Balancing Experimental Lab - s2007

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ME-372 Mechanical Design II Balancing Experimental Lab Page 1 of 6 2!!

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$he f%n&amental ob'ecti(es of this laborator) are* 1 2 3 1+ ,bser(e the effect of %nbalance& masses on &)namics of a rotor2+ Balance the rotor theoreticall)3+ Balance the rotor experimentall).

$M1!2 static an& &)namic balancing apparat%s.

Dynamic Balancing D)namic forces are associate& /ith accelerating mass- an& since (irt%all) all machines contain accelerating parts- &)namic forces are al/a)s present. $he &)namic forces that are transmitte& to the frame of the machine are in general time (ariant an& impart (ibrator) motion to the frame. $he net &)namic or %nbalance& force acting on the frame of a machine or mechanism is referre& to as the sha0ing force. Li0e/ise- a res%ltant %nbalance& moment acting on the frame is calle& a sha0ing moment. In the case of a rotor- %nbalance& masses create time &epen&ent sha0ing force an& sha0ing moment that ca%se (ibration. $he sha0ing force an& moment ma) be minimi1e& b) co%nterbalancing in s%ch a manner that the resultants of the inertia forces and the inertia moments are equal to zero. $his process of minimi1ing or eliminating the &)namic forces an& moments is calle& as dynamic balancing.

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2 shaft /ith masses mo%nte& on it can be both staticall) an& &)namicall) balance&. If it is staticall) balance&- it /ill sta) in an) ang%lar position /itho%t rotating 3i.e. onl) the sha0ing force /ill be 1ero+. If it is &)namicall) balance&- it can be rotate& at an) spee& /itho%t (ibration 3i.e. both the sha0ing force an& moment /ill be 1ero+. If a shaft is &)namicall) balance& it is a%tomaticall) in static balance- b%t the re(erse is not necessaril) tr%e.


$he $M1!2 tatic an& D)namic Balancing 2pparat%s 34ig. 1+ consists of a perfectl) balance& shaft 315! mm long+ to /hich a set of fo%r rectang%lar bloc0s can be clampe&. $he shaft r%ns in ball bearings an& is &ri(en b) a 12-(olt electric motor thro%gh a belt an& p%lle) arrangement. $he motor an& shaft are mo%nte& on a metal plate- /hich is s%pporte& on resilient r%bber feet. $hese feet allo/ the plate to (ibrate /hen the shaft is o%t of balance. Discs ha(ing eccentric holes of &iffering &iameters can be fitte& to the rectang%lar bloc0s so that the o%t of balance moment of each bloc0 can be (arie&. $he bloc0s can be clampe& to the shaft in an) ang%lar an& shaft-/ise positions.

4ig%re 1. $M1!2 tatic an& &)namic balancing apparat%s.

Linear an& protractor scales are pro(i&e& for setting an& meas%ring the positions of the bloc0s. 2&'acent to the linear scale is a sli&er- /hich can be p%she& %p against each bloc0 in

ME-372 Mechanical Design II Balancing Experimental Lab Page 3 of 6 2!!7 "#

t%rn to rea& the shaft-/ise position. $he sli&er is also %se& as a &at%m stop against /hich the bloc0s can be hel& /hen rea&ing the ang%lar position. Micro s/itches act%ate& b) a perspex &ome ens%re that the shaft cannot be &ri(en %nless the &ome is in position. $he motor s/itch on the front panel is spring loa&e& so that the motor cannot be left r%nning.

$he re6%irement is to balance the s)stem /ith fo%r %nbalance& bloc0s. $he offset- #$- for each bloc0 is pro(i&e&. D%e to special &esign re6%irement the bloc07s partial location is gi(en in a &ata sheet that /ill be &istrib%te& before the lab. 8omplete locations of the fo%r bloc0s are to be &etermine&. $he schematics of the bloc0s is sho/n in 34ig. 2+.

4ig%re 2. chematics of the rotor an& the bloc0s

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$he steps in(ol(e& in the proce&%re are as follo/s* 1. :ith the gi(en information- calc%late the locations of the fo%r bloc0s. 2. #emo(e the &ome an& arrange the fo%r bloc0s in the or&er of the calc%lations. 3. Base& on the calc%lation- position the bloc0s an& fix them to the rotor. 9. 8hec0 the positions of the bloc0s. ;. Press the s/itch to acti(ate the rotor.

2 balance& rotor res%lts in a smooth rotation. ,n the other han&- miscalc%lation or misplacement of the bloc0s /ill ca%se se(ere (ibration an& noise. If this happens then chec0 the calc%lations an& positions of the rotors an& correct them %ntil smooth rotation of the rotors is achie(e&.

Each gro%p /ill ha(e to sol(e t/o &ifferent cases of &)namic balance accor&ing to table <1. 2t the &a) of the experimental lab- the gro%p /ill be as0e& to test onl) one of the t/o cases assigne& pre(io%sl). =is%al assessment 3static an& &)namic balance+ as /ell as comparison of calc%lations /ill be &one in or&er to e(al%ate the experimental lab. 4or the s%bmission- each gro%p /ill ha(e to t%rn in the calc%lations for both cases. In table <2- the case st%&ies for each gro%p are liste&.

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Ta%l& '( Da)a S*&&): Dynamic Balanc& >%mber 1 2 3 9 ; 6 7 5 ? 1! 11 12 13 19 1; 16 17 15 1? 2! 21 22 23 29 2; 26 27 25 La 3mm+ Lb 3mm+ 1!6.3 1!6.3 1!6.3 1!6.3 116.3 Lc 3mm+ L& 3mm+ 13! 13! 13! 13! 19! a 3&eg. + b 3&eg.+ ?! 1!! 11! 12! 127.? c 3&eg.+ & 3&eg.+ -37.? -27.? -17.? -7.? !.!

3! 3! 3! 1! 1! ?6.3 ?6.3 1!6.3 1!6.3 1!6.3 3! 3! 3! 3! 1! ?6.3 ?6.3 ?6.3

75.;1 75.;1 75.;1 ;5.;1 ;5.;1 ;5.;1 ;5.;1 65.;1 65.;1 65.;1 19! 19! 19! 19! 12! ;5.;1 ;5.;1 ;5.;1 75.;1 75.;1 ;5.;1 ;5.;1

137.? 157.? 217.? 2;7.? 1! 127.? 227.? 1!! 11! 12! 37.? 137.? 157.? 217.? 2;7.? 1!! 127.? 227.? 19! 19! 12! 12! ! ?!

33!.1 2!.1 ;!.1 ?!.1 2!2.2 23!.1 33!.1 2!2.2 212.2 222.2 !.! 1!! 1;! 15! 22! 2!2.2 23!.1 33!.1 2!.1 ;!.1 ?!.1 2!2.2

1;! 15! 22! -27.?



ME-372 Mechanical Design II Balancing Experimental Lab Page 6 of 6 2!!7 "#

Ta%l& +( Ca,& S)-.i&, /&# g#0-/ G#0-/ 1 2 3 9 ; 6 7 5 ? Ca,& ,)-.i&,

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