Coastal Regulation Zone Notifications

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The Coastal Regulation Zone Notifications The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India vide number

S.O. 114(E ! dated! the 1" th #ebruar$ 1""1 and subse%uentl$ amended vide& '

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.

S.O. ("( (E dated 1)th *u+ust! 1""4 , S.O. -. (E dated .1st /anuar$! 1""S.O. 4"4 (E dated "th /ul$! 1""- , S.O. ..4 (E dated 01th *pril! 1"") S.O. )-. (E dated .1th September! 1"") S.O. 1100 (E dated 0"th 2ecember! 1"") S.O. -.1 (E dated 4th *u+ust! 0111 S.O "11 (E dated 0"th September 0111. S.O. .0" (E dated 10th *pril 0111, 1"th #ebruar$ 1""1 5oastal area classification and development re+ulations Guidelines for development of beach resorts6hotels 17th *u+ust 1""4 "th /ul$ 1""8ist of petroleum products permitted for stora+e in port areas 10th *pril 0111 The Coastal Regulation Zone Notifications (*s amended b$ notification dated 17.).1""4 and Supreme 5ourt :ud+ement dated 1).4.1""7 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS (2epartment of Environment! #orests and ;ildlife NOTIFICATION I 3ew 2elhi! the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1 (Gazetted on 01.0.1""1

The primar$ notification with select amendments is presented here. 3otification I *nne4ure I *nne4ure II 3otification II 3otification III *nne4ure III 3otification I9

3otification under section .(1 and section .(0 (v of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7 and rule ((. (d of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7 declarin+ 5oastal Stretches as 5oastal =e+ulation >one (5=> and =e+ulatin+ *ctivities in the 5=>. S.O. 11 !E". ' ;hereas a 3otification under Section .(1 and Section .(0 (v of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7! invitin+ ob:ections a+ainst the declaration of 5oastal Stretches as 5oastal =e+ulation >one (5=> and imposin+ restrictions on industries! operations and processes in the 5=> was published vide S.O. 3o. "44(E dated 1(th 2ecember! 1""1. *nd whereas all ob:ections received have been dul$ considered b$ the 5entral Government& 3ow! therefore! in e4ercise of the power conferred b$ 5lause (d of sub'rule (. of =ule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7! and all other powers vestin+ in its behalf! the 5entral Government hereb$ declares the coastal stretches of seas! ba$s! estuaries! cree?s! rivers and bac?waters which are influenced b$ tidal action (in the landward side upto (11 metres from the @i+h Tide 8ine (@T8 and the land between the 8ow Tide 8ine (8T8 and the @T8 as 5oastal =e+ulation >oneA and imposes with effect from the date of this 3otification! the followin+ restrictions on the settin+ up and e4pansion of industries! operations or processes! etc.! in the said 5oastal =e+ulation >one (5=> .

B#or the purposes of this notification! the @i+h Tide 8ine means the line on the land upto which the hi+hest water line reaches durin+ the sprin+ tide and shall be demarcated uniforml$ in all parts of the countr$ b$ the demarcatin+ authorit$ so authorized b$ the 5entral Government in consultation with the Surve$or General of India. 3ote&The distance from the @i+h Tide 8ine shall appl$ to both sides in the case of rivers! cree?s and bac? waters and ma$ be modified on a case b$ case basis for reasons to be recorded while preparin+ the 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans. @owever! this distance shall not be less than (0 B111D metres or the width of the cree?! river or bac?water whichever is less. The distance upto which development alon+ rivers! cree?s and bac?waters is to be re+ulated shall be +overned b$ the

