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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH



2. 1

Paavai Institutions
TECHNICAL TERMS 2.1 Classification of IC engine 2.2 Components of I.C engine 1.Cylinder loc!

Department of MECH

2." T#eoretical $al$e timing diagram of fo%r stro!e engine 2.& Comparison of t'o stro!e and fo%r stro!e engines 2.( Simple Car %retor 2.) *iesel +%mp and In,ector system 2.- *iesel !noc!ing and detonation 2.. Ignition System 2.1/ Comparison et'een 0attery and Magneto Ignition System 2.11 L% rication System 2.12 Cooling System 2.12.1 Air Cooled System 2.12.2 1ater Cooling System 2.1" Emission 2ormation in C.I. Engine 2.1& +rinciple C.I. Engine E3#a%st Constit%ents 2.14 Sample pro lems 2.1( Sol$ed +ro lems 2.1) T'o Mar!s 5ni$ersity 6%estions 2.1- 5ni$ersity Essay 6%estions


2. 2

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

1. IC Engines: Air and f%el mi3t%re flo's t#ro%g# inlet $al$e and e3#a%st lea$es t#ro%g# e3#a%st $al$e Con$erts reciprocating motion to rotary motion %sing piston and cran! s#aft 2. TDC: Top *ead Center7 +osition of t#e piston '#ere it forms t#e smallest $ol%me8 3. BDC: 0ottom *ead Center7 +osition of t#e piston '#ere it forms t#e largest $ol%me 4. Str !e: Stro!e means *istance et'een T*C and 0*C 5. B re: 0ore *iameter of t#e piston 9internal diameter of t#e cylinder: ". C#e$r$n%e & #'(e: T#e clearance $ol%me means minim%m $ol%me formed is called t#e clearance ). C (*ressi n r$ti : T#e compression ratio means ratio of total cylinder $ol%me to clearance $ol%me. +. ME,: Mean effecti$e press%re7 A const. t#eoretical press%re t#at if acts on piston prod%ces 'or! same as t#at d%ring an act%al cycle 1net ; ME+ 3 +iston area 3 Stro!e -. C (( n #$. 'ts / engines $re7 Reciprocating7

T'o<stro!e engine 2o%r<stro!e engine 9=tto cycle: Si3<stro!e engine *iesel engine At!inson cycle Miller cycle

10. T1 2Str !e Engine: Engines ased on t#e t'o<stro!e cycle %se t'o stro!es 9one %p> one do'n: for e$ery po'er stro!e. Since t#ere are no dedicated inta!e or e3#a%st stro!es 11. C.#in3er: A cylindrical $essel in '#ic# a piston ma!es an %p and do'n motion.
UNIT-II 2. 3

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

12. ,ist n: A cylindrical component ma!ing an %p and do'n mo$ement in t#e cylinder 13. C (4'sti n %5$(4er: A portion a o$e t#e cylinder in '#ic# t#e com %stion of t#e f%el<air mi3t%re ta!es place 14. Int$!e $n3 e65$'st * rts: +orts t#at carry fres# f%el<air mi3t%re into t#e com %stion c#am er and prod%cts of com %stion a'ay 15. Cr$n!s5$/t: A s#aft t#at con$erts reciprocating motion of t#e piston into rotary motion 1". C nne%ting r 3: A rod t#at connects t#e piston to t#e cran!s#aft 1). S*$r! *#'g: An ignition<so%rce in t#e cylinder #ead t#at initiates t#e com %stion process 1+. 7 'r str !e engine: Engines ased on t#e fo%r<stro!e 9?=tto cycle?: #a$e one po'er stro!e for e$ery fo%r stro!es 9%p<do'n<%p<do'n: and employ spar!pl%g ignition. Com %stion occ%rs rapidly> and d%ring com %stion t#e $ol%me $aries little 9?constant $ol%me?: T#ey are %sed in cars> larger oats> some motorcycles> and many lig#t aircraft. T#ey are generally @%ieter> more efficient> and larger t#an t#eir t'o<stro!e co%nterparts. 1-. A7R: Air8/'e# r$ti is t#e mass ratio of air to f%el present in an internal com %stion engine. If e3actly eno%g# air is pro$ided to completely %rn all of t#e f%el> t#e ratio is !no'n as t#e stoic#iometric mi3t%re> often a re$iated to st i%5. A2R is an important meas%re for anti<poll%tion and performance<t%ning reasons


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Department of MECH


2.1 C#$ssi/i%$ti n / IC engine: Normally IC engines are classified into 1.C.I engines and 2.S.I engines Some of t#e important classifications are gi$en elo'> 1. N%m er of stro!es <t'o stro!e and fo%r stro!e 2. 1or!ing Cycles <=tto> *iesel> *%al cycle ". Cylinder arrangement <In<line> A<type> =pposed> Radial &. Aal$e Arrangement <T<#ead> 2<#ead> L<#ead> I<#ead 4. 2%el 5sed <+etrol> *iesel> Bas (. Com %stion c#am er design <=pen> di$ided ). Cooling System <1ater and air cooling -. According to t#e n%m er of cylinders <Single and M%lti .. According to t#e speed <Slo'> medi%m> and #ig# speed engines 1/. According to t#e application <Stationary> A%tomoti$e> Marine> Locomoti$e> Aircraft etc.>


C (* nents / I.C engine 1.C.#in3er 4# %!: T#e cylinder loc! is t#e main ody of t#e engine> t#e str%ct%re t#at s%pports all t#e ot#er components of t#e engine. In t#e case of t#e single cylinder engine t#e cylinder loc! #o%ses t#e cylinder> '#ile in t#e case of m%lti<cylinder engine t#e n%m er of cylinders are cast toget#er to form t#e cylinder loc!. T#e cylinder #ead is mo%nted at t#e top of t#e cylinder loc!.


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Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

1#en t#e $e#icle r%ns> large amo%nts of #eat are generated 'it#in t#e cylinder loc!. To remo$e t#is #eat t#e cylinder loc! and t#e cylinder #ead are cooled y 'ater flo'ing t#ro%g# t#e 'ater ,ac!ets 'it#in larger engines s%c# as t#ose fo%nd in cars and tr%c!s. 2or smaller $e#icles li!e motorcycles> fins are pro$ided on t#e cylinder loc! and on t#e cylinder #ead to cool t#em. T#e ottom portion of t#e cylinder loc! is called a cran!case. 1it#in t#e cran!case is '#ere l% ricating oil> '#ic# is %sed for l% ricating $ario%s mo$ing parts of t#e engine> is stored.

