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SESSION 2010/11




First of all, I was excited about this assignment it is because it was different and more challenging. It was because in this assignment I need to interview a person who had a lot of experience and contribution for the committee. For the first being i felt that this assignment was quit difficult, because I need to disturb some people useful time. It also becomes awkward because in this session i need to ask about their life and some personal thing.

For the beginning i was choose the Principle of my school as a interviewee, but because of some problem and consider that she was new in here and also she had to went to the Makkah for pilgrimage. Then I choose someone that have a lot of contribute for school.

In that situation I choose Mr. Mazri bin Hussin who had been given a title "Guru Cemerlang" or excellent teacher of the year. He already teaches almost two years at this school.


For this assignment i was choose Mr. Mazri bin Md. Hussin that was given a title excellent teacher or "Guru Cemerlang". He is a very good teacher and now teaches at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Nal, Kuala Krai, Kelantan, small school in the middle town in Kelantan State. Mr. Mazri was born at 16 June 1973 at Kota Bharu, Kelantan, it mean he will be achieve age 38 years old in a few days from now.

Mr. Mazri was born at Kampung Baung, Kelantan, his mother's name is Siti Aminah binti Abdullah, and meanwhile his father's name is Md. Hussin bin Ahmad. His father's have their own grocery shop and his mother's is a housewife. He has five siblings. He was the second child. Education is owned by Mr. Mazri was the highest in the family. However, her youngest sister is also in accordance with his measures. Her sister was still a student at Al-Azhar University, Egypt in the field tasawur

Mr. Mazri early school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Baung, Kota Bharu until he finished his study in standard six at that school.He is one of the best students at his school during primary school. After that, Mr. Mazri continued his studied at Sekolah Menengah Sultan Ismail, Kota Bharu from form one to form six. He went on to study at the Sultan Ismail College (SIC) in Kota Bharu for 2 years in the forms six. Kolej Sultan Ismail or SIC, was one of the most excellent colleges in Kelantan state. Since he was child, he was determined to be a teacher. So after he finishes his studied he takes decision to apply education course. On December 1994 he was successful to enter at Maktab Perguruan Bahasa, Kuala Lumpur.

Mr. Mazri was married for almost fifteen years. He had one beautiful wife and three lovely daughters. His wife, Mrs. Norizan also work as a teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampong Bedal, in Kuala Krai, Kelantan meanwhile his daughters is still study. His older daughter name is Nur Athirah Husna, was studied in form one at Sekolah Menengah Mahaad Muhammadi Perempuan, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. His second daughters Nur Athaillah Husna was studied in standard three and Nur Amalin Husna his youngest daughter was six years old and studied at Pre-School. His second and youngest daughter was study at the same school were Mr. Mazri was work.

3.0 CAREER Mr. Mazri is a good person, friendly and easy to cooperation with others people and for the most important, he always smile to people surrounding him. He has tough body, and very good looking person. From my observation, he was very committed with their jobs and most of the student loves him. It because Mr. Mazri is very caring and always take care of his student.

June 1997, he finished his studied at Maktab Perguruan Bahasa, Kuala Lumpur almost two and half years it takes. On July 1997, Mr.Mazri starts his carrier as a teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuang, Rawang, Selangor. That school was his first school after finished his studied and it was the first step to swing his wings as a dedicated teacher.

After seven years teaching at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuang, he was given an award because his credibility and hard working as a teacher. His contribution as a science teacher was been acknowledges. At 2004, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Gombak (PPD) has award Mr. Mazri as an "Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang". After gain that award Mr. Mazri has become more encourage in spread his knowledge among his student. Almost for eight years he teaches at Selangor State, after that he was transfer to Setiu, Terengganu east territory in Malaysia. Indeed he still continued his job as well as a dedicated and knowledgeable teacher. He never complains and get bored when it came to his job as a teacher. Once again, after three years teaching at the school, Mr. Mazri was given award the most precious thing at 16 July 2008 is "Guru Cemerlang". For the last time being, Mr. Mazri was decided to back and share his knowledge with his own state in Kelantan and he make it until now he was teaching in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Nal, Kuala Krai, Kelantan.

Mr. Mazri was responsible to teach subject science standard three, five and also standard. Furthermore, he was advise coach for hockey school team and also active in

soccer. He love to play soccer every time if he had free time. Since small, he already active in soccer and he had their own opinion for this sport. He think that soccer can built stamina and also good for his health.

And once again Mr. Mazri gain award as a "Guru Cemerlang". With the award that his gained he became more motivated and more responsible for his work as a teacher. Being "Guru Cemerlang" make his become busier, beside that he also responsible as a person who takes a lead in "sistem Maklumat Murid" or SMM at the school.

