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Building Our Futures

Research into the employment and human resource needs of Deaf and Disabled Peoples Organisations
There are over 120 user-led Deaf and disabled peoples organisations (DPOs) in London, pro oting the rights of disabled people and providing a !ide range of essential pro"e#ts and servi#es$ %ll are led b& disabled or Deaf people$ DPOs have a pioneering role in e plo&ing disabled people and finding i aginative solutions to the barriers e'perien#ed$ %s user-led organisations DPOs also have a peer, user-led servi#es (o!ever, a"or role in delivering the #urrent national personalised so#ial #are and independent living agendas and ore generall&$

an& DPOs fa#e parti#ular #hallenges relating to e plo& ent i pa#t of

and hu an resour#e (()) issues$ This refle#ts the long-ter

e'#lusion and dis#ri ination fa#ed b& disabled people, su#h as high levels of povert&, poorer e plo& ent, edu#ational and health out#o es than non-disabled people and higher levels of isolation and so#ial e'#lusion$ *or e'a ple, fe! DPOs in e plo& ent, and anage ent #o ittee e bers are an& DPO staff have not previousl& been in paid

!or+$ DPOs !or+ to ta#+le this e'#lusion at the sa e ti e as dealing !ith its #onse,uen#es, su#h as the i pa#t of disabilit& on individual disabled staff and the la#+ of support fro organisations$ -uilding Our *utures, an a#tion resear#h pro"e#t underta+en over a t!o&ear period and anaged b& representatives of DPOs and () e'perts, eet the needs of their disabled staff$ % su ar& found a range of e plo& ent and () issues under ining DPOs abilit& to survive and thrive and of these are outlined in this report$ ainstrea voluntar& se#tor support

Key Findings
Londons DPOs provide e plo& ent and volunteering opportunities for signifi#ant nu bers of disabled people$ The !or+ of DPOs is signifi#antl& ha pered b& their li ited and hu an resour#e #apa#it& and e'pertise$ )e#ruiting appropriatel& s+illed disabled staff and needs and #osts #an be diffi#ult$ .anaging perfor an#e issues, parti#ularl& related to a##ess and i pair ent related issues, #an be proble ati#$ DPOs are often isolated fro !ider voluntar& se#tor support net!or+s$ eeting their a##ess anagerial

There is a la#+ of appropriate, tailored support and resour#es on e plo& ent and hu an resour#e issues for DPOs to a##ess$ The real #osts of anaging and running DPOs and a##essible servi#es are not re#ognised b& funders$

What is a Disabled Peoples Organisation? DPOs are organisations run and #ontrolled b& Deaf and disabled people, and are #o itted to hu an rights, in#lusion and re oving the barriers ost e plo& bet!een 1 and 20 staff, ainl& fa#ed b& Deaf and disabled people in so#iet&$ Londons DPOs are s all voluntar& organisations and and disabled people$ part-ti e$ The& are a voi#e for the #on#erns of Londons 1 illion Deaf

Detailed Findings
Staff in DPOs /or+ing in a DPO is a positive e'perien#e for !or+ and their users$ Opportunities for #areer develop ent !ithin DPOs are li ited$ Recruitment )e#ruit ent ta+es longer and #an be ore e'pensive due to diffi#ulties ore ti e re#ruiting s+illed and e'perien#ed disabled staff$ /here less e'perien#ed staff are re#ruited, indu#tion and training ta+es and has i pli#ations for pro"e#t outputs and out#o es$ Part-time staff DPOs e plo& a greater proportion of part-ti e !or+ers, !hilst this brings benefits, it also support to negotiate$ Meeting the access needs of disabled staff Though half of the disabled !or+ers !ithin DPOs said their a##ess needs !ere et an e,ual nu ber said the& !ere not and reported a la#+ of dis#ussion about i pair ent, #on#ern about dis#losure, a per#eived hierar#h& of i pair ent !ithin DPOs and li ited understanding of others i pair ent and a##ess needs$ There are funda ental proble s !ithin the 0overn ents %##ess to /or+ s#he e$ These in#lude1 a la#+ of understanding and a!areness about the s#he e 2 both b& disabled people and e plo&ers3 the poli#ies and pro#edures do not dela&s and diffi#ulties$ 4taff in DPOs are ore li+el& to use personal assistants (P%s) than in %##ess to /or+ other organisations$ There is a la#+ of #larit& fro eet full a##ess #osts3 the i ple entation of the s#he e b& lo#al offi#ers !hi#h #an lead to eans ore people to anage and ore ost disabled staff, !ho it ent to their

sho! a high level of personal and professional #o

regarding the e plo& ent of P%s, in#luding their e plo& ent status, responsibilit&, i pa#t on ph&si#al spa#e and funding$ Sickness absence 4i#+ness absen#e relating to i pair ent6disabilit& is regarded !ithin DPOs as a serious proble $ Long-ter puts pressure on other staff, parti#ularl& for absent #olleagues$ 7 plo&ing agen#& staff or #onsultants to #over staff si#+ness (or if a DPO is unable to re#ruit) #an be useful but is a ver& e'pensive shortter solution that also re,uires signifi#ant anage ent input$ si#+ness absen#e #an anagers !ho provide #over seriousl& i pa#t on a DPOs abilit& to deliver a pro"e#t or servi#e and