C.#in3er: As t#e name s%ggests it is a cylindrical s#aped $essel fitted in t#e cylinder loc!. T#is cylinder can e remo$ed from t#e cylinder loc! and mac#ined '#ene$er re@%ired to. It is also called a liner or slee$e. Inside t#e cylinder t#e piston mo$es %p and do'n> '#ic# is called t#e reciprocating motion of t#e piston. 0%rning of f%el occ%rs at t#e top of t#e cylinder> d%e to '#ic# t#e reciprocating motion of t#e piston is prod%ced. T#e s%rface of t#e cylinder is finis#ed to a #ig# finis#> so t#at t#ere is minimal friction et'een t#e piston and t#e cylinder. ,ist n: T#e piston is t#e ro%nd cylindrical component t#at performs a reciprocating motion inside t#e cylinder. 1#ile t#e cylinder itself is t#e female part> t#e piston is t#e male part. T#e piston fits perfectly inside t#e cylinder. +iston rings are fitted o$er t#e piston. T#e gap et'een t#e piston and t#e cylinder is filled y t#e piston rings and l% ricating oil. T#e piston is %s%ally made %p of al%min%m . ,ist n rings: T#e piston rings are t#in rings fitted in t#e slots made along t#e s%rface of t#e piston. It pro$ides a tig#t seal et'een t#e piston and t#e cylinder 'alls t#at pre$ents



lea!ing of t#e com %stion gases from one side to t#e ot#er. T#is ens%res t#at t#at motion of t#e piston prod%ces as close as to t#e po'er generated from inside t#e cylinder. C (4'sti n %5$(4er: It is in t#e com %stion c#am er '#ere t#e act%al %rning of f%el occ%rs. It is t#e %ppermost portion of t#e cylinder enclosed y t#e cylinder #ead and t#e piston. 1#en t#e f%el is %rnt> m%c# t#ermal energy is prod%ced '#ic# generates e3cessi$ely #ig# press%res ca%sing t#e reciprocating motion of t#e piston. In#et ($ni/ #3: T#ro%g# t#e inlet manifold t#e air or air<f%el mi3t%re is dra'n into t#e cylinder. E65$'st ($ni/ #3: All t#e e3#a%st gases generated inside t#e cylinder after %rning of f%el are disc#arged t#ro%g# t#e e3#a%st manifold into t#e atmosp#ere. In#et $n3 e65$'st &$#&es: T#e inlet and t#e e3#a%st $al$es are placed at t#e top of t#e cylinder in t#e cylinder #ead. T#e inlet $al$e allo's t#e inta!e of t#e f%el d%ring s%ction stro!e of t#e piston and to close t#ereafter. *%ring t#e e3#a%st stro!e of t#e piston t#e e3#a%st $al$es open allo'ing t#e e3#a%st gases to release to t#e atmosp#ere. 0ot# t#ese $al$es allo' t#e flo' of f%el and gases in single direction only. S*$r! *#'g: T#e spar! pl%g is a de$ice t#at prod%ces a small spar! t#at ca%ses t#e instant %rning of t#e press%riCed f%el. C nne%ting r 3: It is t#e connecting lin! et'een t#e piston and t#e cran!s#aft t#at performs t#e rotary motion. T#ere are t'o ends of t#e connecting rod called t#e small end and ig end.

T#e small end of t#e connecting rod is connected to t#e piston y g%dgeon pin> '#ile t#e ig end is connected to cran!s#aft y cran! pin . Cr$n!s5$/t: T#e cran!s#aft performs t#e rotary motion. It is connected to t#e a3le of t#e '#eels '#ic# mo$e as t#e cran!s#aft rotates. T#e reciprocating motion of t#e piston is con$erted into t#e rotary motion of t#e cran!s#aft 'it# t#e #elp of connecting rod. T#e cran!s#aft is located in t#e cran!case and it rotates in t#e %s#ings. C$(s5$/t: It ta!es dri$ing force from cran!s#aft t#ro%g# gear train or c#ain and operates t#e inlet $al$e as 'ell as e3#a%st $al$e 'it# t#e #elp of cam follo'ers> p%s# rod and roc!er arms.

2.3 T5e reti%$# &$#&e ti(ing 3i$gr$( / / 'r str !e engine:

2.3.1 A%t'$# &$#&e ti(ing 3i$gr$( / / 'r str !e engine:

2.3.2T5e reti%$# * rt ti(ing 3i$gr$( / t1 str !e engine:

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

UNIT-II 2. 1!

Paavai Institutions
2.4 C (*$ris n / t1 str !e $n3 / 'r str !e engines:

Department of MECH

T$4#e 2.1 C (*$ris n / t1 str !e $n3 / 'r str !e engines

UNIT-II 2. 11

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

UNIT-II 2. 12

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

UNIT-II 2. 13

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

2." Si(*#e C$r4'ret r: T#e f%nction of a car %retor is to $aporiCe t#e petrol 9gasoline: y means of engine s%ction and to s%pply t#e re@%ired air and f%el 9petrol: mi3t%re to t#e engine cylinder. *%ring t#e s%ction stro!e> air flo's from atmosp#ere into t#e cylinder. As t#e air passes t#ro%g# t#e ent%re> $elocity of air increases and its press%re falls elo' t#e atmosp#ere. T#e press%re at t#e noCCle tip is also elo' t#e atmosp#eric press%re. T#e press%re on t#e f%el s%rface of t#e f%el tan! is atmosp#eric. *%e to '#ic# a press%re difference is created> '#ic# ca%ses t#e flo' of f%el t#ro%g# t#e f%el ,et into t#e air stream. As t#e f%el and air pass a#ead of t#e ent%re> t#e f%el gets $aporiCed and re@%ired %niform mi3t%re is s%pplied to t#e engine. T#e @%antity of f%el s%pplied to t#e engine depends %pon t#e opening of t#rottle $al$e '#ic# is go$erned y t#e go$ernor.

T#e main parts of a simple car %retor are7 7# $t %5$(4er: T#e le$el of f%el in t#e float c#am er is maintained slig#tly elo' t#e tip of t#e noCCle. If t#e le$el of petrol is a o$e t#en t#e petrol 'ill r%n from t#e noCCle and drip from t#e
UNIT-II 2. 14

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

car %retor. If t#e petrol le$el is !ept lo' t#an t#e tip of t#e noCCle t#en part of press%re #ead is lost in lifting t#e petrol %p to t#e tip of noCCle. Benerally it is !ept at 4mm from t#e le$el of petrol in t#e float c#am er. T#e le$el of t#e f%el is !ept constant 'it# t#e #elp of float and needle $al$e. T#e needle $al$e closes t#e inlet s%pply from main tan! if t#e le$el rises a o$e t#e re@%ired le$el. If t#e le$el of f%el decreases t#en t#e needle $al$e opens t#e s%pply. Benerally t#e f%el le$el is !ept 4mm elo' t#e noCCle tip. 9ent'ri: 1#en t#e mi3t%re passes t#ro%g# t#e narro'est section its $elocity increases and press%re falls increases again. T5r tt#e &$#&e: It controls t#e @%antity of air and f%el mi3t%re s%pplied to t#e engine t#ro%g# inta!e manifold and also t#e #ead %nder '#ic# t#e f%el flo's. C5 !e: It pro$ides an e3tra ric# mi3t%re d%ring to t#e engine starting and in cold 'eat#er to 'arm %p t#e engine. T#e c#o!e $al$e is nearly closed d%ring clod starting and 'arming. It creates a #ig# $ac%%m near t#e f%el ,et '#ic# ca%ses flo' of more f%el from t#e ,et. elo' t#e atmosp#eric. As it passes t#ro%g# t#e di$ergent section> press%re

2.) Diese# ,'(* $n3 In:e%t r s.ste(:


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Department of MECH

UNIT-II 2. 1

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

UNIT-II 2. 1"

