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N OVEMB ER | 20 1 3





a photo what we love, the Grand story that

we cherish and a prominent guest whom we
have hosted recently.

interview with Gabriella Jfej,

assistant spa manager on her duties, career
development and her hobbies

plan your programs with us! We have listed a

number of events for you to discover and

corinthia Hotel Budapest participates in the

american chamber of commerces family
sports day.

> Welcome, dear guests and readers.
at the moment we are enjoying an autumn really packed with
events. the series acting in Gastronomy has started and is proving
hugely popular. at the end of last month we staged a Ballroom
event marking the 10th anniversary of the reopening of the hotel:
the program was combined with a presentation of our new hotel
uniforms decorated with Kalocsa motifs by fashion designer tnde
Hrivnk, and it proved an excellent example of how it is possible to
pass on our traditions through the creation of modern innovation
structured on customs. our sunday Brunches continue as ever; in
the course of the coming month we intend to give particular
emphasis to themes and entertainment. to commemorate st.
martins day, goose is being served up in every possible form. in the
middle of the month connoisseurs of indonesian cuisine can
indulge themselves. We are making absolutely sure that this is not
only a meal but an all-family affair so we have considered every age
group when putting together the program. naturally, we have not
forgotten the end-of-month thanksgiving, either, and by the time
the next edition is published advent will be with us.
However, there is more to the month than this: we will hold an
indonesian food festival at our rickshaw restaurant, where
guests will have the opportunity of tasting exotic dishes.
this november the les clefs dor Hungary association
celebrates its 30th anniversary. the Gala Banquet on november
9 in the Ballroom is an important event for our hotel, which
representatives of the profession and the international
leadership will attend. furthermore, this months edition features
an interview with Gabriella, assistant spa manager, and there are
beauty and health tips from the royal spa on how to stay in
great shape.

thomas m. fischer | General manaGer


> peaceful and comfortable - one of our hotel's superior rooms BY GYrGY daraBos

aBout corintHia Hotel Budapest

> corinthia Hotel Budapest is an award-winning member of the corinthia Hotels

brand. the hotel originally opened as the Grand Hotel royal in 1896 and was
entirely renovated and, in parts, rebuilt in 2003, following its acquisition by
corinthia Hotels. among its many attributes, the hotel features a majestic Grand
Ballroom and the royal spa- itself an extensive renovation of an original 19th
century spa which adjoined the original hotel - that has once again regained its
rightful place as Budapests most luxurious spa.

30tH anniversarY of
les clefs dor HunGarY association
> this november the les clefs dor Hungary association celebrates its 30th anniversary. the association considers

Helen Mirren

its primary objectives to be the professional development and training of concierges as well as the improvement of
international relations, thereby promoting a continual development in the quality of tourism and at the same time
undertaking a significant role in raising guest satisfaction and winning new business. this important anniversary is
being celebrated by the entire leadership of the international les clefs dor in our Ballroom on november 9, 2013. in
addition to the celebration the international board will hold their annual assembly here in Budapest. attending the
meeting will be representatives of the profession, including viktria Horvth, deputy state secretary with
responsibility for tourism, members of the Hotel association of Hungary, hotel general managers and, naturally, the