Managerial capacity and e pertise *lat anage ent stru#tures, !here 8hief 7'e#utives (87Os) a"orit& of staff, are t&pi#al !ithin DPOs and put huge and severel& li it the develop ent of an supervise the organisation$ 8hief 7'e#utives or sole !or+ers are often isolated and are not obtaining the spe#ialist support the& need fro fro se#ond tier support organisations$ staff$ their -oard e bers or

pressures on the

There #an be tensions bet!een being in#lusive b& supporting disabled staff and getting the best perfor an#e fro .an& 87Os, #onfiden#e in ost of !ho are disabled the selves, reported a la#+ of

anaging perfor an#e, parti#ularl& related to a##ess

and i pair ent related issues$ .an& also have little ti e to update their +no!ledge and s+ills on these issues$ 9nternal () poli#ies and pro#edures are in need of updating but disabilit& spe#ifi# resour#es are s#ar#e$ The real #osts of anaging and running DPOs and a##essible servi#es are not re#ognised b& funders$

! ternal support There is a la#+ of appropriate and a##essible () training and support that eets the spe#ifi# needs of DPOs$ ainstrea se#ond tier support organisations, trade unions, !herever the& #an, so eti es using eet their needs$ There is #on#ern about a la#+ of understanding of the needs of DPOs a ongst the statutor& se#tor and funders$ DPOs tr& and get support fro e'pensive servi#es that #annot full&

/hilst net!or+ing opportunities through Disabilit& Lib are in#reasing, there is insuffi#ient net!or+ing or sharing of +no!ledge, infor ation and e'perien#e b& DPOs$

"raining and support The setting up of t!o London net!or+s to provide training, peer support and infor ation sharing for 8hief 7'e#utives and for DPO 8o ittees$ anage ent

The #reation of a ne!, tailored and a##essible () training pa#+age spe#ifi#all& for DPOs$ This pa#+age of training should in#lude, as !ell as ore generi# () issues around e plo& ent good pra#ti#e, #ourses on si#+ness6i pair ent6disabilit& and perfor an#e3 %##ess to /or+ issues3 e plo&ing personal assistants and Disabilit& 7,ualit& Training$ The develop ent of a () support servi#e spe#ifi#all& for DPOs, odelled on L<48s P7%8e () pro"e#t for -la#+ and 7thni# .inorit& organisations$ The develop ent of a pilot DPO entoring s#he e !here established entor and support ne!er DPOs

and effe#tive DPOs are resour#ed to

to provide pra#ti#al advi#e, guidan#e and support$ 8haritable Trust funders should e'plore !ith DPOs the feasibilit& and effe#tiveness of in#luding parti#ipation in spe#ifi# training as part of the Ter s and 8onditions of grants 2 in order to ta#+le lo! levels of ta+e up of training b& DPOs$ #ccess to $ork Depart ent of /or+ and Pensions should a#tivel& pro ote and publi#ise the s#he e to e plo&ers, disabled people and others to in#rease a!areness of the s#he e and ho! it operates$ %T/ should ensure all %T/ staff re#eive Disabilit& 7,ualit& Training delivered b& disabled trainers$ =

%T/ to underta+e a revie!, involving %T/ users and DPOs, of the s#ope and re it of !hat #onstitutes disabilit&-related needs and #osts$ Produ#e #lear advi#e on the options for e plo& ent of %T/ support !or+ers 6 p$as and develop and deliver training support progra delivered b& disabled people, on ho! disabled !or+ers #an their support 6p$a staff effe#tivel&$ %T/ e'tends the s#ope of support provided to disabled people to address the personal i pa#t of e'#lusion and dis#ri ination on individual disabled !or+ers$ *or e'a ple training on assertiveness and #onfiden#e building s+ills or on !or+pla#e$ anaging ones i pair ent in the es, anage

Staff teams Piloting a disabled staff net!or+ si ilar to the 87O and .anage ent 8o ittee net!or+s proposed$ anaging Training for disabled staff on identif&ing, raising and

i pair ent, disabilit& and a##ess related needs in the !or+pla#e$ )esear#h into identif&ing #areer develop ent path!a&s for disabled staff in DPOs in#luding ,ualifi#ation opportunities, and se#ond ent opportunities$ The develop ent of a pilot disabled volunteering pro"e#t to resour#e DPOs to re#ruit and eet the a##ess needs of disabled people$ entoring s#he es

! ternal help and support Pan London, regional and national DPOs are resour#ed to a#tivel& !or+ !ith +e& se#ond-tier providers and poli#& a+ers in the voluntar& se#tor to raise a!areness and understanding of the needs of DPOs and ensure their servi#es and !or+ in#orporates and refle#ts these needs$ >e& se#ond-tier ainstrea voluntar& se#tor providers in#luding1 ?8<O, L<48, -usiness Lin+ #arr& out a Disabilit& 7,ualit& 9 pa#t