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

2.+ Diese# !n %!ing $n3 3et n$ti n: 1e already !no' t#at if t#e delay period is long> a large amo%nt of f%el 'ill e in,ected and acc%m%lated in t#e c#am er. T#e a%to ignition of t#is large amo%nt of f%el may ca%se #ig# rate of press%re rise and #ig# ma3im%m press%re '#ic# may ca%se !noc!ing in diesel engines. A long delay period not only increases t#e amo%nt of f%el in,ected y t#e moment of ignition> %t also impro$e t#e #omogeneity of t#e f%el air mi3t%re and its c#emical preparedness for e3plosion type self ignition similar to detonation in SI engines. It is $ery instr%cti$e to compare t#e p#enomenon of detonation is SI ens%es 'it# t#at of !noc!ing in CI engines. T#ere is no do% t t#at t#ese t'o p#enomena are f%ndamentally similar. 0ot# are processes of a%to ignition s% ,ect to t#e ignition time lag c#aracteristic of t#e f%el air mi3t%re. Ho'e$er> differences in t#e !noc!ing p#enomena of t#e SI engine and t#e CI engine s#o%ld also e care f%lly e noted7 1. In t#e SI engine> t#e detonation occ%rs near t#e end of com %stion '#ere as in t#e CI engine detonation occ%rs near t#e eginning of com %stion as s#o'n in fig. (.1/. 2. T#e detonation in t#e SI engine is of a #omogeneo%s c#arge ca%sing $ery #ig# rate of press%re rise and $ery #ig# ma3im%m press%re. In t#e CI engine t#e f%el and air are in perfectly mi3ed and #ence t#e rate of press%re rise is normally lo'er t#an t#at in t#e detonating part of t#e c#arge in t#e SI engine. ". Since in t#e CI engine t#e f%el is in,ected in to t#e cylinder only at t#e end of t#e compression stro!e t#ere is no @%estion of pre ignition or pre mat%re ignition as in t#e SI engine. &. In t#e SI engine it is relati$ely easy to disting%is# et'een !noc!ing and non< !noc!ing operation as t#e
UNIT-II 2. 1#

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

#%man ear easily find t#e distinction. Ho'e$er> in t#e case of t#e CI engine t#e normal ignition is itself y a%to ignition and #ence no CI engines #a$e a s%fficiently #ig# rate of press%re rise per degree cran! angle to ca%se a%di le noise. 1#en s%c# noise ecomes e3cessi$e or t#ere is e3cessi$e $i ration in engine str%ct%re> in t#e opinion of t#e o ser$er> t#e engine is sending to !noc!. It is clear t#at personal ,%dgment is in$ol$ed #ere. T#%s in t#e CI engine t#ere is no definite distinction et'een normal and !noc!ing com %stion. T#e ma3im%m rate of press%re rise in t#e CI engine may reac# as #ig# as 1/ ar per cran! degree angle. It is most important to note t#at factors t#at tend to red%ce detonation in t#e SI engine increase !noc!ing in CI engine and $ice $ersa eca%se of t#e follo'ing reason. T#e detonation of !noc!ing in t#e SI engine is d%e to sim%ltaneo%s a%to ignition of t#e last part of t#e c#arge. To eliminate detonation in t#e SI engine 'e 'ant to pre$ent all toget#er t#e a%to ignition of t#e last part of t#e c#arge and t#erefore desire a long delay period and #ig# self ignition temperat%re of t#e f%el. To eliminate !noc!ing t#e CI engine 'e 'ant to ac#ie$e a%to ignitions early as possi le t#erefore desire a s#ort delay period and lo' self ignition temperat%re of t#e f%el. Ta le (.2 gi$es t#e factors '#ic# red%ce !noc!ing in t#e SI and CI engines

T$4#e 2.2: 2actors tending to red%ce !noc!ing in SI and CI engine


2. 1$

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

It is also clear from t#e ta le and disc%ssion t#at a good CI engine f%el is a ad SI engine f%el and a good SI engine is ad CI engine f%el. In ot#er 'ords diesel oil #as lo' self ignition temperat%re and s#ort time lag '#ere as petrol #a$e #ig# self ignition temperat%re and a long ignition lag. In terms of f%el rating diesel oil #as #ig# cetane n%m er 9&/ D (/: and lo' octane n%m er 9a o%t "/: and petrol #as #ig# octane n%m er 9-/ D ./: and lo' cetane n%m er 91-:.

2.- Igniti n S.ste(: 0asically Con$ectional Ignition systems are of 2 types 7 9a: 0attery or Coil Ignition System> and 9 : Magneto Ignition System. 0ot# t#ese con$entional> ignition systems 'or! on m%t%al electromagnetic ind%ction principle. 0attery ignition system 'as generally %sed in &<'#eelers> %t no'<a<days it is more commonly %sed in 2<'#eelers also 9i.e. 0%tton start> 2< '#eelers li!e +%lsar> Einetic HondaF Honda<Acti$a> Scooty> 2iero> etc.:. In t#is case ( A or 12 A atteries 'ill s%pply necessary c%rrent in t#e primary 'inding. Magneto ignition system is mainly %sed in 2<'#eelers> !ic! start engines. 9E3ample> 0a,a, Scooters> 0o3er> Aictor> Splendor> +assion> etc.:. In t#is case magneto 'ill prod%ce and s%pply c%rrent to t#e primary 'inding. So in magneto ignition system magneto replaces t#e attery. B$tter. r C i# Igniti n S.ste( 2ig%re s#o's line diagram of attery ignition system for a &<cylinder petrol engine. It mainly consists of a ( or 12 $olt attery> ammeter> ignition s'itc#> a%to<transformer 9step %p transformer:> contact rea!er> capacitor> distri %tor rotor> distri %tor contact points> spar! pl%gs> etc. Note t#at t#e 2ig%re &.1 s#o's t#e ignition system for &<cylinder petrol engine> #ere t#ere are &<spar! pl%gs and contact rea!er cam #as &<corners. 9If it is for (<cylinder engine it 'ill #a$e (<spar! pl%gs and contact rea!er cam 'ill e a #e3agon:. T#e ignition system is di$ided into 2<circ%its7 i. ,ri($r. Cir%'it :


2. 2!

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

a. It consists of ( or 12 A attery> ammeter> ignition s'itc#> primary 'inding it #as 2//<"// t%rns of 2/ S1B 9S#arps 1ire Ba%ge: ga%ge 'ire> contact rea!er> capacitor.