Because he had encourage and became more motivated to expand his carried as a teacher, Mr. Mazri decide to gain more knowledge and he was continued his study in Degree. He continued his study in degree of science at Open University Malaysia (OUM). And now he has accomplished his studied and able to gain Degree. But, most important thing, his spirit in continued his studied was never end and his dream to further his studied in higher level.

For all the victory and achievement that he has own, Mr. Mazri said it was because his parent, wife and his daughter was a supporter for his carrier. His attempt to further studied in degree it was because to challenge Ministry Of Education, Malaysia that wanted 60 percent teachers at primary school has degree in education. In other words, the main reason he continued his study was to achieve and increase quality and gain more knowledge for him. He has spent nearly two years of study at Maktab Perguruan in the Bahasa, teaching

Kuala Lumpur. He has successfully completed courses profession in June 1997. In July

1997, Mr Mazri started his

careeras a teacher

at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuang, Rawang, Selangor. At his first school, he began his career to become a dedication teacher. At school, she began her journey

as a dedicated teacher. After serving nearly seven years in the Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuang, Selangor he was given an award for his diligence as a teacher. In 2004, Encik Mazri has be awarded in Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang of the Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Gombak. The award is so meaningful to him.

Encik Mazri was transferred to another school in Setiu, Terengganu after eight years he was teaching in Selangor. He continued his effort as an excellent teacher without bored in the school. As the result, he received another meaningful awarded in his career after three years service. At the 16 July 2008, he won award as Guru Cemerlang in the school. Encik Mazri afterwards make request to transfer from Terengganu to his own country, Kelantan. In 2009 the application for transfer to duty in Kelantan has

been successful. Then, he was placed to teaching in Sekolah kebangsaan Kuala Nal at Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Two years in sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Nal, Encik Mazri was successfully proven his ability as an excellent teacher in education career. On February 2011 he was again recognized as Teacher of Teaching and Learning Excellence PPD Kuala Krai. The Awards are held to make him more motivated. He then went on to pursue a degree. In 2005, He continued his education to undergraduate education in history courses, at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang. Now he has graduated and became teachers DG 41. Mr. Mazri also aspires to continue her studies to a higher level. Encik Mazri stated that parents, wife and their children were influence him successful in his career. His effort to further study in degree level was to fulfil government applead (Ministry of Education) demanded that 60 percent of teachers in primary schools have a degree. However, his main goal is to continue to improve the quality of education itself, as well as increase existing knowledge. Mr. Mazri also states that all teachers have the opportunity to receive awards for Guru Cemerlang. Before that they needs to pass all the stage and fulfill all criteria that will look by Excellent Teacher Selection Committee by Nazir Sekolah or his deputy. Every Guru Cemerlang need to pass this stage to make sure the quality of service was excellent. Actually Encik Mazri desire was not only to get Guru Cemerlang award but also to become Guru Inovasi in the State and national level. He was on preparation towards it. He said, an exellent teacher must always make excellent. Not only that,

he was always ready to develop the teaching and learning modules and provide the best service for all time.

4.0 Challenges in Life When asked about his feeling after become Guru Cemerlang, Encik Mazri throw out his happiness. He said that become a Guru Cemerlang has it owned challenge. For example he must always excellent in teaching and learning process. Every minuter is very important and cannot be wasted. He always makes early prepration before teaching and learning sessionThis is to ensure that he is well prepared mentally, in terms of ideas and teaching aids. He must show examples of excellent teaching to colleagues and their pupils. He has also received word from a cynical colleague of titles that have been received. But it was a challenge to make him become more progressive. So, he was in taking steps to nomination for Guru Inovasi . Encik Mazri tolds that an excellent teachear (Guru Cemerlang) must always ready in building up teaching and learning module. He has own preparation in order to make science subject. He takes this action for purpose to make his lessons more effectives and success.

5.0 Achievements/Contributions to Community

Since he was teacher, his excellence was more towards science subject.


contribution community especially in education was to build up Science Committee Management. He realized that Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Nal. He has built a module for use by all teachers of science. With this module teachers Science has guidelines in the management committee. Therefore, the management committee became more organized, systematic and effective. Not only that, he also has build up a module that related to excellent management of science labotary. Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala nal has a science labotary which having all facilities and tools for science session. Before Mr. Mazri was teaching here, science labotary was not used in fully function. After the module exists, science laboratory of sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Nal has been use very well. During my interview, Mr. Mazri always said that he wanted to make science subjects are preferred by students. He wants to change students perceptions that science subject was difficult become easy. He recognize a science camp in the school when was he teaching. In the program he has exposed the students to answer questions about the techniques of science. The camp was attended by students from out 4, 5 and 6. In addition, Mr. Mazri also was carrying out a Teaching and Learning Science for Primary School Programme. This programme participated by Science teachers from Zone 1 district of Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Through this program he has share information and

knowledge with colleagues in the sciences.


