices his civil liberties.
Ever since September 11, 2001, the world may have changed a lot, but that does not
necessarily mean that the American people or people anywhere for that matter must give up their
civil liberties. Civil liberties are for everyone. Period. There is no debate that to start restricting
someone else’s freedoms is also the process of restricting one’s own. It is the inevitable
conclusion of restriction of civil liberties for others, will undoubtedly return to the initiator. It is
the law of karma. The law of cause and effect, and there is no escape from it. We can only
understand the why.
Individual liberties are what define a people and a nation. National security, as a vague and
ambiguous term that presupposes that the people are the, “nation” is wrong. This is because no
one would consider themselves to part of a big machine like a nation-state. Everyone has
different dreams, desires, and a destiny that is unique from the collective nation, even if they help
to contribute to it. There is no need to give up constitutional liberties for a bit of security. As
Benjamin Franklin had stated once in his letters, “Those who give up a little bit of freedom for
security, deserve neither freedom nor security.” Regardless of who Benjamin Franklin was, what
he said is definitely true. You cannot have freedom with slavery, you can only have one. Only
then, when you are well-informed, aware, and knowledgeable, are you able to feel secure.
Security will not come from giving up your divine, “inalienable” rights as an individual, because
you will always be an individual, because you will always have the power to choose. Freedom
leads to security, not the other way around.
When Bush ordered the USA PATRIOT Acts into effect, he was essentially making
America a post-modern military, corporate police state. With so much video surveillance, wire-
tapping, a massive military-industrial complex, a compliant media willing to echo the lies of the
Bush Administration, and a collective psychosis that feeds off of fear, what would you expect
America to become? Bush even stated that he wanted to become a dictator in the 2001 election
when he was in Texas.
The greatest threat to America’s sovereignty as a nation, and its civil liberties in the same
process, is from within. A traitor from within is far dangerous than an invading army. A traitor is
invisible, and has cunning. An invading army is obvious and is predictable, or at least, militarily
more easily defeated than an internal act of treason. When a dictatorship is set up at home, one is
essentially implicating one’s act in the act of terrorism that previously occurred, in this case,
September 11. How did the PATRIOT Act get written in a little over two weeks, when the paper
itself is over 1000 pages in length? How could both parties; Democrats and Republicans just pass
the bill without so much as reading it or given more time to consider it?
When the Military Commissions Acts passed in 2006, it took away Posse Comitatus, the
law that states no military forces can be within the nation at all times, and that no military can be
stationed in the homeland itself. Heabus corpus was abandoned; the rule of law and the due
process of the courts were all abandoned. In October 2008, a division of the American Army was
deployed on the homeland for, “national security” purposes. Now, people have to go through
random check points in America itself as the military-police state come into full swing. The right
to bear arms is also under attack, and if you think Obama is going to do something to, “stop it” I
encourage you to keep looking everywhere but where it really matters. Translation: keep
dreaming. Obama and his Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel (a Zionist banker and fascist war pig),
has openly declared, in public, that they should have a, “civilian police force” and that no
Americans can, “bear arms.” As usual, the national terrorist blacklist of random, innocent people
from all across the world continues to fatten off of the random, “war on terrorism.” And, as
usual, Obama is continuing his lovely rhetoric about how, “America has changed for the better
because a black cat has replaced a white cat.”
You must wonder why your world is coming crashing down on you as I write this. This is
because the greatest threat to any people, anywhere, and from anytime in history, is not from
foreign invaders, but, rather, from internal traitors and war criminals who engage in torture and
lies, corruption, and secret societies like, “Skull & Bones” which does not have America’s best
interest at heart.
The question of whether or not national security or civil liberties is more important is not a
loaded question. It is a genuine question at a time when the world has witnessed two wars all by
the Bush Administration, and now, today, there is still no end in sight to the unwarranted search
and seizures, imprisonment without trial, airplane checks, and mass murder of innocent civilians
by random bombings by American war drones and the American Army that has stretched thin
across the globe. The world may have changed, Presidents may have changed, but not the fact
that the game plan of destroying the Constitution is proceeding, if not accelerating under Obama
and his Administration.
Liberty cannot be compromised for the interest of a few, “national security” thugs and
gangsters who have no interest in people and what the people truly and reasonably want. And to
argue that only those who may want to be a criminal should be, “worried” about being watched
is a huge understatement. This is because a national security apparatus has no boundaries, no
borders, and is not accountable to anyone but its own selfish interests. When government and the
private sector work together, a massive problem occurs in which there is bound to be conflict of
No nation will be perfectly secured, even from its own trivial matters of, “national
importance” such as the right to smoke weed. The right to bear arms is crucial for any nation to
remain free from the oppressive government that may appear any time it wishes to suppress and
destroy the foundation of an enlightened society like the United States of the America.
In the end of the day, freedom wins against security, because only by being free, can one
becomes secure. There is no guarantee that there will not be dangers in freedom, but it is better to
live in liberty with danger than security with slavery.
No wars need to be fought. Only a revolution is needed; not by guns or armies, but by a
collective human psychic revolution. A wake-up call, like a spiritual 9/11 is needed.

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