9ii: Se% n3$r. Cir%'it: It consists of secondary 'inding. Secondary Igniti n S.ste(s 'inding consists of a o%t 21/// t%rns of &/ 9S 1B: ga%ge 'ire. 0ottom end of '#ic# is connected to ottom end of primary and top end of secondary 'inding is connected to centre of distri %tor rotor. *istri %tor rotors rotate and ma!e contacts 'it# contact points and are connected to spar! pl%gs '#ic# are fitted in cylinder #eads 9engine eart#:. 9iii: ; r!ing : 1#en t#e ignition s'itc# is closed and engine in cran!ed> as soon as t#e contact rea!er closes> a lo' $oltage c%rrent 'ill flo' t#ro%g# t#e primary 'inding. It is also to e noted t#at t#e contact ea!er cam opens and
UNIT-II 2. 21

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Department of MECH

closes t#e circ%it &<times 9for & cylinders: in one re$ol%tion. 1#en t#e contact rea!er opens t#e contact> t#e magnetic field egins to collapse. 0eca%se of t#is collapsing magnetic field> c%rrent 'ill e ind%ced in t#e secondary 'inding. And eca%se of more t%rns 9G 21/// t%rns: of secondary> $oltage goes %nto 2-///<"//// $olts. T#is #ig# $oltage c%rrent is ro%g#t to centre of t#e distri %tor rotor. *istri %tor rotor rotates and s%pplies t#is #ig# $oltage c%rrent to proper star! pl%g depending %pon t#e engine firing order. 1#en t#e #ig# $oltage c%rrent ,%mps t#e spar! pl%g gap> it prod%ces t#e spar! and t#e c#arge is ignited<com %stion starts<prod%cts of com %stion e3pand and prod%ce po'er. M$gnet Igniti n S.ste( In t#is case magneto 'ill prod%ce and s%pply t#e re@%ired c%rrent to t#e primary 'inding. In t#is case as s#o'n> 'e can #a$e rotating magneto 'it# fi3ed coil or rotating coil 'it# fi3ed magneto for prod%cing and s%pplying c%rrent to primary> remaining arrangement is same as t#at of a system. attery ignition

2.10 C (*$ris n 4et1een B$tter. $n3 M$gnet Igniti n S.ste(:


T$4#e 2.3 C (*$ris n 4et1een B$tter. $n3 M$gnet Igniti n S.ste(

2. 22

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Department of MECH

2.11 L'4ri%$ti n S.ste(: 2.11.1 S*#$s5:


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Department of MECH

T#e splas# system is no longer %sed in a%tomoti$e engines. It is 'idely %sed in small fo%r<cycle engines for la'n mo'ers> o%t oard marine operation> and so on. In t#e splas# l% ricating system > oil is splas#ed %p from t#e oil pan or oil trays in t#e lo'er part of t#e cran!case. T#e oil is t#ro'n %p'ard as droplets or fine mist and pro$ides ade@%ate l% rication to $al$e mec#anisms> piston pins> cylinder 'alls> and piston rings. In t#e engine> dippers on t#e connecting<rod earing caps enter t#e oil pan 'it# eac# cran!s#aft re$ol%tion to prod%ce t#e oil splas#. A passage is drilled in eac# connecting rod from t#e dipper to t#e earing to ens%re l% rication. T#is system is too %ncertain for a%tomoti$e applications. =ne reason is t#at t#e le$el of oil in t#e cran!case 'ill $ary greatly t#e amo%nt of l% rication recei$ed y t#e engine. A #ig# le$el res%lts in e3cess l% rication and oil cons%mption and a slig#tly lo' le$el res%lts in inade@%ate l% rication and fail%re of t#e engine.


2. 24

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2.11.2 C (4in$ti n S*#$s5 $n3 7 r%e 7ee3:

Department of MECH

In a com ination splas# and force feed > oil is deli$ered to some parts y means of splas#ing and ot#er parts t#ro%g# oil passages %nder press%re from t#e oil p%mp. T#e oil from t#e p%mp enters t#e oil galleries. 2rom t#e oil galleries> it flo's to t#e main earings and cams#aft earings. T#e main earings #a$e oil<feed #oles or groo$es t#at feed oil into drilled passages in t#e cran!s#aft. T#e oil flo's t#ro%g# t#ese passages to t#e connecting rod earings. 2rom t#ere> on some engines> it flo's t#ro%g# #oles drilled in t#e connecting rods to t#e piston< pin earings. Cylinder 'alls are l% ricated y splas#ing oil t#ro'n off from t#e connecting<rod earings. Some engines %se small tro%g#s %nder eac# connecting rod t#at are !ept f%ll y small noCCles '#ic# deli$er oil %nder press%re from t#e oil p%mp. T#ese oil noCCles deli$er an increasingly #ea$y stream as speed increases. At $ery #ig# speeds t#ese oil streams are po'erf%l eno%g# to stri!e t#e dippers directly. T#is ca%ses a m%c# #ea$ier splas# so t#at ade@%ate l% rication of t#e pistons and t#e connecting<rod earings is pro$ided at #ig#er speeds. If a com ination system is %sed on an o$er#ead $al$e engine> t#e %pper $al$e train is l% ricated y press%re from t#e p%mp.
UNIT-II 2. 25

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Department of MECH

2.11.3 7 r%e 7ee3 :

A some'#at more complete press%riCation of l% rication is ac#ie$ed in t#e force<feed l% rication system. =il is forced y t#e oil p%mp from t#e cran!case to t#e main earings and t#e cams#aft earings. 5nli!e t#e com ination system t#e connecting<rod earings are also fed oil %nder press%re from t#e p%mp. =il passages are drilled in t#e cran!s#aft to lead oil to t#e connecting<rod earings. T#e passages deli$er oil from t#e main earing ,o%rnals to t#e rod earing ,o%rnals. In some engines> t#ese opening are #oles t#at line %p once for e$ery cran!s#aft re$ol%tion. In ot#er engines> t#ere are ann%lar groo$es in t#e main earings t#ro%g# '#ic# oil can feed constantly into t#e #ole in t#e cran!s#aft. T#e press%riCed oil t#at l% ricates t#e connecting<rod earings goes on to l% ricate t#e pistons and 'alls y s@%irting o%t t#ro%g# strategically drilled #oles. T#is l% rication system is %sed in $irt%ally all engines t#at are e@%ipped 'it# semi floating piston pins.
UNIT-II 2. 2

Paavai Institutions
2.11.4 7'## 7 r%e 7ee3: In a f%ll force<feed l% rication system> t#e main

Department of MECH

earings> rod

earings> cams#aft

earings> and t#e complete $al$e mec#anism are l% ricated y oil %nder press%re. In addition> t#e f%ll force<feed l% rication system pro$ides l% rication %nder press%re to t#e pistons and t#e piston pins. T#is is accomplis#ed y #oles drilled t#e lengt# of t#e connecting rod> creating an oil passage from t#e connecting rod earing to t#e piston pin earing. T#is passage not only feeds t#e piston pin earings %t also pro$ides l% rication for t#e pistons and cylinder 'alls. T#is system is %sed in $irt%ally all engines t#at are e@%ipped 'it# f%ll<floating piston pins. 2.12 C #ing S.ste(:

2.12.1 Air C #e3 S.ste(: Air cooled system is generally %sed in small engines say %p to 14<2/ E' and in aero plane engines. In t#is system fins or e3tended s%rfaces are pro$ided on t#e cylinder 'alls> cylinder #ead> etc. Heat generated d%e to com %stion in t#e engine cylinder 'ill e cond%cted to t#e fins and '#en t#e air flo's o$er t#e fins> #eat 'ill e dissipated to air. T#e amo%nt of #eat dissipated to air depends %pon 7 9a: Amo%nt of air flo'ing t#ro%g# t#e fins. 9 : 2in s%rface area. I T#ermal cond%cti$ity of metal %sed for fins.