His hope towards young generation especially his pupils to alwaysraise their effort without bored.He said that not easy to became suceesfull but it is also not difficult to success. Everything is in our stoulders. The importance is we must always make efforts, prays and tawakkal to Allah. Without Allah blessing, with a lot effort, we cannot achieve success. He also hopes that new generation nowadays do not careless with the wealthy they have today. Youth morals from day to day have corrupted. There is no more polite attitude between youth and older people. They always wste their time with unuseful activity such a motor race, drug addict. Free Associate without limit with male and female. Teenagers and youth must used all the time to increase knoeledge and something that benefits to them to make sure their future is more meaningful. For teachers, especially young teachers, he hopes that they always give full responsibility on their career. They must always disappoint towards students needed and teacher profession. They need to be ready on change in education field. Age with the technology, all teacher must be brave and intelligent to solve student problems. Teachers need to increase and getting more knowledge in order tobe quality teacher. Not only that, a young teacher must have many kind of skilled to prepared them become a well-skilled teacher and can do many jobs too. The most important is, teacher must have well-known in information technology. Mr. Mazri wants to create a Jump of Excellent t his school he perform right now especially to make excellent in science subject. He wants to make sure

achievement of science subject in school aciement test (UPSR) will make 100% passes. He also wants to 30 of the 33 candidates UPSR get As for subject science. He also always, is ready to share his knowledge and information with another teacher eventhough they from other school in Kualam Krai district about science. He said, he will always help them to give the ways on how to increase quality of achievement science subject in their school.

7.0 CONCLUSION Interviews I have done this time involving my colleagues, Mr. Mazri bin Md. Hussin. He is an excellent teacher in the school that I perform now. Mr. Mazri is also a teacher for Data System (SMM). He always busyand frequently participate to course or talks about his duty. He also teaches classes for UPSR. So, I had to take some time to match his schedule for the interview. Along my interview with him there is no other problem except his too busy. At first he seems a bit awkward in the interview. This may be a bit more personal questions that I ask him. However, he gave me the co-operation. During my interview, I can see that he is very disciplined and strict in his career. He has higher desire and work hard to improved himself. Experiences and beliefs of his life made me think about a career that is I do now. The words of never tired of studingmake me excited to continue my studies in this Distance Education Program. He may be an example as an educator dedicated to the work and careers. As far as I know, Mr. Mazri skilled in the field of Information Technology. He likes to help colleagues who have problems in IT.

8.0 Appendices

Appendix 1- interview Question


Can tell me about your educational background?

2. . What is the highest achievement in your career and to accomplish during the award and when? 3. Who will be a boost to your success?

4. What Do you want to achieve success after the title of excellent teacher

5. . What are your hopes for the younger generation in the field of education? 6. I understand that you have to pursue a degree. Why?

7. You have been awarded the Outstanding Teacher. Are all teachers eligible for the award? How?

Appendix 2 Transcript of Interview


Can tell me about your educational background? My early education began at the National School Baung, Kota Bharu; I then continued my secondary education at secondary schools Sultan Ismail up to Form 5. Then form sixth in the Sultan Ismail Collenge (SIC). Continuing Studies in at the Institut Bahasa of Language Kuala lumpur. Continuing studies to degree level in the course of history at Universiti Sains Malaysia.


. What is the highest achievement in your career and to accomplish during the award and when? Services Excellence Awards have received PPD Gombak Teaching and learning excellence for PPD Kual Krai The success of the highest- Excellence Teacher Award


When you receive the Outstanding Teacher Award? On July 16, 2008


Who will be a boost to your success? Parents, wife and kids

5. What Do you want to achieve success after the title of excellent teacher Now is the step to the nomination of candidates Innovation teacher State and national level.


What are your hopes for the younger generation in the field of education? Every teacher should be prepared with the changes in the field Education and is responsible for this

7 . I understand that you have to pursue a degree. Why? This is consistent with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, which requires 60% of primary school teachers have a degree Anda telah mendapat anugerah Guru Cemerlang.


Are all teachers eligible for the award? How? All teachers are teachers in the first place. However, only those Pass filter to the selection by a selection committee of the Board of Teacher Excellence by the Inspector or his representative. Every Teacher Excellence is due to undergo screening to ensure the quality of services Excellent Teachers itself.


What your feelings are after awarded the Teacher of Excellence? Happy, but the workload has also incurred increased

10. What are the duties of Teacher Excellence? Must always excel them and be prepared to build teaching and learning modules as well as excellent service all the time.Apakah tugas-tugas Guru Cemerlang?

Appendix 3- Photographs Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

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