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Question 1 A population has = 37 and = 2. If this distribution is transformed into a new distribution with = 100 and = 20.

20. What new values will be obtained for each of the following scores: 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39? Formula to get Z-Score : )+

Formula to get the new X: (Z-score x

Old Distribution = 37, = 2 35 36 37 38 39


New Distribution = 100, = 20

(35-37) / 2 = - 1.0 (36-37) / 2 = - 0.5 (37-37) / 2 = 0.0 (38-37) / 2 = + 0.5 (39-37) / 2 = + 1.0

80 90 100 110 120

Question 2 A distribution of scores has = 43 and = 4. If this distribution is standardized to create a new distribution with = 60 and = 20, find the standardized value for each of the following scores from the original distribution: 41, 51, 43, 37, 44 and 46 Old Distribution = 43, = 4 37 41 43 44 46 51 (37-43) /4 = - 1.5 (41-43) /4 = - 0.5 (43-43) /4 = 0.0 (44-43) /4 = +0.25 (46-43) /4 = +0.75 (51-43) /4 = +2.0 Z-score New Distribution = 60, = 20 30 50 60 65 75 100

Question 3 A population forms a normal distribution with = 68 and = 6. Find the following probabilities: a. The probability of selecting a score with a value less than 60 = p (x < 60) = p (z < 60) = p [ z < (60-68)/6 ] = p ( z < 1.33) Z = 1.33 (look at the Z- Score table) = 0.4082 = p (x < 60) = 0.5 0.4082 = 0.0918 = 9.18 % b. The probability of selecting a score with a value greater than 58

= p (x > 58) = p (z > 58) = p [ z > (58-68)/6 ] = p ( z > 1.67) Z = 1.67 (look at the Z- Score table) = 0.4525 = p (x > 58) = 0.5 + 0.4525 = 0.9525 = 95.25%

c. The probability of selecting a score with a value greater than 74

= p (x > 74) = p (z > 74) = p [ z > (74-68)/6 ] = p ( z < 1) Z = 1 (look at the Z- Score table) = 0.3413 = p (x > 74) = 0.5 - 0.3413 = 0.1587 = 15.87%

Question 4 A consumer survey indicates that the average household spends = $180 on groceries each week. The distribution of spending amounts is approximately normal with = $40. a. What proportion of the population spends more than $200 per week on groceries?

= p (x > 200) = p (z > 200) = p [ z > (200-180)/40 ] = p ( z < + 0.5) Z = 0.5 (look at the Z- Score table) = 0.3413 = p (x > 74) = 0.5 - 0.1915 = 0.3085 = 30.85%

b. What is the probability of selecting a family that spends less than $150 per week? = p (x < $150) = p (z < 150) = p [ z > (150-180)/40 ] = p ( z < 0.75) Z = 1 (look at the Z- Score table) = 0.2734 = p (x > 74) = 0.5 - 0.2734 = 0.2266 = 22.66% c. How much do you have to spend to be in the top of 10% spenders of groceries? Top 50% - Top 10% = 40% = 0.4 (nearest area value from z-score table) = 0.3997 (area) or 1.28 (z-score) X = (Z-score x )+

= (1.28 x 40) + 180 = $ 231.2

Question 5 A mood questionnaire has standardized so that the scores form a normal distribution with = 50 and = 15. A psychologist would like to use this test to examine how the environment affects mood. A sample of n = 25 individuals is obtained, and the individuals are given the mood test in a darkly painted, dimly lit room with plain metal desk and no windows. The average score for the sample is M = 43 a. Do the sample data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the environment has a significant effect on mood? Test at the .05 level of significance. H0 = Environment does not affects mood Ha = Environment does affects mood

Z score = x - n

Z score = 43 -50 15 25 = -7 3 = - 2.333

= The result fall in the critical region. The sample data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the environment has a significant effect on mood. Thus we rejected the H0. b. Repeat the hypothesis test using .01 level of significance.

z-score = -2.333

=The result did not fall in the critical region. The sample data did not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the environment has a significant effect on mood. Thus we fail to reject H0.

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