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Department of MECH

A3&$nt$ges / Air C #e3 S.ste( 2ollo'ing are t#e ad$antages of air cooled system7 9a: RadiatorHp%mp is a sent #ence t#e system is lig#t. 9 : In case of 'ater cooling system t#ere are lea!ages> %t in t#is case t#ere are no lea!ages. I Coolant and antifreeCe sol%tions are not re@%ired. 9d: T#is system can e %sed in cold climates> '#ere if 'ater is %sed it may freeCe. Dis$3&$nt$ges / Air C #e3 S.ste( 9a: Comparati$ely it is less efficient. 9 : It is %sed only in aero planes and motorcycle engines '#ere t#e engines are e3posed to air directly.

2.12.2 ;$ter C

#ing S.ste(7 In t#is met#od> cooling 'ater ,ac!ets are pro$ided aro%nd t#e cylinder> cylinder

#ead> $al$e seats etc. T#e 'ater '#en circ%lated t#ro%g# t#e ,ac!ets> it a sor s #eat of com %stion. T#is #ot 'ater 'ill t#en e cooling in t#e radiator partially y a fan and partially y t#e flo' de$eloped y t#e for'ard motion of t#e $e#icle. T#e cooled 'ater is again recirc%lated t#ro%g# t#e 'ater ,ac!ets T5er( Si*5 n S.ste(: In t#is system t#e circ%lation of 'ater is d%e to difference in

temperat%re 9i.e. difference in densities: of 'ater. So in t#is system p%mp is not re@%ired %t 'ater is circ%lated eca%se of density difference only.


2. 2#

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Department of MECH

,'(* Cir%'#$ti n S.ste(: In t#is system circ%lation of 'ater is o tained y a p%mp. T#is p%mp is dri$en y means of engine o%tp%t s#aft t#ro%g# A< elts.

,er/ r($n%e C$#%'#$ti n: Engine performance is an indication of t#e degree of s%ccess of t#e engine performs its assigned tas!> i.e. t#e con$ersion of t#e c#emical energy contained in t#e f%el into t#e %sef%l mec#anical 'or!. T#e performance of an engine is e$al%ated on t#e asis of t#e
UNIT-II 2. 2$

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Department of MECH

follo'ing 7 9a: Specific 2%el Cons%mption. 9 : 0ra!e Mean Effecti$e +ress%re. I Specific +o'er =%tp%t. 9d: Specific 1eig#t. 9e: E3#a%st Smo!e and =t#er Emissions. T#e partic%lar application of t#e engine decides t#e relati$e importance of t#ese performance parameters. 2or E3ample 7 2or an aircraft engine specific 'eig#t is more important '#ereas for an ind%strial engine specific f%el cons%mption is more important. 2or t#e e$al%ation of an engine performance fe' more parameters are c#osen and t#e effect of $ario%s operating conditions> design concepts and modifications on t#ese parameters are st%died. T#e asic performance parameters are t#e follo'ing 7 9a: +o'er and Mec#anical Efficiency. 9 : Mean Effecti$e +ress%re and Tor@%e. I Specific =%tp%t. 9d: Aol%metric Efficiency. 9e: 2%el<air Ratio. 9f: Specific 2%el Cons%mption. 9g: T#ermal Efficiency and Heat 0alance. 9#: E3#a%st Smo!e and =t#er Emissions. 9i: Specific 1eig#t. , 1er $n3 Me%5$ni%$# E//i%ien%. T#e main p%rpose of r%nning an engine is to o tain mec#anical po'er. I +o'er is defined as t#e rate of doing 'or! and is e@%al to t#e prod%ct of force and linear $elocity or t#e prod%ct of tor@%e and ang%lar $elocity. I T#%s> t#e meas%rement of po'er in$ol$es t#e meas%rement of force 9or tor@%e: as 'ell as speed. T#e force or tor@%e is meas%red 'it# t#e #elp of a dynamometer and t#e speed y a tac#ometer. T#e po'er de$eloped y an engine and meas%red at t#e o%tp%t s#aft is called t#e ra!e po'er 9 p: and is gi$en y p;2JntH(/ '#ere> T is tor@%e in N<m and N is t#e rotational speed in re$ol%tions per min%te. T#e total po'er de$eloped y com %stion of f%el in t#e com %stion c#am er is> #o'e$er> more t#an t#e p and is called indicated po'er 9ip:. =f t#e po'er de$eloped y t#e engine> i.e. ip> some po'er is cons%med in o$ercoming t#e friction et'een mo$ing parts> some in t#e process of ind%cting t#e air and remo$ing t#e prod%cts of com %stion from t#e engine com %stion c#am er. In3i%$te3 , 1er: It is t#e po'er de$eloped in t#e cylinder and t#%s> forms t#e asis of

e$al%ation of com %stion efficiency or t#e #eat release in t#e cylinder. 1#ere> I.+; +mLANEH(/ pm ; Mean effecti$e press%re> NHm2> L ; Lengt# of t#e stro!e> m> A ; Area of t#e piston> m2> N ; Rotational speed of t#e engine> rpm 9It is NH2 for fo%r stro!e engine:> and ! ; N%m er of cylinders. T#%s> 'e see t#at for a gi$en engine t#e po'er o%tp%t can e meas%red in terms of mean effecti$e press%re. T#e difference et'een t#e ip and p is t#e indication of t#e po'er lost
UNIT-II 2. 3!

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Department of MECH

in t#e mec#anical components of t#e engine 9d%e to friction: and forms t#e asis of mec#anical efficiencyF '#ic# is defined as follo's 7 Mec#anical efficiency; pHip T#e difference et'een ip and p is called friction po'er 9fp:. 2p ; ip K p Mec#anical efficiency; .pH9 pLfp: Me$n E//e%ti&e ,ress're $n3 T r<'e: Mean effecti$e press%re is defined as a #ypot#eticalHa$erage press%re '#ic# is ass%med to e acting on t#e piston t#ro%g#o%t t#e po'er stro!e. T#erefore> +m;(/Mi.+HLAN! '#ere> +m ; Mean effecti$e press%re> NHm2> Ip ; Indicated po'er> 1att> L ; Lengt# of t#e stro!e> m> A ; Area of t#e piston> m2> N ; Rotational speed of t#e engine> rpm 9It is NH2 for fo%r stro!e engine:> and ! ; N%m er of cylinders. If t#e mean effecti$e press%re is ased on p it is called t#e ra!e mean effecti$e press%re9 +m:> and if ased on i#p it is called indicated mean effecti$e press%re 9imep:. Similarly> t#e friction mean effecti$e press%re 9fmep: can e defined as> fmep ; imep D mep T#e tor@%e is related to mean effecti$e press%re y t#e relation 0.+;2JntH(/ I.+;+mLAN!H(/ 2JntH(/;N mep.A.L.9N!H(/:O or> T;9 mep.A.L.!:H2P

