Sustainable Construction - Sustainable Energy

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Sustainable construction is a necessity of modern life, and one of the important measures to combat climate change and adapt our civilization to global warming. It is certainly one of the most important seegmenata sustainable developments, including the use of building materials that are not harmful to the environment, energy efficiency of buildings and waste from construction and demolition of buildings (Sandy Halliday, 20 2!.

"onan #oss (200$!, described that Sustainable buildings are generally more energy efficient

than their conventional %cousins% (up to &0' or more!. (etter system design, proper sizing of e)uipment and )uality seal, all contributing to reduce need for heating and cooling. *ith the increasing price of energy, the sustainable buildings of savings over time will only grow.

+he basic types of fuel,efficient houses are.ow energy houses, unli/e conventional construction, heating use only &0 /*h0m2 per year, which can be e1pressed in the e)uivalent of 2.2 liters of fuel oil, so called trolitars/om house. .ow energy consumption can be achieved in the reconstruction of the e1isting building, and depending on individual cases, and the historic buildings. 3an also be used standards to passive solar design techni)ues and active solar technologies. 4ou can also use the technology to recycle heat from the water that was used in the shower or in the dishwasher. +he general definition of a passive house is a 5passive house is a building in which thermal comfort can be achieved only subse)uent heating or cooling fresh air mass, and that the )uality of air inside the house is high , with no need for recirculation of air.5 Standard 56assivhaus5 for central 7urope re)uires the fulfillment of the following re)uirements-

+he house must not use more than 8 /*h0m2 for heating and cooling rooms. +otal energy consumption (energy for heating and cooling unit, hot water and electricity! must not be greater than &2 /*h0m2 per year.

+he total consumption of primary energy (source energy for electricity, etc.! must not be greater than 20 /*h0m2 per year.

9ero house or power plant achieves sufficient energy coverage for their own purposes, and may e1ceed the specified re)uirements, with architecture really becomes powerhouse.

In practice this means that in some periods of the energy obtained from the power grid, and at other times returns to the grid (because renewables are mostly seasonal!. +o achieve this energy must be generated within the comple1 using renewable energy sources that do not pollute the environment. 9ero 7nergy Houses are interesting because of the environmental as the renewable energy emits very little greenhouse gases.

9ero net energy buildings (net zero site energy use! , In this type of home zero energy the amount of energy produced within the comple1 using renewable energy e)ual to the amount of energy that is consumed within the comple1. In the :.S. House of zero consumption is defined in the definition.

9ero net energy source energy (net zero source energy use! , +his type of zero energy home produces the same amount of energy and e1hausted, and it also has to produce energy that is consumed in transport energy to the house. +his type accounts for losses during electricity transmission. +his type of home zero energy must generate more electricity than the home with zero net energy consumption.

9ero net energy emissions (net zero energy emissions! , ;utside the :.S. and 3anada house zero energy is defined as a house with zero net energy emissions, and it has been

/nown as a zero carbon building or zero emissions. :nder this definition implies balancing carbon emissions generated from fossil fuel use inside or outside the comple1 with the amount of energy that is within the comple1 produced using renewable energy sources. ;ther definitions include not only carbon emissions in the use phase of the house, but add the emissions produced during the design and construction of the house. +here is still debate about whether they should be ta/en into the calculation and emissions due to energy transfer to the house and the house bac/ to the grid. 9ero net energy prices (net zero cost! , In this type of home purchase price of energy is balanced with the cost of energy that is sold online and generated on,site. +his status depends on how the utility credits generate energy within the comple1 (payment, compensation, or something else!. 9ero power consumption out of the comple1 (net off,site zero energy use! , <ccording to this definition, the house would be considered a zero energy house in the case when 00' of the power generated by purchases of renewable energy sources, even if these sources of energy out comple1. Separate from the networ/ (off,the,grid! , 9ero 7nergy Homes that are separate from the networ/, that is not connected to any power source that is not within the comple1. +hey re)uire distributed power generation from renewable energy sources and storage capability, and energy (for when the sun is not shining, the wind is not blowing and the li/e!. 7nergy efficiency is very important in the future will be even more important. +o achieve energy efficiency, we must adapt to new energy sources and new ways to save energy. 7nergy,efficient homes are only one part of the global energy efficiency. 3urrently in the world there is a very small number of energy,efficient homes and buildings, but with each new efficient house gather necessary e1perience which can

