PAPER OF Iodometry and Iodimetry Titration

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Written by :

1. Aisah Ika Wardhani K3309006 2. Anom Jadmiko H. W. K3309011 3. Itanur Fitriana K33090 2 !. "arry "aras#ati K33090$3 . %o&a 'ririan Jati K33090

Education Pro ra!!"d D"#art"!"nt o$ Mat%"!atic& and Natura' Sci"nc" Education Facu't( o$ T"ac%"r Trainin and Education S")"'a& Mar"t Uni*"r&it( +,-,

Pa#"r o$ Ana'(tica' C%"!i&tr(


Co!!on Pur#o&" S#"cia' Pur#o&"&

/an do iodometry and iodimetry titration. 1. "tandardi0ation o1 2a2"2.3 #ith K2/r2.$ so3utions. 2. 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 traded /u".! in terrusion. 3. 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 a6ti7ated 6h3or in #hitin& 63ean 5o#der. !. "tandardi0ation o1 I2 #ith standard As2.3 so3utions. . 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 as6orbi6 a6id in so3ution. III. 'A"I/ (H*.-% Kno#n 1or a 7ariety o1 redo8 titration o1 5erman&anometri9 dikromatrometri9 serimetri9 iodo: iodimetri6 and bromatometri. +erman&anometri is a redo8 titration usin& K;n.! <stron& o8idant= as titrant. In 5erman&anometri not di5eer3ukan indi6ator9 be6ause the titrant a6t as an indi6ator <auto indi6ator=. +otassium 5erman&anate is not the 5rimary standard so3ution9 the so3ution must be standardi0ed K;n.!9 amon& others #ith arseni6 <III= o8ide <As2.3= and sodium o8a3ate <2a2/2.!=. +erman&anometri 6an be used to determine the 6on6entration o1 iron9 6a36ium and hydro&en 5ero8ide. In the determination o1 iron9 the iron ore initia33y disso37ed in hydro6h3ori6 a6id9 then a33 the iron is redu6ed to Fe29 titrated in 5erman&anometri ne#. Whi3e the determination o1 6a36ium9 at 1irst. /a36ium 5re6i5itated as 6a36ium o8a3ate 5re6i5itate #as disso37ed and oksa3atnya then titrated #ith 5erman&anate. 4ikromatometri is a redo8 titration usin& di6hromate as an o8idi0in& 6om5ound. 4i6hromate is a stron& o8idi0in& 6om5ounds9 but #eaker than 5erman&anate. +otassium di6hromate is a 5rimary standard. (he 5rimary use is 1or determinin& dikromatometri iron <II= in hydro6h3ori6 a6id. (itration #ith iodine9 there are t#o kinds o1 iodimetri6 <dire6t3y=9 and iodometri6 <indire6t #ay=. In iodimetri6 iodine used as an o8idant9 #hi3e in iodometri6 iodide ion is used as a redu6tant. Whether in or iodimetri6 iodometri6 titration end 5oint determination based on the I2:1ree. In iodometri6 thiosu31ate so3ution is used to titrate the 3iberated iodine. "tandard so3ution o1 sodium thiosu31ate is se6ondary and 6an be standardi0ed #ith 5otassium di6hromate or 5otassium iodidat.

