Accurate Prayer The Promises of Scripture: 1. The Holy Spirit (Given in Christ) 2. Mercy (Healing Is A Form of Mercy)

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Accurate Prayer The Promises of Scripture: 1. The Holy Spirit (given in Christ) 2.

ercy (Healing is a form of ercy)

!Past tense scriptures are referring to promises that "elong to us !#e $o not Pray to %esus& 'e pray to the (ather in the name of %esus !#e $o not as)*re+uest favors an$ petitions !Pray the scripture promise& not the pro"lem !#e ta)e hol$ of that promise an$ release it to come into manifestation !#e continually pray it until 'e see the results !#e have faith an$ )no' our legal $eman$s 'ill "e $elivere$ up& no 'on$ering Matthew 6:8 Ephesians 6:18 KJV: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication or all saints! " #orinthians $:18 KJV: 8 %hile we loo& not at the things which are seen, 'ut at the things which are not seen: or the things which are seen are te(poral! 'ut the things which are not seen are eternal) #olossians $:1" KJV: 1" Epaphras, who is one o you, a servant o #hrist, saluteth you, always la'ouring ervently *striving against an adversary+ or you in prayers, that ye (ay stand per ect and co(plete in all the will o ,od) Matthew "6:-. KJV: -. /hin&est thou that 0 cannot now pray to (y 1ather, and he shall presently give (e (ore than twelve legions o angels) 2e'rews 8:1. KJV: 1. 0n that he saith, 3 new covenant, he hath (ade the irst old) 4ow that which decayeth and wa5eth old is ready to vanish away)

1 ,ings -:2- (,%.)


6et have thou respect unto the prayer o thy servant, and to his supplication, 7 879: (y ,od, to hear&en unto the cry and to the prayer, which thy servant prayeth 'e ore thee to day:

Psalm //:1 (,%.)

-- ,ive ear to (y prayer, 7 ,od! and hide not thysel ro( (y supplication)

1 Samuel 1:20 (,%.)


1or this child 0 prayed! and the 879: hath given (e (y petition which 0 as&ed o hi(:

1 Peter 1:12 (,%.)


1or the eyes o the 8ord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: 'ut the ace o the 8ord is against the( that do evil)

1 %ohn /:12 (,%.)


3nd this is the con idence that we have in hi(, that, i we as& any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

He"re's 2:13 (,%.)


8et us there ore co(e 'oldly unto the throne o grace, that we (ay o'tain (ercy, and ind grace to help in ti(e o need)

4u)e 11:1 (,%.)

11 3nd it ca(e to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one o his disciples said unto hi(, 8ord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples) *John taught old testa(ent prayer+

atthe' 3:5 (,%.)


3 ter this (anner there ore pray ye: 7ur 1ather which art in heaven, 2allowed 'e thy na(e)

%ohn 13:21 (,%.)


3nd in that day ye shall as& *re=uest as a avor+ (e nothing) Verily, verily, 0 say unto you, %hatsoever ye shall as& *de(and > legal ter( o spiritual law re erring to rights ? o so(ething due+ the 1ather in (y na(e, he will give it you)

6phesians 1:1 (,%.)


@lessed 'e the ,od and 1ather o our 8ord Jesus #hrist, who hath "lesse$ us 'ith all spiritual "lessings *you do not ask for something you have already been given, just release it - the Blessings of Heaven already belong to you+ in heavenly places in #hrist

2 Corinthians 1:27 (,%.)


1or all the pro(ises o ,od in hi( are yea, and in hi( 3(en, unto the glory o ,od 'y us *release what God has already given to you into manifestation a legal demand much like writing a check out of your account the Blessings of Heaven already belong to you+

%ohn 13:22 (,%.)


2itherto have ye as&ed nothing in (y na(e: as& *make a demand of what is due you), and ye shall receive (active rece tion, self- rom ted taking hold of lambano++, that your Boy (ay 'e ull)

atthe' 1-:15 (,%.)