distance upto which the tidal effect of sea is e4perienced in rivers! cree?s or bac?'waters! as the case ma$ be! and should be clearl$ identified in the 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans.D #. $%ohi&ite' Acti(ities) The followin+ activities are declared as prohibited within the 5oastal =e+ulation >one namel$& (i settin+ up of new industries and e4pansion of e4istin+ industries! e4cept those directl$ related to water front or directl$ needin+ foreshore facilitiesA (ii manufacture or handlin+ or stora+e or disposal of hazardous substances as specified in the 3otifications of the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests 3o. S.O. ("4(E dated 0)th /ul$ 1")"! S.O. "77(E dated 0-th 3ovember! 1")" and GS= 11.-(E dated (th 2ecember! 1")"A (iii settin+ up and e4pansion of fish processin+ units includin+ warehousin+ (e4cludin+ hatcher$ and natural fish dr$in+ in permitted areas A (iv settin+ up and e4pansion of units6mechanism for disposal of waste and effluents! e4cept facilities re%uired for dischar+in+ treated effluents into the water course with approval under the ;ater (<revention and 5ontrol of <ollution *ct! 1"-4A and e4cept for storm water drainsA (v dischar+e of untreated wastes and effluents from industries! cities or towns and other human settlements. Schemes shall be implemented b$ the concerned authorities for phasin+ out the e4istin+ practices! if an$! within a reasonable time period not e4ceedin+ three $ears from the date of this notificationA (vi dumpin+ of cit$ or town waste for the purposes of land fillin+ or otherwiseA the e4istin+ practice! if an$! shall be phased out within a reasonable time not e4ceedin+ . $ears from the date of this 3otificationA (vii dumpin+ of ash or an$ wastes from thermal power stationsA (viii land reclamation! fundin+ or disturbin+ the natural course of sea water with similar obstructions! e4cept those re%uired for control of coastal erosion and maintenance or clearin+ of waterwa$s! channels and ports and for prevention of sandbars and also e4cept for tidal re+ulators! storm water drains and structures for prevention of salinit$ in+ress and for sweet water rechar+eA (i4 minin+ of sand! roc?s and other substrata materials! e4cept those rare minerals not available outside the 5=> areasA (4 harvestin+ or drawal of +round water and construction of mechanisms therefore within 011 m of @T8A in the 011 m to (11 m zone it shall be permitted onl$ when done manuall$ throu+h ordinar$ wells for drin?in+! horticulture! a+riculture and fisheriesA (4i construction activities in ecolo+icall$ sensitive areas as specified in *nne4ure'I of this 3otificationA (4ii an$ construction activit$ between the 8T8 and @T8 e4cept facilities for carr$in+ treated effluents and waste water dischar+es into the sea! facilities for carr$in+ sea water for coolin+ purposes! oil! +as and similar pipelines and facilities essential for activities permitted under this 3otificationA and (4iii dressin+ or alterin+ of sand dunes! hills natural features includin+ landscape char+es for beautification! recreational and other such purpose! e4cept as permissible under the 3otification. *. Regulation of $e%+issi&le Acti(ities) *ll other activities! e4cept those prohibited in para 0 above! will be re+ulated as under& (1 5learance shall be +iven for an$ activit$ within the 5oastal =e+ulation >one onl$ if it re%uires water front and foreshore facilities. (0 The followin+ activities will re%uire environmental clearance from the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests! Government of India! namel$& (i 5onstruction activities related to 2efence re%uirements for which foreshore facilities are essential (e.+. slip'wa$s! :etties! etc. A e4cept for classified operational component of defence pro:ects for which a separate procedure shall be followed. (=esidential buildin+s! office buildin+s! hospital comple4es! wor?shops shall not come within the definition of operational re%uirements e4cept in ver$ special cases and hence shall not normall$ be permitted in the 5=> . (ii Operational constructions for ports and harbours and li+ht houses re%uirin+ water fronta+eA :etties! wharves! %ua$s! slip'wa$s! etc. (=esidential buildin+s E office buildin+s shall not come within the definition of operational activities e4cept in ver$ special cases and hence shall not normall$ be permitted in the 5=> A (iii Thermal power plants (onl$ foreshore facilities for transport of raw materials facilities for in'ta?e of coolin+ water and outfall for dischar+e of treated waste water6coolin+ water A and (iv *ll other activities with investment e4ceedin+ rupees five crores. (. (i The coastal States Fnion Territor$ *dministrations shall prepare! within a period of one $ear from the date of this 3otification. 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans identif$in+ and classif$in+ the 5=> areas within their respective territories

in accordance with the +uidelines +iven in *nne4ures I and II of the 3otification and obtain approval (with or without modifications of the 5entral Government in the Cinistr$ of Environment E #orestsA (ii ;ithin the framewor? of such approved plans! all development and activities within the 5=> other than those covered in para 0 and para .(0 above shall be re+ulated b$ the State Government! Fnion Territor$ *dministration or the local authorit$ as the case ma$ be in accordance with the +uidelines +iven in *nne4ure'I and II of the 3otificationA and (iii In the interim period till the 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans mentioned in para .(. (i above are prepared and approved! all developments and activities within the 5=> shall not violate the provisions of this 3otification. State Governments and Fnion Territor$ *dministrations shall ensure adherence to these re+ulations and violations! if an$! shall be sub:ect to the provisions of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7. . $%oce'u%e fo% +onito%ing an' enfo%ce+ent) The Cinistr$ of Environment E #orests and the Government of State or Fnion Territor$ and such other authorities at the State or Fnion Territor$ levels! as ma$ be desi+nated for this purpose! shall be responsible for monitorin+ and enforcement of the provisions of this notification within their respective :urisdictions. B3.G'1(1 1"616)4'I*'III(9ol.II D =. =*/*C*3I! Sec$. Anne,u%e - I 5oastal *rea 5lassification and 2evelopment =e+ulations Classification of Coastal Regulation Zone) 7 (1 #or re+ulatin+ development activities! the coastal stretches within (11 metres of @i+h Tide 8ine on the landward side are classified into four cate+ories! namel$& Catego%. I !CRZ-I" (i *reas that are ecolo+icall$ sensitive and important! such as national par?s6marine par?s! sanctuaries! reserve forests! wildlife habitats! man+roves! corals6coral reefs! areas close to breedin+ and spawnin+ +rounds of fish and other marine life! areas of outstandin+ natural beaut$6historicall$6herita+e areas! areas rich in +enetic diversit$! areas li?el$ to be inundated due to rise in sea level conse%uent upon +lobal warmin+ and such other areas as ma$ be declared b$ the 5entral Government or the concerned authorities at the State6Fnion Territor$ level from time to time. (ii *rea between the 8ow Tide 8ine and the @i+h Tide 8ine. Catego%.-II !CRZ-II" The areas that have alread$ been developed upto or close to the shore'line. #or this purpose! Hdeveloped areaH is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in other le+all$ desi+nated urban areas which is alread$ substantiall$ built up and which has been provided with draina+e and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities! such as water suppl$ and sewera+e mains. Catego%.-III !CRZ-III" *reas that are relativel$ undisturbed and those which do not belon+ to either 5ate+or$'I or II. These will include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped and also areas within Cunicipal limits or in other le+all$ desi+nated urban areas which are not substantiall$ built up. Catego%.-IV !CRZ-IV" 5oastal stretches in the *ndaman E 3icobar! 8a?shadweep and small islands! e4cept those desi+nated as 5=>'I! 5=>'II or 5=>'III. No%+s fo% Regulation of Acti(ities 7 (0 The development or construction activities in different cate+ories of 5=> area shall be re+ulated b$ the concerned authorities at the State6Fnion Territor$ level! in accordance with the followin+ norms& CRZ-I 3o new construction shall be permitted within (11 metres of the @i+h Tide 8ine. 3o construction activit$! e4cept as listed under 0(4ii ! will be permitted between the 8ow Tide 8ine and the @i+h Tide 8ine. CRZ-II !i Iuildin+s shall be permitted neither on the seaward side of the e4istin+ road (or roads proposed in the approved 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lan of the area nor on seaward side of e4istin+ authorized structures. Iuildin+s permitted on the landward side of the e4istin+ and proposed road6e4istin+ authorized structures shall be sub:ect to the e4istin+ local Town and 5ountr$ <lannin+ =e+ulations includin+ the e4istin+ norms of #SI6#*=.