In a titration9 #hen the titrant so3ution #as made 1rom substan6es that its 5urity is un6ertain9 it is ne6essary standardi0ation. (o standardi0e the use o1 ra# substan6e 6a33ed 5rimary standard so3ution9 the so3ution #hose 6on6entration 6an be determined by 6are1u33y #ei&hin& substan6es used 1or the standardi0ation o1 a so3ution be6ause the substan6e is re3ati7e3y stab3e. In addition9 standardi0ation 6an a3so be done by usin& the se6ondary standard so3ution9 the so3ution #hose 6on6entration 6an be determined by standardi0ed by the 5rimary standard so3ution9 be6ause it is unstab3e9 easi3y broken do#n9 and hy&ros6o5i6 <Kho5kar9 1990=. (he terms o1 the 5rimary standard so3ution is: > *asi3y obtained in 5ure 1orm > *asi3y dried > "tab3e > Ha7e a 3ar&e mo3ar mass > rea6tion #ith a substan6e that must be standardi0ed so that a6hie7ed e3ementary stoi6hiometry 6a36u3ations <4ay ? ,nder#ood9 2002=. "tandard so3ution used in most iodometri6 5ro6ess is sodium thiosu31ate. "a3t is usua33y sha5ed saba&ai 5entahidrat 2a2"2.3. H2.. so3ution shou3d not be standardi0ed by #ei&hin& dire6t3y9 but must be standardi0ed #ith 5rimary standard9 a so3ution o1 sodium thiosu31ate is not stab3e 1or a 3on& time. +ure 6o55er 6an be used as 5rimary standards 1or sodium thiosu31ate <4ay ? ,nder#ood9 2002=. An e8am53e o1 a redo8 titration is treatin& a so3ution o1 iodine #ith a redu6in& a&ent and usin& star6h as indi6ator. Iodine 1orms an intense3y b3ue 6om53e8 #ith star6h. Iodine <I2= 6an be redu6ed to iodide <I@= by e.&. thiosu35hate <"2.32@=9 and #hen a33 iodine is s5ent the b3ue 6o3our disa55ears. (his is 6a33ed an iodometri6 titration. ;ost o1ten the redu6tion o1 iodine to iodide is the 3ast ste5 in a series o1 rea6tions #here the initia3 rea6tions are used to 6on7ert an unkno#n amount o1 the so3ute <the substan6e you #ant to ana3yse= to an eAui7a3ent amount o1 iodine9 #hi6h may then be titrated. "ometimes other ha3o&ens than iodine are used in the intermediate rea6tions be6ause they are a7ai3ab3e in better measurab3e standard so3utions andBor rea6t more readi3y #ith the so3ute. (he e8tra ste5s in iodometri6 titration may be #orth #hi3e be6ause the eAui7a3en6e 5oint9 #here the b3ue turns 6o3our3ess9 is more distin6t than some other ana3yti6a3 methods. and bromate R and B9 and the amount o1 thiosu31ate T9 #here B or T are kno#n and R is unkno#n C but #e ha7e to make sure that R is 3ess than B. <A33 amounts are in mo3e.= (hen R . B / T01

Iodo!"tr( is a method o1 7o3umetri6 6hemi6a3 ana3ysis9 a titration #here the a55earan6e or disa55earan6e o1 e3ementary iodine indi6ates the end 5oint. ,sua3 rea&ents are sodium thiosu31ate as titrant9 star6h as an indi6ator <it 1orms b3ue 6om53e8 #ith iodine mo3e6u3es : thou&h 5o3y7iny3 a36oho3 has started to be used re6ent3y as #e33=9 and an iodine 6om5ound <iodide or iodate9 de5endin& on the desired rea6tion #ith the sam53e=. (he 5rin6i5a3 rea6tion is the redu6tion o1 iodine to iodide by thiosu31ate: I2 D 2 "2.32@ E "!.62@ D 2 I@ A 6ommon and i33ustrati7e use o1 iodometry is the measurement o1 6on6entration o1 6h3orine in #ater.F1G /h3orine in 5H under H o8idi0es iodide to iodine. An o7erabundan6e o1 5otassium iodide is added to the kno#n amount o1 sam53e in a6idi6 en7ironment <5H I !9 the rea6tion is not 6om53ete in more a3ka3ine 5H=. "tar6h is added9 1ormin& a b3ue 63athrate 6om53e8 #ith the 3iberated iodine. (he b3ue so3ution is then titrated #ith thiosu31ate unti3 the b3ue 6o3or 7anishes. (#o 5ossib3e sour6es o1 error 6an in13uen6e the out6ome o1 the iodometri6 titration. .ne is the air o8idation o1 a6id:iodide so3ution and the other is the 7o3ati3ity o1 I2. (he 1irst one 6an be e3iminated by addin& an e86ess o1 sodium 6arbonate in the rea6tion 7esse3. (his dis53a6es the o8y&en in the 7esse3 by 1ormin& 6arbon dio8ide &as9 #hi6h b3o#s the air a#ay9 and bein& hea7ier than air9 5rote6ts the mi8ture by remainin& on to5. (he other error 6an be redu6ed by usin& an e86ess o1 iodide so3ution #hi6h 6a5tures 3iberated iodine to 1orm triiodide ions9 I3@

