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Objective & responsi'le and ent(rallin) *areer t(at *an +uen*( m, t(irst -or t(e kno.led)e and )i/e me e0perien*e o/er domain and ot(er e0pertise. Educational Qualification Address # 736, East street, Mettukuppam, Nadukuppam-post Panruti-T.K, Cuddalore - Dist. 607 03. #003 to #00$- M.E 1Pro*ess Control and 2nstrumentation3 -rom &nnamalai 4ni/ersit,C(idam'aram.

6.85 CGPA.
!!7 to #00 5 6.E 1Ele*troni*s and Communi*ation En))3 -rom Ma(endra

En)ineerin) Colle)e. 1 &--iliated to Madras 4ni/ersit, 3

!!$ to !!7 - 78C 8tate 6oard 18t, 9osep(:s. 7i)(er 8e*ondar, 8*(ool,Cuddalore3

!!% to !!$ - 88;C 8tate 6oard Cuddalore.3 Contact. No.: !7"6#!$#0% "oft#are and $ard#are Proficienc% <peratin) 8,stems Areas of &nterest Electronic circuits Electron devices Electric Circuits 'an(ua(es )no#n = >2ND<>8 !", #000, ?P. 18t, 9osep(:s.7i)(er 8e*ondar, 8*(ool,

!2.8 ele*troni* 8o-t.are = Matla', Pspi*e, ?ilin0

Tamil English

Ot*ers to +ention


: Listening to music, Browsing, Playing Cricket.

Work Experience

!th "ear

Worked as Lecturer in V. .! Engineering CollegeVillu"uram.#rom $une%&&' to (ugust %&&' )* +onths, Worked as Lecturer in !ri +anakula-inayagar Engineering College, Puducherry .rom !e"tem/er%&&' to $une %&&0 )%year and 1&months,. Working as Lecturer in !urya Engineering College 1 Villu"uram. #rom $uly %&&0 to Till 2ate )%year %+onths, #oles and #esponsibilit$ Headin% the Department 1 2uringthe "eriod o. !e"tem/er %&&0 to Till date &t'dent (o'nsellor Time Table inchar%e

&'b)ect Handled 1. Electronic Circuit 3 4 33 %. Linear integrated circuits *. Electronic de-ices and circuits 5. Princi"al o. Communication '. Circuit theory 6. Elements o. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 7. Transmission lines and Wa-eguides *aborator$ Installed and Handled 1. Electronics de-ices and Circuits La/ %. Linear integrated Circuits La/ *. Communication !ystems La/ 5. Engineering Practices La/ '. 2igital Circuits La/

Personal ,raits

8ardworking and willing to learn (da"ta/le

Personal -etails

2.9.B !e< #ather =ame 9ccu"ation +other =ame


: &7 1 &': 1;0& : +ale : !. $aganathan : Co 1 o"erati-e Bank Clerk : anganayagi

2 (ere ', de*lare t(at all t(e in-ormation mentioned a'o/e is true to t(e 'est o- m, kno.led)e.

Pla*e= Panruti Date =

yours .aith.ully,

#eferences +rs.$.Lakshmi Lecturer, 2e"t. o. English, (nna ?ni-ersity Chennai, Tindi-anam Cam"us,

+rs. >a-itha Lecturer, 2e"t o. ECE, (nna ?ni-ersity Trichy 1Panruti Cam"us Panruti.

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