Thesis On Retirement Homes

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There is a big rush to go to US and almost every young man with a degree wants to make a career abroad. This has given birth to a typical social problem of old couples staying alone in India in big bungalows without proper security and no one to look after and take care of them, and also sometimes old people who do not have anyone to look after and without any kind of shelter.

So my dream is to bring such people together in a kind of residential complex with all facilities and services to take care of such people. It will be a home like a joint family and will stay together without any worries and problems and will have complete peace of mind.

The services such as bank, insurance, pension, post, etc will be taken care by the staff of the home and for which no one has to go personally.

Broad outline of the retirement home:

dministration !lock ccommodation


"ecreational reas #ining and $itchen %ursing &ome Therapy 'entre Staff ccommodation #ay 'are 'entre (uest &ouses ncillary reas or Service )acilities Services

Administration Blo ! *ntrance lobby, waiting room + reception , -. s/ m 0anager1s office with attached toilet , 23 s/ m #irector1s office with attached toilet , 23 s/ m dmin ccount 4ffice , 5. s/ m 'onference 6 0eeting room , 7. s/ m &i8tech site security + surveillance office , -. s/ m Staff "estroom , 7. s/ m


"ecord room , 5. s/ m Store room , 59 s/ m :antry , 7 s/ m Toilets , de/uate

ommodation 5; single occupancy units , -5 s/ m each 7; double occupancy units , 79 s/ m each 7 dormitories <each having capacity of 3 persons= , ;9 s/ m each

Re reational Areas Indoor games room , 7. s/ m 0ultipurpose hall , 5.. s/ m Swimming pool , 29. s/ m (ents 'hanging room + toilet , 5. s/ m >adies changing room and toilet , 5. s/ m >ibrary , 2.. s/ m !illiards room , 7. s/ m 155

Store , 29 s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Dinin" and #it hen 'ommon dining hall , 2.. s/ m $itchen 6 :reparation area , 7. s/ m Store , 5. s/ m ?ashing area , 59 s/ m &ands washing area , 2. s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Nursin" $ome "eception + waiting , -. s/ m "esident doctor1s room with toilet , 5. s/ m @isiting doctor1s room with toilet , 5. s/ m 5 Treatment rooms , A.9 s/ m each 0edical store , 5. s/ m Store , 29 s/ m 156

:antry , A.9 s/ m %urse station , 29 s/ m 25 :rivate rooms with toilet , 57 s/ m each (ents common ward <capacity of ; beds= , 95 s/ m >adies common ward <capacity of ; beds= , 95 s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Thera%& 'entre "eception + waiting , -. s/ m #octor1s room , 5. s/ m :hysiotherapy room , -. s/ m 0editation hall cum Boga centre , 2.. s/ m (ymnasium , 2.. s/ m >adies changing room , 5. s/ m (ents changing room , 5. s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Staff A

ommodation 157

"esident doctor1s residence , 22. s/ m 0anager1s residence , 22. s/ m 5 %urse1s residence <each having capacity of 5 persons= , 59 s/ m each

Da& 'are 'entre "eception and waiting , 29 s/ m dmin office , 29 s/ m :antry , A.9 s/ m Store , A.9 s/ m 0ultipurpose &all , A9 s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Guest $ouses ; (uest rooms with attached toilets , 57 s/ m each

An illar& Areas or Ser(i e )a ilities >aundry + house keeping , 9. s/ m


Store , 59 s/ m &air dressing unit 6 parlour , 59 s/ m each (eneral store , 59 s/ m 'yber cafC , 59 s/ m 5 ?atchman1s cabin , A.9 s/ m each (arbage disposal area , 2. s/ m Toilets , de/uate

Ser(i es *lectrical substation , 7. s/ m (enerator room , 9. s/ m



Desi"n 'on e%t + Pro%osal
The main idea behind this project of senior citiDen housing will be to provide group housing for elderly with a residential character and to provide professionally based personal and limited health care. To come to an architectural program the activities, behavioural objectives, operational influences, and design considerations for each space have to be identified. &owever the design layout for the campus as a whole will be affected by the following concepts.