the Grand story

of corintHia Hotel Budapest

The beginning - Chapter 10

> in 1945, after World War ii,

neighbouring austria was

occupied by the four victorious
powers of france, england, the
usa and the soviet union. While
the balance of power and
influence of this quartet
eventually secured austrias
independence, Hungary was in a different position. it
had been liberated almost exclusively by soviet
troops. Hence moscow had reserved certain exclusive
rights concerning Hungary.
in 1947, the last relatively free election was followed
by years of soviet communist control, show trials,
executions, forced settlement of hundreds of
thousands, imprisonment, harassment, a drop in living
standards and a stalinist dictatorship.
the bitter irony of history is that every regime, good
or bad, finds its followers and its visitors. in 1953
plans were announced to reopen the Grand Hotel
royal. all the hotels along the danube were badly
damaged by the war. most of them had been
destroyed. only the royal was in an acceptable
working condition.
the royal was reopened with 170 guest rooms on two
floors only, the better half of the hotel was occupied
by offices. the Hungarian federal railways (mv), for
instance, had its headquarters here. so did various
other institutions.
in 1955 austria became a fully independent republic
under the condition that it would remain neutral. the
last foreign occupying troops left the country,
including the soviets. losing a stronghold in central
europe, moscow tried to keep its foot in a door
through Hungary. But a dawning economic collapse
and low standards of living provoked the discontent
of the Hungarian working classes. Journalists and
authors who were upset with their working conditions
took control of the trade unions. students,
meanwhile, disappointed with academic conditions
and the university entrance criteria, established
independent student unions.
on october 23, 1956 hundreds of thousands and
within days, millions of Hungarians rose up against
the communist government. the rebels seized control
of a large number of social institutions and a large
amount of territory. they began to implement their
own policies. executions of pro-soviet communists
at the Grand Hotel royal, doors were blocked and
severe security precautions were taken. istvn Badosz
was on duty during that night of october 23 to 24:
the raging demonstrators provoked, of course, the
soviet authorities. russian bookshops nearby were
stormed and all books burned.
the cold War was getting hot.
amateur street fighters became professional
insurgents. the soviets lack of infantry support made
their tanks sitting ducks for home-made molotov
cocktails in Budapests narrow streets. Young fighters
invented effective counter-measures. clearly visible
by an approaching tank driver, they placed frying pans
in the roads to resemble anti-tank mines and poured
oil in front of the tanks as they rolled by, setting them
on fire. the burning tanks blocked the streets, creating
natural barricades.
this made it easier for moscows leaders to choose
between a political solution and a military crackdown.
their actions against the counter-revolutionaries

involved, and ruined, the Grand Hotel royal. the

situation came to a head on the night of november 3,
1956. a strategy of air strikes, artillery bombardments,
and coordinated tank-infantry actions with some
6,000 tanks started penetrating urban core areas,
targeting the industrial and proletarian areas of
one cell of the organizers of the uprising had its nest
right at the hotel. on the morning of november 4,
1956, one dozen soviet t 34 tanks assembled behind
the hotel in Hrsfa street. at 8 o clock the
commander ordered to soldiers to close the hatches.
the tanks started rolling, left Hrsfa street and turned
left towards eizabeth ring. in front of the hotel the
convoy opened fire and continued to circle rattling
and firing around the block of the hotel building,
continuously shooting at the building. after five hours
of solid fire all occupants of the royal were dead.
chaos reigned. the upper floors were in flames for
hours. the roof was destroyed.
once it was over, the hotel stood in flames. a marble
plaque near the hotels coffee shop entrance has been
put up in memory of these brave Hungarians, who
died as patriots that day.
on 10 november 1956 the workers councils, students
and intellectuals called for a cease-fire.
the ruins of Budapests Grand Hotel royal stood as a
solemn protest against a lost battle of humanity.
nothing served as a better testimony to the clash of
the communist world with a symbol of capitalism. to
cover up the traces of what was officially called a
counter-revolution, the hotels renovation was
quickly announced. in 1957 the press reported: one
of the greatest building projects in the capital, the
renovation of the Hotel royal, will exceed the
amount of Huf 30-40 million.a hotel more than 60
years old will be reborn! over 400 rooms with over
600 beds will be available for guests including 25
luxurious apartments. all rooms will be equipped with
telephone, elegant furniture and all kinds of comfort.
a hairdresser, a laundry, a garage and cosmetic
services will be available. the garage will be built on
Hrsfa street. a luxurious confectionery can
accommodate 350 guests, and there will be a travel
bureau and a ticket shop at the hotel. all shops not
serving as tourism of hospitality units will be
dismissed from the building.
the press waxed lyrical about the state-run enterprise
and printed and interview with Jzsef englender, the
future manager of the hotel, who said: first of all, the
new royal will meet the needs of tourists and
organized trips. according to our previous experience
foreign guests usually spent usd 10-12 on
accommodations, and if we take into account that
400 rooms will be used 250 days of the year than this
amount is already usd 1 million in the first year. there
is such a great interest for hotel rooms from abroad
and significant increase in tourism is expected in the
next years. of course the building project should be
completed as soon as possible, because the costs of
many millions of forint ensure many millions of
revenue and in foreign currency!
it became increasingly clear that the Grand Hotel
royal was the chosen venue for becoming the cradle
of Hungarian grand hospitality. this was the place
where the traditions of this business would meet the
latest inventions of the industry. Here, quality and
perfection would melt into a synonym of a grand
this year the restored and rebuilt Grand Hotel royal
celebrates the 10th anniversary of its reopening on
april 30, 2003 as corinthia Hotel. several historical
periods and chapters will be presented to the readers
in the coming issues to commemorate this
magnificent hotel.
to be continued ...
To be continued