T#%s> t#e tor@%e and t#e mean effecti$e press%re are related y t#e engine siCe. A large engine prod%ces more tor@%e for t#e same mean effecti$e press%re. 2or t#is reason> tor@%e is not t#e meas%re of t#e a ility of an engine to %tiliCe its displacement for prod%cing po'er from f%el. It is t#e mean effecti$e press%re '#ic# gi$es an indication of engine displacement %tiliCation for t#is con$ersion. Hig#er t#e mean effecti$e press%re> #ig#er 'ill e t#e po'er de$eloped y t#e engine for a gi$en displacement. Again 'e see t#at t#e po'er of an engine is dependent on its siCe and speed. T#erefore> it is not possi le to compare engines on t#e asis of eit#er po'er or tor@%e. Mean effecti$e press%re is t#e tr%e indication of t#e relati$e performance of different engines. S*e%i/i% O't*'t: Specific o%tp%t of an engine is defined as t#e ra!e po'er 9o%tp%t: per %nit of piston displacement and is gi$en y> Specific o%tp%t;0.+HA.L Constant ; mep Q rpm I T#e specific o%tp%t consists of t'o elements D t#e mep 9force: a$aila le to 'or! and t#e speed 'it#
UNIT-II 2. 31

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Department of MECH

'#ic# it is 'or!ing. I T#erefore> for t#e same piston displacement and mep an engine operating at #ig#er speed 'ill gi$e more o%tp%t. I It is clear t#at t#e o%tp%t of an engine can e increased y increasing eit#er speed or mep. Increasing speed in$ol$es increase in t#e mec#anical stress of $ario%s engine parts '#ereas increasing mep re@%ires etter #eat release and more load on engine cylinder. 9 #'(etri% E//i%ien%.: Aol%metric efficiency of an engine is an indication of t#e meas%re of t#e degree to '#ic# t#e engine fills its s'ept $ol%me. It is defined as t#e ratio of t#e mass of air ind%cted into t#e engine cylinder d%ring t#e s%ction stro!e to t#e mass of t#e air corresponding to t#e s'ept $ol%me of t#e engine at atmosp#eric press%re and temperat%re. Alternati$ely> it can e defined as t#e ratio of t#e act%al $ol%me in#aled d%ring s%ction stro!e meas%red at inta!e conditions to t#e s'ept $ol%me of t#e piston. Aol%metric efficiency> #$ ; Mass of c#arge act%ally s%c!ed in Mass of c#arge corresponding to t#e cylinder inta!e T#e amo%nt of air ta!en inside t#e cylinder is dependent on t#e $ol%metric efficiency of an engine and #ence p%ts a limit on t#e amo%nt of f%el '#ic# can e efficiently %rned and t#e po'er o%tp%t. 2or s%perc#arged engine t#e $ol%metric efficiency #as no meaning as it comes o%t to e more t#an %nity. 7'e#2Air R$ti =7>A?: 2%el<air ratio 92HA: is t#e ratio of t#e mass of f%el to t#e mass of air in t#e f%el<air mi3t%re. Air<f%el ratio 9AH2: is reciprocal of f%el<air ratio. 2%el<air ratio of t#e mi3t%re affects t#e com %stion p#enomenon in t#at it determines t#e flame propa%ation ve&o'it() t*e
*eat re&ease in t*e 'om+ustion '*am+er) t*e ma,imum temperature an- t*e 'omp&eteness of 'om+ustion. .e&ative fue&-air ratio is -efine- as t*e ratio of t*e a'tua& fue&-air ratio to t*at of t*e stoi'*iometri' fue&- air ratio re/uire- to +urn t*e fue& supp&ie-. 0toi'*iometri' fue&-air ratio is t*e ratio of fue& to air is one in 1*i'* 'ase fue& is 'omp&ete&( +urne- -ue to minimum /uantit( of air supp&ie-. .e&ative fue&-air ratio) 234'tua& 5ue&fue&-4ir ratio6 4ir ratio6730toi'*iometri'

Br$!e S*e%i/i% 7'e# C ns'(*ti n: Specific f%el cons%mption is defined as t#e amo%nt of f%el cons%med for eac# %nit of ra!e po'er de$eloped per #o%r. It is a clear indication of t#e efficiency 'it# '#ic# t#e engine de$elops po'er from f%el. 0.S.2.C; Relati$e f%el<air ratio>
UNIT-II 2. 32

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compare t#e performance of different engines.

Department of MECH

;9Act%al 2%el< Air ratio:H9Stoic#iometric f%el<Air ratio: T#is parameter is 'idely %sed to


2. 33

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Department of MECH

T5er($# E//i%ien%. $n3 He$t B$#$n%e: T#ermal efficiency of an engine is defined as t#e ratio of t#e o%tp%t to t#at of t#e c#emical energy inp%t in t#e form of f%el s%pply. It may e ased on ra!e or indicated o%tp%t. It is t#e tr%e indication of t#e efficiency 'it# '#ic# t#e c#emical energy of f%el 9inp%t: is con$erted into mec#anical 'or!. T#ermal efficiency also acco%nts for com %stion efficiency> i.e.> for t#e fact t#at '#ole of t#e c#emical energy of t#e f%el is not con$erted into #eat energy d%ring com %stion. 0ra!e t#ermal efficiency ; 0.+HmfR C$ '#ere> C$ ; Calorific $al%e of f%el> E,H!g> and mf ; Mass of f%el s%pplied> !gHsec. I T#e energy inp%t to t#e engine goes o%t in $ario%s forms D a part is in t#e form of ra!e o%tp%t> a part into e3#a%st> and t#e rest is ta!en y cooling 'ater and t#e l% ricating oil. I T#e rea!<%p of t#e total energy inp%t into t#ese different parts is called t#e #eat alance. I T#e main components in a #eat alance are ra!e o%tp%t> coolant losses> #eat going to e3#a%st> radiation and ot#er losses. I +reparation of #eat alance s#eet gi$es %s an idea a o%t t#e amo%nt of energy 'asted in $ario%s parts and allo's %s to t#in! of met#ods to red%ce t#e losses so inc%rred. E65$'st S( !e $n3 Ot5er E(issi ns: Smo!e and ot#er e3#a%st emissions s%c# as o3ides of nitrogen> %n %rned #ydrocar ons> etc. are n%isance for t#e p% lic en$ironment. 1it# increasing emp#asis on air poll%tion control all efforts are eing made to !eep t#em as minim%m as it co%ld e. Smo!e is an indication of incomplete com %stion. It limits t#e o%tp%t of an engine if air poll%tion control is t#e consideration. E(issi n 7 r($ti n Me%5$nis(s: =S.I? T#is section disc%sses t#e formation of HC> C=> No3> C=2> and alde#ydes and e3plains t#e effects of design parameters. H.3r %$r4 n E(issi ns: HC emissions are $ario%s compo%nds of #ydrogen> car on> and sometimes o3ygen. T#ey are %rned or partially %rned f%el andHor oil. HC emissions contri %te to e p#otoc#emical smog> oCone> and eye irritation. T#ere are se$eral formation mec#anisms for HC> and it is con$enient to t#in! a o%t 'ays HC can a$oid com %stion and 'ays HC can remo$edF 'e 'ill disc%ss eac# elo'. =f co%rse> most of t#e HC inp%t is f%el> and most of it is %rned d%ring SnormalT com %stion. Ho'e$er> some HC a$oids o3idation d%ring t#is process. T#e processes y '#ic# f%el compo%nds escape %rning d%ring normal S.I. com %stion are7


