(106020783) Thermal Engineering Lecture 5

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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH



5. 1

Paavai Institutions
CONTENTS TECHNICAL TERMS 5.1 Fundamentals of refrigeration 5. Common Refrigerants 5.! Re"uired #ro$erties of Ideal Refrigerant 5.% Coeffi&ient of #erforman&e 'CO#( 5.5 )a$our Com$ression Refrigeration

Department of MECH

5.5.1 S&*emati& of a +asi& )a$or Com$ression Refrigeration S,stem 5.5. Alternati-e Refrigerants for )a$our Com$ression S,stems 5.. )a$our A/sor$tion Refrigeration
5.0 Com$arison /et1een )a$or Com$ression and A/sor$tion S,stem

5.2 Ton of refrigeration 5.3 Air4 Conditioning S,stem 5.3.1. 5oned S,stems 5.3. 6nitar, S,stems 5.17 8indo1 Air4&onditioning S,stem 5.17.1 +lo1er 5.17. #ro$eller fan or t*e &ondenser fan 5.11.! Fan motor 5.11 S$lit Air4&onditioning S,stem 5.11.1 E-a$orator Coil or t*e Cooling Coil 5.11. Air Filter 5.11.! Cooling Fan or +lo1er 5.11.% 9rain #i$e 5.11.5 Lou-ers or Fins 5.1 Sol-ed #ro/lems 5.1! T1o Mar:s 6ni-ersit, ;uestions 5.1% 6ni-ersit, Essa, ;uestions
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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

It is t*e ratio /et1een t*e "uantities of *eat re"uired to &*ange t*e tem$erature of 1 $ound of an, su/stan&e 1<F= as &om$ared to t*e "uantit, of *eat re"uired to &*ange 1 $ound of 1ater 1<F. S$e&ifi& *eat is e"ual to t*e num/er of +tu re"uired to raise t*e tem$erature of 1 $ound of a su/stan&e 1<F. For e>am$le= t*e s$e&ifi& *eat of mil: is .3 = 1*i&* means t*at 3 +tu 1ill /e needed to raise 177 $ounds of mil: 1< F. T*e s$e&ifi& *eat of 1ater is 1= /, ado$tion as a standard= and s$e&ifi& *eat of anot*er su/stan&e 'solid= li"uid= or gas( is determined e>$erimentall, /, &om$aring it to 1ater. S$e&ifi& *eat also e>$resses t*e *eat4*olding &a$a&it, of a su/stan&e &om$ared to t*at of 1ater. 2. SENSIBLE HEAT Heat t*at is added to= or su/tra&ted from= a su/stan&e t*at &*anges its tem$erature /ut not its $*,si&al state is &alled sensi/le *eat. It is t*e *eat t*at &an /e indi&ated on a t*ermometer. T*is is t*e *eat *uman senses also &an rea&t to= at least 1it*in &ertain ranges. For e>am$le= if a $erson $ut t*eir finger into a &u$ of 1ater= t*e senses readil, tell t*at $erson 1*et*er it is &old= &ool= te$id= *ot= or -er, *ot. Sensi/le *eat is a$$lied to a solid= a li"uid= or a gas?-a$or as indi&ated on a t*ermometer. T*e term sensi/le *eat does not a$$l, to t*e $ro&ess of &on-ersion from one $*,si&al state to anot*er. 3. LATENT HEAT It is t*e term used for t*e *eat a/sor/ed or gi-en off /, a su/stan&e 1*ile it is &*anging its $*,si&al state. 8*en t*is o&&urs= t*e *eat gi-en off or a/sor/ed does NOT &ause a tem$erature &*ange in t*e su/stan&e. In ot*er 1ords= sensi/le *eat is t*e term for *eat t*at affe&ts t*e tem$erature of t*ings@ latent *eat is t*e term for *eat t*at affe&ts t*e $*,si&al state of t*ings. To understand t*e &on&e$t of latent *eat= ,ou must realiAe t*at man, su/stan&es ma, e>ist as solids= as li"uids= or as gases= de$ending $rimaril, u$on t*e tem$eratures and $ressure to 1*i&* t*e, are su/Be&ted. 4. SUPERHEAT It is a -er, im$ortant term in t*e terminolog, of refrigeration 4 /ut it is unfortunatel, used in different 1a,s. It &an /e used to des&ri/e a $ro&ess 1*ere refrigerant -a$our is *eated from its
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Department of MECH

saturated &ondition to a &ondition at *ig*er tem$erature. T*e term su$er*eat &an also /e used to des&ri/e 4 or "uantif, 4 t*e end &ondition of t*e /efore4mentioned $ro&ess. 5. PRESSURE It is defined as a for&e $er unit area. It is usuall, measured in $ounds $er s"uare in&* '$si(. #ressure ma, /e in one dire&tion= se-eral dire&tions= or in all dire&tions. T*e i&e 'solid( e>erts $ressure do1n1ard. T*e 1ater 'fluid( e>erts $ressure on all 1etted surfa&es of t*e &ontainer. Cases e>ert $ressure on al I inside surfa&es of t*eir &ontainers. 6. VAPORIZATION It is t*e $ro&ess of &*anging a li"uid to -a$or= eit*er /, e-a$oration or /oiling. 8*en a glass is filled 1it* 1ater= as s*o1n in figure .417= and e>$osed to t*e ra,s of t*e sun for a da, or t1o= ,ou s*ould note t*at t*e 1ater le-el dro$s graduall,. T*e loss of 1ater is due to e-a$oration. E-a$oration= in t*is &ase= ta:es $la&e onl, at t*e surfa&e of t*e li"uid. It is gradual= /ut t*e e-a$oration of t*e 1ater &an /e s$eeded u$ if additional *eat is a$$lied to it. In t*is &ase= t*e /oiling of t*e 1ater ta:es $la&e t*roug*out t*e interior of t*e li"uid. T*us t*e a/sor$tion of *eat /, a li"uid &auses it to /oil and e-a$orate. 7. CONDENSATION It is t*e $ro&ess of &*anging a -a$or into a li"uid. For e>am$le= in figure .41 = a 1arm atmos$*ere gi-es u$ *eat to a &old glass of 1ater= &ausing moisture to &ondense out of t*e air and form on t*e outside surfa&e of t*e glass. T*us t*e remo-al of *eat from a -a$or &auses t*e -a$or to &ondense. 8. COP o REFRIGERATION T*e CO# of a refrigeration s,stem is t*e ratio of net refrigeration effe&t to t*e 1or: re"uired to $rodu&e t*e effe&t. !. UNIT OF REFRIGERATION T*e &a$a&it, of refrigeration is e>$ressed in tonnes of refrigeration 'TOR(. 1 tones of refrigeration D 17 :E?min 'or( D !.5 :E?se& ':8( A tone of refrigeration is defined as t*e "uantit, of *eat to /e remo-ed in order to form one tone of i&e at 7 C in % *ours. 1". REFRIGERATION EFFECT