!ii" =econstruction of the authorised buildin+s to be permitted sub:ect to the e4istin+ #SI6#*= norms and without chan+e in the e4istin+ use. (iii The desi+n and construction of buildin+s shall be consistent with the surroundin+ landscape and local architectural st$le. CRZ-III !i" The area upto 011 metres from the @T8 is to be earmar?ed as J3o 2evelopment >oneJ. 3o construction shall be permitted within this zone e4cept for repairs of e4istin+ authorised structures not e4ceedin+ e4istin+ #SI! e4istin+ plinth area and e4istin+ densit$. @owever! the followin+ uses ma$ be permissible in this zone'a+riculture! horticulture! +arden pastures! par?s! pla$ fields! forestr$ and salt manufacture from sea water. !ii" 2evelopment of vacant plots between 011 and (11 metres of @i+h Tide 8ine in desi+nated areas of 5=>'III with prior approval of Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests (CE# permitted for construction of hotels6beach resorts for temporar$ occupation of tourists6visitors sub:ect to the conditions as stipulated in the +uidelines at *nne4ure'II. (iii 5onstruction6reconstruction of dwellin+ units between 011 and (11 metres of the @T8 permitted so lon+ it is within the ambit of traditional ri+hts and customar$ uses such as e4istin+ fishin+ villa+es and +aothans. Iuildin+ permission for such construction6reconstruction will be sub:ect to the conditions that the total number of dwellin+ unit shall not be more than twice the number of e4istin+ units! total covered area on all floors shall not e4ceed .. percent of the plot sizeA the overall hei+ht of construction shall not e4ceed " metres and construction shall not be more than 0 floors (+round floor plus one floor . (iv =econstruction6alterations of an e4istin+ authorised buildin+ permitted sub:ect to (i to (iii above. CRZ-IV An'a+an & Nico&a% Islan's) (i 3o 3ew construction of buildin+s shall be permitted within 011 metres of the @T8A (ii The buildin+s between 011 and (11 metres from the @i+h Tide 8ine shall not have more than 0 floors (+round floor and first floor ! the total covered area on all floors shall not be more than (1 per cent of the plot size and the total hei+ht of construction shall not e4ceed " metres/ (iii The desi+n and construction of buildin+s shall be consistent with the surroundin+ landscape and local architectural st$le. (iv 5orals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for construction and other purposeA (v 2red+in+ and underwater blastin+ in and around coral formations shall not be permittedA and (vi @owever! in some of the islands! coastal stretches ma$ also be classified into cate+ories 5=>'I or II or III with the prior approval of Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests and in such desi+nated stretches! the appropriate re+ulations +iven for respective 5ate+ories shall appl$. 0a1sha'2ee3 an' s+all Islan's) !i #or permittin+ construction of buildin+s the distance from the @i+h Tide 8ine shall be decided dependin+ on the size of the islands. This shall be laid down for each island! in consultation with the e4perts and with approval of the Cinistr$ of Environment E #orests! ?eepin+ in view the land use re%uirements for specific purposes vis'a'vis local conditions includin+ h$drolo+ical aspects erosion and ecolo+ical sensitivit$A (ii The buildin+s within (11 metres from the @T8 shall not have more than 0 floors (+round floor and 1st floor ! the total covered area on all floors shall not be more than (1 per cent of the plot size and the total hei+ht of construction shall not e4ceed " metresA (iii The desi+n and construction of buildin+s shall be consistent with the surroundin+ landscape and local architectural st$leA (iv 5orals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for construction and other purposesA (v 2red+in+ and underwater blastin+ in and around coral formations shall not be permittedA and (vi @owever! in some of the islands! coastal stretches ma$ also be classified into cate+ories 5=>'I or 11 or Ill! with the prior approval of Cinistr$ of Environment E #orests and in such desi+nated stretches! the appropriate re+ulations +iven for respective 5ate+ories shall appl$.