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Department of MECH

1. 2%el $apor<air mi3t%re is compressed into t#e com %stion c#am er cre$ice $ol%mes. 2. 2%el compo%nds are a sor ed into oil layers on t#e cylinder liner. ". 2%el is a sor ed y andHor contained 'it#in deposits on t#e piston #ead and piston cro'n. &. 6%enc# layers on t#e com %stion c#am er 'all are left as t#e flame e3ting%is#es close to t#e 'alls. 4. 2%el $apor<air mi3t%re can e left %n %rned if t#e flame e3ting%is#es efore reac#ing t#e 'alls. (. Li@%id f%el 'it#in t#e cylinder may not e$aporate and mi3 'it# s%fficient air to %rn prior to t#e end of com %stion. ). T#e mi3t%re may lea! t#ro%g# t#e e3#a%st $al$e seat. =ii? C$r4 n M n 6i3e 2ormation of C= is 'ell esta lis#ed. 5nder some conditions> t#ere is not eno%g# =2 a$aila le for complete o3idation and some of t#e car on in t#e f%el ends %p as C=. T#e amo%nt of C=> for a range of f%el composition and CHH ratios> is a f%nction of t#e relati$e air<f%el ratio. E$en '#en eno%g# o3ygen is present> #ig# pea! temperat%res can ca%se dissociation D c#emical com %stion reactions in '#ic# car on dio3ide and 'ater $apor separate into C=> H2> and =2. Con$ersion of C= to C=2 is go$erned y reaction C= L =H U C=2 L H *issociated C= may freeCe d%ring t#e e3pansion stro!e. =iii? O6i3es / Nitr gen No3 is a generic term for t#e compo%nds N= and N=2. 0ot# are present to some degree in t#e e3#a%st> and N= o3idiCes to N=2 in t#e atmosp#ere. No3 contri %tes to acid rain and p#otoc#emical smogF it is also t#o%g#t to ca%se respiratory #ealt# pro lems at atmosp#eric concentrations fo%nd in some parts of t#e 'orld. To %nderstand No3 formation> 'e m%st recogniCe se$eral factors t#at affect No3 e@%ili ri%m. Remem er t#at all c#emical reactions proceed to'ard e@%ili ri%m at some reaction rate. E@%ili ri%m N= 9'#ic# comprises most of t#e No3 formation: is formed at a rate t#at $aries strongly 'it# temperat%re and e@%i$alence ratio. =i&? C$r4 n Di 6i3e 1#ile not normally considered a poll%tant> C=2 may contri %te to t#e green#o%se effect. +roposals to red%ce C=2 emissions #a$e een made. C=2 controls strongly infl%ence f%el economy re@%irements. =&? A#3e5.3es Alde#ydes are t#e res%lt of partial o3idation of alco#ols. T#ey are not %s%ally present in significant @%antities in gasoline<f%eled engines> %t t#ey are an iss%e '#en alco#ol f%els are %sed. Alde#ydes are t#o%g#t to ca%se l%ng pro lems. So far> little information of engine cali ration effects on alde#yde formation is a$aila le.


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Department of MECH

2.13 E(issi n 7 r($ti n in C.I. Engine: 2or many years> diesel engines #a$e #ad a rep%tation of gi$ing poor performance and prod%cing lac! smo!e> an %npleasant odor> and considera le noise. Ho'e$er> it 'o%ld find it diffic%lt to disting%is# today8 s modern diesel car from its gasoline co%nterpart. 2or diesel engines t#e emp#asis is to red%ce emissions of No3 and partic%lates> '#ere t#ese emissions are typically #ig#er t#an t#ose from e@%i$alent port in,ected gasoline engines e@%ipped 'it# t#ree<'ay catalysts. Catalyst of diesel e3#a%st remains a pro lem insofar as researc##as not yet een a le to come %p 'it# an effecti$e con$erter t#at eliminates ot# partic%late matter 9+M: and o3ide of nitrogen 9No3:.

2.14 ,rin%i*#e C.I. Engine E65$'st C nstit'ents: 2or many years> diesel engines #a$e #ad a rep%tation of gi$ing poor performance and prod%cing lac! smo!e> an %npleasant odor> and considera le noise. Ho'e$er> it 'o%ld find it diffic%lt to disting%is# today8 s modern diesel car from its gasoline co%nterpart. Concerning C= and HC emissions> diesel engines #a$e an in#erent ad$antages> t#erefore t#e emp#asis is to red%ce emissions of No3 and partic%lates> '#ere t#ese emissions are typically #ig#er t#an t#ose from e@%i$alent port in,ected gasoline engines e@%ipped 'it# t#ree<'ay catalysts. Catalyst of diesel e3#a%st remains a pro lem insofar as researc# #as not yet een a le to come %p 'it# an effecti$e con$erter t#at eliminates ot# partic%late matter 9+M: and o3ide of nitrogen 9No3:. In t#e same manner as 'it# SI engines> t#e airHf%el ratio of t#e diesel engine #as a significant impact on t#e le$el of poll%tant concentrations %t t#is parameter is not freely a$aila le for minimiCing poll%tion. ,r 4#e(s: To determine 0ra!e po'er> Indicated +o'er> 2rictional +o'er> 0ra!e T#ermal Efficiency> Indicated T#ermal Efficiency> Mec#anical Efficiency> Relati$e Efficiency> Aol%metric Efficiency> 0ra!e Specific 2%el Cons%mption> Indicated Specific 2%el Cons%mption> Indicated mean effecti$e press%re> 0ra!e mean effecti$e press%re.


2. 3

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Department of MECH

2.15 S$(*#e *r 4#e(s: 1. 2ollo'ing data relates to & cylinder> single stro!e petrol engine. AH2 ratio y 'eig#t 1(71. Calorific $al%e of t#e f%el; &42// E,H!g> mec#anical efficiency;-2V.Air standard efficiency;42V> relati$e efficiency;)/V> $ol%metric efficiency;)-V> LH*;1.24> s%ction condition;1 ar>24/C. Speed;2&// rpm and po'er at ra!es;)2!'. Calc%late 1. Compression ratio 2. Indicated T#ermal Efficiency ". 0ra!e specific f%el cons%mption &. 0ore and Stro!e. 2. A si3 cylinder> & stro!e SI engine #a$ing a piston displacement of )//cm" per cylinder de$eloped )-E' at "2// rpm and cons%med 2) !g of petrol per #o%r. T#e calorific $al%e of t#e f%el is &&MWH!g. Estimate 1.T#e $ol%metric efficiency of t#e engine if t#e air<f%el ratio is 12 and inta!e air is at /.. ar> "2 C. 2. 0ra!e t#ermal efficiency and ra!e tor@%e. 2or air R;/.2-) EW!gE.