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

T*e amount of *eat e>tra&ted in a gi-en time is :no1n as refrigeration effe&t.

11. EFFECTS OF UNDER COOLING It in&reases t*e refrigeration effe&t t*erefore t*e CO# in&reases. T*e mass flo1 rate of t*e refrigeration is less t*an t*at for t*e sim$le saturated &,&le. T*e redu&ed mass flo1 rate redu&es t*e $iston dis$la&ement $er minute. #o1er $er tones of refrigeration losses due to redu&tion in mass flo1 rate. T*e in&reased effi&ien&, ma, /e offering some e>tent /, t*e rise in t*e &ondenser $ressure. 8or: in$ut almost remains same. T*e *eat reBe&tion &a$a&it, of t*e &ondenser in&reases.

12. EFFECTS OF SUPER HEATING Su$$er *eating in&reases t*e net refrigeration effe&t= /ut su$er *eating re"uires more 1or: in$ut t*erefore su$er *eating redu&es t*e CO#. No moisture &ontents in t*e refrigerant t*erefore no &orrosion in t*e ma&*ines $art. 13. PROPERTIES OF IDEAL REFRIGERANT It s*ould *a-e lo1 /oiling $oint and lo1 freeAing $oint. It must *a-e lo1 s$e&ifi& *eat and *ig* latent *eat. It s*ould *a-e *ig* t*ermal &ondu&ti-it, to redu&e t*e *eat transfer in e-a$orator and &ondenser. It s*ould *a-e lo1 s$e&ifi& -olume to redu&e t*e siAe of t*e &om$ressor. It s*ould /e non4flamma/le= non4e>$ensi-e= non4to>i& and non4&orrosi-e. It s*ould *a-e *ig* &riti&al $ressure and tem$erature to a-oid large $o1er re"uirements. It s*ould gi-e *ig* CO# to redu&e t*e running &ost of t*e s,stem. It must /e &*ea$ and must /e readil, a-aila/le 14. RSHF


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Department of MECH

Room sensi/le *eat fa&tor is defined as t*e ratio of room sensi/le *eat load to t*e room total *eat load. 15. RELATIVE HUMIDIT# It is defined as t*e ratio of $artial $ressure of 1ater -a$our '$1( in a mi>ture to t*e saturation $ressure '$s( of $ure 1ater at t*e same tem$erature of mi>ture. 16. SPECIFIC HUMIDIT# It is defined as t*e ratio of t*e mass of 1ater -a$our 'ms( in a gi-en -olume to t*e mass of dr, air in a gi-en -olume 'ma(. 17. DEGREE OF SATURATION It is t*e ratio of t*e a&tual s$e&ifi& *umidit, and t*e saturated s$e&ifi& *umidit, at t*e same tem$erature of t*e mi>ture. 18. DE$ POINT TEMPERATURE T*e tem$erature at 1*i&* t*e -a$our starts &ondensing is &alled de1 $oint tem$erature. It is also e"ual to t*e saturation tem$erature at t*e $artial $ressure of 1ater -a$our in t*e mi>ture. T*e de1 $oint tem$erature is an indi&ation of s$e&ifi& *umidit,. 1!. SENSIBLE HEAT AND LATENT HEAT Sensi/le *eat is t*e *eat t*at &*anges t*e tem$erature of t*e su/stan&e 1*en added to it or 1*en a/stra&ted from it. Latent *eat is t*e *eat t*at does not affe&t t*e tem$erature /ut &*ange of state o&&urred /, adding t*e *eat or /, a/stra&ting t*e *eat. 2". PS#CHOMETRIC PROCESSES 1. Sensi/le *eating and sensi/le &ooling= . Cooling and de*umidifi&ation= !. Heating and *umidifi&ation= %. Mi>ing of air streams= 5. C*emi&al de*umidifi&ation= .. Adia/ati& e-a$orati-e &ooling. 21. ADIABATIC MI%ING T*e $ro&ess of mi>ing t1o or more stream of air 1it*out an, *eat transfer to t*e surrounding is :no1n as adia/ati& mi>ing. It is *a$$ened in air &onditioning s,stem. 22. DR# BULB TEMPERATURE &DBT'


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Department of MECH

T*e tem$erature re&orded /, t*e t*ermometer 1it* a dr, /ul/. T*e dr, /ul/ t*ermometer &annot affe&ted /, t*e moisture $resent in t*e air. It is t*e measure of sensi/le *eat of t*e air. 23. $ET BULB TEMPERATURE &$BT' It is t*e tem$erature re&orded /, a t*ermometer 1*ose /ul/ is &o-ered 1it* &otton 1i&: '1et( saturated 1it* 1ater. T*e 1et /ul/ tem$erature ma, /e t*e measure of ent*al$, of air. 8+T is t*e lo1est tem$erature re&orded /, moistened /ul/. 24. DE$ POINT DEPRESSION It is t*e differen&e /et1een dr, /ul/ tem$erature and de1 $oint tem$erature of air -a$our mi>ture.


