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An end to over half a million premature deaths globally a year?

The Malaria Vaccination

Lesson objectives
What is malaria, its distribution and effects on health? How does malaria contribute to the development gap and inequality? How far can a technological fix such as the vaccine help bridge the development gap?

What is Malaria?
The term malaria comes from the medieval talian mala aria meanin! bad air" #$t its a misnomer as in the %ast it &as believed bad air ca$sed the disease t is an infectio$s disease ca$sed b' a %arasite called %lasmodi$m" The %arasites vector (carrier)is the mos*$ito +ifferent mos*$itos either li,e to% ta,e blood meals from h$mans (anthro%hilic) or animals (-oo%hilic)" The t&o most common mos*$ito t'%es in .frica are anthro%hilic/ Can be transmitted from mother to $nborn child0 thro$!h an infected blood transf$sion b$t mainl' via mos*$ito bites"

A Plasmodium; the parasite that cause malaria

The %h'sical environment for malaria5

Mos*$itos la' bet&een 708300 e!!s in &arm standin! &ater &hich hatch and become larvae bet&een 2 da's and 3 &ee,s" Tas,5 List some s$itable environments for mos*$ito larvae to s$rvive"

The Malaria life c'cle

2" 9" 3" 1" 7" Task Watch this clip about the life cycle of the plasmodium and complete the lifecycle diagram5 +ont &orr' abo$t the terminolo!' to m$ch0 j$st &atch &hat ha%%ens


4ffects on h$man health

1st5 n the first 12819 da's after infection Malaria can lead to a fever0 fati!$e0 na$sea0 vomitin!0 headache0 lo& blood %ress$re and m$scle ache5 This can be mista,en for lots of diseases" 2nd5 beca$se of the %arasite life c'cle an infected %erson can recover then become ill a!ain s$ccessivel'" Task Who is likely to be worst effected by these symptoms and why? Think about age, nutrition, development, access to health care, sanitation, general health!

;lobal distrib$tion of malaria one of the bi!!est !lobal ,illers

"#y wife died a few months ago! $ery probably from malaria because she had a lot of fever and was also vomiting! %ut she never went to a health centre! %ecause of the lack of money!& 1<v<rien0 2009

Task 'escribe the global distribution for #alaria

n 20100 30= of malarial deaths &ere recorded as bein! in .frican territories" Most of these deaths &ere in children $nder the a!e of 7"

Task Try to give reasons for the distribution you have describes
Warm0 tro%ical climate .reas of standin!>sta!nant &ater Lar!e n$mber of mos*$itoes ?o ed$cation> %rotection from bites Lac, of health care @revention medication not s$itable for lon! term

Tas,5 Ho& mi!ht the follo&in! information infl$ence the distrib$tion of Malaria

@$blic Health 6%endin!

(!!! ) brought my little girl to the health centre in my district in the south of %u*umbura! %ut the nurse wouldn+t see us as ) didn+t have any money to pay for the consultation!( 6imeon0 2009

Tas,5 Ho& mi!ht the follo&in! information infl$ence the distrib$tion of Malaria

Medical doctors

(Hundreds of thousands of African doctors need to be trained !!! ,obody worries about it! There+s a rich part of the world that only cares about oil, diamonds, minerals, forests, gas, cheap labour !!!( Aidel Castro0 2001

C$rrent Medical and behavio$ral %rotection from Malaria

Malarial Prophylaxis (anti malarials) and a series of pills taken regularly Man' different t'%es to cater for different strains of Malaria &hich is re!ional 4B%ensive5 Malarone is aro$nd C2 a da' and has to be ta,en dail' ?ot Licenced to be ta,en for lon! %eriods of time (no one has tested the conse*$ences scientificall') so not s$itable for residents of a malarial Done Lots of side effects &hich are mana!eable for a short %eriod of time (if EFG !o to a malarial area 'o$ m$st ta,e them $nless 'o$r ;@ sa's other&ise) b$t can lead to liver fail$re amon! other conditions if ta,en over lon! %eriods of time ?eed clean &ater to ta,e them &ith" +ifferent doses for children8 serio$s medical conse*$ences if the' ta,e ad$lt doses8 #abies and %ills? 1eall'? Thin, abo$t it/

Behavioural protection 6lee%in! $nder mos*$ito nets Wearin! lon! tro$sers>shirts at da&n and d$s, &hen the mos*$itos are most active Gsin! insect re%ellent s$ch as +44T8 not attractive for re!$lar $se0 it melts thro$!h solid %lastic" +rainin! standin! &ater

The !uture The Malarial Vaccine a technological fix" Task #n pairs or on your o$n read the article assigned to you and identify the ans$ers to the follo$ing %uestions& +ont &orr' if 'o$r article does not ans&er all the *$estions8 'o$ &ill all feedbac, to the class and can add additional information to 'o$r sheet"
1" Who is triallin! the vaccine and &h'? 2" Can the vaccine hel% those in most need? 3" Will it have an im%act on Malarial co$ntries develo%ment and &h'?

