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Appendix F HCA/240 Version 4

Associate Level Material

Appendix F
Review the following two case studies. Each patient is being referred to a specialist for further evaluation of a nervous system disorder. Outline characteristics of the disease each patient is suffering from by answering the questions associated with each case study. Answer in your own words. Case Study 1 %ame (atient * (hysician nteroffice Referral Form Ray !. Ology" #.!. A !octor$s Office" %orth &ampus 1'1' %. #edical (la)a *1'1 Anytown" Anywhere 1+,-' !ear Ray" #yelin visited my office yesterday complaining of numbness in his right leg and face. .e has also been experiencing muscle wea/ness and mild depression. noticed a delay in his visual response in both eyes. have referred #yelin to your facility because of possible multiple sclerosis" and am requesting an #R of the brain and spine. (lease fax the results to me as soon as possible. Regards" Ruben !elgadillo" #.!. Answer the following questions. #yelin 6. .eath 1+,1+,1+ !r. !elgadillo !O78 !ate8 5,45'419:; 5+41;4+5<<

1. 0hat could have caused #yelin$s disease1 It is unknown what causes Multiple Sclerosis, but it is an autoimmune disease that affects some individuals, but not others. Some causes include a combination of factors, such as genetics, childhood infections, viruses, and the environment the person lives in. (Mayo Clinic, 2 !2"
+. 0hat structure2s3 and function2s3 of the nervous system are affected by multiple sclerosis1

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that causes the body#s immune system to attack its own tissues. MS also destroys Myelin, which is the substance that coats and protects the nerve


Appendix F HCA/240 Version 4

fibers of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks your brain, spinal cord and optic nerves, or the nerves that allow you to see. ($ughes, 2 !!"
,. 0hat can be done to treat this disease1

%here is no known cure for MS, but there are therapies and medications that can used to help control the disease and maintain a normal life. Some treatment options used are medications such as Cortosteroids, therapy, and &lasma '(change. ()ational Institutes of $ealth, 2 !*"

Case Study 2 nteroffice Referral Form %ame (atient * (hysician =immy 6chwimmer -';-';-' !O78 !r. Raychee !ate8

1145,4+55+ 5-4+14+5<<

#elissa %eidermayer" #.!. A !octor$s Office" %orth &ampus 1'1' %. #edical (la)a *+5, Anytown" Anywhere 1+,-' !ear #elissa" $m sending =immy over for a stat spinal tap to evaluate suspected meningitis. .e has had a fever for a couple of days" which increased to 15+ degrees today. 6ince yesterday" he$s been complaining of a headache and stiff nec/. .is mother said last wee/ he had gone swimming in the pond by their barn and started feeling ill a few days later. Fax results A6A(. 7est" >errie Raychee" #.!. Answer the following questions in your own words. 1. 0hat could have caused =immy$s disease1

+ number of things such as viral infection, bacterial infection, cause meningitis and fungal infection can also cause meningitis. ,acterial infections are the most serious and can be life threatening, so to determine the source is important to determine treatment. -immy#s disease could have been caused by a unicellular organism, also known as an


Appendix F HCA/240 Version 4

amoeba, which can be found in warm fresh water, stagnant water in waterholes, and in poorly chlorinated swimming pools. .hen the water enters the nose, the amoeba is then able to make its way up to one#s brain causing the disease to occur. (Mayo Clinic, 2 !2"

+. 0hat structures and functions of the nervous system are affected by meningitis1

Meningitis is an infection in the fluid around the brain and spinal cord which causes an inflammation of the first two meninges that cover the brain and spinal cord. If the infection is allowed to pass into the blood stream and then into the Cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, it can affect the nerves and/or the surrounding membranes, which can destroy nerve cells and cause bleeding in the brain. ()I$.gov. 2 !!"

. ,.

0hat can be done to treat this disease1

%he treatment will depend upon what type of Meningitis the person has. +cute bacterial meningitis re0uires prompt treatment with intravenous antibiotics and, more recently, cortisone medications. +ntibiotics cannot cure viral meningitis, and most cases improve on their own in several weeks with bed rest, plenty of fluids, over1the1counter pain medications to help reduce fever and relieve body aches. 2ungal meningitis is treated with antifungal medications, and noninfectious meningitis due to allergic reaction or autoimmune disease may be treated with cortisone medications. (Mayo Clinic, 2 !2"


Appendix F HCA/240 Version 4

Case Study !3 4eference Mayo 2oundation for Medical 'ducation and 4esearch, 2 !2. Multiple sclerosis. +ccessed )ovember !, 2 !*. http3// !66/5S'C%I7)8causes

$ughes, 4obyn (2 !!". $erbal 4emedies for Multiple Sclerosis. 5emand Media, Inc. +ccessed )ovember !, 2 !*, http3//*:;<=;1herbal1remedies1for1multiple1sclerosis/ Multiple sclerosis3 $ope through research. )ational Institute of )eurological 5isorders and Stroke. +ccessed )ovember !, 2 !*. http3//>sclerosis/detail>multiple>sclerosis.htm.

Case Study 23 Mayo 2oundation for Medical 'ducation and 4esearch, 2 !2. Meningitis. +ccessed


Appendix F HCA/240 Version 4


)ovember !, 2 !* http3// !!6/5S'C%I7)8causes

)ational Institute of )eurological 5isorders and Stroke. 2 !!, ?Meningitis and 'ncephalitis 2act Sheet,?+ccessed )ovember !, 2 !* http3//>meningitis/detail>encephalitis> meningitis.htm@!<=2;* 6* Mayo 2oundation for Medical 'ducation and 4esearch, 2 !2. Meningitis. +ccessed )ovember !, 2 !* http3// and1drugs !!6/5S'C%I7)8treatments1


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