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Department of MECH


5.1 F()*+,-).+/0 o 1- 123-1+.2o) T*e first me&*ani&al refrigerators for t*e $rodu&tion of i&e a$$eared around t*e ,ear 12.7. In 1227 t*e first ammonia &om$ressors and insulated &old stores 1ere $ut into use in t*e 6SA. Ele&tri&it, /egan to $la, a $art at t*e /eginning of t*is &entur, and me&*ani&al refrigeration $lants /e&ame &ommon in some fieldsF e.g. /re1eries= slaug*ter4*ouses= fis*er,= i&e $rodu&tion= for e>am$le. After t*e Se&ond 8orld 8ar t*e de-elo$ment of small *ermeti& refrigeration &om$ressors e-ol-ed and refrigerators and freeAers /egan to ta:e t*eir $la&e in t*e *ome. Toda,= t*ese a$$lian&es are regarded as normal *ouse*old ne&essities. Refrigeration is t*e $ro&ess of remo-ing *eat from an area or a su/stan&e and is usuall, done /, an artifi&ial means of lo1ering t*e tem$erature= su&* as t*e use of i&e or me&*ani&al refrigeration. Me&*ani&al Refrigeration is defined as a me&*ani&al s,stem or a$$aratus so designed and &onstru&ted t*at= t*roug* its fun&tion= *eat is transferred from one su/stan&e to anot*er. Sin&e refrigeration deals entirel, 1it* t*e remo-al or transfer of *eat= some :no1ledge of t*e nature and effe&ts of *eat is ne&essar, for a &lear understanding of t*e su/Be&t. 5.2 Co,,o) R- 123-1+).0 Toda,= t*ere are t*ree s$e&ifi& t,$es of refrigerants used in refrigeration and air4&onditioning s,stemsF 1. C*lorofluoro&ar/ons or CFCs= su&* as R411= R41 = and R411% . H,dro &*lorofluoro&ar/ons or HCFCs= su&* as R4 or R41 ! !. H,dro fluoro&ar/ons or HFCs= su&* as R41!%a. All t*ese refrigerants are G*alogenated=G 1*i&* means t*e, &ontain &*lorine= fluorine= /romine= astatine= or iodine.


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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

Refrigerants= su&* as 9i&*lorodifluoromet*ane 'R41 (= Mono &*loro difluoromet*ane 'R4

and Refrigerant 57 'R457 (= are &alled $rimar, refrigerants /e&ause ea&* one &*anges its state u$on t*e a$$li&ation or a/sor$tion of *eat= and= in t*is a&t of &*ange= a/sor/s and e>tra&ts *eat from t*e area or su/stan&e. T*e $rimar, refrigerant is so termed /e&ause it a&ts dire&tl, u$on t*e area or su/stan&e= alt*oug* it ma, /e en&losed 1it*in a s,stem. For a $rimar, refrigerant to &ool= it must /e $la&ed in a &losed s,stem in 1*i&* it &an /e &ontrolled /, t*e $ressure im$osed u$on it. T*e refrigerant &an t*en a/sor/ at t*e tem$erature ranges desired. If a $rimar, refrigerant 1ere used 1it*out /eing &ontrolled= it 1ould a/sor/ *eat from most $eris*a/les and freeAe t*em solid. Se&ondar, Refrigerants are su/stan&es= su&* as air= 1ater= or /rine. T*oug* *ot refrigerants in t*emsel-es= t*e, *a-e /een &ooled /, t*e $rimar, refrigeration s,stem@ t*e, $ass o-er and around t*e areas and su/stan&es to /e &ooled@ and t*e, are returned 1it* t*eir *eat load to t*e $rimar, refrigeration s,stem. Se&ondar, refrigerants $a, off 1*ere t*e &ooling effe&t must /e mo-ed o-er a long distan&e and gastig*t lines &ost too mu&*. Refrigerants are &lassified into grou$s. T*e National Refrigeration Safet, Code &atalogs all refrigerants into t*ree grou$sF

Crou$ I H safest of t*e refrigerants= su&* as R41 = R4 = and R457 Crou$ II H to>i& and some1*at flamma/le= su&* as R4%7 'Met*,l &*loride( and R40.% 'Sulfur dio>ide( Crou$ III H flamma/le refrigerants= su&* as R4107 'Et*ane( and R4 37 '#ro$ane(.

R41 9i&*lorodifluoromet*ane 'CC1 F ( 9i&*lorodifluoromet*ane= &ommonl, referred to as R4 1 = is &olorless and odorless in &on&entrations of less t*an 7 $er&ent /, -olume in air. In *ig*er &on&entrations= its odor resem/les t*at of &ar/on tetra&*loride. It is nonto>i&= non&orrosi-e= nonflamma/le= and *as a /oiling $oint of 4 1.0<F '4 3<C( at atmos$*eri& $ressure. 5.3 R-4(21-* P1o5-1.2-0 o I*-+/ R- 123-1+). 1( T*e refrigerant s*ould *a-e lo1 /oiling $oint and lo1 freeAing $oint.
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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

( It must *a-e lo1 s$e&ifi& *eat and *ig* latent *eat. +e&ause *ig* s$e&ifi& *eat de&reases t*e refrigerating effe&t $er :g of refrigerant and *ig* latent *eat at lo1 tem$erature in&reases t*e refrigerating effe&t $er :g of refrigerant. !( T*e $ressures re"uired to /e maintained in t*e e-a$orator and &ondenser s*ould /e lo1 enoug* to redu&e t*e material &ost and must /e $ositi-e to a-oid lea:age of air into t*e s,stem. %( It must *a-e *ig* &riti&al $ressure and tem$erature to a-oid large $o1er re"uirements. 5( It s*ould *a-e lo1 s$e&ifi& -olume to redu&e t*e siAe of t*e &om$ressor. .( It must *a-e *ig* t*ermal &ondu&ti-it, to redu&e t*e area of *eat transfer in e-a$orator and &ondenser. 0( It s*ould /e non4flamma/le= non4e>$losi-e= non4to>i& and non4&orrosi-e. 2( It s*ould not *a-e an, /ad effe&ts on t*e stored material or food= 1*en an, lea: de-elo$s in t*e s,stem. 3( It must *a-e *ig* mis&i/ilit, 1it* lu/ri&ating oil and it s*ould not *a-e rea&ting $ro$erl, 1it* lu/ri&ating oil in t*e tem$erature range of t*e s,stem. 17( It s*ould gi-e *ig* CO# in t*e 1or:ing tem$erature range. T*is is ne&essar, to redu&e t*e running &ost of t*e s,stem. 5.4Co- 262-). o P-1 o1,+)6- &COP' T*e $erforman&e of refrigerators and *eat $um$s is e>$ressed in terms of &oeffi&ient of $erforman&e 'CO#(= defined as