meet tHe staff


Gabriella Jfej,
How long have you worked at the hotel?
i started working here in July 2007, so i
have passed my sixth year as a member
of the hotel team.
What areas have you worked in and where
are you working now?
i have worked in the wellness area right
from the very start. i started as spa
receptionist, then i was appointed
supervisor and from 2011 i have been
assistant spa manager in the wellness
What are your responsibilities?
part of my work still involves day-to-day
matters concerned with reception duties.
daily communication and contact with
guests is extremely important; by
knowing what their demands are we can
offer them the very best possible
services. Within these duties my main
activities are to do with the bookings for
treatments, the sale of season tickets and
products, as well as assisting guests.
further duties include assisting the day-

to-day work of therapists, the monitoring

and stocktaking of cosmetics, and
personal training activities.
What was your happiest experience in
connection with the hotel?
there have been so many great memories
of the past few years that it is difficult to
single out just one. However, perhaps the
nicest was when, in 2012, i won the title
employee of the Year based on the votes
of my colleagues. i was awarded a week
at our hotel in malta. the week i spent
there will stay with me forever, not only
because i had an absolutely wonderful
time but also because the friendships i
developed there have remained strong to
this day. indeed, since then one of my
maltese colleagues has been here to visit.
What do you enjoy doing in your leisure
When time allows, i enjoy going on
excursions and working out. i really like
visiting thermal spas and trying out new

corinthia Hotel Budapest participates

in amcham family sports day
> continuing an established tradition, a sizeable team from our

hotel enjoyed participating in the american chamber of commerces

(amcham) family sports day in telki. thanks to the organizational
efforts of szabolcs timku, we were again able to field competitors in
all three sporting events. our team had a considerable number of
entrants in the table-tennis. the rounds were of an extremely high standard, exciting,
and to our great delight, it was through ern varga, or as he is known to one and all,
uncle ern, that our hotel produced the final winner. many congratulations!
our basketball team stood its ground heroically. the mixed team of men and women
played extremely well together and in true sporting spirit, fought to the end. in an
unfortunate turn of events, however, we lost out in the final seconds with a basket
from the winners, a team of semi-professionals who regularly train together. in
football, our team started the day with a narrow 1-0 defeat, but after this they played
convincingly to achieve an easy victory in the second group match, thus qualifying for
the next round. this surpassed by far the performance of our team last year, and it
was clear evidence of the improvement in the quality of play. in the next game the
poor state of the pitch and bad weather had a major impact on the standard of play
and the mood of the team. two members of our team suffered injuries on the
slippery, hazardous pitch and were unable to continue, but with fair and sportsmanlike
play they won the appreciation of the opponents, one result of which has been that
the dHl Hungary team invited our hotel to a friendly match to be arranged at a later
date. all in all our staff members enjoyed an excellent sports day during which they
represented the reputation and spirit of our hotel in a befitting manner.

