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Spring term, Miss Jill Lucas

LITERACY PLANNER Year group: 1 Term: Spring 2 2008 Week: Wks 1 and 2 of Fantasy Stories unit
Where the Wild hings !re

New Framework Overview:

Read stories about fantasy worlds, for e ample imaginary lands, space, animal homes. !isualise settings, talk about what is new or une pected and predict how characters will look and behave in these settings. "ake links with children#s e perience, for e ample, what would you do if you found yourself here$ Compare and contrast stories with different settings and encourage children to e press preferences. %dentify the main characters and events in a story. Children retell orally with main events in sequence. Watch a short performance or film version of a story with a fantasy setting. &sk children to identify the key features and e press views about, for e ample, how they created a sense of e citement. Children write about a significant incident from the story that was performed. Read several short stories with similar imaginary settings. &sk groups of children to make predictions about what will happen in that type of story and how characters will behave. 'hey check their predictions by reading further stories. Create an imaginary setting and characters with the class. Explore story ideas using discussion and role-play. Record the main events for a class story based on children's suggestions and tell the story orally. Children then write their own version of the story, using or adapting the class ideas. Support children in writing stories with a clear beginning, middle and end. Each part has more than one sentence and events are se uenced logically. !he stories could include good and bad characters and examples of story language.


Compose complete sentences correctly demarcated by capital letters and full stops (marking and feedback against agreed success criteria). Write a short story with the events organised sequentially into problem and resolution (marking and feedback against agreed success criteria).


Where the Wild hings !re

New Framework Objectives

"ost children learn to( ('he following list comprises only the strands, numbered ) through )*, that are relevant to this particular unit.) ). +peaking 'ell stories and describe incidents from their own e perience in an audible voice Retell stories, ordering events using story language *. ,istening and responding ,isten with sustained concentration, building new stores of words in different conte ts -. .rama / plore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role0play 1. Word recognition( decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught %dentify the constituent parts of two0syllable and three0syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words &pply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable Read more challenging te ts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency words Read and spell phonically decodable two0syllable and three0syllable words 2. Word structure and spelling +pell new words using phonics as the prime approach +egment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught 3se knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, 0ly, 0er Read and spell phonically decodable two0syllable and three0syllable words 4. 3nderstanding and interpreting te ts

Spring term, Miss Jill Lucas %dentify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple te ts 3se synta and conte t when reading for meaning 5. /ngaging with and responding to te ts +elect books for personal reading and give reasons for choices !isualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to own e periences 6. Creating and shaping te ts %ndependently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through 3se key features of narrative in their own writing Create short simple te ts on paper and on screen that combine words with images (and sounds) )7. 'e t structure and organisation Write chronological and non0chronological te ts using simple structures )). +entence structure and punctuation Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning

Whole class learning on

!"ase # $a% #

Whole class word/sentence

Guided learning
Miss Lucas Sentence su*stitution + $olice ,fficers Miss )ampson ricky #ord *ingo + Fire Fighters S#ap acti'ities to familiarise children #ith *oth *efore end of session% Miss Lucas -entists + !s Fire Fighters Miss )ampson + Fire Fighters " am naughty #hen 3% 4se copymaster

Independent learning / differentiation

Lollipop $atrol and $aramedics Writing tricky #ords in a shape% Write each one in a sentence% -entists . /$ $aramedics 5 Lollipops "ndependent #riting in a 6ig 6ag *ook% $olice . /$

Plenar ! A"L
$lay re'eal the #ord% 0emind children of the morning acti'ities that #ill relate to the tricky #ords%

"ntroduce tricky #ords from $hase #o% ell ch they #ill see a #ord they cannot sound out & or ha'en(t learned ho# to sound out yet% )ighlight the tricky part of each #ord% !sk ch if they can read #ords each time% !dd to tricky #ords display and ensure children kno# #here it is and #hat it #ill *e used for%

!"ase # $a% 2

W!L respond to a story% W!L participate in group discussion, listening and sharing ideas% 0ead and respond to story% alk for #riting% W)S pg% 12 " am naughty #hen 3%

!sk children for some of the things they do #hen they are good7

!"ase # $a% &

W!L #rite sentences #ith correct punctuation that make sense% Sho# set of prepared sentences% Sho# sentence ch re + #rite on their #hite*oards #ith correct full stops and capital letters% 0elate to large 'ersion of helping hands%

Miss Lucas Fire Fighters Sentence strips cut up% /opy out correct sentence% $ossi*ly link to topic if applica*le%

$olice ,fficers !s FF *ut independent $aramedics 5 Lollipops $honeme sort re'ision of 8ee( phoneme%

9'aluate again *ut this time talk of 0ed )ot Sentences and #hat makes a 0)S%

Spring term, Miss Jill Lucas

Whole class learning Fri

!"ase # $a% '