then be used to build more efficient houses. +his /nowledge will be increasingly used, and with the help of civil law all the new construction in the future will have to respect the principles of energy efficient homes. "esidential buildings were built and e)uipped with the highest )uality materials and the latest technology that provides customers with a pleasant and comfortable life and stay in the area. *hen choosing materials guiding principle was the best )uality of natural materials that provide a healthy and comfortable space that will be maintained with minimal cost. =or activities in daily life we use energy from different sources. =or e1ample, the energy used for coo/ing, heating water, heating, cooling, transport and other activities. 7nergy sources can be divided into renewable and non,renewable. +he advantage of renewable energy sources is that they are e1haustive and continually updated in nature, as opposed to non,renewable whose stoc/s are limited (>ohn "oss, 200?!. 7nergy consumption in buildings and households heavily dependent on the technical characteristics of the building itself (the form and construction materials!, the characteristics of the energy systems that are located in the building (lighting, appliances, heating, etc.!, and the climatic conditions in which the building is located. In addition to energy losses, buildings have energy gains. +he energy gains include heat given off by residents in the building and the various devices that are used inside the building, and a significant contribution from solar radiation. 7nergy losses are related to the passage of heat through the insulation of the building (walls, insulation, windows, doors!, losses caused by ventilation or ventilated rooms and efficient duty of all the system (heating system hot water preparation! and devices inside the building ((ion @. Howard, 2000!. <nalysis of the total energy needs of buildings can be determined that the structure of consumption by households in the following systems- for lighting, different devices and air, conditioning consumes 8' of energy for coo/ing we spend 2' of hot water ' of the

energy . #ost energy we spend on heating to about A2' of the total energy consumed. In the services sector the most consumed electricity, accounting for 8 ' of total energy consumption. =rom here the above data it can be concluded that much of the spending in the services sector accounted for computers, lighting, refrigeration and other office e)uipment. ;nly by identifying the structure of energy we can get ade)uate and optimal energy savings measures (6+I, $$A!.

Bo matter what /ind of heating system in order to obtain the heat we need a fuel whose combustion releases the necessary heat which warms the room. Heating systems can be classified based on their location of heat sources (local, central, remote!, according to the method of separation of heat (convection, radiation!, the holder of heat (radiators, hot water, steam, air!, and the type of fuel used (solid, li)uid, gas, el. energy, the sun!. +he most e1pensive heating is on electricity. If it is not possible to replace the heating electricity and other energy source If we use tariff counter a possible way to save is to replace the two,tariff meter Cednotarfno or apply heat pump. +he second is the high cost of heating oil. Diven the proCected long,term increase in prices of petroleum products is e1pected to price and heating oil continues to rise, so it is recommended to replace fuel oil gas or wood. ;f these energy sources to wood gas is the cheapest fuel for heating. @oing poorly developed distribution networ/ at the national level are relatively small number of households have the ability to use this resource. Such households remains possible use of li)uefied petroleum gas (.6D! (Dreen Spec!. It is imperative to comprehend the ethics and signiEcance of more senior structures, and to attempt to ma/e contemporary mediations that improve the aforementioned values and don%t dominate them. +ime and again this is finished unsympatbetically, and the old fabricating feelsli/e a hindrance to new signature wor/. +his sort of methodology will reasonable be