5.5 V+5o(1 Co,51-002o) R- 123-1+.2o) Heat flo1s naturall, from a *ot to a &older /od,. In refrigeration s,stem t*e o$$osite must o&&ur i.e. *eat flo1s from a &old to a *otter /od,. T*is is a&*ie-ed /, using a su/stan&e &alled a refrigerant= 1*i&* a/sor/s *eat and *en&e /oils or e-a$orates at a lo1 $ressure to form a gas. T*is gas is t*en &om$ressed to a *ig*er $ressure= su&* t*at it transfers t*e *eat it *as gained
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Department of MECH

to am/ient air or 1ater and turns /a&: '&ondenses( into a li"uid. In t*is 1a, *eat is a/sor/ed= or remo-ed= from a lo1 tem$erature sour&e and transferred to a *ig*er tem$erature sour&e.

T*e refrigeration &,&le &an /e /ro:en do1n into t*e follo1ing stages 1 7 2 Lo1 $ressure li"uid refrigerant in t*e e-a$orator a/sor/s *eat from its surroundings= usuall, air= 1ater or some ot*er $ro&ess li"uid. 9uring t*is $ro&ess it &*anges its state from a li"uid to a gas= and at t*e e-a$orator e>it is slig*tl, su$er*eated. 2 7 3 T*e su$er*eated -a$our enters t*e &om$ressor 1*ere its $ressure is raised. T*ere 1ill also /e a /ig in&rease in tem$erature= /e&ause a $ro$ortion of t*e energ, in$ut into t*e &om$ression $ro&ess is transferred to t*e refrigerant. 3 7 4 T*e *ig* $ressure su$er*eated gas $asses from t*e &om$ressor into t*e &ondenser. T*e initial $art of t*e &ooling $ro&ess '! 4 !a( desu$er*eats t*e gas /efore it is t*en turned /a&: into li"uid '!a 4 !/(. T*e &ooling for t*is $ro&ess is usuall, a&*ie-ed /, using air or 1ater. A furt*er redu&tion in tem$erature *a$$ens in t*e $i$e 1or: and li"uid re&ei-er '!/ 4 %(= so t*at t*e refrigerant li"uid is su/4&ooled as it enters t*e e>$ansion de-i&e.
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Department of MECH

4 7 1 T*e *ig*4$ressure su/4&ooled li"uid $asses t*roug* t*e e>$ansion de-i&e= 1*i&* /ot* redu&es its $ressure and &ontrols t*e flo1 into t*e e-a$orator.


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Department of MECH

It &an /e seen t*at t*e &ondenser *as to /e &a$a/le of reBe&ting t*e &om/ined *eat in$uts of t*e e-a$orator and t*e &om$ressor@ i.e. '1 4 ( I ' 4 !( *as to /e t*e same as '! 4 %(. T*ere is no *eat loss or gain t*roug* t*e e>$ansion de-i&e.


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Department of MECH

5.5.1 S68-,+.26 o + B+026 V+5o1 Co,51-002o) R- 123-1+.2o) S90.-, Ad-antages of )a$our &om$ression refrigeration s,stem o-er air refrigeration s,stemF


Sin&e t*e 1or:ing &,&le a$$roa&*es &loser to &arnot &,&le= t*e C.O.# is "uite *ig*. O$erational &ost of -a$our &om$ression s,stem is Bust a/o-e 1?%t* of air refrigeration
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s,stem. J

Department of MECH

Sin&e t*e *eat remo-ed &onsists of t*e latent *eat of -a$our= t*e amount of li"uid &ir&ulated is less and as a result t*e siAe of t*e e-a$orator is smaller.

An, desired tem$erature of t*e e-a$orator &an /e a&*ie-ed Bust /, adBusting t*e t*rottle -al-e.

9isad-antages of )a$our &om$ression refrigeration s,stem o-er s,stem J J Initial in-estment is *ig* #re-ention of lea:age of refrigerant is a maBor $ro/lem

air refrigeration

5.5.2 A/.-1)+.2:- R- 123-1+).0 o1 V+5o(1 Co,51-002o) S90.-,0 T*e use of CFCs is no1 /eginning to /e $*ased out due to t*eir damaging im$a&t on t*e $rote&ti-e tro$os$*eri& oAone la,er around t*e eart*. T*e Montreal #roto&ol of 1320 and t*e su/se"uent Co$en*agen agreement of 133 mandate a redu&tion in t*e $rodu&tion of oAone de$leting C*lorinated Fluoro&ar/on 'CFC( refrigerants in a $*ased manner= 1it* an e-entual sto$ to all $rodu&tion /, t*e ,ear 133.. In res$onse= t*e refrigeration industr, *as de-elo$ed t1o alternati-e refrigerants@ one /ased on H,dro&*loro Fluoro&ar/on 'HCFC(= and anot*er /ased on H,dro Fluoro&ar/on 'HFC(. T*e HCFCs *a-e a to 17K oAone de$leting $otential as &om$ared to 5 ,ears as &om$ared to 177 to CFCs and also= t*e, *a-e an atmos$*eri& lifetime /et1een

or more ,ears for CFCs '+randt= 133 (. Ho1e-er= e-en HCFCs are mandated to /e $*ased out /, 775= and onl, t*e &*lorine free 'Aero oAone de$letion( HFCs 1ould /e a&&e$ta/le. 6ntil no1= onl, one HFC /ased refrigerant= HFC 1!%a= *as /een de-elo$ed. &om$arati-el, sim$ler to $rodu&e and t*e t*ree refrigerants HCFCs are

= 1 != and 1 % *a-e /een

de-elo$ed. T*e use of HFCs and HCFCs results in slig*tl, lo1er effi&ien&ies as &om$ared to CFCs= /ut t*is ma, &*ange 1it* in&reasing efforts /eing made to re$la&e CFCs.