Pri(a & :rivacy provided to each individual unit will be a priority. :rivacy provides opportunities for a place of seclusion from company or observation, where one can be free from intrusion. This is important as it provides the older person with a sense of self. This is a


difficult objective to achieve in group housing schemes but can be managed with sensitive designing. are important sub8components of physical separation.

uditory and visual privacy

So ial Intera tion The main intention of this housing will be to stimulate informal social exchange, recreational activities, discussion groups and friendship among the elderly residents. Social interaction counters depression by enabling them to share their problems with other elderly residents. This will be done by providing easily accessible communal spaces with a variety of seating arrangements. #ining is an activity for which most of the residents will get together therefore it should be at a walk able distance from all the units. The social interaction related with pre8dining and post8dining activity is an important part of the scheme therefore a major part of the concept will revolve around this.

Orientation ,a&findin" )oster a sense of orientation within the environment that reduces confusion and facilitates wayfinding. This is important because it is a frightening and disconcerting feeling that can lessen confidence and self8esteem. 4lder people who have experienced some memory loss are more easily disoriented within a featureless complex environment. Signs can overcome some problems but never provides the person with the confidence of knowing exactly where they are within the larger environmental context.

Safet&-Se urit&


:rovide an environment that ensures each user will sustain no harm, injury, or undue risk. 4lder people may experience physiological and sensory problems, such as visual impairments, balance control difficulties, lower body strength and arthritis, which make them more susceptible to falls and burns. 'hanges in bone calcium levels with aging can also increase their susceptibility to broken bones and hips. The elderly experience a high rate of injury from home accidents.

essi.ilit& and )un tionin"

'onsider manipulation and accessibility as basic re/uirements for any functional environment. This is important because older people often experience difficulties manipulating the environment. ?indows, doors and bathroom fixtures can be hard to twist, turn and lift. )urthermore, older people confined to a wheelchair or dependent on a walker must have environments that are adaptable enough to accommodate these devices. "each capacity and strength limitations are therefore important considerations in the layout of bathrooms and kitchens, and in the specifications of finishes.

Stimulation and 'hallen"e :rovide a stimulating environment, which is safe but challenging. This is important because a stimulating environment keeps the elder person alert and engaged. *xercising will be encouraged. *xercising areas will be at convenient locations. *ven though the residents might prefer to take lifts, staircases will be put in visible locations to encourage a resident to use it. :assive behaviours will be avoided.


Sensor& As%e ts 'hanges in visual, auditory and olfactory senses should be accounted for in the environment. This is important because older people tend to suffer age8related sensory losses. The senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste decrease in intensity as person ages. Sensory stimulation can involve aromas from the kitchen or garden, colours and patterns from furnishings, laughter from conversations, and the texture of certain fabrics. and interesting. range of sensory inputs can be used to make a setting more stimulating

)amiliarit& *nvironments that use historical reference and solutions influenced by local tradition provide a sense of the familiar and enhance continuity. This is important because moving into a new housing environment is a very disorienting experience for some. 'reating continuity and connection with the past is reassuring and facilitates the transition. "esidents take cues from the environment. ?hen it is designed to accommodate traditional events and fits into the regional housing vocabulary, it appears more predictable and understandable. Institutional environments often use imagery that does not come from residential references and therefore appears foreign and alienating.

Aestheti s-A%%earan e


#esign environments, which appear attractive, provoking and non8institutional. This is important because the overall appearance of the environment sends a strong symbolic message to visitors, friends and relatives about the elder person. &ousing that appears institutional provides cues to others about the competency, well being and independence of residents. Staff and care8giving personnel are also highly affected by the appearance of the physical and policy environment. :ersonnel working in a building that resembles a nursing home will lessen cognitive dissonance and act in ways that are consistent with what an institutional context suggests.