Anne,u%e - II Guidelines for 2evelopment of Ieach =esorts6@otels in the 2esi+nated areas of 5=>'III for Temporar$ Occupation of Tourist69isitors! with prior approval of the Cinistr$ of Environment E #orests. -(1 5onstruction of beach resorts6hotels with prior approval of CE# in the desi+nated areas of 5=>'III for temporar$ occupation of tourists6visitors shall be sub:ect to the followin+ conditions& (i The pro:ect proponents shall not underta?e an$ construction (includin+ temporar$ constructions and fencin+ or such other barriers within 011 metres (in the landward side from the @i+h Tide 8ine and within the area between the 8ow Tide and @i+h Tide 8ineA

B(ia live fencin+ and barbed wire fencin+ with ve+etative cover ma$ be allowed around private properties sub:ects to the condition that such fencin+ shall in no wa$ hamper public access to the beachA (ib no flattenin+ of sand dunes shall be carried outA (ic no permanent structure for sports facilities shall be permitted e4cept construction of +oal posts! net posts and lamp posts. (id construction of basements ma$ be allowed sub:ect to the condition that no ob:ection certificate is obtained from the State Ground ;ater *uthorit$ to the effect that such construction will not adversel$ affect free flow of +round water in that area. The State Ground ;ater *uthorit$ shall ta?e into consideration the +uidelines issued b$ the 5entral Government before +rantin+ such no ob:ection certificate. E4planation& Thou+h no construction is allowed in the no development zone for the purpose of calculation of #SI! the area of entire plot includin+ (4 B(1K ofD the portion which falls within the no development zone shall be ta?en into account. (ii The total plot size shall not be less than 1.4 hectares and the total covered area on all floors shall not e4ceed .. per cent of the plot size i.e. the #SI shall not e4ceed 1.... The open area shall be suitabl$ landscaped with appropriate ve+etal coverA (iii The construction shall be consistent with the surroundin+ landscape and local architectural st$leA (iv The overall hei+ht of construction upto hi+hest rid+e of the roof! shall not e4ceed " metres and the construction shall not be more than 0 floors (+round floor plus one upper floor A (v Ground water shall not be tapped within 011 m of the @T8A within the 011 metres'(11 metres zone! it can be tapped onl$ with the concurrence of the 5entral6State Ground ;ater IoardA (vi E4traction of sand! levellin+ or di++in+ of sand$ stretches e4cept for structural foundation of buildin+ swimmin+ pool shall not be permitted within (11 metres of the @i+h Tide 8ineA (vii The %ualit$ of treated effluents! solid wastes! emissions and noise levels! etc. from the pro:ect area must conform to the standards laid down b$ the competent authorities includin+ the 5entral6State <ollution 5ontrol Ioard and under the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7A (viii 3ecessar$ arran+ements for the treatment of the effluents and solid wastes must be made. It must be ensured that the untreated effluents and solid wastes are not dischar+ed into the water or on the beachA and no effluent6solid waste shall be dischar+ed on the beachA (i4 To allow public access to the beach! at least a +ap of 01 metres width shall be provided between an$ two hotels6beach resortsA and in no case shall +aps be less than (11 metres apartA and (4 If the pro:ect involves diversion of forest land for non'forest purposes! clearance as re%uired under the #orest (5onservation *ct! 1")1 shall be obtained. The re%uirements of other 5entral and State laws as applicable to the pro:ect shall be met with. (4i *pproval of the State6Fnion Territor$ Tourism 2epartment shall be obtained. -(0 In ecolo+icall$ sensitive areas (such as marine par?s! man+roves! coral reefs! breedin+ and spawnin+ +rounds of fish! wildlife habitats and such other areas as ma$ notified b$ the 5entral6State Government 6Fnion Territories construction of beach resorts6hotels shall not be permitted.