inconvenient to the city as it will 3reate contending fabricating shapes and unfortunate uniformity. Some structures won%t be suitable for retrofFtting and will re)uire lo be decimated. +hen again, the e1isting edifices ought to be painsta/ingly ac/nowledged after this decision is made. +ime and again a constructing of social worth is evacuated for something new, since it was chosen that the more senior constructing wouldn%t furnish the needed thic/ness or meet another utilization. =re)uently with better attention both alternatives might be attained, bringing about maintenance of e1isting fabricating esteem and the encapsulated vigor inside. <ll this in the meantime as ma/ing a sympathetic e1pansion that gives the vital redesigns needed to more than meet the wanted result. <t present in <ustralia, Dreen Star is Cust trying pilot certiEcation for tolerable overhauls to e1isting structures. *hile Dreen Star does give a confirmation instrument for new fitouts, it Cust measures the impacts ofthe new wor/. (y not e1plaining the carbon Savings in holding an e1isting manufacturing, with its towering typified vigor, it doesn%t furnish a precise measure ofhow successfui the aforementioned edifices might be. *ith the price of timber is an environmentally friendly energy source, which is one of the renewable energy that is in the biomass. <ltering a development industrG and how it does things, when its so perple1ing. <nyway if we%d been doing it right in despite all else it might be much less demanding to outline e1ceptional structures. Individuals state practicality is too hard ,my reaction is- what we%re doing now is ridiculously hard. +here have been some true advancing endeavors in <ustralia to do green structures. Individuals criticise them in light of the fact that they haven%t satisfied their promoting ,however any change inv%olves cost. +he individuals that are out there attempting things that perhaps don%t satisfy their guarantee ,they%re e1tremely profitable as e1amination, in light of the fact that you neea to ma/e mi1 ups to study. Dreen structures are shabbier, ostensibly, to construct and wor/ if they%re finished well. <t the same time the industry is in light of recreating what we /now

how to do. It%s the change that e1penses ,not the green edifices. (ir/eland states that and tending to worldwide warming, her approach could assist resolve social and health issues. < case is the urban hotness island impact ,the syndrome which sees urban areas numerous degrees more sizzling than their encompasses. (ir/eland claims this impact was e1tensively answerable for the e1pirations throughout the 200H 7uropean heatwaves, evaluated by the International "ed 3ross to have asserted between 22,000 and H8,000 lives. :nderprivileged urban outline and architecrure e1ecutes more individuals every year than different types of terrorism. +imber on the mar/et, available in several forms, either as logs, chips, pellets and bri)uettes. In addition to the price specified forms differ and calorific value and application. <s for the heating value of chips has a minimum value, and the following logs and pellets and bri)uettes. +he advantage of pellets and chips is an automatic dosing. +o ma1imize the efficiency and availability of the heating system and thereby reduce the cost of heating is important to follow certain rules and guidelines. *ith central heating Solution ac)uisition is once a year, before the start of the heating season to chec/ the installation and burner because dirty burner causes insufficient combustion and thus lower efficiency of the system. <t least once a year should chec/ the patency chimney. 6ipes that pass through unheated spaces should be insulated and water tan/ (water heater!. "adiator should be cleaned regularly to not reduce the transfer of heat and should not be obscure, curtains and furniture that do not reduce their effectiveness. In addition, the radiator needed ozraIivati regularly and periodically cleaned of tartar. It is important to have a boiler with the high degree of efficiency, and the most energy efficient condensing boiler. Bew condensing boiler compared to some other new boiler generates savings of 0, 8'. Denerally a new boiler in relation to the boiler older than 8 years has a

higher efficiency of 8,20'. If replacing an old boiler of 20 years on new oil condensing boilers to gas for energy saving gain of 2H' with a paybac/ of three years (>ohn "oss, 200?!. *hen heating wood stove must have a capacity that matches the size of the room or the needs of the heating system. Storage for wood must be dry to wood wetted. =or better combustion efficiency, the logs should not be thic/er than 8 cm. *hen firing is not

desirable overloaded firebo1 with wood, but it is better furnace charging small amounts of wood. *hen fire doors should be closed when not in use to prevent heat loss through the chimney. "eplacing an old wood stove more efficient new furnace or boiler to wood saving of up to 80' wood. If your electricity is the only available power source is recommended installed heat pump. Heat pump consumes appro1imately 2.8,& times less energy than electric heaters or furnaces ("onan #oss, 200$!.