5.6 V+5o(1 A;0o15.2o) R- 123-1+.2o)


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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

In t*e a/sor$tion refrigeration s,stem= refrigeration effe&t is $rodu&ed mainl, /, t*e use of energ, as *eat. In su&* a s,stem= t*e refrigerant is usuall, dissol-ed in a li"uid. A &on&entrated solution of ammonia is /oiled in a -a$our generator $rodu&ing ammonia -a$our at *ig* $ressure. T*e *ig* $ressure ammonia -a$our is fed to a &ondenser 1*ere it is &ondensed to li"uid ammonia /, reBe&ting energ, as *eat to t*e surroundings. T*en= t*e li"uid ammonia is t*rottled t*roug* a -al-e to a lo1 $ressure. 9uring t*rottling= ammonia is $artiall, -a$ouriAed and its tem$erature de&reases. T*is lo1 tem$erature ammonia is fed to an e-a$orator 1*ere it is -a$ouriAed remo-ing energ, from t*e e-a$orator. T*en t*is lo14$ressure ammonia -a$our is a/sor/ed in t*e 1ea: solution of ammonia. T*e resulting strong ammonia solution is $um$ed /a&: to t*e -a$our generator and t*e &,&le is &om$leted. T*e CO# of t*e a/sor$tion s,stem &an /e e-aluated /, &onsidering it as a &om/ination of a *eat $um$ and a *eat engine

5.7 Co,5+120o) ;-.<--) V+5o1 Co,51-002o) +)* A;0o15.2o) S90.-, T+;/- 1 V+5o1 Co,51-002o) +)* A;0o15.2o) S90.-,


5. 1!

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

5.8 To) o 1- 123-1+.2o)= Amount of *eat re"uired to melt a Ton of I&e in a %?* #eriod One ton of refrigeration is t*e *eat re"uired to melt 1 ton of i&e in % *rs. T*at is= a refrigeration ma&*ine rated at 1 ton &ools as mu&* in % *rs. as 1 ton of i&e 1ould /, melting in t*e same $eriod. T*e *eat re"uired is t*e $rodu&t of t*e latent *eat of fusion and t*e mass in :g. ; D mH= 1 ton D 370 :g Latent *eat of fusionF H D !%7 :E?:g ; D 370L!%7 D !72!27 :E T*e $o1er re"uired is t*enF
UNITV 5. 1"

Paavai Institutions
# D E?t D ;?t D !72!27 :E? % *r D !72!27?' %L!.77( D !.50 :1 NoteF 1 1att D 1 E?s So t*at 1 :1 D 1 :E?s 5.! A217 Co)*2.2o)2)3 S90.-,0=

Department of MECH

T*e &entral air &onditioning s,stem is used for &ooling /ig /uildings= *ouses= offi&es= entire *otels= g,ms= mo-ie t*eaters= fa&tories et&. If t*e 1*ole /uilding is to /e air &onditioned= H)AC engineers find t*at $utting indi-idual units in ea&* of t*e rooms is -er, e>$ensi-e initiall, as 1ell in t*e long run. T*e &entral air &onditioning s,stem is &om$rised of a *uge &om$ressor t*at *as t*e &a$a&it, to $rodu&e *undreds of tons of air &onditioning. Cooling /ig *alls= malls= *uge s$a&es= galleries et& is usuall, onl, feasi/le 1it* &entral &onditioning units.

5.!.1 Zo)-* S90.-,0


5. 1#

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

A Aoned air &onditioning s,stem using a room air terminal 1*i&* *as t*e same *oriAontal dimensions as a floor tile of a raised tile floor su&* t*at t*e terminal ma, re$la&e one tile in su&* a floor. T*e terminal in&ludes a &ool air inlet /elo1 t*e floor for dra1ing in &ooling air &ir&ulated in t*e under floor s$a&e and a return air inlet in t*e to$ surfa&e of t*e terminal. T*e &ool air and return air is mi>ed in a mi>ing &*am/er and dra1n from t*e mi>ing &*am/er /, a fan and returned to t*e room t*roug* an outlet -ent. T*e ratio of &ool air to return air mi>ed in t*e mi>ing &*am/er is &ontrolled /, a modulating dam$er 1*i&* is &ontrolled in res$onse to t*e tem$erature of t*e return air in order to &ontrol t*e room tem$erature in t*e region of t*e terminal in a&&ordan&e 1it* an adBusta/le set $oint. A *eater is also $ro-ided in t*e terminal for t*ose o&&asions 1*ere t*e return air is &ooler t*an t*e set $oint. 5.!.2 U)2.+19 S90.-,0= A unitar, air &onditioning s,stem &om$rises an outdoor unit in&luding a &om$ressor for &om$ressing a refrigerant= an outdoor *eat e>&*anger for *eat e>&*ange of t*e refrigerant and an e>$ander &onne&ted to t*e outdoor *eat e>&*anger= for e>$anding t*e refrigerant@ a du&t installed inside a Aone of a /uilding@ a &entral /lo1er unit *a-ing a *eat e>&*anger &onne&ted to t*e
UNITV 5. 1$

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

outdoor unit t*roug* a first refrigerant $i$e and a /lo1er for su$$l,ing t*e air *eat4e>&*anged /, t*e *eat e>&*anger to t*e du&t@ and an indi-idual /lo1er unit in&luding a *eat e>&*anger &onne&ted to t*e outdoor unit t*roug* a se&ond refrigerant $i$e and a fan for sending t*e air *eat e>&*anged /, t*e *eat e>&*anger and dis$osed in a Aone in t*e /uilding= for indi-iduall, &ooling or *eating t*e Aone. A&&ordingl,= &ooling or *eating o$eration is $erformed on ea&* Aone of t*e /uilding= and simultaneousl,= additional indi-idual *eating or &ooling o$eration &an /e $erformed on a s$e&ifi& s$a&e= so t*at a &ost &an /e redu&ed and &ooling or *eating in t*e /uilding &an /e effi&ientl, $erformed.