Personali/ation :rovide opportunities to make the environment personal and to mark it as the property of a uni/ue individual. This is important because it allows elder residents to express self8identity and individuality. In nursing homes, individual expression is often very limited. :atients do not have much personal space in compact two8bed rooms furnished with hospital beds. :ersonal items used for display and decoration are often very important and salient to the elder person. 'ollectible items may trigger memories of travels to other countries or emotional bonds with family and friends. These items can animate a room by recalling past associations.

Ada%ta.ilit& n adaptable or flexible environment can be made to fit changing personal characteristics. This is important because old people age differently. Some have mental impairments while others suffer visual losses. )or some, chronic arthritis keeps them from performing activities of daily living, while for others, arthritis is an occasional problem that is more of an annoyance than a disabling


disease. The environment has the capacity to compensate for many deficits and to adapt to changing resident needs. !athrooms and bedrooms are the major rooms in which work activities take place and where safety is a major consideration. *nvironments should be designed to be adaptable to a range of users, including those who need wheel chairs and walkers.

)o us on health maintenan e0 %h&si al mo(ement and mental stimulation voiding institutionaliDation as long as possible is a major motivation provided being a home for the aged. 0onitoring health through preventive checks, good nutritional habits and careful attention to pharmaceuticals constructs a safety net assurance. :hysical challenges in the form of exercise therapy can build upper and lower body strength, increase aerobic capacity and achieve muscle control over problems like incontinence. ctivities that stimulate the mind, like reading and discussion groups, also create opportunities for friendship formation, informal social exchange and the sharing of personal feelings. This counteracts depression while replacing friendships that have been lost through attrition on relocation.

Maintain onne tions 1ith the surroundin" ommunit& *ncouraging residents to visit their old neighbourhood to attend prayers or to have their hair styled maintains linkages and connections with old friends and familiar places. This allows residents to draw on a wider range of interactions rather than narrowing their choices. &ousing projects that develop inventive ways to serve the surrounding community become less internally focused and better connected to the fabric of the community. Intergenerational exchange programs with preschools have been successful in forging exchange relationships with elder people and children. )oster grandparents can improve self8esteem and receive affection and admiration.


Inde%enden e The design will foster independence among the residents. It is important for the resident to remain self reliant for as long as he6she can. This gives a feeling of control over their lives. )or example, food preparation and storage facilities encourage independent behavioural patterns.

Thera%euti Goals *nsure safety and security Support functional ability through meaningful activity &eighten awareness and orientation :rovide appropriate environmental stimulation and challenge #evelop a positive social milieu 0aximise autonomy and control dapt to changing needs *stablish links to the healthy and familiar :rotect the need for privacy


Boo!s + arti les referred 2
2. !arrier )ree "esidential #esign , lbert :elo/uin



ssisted >iving &ousing )or The *lderly , @ictor . "egnier

-. Time Saver Standards 7. &ousing for elderly people , 0artin @alins 9. 'ommunity (roup &omes , E. "aymond ;. ?orking with *lderly :eople , &elp ge International report A. The Times of India, :une , Tuesday, #ecember A, 5.2. , F(ood ol1 daysG 3. The Times of India, :une , Tuesday, #ecember A, 5.2. , F>ife is swinging even at seventyG

,e. sites referred 2

httpH66en.wikipedia.org6wiki64ldIageIhome httpH66www.seniorindian.com6oldIageIhomes.htm httpH66living.oneindia.in6expressions6life8expressions6old8age8homes.html httpH66www.merinews.com6article6old8age8homes8and8retirement8townships8in8india6253L-5.shtml httpH66www.oldagehome.org6profile.asp httpH66www.helpageindia.org6relief8old8age8homes.php httpH66seniors.lovetoknow.com6(roupI*lderlyI ctivities httpH66www.ilcindia.org6policy.html



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