IJ. *K,I+;*2( 2ame *r3enmeyer Ima&e Amount 2

'eaker &3ass

;easurement &3ass



/3am5s and stati1


Wat6h &3ass

;ateria3 : KI 20L so3ution H2".! so3ution 1 ; K2/r2.$ so3ution 2a2"2.3 so3ution Amy3um indi6ator (errusion so3ution Whitin& so3ution H/) so3ution ! ; As2.3 so3ution Jitamin / so3ution Iodium so3ution AAuades JI. +-./*4,-* 1. "tandardi0ation o1 2a2"2.3 #ith K2/r2.$ so3utions. (ake 10 m3 o1 KI 20L so3ution9 5ut into *r3enmeyer. Add 10 m3 su35huri6 a6id 1 ;9 and +ut the ar3oMi &3ass to the to5 o1 *r3enmeyer and 5ut this to the dark 53a6e in Fi33 the buret #ith 2a2"2.3 so3ution unti3 the 0ero. A1ter minutes9 take the ar3oMi &3ass and #ash it9 the #ashed #ater shou3d in the minutes. 10 m3 K2/r2.$ "u11i6ient 10 m3 10 m3 "u11i6ient "u11i6ient 10 m3 10 m3 20 m3 m3 m3 "u11i6ient "u11i6ient

*r3enmeyer9 then titrate #ith 2a2"2.3 6are1u33y. as (itration it #ithout indi6ator9 a1ter ye33o# 6o3or a55ear9 then add the amy3um indi6ator dro5s then 6ontinue the titration unti3 &reen 6o3or a55ear. -e5eat the e85eriment 1 time a&ain. /a36u3ate the mo3arity o1 that 2a2"2.3 so3ution. (ake 1 m3 o1 KI 20L so3ution9 5ut into *r3enmeyer. Add 10 m3 terrusion so3ution. +ut the ar3oMi &3ass to the to5 o1 *r3enmeyer and 5ut this to the dark 53a6e in minutes.

2. 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 traded /u".! in terrusion

Fi33 the buret #ith 2a2"2.3 so3ution unti3 the 0ero. A1ter minutes9 take the ar3oMi &3ass and #ash it9 the #ashed #ater shou3d in the

*r3enmeyer9 then titrate #ith 2a2"2.3 6are1u33y. as (itration it #ithout indi6ator9 a1ter ye33o# 6o3or a55ear9 then add the amy3um indi6ator dro5s then 6ontinue the titration unti3 &reen 6o3or a55ear. -e5eat the e85eriment 1 time a&ain. /a36u3ate the mo3arity o1 that /u".! so3ution. (ake 10 m3 o1 #hitin& so3ution9 5ut into *r3enmeyer. Add m3 KI 20 L and 20 m3 H/3 minutes.

3. 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 a6ti7ated 6h3or in #hitin& 63ean 5o#der. ! ;. +ut the ar3oMi &3ass to the to5 o1 *r3enmeyer and 5ut this to the dark 53a6e in Fi33 the buret #ith 2a2"2.3 so3ution unti3 the 0ero. A1ter minutes9 take the ar3oMi &3ass and #ash it9 the #ashed #ater shou3d in the

*r3enmeyer9 then titrate #ith 2a2"2.3 6are1u33y. as (itration it #ithout indi6ator9 a1ter ye33o# 6o3or a55ear9 then add the amy3um indi6ator dro5s then 6ontinue the titration unti3 &reen 6o3or a55ear. -e5eat the e85eriment 1 time a&ain. /a36u3ate the 5er6enta&e o1 6h3or in the #hitin& 5o#der. (ake m3 o1 As2.3 so3ution9 5ut into *r3enmeyer and add 3 dro5s o1 amy3um indi6ator.

!. "tandardi0ation o1 I2 #ith standard As2.3 so3utions.

(itrate #ith iodium so3ution unti3 a55ear b3ue 6o3or. -e5eat the e85eriment 1 time a&ain. /a36u3ate the 6on6entration o1 I2 in so3ution. (ake m3 o1 7itamin / so3ution9 5ut into *r3enmeyer and add 3 dro5s o1 amy3um

. 4etermine the 5er6enta&e o1 as6orbi6 a6id in so3ution. indi6ator. (itrate #ith iodium so3ution unti3 a55ear b3ue 6o3or. -e5eat the e85eriment 1 time a&ain. /a36u3ate the 6on6entration o1 I2 in so3ution.

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