Coastal Regulation Zone !A+en'+ent" Notification MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AN4 FORESTS NOTIFICATION II 3ew 2elhi! the 17th *u+ust! 1""4 S.O. 565 !E".' ;hereas b$ the notification of the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orest 3o. S.O. 114 (E ! dated the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1 (hereinafter referred to as the said notification 5oastal Stretches were declared 5oastal =e+ulation >ones and restrictions were imposed on the settin+ up and e4pansion of industries! operations and processes in the said zoneA *nd whereas the 5entral Government constituted an E4pert 5ommittee under the 5hairmanship of Shri. I. I. 9ohra to e4amine the issues relatin+ to tourism and hotel facilities in the coastal zonesA *nd whereas the said 5ommittee submitted its report to the 5entral Government on .1st da$ of 2ecember 1""0 and the 5entral Government after considerin+ the said report proposes to ma?e certain amendment in the said notificationA *nd whereas vide no. S.O. )("(E ! dated the 11th 3ovember! 1"". the ob:ections6 su++estions from the public were invited and dul$ considered and e4amined b$ the 5entral GovernmentA 3ow! therefore! in e4ercise of the powers conferred b$ sub'section (1 and clause (v of sub'section (0 of section . of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7 (0" of 1")7 read with clause (d of sub'rule (. of rule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules 1")7! the 5entral Government hereb$ ma?es the followin+ amendments in the aforesaid notification&' B*mendment to 3o. S.O. 114(E ! dated the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1D In e4ercise of the powers conferred b$ clause (a of sub'rule (. of rule ( of the Environment <rotection =ule! 1")7! the 5entral Government hereb$ ma?es the followin+ amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests 3o. S.O. 114(E ! dated the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1! namel$&' (a in para+raph 1! for the portion be+innin+ with the words H#or purposes of this notification! the @i+h Tide 8ineH and endin+ with the words Hwidth of the cree?! river or bac? water whichever is lessH! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$&' H#or the purposes of this notification! the @i+h Tide 8ine means the line on the land upto which the hi+hest water line reaches durin+ the sprin+ tide and shall be demarcated uniforml$ in all parts of the countr$ b$ the demarcatin+ authorit$ so authorised b$ the 5entral Government in consultation with the Surve$or General of India. 3ote& The distance from the @i+h Tide 8ine shall appl$ to both sides in the case of rivers! cree?s and bac? waters and ma$ be modified on a case b$ case basis for reasons to be recorded while preparin+ the 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans. @owever! this distance shall not be less than (1 metres or the width of the cree?! river or bac?water whichever is less. The distance upto which development alon+ rivers! cree?s and bac?waters is to be re+ulated shall be +overned b$ the distance upto which the tidal effect of sea is e4perienced in rivers! cree?s or bac?'waters! as the case ma$ be! and should be clearl$ identified in the 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lansHA (b ln *nne4ure II! in para+raph -! in sub'para+raph (l ! for item (i ! the followin+ items shall be substituted! namel$&' (i The pro:ect proponent shall not underta?e an$ construction within 011 metres in the land ward side from the @i+h Tide 8ine and within the area between the 8ow Tide and @i+h Tide 8ines& <rovided that the 5entral Government ma$! after ta?in+ into account +eo+raphical features and overall 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lans! and for reasons to be recorded in writin+! permit an$ construction sub:ect to such conditions and restrictions as it ma$ deem fitA !ia live fencin+ and barbed wire fencin+ with ve+etative cover ma$ be allowed around private properties sub:ect to the condition that such fencin+ shall in no wa$ hamper public access to the beachA (ib no flattenin+ of sand dunes shall be carried outA (ic no permanent structures for sports facilities shall be permitted e4cept construction of +oal posts! net posts and lamp posts. (id construction of basements ma$ be allowed sub:ect to the condition that no ob:ection certificate is obtained from the State Ground ;ater *uthorit$ to the effect that such construction will not adversel$ affect free flow of +round water in that area. The State Ground ;ater *uthorit$ shall ta?e into consideration the +uidelines issued b$ the 5entral Government before +rantin+ such no ob:ection certificate. Explanation: Thou+h no construction is allowed in the no development zone for the purposes of calculation of #SI! the area of entire plot includin+ the portion which falls within the no development zone shall he ta?en into account.H 7. 7 8a1shi9 A''l. Sec..