< particular challenge of this proCect was a total of 80 accommodation collector fields each of which consists of A00,?00 m of pipes used by the heat of the surface layers of soil whose temperature is relatively constant throughout the year. Heat soil mainly comes from solar radiant energy to a lesser e1tent of heat flow from the depths of the earth. Heat soil through pipes that are laid at a depth of .2, .8 m ta/es up heat pump that uses it for heating and hot water in winter or cooling and domestic hot water in summer (>ohn "oss, 200?!. =or a house area of 80m J of living space should be about H00,&00 mJ of land for laying the collector array. +he collector shall be deposited with the help of a multifunctional machine for digging that pipes made of polyvinylchloride or high density polyethylene lay at a depth of 20 cm in our climate without additional unnecessary e1cavation country. +he machine digs a trench width 8 cm, which is immediately after the pipe is bac/filled.

In the heating season 200?0200$. outside air temperature during @ecember and >anuary and fell to , K 3 in these negudnim climatological conditions indoor spaces are appropriate

temperate to 22,2& K 3 with a remar/ that I feel the heat more and more comfortable than the conventional heating because all surfaces ( under! and furniture and things heated and pleasant to the touch. It should however be noted that the humidity of the air is not drained
("onan #oss, 200$!.

In conclusion, 20' of energy consumed in the household is used for space heating. .ow, energy building heating needs from H.28 to A.28 times less energy than a conventional building, and if you still use the energy of the soil that surrounds us is a significant savings.

@uring the construction of facilities investment are higher due to higher thermal insulation and the installation of the collector field, heat pumps and pipe registers that replace conventional heating system. (ut the listed investment returns within 0 years, with more comfort and )uality of life, healthy climate and partial independence from energy suppliers (re)uires only electricity!. 3onstruction of houses for each individual is a great challenge, but also a great investment. (efore the start of construction of the house is to decide on a lot of things- how big will be the house, as it will have any room, any of the materials will be built, what will be the windows, what /ind of roof, how the heating, cooling, insulation and facade, and more and any time the house will be energy standards , regular, low energy or passive. +he names of low,energy houses and passive houses do not indicate directly the way of building houses, but primarily indicate the energy consumption for heating. +hese houses are now built to save energy for heating and cooling, and more than that, and reduce pollution that reduce emissions of carbon dio1ide in the environment. In addition to saving and preserving the environment to such a way of building also increases the comfort of living. It should be noted

that until called low,energy or passive house can be reached only by bold insulation and replacing doors. In such a house should be paid much attention to the first step , designing , that in such houses re)uired to be multidisciplinary, which means the participation of e1perts from multiple fields, from architects, engineers, electricians to engineers (<!. 6assive solar architecture is a term that refers to buildings that were built so that the act also as a solar collector and storage of heat. +his way of using solar energy is a very effective and ine1pensive, because does not re)uire any additional e)uipment. +he building was built to passive solar rules may not be more e1pensive than classical, because you passive solar architecture lies in good, functional design, not in the use of a special technology. +he result of this construction could be to reduce the need for other fuels for heating and up to $0'. 6assive solar energy is far more effective and much cheaper than active solar systems, because the beginning is not necessary to buy any e)uipment. (esides the active system need to invest more energy to distribute the accumulated heat, usually electrical energy to drive the pump that pushes hot water through radiators. +he bad side of the story is that one already built buildings, if not in the process of building built in accordance with passive solar principles, not or can hardly become a passive solar building.

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