3gain 0 say unto you, /hat i two o you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall as& *making a demand of what is due you based on the !cri ture "romise+, it shall 'e done or the( o (y 1ather which is in heaven)

atthe' 21:22 (,%.)


3nd all things, whatsoever ye shall as& *make a demand of what#s due you+ in prayer, 'elieving, ye shall receive *take hold of it+)

TH6 P8A968 of (A:TH ; catch;all prayer


ar) 11:22 (,%.) < the misun$erstoo$ selfish

/here ore 0 say unto you, %hat things soever ye desire *continued, re eated demand middle voice subject does this action for his own benefit+, when ye pray, 'elieve * resent tense continuous re eated action you do not try to believe, you are commanded to+ that ye receive *take hold of, continuously and re eatedly until you see delivery of the "romise+ the(, and ye shall have the() C7nly the Pro(ises o scripture are due to you, not whatever your heart whi(sically desires

4u)e 11:5 (,%.)


3nd 0 say unto you, 3s& *present continuously demand what is due you+, and it shall 'e given you! see&, and ye shall ind! &noc&, and it shall 'e opened * resent continuously take hold of) unto you)

4u)e 11:11
King Ja(es Version *KJV+


0 ye then, 'eing evil, &now how to give good gi ts unto your children: how (uch (ore shall your heavenly 1ather give the 2oly Spirit to the( that as& *make a demand of what#s due you+ hi(D CProves 2oly Spirit is not received at point o salvation, you (ust (a&e a legal de(and, after you have 'een 'orn again

%ohn 12:11 (,%.)


3nd whatsoever ye shall as& * resent makes a legal demand continuously+ in (y na(e, that will 0 do, that the 1ather (ay 'e glori ied in the Son)

%ohn 1/:0 (,%.)


0 ye a'ide in (e, and (y words a'ide in you, ye shall as& * resent makes a legal demand continuously+ what ye will, and it shall 'e done unto you)

%ohn 1/:13 (,%.)


6e have not chosen (e, 'ut 0 have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and 'ring orth ruit, and that your ruit should re(ain: that whatsoever ye shall as& o the 1ather in (y na(e, he (ay give it you)

6phesians 1:27 (,%.)


4ow unto hi( that is a'le to do e5ceeding a'undantly a'ove all that we as& *continuously demand what is due+ or thin&, according to the power *we release the ower by making the legal demand of what is due us+ that wor&eth in us,

Philippians 2:3 (,%.)


@e care ul or nothing! 'ut in every thing 'y prayer and supplication with than&sgiving let your re=uests *(a&ing legal de(ands+ 'e (ade &nown unto ,od) !9ou pray the Solution to the pro"lem (the #or$ of =o$)& not the pro"lem C6ou can Ere=uestF anything you want, it does not (ean you are going to get it)

Colossians 1:5;17 (,%.)


1or this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray or you, and to desire *make a demand of what is due+ that ye (ight 'e illed with the &nowledge o his will in all wisdo( and spiritual understanding! 1A /hat ye (ight wal& worthy o the 8ord

unto all pleasing, 'eing ruit ul in every good wor&, and increasing in the &nowledge o ,od! !An Accurate Prayer: : pray that >>>>>>> (yourself or anyone else) might "e 'orthy of the 4or$ unto all pleasing& "eing fruitfull an$ fille$ 'ith the )no'le$ge of =o$?s 'is$om an$ spiritual un$erstan$ing@

%ames 1:/;3 (,%.)


0 any o you lac& wisdo(, let hi( as& *make a demand of what is due him+ o ,od, that giveth to all (en li'erally, and up'raideth not! and it shall 'e given hi() 6 @ut let hi( as& *make a demand of what is due him+ in aith, nothing wavering) 1or he that wavereth is li&e a wave o the sea driven with the wind and tossed) !9ou $o not 'aver or 'on$er sheepishly if the "an) 'ill give you your money if you ma)e a 'ith$ra'l !9ou $o not 'aver if you ma)e a legal $eman$ to =o$ of things that A486AA9 "elong to you

%ames 1:0 (,%.)