Minist%. of En(i%on+ent an' Fo%ests Notification III S.O. 6 !E"! dated /ul$ "! 1""-! published in the Gazette of India! E4tra.! <art II! Section .(ii ! dated "th /ul$! 1""-! pp. 4' 7 3o..". B3o. @'11111676"-'I*'IIID ;hereas b$ the notification of the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests 3o. S.O. 114 (E ! dated the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1 (hereinafter referred to as the said notification 5entral Government declared 5oastal Stretches as 5oastal =e+ulation >one (5=> and restrictions were imposed on the settin+ up and e4pansion of industries! operations and processes in the said zoneA *nd whereas some State Governments have drawn attention of the 5entral Government to the difficulties bein+ faced b$ the local people and also for construction of essential facilities in the coastal zoneA *nd whereas these issues have been e4amined b$ the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests and discussed with other concerned authoritiesA *nd whereas the 5entral Government is of the opinion that the said notification should be amendedA *nd whereas sub'rule (4 of =ule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7 provides that! H3otwithstandin+ an$thin+ contained in sub'rule (. ! whenever it appears to the 5entral Government that it is in public interest to do so! it ma$ dispense with the re%uirement of notice under clause (a of sub'rule (. of the said rulesA *nd whereas the 5entral Government is of the opinion that it is in public interest to dispense with the re%uirement of notice under clause (a sub'rule (. of =ule ( of the said rule for amendin+ the said notificationA 3ow! therefore! in e4ercise of the powers conferred b$ sub'section (1 and clause (v of sub'section (0 of section . of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7 (0" of 1")7 read with sub'rules (. and (4 of =ule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7! the 5entral Government hereb$ ma?es the followin+ further amendments in the aforesaid notification. 0. In the sai' notification9 in $a%ag%a3h #9 (1 in sub'para+raph (ii the followin+ words and proviso shall be inserted at the end! namel$&' He4cept transfer of hazardous substances from ships to ports! terminals and refineries and vice versa! in the port areas& <rovided that Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Surface Transport ! on a case to case basis! ma$ permit stora+e of the petroleum products as specified in *nne4ure III appended to this notification within the e4istin+ port limits of e4istin+ ports and harbours and in those areas of ports that have not been classified as 5=>'I sub:ect to implementation of safet$ re+ulations includin+ +uidelines issued b$ Oil Safet$ 2irectorate in the Government of India! Cinistr$ of <etroleum and 3atural Gas after ensurin+ proper location of site and availabilit$ of necessar$ e%uipment to meet the safet$ norms and the e4i+encies arisin+ due to an$ accident or spilla+eHA (0 in sub'para+raph (iii the followin+ provision shall be inserted at the end! namel$&' H<rovided that e4istin+ fish processin+ units for modernisation purposes ma$ utilise twent$'five per cent additional plinth area re%uired for additional e%uipment and pollution control measures onl$ sub:ect to e4istin+ #loor Space Inde46#loor *rea =atio norms and sub:ect to the condition that the additional plinth area shall not be towards seaward side of e4istin+ unit and also sub:ect to the approval of State <ollution 5ontrol Ioard or <ollution 5ontrol 5ommitteeHA (. for sub'para+raph (viii the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$&' H(viii land reclamation! bundin+ or disturbin+ the natural course of sea water e4cept those re%uired for construction of ports! harbours! :etties! wharves! %ua$s! slipwa$s! brid+es and sea'lin?s and for other facilities that are essential for activities permissible under the notification or for control of coastal erosion and maintenance or clearin+ of water wa$s! channels and ports or for prevention of sandbars or for tidal re+ulators! storm water drains or for structures for prevention of salinit$ in+ress and sweet water rechar+e.H& (4 in sub'para+raph (4 ! for the proviso the followin+ proviso shall be substituted! namel$&' H<rovided that drawal of +round water is permitted! where no other source of water is available and when done manuall$ throu+h ordinar$ wells or hand pumps! for drin?in+ and domestic purposes! in the zone between (1 to 011 m from @i+h Tide 8ine in case of seas! ba$s and estuaries and within 011m or the 5=>! whichever is less! from @i+h Tide 8ine in case of rivers! cree?s and bac? waters sub:ect to such restrictions! as ma$ be deemed necessar$! in areas affected b$ sea water intrusion! that ma$ be imposed b$ an authorit$ desi+nated b$ State Government6Fnion Territor$ *dministrationH. .. In $a%ag%a3h *9 su&-3a%ag%a3h !#"9 fo% clauses !ii" an' !i(" the follo2ing shall &e su&stitute'9 na+el. &' H(ii Operational constitutions for ports and harbours and li+ht houses and constructions for activities such as :etties! wharves! %ua$s and slipwa$s& <rovided that for e4pansion or modernisation of e4istin+ ports and harbours includin+ fishin+ harbours operational constructions for ports and harbours and construction :etties! wharves! %ua$s! slipwa$s! sin+le point moorin+ and sin+le