5.1" $2)*o< A2176o)*2.2o)2)3 S90.-,= It is t*e most &ommonl, used air &onditioner for single rooms. In t*is air &onditioner all t*e &om$onents= namel, t*e &om$ressor= &ondenser= e>$ansion -al-e or &oil= e-a$orator and &ooling &oil are en&losed in a single /o>. T*is unit is fitted in a slot made in t*e 1all of t*e room=
UNITV 5. 2%

Paavai Institutions
or often a 1indo1 sill.

Department of MECH

8indo1s air &onditioners are one of t*e most 1idel, used t,$es of air &onditioners /e&ause t*e, are t*e sim$lest form of t*e air &onditioning s,stems. 8indo1 air &onditioner &om$rises of t*e rigid /ase on 1*i&* all t*e $arts of t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner are assem/led. T*e /ase is assem/led inside t*e &asing 1*i&* is fitted into t*e 1all or t*e 1indo1 of t*e room in 1*i&* t*e air &onditioner is fitted. T*e 1*ole assem/l, of t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner &an /e di-ided into t1o &om$artmentsF t*e room side= 1*i&* is also t*e &ooling side and t*e outdoor side from 1*ere t*e *eat a/sor/ed /, t*e room air is li/erated to t*e atmos$*ere. T*e room side and outdoor side are se$arated from ea&* ot*er /, an insulated $artition en&losed inside t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner assem/l,. In t*e front of t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner on t*e room side t*ere is /eautifull, de&orated front $anel on 1*i&* t*e su$$l, and return air grills are fitted 't*e 1*ole front $anel itself is &ommonl, &alled as front grill(. T*e lou-ers fitted in t*e su$$l, air grills are adBusta/le so as to su$$l, t*e air in desired dire&tion. T*ere is also one o$ening in t*e grill t*at allo1s a&&ess to t*e Control $anel or o$erating $anel in front of t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner.

Fig.5.17 8indo1 air &onditioning s,stem 5.1".1 B/o<-1=

UNITV 5. 21

T*is is t*e small /lo1er t*at is fitted /e*ind t*e e-a$orator or &ooling &oil inside t*e assem/l, of t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner s,stem. T*e /lo1er su&:s t*e air from t*e room 1*i&* first $asses o-er t*e air filter and gets filtered. T*e air t*en $asses o-er t*e &ooling &oil and gets &*illed. T*e /lo1er t*en /lo1s t*is filtered and &*illed air= 1*i&* $asses t*roug* t*e su$$l, air &om$artment inside t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner assem/l,. T*is air is t*en deli-ered into t*e room from t*e su$$l, air grill of t*e front $anel. 5.1".2 P1o5-//-1 +) o1 .8- 6o)*-)0-1 +)= T*e &ondenser fan is t*e for&ed draft t,$e of $ro$eller fan t*at su&:s t*e atmos$*eri& air and /lo1s it o-er t*e &ondenser. T*e *ot refrigerant inside t*e &ondenser gi-es u$ t*e *eat to t*e atmos$*eri& air and its tem$erature redu&es.

5.1".3 F+) ,o.o1= T*e motor inside t*e 1indo1 air &onditioner assem/l, is lo&ated /et1een t*e &ondenser and t*e e-a$orator &oil. It *as dou/le s*aft on one side of 1*i&* t*e /lo1er is fitted and on t*e ot*er side t*e &ondenser fan is fitted. T*is ma:es t*e 1*ole assem/l, of t*e /lo1er= t*e &ondenser fan and t*e motor *ig*l, &om$a&t.

5.11 S5/2. A2176o)*2.2o)2)3 S90.-,= T*e s$lit air &onditioner &om$rises of t1o $artsF t*e outdoor unit and t*e indoor unit. T*e outdoor unit= fitted outside t*e room= *ouses &om$onents li:e t*e &om$ressor= &ondenser and e>$ansion -al-e. T*e indoor unit &om$rises t*e e-a$orator or &ooling &oil and t*e &ooling fan. For t*is unit ,ou donMt *a-e to ma:e an, slot in t*e 1all of t*e room. Furt*er= t*e $resent da, s$lit units *a-e aest*eti& loo:s and add to t*e /eaut, of t*e room. T*e s$lit air &onditioner &an /e used to &ool one or t1o rooms.

5.11.1 E:+5o1+.o1 Co2/ o1 .8- Coo/2)3 Co2/= T*e &ooling &oil is a &o$$er &oil made of num/er turns of t*e &o$$er tu/ing 1it* one or more ro1s de$ending on t*e &a$a&it, of t*e air &onditioning s,stem. T*e &ooling &oil is &o-ered 1it* t*e aluminum fins so t*at t*e ma>imum amount of *eat &an /e transferred from t*e &oil to t*e air inside t*e room. 5.11.2 A21 F2/.-1= T*e air filter is -er, im$ortant $art of t*e indoor unit. It remo-es all t*e dirt $arti&les from t*e room air and *el$s su$$l,ing &lean air to t*e room. T*e air filter in t*e 1all mounted t,$e of t*e indoor unit is $la&ed Bust /efore t*e &ooling &oil. 8*en t*e /lo1er su&:s t*e *ot room air= it is first $assed t*roug* t*e air filter and t*en t*oug* t*e &ooling &oil.