corinthia Hotel lisbon

> With its heart and soul in the mediterranean and a history
linked to the atlantic, lisbon is one of europes most
intriguing cities enjoying a dramatic, mythical setting on seven
hills that stretch along the banks of the river tagus. the city
from where the great explorers set off to discover new
continents in the 15th century is as visionary and as
cosmopolitan today; its monuments and stunning architecture
are now the backdrop to vibrant creativity, culture and
business. With stunning views over the 18th century aqueduct and the beautiful
monsanto nature park and a short distance from the historic city centre where 800
years of cultural influences mingle with modern trends and life styles creating
spectacular contrasts, the corinthia lisbon is the ideal base for both leisure and
business travellers. the corinthia lisbon indulges in the spirit of discovery.


recipe of the month

tHe cHef recommends
> Joel Khalil, executive chef of corinthia Hotel Budapest joined the

hotel having already established himself as a highly skilled professional

on a number of continents. His last appointment was the position of the
executive chef of sofitel macau in asia and prior to that he was working
in dublin, switzerland, tel aviv, london, Brunei and Hong Kong. His
international career experiences have inspired him to create some
exciting, easy-to-make recipes. We invite you to cook with us and try
Joel's favorites.

Joel Khalil | Executive Chef

inGredients for 4 people
(4 servinGs, 789Kcal/servinG)
4-6 baby carrots, cleaned | 4-6 young turnips | large handful baby spinach leaves, washed |
4-150g portions venison loin | Butter, for frying | 250ml rich game stock | 75ml Kadarka
wine | 40g chopped shallots | 30gr olive oil | 300g mixed fresh chanterelles, boletus
mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

preheat the oven to 230c/gas mark 8.
prepare the garden vegetables: blanche the carrots and turnips in boiling salted water
until tender but still crunchy, then refresh in cold water.
prepare the venison: season the venison well and heat a frying pan until smoking hot.
add a little butter and fry the venison quickly until browned on all sides, then place
into the oven for 3 - 5 minutes, depending on size. remove and transfer to a warm
plate to rest for 5 minutes.
place the chopped shallots in the frying pan and cook until soft, deglaze with the
stock and wine and boil rapidly until reduced by two thirds. add stock and reduce
again until syrupy. check the flavor balance and seasoning and adjust if necessary.
to finish the vegetables, heat a frying pan and add a good knob of butter then the
mushrooms. fry for 2-3 minutes then add the cooked carrots, turnips and greens and
heat through for a minute.
to serve, place a few vegetables on the center of 4 warm plates. slice the venison
thinly, arrange on top and spoon over the remaining mushrooms and vegetables.
spoon the reduced jus over and around the plates and serve immediately.
this dish can be accompanied by a nice creamy polenta or roasted garlic potatoes.

Winter warm-up with

volcanic hot stone massage
treat Yourself WitH one of tHe folloWinG
offers for a special price of 24 000 Huf (eur 85).
> 60 minute volcanic hot stone massage

followed by a 10 minute foot massage

> 60 minute volcanic hot stone massage

our offer - sundaY BruncH

Brasserie & atrium restaurant every sunday from 12:00 until 16:00 hours
cost of the sunday Brunch: adults Huf 8900; children age 6 -14 years get 50% discount; free for children
under the age of 6.

st. martins daY BruncH

date | sunday, november 10, 12:00 -16:00
location | Brasserie restaurant
prices | Huf 8900.> the day of st. martin is traditionally the day for feasting and enjoying all the
good produce of autumn. Goose is at the top of this Brunch menu with mouthwatering roast goose and foie gras served to guests by costumed wait staff. Whats
more, theres no lack of mulled wine, Beaujolais type new wine and roast chestnuts
fresh off the griddle. lively Gypsy music rounds off the traditional Brunch.

indonesian BruncH
date | sunday, november 17, 12:00 -16:00
location | Brasserie restaurant
prices | Huf 8900.> Whereas chinese, Japanese and thai cuisine are relatively well known, indonesian
cooking still awaits discovery. Join us on a journey that includes gado gado, sayur
asam, ikan bakar jimbaran and beef randang, prepared with inimitable flair by asian
chef Henry anak Betah. the beverage selection is equally authentic: mango juice,
Bellini cocktail, chi-chi and a high quality oolong tea served off a trolley. naturally,
this Brunch is accompanied by indonesia music and dancing as well as a display of
fine arts and culture from the region.

