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1. Differentiate between temperature, thermal energy, internal energy and heat in molecular level;
2. Convert temperature scales.

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that study the relationship between heat, other forms of
energy and work. (Greek thermo which means heat, and dynamikos which means

Temperature is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy associated with the
disordered microscopic motion of atoms and molecules. It is the quantity that tells how hot or
cold a body is compared with a standard. Temperature may be measured using thermometer and
thermal sensor.

There are three temperature scales used in science:

Celsius scale (OC)an international scale. The number 0 is assigned to the temperature at which
water freezes, and the number 100 to the temperature at which water boils.
Fahrenheit scale (OF)the temperature scale used commonly is USA; assigned number 32 as
the temperature at which water freezes and the number 212 as the temperature water boil.
Kelvin scale (K)the temperature used in the scientific research which is the SI scale. The
intervals of this scale are equivalent as those with the Celsius scale. The number 0 is assigned to
the lowest possible temperature. This is the absolute zero, where all molecules of a substance
have no kinetic energy.

Temperature can be converted from one scale to another using the following formulae:
To convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature, use
t = 5/9 (Tf 32)
To convert Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature, use
Tf = 1.8 Tc + 32
For Celsius temperature to Kelvin temperature, use
T = t + 273.15
t is the temperature in Celsius scale
Tf is the temperature in Fahrenheit scale
T is the temperature in Kelvin scale

Temperature, Thermal Energy, Internal Energy & Heat

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Note: the numerical value of a given temperature interval or temperature difference whose
value is expressed in the unit degree Celsius (C) is equal to the numerical value of the
same interval or difference when its value is expressed in the unit kelvin (K) (National
Institute of Standards a & Technology, 2008).

Thermal energy of an object consists of the total kinetic energy of all its atoms and

Thermal energy is not the same as heat. Thermal energy is energy innate in molecules of a body
by the virtue of their random motion, while heat on the other hand is the energy that is
transferred from one body to another due to a temperature difference between them. Heat is
transferred from a body with higher temperature to a body with lower temperature.

Temperature is related to thermal energy of the random motion of the molecules of the body. But
temperature is not a measure of the thermal energy of all molecules in a substance.

Internal energy of a system, also often called the thermodynamic energy, includes other forms
of energy in a thermodynamic system in addition to thermal energy, namely forms of potential
energy that do not influence temperature and do not absorb heat, such as the chemical
energy stored in its molecular structure and electronic configuration, and the nuclear binding
energy that binds the sub-atomic particles of matter.

Practical and Explorational Physics by Alicia L. Padua et al. Vibal Publishing House.
Conceptual Physics (9th Edition) by Paul G. Hewitt, Prentice Hall Publication.

Temperature, Thermal Energy, Internal Energy & Heat

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Name: __________________________________________
Year & Section: ___________________

Date: ___________________
Score: ___________

A. Fill out the table below with the equivalent temperature reading in different scales. No solutions, no
Temp. at which water boils
Normal human body temp.
Average room temperature
Temp. at which water freezes

Celsius Scale

Fahrenheit Scale

Kelvin Scale
373.15 K

37 OC
78 OF

B. Think PHYSIC-Ly
Judith fills a cup of water from the bucket of boiling water until the brim. Compare the thermal
energy and temperature of the water in each container in relation with the motion of the molecules. Is
there any heat? Explain.
Temperature, Thermal Energy, Internal Energy & Heat

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