5.11.3 Coo/2)3 F+) o1 B/o<-1= Inside t*e indoor unit t*ere is also a long /lo1er t*at su&:s t*e room air or t*e atmos$*eri& air. It is an indu&ed t,$e of /lo1er and 1*ile is su&:s t*e room air it is $assed o-er t*e &ooling &oil and t*e filter due to 1*i&* t*e tem$erature of t*e air redu&es and all t*e dirt from it is remo-ed. T*e /lo1er su&:s t*e *ot and un&lean air from t*e room and su$$lies &ool and &lean air /a&:. T*e s*aft of t*e /lo1er rotates inside t*e /us*es and it is &onne&ted to a small multi$le s$eed motor= t*us t*e s$eed of t*e /lo1er &an /e &*anged. 8*en t*e fan s$eed is &*anged 1it* t*e remote it is t*e s$eed of t*e /lo1er t*at &*anges. 5.11.4 D1+2) P25-= 9ue to t*e lo1 tem$erature refrigerant inside t*e &ooling &oil= its tem$erature is -er, lo1= usuall, mu&* /elo1 t*e de1 $oint tem$erature of t*e room air. 8*en t*e room air is $assed o-er t*e &ooling due t*e su&tion for&e of t*e /lo1er= t*e tem$erature of t*e air /e&omes -er, lo1 and rea&*es le-els /elo1 its de1 $oint tem$erature. 9ue to t*is t*e 1ater -a$or $resent in t*e air gets &ondensed and de1 or 1ater dro$s are formed on t*e surfa&e of t*e &ooling &oil. T*ese 1ater dro$s fall off t*e &ooling &oil and are &olle&ted in a small s$a&e inside t*e indoor unit. To remo-e t*e 1ater from t*is s$a&e t*e drain $i$e is &onne&ted from t*is s$a&e e>tending to t*e some e>ternal $la&e outside t*e room 1*ere 1ater &an /e dis$osed off. T*us t*e drain $i$e *el$s remo-ing de1 1ater &olle&ted inside t*e indoor unit.

5.11.5 Lo(:-10 o1 F2)0= T*e &ool air su$$lied /, t*e /lo1er is $assed into t*e room t*roug* lou-ers. T*e lou-ers *el$ &*anging t*e angle or dire&tion in 1*i&* t*e air needs to /e su$$lied into t*e room as $er t*e re"uirements. 8it* lou-ers one easil, C*ange t*e dire&tion in 1*i&* t*e ma>imum amount of t*e &ooled air *as to /e $assed. T*ere are t1o t,$es of lou-ersF *oriAontal and -erti&al. T*e *oriAontal lou-ers are &onne&ted to a small motor and t*ere $osition &an set /, t*e remote &ontrol. On&e &an set a fi>ed $osition for t*e *oriAontal lou-ers so t*at &*illed air is $assed in a

$arti&ular dire&tion onl, or one &an :ee$ it in rotation mode so t*at t*e fres* air is su$$lied t*roug*out t*e room. T*e -erti&al lou-ers are o$erated manuall, and one &an easil, &*ange t*eir $osition as $er t*e re"uirements. T*e *oriAontal lou-ers &ontrol flo1 of air in u$$er and do1n1ard dire&tions of t*e room= 1*ile -erti&al lou-ers &ontrol mo-ement of air in left and rig*t dire&tions.


1. A sling $s,&*rometer gi-es reading of 5 & dr, /ul/ tem$erature 15 & 1et /ul/ tem$erature. T*e /arometer indi&ates 0.7 mm of *g assuming $artial $ressure of t*e -a$our as 17 mm of Hg. 9etermine 1. S$e&ifi& *umidit, . Saturation ratio. G2:-) D+.+= 9r, /ul/ tem$erature td D 5 & 8et /ul/ tem$erature t1D15 & +arometer $ressure $/D0.7mm of Hg #artial $ressure $-D 17mm of Hg To F2)*= S$e&ifi& *umidit, Saturation ratio. So/(.2o)= S5-62 26 8(,2*2.9= 8e :no1 t*at S$e&ifi& *umidit, 8 D
7 7

7.772! :g?:g of dr, air

S+.(1+.2o) 1+.2o= From steam ta/le &orres$onding to dr, /ul/ tem$erature td D 5 & 8e find t*e $artial $ressure $sD7.7!1.. /ar D D !.2 mm of Hg 8e :no1 t*at Saturation ratio.


> RESULT= 1. S$e&ifi& *umidit,

> ".41

7.772! :g?:g of dr, air

. Saturation ratio. >".41

. A t1o stages= single a&ting air &om$ressor &om$resses air to 7/ar. T*e air enters t*e L.# &,linder at 1/ar and 0 & and lea-es it at %.0/ar. t*e air enters t*e H.#. &,linder at %.5/ar and 0 &. t*e siAe of t*e L.# &,linder is %77mm diameter and 577mm stro:e. T*e &learan&e -olume In /ot* &,linder is %K of t*e res$e&ti-e stro:e -olume. T*e &om$ressor runs at 77r$m= ta:ing inde> of &om$ression and e>$ansion in t*e t1o &,linders as 1.!= estimate 1. T*e indi&ated $o1er re"uired to run t*e &om$ressor@ and . T*e *eat reBe&ted in t*e inter&ooler $er minute. GIVEN DATA= #ressure '#%(D 7/ar #ressure '#1( D 1/ar D 1O17 N?m Tem$erature 'T1( D 0 C D 0I 0! D !77P #ressure '# ( D %.0/ar #ressure '#!( D %.5/ar Tem$erature 'T!( D 0 C D 0I 0! D !77P 9iameter '91( D %77mm 7.%m
o o 5 o o

Stro:e 'L1( D 577mm D 7.5m

N D 77r$m @ n D 1.!