%ssess ent on their e plo& ent, training and infor ation resour#es to ensure the& are a##essible and in#lusive to disabled people and DPOs$ >e& se#ond-tier ainstrea voluntar& se#tor providers #arr& out targeted outrea#h !or+ to in#rease a!areness and ta+e up of their servi#es b& DPOs$ %&D!RS"#&D'&( ")! &!!DS #&D *OS"S OF R%&&'&( DPOS The develop ent of an agreed funding for ula that #ould be used b& DPOs and funders ali+e to identif& the additional needs and #osts relating to1 re#ruit ent and indu#tion3 ti e !or+ers3 a##ess needs not anaging large tea s of partet b& %T/ and for user involve ent3

training3 and appropriate outputs and out#o es$ This funding for ula should also ta+e into a##ount the need to in#rease anagerial #apa#it& of larger DPOs$ )esear#h into the feasibilit& of regional DPO #ontingen#& funds that !ould enable DPOs to ter eet the #osts of providing staff #over for longsi#+ness absen#e and6or the in#lusion of staff #over in the above issioners and pro#ure ent

need and #ost funding for ula$ The develop ent of guidelines for #o offi#ers on !or+ing !ith DPOs to in#rease understanding of the role DPOs pla& in ta#+ling so#ial e'#lusion, health ine,ualit& and the personalisation of so#ial #are and to ensure DPOs are not dis#ri inated against !ithin tendering pro#esses$ The %sso#iation of Dire#tors of 4o#ial 4ervi#es (%D%444) !ith Depart ent of (ealth and ?ational 8entre for 9ndependent Living #ontinue to provide guidan#e to Lo#al %uthorities on !or+ing !ith and supporting the develop ent of DPOs as lo#al user led organisations delivering independent living servi#es$

#ccess to $ork %##ess to /or+ is a progra to help the e funded b& the Depart ent of /or+ and their disabilit&D, Pensions and run b& Bob 8entre Plus$ 9t provides support to disabled people Cover#o e !or+ related obsta#les resulting fro through finan#ial support !ith #osts su#h as the e'tra #ost of travelling to !or+, and help at !or+ e$g$ e,uip ent, personal assistants or support !or+ers, adaptations and a!areness training for #olleagues$ Job Centre Plus London and South East Contact Centre Telephone: 020 !2" #$$0 Te%tphone: 020 !2" #$##

'mpairment or disability+ The so#ial odel of disabilit& is a tool for understanding both i pair ent and disabilit&$ 9 pair ent is an individual #ondition or differen#e, for e'a ple being blind, or having a learning diffi#ult&$ Disabilit& is the so#ial #onse,uen#es of having an i pair ent$ People are disabled b& so#ial attitudes and assu ptions, la!s, the ph&si#al environ ent and the !a& in !hi#h organisations operate, all of !hi#h #reate barriers for disabled people$ The so#ial odel argues that these barriers, unli+e ost i pair ents, #an be #hanged1 for e'a ple assu ptions b& e plo&ers and pra#ti#al barriers in the !or+pla#e #an be #hallenged so that disabled people no longer fa#e dis#ri ination$

About the BOF project

-O* is an a#tion resear#h pro"e#t #arried out b& Toosh Li ited, funded b& the Trust for London (for erl& +no!n as 8it& Paro#hial *oundation) and anaged b& Disabilit& %#tion in 9slington, a borough based DPO$ 9t !as supported b& a steering group, DPOs and a senior 4ervi#e 8oun#il$ The resear#h !as based on the so#ial resear#h involved1 Des+top resear#h on e plo& ent and disabled people, in parti#ular !ithin the voluntar& se#tor and DPOs %pproa#hes to +e& sta+eholders about their e'perien#es of DPOs or of disabilit& and e plo& ent issues (e$g$ Disabilit& L9-, a DPO #apa#it& building pro"e#t, funders and influen#ers su#h as London 8oun#il and the 0L%, +e& govern ent agen#ies, and third se#tor organisations % first stage #onta#t !ith over 120 London-based DPOs and their staff to find out the vie!s and e'perien#es of DPO staff 7'e#utives (87Os), *ro anage ent #o ittee e bers, 8hief e bers and others odel of disabilit&, fo#using ainl& anager fro ade up of representatives of London the P7%8e Pro"e#t at London <oluntar&

on the barriers fa#ed b& DPOs and disabled people in the !or+ pla#e$ The

that !ider group in-depth needs anal&sis intervie!s !ith eight

Deaf and disabled peoples organisations and 1= individual Deaf or disabled e plo&ees of DPOs Develop ent and piloting !ith DPOs of a range of solutions to address needs identified Developing a final set of re#o e plo& ent6() needs of DPOs endations to address the


This report !ritten b& the -O* 4teering group is an e'e#utive su of the full report !hi#h is available to do!nload online fro trustforlondon$org$u+



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