Whole class word/sentence

Guided learning
$aramedics 5 Lollipops "mpro'e sentences acti'ity using Smart*oard file do#nloaded from 9S and :/,$%

Independent learning / differentiation

$olice ,fficers 5 Fire Fighters $ro'ide #ith a *ank of sentences #ith no capital letter or full stop, they must re.#rite #ith correct punctuation% -entists Special *ooks

Plenar ! A"L
9'aluate sentences impro'ed *y $ and L groups using red, am*er, green key rings%

W!L #rite sentences to interest our reader% !s yesterday *ut change focus from adding punctuation to use of connecti'es, #o# #ords and 'er*s% "ntroduce the idea of using the red, am*er, green key rings to e'aluate peers( sentences% 4se Smart*oard and drag & drop #ords in appropriate places%

!"ase # $a% (

W!L compose sentences independently that make sense% W!L compose sentences that interest our reader% ;ey #ords focus + depends on progress last Monday% Write a simiple story *out dreams and monsters% -ra# a monster to illustrate the story and model #riting simple sentences my dream monster is naughty *ut gentle% My dream monster eats chocolate cake% alking partners a*out monster%

Miss Lucas $olice ,fficers + play <uild a sentence game% Miss )ampson -entists + /opymaster => My -ream Monster%

$aramedics 5 Lollipops Write full sentences descri*ing their dream monster using the modelled sentence%

Look at the monsters in the story% alk a*out fa'ourites and descri*e them%

!"ase 2 $a% #

W!L identify and discuss the main character in a story% Shared #riting of a letter to Ma?% oday focus on #hat #e #ould like to tell Ma? a*out us + #hat #ould he *e interested in% Lots of discussion a*out the character of Ma? and his interests @*oy, likes #ild games, party, ageAB

Miss Lucas Fire Fighters + #rite a letter to Ma?% Miss )ampson . $olice ,fficers to #rite a letter to Ma?%

-entists ;ey #ord acti'ity *ased on Monday(s #ork% $aramedics 5 Lollipops Sentence su*stitution Letters 5 Sounds% Fire Fighters 5 -entists Write adDecti'es to descri*e characters% /reate 6ig 6ag *ook #ith a range of monsters, princesses etc% $olice ,fficers !s Lollipop $atrol *ut simplify sentences%

$lay #hole class sentence su*stitution using #hite*oards%

T"ur s
!"ase 2 $a% 2

W!L identify and discuss the main character in a story% 0ead a letter to Ma? that some*ody has #ritten% )ot seat one of the children pretending to *e Ma? and respond to the Cuestions in the letter% Share a range of Cuestions for group acti'ity%

Miss Lucas Lollipop $atrol !ns#er Cuestions in role as Ma?%

/ategorise statements spoken *y a familiar character eg% gruffalo, <ernard, )anda, Ma? etc%

Spring term, Miss Jill Lucas

!"ase 2 $a% &

W!L identify and discuss story settings% W!L descri*e story setting using a range of 'oca*ulary%

Work in Mi?ed a*ility pairs to annotate o#n illustration from the te?t% Miss Lucas + -entists Write sentences to descri*e the picture% 0elates to "9$ group target%

4se the picture opposite the te?t that reads 83and gre# until his ceiling hung #ith 'ines%(% -iscuss the illustration% What can Ma? seeA Share ideas, focusing on really good 'oca*ulary. phrases and #ords% 9ncourage use of similes *y sho#ing a fe# e?amples
W!L discuss characters and story settings Sho# the picture of Ma? on the #ild thing(s shoulder% alk a*out ho# Ma? is feeling% Write thought *u**les for this picture using alking $artners% $aramedics Write thought *u**les and speech *u**les for a page in the story% Fire Fighters 5 $olice ,fficers ;ey #ord #riting in a shape% Lollipop $atrol Sentence *uilding game% -entists . /$ $aramedics 5 Lollipops + complete independently -entists and Fire Figthers + dra# three key scenes in order on #orksheet%

!ctE /reate class collection of fa'ourite phrases @W,W #ordsB%

!"ase 2 $a% '

Write thought *u**le on "W<s for *eginning and end of story%

T"ur s
!"ase 2 $a% (

W!L discuss the parts of a story eg% pro*lem and solution% 0ead te?t through complete chart from pg 1F W) Smith *ook% Sit class in circle and use a *all to roll from child to child% First,,,,, then,,,, ne?t, ,,,, soon, ,,,,,after that,,,,, finally 0etell the story% Sho# enlarge 'ersion of /M1G and demonstrate ho# to complete%

$olice ,fficers + complete #ith adult support

Share and e'aluate each others #ork to see #hether seCuenced correctly%

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