To F2)*= Indi&ated $o1er re"uired to run t*e &om$ressor So/(.2o) = 8e :no1 t*e s1e$t -olume of t*e L.# &,linder

D 7.7. 2% m And -olumetri& effi&ien&,= Q-

D 7.3725 or 37.25K )olume of air su&:ed /, air $ressure &om$ressor=

1.% m ?min And -olume of air su&:ed /, H.# &om$ressor=

8e :no1 t*at indi&ated 1or: done /, L.# &om$ressor=

D 1 !.!O17 E?min D 1 !.! PE?min And indi&ated 1or:done /, H.# &om$ressor=

D 7%!.5O17 E?min D 7!%.5 PE?min Total indi&ated 1or: done /, t*e &om$ressor= 8 D 8L I 8H D 1 !.! I 7!%.5 D %150.2 PE?min Indi&ated $o1er re"uired to run t*e &om$ressor

D %150.2 ? .7 D .3.!P8 !. In an oil gas tur/ine installation = air is ta:en as 1 /ar and !7 C . T*e air is &om$ressed to %/ar and t*en *eated /, /urning t*e oil to a tem$erature of 577 C . If t*e air flo1s at t*e rate of 37Pg?min . Find t*e $o1er de-elo$ed /, t*e $lant ta:e R for air as 1.% C$ as 1PE?PgP . If .%Pg of oil *a-ing &alorifi& -alue of %7=777 PE?Pg if /urned in t*e &om/ustion &*am/er $er minute. Find t*e o-erall effi&ien&, of t*e $lant. G2:-) D+.+= #ressure '#% D #!( D 1/ar #ressure '#1 D # ( D %/ar Tem$erature 'T ( D 577 C D 577I 0! D 00!P Mass flo1 rate of air'ma( D 37Pg?min D 1.5Pg?se& Mass flo1 rate of fuel 'mf( D .%Pg?min D 7.7%Pg?se& Tem$erature 'T%( D !7 C D !7I 0! D !7!P R D 1.% @ C$ D 1PE?PgP @ C-D %7=777 PE?Pg To F2)*= #o1er de-elo$ed /, t*e $lant #erforman&e of t*e gas tur/ine O-erall effi&ien&, of t*e $lant So/(.2o)= Po<-1 *-:-/o5-* ;9 .8- 5/+).= Let T1=T! D tem$erature of air at $oints 1 and! 8e:no1 t*at isentro$i& e>$ansion 4!=
o o o o

T! D T O 7..0! D 00!O7..0! D 5 7P Similarl, for isentro$i& &om$ression %41F

T1 D T%? 7..0! D !7!?7..0! D %57P P-1 o1,+)6- o .8- 3+0 .(1;2)-= 8e :no1 t*at 1or: de-elo$ed /, t*e tur/ine= D !03.5PE?s

And 1or: de-elo$ed /, t*e &om$ressor= D 7.5?s

Net 1or: or $o1er of t*e tur/ine= # D 8T 4 8& D !03.5 H O:-1+// - 262-)69 o .8- 5/+).= 8e :no1 t*at t*e *eat su$$lied $er se&ond 7.5 D 153PE?s D 153P8

D mf O C D 7.7%O %7=777 D 1.77 PE?s T*erefore= o-erall effi&ien&, of t*e $lant= Qo D 153?1.77 D 7.733 or 3.33K


P+1.7A &2 M+1A0' 1. Name four im$ortant $ro$erties of a good refrigerant . 8*at is t*e differen&e /et1een air &onditioning and refrigerationS !. 8*at is t*e fun&tion of t*e t*rottling -al-e in -a$our &om$ression refrigeration s,stemS %. In a -a$our &om$ression refrigeration s,stem= 1*ere t*e *ig*est tem$erature 1ill o&&urS 5. T*e -a$our a/sor$tion s,stem &an use lo14grade *eat energ, in t*e generator. Is true of falseS .. Name an, four &ommonl, used refrigerants. 0. E>$lain unit of Refrigeration. 2. 8*, t*rottle -al-e is used in $la&e of e>$ansion &,linder for -a$our &om$ression refrigerant ma&*ine. 3. 8*at are t*e effe&t $f su$er *eat and su*&ooling on .t*e -a$our &om$ression &,&leS 17. 8*at are t*e $ro$erties of good refrigerantS 11. Ho1 are air4&onditioning s,stems &lassifiedS 1 . Ho1 does *umidit, affe&t *uman &omfortS 1!. 8*at are t*e -arious sour&es of *eat gain of an air4&onditioned s$a&eS 1%. 8*at do ,ou mean /, t*e term infiltration in *eat load &al&ulationsS

5.14 UNIVERSIT# ESSA# @UESTIONS= P+1.7B &16 M+1A0' 1. 9ra1 neat s:et&* of sim$le -a$or &om$ression refrigeration s,stem and e>$lain. '1.( . E>$lain 1it* s:et&* t*e 1or:ing $rin&i$le of a"ua Ammonia refrigeration s,stem. '1.( !. E>$lain 1it* s:et&* t*e 1or:ing $rin&i$le of 1ater4Lit*ium /romide refrigeration s,stem. '1.( %. +riefl, e>$lain t*e &ooling load &al&ulation in air &onditioning s,stem. '1.( 5. E>$lain 1inter= summer= and ,ear round Al& s,stem. '1.( .. E>$lain unitar, Al& and &entral Al& s,stem. '1.( 0. E>$lain an, four $s,&*ometri& $ro&esses 1it* s:et&*. '1.( 2. A refrigeration s,stem of 17.5 tonnes &a$a&it, at an e-a$orator tem$erature of 41 <C and a &ondenser tem$erature of 0<C is needed in a food storage lo&:er. T*e refrigerant Ammonia is su/ &ooled /, .<C /efore entering t*e e>$ansion -al-e. T*e &om$ression in t*e &om$ressor is of adia/ati& t,$e. Find 1. Condition of -a$or at outlet of t*e &om$ressor. . Condition of -a$or at t*e entran&e of t*e E-a$orator !.CO# T$o1er re"uired. '1.( 3. A sling $s,&*rometer in a la/ test re&orded t*e follo1ing readings 9+TD!5<C= 8+TD 5<CCal&ulate t*e follo1ing 1. S$e&ifi& *umidit, . Relati-e *umidit, !. )a$or densit, in air %. 9e1 $oint tem$erature 5. Ent*al$, of mi>ing $er :g of air .ta:e atmos$*eri& $ressureD1.71! /ar. '1.(

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

UNIT-V 5. 35

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