2. 3"

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

2.1" S #&e3 ,r 4#e(s: 1. A trial carried o%t in a fo%r stro!e single cylinder gas engine ga$e t#e follo'ing res%lts. Cylinder dia;"//mm> Engine stro!e;4//mm> Clearance $ol%me;()4/cc> E3plosions per min%te;1// EWH Net 'or! load on t#e ra!e;1./!g 0ra!e dia;1.4m Rope > Calorific $al%e of gas;2/414

dia;24mm> Speed of t#e engine;2&/rpm> Bas %sed;"/

. *etermine compression ratio>mec#anical efficiency>indicated t#ermal efficiency>air

standard efficiency>relati$e efficiency>ass%me BIAEN *ATA7< *ia of cylinder 9d:;"//mm;/."m Engine stro!e9l:;4//mm;/.4m Clearance $ol%me9$c:;()4/H1// ;(.)4


E3plosions per min%te9n:;1//Hmin%te;i.()Hsec +min;)(4 ENHm


0ra!e dr%m dia9*1:;1.4m Rope dia9d1:;/./24m 1or! load on t#e ra!e9':;1./!g;1.-(EN


2. 3#

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

T= 2IN*7< Compression ratio 9r: Mec#anical efficiency 9Xmec#: Indicated t#ermal efficiency 9Xit: Air standard efficiency 9Xair: Relati$e efficiency 9Xrel:

S=L5TI=N7< 91:.Compression Ratio 9r:7<


9r: ; (.2"

92:.Air Standard Efficiency 9Xair:7< Xair ;


2. 3$

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

;41.-.V 9":.Indicated T#ermal Efficiency 9Xit:7< 9Xit:; Here> indicated po'er 9I+:; ;)(4 ;&4./.E1 T#erefore> ;2&./"V 9&:.Relati$e Efficiency 9Xrel:7< 9Xrel:; ; ;&(."/V 94:.Mec#anical Efficiency 9Xmec#:7< 9Xmec#:; ; ;)../2V


2. 4!

Paavai Institutions

Department of MECH

2. T#e follo'ing o ser$ations are recorded d%ring a test on a fo%r<stro!e petrol engine> 2.C ; "/// of f%el in 12sec> speed of t#e engine is 24//rpm> 0.+ ; 2/E1> Air inta!e orifice diameter ; "4mm>+ress%re across t#e orifice ; 1&/mm of 'ater coefficient of disc#arge of orifice ; /.(> piston diameter ; 14/mm> stro!e lengt# ; 1//mm> *ensity of t#e f%el ; /.-4gmHcc > r;(.4> C$ of f%el ; &2///EWHEg> 0arometric press%re ; )(/mm of Hg > Room temperat%re ; 2& c *etermine7 9i: Aol%metric efficiency on t#e air asis alone 9ii: 9iii: 9i$: Bi$en data7 2%el cons%mption ; "/cc in 12sec ; Speed 9N: ; 24//H(/ rps 0ra!e po'er ; 2/E1 =rifice diameter 9do: ; /./"4m +ress%re across t#e orifice 9+o: ; 1&/mm of 'ater Coefficient of disc#arge 9Cd: ; /.( +iston diameter 9d: ; 14/mm ; /.14m Stro!e lengt# 9l: ; /.1m *ensity of f%el 9Y: ; /.-4gmHcc Compression ratio 9r: ; (.4 Room temperat%re 9Ta: ; 2.)E 0arometric press%re ; )(/mm of Hg ; 1/1."24EEHm ; 1/."&m of 'ater To find7 9i: Aol%metric efficiency on t#e air asis alone 9ii:
2 o

Air<f%el ratio T#e ra!e mean effecti$e press%re T#e relati$e efficiency on t#e ra!e t#ermal efficiency

Air<f%el ratio
2. 41

9iii: 9i$: S #'ti n:

T#e ra!e mean effecti$e press%re T#e relati$e efficiency on t#e ra!e t#ermal efficiency

1/."&m of 'ater ; 1/1."24ENHm +ress%re #ead +o ; /.1&m of 'ater

+o ; 1")2NHm

*ensity of gas 9Y: ; +HRT

Y ; 1.1--)EgHm +ress%re #ead 9#: # ; 11).(44)m 6air ;


; /./2))& m Hsec


No. of. S%ction stro!es per second Air cons%mptions per stro!e ; /.//1""2m Stro!e $ol%me 9As: ; Aol%metric efficiency 9X$ol: ; X$ol ; )4."-2V


$ol%me of air cons%med Aair ; 6air ; /./2))&m Hsec ; /./2))& Mass of air cons%med 9ma: ; 2%el cons%mption ; .///ccH#r Mass of t#e f%el cons%med 9mf: ; .///Q/.-4 ; ).(4EgH#r Air f%el ratio 0ra!e po'er 90.+: ; 2/E1 ; +m Q l Q a Q n Q ! +m ; 4&".2.&ENHm Air standard efficiency 9Xair: ; ; ; 42.)/"V 0ra!e t#ermal efficiency 9X0T: ; 22.&V


m H#r


; ...-(& ; 11-.)1EgH#r

Relati$e efficiency on ra!e t#ermal efficiency asis 9Xrel: ; X0TH Xair ; /.22&/.H/.42)/" Xrel ; &2.42V

2.1) T;O MAR@ UNI9ERSITA BUESTIONS: 1. Classify IC engine according to cycle of l% rication system and field of application. Types of l% rication system 2. List t#e $ario%s components of IC engines.

". Name t#e asic t#ermodynamic cycles of t#e t'o types of internal com %stion reciprocating engines. &. Mention t#e important re@%ites of liner material. 4. State t#e p%rpose of pro$iding piston in IC engines. (. *efine t#e terms as applied to reciprocating I.C. engines ?Mean effecti$e press%re? and SCompression ratio?. ). 1#at is meant y #ig#est %sef%l compression ratioZ -. 1#at are t#e types of piston ringsZ .. 1#at is t#e %se of connecting rodZ 1/. 1#at is t#e %se of fly'#eelZ

2.1+ UNI9ERSITA ESSAA BUESTIONS 1. E3plain f%ll press%re l% rication system I.C Engine. 91(:

2. E3plain t#e 'ater cooling system in I.C Engine. 91(: ". E3plain t#e 2 types of Ignition system In 4.1 Engine. 91(: &. *ra' and e3plain t#e $al$e timing diagram of & stro!es *iesel Engine. 91(: 4. *ra' and e3plain t#e port timing diagram of 2stro!e +etrol Engine. 91(: (. E3plain 'it# neat s!etc# t#e e3#a%st gas analysis. 91(: ). T#e follo'ing res%lts refer to a test on a petrol engine Indicated po'er ; "/ E'> 0ra!e po'er ; 2( E'> Engine speed ; 1/// rpm 2%el ra!e po'erH #o%r ; /."4 !g Calorific $al%e of f%el ; &".//!,H!g .Calc%late t#e indicated T#ermal efficiency> t#e ra!e T#ermal efficiency and Mec#anical efficiency 91(: -. A fo%r cylinder 2 stro!e cycle petrol engine de$elops 2".4 !' ra!e po'er at 24// rpm. T#e mean effecti$e press%re on eac# piston in -. 4 ar and mec#anical efficiency in -4V Calc%late t#e diameter and stro!e of eac# cylinder ass%ming t#e lengt# of stro!e e@%al to 1.4 times t#e diameter of cylinder. 91(: .. T#e follo'ing data to a partic%lar t'in cylinder t'o stro!e diesel engine. 0ore 14 cm stro!e. 2/ cm. speed &// rpm. Indicated mean effecti$e press%re & ar> dead 'eig#t on t#e ra!e dr%m (4/ N. spring alance reading 24 N *iameter of t#e ra!e dr%m 1 m .2%el cons%mption /./)4 !gHmin and calorific $al%e of t#e f%el is &&4// EWH!g. *etermine 1. Indicated +o'er 2. 0ra!e +o'er ". Mec#anical efficiency &. Indicated t#ermal efficiency and efficiency 91(: 4. 0ra!e t#ermal

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