09 HUM Datatective Analysis 18ChaseL

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Chase Lee Through this activity, I investigated tectonic disasters which include earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

In terms of similarities between the locations of the disasters, there is several. Firstly, both types of tectonic disasters are, in my opinion, very similar in terms of the effects. The aftershocks of the earthquakes are dangerous after the earthquake has occurred. The same applies to volcanos. The after effects include ash which can increase the death toll as well as the pyroclastic flows. It seems that most of the tectonic events happened around the Pacific Plate/the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire refers to the numerous amounts of volcanoes located around the Pacific Plate. When the Pacific Plate, specifically, makes contact with another tectonic plate, it creates a subduction zone causing both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to occur. In terms of locational differences, two earthquakes occurred inland away from the Pacific Plate. Earthquakes are supposed to occur around the borders of the tectonic plate; however, these two events happened farther away from the plates, in towards the center of the plate. As found out by several different sources, the Tangshan earthquake was a surprise to many seismologists because the original foundation of the city is built upon alluvial soil which is not strong enough to resist the earthquakes waves. Perhaps the reason for this earthquake to be unexpected was due to the fact that the earthquakes took place away from the Ring Of Fire in which a large majority of devastating tectonic disasters occur; however, after further research by scientists it was found that although Tangshan was located closer to the center of the Eurasian plate, the tectonic plate collided with the North American plate causing a 7.8 R.S. earthquake to take place within the city. Countries including: India, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia, Solomon Islands, Philippines, Haiti, and Indonesia are examples of developing or low income countries. Whereas countries such as USA, China, and Japan are developed countries. The difference between these countries is the sum of money that each country possesses. Low income countries dont have the money to support the people with protection from natural disasters, but countries with high income ensure that the people have a smaller risk of tectonic disasters. Different ways that the government ensures a lesser risk is by improving infrastructure; creating houses which are able to repel the disasters; and produce an escape plan for the residents. As indicated by the 1995 Honshu Earthquake, the death toll of this earthquake was 5,502 casualties. On the other hand, the 2010 Haiti earthquake had a total of 159,000 deaths. It seems that developed countries are more prepared than less developed countries. The different methods that Japan used to minimize the threat of the earthquakes effects, is by using scientists to create homes which are able to resist the shockwaves. This could explain the low death toll. This can perhaps also be observed during the El Chichon volcanic eruption in which there was a total death toll of 3,500. While, the Mt St. Helens volcanic eruption caused a death toll of 57. As indicated earlier in this paragraph, Mexico is a low income country. Therefore, the country was most likely unable to support their citizens with the proper tools to avoid a high death toll during the event of a tectonic disaster. This could have perhaps been the reason that the death toll is greater in Mexico than the USA. Although, there are some accounts of disasters which occurred in developed countries that was more disastrous than other tectonic disasters that happened in low income countries. Perhaps this is because the population of developed countries is greater than those in

Chase Lee developing countries. As a result, the numbers of deaths which transpire probably depend on the population of the area and the time in which the event takes place. The reason that the time may have an effect on the death is most likely because as shown by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, it first began at 4AM. At this time most of the citizens were unprepared. This was probably the greatest factor which led to the high death toll of 242,000. This is perhaps a reason for the time in which the disaster takes place a huge factor to the effects of the tectonic disaster. Another thing which can probably be seen is that as time progresses, developed countries improve infrastructure after a disaster takes place. As seen by the 1923 Japan earthquake, 162,000 deaths occurred. However, 72 years later Japan has learned their lesson and improved infrastructure to become more prepared. This was most likely the reason that the death toll was 156,498 lesser, during the 1995 Japan earthquake. There is clear evidence which indicate that when the Chilean earthquake took place, the USA was the first to respond. They immediately created a field hospital to help all the victims. Chile is still a developing country which may have been the cause for the US intervening and creating a field hospital. This is different in other cases, such as the Assam earthquake where the Deputy Commissioner of Shillong, a city in Assam, attempted at trying to telegraph Guwahati (another city located in the north of Assam), but was unable to do so due to some errors. Hence, he tried different methods of contacting the city and for rescue teams to save the victims. Probably the reason that the death toll was greater during the Assam earthquake in comparison to the Chilean earthquake is due to the ways of communication and access to the treatment centers/hospitals. Telegraphing is not an efficient way to communicate considering modern standards; however, what must also be taken into consideration is the time difference. The Assam earthquake took place 70 years earlier than the Chile earthquake. This indicates that as time progresses, technology advances and this may help decrease the deaths which occur after the disaster has taken place as shown in this example. The number of buildings which collapse is probably due to the foundation/soil that the building is situated on. As stated before, during the Tangshan earthquake the probable reason for a large percentile of houses destroyed is due to the alluvial soil which was the foundation for the buildings. This can arguably not be the case because another possible reason for houses to collapse is a result of the governments strength within a country. As indicated by the United Nations, China puts their profit towards the infrastructure of developed cities which includes: Hong Kong, Beijing, Chongqing, etc. China is most likely not able to support the large population that they possess and this can cause a smaller number of benefits towards the citizens which may have been the cause as well. Although the death toll during the 1995 Honshu earthquake was high, the damage cost is unknown which may suggest that the Japanese government was prepared for the event and built their houses to resist the earthquakes waves. We are not the only ones aware of the income that the developing countries have within their possession. Other countries like the US, Japan, or UK understands this and perhaps chooses to help them in any way possible. Other countries which are allies try to help in any way. An example of this would be during the Chilean earthquake. During this earthquake, Mexico aided the Chileans by creating a school which then helped the children who fled from the effects of the devastating natural disaster.

Chase Lee Bibliography: Works Cited "1897 Assam Earthquake." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1897_Assam_earthquake>. "1976." Earthquake. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/events/1976_07_27.php>. "1976 Tangshan Earthquake." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tangshan_earthquake>. "Earthquake 1960." 1960, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/events/1960_05_22>. "Earthquake." Info. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <http://www.xklsv.org/viewwiki.php?title=Earthquakes>. "The Great Assam Earthquake of 1897." Assam Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. <http://www.assam.org/content/great-assam-earthquake-1897>. "The NEWS behind the NEWS. [Archive] - Page 115 - David Icke's Official Forums." The NEWS behind the NEWS. [Archive] - Page 115 - David Icke's Official Forums.

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