'xt s 'o$r article overl' %ositive abo$t the vaccine? +o the' assess the o$tcomes realisticall'?

The articles
WorldHs first malaria vaccine on co$rse for 2017

M al a r i a vaccine (opes r ise for ) *+, target a fter Malari a vaccsuccessful t rials ine 2


! n o L The War ;62 aims to mar,et &orldHs first


in mar ,et b'

Case st$d'5 Malaria in 2en'a

Tas,5 Write notes8 consider &hat %roblems are faced0 are thin!s !ettin! better0 &hat is the f$t$re? 1emember facts and fi!$res !ive &ei!ht to 'o$r eBaminati ans&ers

Tas,5 6ort the im%acts of malaria in 2en'a into social0 economic0 %olitical and demo!ra%hic effects
-ocial Political 'conomic .emographic

ndivid$als &ith malaria earn 99= less than health' &or,ers Malaria is the lar!est ,iller of children $nder the a!e of 7 'ears +e%endence on aid s$ch as G6. + can lead to s$dden c$t off of aid d$e to domestic %roblems in .merica 1eliance on .id to red$ce the disease needs international !ood &ill The s'm%toms of malaria are often considered s$%ernat$ral so traditional healers are often $sed @eo%le &ill not admit illness d$e to concerns of losin! their job Women ma' not be able to !o an' &here $n cha%eroned so the' cannot access health care 4lders m$st be informed and decide for the infected %erson &hat ma' be done &hich can ta,e some time Clinics can be s%oradic0 de%endent on ?;Fs and at lar!e distances Women cannot be decision ma,ers &itho$t threat of bein! o$tcast The less ed$cated are less li,el' to see, the hel% of a clinic I= of absentees in school are d$e to malaria +r$!s and clinic visits can be costl' Malaria is a health s%endin! %riorit' in 2en'a ?ets are not al&a's $sed as the' are associated &ith s$ffocation . third of %eo%le believe malaria is onl' ca$!ht in the rain' season

Tas,5 Gse the s%eech b$bbles to %$t across each %la'ers %oint of vie& abo$t the malaria sit$ation in 2en'a " +o the' li,e the %ros%ect of a malarial vaccine?C4F of nternation
Head of G6. +
Gh$r$ 2en'atta8 2en'an @resident


;laBosmi th2line

al red cross

1$ral 2en'an Aamil'

Tas, :5 s it morall' ri!ht for %harmace$tical com%anies to %rice medicines so the' ma,e a %rofit?
Profit means they can innovate new drugs Profit on some drugs means others can be cheaper With no profit company would not be viable and drugs would not be available. Profit from MDCs can lead to free distribution in LDCs

Those who need it most cant afford it The health gap between m ldcs grows Profits not always put bac! in to pharmaceuticals Lets people die who could be saved "ny free distribution of drugs in LDCs will reduce the companys ta# bill impacting on the $% country &nethical'

Home&or, 4ssa' Tas,5

.ssess ho& far the malaria vaccine &ill hel% those s%ecific demo!ra%hic !ro$%s that are effected b' Malaria"

/eferences 0- 1overnment2)*+)2 Malaria23entre for disease control and prevention http 44$$$&$e5md&com4a6to676guides4malaria6symptoms 8ioko2 0M; M$a5u2 1; 8imuyu2 P2 20130 The economic im%act of malaria on &a!e earnin!s in 2en'a5 a ho$sehold level investi!ation" Gniversit' of ?airobi htt%5>>&&&"&ho"int>malaria>%$blications>&orldJmalariaJre%ortJ2012>&mr2012Jfactsheet"%df Caroline F"H" Kones and Holl' ." Williams"2009" The 6ocial #$rden of Malaria5 What .re We Meas$rin!? Life c'cle of malaria htt%5>>&&&"'o$t$be"com>&atch?vLDA ,-J%cGh0 htt%5>>&&&"vie&softhe&orld"net>?%L1791

.dditional material
##C Aever road 5 Ailm 2009 . little old b$t follo&s the lives of %eo%le in areas im%acted $%on b' Malaria8 stron! narrative" Can be fo$nd in %arts on 'o$ t$be The Constant ;ardener5 Ailm #ased on a Kohn LeCarre boo, abo$t %harmace$tical com%anies eB%loitin! .fricans b' $sin! them s$rre%titio$sl' as !$inea %i!s" ;ood to ins%ire ethical *$estionin! at . level htt%5>> &&&"scientificamerican"com>article"cfm?idLmalaria8vaccine8strate!ies

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