buo$ moorin+ and for reclamation for facilities essential for operational re%uirements of ports and harbours in areas within the e4istin+ port limits! e4cept the areas classified as cate+or$ 5I> 'I(i ! shall re%uire environmental clearance from Government of India is the Cinistr$ of Surface Transport! which shall ta?e decision on these activities on the basis of Environmental Impact *ssessment =eport& <rovided further that reclamation for commercial purposes such as shoppin+ and housin+ comple4es! hotels and entertainment activities shall not be permissibleHA H(iv *ll other activities with investment e4ceedin+ rupees five crores e4cept those activities which are to be re+ulated b$ the concerned authorities at the State6Fnion Territor$ level in accordance with the provisions of <ara+raph 7! sub' para+raph (0 of *nne4ure I of the notificationH. 4. In Anne,u%e I9 in $a%ag%a3h :9 in su&-3a%ag%a3h !#")' (1 under headin+ 5=>'I the followin+ proviso shall be inserted at the end! namel$&' H<rovided that construction of dispensaries! schools! public rain shelters! communit$ toilets! brid+es! roads! :etties! water suppl$! draina+e! sewera+e which are re%uired for traditional inhabitants of the Sunderbans Iio'sphere reserve area! ;est Ien+al! ma$ be permitted! on a case to case basis! b$ an authorit$ desi+nated b$ the State GovernmentHA (0 under headin+ 5=>'II! for item (i ! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$&' HIuildin+s shall be permitted onl$ on the landward side of the e4istin+ road (or roads proposed in the approved 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lan of the area or on the landward side of e4istin+ authorised structures. Iuildin+s permitted on the landward side of the e4istin+ and proposed roads6e4istin+ authorised structures shall be sub:ect to the e4istin+ local Town and 5ountr$ <lannin+ =e+ulations includin+ the e4istin+ norms of #loor Space Inde46#loor *rea =atio& <rovided that no permission for construction of buildin+s shall be +iven on landward side of an$ new roads (e4cept roads proposed in the approved 5oastal >one Cana+ement <lan which are constructed on the seaward side of an e4istin+ roadHA (. under headin+ 5=>'III!' (i in item (i for the words H3o construction shall be permitted within this zone e4cept for repairs of e4istin+ authorised structures not e4ceedin+ e4istin+ #SI! e4istin+ plinth area and e4istin+ densit$H the words H3o construction shall be permitted within this zone e4cept for repairs of e4istin+ authorised structure not e4ceedin+ e4istin+ #SI! e4istin+ plinth area and e4istin+ densit$! and for permissible activities under the notification includin+ facilities essential for such activities. *n authorit$ desi+nated b$ the State Government6Fnion Territor$ *dministration ma$ permit construction of facilities for water suppl$! draina+e and sewera+e for re%uirements of local inhabitantsH shall be substituted. (ii in item (iii at the end! the followin+ words shall be inserted! namel$&' H5onstruction is allowed for permissible activities under the notification includin+ facilities essential for such activities. *n authorit$ desi+nated b$ State Government 6Fnion Territor$ *dministration ma$ permit construction of public rain shelters! communit$ toilets! water suppl$! draina+e! sewera+e! roads and brid+es. The said authorit$ ma$ also permit construction of schools and dispensaries! for local inhabitants of the area! for those pancha$ats the ma:or part of which falls within 5=> if no other area is available for construction of such facilitiesH. (. Afte% Anne,u%e II to the sai' notification the follo2ing Anne,u%e III shall &e inse%te'9 na+el.)ANNE;<RE III =See $a%ag%a3h #9 su&-3a%ag%a3h !ii"> 0ist of $et%oleu+ $%o'ucts $e%+itte' fo% Sto%age in $o%t A%eas i. 5rude OilA ii. 8i%uified <etroleum GasA iii. Cotor SpiritA iv. GeroseneA v. *viation #uelA vi. @i+h Speed 2ieselA vii. 8ubricatin+ OilA viii. IutaneA i4. <ropaneA 4. 5ompressed 3atural GasA 4i. 3apthaA

4ii. #urnace OilA 4iii. 8ow Sulphur @eav$ Stoc?H. 1. *s amended b$ notification dated 1).).1""4 0. *mended to (1 metres b$ notification dated 17.).1""4. =estored to 111 metres b$ Supreme 5ourt dated 1).4.1""7 .. Introduced via amendment dated 17.).1""4. 4. Entire area of non'development zone allowed as per amendin+ notification dated 17.).1""4. Codified b$ the Supreme 5ourt order dated 1).4.1""7 to (1K of non'development.

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AN4 FORESTS NOTIFICATION IV 3ew 2elhi! the 10th *pril! 0111 S.O. .0" (E ' ;hereas b$ the notification of the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests number. S.O. 114 (E ! dated the 1"th #ebruar$! 1""1 (hereinafter referred to as the said notification ! the 5entral Government declared 5oastal Stretches as 5oastal =e+ulation >one (5=> and restrictions were imposed on the settin+ up and e4pansion of industries! operations and processes in the said zoneA *nd whereas ob:ections raised b$ the petitioner in the @i+h 5ourt of 2elhi in civil writ petition 3o.41")6") relatin+ to dele+ation of powers have been dul$ considered b$ the 5entral GovernmentA *nd whereas issues relatin+ to dele+ation of powers have been e4amined b$ the 5entral Government in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orestsA *nd whereas the 5entral Government has also considered the re%uirement of pro:ects relatin+ to 2epartment of *tomic Ener+$ and pipelines! conve$in+ s$stem includin+ transmission lines and other facilities essential for activities permissible under the notification in the 5=> areasA *nd whereas the 5entral Government deems it necessar$ to harmonise the e4istin+ provisions of the notificationA *nd whereas the 5entral Government is of the opinion that it is necessar$ and e4pedient in the public interest to amend the said notificationA *nd whereas sub'rule (4 of rule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7 provides that! H3otwithstandin+ an$thin+ contained in sub'rule (. ! whenever it appears to the 5entral Government that it is in public interest to do so! it ma$ dispense with the re%uirement of notice under clause (a of sub'rule (. of the said rulesAHA *nd whereas the 5entral Government is of the opinion that it is in public interest to dispense with the re%uirement of notice under clause (a sub'rule (. of rule ( for amendin+ the said notification. 3ow! therefore! in e4ercise of the powers conferred b$ sub'section (1 and clause (v of sub'section (0 of section . of the Environment (<rotection *ct! 1")7 (0" of 1")7 read with sub'rules (. and (4 of rule ( of the Environment (<rotection =ules! 1")7! the 5entral Government hereb$ ma?es the followin+ further amendments in the aforesaid notification. 0. in the said 3otification! in para+raph 0! '