tHanKsGivinG BruncH
date | sunday, november 24, 12:00 -16:00
location | Brasserie restaurant
prices | Huf 8900.> thanksgiving is a fine american custom, a time when friends and family get
together to celebrate. corinthia Hotel Budapest is laying on a magnificent spread
complete with all the trimmings: turkey soup, roast turkey and goose with stuffing,
leg of lamb, creative punch (ladled from a huge pumpkin), mulled wine and tea. the
dramatic decoration is a sight in itself: the centrepiece is a 1-m-high angel carved
from a block of ice, surrounded by candles, pine cones and evergreens. and to top
it all off as a memorable thanksgiving, we are serving freshly roasted chestnuts.

cHristmas tree liGHtinG BruncH

date | sunday, december 1, 12:00 -16:00
location | Brasserie restaurant
prices | Huf 8900.-

light up your christmas

> christmas tree lighting in the main lobby from 11:45 with a
childrens choir;
Brunch in the Brasserie and atrium restaurant, with live music
performed from midday until 16.00

special events
indonesian food festival
date | november 11 17
location | rickshaw restaurant
> Whereas chinese, Japanese and thai cuisine
are relatively well known, indonesian cooking
is still to be discovered. Join us on a journey
that includes gado gado, sayur asam, ikan
bakar jimbaran and beef randang, prepared
with inimitable flair by hosted asian chef mr.
Henry anak Betah.

followed by a 10 minute head massage

When temperature falls, nothing beats indulging spa
treatments. volcanic hot stone massage is a special massage
where the therapists use smooth, heated stones, either as an
extension of their own hands or by placing them on the
body while they massage other parts of the body. the heat
is deeply relaxing and warms up tight muscles.

roYal spa
tel: +36 1 479 4650 | email:
corintHia Hotel Budapest, erZsBet

Seasonal treats
date | december 1-26, 8.00 - 10.00
location | lobby lounge
> savor traditional delights, seasonal cookies,
and exquisite beverages, while listening to
melodies played by a harpist. celebrate with us
by treating yourself to royal delicacies
specially prepared to celebrate the 10 year
anniversary of corinthia Hotel Budapest

taBle reservation and furtHer information: +36 1 479-4800 or


corintHia Hotel Budapest

tHe last montH of autumn
promises an excitinG spin
of proGrams
tams ungr
Chief Concierge

For further information and reservations, please contact the Concierge.

festivals and feasts

> on november 15 until december 31, vrsmarty square is
transformed into the annual Budapest christmas market. visitors
can browse through over 100 stands offering unique christmasthemed arts and crafts. a giant advent calendar on the facade
of the glamorous Gerbeaud building, exhibitions, live
entertainment and food & wine are also part of the festivities.
each day between december 1 and 23 a new window is opened
in the advent calendar, accompanied by light and music shows.
childrens programs include artisan courses and puppet shows.
the scent of traditional Hungarian foods like lngos (fried bread
with a variety of toppings), krtskalcs (a cone-shaped sweet hollow pastry), roasted meats,
fried sausages and other delicacies like home-made strudels and roasted chestnuts wafting in the
air is sure to whet your appetite. soak up the holiday atmosphere and keep yourself warm while
strolling among the wooden stalls of the market with a cup of mulled wine.
Good to know: the christmas market is a great place to pick up some unique hand-made gifts as
all products on sale are checked for quality and certified by the association of the Hungarian folk
> the biggest winter festival of the region is back! fridge
Budapest will take place on november 21-24, in the heart of the
Hungarian capital. the event will host a spectacular show of
snowmobiles, the ski-doos, while great music from an all-star
international line-up entertains the crowd. a new venue,
Hungexpo, enables guests to not only enjoy music and
spectacular sports shows at one location, but buy everything
needed for winter at the snow show. fridge festival brings a
mix of electronic music with various bands from europe and the
us performing on three stages during the event. ice-skating,
skating lessons, hockey matches, a winter market with mulled wine and plinka are all part of the
fridge festivities.
> it's time to taste the season's first new wines! on november
30 - december 1, winemakers from all over Hungary will proudly
show off their new wines, paired with artisanal cheese at the
annual new Wine and cheese festival at the vajdahunyad
castle. Guests will have the opportunity to taste the various
wines and cheeses as well as personally meet producers and
gain professional insight into wine and cheese preparation
> art market Budapest held on november 28 - december 1,
at the millenris, is an exhibition and art fair that aims to bring
attention and awareness to contemporary central and eastern
european art and artists.
the art market and its programs are designed to bring the
public and the artists closer together. featured programs and
presentations include projects focusing on this central and
eastern european social and artistic phenomenon such as a
Gypsy art program and the Krinzinger projekte, an exhibition
curated by the Krinzinger Gallery, showcasing some of the region's most exciting emerging artists.
other programs and events include round table discussions, artist interviews, book launches,
presentations and more.
art market Budapest extends into art Week Budapest, a series of related events, programs and
workshops with the participation of various art groups and cultural communities.
> according to Hungarian custom, st martin's day is a
celebration of the goose. on november 9, the st. martin's day
feast will be held at the Hungarian agricultural museum. the
event has become a tradition with goose bites, music, dance,,
st martin's play, arts and crafts programs, fine wines and
cheerful autumn atmosphere awaiting the visitors to
vajdahunyad castle.