1or let not that (an thin& *do not think or suppose KNOW+ that he shall receive *ta&e hold o + any thing o the 8ord)

%ames 2:2;1 (,%.)


6e lust, and have not: ye &ill, and desire to have, and cannot o'tain: ye ight and war, yet ye have not, 'ecause ye as& not *you FAIL to make a legal demand to God of what is rightfully due you+) . 6e as& *(a&e a de(and+, and receive not *do not ta&e hold o +, 'ecause ye as& a(iss, that ye (ay consu(e it upon your lusts *you demand things from God in the proper way, ut your moti!ations are wrong, selfish, e!il and lustful+)

1 %ohn 1:27;21 (,%.)

"A "1

1or i our heart conde(n us, ,od is greater than our heart, and &noweth all things) @eloved, i our heart conde(n us not, then have we con idence toward ,od) "" 3nd whatsoever we as& *make a legal demand of what is due+, we receive *take hold of+ o hi(, 'ecause we &eep his co((and(ents, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight) !9ou 'ill BCT have confi$ence to'ar$ =o$& in prayer& unless your heart is right 'ith him@ if your heart is not right you 'ill see no results of your prayers

1 %ohn /:12;1/ (,%.)


3nd this is the con idence that we have in hi(, that, i we as& *demand what is due+ any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1- 3nd i we &now that he hear us *you cannot wonder, you must know+, whatsoever we as& *make a demand of what is due+, we &now that we have the petitions *demands+ that we desired *demand what is due+ o hi() !=o$ hears the prayers that are praye$ to the father 'ith the #or$ of =o$ 'ith the Promises of =o$ that "elong to us that are $ue to us < he $oes not hear prayers that are contrary to his 'ill an$ #or$ 6D: 9ou type in the correct internet a$$ress& you get to the site@ you type in an incorrect a$$ress& you get no'here :f you pray accurately& to the (ather& in the name of %esus& accor$ing to the #ill of =o$& "ringing the scriptural promise of 'hat "elongs to you& 'hat is $ue you& ma)ing a $eman$ of 'hat is $ue you& you )no' that you have those legal $eman$s you ma$e of him < )eep $oing this until you see the result come in to manifestation

He"re's 2:13 (,%.)


8et us there ore co(e 'oldly unto the throne o grace, that we (ay o'tain *take hold of+ (ercy, and ind grace to help in ti(e o need)

1 Peter 2:17 (,%.) < The Promise of



%hich in ti(e past were not a people, 'ut are now the people o ,od: which had not o'tained (ercy, 'ut now have o'tained *have ta&en hold o + (ercy) 1ather, 0 pray to you in the na(e o Jesus, co(ing 'oldly to the /hrone o ,race and ta&e hold your Mercy 0 have 'een pro(ised in scripture, in the na(e o Jesus)

1 Peter 2:22 (,%.) < Healing


%ho his own sel 'are our sins in his own 'ody on the tree, that we, 'eing dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: 'y whose stripes ye were healed)

6Do$us 1/:23 (,%.) ; Healing


3nd said, 0 thou wilt diligently hear&en to the voice o the 879: thy ,od, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his co((and(ents, and &eep all his statutes, 0 will put none o these diseases upon thee, which 0 have 'rought upon the Egyptians: or : am the 4C8A that healeth thee.

Psalm 171:1 (,%.) ; Healing


%ho orgiveth all thine ini=uities! who healeth all thy diseases!

!(ather& : pray to you in the name of %esus& coming "ol$ly to the Throne of =race an$ ta)e hol$ of an$ than) you for your Healing ercy an$ Po'er 'hich : )no' are flo'ing into me no'.

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