1. for sub'para+raph (i ! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$&'

H(i settin+ up of new industries and e4pansion of e4istin+ industries! e4cept (a those directl$ related to water front or directl$ needin+ foreshore facilities and (b <ro:ects of 2epartment of *tomic Ener+$AHA (0 in sub'para+raph (ii ! for the e4istin+ proviso! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$ &' H<rovided that! facilities for receipt and stora+e of petroleum products and 8i%uefied 3atural Gas as specified in *nne4ure'III appended to this notification and facilities for re+asification of 8i%uefied 3atural Gas! ma$ be permitted within the said >one in areas not classified as 5=>'I (i ! sub:ect to implementation of safet$ re+ulations includin+ +uidelines issued b$ the Oil Industr$ Safet$ 2irectorate in the Government of India! Cinistr$ of <etroleum and 3atural Gas and +uidelines issued b$ the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests and sub:ect to such further terms and conditions for implementation of ameliorative and restorative measures in relation to the environment as ma$ be stipulated b$ the Government of India in the Cinistr$ of Environment and #orestsAHA (. for sub'para+raph (viii ! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$& ' H(viii 8and reclamation! bundin+ or disturbin+ the natural course of sea water e4cept those re%uired for construction or modernisation or e4pansion of ports! harbours! :etties! wharves! %ua$s! slipwa$s! brid+es and sea'lin?s and for other facilities that are essential for activities permissible under the notification or for control of coastal erosion and maintenance or clearin+ of water wa$s! channels and ports or for prevention of sandbars or for tidal re+ulators! storm water drains or for structures for prevention of salinit$ in+ress and sweet water rechar+e& provided that reclamation for commercial purposes such as shoppin+ and housin+ comple4es! hotels and entertainment activities shall not be permissibleAHA

4. for sub'para+raph (i4 ! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$& '

H(i4 Cinin+ of sands! roc?s and other substrata materials! e4cept (a those rare minerals not available outside the 5=> areas and (b e4ploration and e4traction of Oil and 3atural GasAHA

5. for sub'para+raph (4i ! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$& '

H construction activities in 5=> 'I e4cept as specified in *nne4ure 'I of this notificationAH.

3. in para+raph .! in sub'para+raph 0! ' 1. for sub'clause (i ! the followin+ sub'clause shall be substituted! namel$& '
H(i 5onstruction activities related to pro:ects of 2epartment of *tomic Ener+$ or 2efence re%uirements for which foreshore facilities are essential such as. slipwa$s! :etties! wharves! %ua$sA e4cept for classified operational component of defence pro:ects for which a separate procedure shall be followed. (=esidential buildin+s! office buildin+s! hospital comple4es! wor?shops shall not come within the definition of operational re%uirements e4cept in ver$ special cases and hence shall not normall$ be permitted in the 5=> AHA

2. for sub'clause (ii ! the followin+ sub'clause shall be substituted! namel$& '
H(ii Operational constructions for ports and harbours and li+ht houses and constructions for activities such as :etties! wharves! %ua$s and slipwa$s! pipelines! conve$in+ s$stems includin+ transmission linesAHA

3. in sub'clause (ii e4istin+ provisos shall be omitted. 3. in *nne4ure'I! in para+raph 7! in sub'para+raph (0 ! ' 1. Fnder headin+ 5=>'I! the followin+ shall be substituted! namel$&'
H3o new construction shall be permitted in 5=>' I e4cept (a <ro:ects relatin+ to 2epartment of *tomic Ener+$ and (b <ipelines! conve$in+ s$stems includin+ transmission lines and (c facilities that are essential for activities permissible under 5=>'I. Ietween the 8T8 and the @T8! activities as specified under para+raph 0 (4ii ma$ be permitted. In addition! between 8T8 and @T8 in areas which are not ecolo+icall$ sensitive and important! the followin+ ma$ be permitted& (a E4ploration and e4traction of 3atural Gas! (b activities as specified under proviso of sub'para+raph (ii of para+raph 0! and (c 5onstruction of dispensaries! schools! public rain shelters! communit$ toilets! brid+es! roads! :etties! water suppl$! draina+e! sewera+e which are re%uired for traditional inhabitants of the Sunderbans Iio'sphere reserve area! ;est Ien+al! on a case to case basis! b$ the ;est Ien+al State 5oastal >one Cana+ement *uthorit$H.

3. In *nne4ure'III
(1 in the headin+! for the words H<ort *reasH! the words H5oastal =e+ulation >one e4cept 5=> I' (i H shall be substituted.

1. after item (4iii ! the followin+ shall be inserted at the end! namel$&'
H(4iv 8i%uefied 3atural Gas (83G H 7. Environmental clearances accorded b$ the Cinistr$ of Surface Transport from " th /ul$ 1""- till the publication of this notification are valid .*ll proposals for environmental clearance pendin+ with the Cinistr$ of Surface Transport stand transferred to Cinistr$ of Environment and #orests from the date of publication of this notification! (#. 3o. @'11111676"-'I*'III 2r. 9. =a:a+opalan /oint Secretar$ to the Government of India

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