only 2 minutes walk from corinthia

Hotel Budapest

> the new Hungarian musical comedy!
a real romantic riot!
its so tough that a man has to have all the women!
But its much worse when he gets them!
therell be about 400 types of women
tubby and grubby, blonde and blowsy...
flighty and feisty, beauty and beast....
But whether its heaven or hell...
will become clear under the spotlights of madch
Brilliant lovey-dovey, brilliant humour, brilliant music!

...prosperous artistic performances

> the Budapest state opera dedicates the november program mainly to the

two italian composer geniuses verdi and puccini, offering la traviata, otello,
rigoletto, Giovanna darco, il masnadieri and madama Butterfly. the evergreen
christmas season favorite, the nutcracker is on show on november 17.
the Worldwide series - cimbalom of many faces will be staged on
november 22 at the palace of arts. this evening takes us on a unique
musical adventure in which folk, jazz, world and classical music will be
played on the Hungarian cimbalom. in addition to our own brilliant
cimbalom masters, the concert will feature the added attraction of two
special Greek guest artists playing two of the cimbaloms forerunners from asia minor, the
kanun and the santur.

and excellent exHiBitions and fairs

a few years ago, staff at the museum of fine arts set themselves the
ambitious goal of presenting italian painting from the 15th to the 18th
centuries in two consecutive exhibitions. the first exhibition, Botticelli to
titian, held in 20092010, was one of the museums most successful
exhibitions in recent times. the next exhibition, equally impressive and
dedicated to the following period in italian painting, is caravaggio to
canaletto two centuries of italian masterpieces, and is the closing event of the Hungarianitalian cultural season. the exhibition is of special importance; never before has such a
comprehensive range of italian painting from this period come before the Hungarian public.
the internationally admired italian Baroque and rococo collection of the museum of fine
arts contains about six hundred works, and covers a variety of subjects and styles. the core
of the collection consists of the collections of the great aristocratic families: the esterhzys,
the plffys and the Zichys. the exhibition can be visited until february 16.
for the autumn-winter season Wamp is moving to the Buda side.
Budapests largest sunday design fair will be held at millenris, awaiting
the fans of design on almost 4000 square meters on november 24. in
addition to the well-known designers, there will be some new exhibitors
and some new program elements. naturally, the Wamp gastro section will
be featured again, along with the wide selection of clothes, accessories,
jewelry, bags and the useful objects you have come to expect.

taBle reservation and furtHer information: +36 1 479-4800 or

Dvid Harangoz, Iselee/, Gyrgy Darabos, Courtesy pictures



photos by

proGrams in novemBer

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